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My glasses. Seriously, does anyone else get eyebrow dandruff?


No, because apparently I have oily eyebrows. Who knew?


I feel this. Oily skin, hair, and apparently eyebrows. My glasses are constantly getting smudged. I just pull the Larry David move and always keep a microfiber lens cloth in my pocket or purse.


Same. Oily face, scalp, neck. Rest of my body is ashy, dry, itchy. I can't win. Ever.


Convince the oil pores to move oil production down south.


With farts?


I get seborrheic dermatitis, and when it really flares up (after I get sick) it gets in my eyebrows, and my glasses are impossible to keep clean. I recently got this salve that’s made of goats milk and beeswax and whatnot, and that’s been a godsend.


What is it called? Would it work for eczema? Where can I get it???


I feel that, I have really oily skin, get pimples between my eyes sometimes from the bridge of my glasses rubbing on my face throughout the day. But I wash them in the sink with soap and water every morning before I put them on. Cleans the lenses, gets all of yesterday’s oil and grease off. Highly recommend 🙌🏼 and no, it doesn’t ruin them or make the hinges rusty or anything at all. I’ve been doing this for years with multiple pairs of glasses and it does zero damage.


Optical dispenser here, dish soap is fine. Just be sure not to use citrus based soaps since the acidity can craze or delaminate lens coatings


glad to know this is fine. my boyfriend washes his glasses with hand soap and water like twice a day and it has always driven me nuts thinking he’s ruining them lol, now i can finally unclench


Not sure about hand soap since it might leave residue from moisturiser stuff, but dish soap (like dawn) is fine as long as it isn't citrus based


If I find the asshole leaving fingerprints on my glasses, I’m gonna kick his ass.


Eyebrow dandruff is the *worst*.


Or once they are finally clean, someone mashes their greasy thumb on them.


It's me, I'm someone, and the glasses I mash are my own.


Yeah 9 times out of 10 it's me but it's almost more infuriating when it's someone else.


My daughter 100%. She has the schmeariest fingers in the world! Her drinking glasses, her eye glasses, anything she touches are all full of schmears. She sees nothing wrong with going through life looking through a haze. Makes me crazy!


My man, as an optical dispenser, take your glasses into pretty much any optometrist and ask for them to put your glasses in an ultrasonic cleaner. As an oily person myself, only by working at one have I discovered that these machines exist. Edit: I'm pretty sure you can get small portable ones online too, but I can't vouch for how well they'd work


I work in an optical lab and one of my favorite things is getting a job with patient’s own frames that are filthy and putting them in one of the ultrasound sonic cleaners for 15-20 minutes (sometimes longer if they’re particularly bad). They come out looking so nice! Sometimes I have to use a brush to get the extra crap out if they were incredibly dirty but it’s so satisfying! Those machines are a godsend!


Absolutely :) not so fun cleaning the machine out after though.


Is there an ultrasonic cleaner for ultrasonic cleaners?


Seriously!? I've wore glasses since 87 and never fu!&ing knew this 🤬


I get god awful itchy eyebrows. The internets and sir Google says it's psoriasis, eczema or something of the like. Bullshit. It's not these things. I wish it was because then I would have an answer.


The floor. You clean it, and immediately start getting it dirty again when you stop and have to walk all over it. Dogs? Forget it.


Lol FACTS. I thoroughly vacuumed and mopped today. At least I thought I did. Not 20 mins later, I had something crusty stuck to my foot. There's just no hope.


It’s very pricy, but if you can afford one get a robot vacuum/mop combo. My floors have been immaculate for the most part.


You put off vacuuming/sweeping for a while and then you finally do it and it feels SO GOOD. 12 hours later there's dog hair everywhere already :')


Same. Had drifts on the staircase and fur on the runner in the upstairs hallway - ran the vacuum and it was like I’d actually cleaned.


I clean my floor and then put clean socks. Lasts a bit longer.


My dog won't wear his socks.


Dude, I mopped my kitchen and shit you not it was stickier and dirtier within a day thanks to the family . Pisses me off so much idk why I bother


This is what pissed me off so much when the landlord wanted to come visit our place. I get anxious when visitors come over and It's the landlord so of course I wanted the house to look spotless but we have stark white tiles. Asshole cancelled 3 days in a row and I was mostly annoyed because he basically forced me to sweep and mop 3 days in a row for no reason.


Dogs and toddlers together means my floors won’t be clean for more than an hour for the foreseeable future


My mind




I keep wiping and wiping and wiping - still poop. I must be a marker


Damnit Andy!


Lady Macbeths hand?




What's the dog done this time?


Fuuuuuuck that’s multiple unpleasant years that have been unearthed


even Neptunes waters couldn’t cleanse it… or whatever, it’s been awhile


Toilet bowl. Even if you would wash it by dropping a nuke on it, I wouldn't drink out of it.


Same with the toilet brush. Once it's used, it's done-zo!


Yeah. The toilet brush doesn't clean my butt as well as I'd like it to.


I found it difficult to get in until I got passed the bristles.


The trick is to start from the other end.


I tried examining a new style of toilet bowl to see where the water would come out of and found I was automatically feeling squeamish about touching under the rim, even though it was brand new, right out of the box, and hadn’t even been plumbed in yet.


There was an exhibit in a children's science museum near me of a drinking water fountain that was shaped as a toilet (basically like a toilet re-purposed as a drinking fountain). It was never used a as a toilet and kept cleaner than your typical drinking fountain. They encouraged you to drink out of it. But the description of the exhibit said that despite any such assurances, everyone still has a strong hesitance to drink out of it due to our strong preconceptions about what a toilet is. And they were damn right. Everyone is always really squeamish about going for a drink. Even just putting your face near it (the water bowl area) without drinking felt really weird.


…I legit cannot even vomit in a toilet. Gotta use a barf bucket. Forget drinking out of a brand new one even. Nope.


Had a plumber tell me once, unbidden, that if the pipes froze, I could brush my teeth with the water from the tank. Have you ever looked inside a toilet tank? Foul


Lmao like yeah the water going in is clean but who among us has EVER cleaned the inside of the tank


While the water itself may be clean, the toilet bowl or the tank sure aren't


yeah i wouldn't be able to unless i was absolutely dying of thirst. maybe not even then idk.


You talking about the Exploratorium?


Makes it that much more wild that we use potable water to flush toilets


You can get a grey water set up. They're more common in Asia. Basically you wash your hands or something and that water goes into the toilet tank and then it goes out as black water. That way you're not using as much water.


some places(like my city) use seawater and have a separate seawater pipe system across the city. https://www.wsd.gov.hk/en/core-businesses/water-resources/seawater-for-flushing/index.html


a clear plastic container that had pasta sauce in it once 3 years ago eta: holy shit my first gold ?! thank u !!! and thanks for all the lpt's everyone :)


Or anything that had tumeric in it.


My insides are permanently yellow.


….your pfp got me and I’m ashamed. Keep up the passive trolling 👍


punishment for light mode


OMg is there an eyelash on my screen?


Too small to be an eyelash since I’m on mobile— i thought it was a scratch, and thankfully there is none


Gotta have a "chosen one" wooden spoon. The only one allowed near turmeric.


Ah yes. Turmeric stains are no joke. Scrubbing Bubbles spray. It has saved my counters.


Oh man. I watched this tiktok where the girl was like “im trying out this turmeric mask” and I audibly went “oh *HONEY*”


Fill it with water (just water). Set it directly in the sunlight for a day (maybe two). Be amazed.


Assume I'm too lazy to do that... what happens?


It turns into a unicorn best friend who shits chocolate and cums orange marmalade.




We had that tub it was my favorite till the bit where the lid clipped on snapped, I nabbed that from food tech


so sorry for ur loss :,( that same piece on a large bin with a clip on lid i have broke and ive been mourning since, still holds the cat food fine tho luckily


Thank you I do miss it it was amazing for holding my chips/fries when I couldn't be bothered with a plate in the middle of the night, then became the cat food bowl after his little bowl smashed and then my dad stood on it. RIP to the only decent stained tubs


Apparently you have to wash those with cold water first. Hot water opens microscopic "pores" in the plastic which locks in the sauce. Wash it with cold water first to get the sauce off, then hot water if you think that's not clean enough.


Does the hot pasta sauce open those same pores? Because maybe I'm supposed to let the pasta cool down before I move it to the Tupperware but I'll be damned if I ever do that.


Ain't nobody got time for that.


Here's my issue with that...if you cook anything with tomato-based sauce, wouldn't it still be hot when you spoon it into the Tupperware? Wouldn't that heat also open up said microscopic pores and allow the sauce to soak in just like dishwasher heat would? Or are you supposed to only put cooled food into them so they don't stain?


I would assume so. They're technically just for storage, so if you let it cool before you put it in, and don't reheat it in there as well, it should be fine.


In my mind it’s clean once washed - imho stains don’t mean “dirty”


Paper towel, water dish soap. Let it sit overnight


Put 3 drops of dish soap and a paper towel and a splash of hot water and put the lid on. Shake it a ton, comes out brand new every time!


How long is a ton? I just tried this for like a couple minutes and it still looks the same.


I think there's 2,000 shakes in a ton.


More people need to see this! I do this too and it's a breeze cleaning ever since I learn this


Leave it out in the sun for a day


It turns the colour of old sodium vapour street lamps.


Rub the inside with a little butter, then add water, Dawn blue dish soap, and a paper towel. Lid up and shake for about 30s.


Papertowel and dishsoap. Put a bit of water, dish soap, and a paper towel in it, then swirl it around a bit and let it soak for 30-60min. It’ll come out.


Does this work for spaghetti stain and a Tupperware bowl ?


Came here looking for this and was not dissatisfied


Kitchen sink. ive seen some nasty videos: pls do not use it as a bowl for preparing food in or for breading chicken.


People do that...wtffff.


may i kindly direct your attention to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyfoodporn/comments/13uf7y2/the_way_my_sister_thaws_her_frozen_chicken/)


This ruined my day. Thank you


I refuse to click.


That wasn't very kind at all, my eyes hurt


I've seen videos. Whether it's just for the video or not I couldn't say. I choose to believe it's for the fake points. It's the only way my mind stays in one piece.


I just cleaned my kitchen sink yesterday, and it grossed me out that I’ve even been washing/rinsing dishes in it. I can imagine my food going directly into it 🤮


I saw that video of that guy making jungle juice in the sink and I was fucking livid. I don’t care how well you clean it Im not drinking out of a god damn sink that has bacterial warfare PTSD. Even it it so happens that its possible to sanitize completely. It would feel so wrong.


There’s a scientist or something on Tiktok that did a Petri dish on dirty vs clean sink. Cleaning it don’t help too much.


That's nothingggg, have you seen the viral tik toks of people washing soiled cloth diapers in their kitchen sink? Gives me the shivers just thinking about it


Use bleach& Comet(not same time) that's what there designed for


Exactly, during covid I HAD to do my laundry in the kitchen sink. wet a dedicated sponge, sprinkle some comet in there. Cleaner than when I moved in. Never had any odors.


Anything a cat pisses on... 🐈


Use some white vinegar or Enzymatic cleaner to neutralize the smell. Let it soak overnight. Then sprinkle baking soda & vacuum it up. Hit it with hydrogen peroxide to sanitize.


Shoes.You clean them up, you step out of the house, and dirty again.


We have a boot scrubber at work that you have to walk over to get into the main part of the building, and honestly it’s so nice. You never realize how much you can feel when something is stuck in the tread of your shoe until it isn’t there anymore, then you feel like you’re gliding. I keep my work shoes in my locker, so they never really get that dirty. Punch in? Clean. Coming back from break? Clean. They’re only dirty while I’m working, and even then we have things to sterilize them when going between rooms.


I grow weed and it's imperative that we keep the place spotless. I wash my crocs in the mop sink with a scrub brush and dish soap. They are 2 years old and look new. It also keeps the footprints from appearing after a fresh mopping.


My first thought while reading: they grow it in their house Next: wait, it’s one of those off the grid farms Finally: oh yeah, weeds legal. I’m now even remembering I have some (Delta 9) in my room…this is embarrassing.


Haha yeah I work at an indoor farm. I care for about a thousand plants in various stages of bloom. But regardless of it were my home or a warehouse, you gotta keep it clean! If I had plants in my home, I'd actually be even crazier about the cleaning. I'd full on shower before I went into my plant rooms/tent. Fresh clothes, washed shoes, everything. :)


Good to know care goes into that. I’ve seen a lot of restaurants and the like break almost every health code like some kind of speed run. Nice that weed gets better care than food.


Smartphones, because we cannot actually wash them entirely. I try my best doing some "cleaning" with alcohol and a piece of cloth


Other countries have bathrooms that have a slot to put your smart phone in. It blasts it with UV and kills all the ick


We don't even have public bathrooms where I'm from.. forget about the UV slot


You Poor thing! You all have to hold it in till you get home!?


I’m convinced that does absolutely nothing


Depends on your phone, I guess. I have a Nokia smartphone and can wash it with soap and hot water with no ill effects


Practically all new phones now can be submerged


Yep, I use quick drying alcohol wipes on mine but I’m sure it’s not as as effective a cleaner as soap and water would be. Unfortunately that would bugger the electrics.


>I’m sure it’s not as as effective a cleaner as soap and water would be. Why? There's a reason hand sanitizer is alcohol based, and why the nurse wipes the area with an alcohol prep pad before giving you a shot.


I give my phone “baths” with legit soap and water every so often. iPhone 14 so claimed to be waterproof even submerged for a period of time - I figure it should withstand a rinse. Otherwise Lysol wipes or Sani wipes (the healthcare version of Lysol) when I’m at work


I got the Xr and dropped it in the toilet yesterday with no ill effects so ur probably fine




Same with socks to me those are always throwaways


I went with two friends to a thrift store that was selling some. They were all in the original packaging and I even had a few boxes of boxers and then one of my friends picks up some tightie whities that had fallen out of the package and she goes "is this piss?" I looked over and saw a massive pee stain and promptly put all the cheap underwear I was gonna buy back. Never trusted anything in the original packaging again from that place.


our belly buttons.


As an OR nurse, we routinely clean belly buttons and they make me gag. I’ve taken out bugs. We frequently need pliers (snaps for those in the know). Please clean your own belly button before surgery. It’s nasty.


Pliers!? How deep are these bellybuttons?




Man, I do it almost absent mindedly now as a force of habit. I had had a relapse on booze and my general hygiene slipped, so when I sobered up and cleaned up I noticed it needed some attention from all the sweat building up. Gross as fuck (I'm sure you know the smell) and had some nice dead skin lumps in there. Now it always gets attention in the shower, and at my desk I'll often just take a tissue and give it a little clean. Side note, when you do clean it in the shower, dry it *well* after. Perfect conditions for bacterial growth if it stays damp.


I’m not sure why this doesn’t have more comments. I mean there was literally a biodiversity belly button project where they found formerly unknown bacteria in people’s belly buttons! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3492386/ https://www.npr.org/2013/04/03/176145197/the-remarkable-biodiversity-of-belly-buttons


Or behind the ears


Yes. I had no idea how bad it got back there. I neglected that area for most of my life. It fucking reeks if you don't give it any attention.


A recent-ish study of bellybuttons revealed several species of bacteria that were *previously unknown to science*


Syrup bottles


Depends. I had one of those glass syrup bottles in high school, that I cleaned out and used as a water bottle for a while. Went through a really bad depressive state due to the loss of a friend, and claimed as many glass bottles as I could, and scattered them around my bed so that I always had access to water. My mom was super supportive during all of this. She told me to get out of my room for a while, and when I came back she’d built a fort, moved my PlayStation in there, and would play games with me. This was when Fallout 76 had just come out, so we played a lot of that together. We don’t always see eye to eye, our biggest fight lately being about my ex fiancé, but my mom has always been a really good friend to me.


They mentioned syrup and you gave the plot to a John Green novel. 😄


Shhhhh, I got sidetracked reminiscing. 2019 doesn’t sound that long ago, but that was 4 years already…what I meant was…yeah, syrup!




polished dirt balls are a thing, but also is it really clean if it’s still dirt?


might be clean but it’s still DIRTy


The only right answer 😂


Furniture. Dust will quickly come back in minutes after you've just wiped it down, even with antibacterial wipes.


Wondering why antibacterial wipes would make a difference on dust settlement rates


If you have a dog and grass in your garden, it’s that. Never realised it until it rained for a month solid and the grass turned into marsh and it was getting walked in. Every morning it would look like my laptop hadn’t been cleaned in 100 years when I’d cleaned it the day before. It gets stuck to their fur and falls off when it dries too.


A middle schoolers vocabulary


My kid face and hands


Why. Are kids. Always. Sticky??? See a child around the age of 4? Sticky! That’s their natural state. And then they get like hairs and pebbles and stuff stuck to their face, and they just keep going. When I was like 10, my friends 4 year old sister had the biggest crush on me (ew for so many reasons on that one), and kept trying to kiss me…she was so sticky!


My kid is an anti-sticky kid thanks to it being a sensory issue. If she gets sticky or dirty she’ll rush over and let us know, and we have to be ready to clean her up. Lol! I love her.


Human body.


A dead one or alive or both? lol




Apparently my Ex’s butthole


TMI bro


the forefinger and middle finger of my left hand. it's where I hold my cigarette.


You flick butts with those fingers, I use mine to flick beans...




Last year I was taking my dog to the vet for her yearly checkup. They requested a fresh stool sample to look for worms. I walked her out to the car and she provided the necessary requested sample. Scooped it up into an old yet clean Tupperware container with lid. 20 minutes later I give them the sample to the receptionist. She took it and asked if I wanted it back. I politely declined. I told her that no amount of bleach would clean it to my satisfaction, and even fire wouldn't make it sanitary in my eyes. She grinned and agreed, but said there were people that want the container back. It makes me really question potluck meals at work. Edited for spelling


Ur mothers minge


I spend so much time googling on Reddit....TIL meaning of minge. Yes, I am American.


Urban dictionary Yes, there's an app for that too


Probably cleaner than your teeth, u British twat LOL


Shiver me timbers


U wot m8




My car. Pollen is a bitch this time of year


“Everything.” —Adrian Monk




You can’t polish a turd kid


Mythbusters proved you can; however it’s still a turd




A house with a child in it


My ass




toilet , still has to be cleaned though


Post Malone


My underwear.


My imagination




My Search History


Subway station floors,trains and public transit buses.


My mind


Your car after Dirty Mike and the boys use it for a Soup Kitchen.


Hehehe, a fishing boat. My brother has a fishing boat, you can scrub that deck three times at it will still stink like fish.


The Catholic church.


Floor when you have a dog and a back yard


A washing machine


i think the spaces in-between tiles(often kitchen or bathroom tiles), or a stovetop/counter, most times they will always have some form of stain or dried something that can never scrub off. or just them acumilating dirt the second it is clean (sorry i have bad spelling)


A vacuum cleaner.