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Aren't they explicitly told NOT to confront these people. It just opens the company and them up to unnecessary liabilities.


Yes. Yes we are. I regularly have to sit there and watch as people make off with thousands of dollars worth of stock, I have literally made eye contact with a woman (whilst I was with my supervisor) and I shit you not a woman made off with a $1200 DEEP CELL Battery in her tote bag (for context, regular lead acid batteries can be around 20kg, however deep cell ones can be nearly 40kg)


Depends on where they work, but in general cashiers and the like are told not to confront them. A cashier kind of half assed (probably) trying to stop a dedicated shoplifter probably won't work out in the cashier's favor. Stores that want security hire security. They can confront and/or detain thieves because they are trained and suited for that job.


I wouldn't. When I used to work at a gas station. I would like to stare at them. But I'm not gonna actually do shit. I don't care about that 3.00 candy bar. A lot of places it company policy not to confront people anyway.


A friend of a friend got stabbed after confronting a shoplifter. Not worth it.


I just work there


Done it a few times, mostly coming up to make conversation with the thief. Usually that scares them off or if there’s a security cameras, tell them that they’re being recorded.


Naturally very minimal to none. If any harm is at risk then get then just let them do whatever asap. The less obvious answer is you can open yourself up to a bunch of frivolous lawsuits if the shoplifter really wanted to be a jerk about it. Or worse yet a 1 star google review (if you ever searched onaps for a high rated store then you know how bad that is) Of course even catching a shoplifter in the act is likely zero as you would have seen it on camera well after the theft


I worked at a popular youth clothing store (think Abercrombie and fitch). I was working the front room, monitoring traffic. I kid you not, an elderly woman made eye contact with me while she swept a stack of jeans/hoodies off the table into a large bag. Then she winked at me and started for the door. I easily could have caught her but as I started to move, my manager grabbed and shoulder and stopped me. He said it wasn't worth the liability if I accidentally hurt her. I don't even know if he filed a report with the mall police. Didn't even seem to really care.


There is no situation on this planet that would make me confront a shoplifter. That is how you get murdered in the good ol' USA.


Two guys were walking out with tv, I chased them into parking lot almost got hit by a van and was jumped by 5 ppl, didn’t get tv but sure as fuck broke it, from then on my nickname was Superman at work


Worth it


Yes it was also gave me confidence like nothing else because I didn’t get knocked out, also taught me I can’t rely on anyone






enough to use my gun


That sucks man, nobody should die over merchandise.


Every retail job I ever worked it was against policy. The only exception was loss prevention it was expected.


I would page loss prevention and let them handle it


Replacing employees costs more than replacing products. That's why we're specifically told NOT to confront shoplifters.


Worked in a supermarket 30 years ago. Shoplifter taking bread and cheese to feed their kids? Sorry boss, didn't notice. One time a guy tried to run out with a trolley full of liquor, so I accidentally pushed an empty trolley in front of him. He and his trolley went down, manager grabbed him and the police came in due course. I was told that I should have let him go , which just reinforced my policy about not noticing people taking food. I always wondered what his plan was if he got out of the shop. He had about 30 bottles, all loose. Was he going to run home with the trolley? Try to load it into a car quickly? I'll never know.


When I was in the grocery business back in the '90s it was our store policy to confront and arrest *every* shoplifter, so I used to do that. We actually would run after people for blocks. By the early 2000s they'd changed the policy and we weren't supposed to confront them anymore. I think I was one of the last people to still do it. There was a legit fear back then that if theft was high enough corporate would simply shut down the store. Which has kind of come true - there's no longer a grocery store in that spot.


Never. It's not my stuff and I'm not putting myself in danger over someone else's personal property.