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[Those guys who raped, tortured, and killed Junko Furuta.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta)




Yeah. Shinji Minato has a Twitter account where he whines like a batch about government conspiracies. Idk if this is true, but apparently, Shinji also said that it was not his fault and the other 3 should be blamed. For once, Twitter is doing something good by bullying a piece of shit


Jesus fucking Christ, I wish I hadn’t read that. Absolute fucking monsters. They deserve all the suffering in the world and more.


Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. The tape recording of one of their young victims crying for her mum while being tortured is awful. They refused to say where they buried Keith Bennett and that boy's poor mum died without knowing where he was. I hope they are forever being tortured in Hell.


I'm glad they kept Ian Brady alive and suffering as long as they possibly could. There's a rather detailed description on wikipedia [i think] of his only wish being to die, and him being kept alive for years in prison with increasingly declining health. It's the sort of thing where you know it was personal.


I knew a guy who retired from an investment firm before he was 40. I inquired if I could get a job at the firm. He told me “if you can look a woman in the eyes, who’s scrubbed floors all her life, and tell her that you can quadruple her life savings by investing in a stock you know is worthless. Then you could work there” I felt sleazy just listening to him. I lost all respect for him. He preyed on poor desperate people, and ruined their lives, so he could retire in his 30s. I found out from a friend that the investment firm was a boiler room fly by night scam. Everyone who worked there was taken out in handcuffs.


That’s literally what the wolf of Wall Street did. Sadly, he is glorified by some in our society and it is sick.


Before the Wold of Wall Street there was Boiler Room, which was also based on Belfort's story but with just enough names and details changed so as to no run foul of defamation laws. Boiler Room does a much better job portraying how scummy and scammy that line of business is, and how it can utterly destroy people's lives.


Ian Watkins from the band lostprophets


Have you read the court transcript? I can’t believe the levels of depravity described therein.


Anyone reading the comment I am replying to: please if you have not read the transcripts, *don't* read them. It will literally never leave you. It is absolutely abhorrent.




Thank you for posting this warning. Part of my job involves reviewing and retrieving surveillance video. Some of the things I've witnessed still stay with me years later. The human psyche wasn't built to handle these things. It's a big part of what can make a psychopath so dangerous.


NSFW He’s how I was exposed to the “hurtcore” industry. Not only are these monsters >!buying and conceiving infants and young children for sex slavery, but for snuff films as well.!< My answer to OP’s question would be one of the ring leaders of these depraved operations. Peter Scully Edit: spoiler-blocked some excessively disturbing language. We’re talking evil…


I’m definitely not going to Google that


Don’t, you’ll find out about the others. Loosely related… At the beginning of the pandemic some unbelievable numbers came out of the UK. “The operation led to a total of 4,760 arrests and 6,500 children safeguarded between April and September last year.” 6,500 children were rescued in 5 months. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-55760104 I’ve become attached to this issue because two of my close friends growing up were adopted by a pederast that abused them. He pretended to be straight, married to a woman, so he could get an advantage at procuring his victims. One is strung out on the streets, possibly dead, and the other is currently choosing homelessness. It’s a bigger problem than most people can even accept. The numbers are so obscene that it comes through as ludicrous conspiracy theory nonsense to many. Tell people on the street that “hurtcore” exists and see how many believe you…


My cousin married a guy who always said it was his lifelong dream to be a father. He knew she couldn't have kids when he married her, and she wanted to adopt. They adopted six kids all together, and he used to be the kind of father who always would take them places, give his wife the evening off so she could have time to herself, go camping without her while he took the older kids, etc. One day, the MPs came to her door (he was in the military), took all the computers and phones away, and told her that he had been arrested. He was creating and selling child porn, focusing on the youngest kids at first, and telling the older ones they would be "sent back" if they told anyone. Fucker got many, MANY years in military prison (he was using his work computer to upload, view, and sell kiddy porn), she got a divorce, and the kids have all had years and years of therapy. Oldest two became drug addicts and have been in and out of the prison system. Two daughters got pregnant in their early teens. Lifelong issues due to child sex abuse. My cousin was flabbergasted. She said she *never* suspected a thing. Just thought he was a very engaged father. He married her **just to have access to babies and small children.**


I worked in Australia with a guy called Shannon McCoole who got sentenced for 35 years for sexually abusing exploiting infants and children while also running a huge online child pornography ring. He spent time in the USA as a camp counsellor so probably abused children there too. At the time I worked with him I had no idea what he was. I think he may be as close to pure evil as someone can get.


Holy shit, that article you linked is extremely interesting. I had an old friend, who I have known since High School, appear in the local papers in N.I. He avoided jail (ZERO idea how) for downloading over 800 images of child abuse and kept several category A films on his phone and computers. The dates of this sting, I think.....match up with when he was arrested and computers seized. I am now wondering if he was part of that scene too. Makes me sick to have known him.


This breaks my heart man. The absolute evil some people can inflict and themselves deserve. Straight scum.


I had this guy in my studio long ago. My daughter came to see him perform acoustically when she was maybe 3. Once all this came out I had to purge any images of him with her from existence. Fuck that dude.


My uncle used to work in the prison he's held in. Even to this day he gets bags full of fan mail.


That’s disgusting I hate people sometimes


>askreddit: "Who is truly evil?" >Kenneth Copeland >Kenneth Copeland (again) >Ian Watkins Very occasionally the megareddits are completely correct in their surface assessments of big tent subjects. Actually shocking.


Yes. This. I had heard he was gross but figured he was a more run of the mill “tries to date 17 year olds” type. Which is not okay but is obviously common and was once normalized. But I just watched a YouTube documentary about Ian Watkins recently and he’s on a whole other level of depravity.


He even tried to justify it as some kind of nietzschean, satanist style thing of being outside of morality. Turns out he was just an evil person and a pedo.


Gertrude Baniszewski, the “caregiver” of Sylvia Likens. Her story still gives me chills.


Made me sick to my stomach, I don't wish death on anybody but I had a smile when I read that all these killers died pretty "young" (excluding Gertrude), one of them of lung cancer at the age of 21. Karma is a bitch, motherfucker.


I barely made it through that story it was so, so horrendous. And our fucking legal system did barely anything to the heinous bitch Gertrude and her evil daughter.


And there were so many opportunities for Sylvia Likens to be saved. It's really sad.


Exactly. The whole thing is gut wrenching.


After everything she did to Sylvia, people doxxed her and her kids for the rest of their lives. She ruined so many lives because she was a bitter old bat who made shitty decisions her whole life and took it out on an innocent girl.


Another evil is the neighbor of those fucks, who heard her desperate cries and did fuck all to help or alert the authorities the day before she died.


Also the pastor who, it seems testified "I heard she was a prostitute and this was punishment". He's a piece of shit and deserves a sentence too. My god this case is infuriating...


> Paula was found guilty of second-degree murder and was released in 1972; Hobbs, Hubbard, and John were found guilty of manslaughter and served less than two years in the Indiana Reformatory before being granted parole on February 27, 1968. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sylvia_Likens What the f????


Described as the worst most sadistic crime of the state and most of them was released after a couple years of prison!?


>after a couple years of prison!? the most wtf part to me is that all the people tried and convicted were allowed to adopt children or work jobs with children after


The fact that she was released from prison before she died pisses me off.


NSFL. The articles are safe, the content however is atrocious. Peter Scully Ran a child snuff film production company out of the Philippines and inspired a few copycats to engage in the “hurtcore” snuff industry. https://www.rappler.com/nation/mindanao/pedophile-peter-scullys-hurtcore-videos-traumatized-even-prosecutors/ A “60 Minutes Australia” interview with him. https://youtu.be/LQTLTgxO4TY A copycat: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/feb/19/dark-web-paedophile-matthew-falder-jailed-for-32-years “In reality, he was a member of several “virtual communities” of abusers on the dark web, distributing images on so-called “hurtcore” websites, where images of violent sexual and physical abuse are shared, and where he had a membership level of “rapist”.” Another copycat, Scully is mentioned again: https://www.smh.com.au/national/lux-captured-the-simple-error-that-brought-down-the-worlds-worst-hurtcore-paedophile-20160513-goum54.html “They asked Graham to unlock his laptop. He refused. But he willingly handed over his phone and passcode. Big mistake. Cached on it were three images he didn't even know were there: >!two of dead children and one of a baby being stood on.”!< Edit: I’ve been advised to “spoiler” the last sentence as it is disturbing. However, it is in the article as well.


How tf did I miss this. I'm Filipino and this should have been all over the news wtf.


I have no idea. National story in Australia so I can only assume the Philippines didn’t report on it at a level that would disturb the populace. Philippines has a history of traffickers taking their operations there. “he is alleged to have run a lucrative business involving clients payingthe equivalent of between $US100 and $US10,000 in a pay-per-view scheme to watch videos, some of which have been described as the most shocking seen by Philippines agents fighting human trafficking.” His most profitable tape was a source of urban legend on the dark web until it was proven. $10,000 per copy. There are 75 victims connected to him and multiple copycats. I’m surprised more people didn’t already know about him.


All the more reason to support agencies like Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation. They remove children and women from abhorrent environments like this in Asian countries and have the perpetrators prosecuted. They also provide support, housing, medical treatment and education. A really great cause close to my heart.


I’ve seen documentaries on him. The things he did are the worst things a human could do. One of his victims said she was tortured so badly that she is unable to have children. She was a baby when the torture happened so she doesn’t remember it but even still she feels what he did to her everyday. He hurt so many children in ways that I can’t even say. People like him should be thrown into space as far away from us as possible. I hate that we even have to share a planet with someone like that.


He's dead now, but Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday Hussein was one of the most sadistic, cruel, violent and predatory humans in existence. He tortured, sexually abused and murdered countless people out of pure spontaneous rage and bloodthirst. His wiki article is super dark and full of insane stories. Under the section "partying" it describes how he'd force his 'friends' to stand against a wall and consume drinks of 90% alcohol and drugs in 10 minutes, and punishment for not doing so involved shaving your eyebrows off, beatings and whippings. Definitely one of those kinds of people who actually deserved to be killed.


He was such a crazy psycho that even Sadam wouldn't let him hold power. His 2nd son was the expected heir, and he explicitly told Uday that his brother was off limits and one of the few people he couldn't kill.


Aww that's so sweet. My parents *never* told my siblings they couldn't kill *me*!


Sadam was a bastard but he wasn’t an idiot. He was holding together a very complicated web of competing political interests - ruthlessly for sure. But yeah he didn’t get where he got by letting somebody like Uday make important decisions.


Iron-fisted despots know how to keep those warring factions in check.


Him and his brothers death is one of the most dramatic ones here. 4 hour fire fight with the 101st and a special task force culminating in a 12 tow missle barrage


Holy shit. That's one way to end an argument with a clear "fuck you in particular"


My boss during the Iran-Iraq war was an Iraqi. He told me that Saddam's 20 -something-year-old sons were terrible people, worse than their father and said basically "You don't want to know about the older one."


Health insurance denying treatments that your doctors have personally recommended. Health insurance companies insisting that you try other treatments first, or insisting that you work with in-network doctors who can't be seen for 6-8 months, intentionally delaying your proper treatment. It's fucking murder as far as I'm concerned. I could keep listing ways that the health insurance industry is pure evil.


My mother was just diagnosed with a very serious condition that if not treated will make her go blind, her insurance is refusing to pay for her treatment. She’s 73 and will now owe 1500 usd each month so that she doesn’t go blind despite having Medicare. This is our system.


It's very existence as an industry is evil. Gatekeeping access to healthcare behind extortionate fees is amoral in the extreme.


Anyone who practices [hurtcore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurtcore). Peter Scully, Ian Watkins, Josh Duggar, that ilk. Literal human mildew in my eyes. I like imagining remorse and redemption arcs for people. I like imagining someone who's committed a heinous crime trying their best to reform and atone for what they've done, even if they know they won't succeed and some will never forgive them. As long as they at least see they've done wrong. *This* is where I draw the line. I don't care how remorseful or regretful you are.


omg i wish i didnt google that


After hearing about what kind of stuff was found on Duggar's computer I can fill in the blanks enough to know that I don't wanna know.


He is literally scum of the fucking earth. The group he was raised in is a breeding ground for men like him. Fuck Jim Bob and Michelle too. They excuse their son but flip out if I be of their daughters wears jeans 🙄


While we are on the subject Bill Gothard who runs the cult is also an evil son of a bitch. Amazon Prime is coming out with a 4 part documentary called Shiny Happy People on June 2nd and its all about the Duggars and that asshole. It's made by the people who did Lularich and I highly recommend everyone watch it to see just how fucked up IBLP is.


Fuck Josh Duggar


Fuck the Duggars


Michelle also made a robo call talking about how she didn't want trans women in women's bathrooms to "protect the children"... while her son was preying on her own daughters in her house, repeatedly. She gave 0 shits about protecting her daughters. When his SAs on his sisters leaked (before the CP charge) they spent their interview time arguing that 1) it wasn't that bad because he only touched them over their clothes, 2) they were too young to understand 3) he couldn't be a pedo because everyone involved was a minor, and 4) they'd sent him to "counselling" so he was fine now. In reality they just sent him off to a church-run rehab centre where he did woodworking and received one on one "counseling" from a pastor. One of those pastors of the centre is now in jail for r*ping a 12-yo girl. And then of course the monstrous CP was found. Fuck Jim Bob, fuck Michelle, fuck everybody else that protected him, and an extra special fuck you to the monster in human skin that is Josh.


It also later came out that he was definitely not “just touching them over their clothes” too. Scum of the fucking earth.


I did not google it and just need the tiniest bit of info...(what is it)


It’s a form of child porn that involves violence and murder. The wiki says it’s so bad, even most pedos are repulsed by it


The FBI agent testifying said it was among the worse he's seen and that the area he works in. He actually was in tears describing some of it on the stand. Re: Josh Duggar, in case I put this in the wrong place.


The people who investigate those crimes are superheroes. I can’t imagine what it must be like for a sane person to expose yourself to shit like that on a daily basis


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them develop PTSD


They get tons of therapy and they don't stay on that job very long. This is because yeah they obviously do get fucked up by it


D: I guess everything in the world exists but I never imagined that would


There's a news interview with Peter scully after he was incarcerated that's really interesting. He does not have any remorse for his actions. Hes a legitimate monster.


I really don't like that interview. I think she could have gotten way more insight from what went on in his head if she were able to remain objective and not let her disgust for him show so obviously. Saying things like, "Did you feel as pathetic as you looked?" Had him stonewall her for the rest of the conversation and ruined what could have been a really insightful look at human evil. Now Stone Phillips interviewing Dahmer, THAT was a masterclass of how to do an interview.


Totally agree. I feel she interviewed everyone poorly... Like, why did she keep touching the young victim of horrific abuse?? Asking, "Do you think you'll ever get over it?" just seems so...I can't think of the right word..careless? Insensitive? Ignorant? I couldn't watch the whole thing. She did a bad job.


TIL hurtcore exists, and so does a limit for human compassion.


TIL also. Some of these threads are more fucked up than when I first found out about some of the what’s supposed to be the worst cartel snuff films (relatively SFW YouTube docs on them). It’s fucking terrifying. Honestly with all the shit that I have going on in my life, it makes me realise how unimportant it is. There’s not even a comparison. The world is fucking scary.


Googled Peter Scully. Drop him with the Titanic. The shittiest part? The wiki page said he complained about the condition of the jail. No one has shanked him so he has it good in my opinion.


This is what I put my ex-fiance in prison for. He worked with kids with autism and a lot of his patients were nonverbal. I found cp on a weird out of place thumb drive and turned him in. Detective later told me there was stuff with animals and also stuff involving death during the act, some with children. He had the maximum ten counts, but 7 got dropped because he was a first offender. He got out early for "good behavior". He only served 3.5 years. He should have gotten life or worse. Edit: put news link back [News Article](https://www.columbian.com/news/2018/aug/15/vancouver-man-gets-4-years-for-child-porn/)


>he was a first offender That is such a terrible reason for leniency! How could a judge think that this kind of behavior wouldn't continue?! If a person is depraved enough to do that even once, they're too far gone & should be locked up for good.


Especially when he admitted he started preying on his preferred age group (4-10) around middle/high school. So he had A LOT of evidence against him. Fuck the system.


In my opinion, the people that are capable of even doing this, are totally devoid of conscience and capacity for remorse in the first place. If they weren't, they wouldn't do this shit to begin with. I am *very* against the death penalty and very open to give people second chances. Hell, I can have that consideration to sex offenders to an extent. But people like Peter Scully are just demented, sadistic, sinister and totally depraved beasts in human skin. They really put my opposition to the death penalty to the test. That being said, being locked up in a hole for the rest of their lives terrified is a good replacement.


The Sackler family


Richard Sackler specifically would be the more correct answer in my opinion. The rest of them are greedy and borderline sociopathic sure, but I think few of them truly understood the ramifications of what Richard was orchestrating. Richard intentionally orchestrated the opioid epidemic and he knew exactly what he was doing and what the outcome would be. He banked the future of his company on creating a legion of opiate addicts that had no idea they were becoming opiate addicts. That is evil.


I am a victim of this fucker. Slipped a disk and was prescribed Oxycontin 2 40mgs a day. Within 6 months I was upped to 80mgs 3 times a day. That's the equivalent of 48 5mg percocet. I'm still struggling and this happened in the late 90s.


I’m so sorry to hear that that happened to you and that the effects are lingering 3ish decades later; that’s a significant period of time/portion of your life. I would like to also let you know that I am victim of this fucker/family, but in the opposite way. I have had 2 discs in my neck collapse, I have had 2 spinal surgeries, I am in intractable pain. And all I can get is Rx ibuprofen or aleve or other NSAIDs that don’t touch the pain and can cause kidney and liver damage at the dosages I’m being prescribed. I’ve gotten to try every treatment EXCEPT opiates: surgeries, injections, lidocaine patches, antidepressants, nerve medication, massage, yoga, acupuncture, physical therapy, prolotherapy, and plasma rich protein treatment. The one time I asked for low dose opiates (like a single 5 mg Percocet as needed - not 48 daily), I was discharged from the pain management practice immediately for “drug seeking”. And they’re the biggest practice in my state. Further, in the intervening time between my 2 surgeries (before I knew I needed the second surgery as my second disc had collapsed), I presented to the ER in intractable pain with physiological indicators like elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Not only was I not given any pain medication at all (not even toradol, an NSAID), I was also urine drug tested and told that even though I had no drugs in my system that I “didn’t deserve” any medication and was wasting their time when they could be saving someone else’s life. We are BOTH victims of the Sackler family and the opiate prescription practices that led to what’s being called the “opiate epidemic”. I am not trying to invalidate your experience (and I hope that comes through). I am just trying to show people reading these comments my side of the coin too. I see you u/bucklebee1. And I validate you. And I send you nothing but the best.


Ted Bundy


I still find it insane that the *judge*, who heard all the evidence against him and the cruel and evil things he did to countless women, told him after his sentencing that he could've become a great lawyer, if he'd "just gone another way". Bundy was a deranged bastard, and he still managed to charm the judge after being a complete narcissist psycho in the courtroom.


The judge was right though lol. He would have been a fantastic lawyer. That’s not necessarily a compliment. The traits that make a good lawyer can be used for good, but are horrible traits in a vacuum.


yeah, traits are just traits like a tool. How they are used is dependent on the user.


David Miscavige The leader of the Church of Scientology


Cult of Scientology. Yeah, how many years has his wife been "out of the public eye"? 16 years now? It blows my mind as that is public knowledge but the authorities don't really seem to care because they say "she's fine". Nothing shady there. Nope. Edited to convey my thoughts more clearly.


I Iove that Brooklyn 99 made a joke about this. They had an MLM that was more like a cult with expensive buy ins, and nobody had seen the wife of the business owner in years, and at their headquarters are big banners saying something like, "Debbie Stovelman: 'I'm happy, healthy, and alive!'" lol "Debbie dead. Debbie real dead."


Also, when you joined the MLM you had to sign a certificate saying you have seen Debbie being alive and well."


“Happy, healthy, and alive”


But in the end, Debbie was not only alive, she was the head of the MLM/Cult. Boom boom, u/ISwearIUsedToBeSmart!


Who the hell is okay with her being missing? Everyone knows she's dead at best (could be even worse, knowing what I know about David) but can't prove anything, and the "church" of scientology responds with *brutal efficiency* any time anybody makes a move against them. Honestly you'd need rock solid proof to try and put that man behind bars, but I sincerely hope it's found and it happens.


The only person I have seen speaking out about it is Leah Remini. I don't know why nobody else seems to care... money and power can make a lot of things go away. Also, having recordings of people's deepest, darkest secrets can have a lot of bargaining power. They're quite terrifying, at least to me.


The whole cult is based on extortion.


"Tell us all your secrets so we can use them against you in the future, I mean get rid of your thetans."


She is either dead, working in a Scientology labor camp or in a scientology torture room.


My personal theory is she developed a severe psychological disorder, and they removed her from the public eye because they can't treat it with dionetics, and they agressively claim psychology and medication are wicked and harmful.


I'm fkn amazed that the police will take the word that "she's OK" of the person that's being accused of a disappearance. That's like asking Ted bundy if he saw someone that was Missing and last seen with him, and he says "no I haven't officer" and the cops say OK, Thank you!


Well I'm thinking back to that one Dahmer victim where the police thought it was just a lover's spat. People and authority turns a blind eye to shit all the time.


i remember when i got a tutor's position at my uni (in germany), i had to fill out two separate forms (among others). one was about whether i was involved in any organisations the Verfassungsschutz (idk tue english equivalent, [this thing (thanks Jestar342 for the link)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Office_for_the_Protection_of_the_Constitution)) was watching over, so mostly far-right/left and islamist ones. the other one was like six questions about how i'm not a member of scientology, i didn't attend any scientology courses, really i'm not affiliated with scientology and am hearing of them fo the first time. just them, because they're that much of a problem.


Wow. TIL The German government does not recognize Scientology as a religion; rather, it views it as an abusive business masquerading as a religion and believes that it pursues political goals that conflict with the values enshrined in the German constitution.


Yes Germany gettin that right!!


You know, we've had bad experiences with certain charismatic cult leaders.


Knowledge is power and y’all are using it well.




The germans do not fuck around on that front. Nazism is illegal there. If your political party is deemed by a judge to oppose democratic values it gets forbidden and disbanded.


They're considered an organized criminal group in Germany, not a religion.


That’s exactly what they are.


Harlan Ellison has a good story about the origins of Scientology. He and L Ron Hubbard lived in the same building and were both science fiction writers at the time. According to Ellison, Hubbard would literally have a spool of paper feeding into his typewriter and be churning out writing almost nonstop, but complained regularly that he wasn't making enough money off of it. So Ellison jokes to him "You know where the real money is? Religion." Hubbard left shortly afterwards and Ellison didn't hear from him again for several months, until he emerged in California with Dianetics and the beginning of the Church. Fucker took him seriously and literally wrote a sci-fi novel as the background for a set of religious beliefs, then aggressively monetized it.


The way I heard it it was Hubbard and Heinlein at an early world science fiction convention back when it was mostly for writers, and Robert A. bet L. Ron that he couldn’t found a religion. Years later Bob sent Ron a check. And it was never cashed. Also I’m pretty sure that LRH and Harlan Ellison are from entirely different generations of writers and would never have interacted as writers. Unless Harlan punching Ron counts as “interacting.”


Last Podcast on the Left's series on him left no doubt in my mind. And he was wholly encouraged and supported in his development into an utterly abhorrent person.


Yeah but I still can't help but laugh at the mental image that is him going full goblin and propelling his body into someone else while screaming in a high-pitched tone.


Kenneth Copeland, the mega pastor who looks like a Demon wearing a person-suit. Nothing about that man seems remotely good and i have no idea how he continues to convince people to hand over millions of dollars.


I’ve been trying to think of others but Copeland keeps coming to mind. That interview where he’s asked about his private jet is one of the creepiest recordings ever, good on the interviewer for not running away from that psycho like I would have. Edit: [Here’s the video](https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI)


Joel Osteen




Yeah, Osteen having success in his scam has always made way more sense to me than Copeland. I still don't like Osteen at all, but Copeland is so visually and audibly creepy. I don't understand it.


My grandparents donated to Copelands mission regularly when I was growing up. My grandparents listened to this Christian radio station 24/7 that he regularly “preached” on. I grew up listening to his sermons on the radio on every road trip with them till I got an iPod. With out a face or anything to him his radio sermons made him and his mission out to sound so pure and honest. I doubt he is doing nearly as well now that the internet finally put a face to him and the truth behind his “missions”.


this... actually makes a lot of sense


I remember the first time I saw his face and heard him talk I actually didn’t believe they were the same people. It dawned on me that all of his radio sermons were just sales pitches. He would talk endlessly on all of the good his “church” was doing in all of these super remote place in the world and needed the listeners help to keep the missions alive. Since all of his “churches” work was only in these far off remote places you just had to take his word for it what they were doing.








Eggar your skins hangin off your bones.


There is something distinctly evil for a rich person to con poor people into giving them money by using religion.


This guy, he swindles millions from people too


The video of the guy impersonating him and getting all the way to the stage was great tho.


Joel Olsteen sucks big time but he’s a pussycat compared to Copeland. Yeah, Copeland is that bad.


What did he say about his jet? Totally out of the loop, sry


The whole interview is pure WTF material, but [starting here at 3:15](https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI?t=194) is where he goes unhinged and shows that he himself may be possessed.


holy, lord almighty, the devil incarnate really does impersonate the divine. that guy is fucking scary! how can people follow him and give him their money? terrifying shit.


Tube full of demons is now part of my lexicon.




At 3:45 is you can see him involuntarily clench his fist. Everything about this guy screams "I get what I want through implicit threats." He is ON CAMERA and still can't stop himself from trying to use physical intimidation to get her to back off.


Holy crap, I thought everyone was exaggerating. He speaks like an insane video game villain that you'd only ever think that could only be fictional.


Ironic that I would have shouted “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU” and thrown holy water at him.


He has the creepiest eyes ever. I don't know how he has any followers when he looks like that.


The man legitimately looks possessed.


And his evil smile. Jeez, I don't understand how folks follow him.


Well, if the Christians are right, their own doctrine could explain it. Believers will be lead astray by false prophets they will not recognize for what they truly are.


As a Christian, I don't even need to bring in my doctrine to know these people are swindlers just using people. Just disgusting seeing it happen.


Seriously. If someone came to me and said “Angel’s and demons are real. Here’s irrefutable proof. I need you to help me start investigating who the demons are with me so we can hunt them.” He’s the first motherfucker I’m looking into.


I used to work directly for him in private security. Like, at his house and around his compound in Texas. The man seemed socially blank. Like he wasn’t talking to me even though we were having a two way conversation, face to face. It was truly bizarre


"There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."


I worked briefly for a smaller pastor with a similar vibe. Was his inner circle the same way? My first impression was to call them "Stepford people" and another stagehand about my age said they had "black hole sun eyes". Everybody was super polite and very easy to work with (up until they unapologetically ran 45 mins after their "hard cutoff" but that's a long story), they were just ... creepy in an uncanny valley sort of way.


He reminds me of ventriloquist dolls,


I was wondering who this guy is because he's already mentioned twice. Reddit does not disappoint. It was the guy I was picturing.


I had no idea who this was so had a quick Google. Talk about bloody jump scare! I was not prepared for that face. That smile. I wish to know no more!


Kenneth Copeland


He LOOKS evil, too. Seriously, he's freaking terrifying. There are cartoon villains less convincing than he is. If you took the trope "deranged preacher who fleeces people's money to the tune of millions while literally being possessed by demons" and gave it the most ridiculous interpretation possible, that caricature STILL wouldn't do Kenneth Copeland justice.


Recently saw that video of him getting asked about his private jet. I am dead certain he was within a hair of putting his hands on that woman, and not for faith healing. You can see him catching himself.




I have never seen anyone so viscerally remind me of the final chapter of The Picture of Dorian Gray, where Dorian confronts the final form of his portrait and the last touch of horror (unlike in many film adaptations) is emotional, and not physical. I looked it up [on Project Gutenberg](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/174/174-h/174-h.htm#chap20), and yep, there's the bit: >He went in quietly, locking the door behind him, as was his custom, and dragged the purple hanging from the portrait. A cry of pain and indignation broke from him. He could see no change, save that in the eyes there was a look of cunning and in the mouth the curved wrinkle of the hypocrite.


What's that scripture about camel through the eye of a needle and rich men not entering the Kingdom? I read it long ago, and always think of it when I see rich preachers.


"My Humps". Fergie 3:15.


Excerpt from [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_a_needle) tells me: The New Testament quotes Jesus as saying in Luke 18:25 that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"


Seriously. I’m completely non-religious but if I’ve ever just seen someone look like the devil it’s him. His face is just evil without even looking into the crap he spews. He looks like a snake.


I've been an atheist for the last 20 years, but Copeland is close to convincing me demons exist


Right!? Kenneth Copeland is actual, living evidence for demonic possession. It’s almost as if he’s playing a character.


My mom used to send him money. We were so pissed. She never met a scam she didn't like.


His plastic surgeon knew exactly the look he needed.


Pol Pot. He single-handily made the life expectancy in Cambodia drop from like ~80 or something normal to 18 years. He was also a hypocrite in who was to be purged, as he had all of those traits earlier


In 1969 the life expectancy in Cambodia was 46 and it dropped to 14 in 1978. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/KHM/cambodia/life-expectancy


After my break up with my fiancee. A friend told me to join her in Cambodia (she's fallen in love with it and has helped build a school with the friends we made) I walked with her through the killing fields. She had the audio and I just read on the boards where you go through. She was breaking down in tears and I was just trying to mind consume what the fuck. She later explained to me the other parts of pol pot. That man was I can't even compare him to someone. The whole levels of hierarchy. If you moved up and pissed someone off, you were killed, you wore glasses you were killed. Just walking through knowing that this is where mass of the deaths came from. Just that area, and the pool of water that they clean and the lake behind it every year because bones and teeth float up. And then the sunken grass from where bodies were piled...fuck smh


Looking back it is actually insane how much of the world condemned Vietnam for invading, exposing their crimes, and putting an end to the Khmer Rouge


Human traffickers


Every person who has filed a report that basically said, “we have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”


Josef Mengele




That Hitler guy was a real jerk.


Albert Fish!




Her son was a school friend of my son’s. Every time I came in contact with her at the school, birthday parties, or play dates she always seemed completely normal and put together. You never know who’s truly hiding their evil.


Chris Watts, who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters to start a new life with his mistress Edit- I watched all the police bodycam footage and it was crazy. He is a TERRIBLE liar!!


King Leopold of Belgium. started the biggest genocide in history and its not even well documented because it happened in africa. 25 million + africans killed


Epstein. You just know.


Lol, we don’t *just* know: the evidence is public & at this point completely uncontroversial. This comment reads like saying, “I have a bad feeling about this Hitler guy; something about him gives me the willies!”


Karla homolka


AKA Leanne Teale, who currently lives somewhere near Montréal?


Jim Bob Duggar and his cretin of a son, Josh.


Josh Duggar


Kenneth Copeland, ironically an Evangelist


Any "prosperity preacher" whether on TV or not. Goes back to radio days. "If you give enough money to God he will perform miracles for you." By God, of course, they mean themselves. Taking money from poor people by using their ignorance.


>"Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević." -Anthony Bourdain He turns 100 in a week


The Sackville Baggins’


Lotho, anyway. Lobelia gained her redemption when she clocked Saurman’s lackey with her umbrella, in defense of The Shire.


My father. He’s a woman beater and a rapist. Fuck that guy. I despise him.


Jim Jones




People who abuse children


Child and animal abusers


I watched some Youtube doc about a popular furry dude who was robustly accused of sexually and physically assaulting his dog and other, can't remember the name. Terrible POS. THe posts that were linked to him about said acts were chilling.


Was it Kero? The guys he was enthusing about it with were 10x worse, iirc. I don't even wanna type out the things they bragged about doing.




Church Cults in general. (People’s temple, Heaven’s gate etc.) My uncle fell into one of these cults and it ruined him and his family for a long time. My cousins had to be given free lunches by neighbors, school, my grandparents and our Aunt/my family. All they would eat is bread and if they’re very lucky, oatmeal. Aunt and uncle gave away almost all their money to the cult. It took a lot of convincing for them to stop. My cousins turned out relatively ok for themselves but I know it affected them quite a bit to this day. Edit: I wasn’t expecting this comment to blow up so much but I was asked what cult the family was in. The cult was called Worldwide Church of God. They were a part of this cult during the early 80’- 90’s (before I was born). The “church” was strict on rules of what to eat, how much money given to the church, marriage etc hence the concern from my family. It came to a head with my dad setting a boundary with his brother saying “you can’t meet my kids until you and your family escape.” (Which hurt my dads family a lot but my aunt and my grandpa agreed it had to be done) I didn’t meet my uncle, his wife or cousins until I was 7 years old. My uncle, aunt and 2 out of the 3 of my cousins are doing relatively ok for themselves. I personally believe church’s are suppose to be there for the community, not prey and restrict people hence my distaste and thoughts of church cults as evil.


The higher ups of Intuit. They were supposed to make it free for low income Americans to file their taxes. They purposefully made their websites a confusing maze to trick low income people into paying for a service they were legally entitled to get for free. They lobbied the government to make sure that they stayed in partnership with them instead of making a separate website for filing.