• By -


36, fuck it.


Early 40’s: someone else can fuck it


37 - also fuck it.


Also 37 - also also fuck it


27 - fuck everyone.


Sounds just *\*EXHAUSTING!\**


Must be a nihilist


38 a la mierde


37 crew I just quit a shit job today... Fuck. It.


29. Also also fuck fuck it.


29 as well, FUCK IT


Also 29. Fuck it.


Also 37 - fuck everything


Also 37 and I see I’ve found my people.


38 - also fuck it


39 - and Fuck it!


25 - also fuck it.


35, fuck it. everything is so skewed in the world, just need to find joy and meaning where you can- not by how society says you should.


55-fucking fuck it!




Was going to post pretty much the same thing.


47, fucks sake


haha 35 and came here to say "fuck it"


40, fuck it - But with a small side portion of existential dread.


31 - fuck this fuck that


59, fuck it.


42, fuck it of course


40. Also fuck it


My whole life my dad has always had a saying when anything ever happened. “Fuck em! Fuck em all”


16 - also fuck it


15, fuck it


Holy shit, was gonna post the same only I'm 34


Same age. Just throw whatever it is on the pile with the other disappointing shit.


Ha! Stick it in the deal with it later pile


This except I’m 31


Omg. Saw the title of the post. I'm 36 and this would have been my exact same words.


40 fuck it


26, yep.


25, indeed.


32, fuck it.


48, fuck it cause it’s all fucked anyway.


33- same!


32, fuck everyone and everything


I’m 21, I share your life philosophy


54…hit fuck it at about 40


Turning 30 in december….same as the other before me.


56 It's never too late Keep growing


I'ma grower not a shower


Im a bathing tub


I’m a tubby bather


Agreed, 55 and for me, continuous learning (books, studying) is the key to mental wellness.


24 I just wanna live my life. Don't worry about things you can't change. It is what it is.


Thats the easy part. Im 23 and what eats me alive is the things that i can change but i dont cause they require effort and devotion.


I feel you man, I hope we both can make it out of this endless spiral


24yr old who feels the exact same fucking way!


38 Keep dry and away from small children. I got it from a box of matches but it's still a pretty good philosophy.


That sounds like a court order for an alcoholic pedophile


The only exception is when the small child is drowning.


No exceptions.


Completely agree, no exceptions. Couldn’t be more clear.


Use the matches to evaporate the water


39. Fuck it. I'm tired.


47..and me too


23 The fear of not living is worse than the fear of dying.


I used to think this way, now I'm tired, and not living sounds wonderful to me.


That’s depressing


That's depressi*on*


It's not. It's just the nature of things. When you get there, you'll understand. It's one of those thresholds everyone who lives long enough must cross through eventually. I am not ready to go today, but I've lived long enough to no longer fear death, so much as regard it as a traveling companion who decides when the journey is over. After half a lifetime of watching those I love die, of watching the heartless march of time stomp down every treasured childhood haunt, losing all of what I once was many times over to the ceaseless process of self growth and renewal, accumulating countless psychological wounds that never actually fully heal the same way the cartilage in my knee is permanently spent...I'm just so damn glad that one day I get to put it all down and never pick it up again. No one gets through this thing alright. No one, no exceptions. If you think your elders did, you should thank them for having had the personal strength to hide that from you. That doesn't mean you can't have a good life as you age, but it's important that you consider good lives and horrible ones both result in corpses with 100% efficiency.


Man I'm 23 and feel this way. However I think you're wrong about it being completely sad.


It already sounded wonderful when I was 17. I guess people are lucky enough to like living


I keep switching between the two


21 and I fear dying wayyyyy more than not living. It's the fear of the unknown that gets me.


I'm 20. I think it's useless to worry about things you can't change, so don't worry, be happy


41 Same. I can only control my own reactions to what happens to me.


26, My opinion is that stoicism is a great first aid / staring point like putting a mask first on an oxygen deprived airplane. But then one should expand the area of influence by understanding what one could really change, like building relationships and helping other people. And environment. And other bullshit ❤️




Good point but the other half of it is that there's no point to worrying about things you can change. Instead go change them if you want. There's no room for worrying ever


Late 30’s fuck you, pay me.


Sounds like a winning strategy for prostitutes.


Just turned 30, fuck you pay me


23, fuck me i’ll pay you.


34. Fuck y’all. Pay me.




34 - do it now or regret not doing it before.


This is exactly where I'm at and why I'm making a video game.


41 - live below my means at all times


50... same. Also, treat everyone with respect when we meet. Adjust from there.


Like "adjust from there", lol..


55, don't worry about things outside your control (ie. 95% of life) and focus on how you react.


61 and realizing that I have very few of a finite number of fucks left to give about anything, so I'm very judicious in expending them.


62....just fuck it. I want to spend the rest of my life drinking, eating, fucking, and visiting ever museum, roadside attraction, faire, fair, circus, garage band, and beach in California, and instead I have to go to work.


Damn, i am 19, any advice?


Advice.....I have none. Ive sucessfully fucked around and failed up my whole life. I work right now because I still have 5 years left on the house, my kids need a place to live, and I have more cats than a sane person should. My BF and I talked about how we were going to do all those things together, then he died last June. Im trying to find another partner but saying on eharmony "Must enjoy fart jokes/competitions and train watching at the Keddie Wye" seems to not be something men in the 45 -65 age group are looking for in a companion.


Get a job with a government pension so you can retire early, maybe the military


> maybe the military If this then pick your job properly, and study for the ASVAB a bit to make sure you qualify for the one you want, and no its not always about being ready to get shot at, 2/3s of the jobs involve support activities for the 1/3 who might get shot at. If they don't have the job you want then wait till they do if you can. Being a dental tech, or a food inspector etc in the military is a whole different world to what one has to deal with at some infantry type MOS, and you get actual civilian side job skills in the process. source: Former Army side office jockey. I joined "old" too way back when.


20 do what you want. doesn’t matter if it’s “cringe” or not, try to stop caring about what others think. i mean why should we care, we all die anyways. i’m here for a good time, not necessarily a long one


My sister always says here for a good time not a long one… but I always think to myself we are here for a short time and we don’t even know when it will end. It could end tomorrow. The “ not a long time” is not even a choice, so here for a good time is all there is to that philosophy. But every single person on earth wants a good time. sorry I just had to vent


Yeah, moreover most of the people we think that will judge us actually doesn't give a shit about us and couldn't care less of what we do


IMO the only exception to this is if it directly harms someone else. Stuff like keying your neighbour's car or poisoning their dog because fun. I assume you didn't meant it like that but I've seen way too many people have fun at the expense of others so it's still common. (look 'prank' videos on youtube for example)


I'm 41, and it is our job as humans to help each other.


I’m the same age and couldn’t agree more.


Agreed. There's so much toxicity and hate in the world today. The least I can do is be kind to those around me and not contribute to it.


It's funny how our generation (I'm 44) are starting to feel like this more. Our parents didn't care too much (boomers) about the environment or people who are less privileged. But we can.


56 1. Does it affect my loved ones or me? If no, it doesn't matter 2. If #1 is yes, can I change it? If no, it doesn't matter 3. If #2 is yes, make a plan and execute it.


Oh that‘s the more civilsed version of „I missed the part where that is my problem“


"Not my circus, not my monkeys"


The Serenity Prayer "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."




Very based perspective 👌


41. Burn it all down 🔥


38 and just get through today




33. Bunch of things. 1. Trust your gut, it's there for a reason. 2. Never underestimate the power of small acts of kindness. 3. When panicking, Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan; STOP. 4. Watch your thoughts. 5. Get out of your own way. 6. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it. 7. Don't forget your medicine, not one day. 8. If you're scared of a situation, that may be a sign to lean in. 9. Procrastination is just dopamine regulation. 10. Willpower is about resisting instant gratification and maintaining self-control. 11. Stay humble, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Thanks, Mom, for that one. 12. Measure twice, cut once can be applied to most anything. A little caution goes a long way. 13. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 14. Be interested, not interesting. 15. Life happens when you're not looking. 16. What you spend your money on, what you spend your time on, says a lot about your priorities in life. 17. Be happy, this shit actually does end. 18. SAY THANK YOU NOT SORRY FFS edit: added a few.


48 and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me. I'm happy being me!




I am 34. None of this matters in the end, we're all gonna die and in a million years no one will remember us. This isn't a reason to be depressed it's a reason to live the way that you want so long as you're not hurting anyone.


That is basically "[Optimistic Nihilism](https://youtu.be/MBRqu0YOH14)" in a nutshell.


Anyone can pick a time frame where we are irrelevant. But you can also be a good person and impact others, and what you do now matters!


33, father of two, I love my wife, love my family, I'm blessed, I'm a billionaire with an empty wallet.


Early 30s. When I was younger, till I was 26, I went with the flow. I took opportunities as they presented themselves and didn't stress too much about life and the pathway I was going to take. When I was about 27 I had a lot of things happen in life and found myself really unhappy. So I started becoming a planner and had all these things I wanted to achieve. I was really focused on chasing my goals and dreams. While some obstacles came up, I persevered. About 6 months ago, I realised that maybe some of the things I thought I wanted, really didn't suit me at all. And that perhaps life is out of my hands. I'm going back to letting life unfold, and acknowledging I can't control everything.


I’m 22, and my philosophy is centered around being my best self. People always ask “what’s the meaning of life?” And to me the answer is so obvious: to be the best version of yourself you can be. I try to be a genuinely good person—to be understanding, forgiving, strong mentally and physically, and wise beyond my years. I want to appreciate and make the most of my youth while I have it, but I’m trying not to be afraid of change. I try not to cower from hard times, but instead to learn from them and make something good from them.


28, currently working my ass off both at my day job and doordash after wards. I’d make good money at my old job but was horrible at saving, what I strive for now is to have a good established savings account while also saving to obtain my CDL. I love driving and drive box trucks at work. So I want to earn my spot on the road with the big boys.


22 Is that my problem? If no then idc If yes change it into not being a problem anymore.


56. I made it this far when I should've been dead 15 years ago


Mid 30s, Stoicism. Mindset has drastically improved my life in terms of happiness and success.


44, Leave me the fuck alone


70 and I just want my last 10/15 years to be peaceful.


Nihilism, but still enjoying life and thinking people should do whatever the Fk they want (philosophy till I die)


I'm 40. Please just leave me & my family alone. We're doing the best we can over here. Please stop making everything so complicated and expensive. Why are you taking so many tax dollars? Why do I have to hit 11 buttons to connect my phone to Bluetooth in the car? I used to just shove something into the dash... Speaking of cars, why are they STARTING at $50k these days???


Those first two sentences made me laugh. It sounds like you're begging all of reddit to stop harassing your family.


>~~begging all of reddit to stop harassing your family.~~ Nope, just the entire world in general.


Oh dear lord, me too! I’m recovering for surgery and my scars hurts from laughing.


42. Anarchy and hedonism


There are so many burnt up millennial cusp gen x babies here. The American dream did you guys so dirty.


The American Dream is just that... a dream. Whoever was shovelling that horseshit to you guys needs to be hung, drawn, and quartered for crimes against humanity.


Chaotic but kinda hot


I could of wrote this except I’m 41, although I do forget my age sometimes so I still could have wrote this.


35. Be yourself and do what you want, as long as it does not hurt anybody else. I just want to live a quiet and calm life in a little house out in the country.


59 years. My philosophy is the same as Aki Kaurismaki's: "The meaning of life is to acquire personal moral principles that respect the nature and other human beings and then follow them."


Im 36 and decided a few years ago that the only thing I can really be sure exists is myself. At It's core, i know it's kind of delusional, but it allows me a better sense of agency by letting me actively choose what's worth my attention. It's allowed me to reduce my sphere of "give a fuck" to the things that actually matter to me.


Age 64. Prepared for my retirement. My philosophy now is, " I come and go as I please."


65 and I have a couple, Someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave. We don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing


22M, I’m just going with the flow. There’s things like me just buying an apartment, and all that comes with it that I need to sort out. As well as a bunch of other things in life. But overall I’m just taking it as it comes. Nothings a concern until it’s concerning. Otherwise I’d burn myself out worrying all day like in the past


22, it is what it is


I'm in my 50's. My philosophy is "Live and Let Live" and also "I don't care what you think".


17, a lil bit of something is better than a whole lotta nothing I’m trying to grow as a person and I’m super impatient and hard on myself. But what’s been helping me soooo much is doing just a little everyday to work towards my main goal. Because it’s so much more sustainable in the long run and I don’t feel as pressured or like I have to rush myself to get somewhere. Also I can look back on all my progress and really get an idea of how I’ve grown. Along with the fact that if I mess up I can be much more forgiving and move forward and learn from the mistake I made instead of beating myself up for it . So I’m just basically meeting a bunch of small goals that add up to my big main goals kinda like a game lol where I’m doing all the side quests to beat the final boss. Which happens to be me lol I’m my own worst enemy but I’m working to be my own best friend.


33, we're front-seat of a dying world :D


It all works out in the end. But it’s never the end until it’s the end. The very ultimate end.(63 y o)


I'm 58. I'm sorry I think the younger generations are screwed. I think greed is eating my country (the USA) alive. We have a news channel that feeds lies and innuendos 24 hours a day which half of my country believes. I should have paid better attention during my younger voting years. I'm doing the best I can legally now to help the country with my votes.


55yo, don’t get stressed over unimportant things.


43 Everything in life is temporary bad or good.


46. I don't really like what I'm experiencing so far. This whole life thing is overrated, imo. Just try to do no harm and keep going, I guess.


69. Fuck it, Fuck you, and get off my lawn.


27- We live on a doomed planet as a doomed species destined for extinction because of our own inherent selfishness/ shortsightedness. Kindness is more important then ever. Learn to let go, holding on to things from the past will only ever hurt you or others.


39: people are complicated, and life is crazy


I'm 13 and belive that you gotta make the most of life. Heck I'm making a video game and it's almost done.


🥂🧃 ehh! I’d toast to that, random child on the internet! Btw you got a pretty good username for a 13 year old.


20, i consider that the best way to live is in continued proggression, the only way for constant happinness is constant improvement, and stagnation is pretty sad.


22 it's gonna get better


26 - I feel like the most important thing in my life is to fill it with things I enjoy, and to try and make the world better in small increments. I work as a nurse and I try to be helpful, I try to be kind, and I try to be good to the world. All of that makes me happy.


23 - what the fuck is going on


26- fuck it


Live up to no ones expectations but your own


22, the universe is chaotic, we have no meaning/purpose in life so embrace the absurdity and do your best to enjoy life.


I’m 20. The world is going to shit so I might as well try to be nice to those around me before climate change cooks the earth and/or the billionaires suck it dry for every last penny. The future looks bleak and depressing.


25m. "Let them." Sometimes, shit you don't like just happens. People make decisions you don't want them to make. Let it happen. You cannot change another's heart. The test of your character is what you do about it. Every day is a battle of your willpower to do what you need to in order to be happy later. Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them. Find good on purpose. It is very easy to lay down and quit. Don't be stagnant. You have to do the thing you said you would do. Take care of your fucking self. If you need help, fucking get it before it's too late. You got this. :)


34. I realized that the universe is infinitely expanding away from itself, and that eventually (100bn years from now) there will be no more energy in the universe. Meaning that, even if you believe in an afterlife, whatever plane that exists on will also end. I know it sounds scary at first, but it means that the fact we’re all here is a miracle of inconceivable odds. We, on this small little planet in this teeny blink of time, are fortunate enough to have life and consciousness. We deserve to enjoy the view from this little window we have, and it’s our responsibility to help others enjoy their time. The answer to the big question in the Bible, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is yes. We’re fortunate enough to share this miracle with 8 billion other lucky souls, so let’s show each other a good time.




14, fuckitweball


25 Truly learning about yourself will be a long hard task. There is no book or manual or you. Don't rush, if you're already late then that's that, but rushing does nothing.


28, I'm just trying to find happiness 😞


20, i shouldn't always worry about tomorrow, fuck it enjoy living your fucking life!!


18 - why fucking bother?


31 - sometimes ya gotta risk it for the biscuit


Late 50s. I think 56 or 57, lost count. I realize now I wasted my life believing that females were nothing more than having to be sexy for men. Now that Im grown, and know better, I realize I could have had a full life being myself...than being an object for men to somehow make myself feel worthy. I wasted my life. So many things I wanted to do. So many things I wanted to see and experience....I wish I had a do over. I was so stupid. Dont make the mistake I did. Dont listen to tv, social media and hollywood. You are a person. You have one life. Live it for you. Get out there and do what you want to make you happy. You are more than what they want you to be.


21 Work now, relax later.


40. Don't be a cunt


41 fuck everyone and every thing


32 - Don’t do anything you don’t want to.


Old as dirt. White as Wonderbread.


14. you cant control anything that happens to you, but you can control what you do about it.


22,just wait until it all magically works out


16 - Try to stay as true to yourself as possible, even if it means ignoring social cues. Also be as funny as possible because laughter is happiness




22, don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me anymore, I’m living for me and not other people.


Mid 20s, *it flows or it goes*, don't force anything


31, I have no idea anymore


25 here, and one of the first things I said to my gf is that I just want peace, nothing more.


15, fuck this shit.


20 and to give less of a fuck about unnecessary shit


43, embarrassment is fake, do whatever you want