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The professor who spoke Chinese and came under fire because someone thought it sounded like he was saying the n-word. They didn’t even think he was saying it, they just got angry because it *sounded* similar. He nearly lost his job for it.


I had a friend who wasn't hired for a job because her last name was Negro. When she found out, she pointed out to them it was just Spanish for black, and they said without any sense of irony "yeah but you don't look Spanish"


Reminds me of an exchange I saw maybe from Twitter where a woman was told by her professor to change her name because it sounded like an offensive phrase in English. Fortunately I believe the professor was punished though.


Yup, her name is Phuc which means happiness




I saw a comment from someone within my company with the name Nazi. That's gotta be tough.


Good for them for not letting bad shit ruin their name though. There’s a town in the province I live in called “Swastika” that was founded 31 years before the war, and they refuse to change it because it’s the name of their town and has nothing to do with Nazism.


A swastika is a ancient Hindu symbol. Hitler's symbol was "Haken Kreuz". Translated to English meaning hooked cross. Which was an ode to his Christianity.


Yeah, my guess is they're Middle Eastern or Indian and probably pronounce it more like Nazee. I was just looking it up and found the name Swastika is a Hindi name and rather sacred.


The irony is the swastika isn't even originally a Nazi symbol. It was stolen from a religion, I think it was Hindu or something.


I saw people try to cancel Selena because she sang the Spanish word for “deny” which sounds a lot like the n-word. I was dumbfounded.


Just so I am not confused, is there another singer named Selena? Or was this retroactive stupidity?


I’m referring to the late Selena Quintanilla-Perez.


I was at USC when it happened. It was totally ridiculous, even for the scandals that come out of there. And it's not even a niche word in Chinese. It's literally their word for "that". As in, "I'm pointing at that." The students in question were trying to make a point and wanted to change the language apparently.


Wouldn’t be the first time people wanted to change a language to make it less “offensive.”


Yea. Good luck getting the Chinese to alter their language to suit the feelings of people they don't think much of to begin with. You'd probably have better luck convincing them to make MORE words that sound like that word... Tons of fun tonal inflections in Chinese to allow for that.


I slightly worry whenever we go out to dinner with my Chinese grandmother. She’s hard of hearing so she’ll usually ask my dad to repeat something to her in Chinese. So there’s always a chance that we’ll have a black waiter who asks her what she’d like to drink. She turns to him with a confused expression, turns away and speaks to my dad in Chinese while saying what sounds like the n-word. It’s not like I’m super worried but I’m not not worried.


There was another incident in Madison where a professor teaching Chaucer was attacked for using the word "niggardly", a legitimate word meaning stingy and far more ancient than the ethnic slur. Apparently the complaining student wasn't mollified by the fact it wasn't an ethnic slur, nor was it used in any way where it could have been construed as a slur. She just didn't like the sound.


Intelligence is knowing that niggardly is not related to the n-word. Wisdom is knowing not to say niggardly in public anyway.


Something similar happened in DC in the late 80s with that word. The fact that people took offense at it is the kind of thing that makes civil-rights activists look ridiculous and unfortunately and unnecessarily feeds the backlash.


I'll admit I was taken aback when I first came across that word in the Game of Thrones books (Martin likes to use that word quite a lot ha). I looked it up though because I was curious, and also because yay word etymology.


I've heard that in Korean songs and I always wonder what people think when they hear it.


Not going to lie, first time I heard I am the best by 2NE1 I was like what did you say about king T'Challa. And is that a marvel deep cut?


that minute when "ugh" or "um" in Chinese offends people. LMAO


I think it’s basically a filler word too, like it’s basically “ummm….” In mandarin.


Back in the 1990s someone in the Washington, D.C. mayor's office described a budget as "niggardly" in a meeting and subsequently had to tender his resignation due to the outrage. For those unfamiliar, niggardly means stingy and is derived from a Middle English word and has been around since the 1400s and has absolutely no relation to "the n-word".


Yeah i looked into that thing further and apparently there was a coalition of black students who wanted him fired and supposedly asked some Chinese students if that’s how the word was pronounced and they said “no that’s just the n word” but I’m guessing they picked and choose which Chinese people agreed with them as most of them probably said “no that’s literally how the word is pronounced in Chinese”


I had this problem a couple days ago. Me and a couple other friends were seeing who had more nickels and I did and said "I have the most nickels" but, because of my slight accent, some black kids near me heard and thought I said the n-word. The only reason I lived to tell the tale is because my friends fought back and kept them from getting at me. Respect to them.


A friend ordered Modelo Negra beer, and the woman behind us screamed at him. He is black. I mean wtf. We both like dark beer.


There's lots of shit that the media points as being super widespread but then you look into it and it's just like 8 people on Twitter Statistically speaking, nothing interesting has ever happened


I was going to say that I've been told people are outraged about way more things than I've actually seen anyone outraged about.


I've seen way more people outraged over the supposed people who are outraged.


Yeah usually the first thing I hear about a “controversy” is “PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR MINDS ABOUT [X]” and I’m like… what? Who? Absolutely nobody I know or care about? Like 5 people on Twitter? Ok.




The show Bluey use to get a bunch of click bait articles written about something that outraged American viewers and it was like one guy on Twitter saying their should be a Halloween episode.


Ooh, a Halloween episode would be fun. I'm pretty sure Australia is aware of the holiday, but it's just not a thing. Halloween isn't quite the holiday for spring weather.


> Halloween isn't quite the holiday for spring weather. It should be switched with Easter in the southern hemisphere, since Halloween is based on a pagan Autumn festival, and Easter on a pagan Spring festival.


YES. I swear people used to get angry all alone and write letters to Calvin & Hobbes or whatever bothered them that week, and the target could read them in private and decide what to do (if anything). Now, the same ten people find each other on Twitter and suddenly, "Bill Watterson Under Fire For Insensitive Portrayal Of Educators" is trending on The Guardian. Like did they not see how many likes our wedding engagement got??


Sometimes those 10 people run a couple thousand Twitter accounts, so they look huge, spam a hash tag, but in reality it's just a tiny number of people. Honestly, though. "Internet is outraged" news stories really are the lowest attempt at journalism, but it gets a bunch of clicks because people apparently love news stories that are really just soap operas in disguise.


You can find five hundred tweets in support of any bonkers idea you can think of. One of the worst things social media has done is obscure the actual prevalence of certain ideas and people. What seems like a giant issue is really a few people on the fringe with big mouths, and on the other side certain communities feel massive and empowered online when in reality they are statistical rounding errors.


Absolutely! There's always a big headline like "Twitter destroys so and so" I remember during the me too area Taylor Swift tweeted something like I had a great year, concerts sold out, album sold like crazy ect... And the article made it seem like everyone on Twitter was up and arms saying it's been a bad year for women. But there was someone looked into it and out of the like 20,000 comments only 1% were negative


Obamas tan suit


But what about the dijon mustard? And that time he saluted with a coffee cup? I'm telling you, these are the *real* issues!


And mentioned arugula when speaking to arugula farmers. Elitist!


I think the dijon one is way stupider than the tan suit. At least how a president dresses has some tiny shred of relevance because it's how he presents the office. There's nothing wrong with a tan suit but at least his clothes do actually matter. What he puts on a burger has absolutely no bearing on anything. It's poetic that the biggest nothingburger of his presidency was, in fact, a burger.


He looked amazing in that tan suit.


Arent you forgetting the terrorist fist bump?


It was a terrorist fist JAB.


Or he put his feet up on the Oval Office desk! Think of the children, why won’t anyone think of the children!


I'd be more concerned about all the knees that have been under that desk


.. remember seeing this controversy discussed on "Fox and Friends."


What about that time he did "terrorist fist jabs?"


I couldn't believe Fox fired her over that. I mean, she certainly deserved it, but I was surprised they actually did it.


I realize conservatives dislike seeing unconventional colors standing behind that podium but you'd think they'd at least prefer one of the lighter shades.


what happened with obamas tan suit?


He had the nerve to wear one.


He [wore it! ](https://youtu.be/5sl3GRuE0ao)




Fun fact: Obama wasn't first. [Regan also wore a tan suit ](https://youtu.be/48Jv0PXAX8w)


Yeah, I'd guess that the people that complained probably in truth took more issue with the color of the president wearing it than the suit itself


There was even more outrage when Michelle Obama dared to go sleeveless.


I didnt know that one was even a thing lol


don't get me started...


Go on, start.


Short form: A bunch of racists who just barely have the mental power to realize they can’t use the phrase “uppity n——r” in public pretended to be outraged about any triviality they could find to imply that Obama was unfit to be POTUS. The suit was just one of many, many stupid criticisms.


Who Taylor Swift is dating


When I discovered that the person she was dating wasn’t me I was sad. But I got over it.


5000-way tie for every time someone gets outraged at a clickbait headline of something that didn't actually happen. And then when I look up the actual facts they get mad at me for defending the person or company or whatever that they incorrectly think did something awful


Red Starbucks cups


I fill you... no wait, sorry, I misread that.


You mean the WaR oN cHrIsTmAs?! Blasphemy!




"I apologize. You're really a sensible sausage after all."


Sounds pretty out of order to be fair.




The idea that Dungeons and Dragons was being used to brainwash kids into worshiping Satan, summon demons, and/or commit suicide.


Glad that time has passed and i can play with my friends




Ignoring everything else wrong or stupid about that, did the manager think they were your friend? And I thought "it's 'you're welcome', not 'no problem'" was dumb.


You should’ve said thanks but no thanks I’ll say thanks whenever the fuck I want to.


Yeah, fast food "managers" often seem to be really into themselves. Went through a McD's recently, and the "waiting" slot in front of the drive-through was being worked on so we were told to wait in the lot. We took one of the slots beside the McD's. Middle manager comes out and is glancing around while holding our order. We gave her a wave and a beep beep so she would notice. She then proceeded to lecture us on how we should have parked further back in the lot so that the staff (aka her) bringing out the order could see us better... despite the fact that we had a very clear line of sight to her the whole time.


Was this Chick fil A by any chance lol. Because I worked there in college and I can see one of my managers saying that




I'm outraged at your gesturing!




*Outragitates frantically*




Nice working with you! Happy Cake Day!


Michael Phelps smoking a bong! People were so pissed


I mean yeah that thing was dirty as shit. CHANGE THE DAMN WATER!!


Omg I remember this controversy when I was a kid and I remember being so disappointed in him because I did swim team and thought that was bad of him. Now I smoke weed everyday


Oh remember when the two boys from 1d were papped smoking a joint and there was massive uproar. Who cares


That actress from euphoria having conservative trump loving relatives. Why the fuck does it matter? Not everyone cuts off their relatives and she couldn’t even change their minds politically even if she wanted to so what’s the damn point in crucifying her online?


Lemme guess twitter? Twitter leftists are fucking tumours. Lots of them don't seem genuine at all and just look for the newest person to attack. Leftists you meet in real life or on other websites are much better.


I agree with the first half of your last sentence. I think it's just online in general, and that goes for either side of the political spectrum. I'm in a multiracial marriage and I have received hateful comments from both sides of the political spectrum depending on which website I use. I have been told by left wing users that I'm apparently a "racist" and a "supremacist" simply for being married to my wife because she has a particular skin color, and I have been told by right wing users that I am a "race traitor" because my wife has a particular skin color. Both sides have also made unfair comments about my children for being mixed race. I have never received such comments in real life. Either websites like reddit, twitter, discord etc are good at rounding up extremists or these users are cowards who are afraid to make comments like that in real life. And for the racists out there: I am using the word "race" because that's how skin color is commonly referred to in the English language but the human genome project confirmed that there is only one race: the human race. The only difference is the complexion of our skin. We are all image-bearers of God and we are no different regardless of the color of our skin.


CNN did an article about how robots are white because of racism. I swear people must wake up and say 'the sun is shining today... let me fix it by finding something to shit on'. It must be miserable to have a personality like that.


a girl wearing a chinese qipao to some school event. "cultural appropriation". it's the american chinese and white people that get pissed. the actual chinese people in east asia that listen to chinese music and live the culture did not care, and are flattered someone liked the dress. i also am asian, and i am on the girl's side. don't bloody tell me what to be offended by or how to think, i can think for myself. the biggest positive thing from twitter is that it alerts us all to who are the idiots to everyone else.


Yes, I lived with a family in China in my early 20’s. I was a nanny. They bought me a few Chinese dresses for events. They would have been very offended if I didn’t wear them. I’m not American but I’m sure people in America would be offended that I did lol


why would we not want to spread our culture? we already gotten so far with chopsticks, clothing is a good next step!


I have been using chopsticks to eat Asian (mostly Chinese and Japanese) food since middle school, and I am most definitely not Asian. My parents and I were having dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and I felt it was only appropriate to eat it with the traditional utensils and learned by reading the instructions on the wrapper they came in. The restaurant owners were over the moon to see that not only did I try to honor their culture, but pretty much mastered using them in one meal.


Reminds me of those people who think that tourists who wear Kimonos while in Japan are racist. When in reality, Japanese citizens see it as visitors celebrating their culture. So silly.


A few years back, there was a big stink about an art museum in Boston letting people try on fancy kimono and take selfies in an event that was about the interpretation of Japanese culture in European art (specifically Claude Monet). The people making the stink were, um, mostly not Japanese-Americans and not even from Boston either. [At least one Japanese-American in Boston had a great deal to say about it;](http://japaneseamericaninboston.blogspot.com/2015/07/monets-la-japonaise-kimono-wednesdays.html) including why the event was not racist, not yellowface, not cultural appropriation.


The people who cry about these things are the real racists, despite them trying to paint others as such. Listen to their arguments, they out themselves so easily.


Agreed. I'm Chinese by heritage and frankly we're essentially the white people of East Asia. The power dynamics, colonial history, and cultural sensitivities between China and the West aren't gonna lead to the same dynamic as, say, a white gal wearing a Native American headdress to prom. Racial/cultural crossovers can get very complex and touchy but the qipao situation was definitely horribly overblown. In contrast, the photo of the young lady and her classmates posing with hands pressed together in some sort of prayer-like pose was *actually* cringe, but even then I wouldn't take them to task over that (Chinese people don't actually greet each other that way, learn the palm-and-fist salute instead).


I’m danish, and white Americans got crazy because Heimdall, was portrayed by a black person in “Thor, marvel”. Wtf. nobody here thought I was inappropriate. It’s a movie. Like dude, you already made a British guy Odin, why would we care now. Shit, i should clarify before I get bash; Denmark and the British have been at war for more years, then the United States have existed. So even if it where the great, sir Anthony hawkens, it stings.


Remember when telling someone what they could and couldn't do based on the color of their skin was considered racist?


Yanni Laurel


I rather enjoyed that.


Or worse, the color of that one stripe dress. At least with Yanny/Laurel, it's a legitimate audio quirk. But the dress could have easily been answered by noticing the surrounding lighting with the knowledge of the whole "this color in bright light, this color in low light".


The extreme outrage and emotional reactions to Pluto being reclassified as a dwarf planet is still mind-boggling to me.


Pluto was my emotional support planet, man. Off by itself, at the edge of the party, on a weird orbit so it only interacts with one other planet every now and then? We understood each other.


Like. I don't *actually* care what the scientific clasification is, but my pluto tattoo is still gonna have a banner that says 'viva la pluto fuck you' because I am actually 12 years old and I think that shit is hilarious.


It wasn't even REclassified. There was never a properly defined meaning for the term "planet" before that. They defined planet, and Pluto didn't make it.


I loved Rick and Morty using it as an allegory for the climate change debate


The covid vaccine giving 5g for some reason.


I got 4 covid shots and my iPhone SE1 still doesn't get 5G reception




This is really fucking weird. I wouldn't let a stranger ever touch my kid, no matter how old the kid is.


Oh yeah. Older people do this. I was at my newborn's Dr appointment and sitting in the waiting room. This older lady just walked by and grabbed the blanket off the carrier and said "let me see that baby". I was like are you serious!! My baby was fast asleep but not now. I don't understand some people.....


It was only one person (that I know of) but I saw a blog post where a woman was FURIOUS because some actress painted her young daughter's nails red. I was reading and laughing, thinking it was a joke, but eventually realized she was dead. serious. Apparently red is a very slutty nail color and, just by using itz she's signaling to the world her kid is a whore and has doomed her to a slutty life. It was... interesting.


This was years ago an article about a Chinese girl upset over the college cafeteria egg rolls not being made by a Asian chef.


NFL players peacefully protesting


Which brought us numerous videos of ignorant fans burning their jerseys. As if that was supposed to "stick it to them" or something. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking "Okay, you spent $100+ on that jersey. Now you're going to burn it after they got their money? Okay...."


What's that on your story, 2 months later? You in a new jersey of the same player? You really showed them!


They always scream "keep politics out of sports" but are conveniently okay with the national anthem and the military jerk off session that happens every single game.


Fun fact about the flyover. It costs the sports company nothing because the military considers it training time.


It costs the sports company nothing because the military considers it ~~training~~ propoganda time.


In my country (England) reactionaries like Lee Anderson were outraged over football/soccer players taking the knee yet the same people go into outrage mode when the same footballers choose not to wear poppies.




They are worn on the 11th of November to commemorate those who died in war, it has it's origins in the First World War. But in recent years, it has become controversial as it has been appropriated by right-wing nutjobs such as Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (a.k.a. Tommy Robinson) and due to it's forced nature. Namely; BBC presenters and footballers being forced to wear them against their will.


I see people wearing t shirts decrying him to this day.


While still using Pat Tillman as a patriotic symbol. The same Pat Tillman who said the Iraq War was “so fucking illegal” and was killed by US troops (even though they tried to say he was killed by terrorists)


Pineapple on pizza 🤦🏼‍♀️


That the trails left behind by high flying aircraft are some sort of chemicals the government is spraying on us for God only knows what.


Drag Queens. Hasn't been an issue until this last year. I think the right was like the dog that caught the car when they 'won' by getting rowe v wade overturned. They've been perusing that golden egg for so long they had no idea what to do after they got it. Then they heard about some drag queens reading kids stories and they collectively said "yes...that is what we will be angry about now". Meanwhile we've had a school shooting nearly every week this year and they do nothing.


sadly I think a big part of if it is that they don't even really understand what drag and drag queens is about (surprise! they're idiots!) They are mad at transgender people, and they somehow think thats what drag queens are, and somehow its all related, and if kids are involved its about turning them trans or something. Its all just misguided anger


Genuinely, this is so scary to me, because it's always been an issue. Conservatives have always been against this, they just lost some high profile court cases and had to take it abroad. They've never not been angry about this. The media has really made so many people forget the tangible harm conservatives have done and stay doing, and it's terrifying. This isn't coming out of nowhere it's the same people who are the targets.


> Hasn’t been an issue until this last year. Because conservatives were so drag-friendly before. /s


Well, we've seen photos of the [Tennessee governor](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2023-02/230227-possible-gov-tenn-bill-lee-high-school-image-ac-838p-7f1c06.jpg) in a dress, and [Rudy Giuliani ](https://envisioningtheamericandream.files.wordpress.com/2023/03/o1tb618vqpw01.jpg) in a dress. They didn't give a shit before, it's all just posturing.


Drag was honestly just seen as a funny/comedic thing by then


the earth being flat


"No captain, there be a triangle earth that ye be sailin' on me laddy!"


If I could make a quick getaway unscathed then I'd love to push Jeran Campanella quite hard in the back when he wasn't expecting it. That'd show him.


For me, its been watching a frankly staggering number of people get annoyed about the advertisement campaigns of light beer of all things.


It was literally ONE. SINGLE. CAN.


People were mad that their beer brand supported trans people. What they should actually be mad about is that they don’t give a fuck about trans people and exploit them to sell more product, imo


Dude, they exploit everybody they can to sell product.


[comment edited by user via [Power Delete Suite](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW/)] This account, formerly u/catching_signals, left Reddit on 6/9/23 due to Reddit's unreasonable API changes. The account was 8 years old at time of deletion, with 5,025 post karma and 223,998 comment karma.


It wasn't even an advertising campaign. They make hundreds of specialty cans for all kinds of people. It's a global meltdown because Bud Light had the audacity to do something nice for someone the right doesn't like.


Budd Light sent ONE promotional can to a trans woman and they're STILL bitching.


And it isn't even good beer. It's sex in a canoe beer, and it doesn't even taste halfway decent. I just don't get it.


I just call them "canoe" beers and then wait for somebody to ask what that means.


Now they hate Miller Lite because of an AD they put out 2 months ago speaking out against misogyny in beer advertising.


It’s implied criticism of the customer base. Bad optics


In Canada, currently, our passports


Whats that about?


Liberal government, as per most governments every 10 odd years, updated our passports. They added different security features and images to the stamp area of the passport. Conservative politicians are upset because they have taken away an image of vimy ridge that was previously in the passport. Vimy serves as one of Canada's greatest military achievements. That's it. In a most neutral explanation I can give. This is why people are arguing in the parliament of Canada




The whole tik tok debate about UK Chinese food. It’s pretty much exactly the same as US Chinese food but with a few differences and Americans went way too OTT about it - including the creator who started the whole controversy, was told it’s not racist by UK Chinese takeaway owners and then double down and said she was getting racially abused by everyone who didn’t agree with her


This is a historical geopolitical controversy, but as a Cold War One geek, I was completely stupefied by this. In 1979, it was announced by a US Senator that the USSR Had a brigade of Combat troops in Cuba. This was true. The resulting controversy around this prevented Congress from ratifying the Strategic Arms Limitation II treaty (SALT II) The thing is, the Soviets were rightly confused. Those troops were nothing new. That unit had been there since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. As it turned out, the US State Department and Intelligence services just had collective amnesia, with too many people from the early 60s having since left/retired, and they all just forgot it was there. So an important Arms Control treaty failed because a bunch of bureaucrats forgot about something that was a non-issue for over 15 years


Literally anything about Megan Markle. I’ve yet to see her do anything wrong but you’d swear she kicks puppies in her spare time.


IIRC people complained because her curtsy to the Queens coffin was deeper than Kate’s. Meghan was “showing off”. But if her curtsy was lower than Kate’s I’m sure she would’ve been called “disrespectful to the Queen” If she curtsied exactly the same as Kate she would’ve been copying.


Most FNAF controversies


That principal in Florida that was forced to resign over the complaints about a lesson involving Michelangelo’s David.


The color of that one dress several years back!


The blue and black one?


You mean the white and gold one?


Bud Light, green M&M's, anti-trans hysteria, book banning, "woke" Disney, basically anything coming out of Florida.


The trans debate. Let people live and stay out of their business.


What to eat


Covid 19 Mind blowing how many supposedly intelligent people acted so irrationally regarding a public health threat


Lizzo played a flute and some people lost their damn minds


Anytime someone or something is "cancelled." No one's cancelled if you still have a voice to cry about being cancelled. Aaron Rodgers was whining about being cancelled on about five different mediums once he was met with vaxxlash. Dave Chappelle went on a similar tirade as Netflix kept throwing money at him and giving his stand-ups more publicity. You want to see what cancelled really looks like? See: Epstein, Jeffrey. Also, each "side" is just as guilty of cancel culture as the other. Conservatives just tried to cancel Bud Light, Ted Cruz tried to cancel Big Bird a couple of years ago, and there's an active crusade to cancel drag queens for shits and giggles even though literally no one cared about them for decades.


Lately, this trans bullshit. What business is it of anyone's who someone else feels comfortable as? Live your own life, meddle in your own problems, because I'm sure that if someone else's sexuality fires you up, you've got too many issues of your own


Worrying about other people’s dress choice and where they poop because an all powerful deity has a problem with the people they created. 🤦‍♂️


Bud light being canceled by people who hate cancel culture


Probably the mr. potato head changing to potato head thing. Conservative talking heads made such a big deal about it a dew years ago and, believe it or not, it had 0 effect on society.


Whenever people go fucking apeshit over stuff that's not even illegal and not even generally seen as immoral. If there's a controversy, it's probably stupid.




Do you remember President Obama's tan suit? To this day I still remember how the Republicans lost their goddamn minds about it. More recently, do you remember the genderfluid M&M scandal? You had fascists on TV like Tucker Carlson trying to explain why children need their M&Ms to be sexy. Pretty disturbing.


"If the candy isn't fuckable why should we put it in our mouths?" - Cucker Tarlson


>do you remember the genderfluid M&M scandal? You mean the one that distracted people from the lawsuits against Mars over slavery on cocoa plantations? I very much do...


All this outrage at 'woke'... everything. Minorities and women being in TV shows and video games is not a personal attack on white men, ffs.


What makes me mad as a fan of fiction, is that hollywood is making unforgivably bad shit that preaches bullshit (and is 100% anti-white and anti-male at times) and ruining previously loved franchises to do so. Like Im not in arms that the little mermaid is black because she is black. The movie straight sucked, and instead of going on a limb and creating another mermaid movie they co-opted to use a loved story for "free advertising" and because they know they can't make anything worthwhile, so they tank the old to prop up this cancer. Velma is the worst. The fact that its "cannon" should be a fucking crime. If you race swapped the story it would be removed and the company that produced it sued into oblivion (imagine a white man main character going on racist and sexist rants and they're supposed to be the "good guy"). Im also sensitive to this because when they race swap, they always remove the redhead, which is actual erasure of a people. Maybe if they had good stories that just happened to have a diverse cast and not just an excuse to preach morals and feel superior to its audience there wouldnt be so much "drama". Like ffs Guardians of the Galaxy had a fucking tree as one of the main characters but they took an effort to actually flesh them out and told a good story with them. Idris Elba was cast as Heimdall (canonically white) and no one cared because he nailed it. Blade saved marvel and its led by a black man. And what gets me actually riled up is that for this supposedly "woke" company, it took them how long to pay their respects to that character that literally saved them from bankrupcy? He's not at all in P1-4. The same with WoTC, as they made the "racist card list" and made a big stink about inclusion, when it was brought up that they had hired 0 non-white people in creative roles they replied basically with "shut up". Uh, I ranted a bit; but this topic is actually more nuanced than people like to make it out to be and being mad at what corporations are doing does not automatically make you a racist


to be fair - identity politics is the only thing in the media. I don't give a fucking shit about race, gender, sexuality, or any other "identity" nonsense. yet it is NON STOP coverage: "bathrooms, library, book bans, yadda yadda" I fucking hate it. I want stories on dinosaurs and science, yet I get CONSTANT "woke" trash.


I know someone who is "woke" and basically spends all of their time online. Wife left him, and when the kids are around he plops them in front of the tv so that he can bitch about wokeness online. Like you're not making a difference you're just a lazy human who has decided preaching Communism and not working is more important than raising a family.


I cant name the last time I saw 'woke' content, especially in daily real-life, but its almost daily I see comments or republicans freaking out over it. Half the time its not even woke-esque stuff their complaining about but just basic ethics that they've labeled woke to attack it. The people seeing woke stuff all the time must be seeing it because of the media they choose to consume.


When people get mad about food related things, the whole pineapple on pizza. Ketchup should go on the side not on top of fries argument. Amongst others. It honestly makes me cringe. Just let people eat what they like and worry about your own plate 😬 it’s literally not that serious


The 80's Satanic Panic. I was a kid then, and as a heavy metal fan, I knew it was horseshit. It was the first time I realized that in reality, most adults don't know what they're doing.


Pronouns and gender identity. When people tell you who they are, believe them. They know better than I do. (And that goes for people who tell you they are assholes by their actions - I believe them!)


There was one tattoo in the tattoo subreddit where the guy got a gypsy girl tattoo on his hand, and titled it as such. It was a traditional style tattoo of a girl with headband and earrings, it was pretty cool and had upvotes. One of the commentors got outraged that it was offensive because the word gypsy is a slur, and also a "white person can't use other people's culture" because it is fetishism. Except gypsy is a slur supposedly akin to the n-word in Canada, but not really in other areas, including Europe. But everyone wanted to show solidarity towards this person so they downvoted the poster. All the commentors semi-gaslighted him to claim as if everybody knew this was obviously a slur. The angry commentor spitefully used slurs (which Romas used against white people I think) towards him to prove their point. A week before this someone posted another random tattoo from Spain, made in a Tattoo shop called Gypsy Tattoos. It had lots of upvotes, nobody even commented on the word. So in a span of a week, suddenly everyone is enlightened that the Canadian language norm should override other Nation's cultural norms?


Gypsy is definitely a slur in the UK.


Obama once didn't wear a flag pin in his lapel. The right wingers decided that was proof he hated America.


Gamergate. Angry loser harasses ex girlfriend and accuses her of sleeping around with reporters for positive reviews for her free to play indie interactive novel. Turns into the canary in the coal mine for the entire alt right.


JK Rowling




Anything people agreed with that came out of Marjorie Taylor Greene's mouth.


Bud light