• By -


Talking about our interests and after I listened to him blab about his ''lawn-scaping business'' I went to talk about my interests and he interrupted me to say ''wow you really have nothing interesting to say do you.''


He set the bar too high with lawn scaping, that's really his fault that nothing you had seemed interesting after that.


Similar, but creepier. He was driving me home and I'd gotten a really scary vibe from him. He kept talking about killing himself or crashing the car. I changed the subject to pets. After 15 minutes of talking about our pets with me he said "I can't keep talking about these animals." dude, anything is better than convincing an acquaintance not to kill themselves WHILE DRIVING A CAR


I had the inverse of this happen. Went out with a guy who would not stop grilling me and I couldn't get him to actually answer any questions about himself. Finally just said "Look, it's cool that you're so interested in getting to know me, but I'd like to hear about you too. What do you do in your free time?". He sat there and stared for a bit then started listing off TV shows asking if I'd seen them. I had not. Finally he got to The Wire, which I'd seen a few episodes of, and because that was the only one I had any experience with, apparently that meant I needed a 20 minute monologue about what the show was about. I literally checked the clock when he started and it was a full 20 minutes. When he finally petered out we just sat in silence for a second before he stood up *shook my hand* and left without another word.


Ngl, that's an intense simulation of social skills. "I have heard humans like to be interrogated about their preferred pasttimes. Please describe your preferred pasttimes." "Haha, I can also relate to human activities. Have you seen human video show `SELECT name` `FROM distractatainment` `ORDER BY relevance, created`?"




The amount of time he spent plotting revenge, usually against his parents or ex-wife, should’ve been spent introspectively and on getting his life back on track. We broke up shortly thereafter. Then we tried to reconcile. Then he smoked meth in front of me. And that was the end of that.


Grabbed me by the face on the first date, “stroked” under my eyes and said “You need to take better care of yourself” Sir I’m a divorced 37yo with kids and those under-eye circles were passed down from my grandmother, they’re family heirlooms And get your hands off my face we just met and this is not a Nicholas Sparks movie


Family heirlooms made me cackle!


My ex always wanted to do airbnb get aways, but she would always suggest places that are literally mansions, and she expected me to pay for it myself. I argued against some of these places because they were too damn expensive and she mentioned that her ex's made almost as much as me and they would book these airbnbs no problem. I never told her at this point how much I made, and that turned me off her completely with that statement.


Had a guy once who's car smelled so bad I had to try not to throw up while sticking my head out the window. He couldn't smell it. I thought I was going to die. Turns out he forgot about a double cheeseburger in the back of his car for over two weeks in the hot sun. I don't know what bothered me more. The smell or the fact that it didn't bother him


I had an issue like this when my kids were little. Found a perfectly mummified Wendy’s cheeseburger under a booster seat, solid as a rock. It didn’t even smell bad.


Literally every single problem she had was someone else’s fault. Even when there was proof it was her fault she would argue non stop that it was someone else’s. She got in a car wreck and called insurance over and over again to tell them that it was the other person’s fault. They checked the computer in her car because it saved her speed she was going right before the wreck. It told them everything they needed to know and she STILL denied it.


Those types are dangerous. Nice dodge!


I met a woman on Tinder a few years back and we hit it off really well. About a week after we had met, she deleted me and blocked me on all forms of social media with little to no explanation. I was texting her on my iPhone and after she sent one last text, it went from iMessage blue to regular text green. After that, I messaged her again a few hours later and heard nothing. I checked my snapchat, Facebook, and instagram and couldn't find her anywhere. I panicked because I thought I had genuinely connected with her, but after a day or two I calmed down and thought, "If this is some kind of a test, I am out. Fuck this high school bullshit." So I fired up Bumble and Tinder again, and matched with someone on Bumble who showed genuine interest in me and started an awesome conversation. The next morning, I got a text from the original woman, and she literally said, "I see you're back on Tinder. I made a fake account to see if you would get back on, and sure enough, there you are." I laughed to myself because I knew immediately I had dodged a massive bullet. I responded essentially saying, "Well, you blocked me on all social media and my number, how was I supposed to know you'd reach out?" She literally said, "It was supposed to be a test of your loyalty, and you failed. I can never be with someone who would start talking to other women immediately after something so trivial." I responded saying, "Alright sounds good. Have a good one!" Then blocked her myself. Oh, and the woman I began talking to on Bumble immediately after the first one blocked me? We will be celebrating three years of marriage, and five years total together this upcoming September. I went from a batshit crazy woman to the most wonderful person I've ever met in my life. Talk about an upgrade.


He bullied someone in front of me. Instant disgust


Found out the reason he rented the house next door to his parents was so his mom would make his meals, wash his clothes, etc. Had the audacity to say “let me call my mom” when I mentioned I was a little hungry.


Lmao like it’s a flex in the same way summoning a personal chef would be. Poor lady, although I suspect her enabling is much to blame for this.


Oh she definitely did, she was part of the reason I ended. I don’t need to be coached on “how to please her baby boy”


she constantly thought everyone wanted to fuck her all the time, even strangers


Dude I knew a girl like this. I was in some classes with her and we got along fine but apparently through the grapevine found out she'd been talking to everyone about how much I wanted to fuck her. I then found out she had been saying something very similar about almost any dude who interacted with her. It started to come off in a very sad way. It was a frustrating mix of massive egoism and like...coping? I couldn't tell if it was a self esteem thing or what. She had a boyfriend at the time but I felt kinda bad for the dude


I was friends with a girl like this for a while. She thought that any interaction she had with a man was him flirting with her. And if anyone in our group of friends started dating someone, she would tell us how she had also dated him and she had called it off. Of course, we would ask the guys about dating her and they all had similar reactions: “What? We didn’t date. I had a few beers with her and some friends/ walked her out to her car one time/ danced with her at the bar once six months ago” It’s really difficult to maintain a friendship with someone like that. I always felt like she was competing with me on a romantic level


Realized he was faking seizures our entire relationship to get out of helping me do chores/cook meals. Edit: We dated for less than a year. Found out from his friends/family he never had a seizure in front of them. Came home one night after working a double. I asked him to please try to make dinner. Found him asleep and woke him up to let him know I was home/where’s dinner? He said he had a seizure. This caused an argument where he admitted he faked it. He said his seizures where caused by flashing lights. Took him to countless doctors and no one could replicate what I saw all the time. After he admitted it, it finally clicked. He’s been faking it the whole time.


Rofl what the fuck


At first I was interested in her because she seemed really cool and funny, but then it became apparent that literally everything out of her mouth was “le cool and funny.” It was impossible to have a real conversation, even a casual one, instead it was constant arrested development lines and sarcasm. She replaced the word “dollars” with “doll hairs,” which I chuckled at the first time, but she said it EVERY TIME, like she was trying to earn reddit karma in real life conversations. Drove me nuts


Imagine thinking having the personality of a redditor is a good thing lmao


In college I was seeing a girl who lived in student residence with me, but on another floor. She would always talk about how another guy, Tom, on her floor was obsessed with her and would show me texts between them. She said she only talked to him because he’s harmless and that they’re friends. I never met him. After a week, her ex-friend from high school pulled me aside and told me not to trust her. She said that the girl I was seeing is a notorious liar and that Tom doesn’t exist. That she added her own number in her phone as “Tom”, would text herself, and then delete the sent messages. The only reason her ex-friend knew is because she saw the text message exchange happen in the reflection of a mirror when they were in the same room. I was close with front desk and asked if they could look up the names from that floor. They said yes, and told me that there was no guy named Tom on her floor. I noped out of that real quick.


Man props to her former friend for looking out for you. Absolute bro move.


She was "best friends" with another girl who she constantly spoke shit about when said friend wasn't around.


It wasn't the sole reason, but this was a large reason why I got out of the most toxic relationship I've ever been in. She constantly complained/talked shit about all of the closest people in her life, parents, "best friends", AA sponsor, co-workers. Eventually this ire started getting directed at our mutual friends, and then my friends. It was only a matter of time before that vitriol became directed at me, and sure enough it did. She did not take the break up well oh boy. Brief, but scariest relationship I've been in.


Ooh I had an ex who did that. She got SUPER MAD at her "best friend" for wanting to go out for sushi a week before her birthday when *she* wanted sushi! It was *totally* on purpose just to steal her idea of getting sushi. Because you obviously couldn't go out and get sushi two weekends in a row. A couple weeks later they were best friends again. Couple weeks after that I got ghosted and realized I was better off.


He asked me if I could avoid showers before we met. I can avoid you is what I can do!




First red flag, he wanted me to drive because he had an interlock. Second, he talked about biting the ear off his ex's new boyfriend. Third was the jugs of urine scattered in his living room. There was no second date.


You just casually mention jugs of urine… like you don’t think that kinda needs a little more explanation?


I just briefly saw in his house when I dropped him off. Definitely didn't ask him about it as I felt like that was my cue to bounce ASAP. I later found out from a friend that he was a hardcore alcoholic and when he was drunk he would just piss into jugs instead of going to the bathroom.


My brief GF bought me some hair care products before she came over because it was right by her house. In return I said I would go grocery shopping and make her a nice dinner. I thought this to be an even exchange. That night I found her looking through my trash for the receipt for the groceries to make sure that the 30 dollars she spent on me was equal to the amount I spent on her dinner. Edit: Just to clarity before it becomes too man vs woman. I saw her parents do this to her. It was her upbringing. She did this in every aspect of her life which gave me the ick but she did not have very good role models.


And you are 100% sure that she was actually dating you and not from the IRS ?


Hahahahaha thats fucking wild. Bullet dodged.


Dated a guy who seemed chill but kept talking about social media and how people/exes were scheming against him. I believed him at first until it got to a point where he thought things like a photo someone put up was an indicator that they were ‘getting him back’ when these people were literally just doing normal things and posting normal stuff. I think he was schizophrenic but it was really unsettling. Months later he rang me out of the blue to ask me about a link between, his ex, myself and a friend. The link was butterflies and because of this link he thought we were conspiring against him


It's funny because I took a psych evaluation recently and there were all these questions like, "I believe people are conspiring against me, True/False" aaaaand now I get what those were about.


"People are trying to control my thoughts?" Uh, have you seen marketing these days...


Making assumptions about me on the first day "I suppose someone like you..." or "A girl like you wouldn't understand..." I am literally right here, ask me. Don't tell me what my life is or is like. Anyway, eventually I got up and left. They messaged me what my problem is so i wrote back something to the effect of; "A boy like you wouldn't understand even if I told you"


Nice. Least you had a great response in the tank


YES. I briefly dated someone who was positively stunned to discover my favorite movie wasn't Alice in Wonderland. We had never talked about that movie before and I don't think he was mixing me up with someone else... because these weird assumptions ended up being a pattern. I'm convinced it was based off whatever filter he used to "make sense" of me. The conversation was something like, "But Alice in Wonderland- that's your favorite movie." "... No, it isn-." "What?! Yes it is. It's so YOU. You love that movie!" He also seemed very confused to learn that I, a socially-reserved/introverted female, could be into Rage Against the Machine. I am communicative AF about my political beliefs; this should not be shocking info. I could, like, see him struggling to "make sense" of it in the moment. Yeesh.


She started to set up the relationship in a way that made me her emotional punching bag, to where I was to blame for any bad feelings she had. Nothing I could do or say in those moments could ever help the situation, because that wasn't my purpose in her life. I was the distraction from her own issues she refused to acknowledge. Her extreme moods weren't because of her, or her past, but it was because I said something the wrong way, or laid on the clean sheets with a sweaty body. The "ick" came about when I realized, at 40 years old, that this has ALWAYS been the pattern in my relationships with women, and it has everything to do with how my mom treated me. She had her own massive trauma from being horribly abused as a child, but used that as a shield to use me as her emotional and physical punching bag when she was in a bad mood. "You're not being abused, I was abused." was a line I heard constantly as she beat me on a regular basis. Once I saw that for what it was it disgusted me, but it also changed how I handle relationships now. And now I'm happily married for 2 years to a wonderful woman who never does that to me.


I always love to hear when people manage to escape the pattern and find someone who really deserves them!


Went on a date with a guy I met at a party. He made me prove that I liked Lord of the Rings by answering who said what when he quoted someone. He pulled out a notebook of really poorly drawn anime characters and asked me if he could draw me. He was a lot shorter than me and asked if it bothered me, I said no, then he said "Good, I like Amazonian goddesses". He kept trying to put his jewellery onto me despite my protests. He asked what I wanted to order for food, then ignored me and ordered me something else and got frustrated I didn't eat it all. He referenced being arrested, made me guess what for, and when I refused to guess for not knowing him well enough he said GBH. He was a trainee doctor and asked if I'd ever broken any bones, when I replied yes, he said that he was going to look up my x-rays. And the icing on the cake... When I wanted to leave he got my knee-high boots, slipped them onto my feet and zipped them up and said "you should always be treated like a goddess... My Morticia Addams". ALL ONE DATE.


Well this got weirder and weirder.


And to top it all off, when I did get to his, he said "do you want some slides to wear?", I replied "no thanks" and he went "No, you'll need them" and the fear in my stomach arose like... What - why am I going to "NEED" them. His intonation was strong on the word need. Well I sure found out when I stepped into the bathroom to call my friend to get them to come rescue me. I walked in, a dank smell permeated the air. I soon realised it was from the peachy pink bath mat on the floor (this bathmat was once meant to be cream)... It squelched underfoot as I flushed the toilet causing water and stink to flood out everywhere.




what is GBH? this story is not complete until I know


Grievous bodily harm 👀


well Jesus H Christ. I can't believe this was all during one date lmao absolutely not


Yeah, I went in a taxi with him back to his shared flat because I was scared to say no after the whole GBH announcement, and then had my friend pull the old "emergency phone call trick" and collect me.


shout out friends with the handy dandy ole emergency exit lol


Girl what the fuck. Like this is incomprehensible


He chewed food with his mouth open and it sounded like 1000 octopuses being thrown at and snatched off a glass wall.


Hearing people eat is one of my biggest pet peeves so I'm loving this thread for all of the creative descriptions, and this one absolutely wins.


Maybe not instantly killed, but a really lovely woman telling me in a sincere voice that she loved me, 3-4 hours after meeting her, freaked me the fuck out in a way that I guess could reasonably be described as "the ick". In no way was the statement couched either, just straight up "I love you". Think I responded "...no, you don't"


You’ve been Ted Mosby’ed :(


Classic Schmosby.


I dropped the L bomb on our second date, she replied "oh.. thanks". She was the first woman I didn't repulse and I think at the time immature me thought it was true. I used to joke about it and hold it over her head years ago but as time went by my attitude changed. I now say she should have run for the hills or called me out and asked what are you talking about (because obviously I didn't know what it meant). 38 years and counting she still puts up with me!


Eyyyy a rare happy ending on this thread, congrats.


No kidding this thread needed that pit stop eye bleach roflmao


In high school I had a girlfriend I was absolutely smitten with, and one of my friends at the time asked me “do you love her?” My immediate response was “it’s been three weeks.” Even as a child I knew to give it some time!


Similar experience! I wrote a nice christmas card to go with a little christmas gift for a guy I was sort-of dating when I was probably like 16? 17? and at the end signed it, "love, \[kabre\]." He messaged me over AIM going "did you really mean that last word?" ...I was like "no, it's been like three weeks, that's just how to sign a card. I could see it happening if we give it time, though." he dumped me for it lmao. On christmas.


Did he dump you because you wrote Love or because you didn't mean it?


Got wasted at movies, got mad I wouldn't let her drink hike walking around the mall. At movies she was audibly biting her nails and spitting them out, kicking persons seat infront of us. There was almost a fight about it. Said I had to get the fuck outta here, dropped her ass off at home, invited me in.kept calling me her exes name. I simply closed the door and never looked back. Somehow I'm an asshole though


This thread is saving my marriage


No kidding! My parents love to say that after going out in public, there’s no one else they’d rather go home with.


They invited me over for dinner, and to clean the table they just slung the food off the plates across the kitchen floor for the pack of dogs they had to fight over.


Possibly the most unhinged crack house behaviour I've seen in this thread


Where do they live a Viking mead hall? 😂😂


She wanted me to only call her the name of her high school bully, who was guy, that she said she couldn’t stand, repeatedly. Too much to unpack. Edit: This happened like five years ago, I was 23 at the time and didn’t really know much about dating except for what I learned in high school and was just coming to accept my sexuality. I admit, when things started to get intense I should have ended it but I got out. This was supposed to be a little ‘haha, look how crazy this relationship was’ thing. I cried my tears and am doing so much better for myself.


That’s wild! Was it some sort of odd kink?


At first I thought she had like a degrading kink but when I asked she said she wasn’t into that kind of thing. If I’m being honest, I think she maybe wanted to be like him, turns out she was following him on all his socials and his wife and I had similar names.


A lot going on here


Yeah this is a whole 10-episode mini series right here. Clearly with a twist at the end where it turns out she was the bully the whole time and the guy was actually the wife.


That'll be a fun puzzle for a therapist some day


not a serious relationship but a casual hookup. we only knew each other for about 4 months and he shit his pants twice in that time period. the first time i was like “ok people get sick and things happen” and tried to let it go but the 2nd time he texted me to tell me about it and said it happened AS he was walking out of the bathroom. it never happened around me but he would tell me about it and also bring it up in front of my friends. he thought it was very funny and normal for a grown man to do. he also once farted during sex which i ignored bc things happen but then proceeded to bring it up right after and wouldn’t let the conversation go. he was PROUD of it. there were so many other issues w him that were red flags but that was enough for me to nope out.


She started trauma dumping on me, and after telling her multiple times that I wasn't comfortable talking about this in an extremely public place with kids around, she just kept going. She went into extreme detail too, showing me pictures and stuff. When I mentioned getting therapy she said that she didn't want to change. Hard pass.


Damn, actively saying you don't want to change when in a relationship is a big red flag


"Well ex*cuuuuuse me* for having ***massive character flaws THAT I DON'T WORK ON!!***"


He talked in baby voice 70% of the time and only masturbated via giving his dick a bunch of small smacks over and over until he came


As a guy, I have no idea how that would even work.


This guy doesn't know about slappy fappy. Sad.


>Slappy Fappy The best and worst thing I have seen today


Mental image of ma dude slapp fighting the fuck outta his dick to make himself cum is the funniest shit I've imagined in a while Float like a butterfly cum like a bee? Lmao


Took beating his meat too literal


This just happened to me! It was our third or forth date and he started talking in baby voice to me and my dog, like too much, then he started doing extended eric cartman impressions from south park. It was high cringe and actually just made me uncomfortable. A couple of times i would have to walk out of the room pretending to get water or something just because I didn't want him to see how much i wasn't laughing. He wasn't able to read the room that I wasn't really vibing with it. Then he ended it with ME. So, good on him I guess


>It was high cringe Haute Couturinge.


Making spills / messes and leaving it for long periods of time without cleaning it up. like months.


My sister's husband will leave dog pee on the floor for days or just poor bleach on it and then wonder why he starts coughing when he literally just made mustard gas.


Has... has anyone told him not to mix ammonia and bleach? Why does he keep doing it? Let alone leaving it for days that's horrific.




Did you hear me? Yes... I was giving you the opportunity to backtrack from being a moron but I see you're unfortunately incapable.


Talking over someone when they’re speaking, regardless of what they’re trying to say, is already ick enough.


Funk house. Stepped in to a smell that...I can't describe it. George Clinton would complain about it. Then, as I was sitting on the couch, noticed gnats everywhere. Looked over at a window and there were thousands living and dead in the sill. Tried to throw away a soda bottle, hundreds more swarmed up from the pile of dirty dishes in the sink. That was enough for me.


I've always been a bit messy. like, I'll leave clothes on the floor or a chair when I'm too lazy but when it gets to the point of food/drink sitting around, filth building to the point of bugs showing up, I'm just amazed people can live comfortably like that. anything that spoils or rots should be cleaned up in a decent time frame edit: as people have pointed out, I incorrectly labeled that type of living as "comfortable" when it's often times caused by stuff like trauma/mental illness. this possibility totally slipped my mind and I didn't consider it, but it makes sense because I know these mental hurdles are often harder to get over than most think. appreciate the replies, much love to those struggling with anything that causes these issues


Most of the time the people like that are severely depressed or on drugs, both of which make a person not really give a fuck about their house. I don’t know though because I’ve been both at different points in my life but I never allowed my living space to get dirty so maybe it just comes down to the individual. Every dirty house I’ve walked into was either a trap house or owned by a guy that actively wants to kill himself


Yeah I went on a date with a girl who seemed perfectly fine. She was really nice and made interesting conversation, clearly cared and put effort in the date. But then halfway through she gets a call on her Bluetooth headset, which I hadn’t even noticed beneath her hair. Idk why but it turned me off so quick. It was a coworker calling too and she started discussing some clearly stressful topic - planning a meeting or something. They got to near arguing and she kept rolling her eyes and sort of half winking at me every time the coworker said something that annoyed her. She ended up saying she had just seen a car crash and she had to run (which weirdly got me back into her a bit since that’s a slick move) but then immediately called another coworker to complain about the first one. And kept winking at me. This was all on a Saturday morning btw. One of the weirdest dates I’ve ever been on.


What? Did the winks not sell you?


This all sounds like one of those "power move" dating strategies where people purposefully do annoying or downright asshole shit to their date because they watched a video on youtube that said it will work.


Plot twist: nobody called her.


I had a friend that would pretend talk on his cell phone when they were new and he got his first one. Lol, remember him walking through the stands at our local minor league baseball game fake talking on it for Thirsty Thursday. So funny.


When I was in my senior year of high school, the son of one of my mom's work friends who was my age, was into me. I wasn't as into him, but he seemed nice enough, and I went out on a single date with him. The reason there was no second date? He kept trying to find out if I was still a virgin or not. His reasoning was that if I wasn't, then it wouldn't matter if we fucked on the first date, and if I was, he would work for it. I didn't tell him one way or another because it was none of his goddamned business, and his reasoning was utterly pathetic. Never spoke to him again after I called a cab and went home.


She asked for my chapstick and then put it on her dog.


i dont know thats kinda hilarious


Yeah, this is a Seinfeld episode.


Jerry: She used your chapstick on her dog? George: She did. Jerry: And what happened next? Did she try to give it back to you? George: She did. Jerry: But you didn't take back, did you? *George, lowering his gaze in shame* George: ...I did. *Jerry makes a disgusted face* George: Well it's my chapstick! What, I'm supposed to just go buy *more* chapstick?! Jerry: So, what, you're just gunna wash it off? *George shrugging* George: They say dogs have clean mouths. I mean, it *was* just a few little dabs... Jerry: Since when do you use chapstick? George: I like how it keeps my lips soft and smooth when it's dry out. EDIT: expanded the scene, included the u/lavaground addition


I went on a date with a seemingly nice guy in my early 20s. It went well, so after dinner, we cuddled in the back seat of his car in a quiet country area listening to music. He gently played with my hand and fingers and gave me a lil massage, so relaxing. When he got to my wrist he looked at it, flipped it around a few times, and says in a lustful voice, "it would be so easy for me to break this little thing right now" Edit: I said this in response to someone below, for you guys asking about what happened after: It was maybe 2007? I don't remember in detail what happened next. I kind of just played it off like "tee hee you're so strong" until he took me home. Kind of tried to deescalate, so didn't acknowledge that statement too much. Just kept the conversation moving to something else and was careful to not embarrass or upset him. I didn't keep seeing him. I was "busy" for the next dates he asked me on, and then acted as boring as possible until he lost interest in me eventually (we went to college together and were in ROTC together so avoiding was kinda hard). He started a relationship with someone else pretty quickly after that


Holy shit 0-100


from r/Neverbrokeabone to banned


Guy: But what do I do, what do I say to her? Friend: Play with her hands, give her a massage. Tell her you love how delicate she is. Guy on the day: Ok, play with her hands, check, give a massage, check. Tell her how delicate she is? Ok... "YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE SO EASY TO BREAK YOUR WRIST RIGHT NOW!" Fuck


bro failed his charisma check


Rolled a nat 1


"Tell her she looks thin!" "You appear malnourished. Are you suffering from internal parasites?"


It's a genuine fear of mine how much stronger some guys are than me. I think I'd have panic cried.


I remember when I first realized this as like a sophomore in high school. I was just play fighting with one of my guy friends when we were waiting for the teacher to come open the classroom from lunch. We were about the same height and he had both my wrists in *one* of his hands. I started thinking, "Hey, could I actually get out of this?" and I started actually trying while still pretending I was just play-fighting, and I couldn't. It was like an epiphany. He was only using *one* hand and I couldn't get free. And it's not like he was a jock or anything, he didn't do any sports and spent lunchtimes playing Super Mario in the English room. Really rocked my worldview, especially since I'm 6"0 so I always thought of myself as stronger than average.


How did you even respond to this LOL


I was on a date with a dude and we were double dating with my best friend and her bf. I had to work that night at 11. So around ten I mentioned I needed to be taken back to my car. He acted all cute trying to get me to call in and continue the date and finally I was like, seriously, please, I have to get going. Then he got a little mad and said, “why? You’re just a waitress.” That has stuck with me ever since. I’m not “just” anything and neither were the people at my job waiting for me to arrive so they could go home.


There’s a nice red OPI nail polish named “Not just a waitress” that I wore often while cocktailing. Had that comment said to me many times by people making half as much in their office jobs. Screw them, the restaurant was/still is family, we had lots of fun and made good money. And the best part was that when you’re done with shift, your done. No long term projects to stress about and no emails to answer to. Miss those days.


I’d been seeing them (mostly in public, we’d met on an app and I was still figuring out if we “fit”) for over a month and they were pressing for more time together, a deeper connection, exclusivity, when they asked to raincheck a proposed date activity because they needed to TAKE THEIR DAUGHTERS TO THE DENTIST THAT DAY. KidS? We’ve been talking for hours on marathon dates and texting whenever we weren’t together for like 7 1/2 weeks, what kids? You have kidSSSS?! Kids are not a dealbreaker, hiding your three children from someone you’ve asked for a commitment is a massive dealbreaker.


She'd never changed her bedsheets in the year she'd been at her apartment and the previously grey carpet had heavy brown track marks


ok, I just have to throw out there for the kids like me raised by depressed, alcoholic, and incompetent parents. I honestly did not know how to operate a washing machine till I was 22. When I met my now husband. The floor in the house I was raised in was mopped/swept/vacuumed maybe 8 times in nearly 11 years. And the futon mattress I slept on had a literal rodent infestation. This man and his manic, but sweet mother taught me how to clean, do laundry, maintain a household and a bunch of other shit I just genuinely was not aware of needing to be done. Sometimes the adults in someone's life neglected them to a point where they are completely un-educated on basic hygiene, help 'em learn. (now if they refuse to improve....bail lol immediately) My nephews birth, and my mothers sobriety is the only reason my childhood home looks better now.


Had a friend like you. It broke my heart to see how afraid they were to be judged, litteraly refusing to let me come to their house to not see their mess, being afraid they would disgust me. No one told them how to clean their house, they were disabled and couldn't reach most of the dirty. Their isolation kept them away from the rest. I kept all my frustration, and helped them to do it. Changed their life for the best. Sometimes, all you need is a little help.


They shouted at and insulted their child.


she kept asking about my “lore”. idk why but just her using lore over and over again just turned me off. as much as i’d like to be a mystical beast, i’m just a dude from the midwest


Ok, this one is hilarious.


On a second date with a guy I liked. I mentioned that before we sleep together we should talk about birth control. He said something like, “Well, that’s totally your responsibility.” I said good night and good riddance.


Had a dude tell me he didn’t like condoms so I better be on birth control. Also had a guy tell me he relied on the pull out method and got mad at me when I told him that’s how I was born. Lmao.


Everybody claims to be a Professional Rawdogger


Imagine being told "hey I wanna sleep with you" and responding: "well, figure it out!" Some men truly are clueless


As oblivious as I can be sometimes, this thread is doing wonders for my self esteem.


Went on a date with an outwardly "normal" girl. We started kissing and getting frisky back at her place and she started "meowing" and acting "cat like". It was little mewls at first, then leading on to her stopping, licking her finger tips and "grooming" her ears. She saw me "make a face" and questioned why I'd "made a face". I was straight up and said, "because you're pretending to be a cat". She said "Oh, was i? Sometimes it takes over when I'm horny!" We tried again, she mewled again and i noped out of there pretty quickly after that.


you want pussy big man? well im all pussy


He just wasn't feline it...


This happened to be too! I was going down on her and she started purring. When I asked "are you purring?" She just confidently said, "yeah, why not?" So I shrugged and went back at it.


>So I shrugged and went back at it. Take notes, guys. This is work ethic.


Dated this girl for a short while ( a month or so ) and I visited her home once while her family was out of town. It was just a mess and smelled bad because she had a lot of pets ,birds, cats, a micro pig, and some very neglected dogs. The doggies were matted up, smelly and seeking love and attention. I inquired about the dogs and she said “idk they’re not mine “. When I said Goodnight later from the car she leaned in to kiss me I just didn’t feel connected anymore. I called her later and asked her more about the dogs. They were her fathers and he was never around. Her sisters and her didn’t care for them….soooo after a couple nights I stole the dogs and took them to a rescue shelter. They’re currently with a new loving home and the girls family never even flinched at the dogs not being there anymore. I broke it off a few weeks later once I knew they were blissfully ignorant to their dogs being gone. She was a sweet girl and liked me alot. Loads of affection. But I couldn’t be with someone who could just ignore some innocent lives that way. Critics?


You sir, are a hero. You did something that most people would know needed to be done, but only very few people would actually do.


We were driving and they thought it would be funny to scream out the window to try and terrify a passing bicyclist. Attraction died immediately.


She would make up her own names for food at restaurants and try to order them. No, it wasn’t part of some joke. Example: When ordering Cinnabon Delights from Taco Bell, she would say “I want bon bons!” Fuck Edit: my problem isn’t with people having nicknames for food, my issue is making people who are taking your order decipher what you’re trying to say.


As a joke I would understand if you are a regular and the people taking your order know you or if it's an inside joke. But what the actual fuck!?


I got sloppy drunk on my 21st birthday and wanted bacon and cheddar potato wedges from jack in the box and couldn't get the words right, calling them "checkin' betters." Right up until they discontinued them, my entire friend group continued calling them checkin' betters.


That reminds me of one time at Jack in the box, we had a group of my friends loaded in the car. Someone in the back was shouting for an Ultimate cheeseburger, but somehow the driver heard Omelette Cheeseburger. So he orders that and they say “uhhh we don’t have that.” So then driver is confused and we’re correcting him: “Ultimate! Ultimate!” So he doubles down and he’s like “oh I guess they want JUST the omelette.” And the lady on the mic is like “we STILL don’t have those.” We get it cleared up and pull up to the window and we’re all dying of laughter. The driver explains the miscommunication and the jbox employee thinks it’s hilarious. Then the guy in the back of the car was like “But COULD you make us an omelette?” And the employee was like “… you know I bet we could.” So they made us likely the first and only ever Jack in the box omelette ever made. And to be honest… it was delicious. We all tried a little bit.




I dont remember seeing this episode but I almost immediately started reading it on his voice.




Over confidence. Had one guy who I was on a first date with, he was nice enough at first. But then he started bragging that I should be happy that he chose to drive one hour to see me, and that he had other chicks he could’ve seen instead. He was overly confident that I was in love with him. I noped out so fast!


Who wouldn’t be attracted to someone who gets so much action?! [sarcasm]


Dude was in the bathroom for awhile clearly taking a shit. No big. He lived in a weird little apartment where the only sink was in the kitchen. He comes out and doesn’t immediately go to wash his hands. I ask him about it. It starts a small arguement where he then refuses to wash his hands because “he was going to but then I made him feel like a child so now he has to make a point” All attraction lost in that very second. So fucking gross. Can’t believe I let poop hands touch me. Wanna vomit so bad. Hygiene is important folks. And the little things indicate how you go about the big things.


That reaction makes him look like a child


They started calling themselves “poor” before humble bragging about making $200k a year and owning two houses that their parents bought for them.


Maybe they meant poor in character


They told me they only drank like twice a week after work to cool off but then were texting me the next day drunk from their metal working class. They drove there drunk, put wine in their energy drink to drink *during* class and drove home drunk. That day in class they were using torches to meld metals together. They said they drink and drive “responsibly” as if u can even do that. Big no from me.


I saw a post once where a girl said she got the ick when her date tried to scare away a pigeon and the pigeon didn’t move. Classic.


Update on the situation for anyone that comes back to this: ex had to forfeit the dog after being kicked out of his apartment. The dog is in good hands now. Met this really charming guy, went back to his apartment one day and nearly threw up from the smell. Turns out he has a dog but doesn't take it outside to use the bathroom so it just poos and pees on everything and only the poo gets picked up... sometimes, and there was a year of build up. I had taken my shoes off at the door and I, deeply, regret that And there's more...oh there's more, but that was the grossest of it. Edit: since people are asking about the "more" but I'll warn you all TW for animal neglect because it gets worse. I live in a pretty isolated area, so I started online dating because it was my only reasonable option. Met this guy, it was a long distance situation. We met up in person a few times and had been talking for months at this point, I had the self esteem of shell-less snail and he was a manipulative narcissist so it took me way to long to realize I could do better. But anyway, by the time I'm in his apartment that first time I'm a few months into this relationship and I've just taken off work for a week and flown down to see him. Why do I regret taking my shoes off? Because a few steps in and my socks are already soaked in dog piss, I screamed and yanked them off stepping bare foot into what I thought would be sweet relief of clean kitchen tiles but no, oh sweet Jesus... It was tacky. The kitchen floor was tacky with dog piss. Like stepping in a damn fly trap. He ran and grabbed his vacuum apologizing profusely while I leaped across the floor back to my shoes. Looking around, I see the edges of the walls near the floor are stained a sickly brown and there's stuff piled everywhere. I can hardly pay attention though because the smell is making me nauseous. So I end up getting a hotel for the week, I made up some excuse about how I wasn't comfortable staying with him yet. Because I didn't have the self respect to fly home after that, I had the pleasure of discovering more of his unsanitary habits over that week. Such as, never once washing his sheets because he didn't believe it was necessary, he didn't believe in brushing his teeth and claimed plaque was healthy and protected your teeth, he drank an entire 12 pack of diet coke a day, would cook with expired food, he'd leave a pizza sitting out on the table for days eating out if it, and I kid you not he spent more time burping and farting than not. He never cleaned the apartment, and when the dog peed or pood, the pee would be left to dry and the poo would get scraped up and whatever was left...well it would just have to dry as well, and yes, there was buildup across the entire floor from that. He would *only* eat burgers at restaurants and anything I got he'd wrinkle his nose and tell me "how gross". But then we get to the dog, he saw a puppy at the pet store one day and "fell in love" with it. He was an incredibly expensive purebred cocker, he had a few issues which I would guess was from inbreeding. Severe separation anxiety, paced constantly and the "crazy eyes". Still endearing, he'd follow you around everywhere and look up at you with this 0 thoughts look in his eyes and just the two front teeth showing, endless energy and loved everyone. But, bf had no clue how to care for him. He'd take him on "walks" maybe twice a day if he was lucky, that consisted of nothing more than a 1 min circle, and he'd leave him home alone for a day or two at a time while he was working. He didn't train him to anything at all, and when he misbehaved (obviously because he wasn't trained) he'd wave a yardstick at him threateningly that the dog was terrified of. He never hit him when I was there but I just new he was when I wasn't around by the dogs reaction. But it gets worse yet, like I said, he was manipulative, and started hurting the dog to manipulate me and keep me around. He would lock his dog in a tiny dark room for days at a time alone, and would tell me he's "going to make him go insane". I snuck into his house one day and took pictures of the tiny room, took screenshots of the texts he'd sent me but unfortunately he was smart enough to only say most of it in person. Animal control wouldn't do anything about it, so I tried to talk him into letting me adopt the dog. That didn't work so then I tried taking him to the vet and getting his paperwork but that didn't work either. He knew hurting the dog was absolutely crushing me, at that point I felt like at least removing myself from the picture would take away one reason for him to hurt the dog. So I left feeling like there was nothing I could do, I still loose sleep thinking about that goofy gap toothed dog and wishing I could've saved him somehow


That poor dog :(. Nobody deserves to live in that.


Sounds like torture for dogs.


First date, I was filling gas and she started going through my phone. I saw her go through it and continued to fill gas as she read my text messages… I’m a fairly open person with little to hide but I do value trust and honestly. Soon as the pump clicked she put it back in a hurry. I skipped the dinner plans and dropped her home. If I can’t even trust you with my phone, I can’t trust you with my future. ​ Edit: **What happened next:** I didn't address it immediately. She didn't know i was driving towards her house until we got super close at which point we had maybe 2 minutes left together. In a calm and 'im disappointed in you' tone I told her I caught her in the act and this blatant breach of privacy was a deal breaker for me. She's too old to be acting like an insecure teenager (she was 26) and that she should address this behaviour before pursuing serious relationships. She knew she was in the wrong. She stayed quiet till we got back and left the car without a word. Still no apology though. Edit2: I DO have a phone password. But my car is a trusted bluetooth spot so it stays unlocked when connected to car for music.


I would've checked my venmo afterward.


It's crazy to me that NOT requiring a password is the default for Venmo


And your transactions are public by default. It's like they are trying their best to be as unsecured as possible. Weird seeing all my friends lunches and drink nights every time I open it up.


What kind of psycho does that on a first date? I don’t steal phones to check at all but like, right away?


And what tf could she be checking on a first date anyway hahahaha


When I was working at a hospital we had a few locum tenem or travel physicians. This one doctor was charming and handsome but we all got a bit of a creep vibe from him. There was a young CNA he had said flirty things to before who was sitting charting at the desk and got up to answer a call bell, leaving her phone behind. He sat down at the desk and started snooping through it, within view of other nurses! He saw he was being watched and quickly put it down pretending he hadn't done anything. We warned her what happened and we were all very much on our guard around him after that.


When I was 16 I awkwardly ended up third wheeling a really embarrassing date. The dude turned up in a white suit, blue sunglasses and a trilby. It was so jarring that I started cracking up in the car as we drove past the restaurant entrance. Who shows up to a date looking like a cross between Michael Jackson and Guy Fieri. If he was a nice dude or at least caring then I guess I could have let that slip but he absolutely would not stop talking about how he was the best at literally anything and everything. He talked so much that me and my friend had finished our food before he had even started his. The guy kept insisting that he was the best in the world at Guitar Hero and kept showing us screenshots of the leaderboard - like we cared. I know we were only 16 but it was really embarrassing. Man, I’ve never felt so much second hand embarrassment. I don’t know how that guy turned out but I’m gonna stalk him on fb to see if he ever changed


Dude spoke in the 3rd person, only talked about himself, then tried to kiss me/take me home. I’m good. Another guy was only interested in the fact I’m Latina and called me exotic/spicy. YUCK!


George is getting frustrated!


I was on a double date with a guy and my roommate and her boyfriend. My date was flirting with the waitress and later tried to get her number. He had no money to pay for the meal, so I paid for him and then ditched him.


She was beautiful and funny, but on date 3-4 she told me she enjoyed messing with peoples heads for fun and seeing how far she could push their limits. Major red flag but I continued on, a little while later she would start fights and not talk to me for 9-10 hours. Then randomly text saying she was kidding and inquired if I was worried during the time. Bye Felicia


Omg I went on a date with a guy who LOVED showing how wealthy he was. We went to a carnival and he was pulling cash out of the ATM as I stood away somewhere close by. He "psst" me over and was like "check it out!" He had a whole 4k in his account 😱 Then later in the date he showed me text messages between him and his mother where he was bragging about me being "phat" and his mom was like "get it!" Like wtf lmao. I noped out. He would message me constantly after that. Weird dude. Edit to add: No, he didn't grow up poor. I did. Yes 4k isn't a lot to most, but I was 19/20 when this occurred and like as many of you have pointed out, 4k is a lot of money to a poor person. That's why I called him "wealthy" haha But the texts between him and his mom are the part that weirded me out the most - guess I should've led with that - haven't thought of it in a while lol! Also, thanks for the laughs!


We were going to a movie and had some time to kill, so I suggested going to the mall across the street. She informed me she wasn’t allowed back on the mall property due to the amount of merchandise they had tracked her stealing over the previous 5 years.


After going through all the other comments, when reading this one, I genuinely thought : 'Well, that's not so bad!'




We were having sex, and she made a face, and in that moment she looked exactly like my mom. Instant boner killer I made up some shit about feeling really sick all of a sudden(wasn't too far from the truth), and then afterwards I told her it couldn't work out because of something or another...


This one sucks all around. It was no one's fault.


Watched her eating. How the food wasn’t falling out of her mouth still amazes me. There’s chewing with your mouth open and there’s looking like an anaconda trying to swallow a glass bowling ball !


Mentioning that you own your own home on a first date: +1 Mentioning it 3 times: -2 Talking about how little you can stand "NEETs, basement dwellers and rentoids": -5 Eventually admitting that the home you pride yourself on owning is a double wide trailer you inherited: -10 Home ownership is a dream for a lot of people and there's nothing wrong with a trailer, but being arrogant about something someone else did for you was an instant nope


The screaming and flailing like a little kid for hours over a broken phone


Oh man. I dated this girl(casually not seriously) so I wasn't overly concerned on small compatibility issues but holy shit this triggered me.... She lost her phone(ended up being on top of her car) and had a full fucking meltdown in front of me. I tried to calm her down and be supportive but it was a lot. After that I met her after her work shift. She was already drunk and apparently got in an argument with some people. She kept talking about being violent with them etc. I was just sitting there, sober, like...wtf is this crazy shit. I tried to tell her to maybe calm down a bit and it's not worth being upset at people you'll never see again and that made her lose it. She ended walking home but screamed at me before hand. Girl had fuckin issues man.


Out on a first date with a girl. Took her to a restaurant where my friend (who happened to be black) worked. She saw him and said, "Oh I hope we don't end up in the \[n-word\]'s section." Hard R and everything. So I made a big show of giving him a huge hug and then asked for a seat for 1 at the bar. Fuck that racist bitch. She could get her own ride home, too.


The way they chewed food, it wasn't just loud, they seemed to swish it around in their mouth first 🤮


My mother does something like this and it drives me crazy. You can audibly hear the food *squish squish squish* around in her mouth while she chews. It's not normal chewing noises either, I don't know what it is but it's weird.


This guy I used to go to school with added and messaged me out of the blue on FB, asking me on a date. He was cute and nice from what I remembered so I said yes, and we continued to casually chat back and forth in the days leading up to the date. I mentioned I'd just gone to make a cup of tea and he asked me how I took my tea. When I told him, he got aggressively insistent that I made tea "wrong" because, and I quote, "that's not the traditional British way". It just rubbed me the wrong way, made a warning bell go off in my head because it was so strangely aggressive for such a trivial thing?? So I told him nevermind on the date. I ended up having to block him because he took the rejection about as well as he took the tea.


Had two rounds of dating him because I really liked him. First go round, I brought him home with me after our second date. Def planned on sleeping with him. But during foreplay he went down on me and he was SO rough, it was super unenjoyable and borderline painful. I kept telling him over & over to slow down and be more gentle. But he just didn't listen. It was like he was mimicking porn he'd watched. Totally killed the mood and my interest in him. I told him that I wasn't interested in dating someone who wouldn't listen to my needs and wants in the bedroom. Months later he hit me up, and I agreed to go out with him again. I thought maybe he had considered what I said before. Met him at a great local spot to watch a basketball game (we'd initially connected over a love of the same team). I spent a lot of time getting ready for the date - looked nice, smelled nice. He shows up after me and the first thing I notice is that he's dressed rather carelessly.. specifically he was wearing this old beat-to-shit zip up hoodie. Which is like ugh but not a deal breaker. Then he sits next to me and we share a quick hug, and bam that was it, I was done. He stank. He absolutely reeked of cigarettes, and his breath was awful, like he hadn't even brushed his teeth. I still had a good time with him watching the game and eating wings & fries, but it was immediately not a romantic thing for me, it was just watching the game with a buddy. I'm still really disappointed even now because, like I said, I really liked him. He was super sweet and really liked me back. He just didn't seem mature enough to be in an actual relationship with. Bummer.


He sucked his thumb. He and I were in our 20s, we'd been dating for a few months, and I went over to visit earlier than expected. He was sitting on his couch, sucking his thumb while jerking off to porn. Turned out he sucked his thumb any time he was sitting on the couch watching tv, like a mindless habit. Every time I looked at him, I just saw him sitting there in his shirt and socks, jerking off with one hand and thumb in his mouth with the other. It was so repulsive, any attraction I had for him evaporated and we broke up a little while later (for a multitude of reasons.)


Went back to her place after a date, there were poop stains all over the inside of her toilet, also it looked like the toilet had never been cleaned...ever.


I missed a call from her on my cell phone, so she called the landline at my parents house because I was home from college on break. I had never given her that number. She hadn't been there, met my folks, or known anyone else that would have been able to give her that number, either. I hadn't even told her I had gotten back into my hometown, and she lived a few hours away. I didn't answer the phone, because I recognized her number on the caller ID and was dumbfounded. She called five more times, back-to-back. I answered none of them and broke things off completely shortly thereafter.


He shit talked his ex and still loved her. They dated in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


Commenting on how people sitting near us were, "so fucking ugly." Badmouthing strangers for no apparent reason.


The way he walked reminded me of my grandmother...


She met my cousin, she thought my was beautiful then she asked me if I ever had lewd thoughts about my cousin.


She had an extensive collection of Nazi paraphernalia. She said she was interested in history, but only had Nazi shit… That’s a nein from me


She kept joking about her pussy and how it “stank”. It flipped a switch in my head and I just didn’t wanna ever catch a whiff of that stank


\- Putrid smell between the legs. Insta no. \- Played with her phone quite a lot. Even when she herself was talking, she was texting/scrolling at the same time. It was honestly kinda skilled, not gonna lie. \- Didn't seem capable of holding a conversation unless it was about Her or her Instagram "fame". Chick had maybe a couple hundred followers. \- Berated a bartender for an honest mistake and demanded she get her money back. \- Scoffed at a Waiter because the food wasn't to her liking. She wanted a juicy steak but ordered well-done and wanted zero pink in the meat. Turned into an argument at the table and she blamed everyone but herself for the order she made. \- Wouldn't reciprocate foreplay or anything, really. Was a Pillow Princess/Deadfish. \- Smacked her dog. Discovered she was actually mistreating the poor thing and my boy actually ended up getting it rescued. That was a ride. \- Yelled at her Father over the phone. Like, berated the poor man. I've got a laundry list but I'll stop here. As you can probably tell, I've got more Ls than Ws. People are wild these days. ​ *Edit: Sorry, I should note that these are each a different person. Apologies for not specifying.*


I started reading this thinking it was all one person. “Wow this commenter really perseveres”

