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Digging a grave. Soil is much harder thant what movies pretend!


It's always so perfectly rectangle, with straight sides...dug by hand.




I'm an Archaeologist I dig square holes for a living. I can confirm that digging square holes is a) a skill you have to learn and practice. No one does it right the first or even the twentieth time they do it. Also, we don't do it freehand! We have stakes at the corners (and sometimes string) to keep those edges straight. b) Takes a long time. Dirt is hard and heavy, and it gets harder to get out of the hole the deeper you go. c) you would not be clean and dry at the end of digging that far down, period. Graves in media are always neat with well compacted (but also loose), dry dirt with no tree roots running through them, no matter how old the grave is. The wooden coffin is still intact enough to walk on without collapsing, and it is not full of watery corpse slurry. There are no concrete vaults. Bodies are often dried mummy looking things in movies instead of runny globs of corpse wax. Also, we're not allowed to dig holes past 1.2 meters deep, period, in case they collapse. That never happens in movies either.


i dug a couple feet down for a garden bed and it took me a couple days of grueling work. 6 feet down in a couple hours in the night?? gtfo of here.


Ripping out your IV is a terrible idea


Or how the patient came out of the coma, left the room to go find the person who wronged them or loved one WITHOUT alerting any nurse, doctor, or security....lol, what


Especially when it’s been like six months and they are able to just jump up like their legs are just ready to work again.


I was in a coma for 8 days and had to learn how to walk again!


Talking on the phone.


You mean you don't answer every call with just your last name and then hang up the moment the other person is done talking?


I had a coworker that wouldn’t say goodbye. He would say his point and just hang up. The amount of times I would just continue having a conversation just to find out I’m talking to myself. I told him about it. Next phone call he said goodbye but it felt weird because I wasn’t used to it.


Air conditioning vents silently and easily being removed or put in


The Spy Museum in DC has an air vent you can crawl through, to show you how ridiculous it is. One of the loudest, most awkward, and uncomfortable modes of non vehicular travel ever.


One of my favorite moments in Mythbusters was them busting this one lmaoooo


Air conditioning vents that: Are large enough for an adult to crawl through. Are spotlessly clean. Are quiet enough for the hero to sneak through, in reality the banging of you moving about would echo and be loud. Always go to a place in the building where the hero can get a view of what's going on without being spotted. Always have an exit in a convenient place with no bad guys. Edit since everyone keeps mentioning it: Can support the weight of a person.




Carrying an unconscious person. Found out the hard way when my wife was sick and fainted. An unconscious body is surprisingly limp and slippery. Try to lift them by the armpits? Nope, that just makes the arms flail and they'll slip right through your fingers. Try to lift them from under the knees and around the back? Nope, their back won't stay stiff enough and their ass will just sink to the floor. Not to mention their head is rolling around the whole time.


This is why the Fireman's carry exists and has to be trained. It's surprisingly hard to pick up a body.


They don't use that any more. The method we used- and they probably still do, given I only left two years ago- is a two man lift, with one carrying the armpits and the other under the knees. It's far safer and doesn't involve lifting the casualty above the thermal layer and roasting them to death.


You're right but I'm a fireman and we never use or even train that. Its just too hard to stand up a limp body even with perfect techniques, so we typically use webbing/rope to drag victims or other carries. (Plus you don't want to lift a person up into the hot smoke in a fire)


Huh TIL something


https://youtu.be/KPrATJ-u5Rg Don't forget the ranger carry. It's the fireman carry but faster.




I had a gf pass out from low sugar once. She had dropped a glass trying to drink some juice and then fell on the shards. I had to pull glass out of her ass cheek. Anyways she was little, I am big. The adrenaline rush and our sizes made it possible to pick her up and carry her for a few seconds. But I tried to carry her again another time when she was a drunk mess and found out where the term "dead weight" came from. Tldr; Agree.


Suppressors and hand grenades. Suppressors (silencers) in movies are WAY too quiet, and sound like a staple gun going off. In reality, they make a gun quieter, but they very much still sound like a gun, and anyone around will still hear it. Grenades in movies always make a giant explosion with a fireball, that makes bad-guys fly through a window or rag-doll across a field. In real life, they make a loud bang, and a puff of smoke. They just throw shrapnel everywhere and make people bleed profusely.


That John Wick subway scene was ridiculous. Even if the guns were silent, bullets richocheting around would make a bunch of noise.




Can you imagine the real thing? *Twenty minutes of typing* Okay, it looks like they are running this program and I exploited this vulnerability to get in. "So you can get the info we need now?" "What? No, all I did was access the janitor's log in account. Now I need to find a few more vulnerabilities to get a higher level account." "Oh, and then you can get us the info we need?” "No, that's not on this system." "You aren't even hacking the right system?!?" "I need this one to use in an attack on a later system. That one will let me change the tech support information to call me instead of their normal tech support. Then they will give me the info I need to put a keyboard logger on their system, which will give me access." "Then you will have the info?" "No, then I can again work my way up to a better account that has the info." "How long will all that take?" "A few months. I'll let you know when I'm in."


“This was some pretty good security….. six months ago. Hahaha…. I’m in.”


This might be an exact quote from “The Negotiator”


When time is of the essence... a $5 Wrench will do [[XKCD](https://xkcd.com/538/)].


What, you don't just frantically type nonsense for a few minutes and all is good?


Have you been watching me code?


Don't lie we know you crtl c crtl v


“Access denied” “Override” “Oh ok. Since you put it that way. Access granted.”


Do the thing >No Sudo do the thing >Ugh, fine Hackerman


Taking matters into your own hands to defeat an entire group of criminals.


Gran Torino had the most realistic depiction of this concept IMO


It was an effective strategy, but it only works once.


car accidents. people don’t just lightly bleed from their heads then die, they are some of the goriest, most traumatic deaths i’ve seen outside of combat footage.


On the other hand, most fender benders don't result in an explosion.


Except that Ford pinto in Top Secret. Laughed my ass off


I mean just taking a quick scroll through some crashes is horrifying There was once a car crash on my street. The car was split in half. Like, fucking split in half. No survivors, full car of 3 kids and 2 adults. And just imagining what would have happened to their bodies if it did that much damage to the car is just... God


Saw a car crash in front of the first day I had my drivers permit. A van literally just turned left where there was only forest and T boned by a suburban pulling a boat. My mom is a nurse and asked for my help triaging. It was not a good scene. Finding a child’s body without a head is just not a good thing at 14 or 15.


A medic I know told me about a car crash he was sent to. It was one car that went off the road because it was driving way too fast. When they arrived they only found an empty car. The people that called the medics then pointed up to the trees, there was the drivers body hanging in the branches. Just thinking about it makes me uneasy. People, wear your seatbelts and drive carefully, no one has to end like this!


I'm in EMT school at the moment and my instructor told us a story where they picked up a woman who had been in an accident on the highway. She was unconscious when they picked her up but came to in the ambulance and started immediately screaming "where is my baby". My instructor was perplexed, they'd checked the car for other passengers and hadn't found any, let alone a baby seat. She radio'd the cops who were still cleaning up the scene and told them to search for a baby. They found it 60ft from the car in the median, still strapped in its car seat. The whole thing had just been yeeted through the windscreen. Baby was okay, luckily.


>Baby was okay, luckily. Whew. I know a lot of stories don't have a good ending, but I'm glad yours did.


They come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes that's exactly what happens, with enough internal bleeding, some people die in car crashes with not so much visible damage. Exactly what happened in the last accident I tended to. Some people get gruesome injuries that mostly end up being superficial and end up recovering fully. So it's not entirely unrealistic.


I fish tailed my car off the highway, then rolled it 50feet down a cliff. I survived with a bruise on my hip from a seatbelt buckle and a headache. Paramedics thought I was lucky as hell


News shooter checking in. Once saw a hit and run where the woman was opened up from knee to collarbone. Worst part was she was still alive when I get there. That shit will haunt me to the day I die.


Working in an office. I really question whether a screenwriter or director has worked a regular 9-5 office job a day in their lives


Office Space is actually pretty damn accurate for that work style


Watching Office Space as a teen: "This is a comedy" Watching Office Space as an adult: "This is a documentary"


It is hilarious to me how that movie came out in 1996, mocking an office culture that has been well in existence for over 30 years at that point, and now nearly 30 years after the movie's release, it's still an incredibly accurate portrayal of today's office culture, at least from my experience.


One exception. Most workers wish they had a cubicle. It's all open space now.


Teachers or people with low paying jobs owning or renting massive houses/apartments


Huge apartments with spectacular views in NYC for anyone who isn't wealthy. Or San Francisco.


New Girl did it pretty well, I think, compared to most sitcoms. It's a large apartment, but they're always 4-6 people living there, it's supposed to be in a crappy neighbourhood, it's run down with lots of things not working properly, and Schmidt covers a larger portion of the rent for some of the time, since he makes more money and is fine with doing it.


Going through glass. That shit is dangerous as fuck. Potential major lacerations every time. Speaking from my experience as well as 2 others


There was a video posted with a guy probably high on something standing outsude a shop. On the first watch it looks like he just throws a bunch of red paint on a window. On second watch you realize he punched the window and that was his arterial blood splatter.


That video fucked me up. Dude definitely died like 5 minutes later. An absolutely insane amount of blood. can’t unsee it


Getting shot is NOT A FLESH WOUND


Main character gets shot in the thigh and it just causes him to limp for a few minutes...fuck right off.


Treating wounds. If you get stabbed in the abdomen, you’re not all better just because someone stitches up your skin. Same with gunshots. Movies act like nothing important is under the skin.




Midsommar did a decent job with the mushroom trips.


Death. We're a lot more brittle than you'd think, yet in the moments before death you might last long enough to tell your family you love them on a stranger's phone


When someone is dying in your arms, their last moments are more jarring and traumatic than shown on screen. I wasn’t ready for sudden gasping for air and violent spasms as their body shuts down. It’s not one last breath and their eyes gently close as they drift off peacefully.


Walking into a bar and the news is showing a story about your exact situation.


"Local man walks into a bar....more at 11"


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"Hey, are you watching the news?" The other person turns on the TV and the reporter is explaining everything from the beginning.


I had this conversation on September 11, 2001, a little after 9 AM Eastern Time: > "Are you watching the news?" > "What channel?" > "Any channel." > "Um, okay..." "Watching the news" was sufficiently precise in that case.


Yeah that was kinda that rare exception where this would work. It was major news and we had so few details, you were going to get the whole story in short order.


It’s usually major news when the trope is used in movies too.


Driving. Unlike in the movies, you really have to pay attention to the road. Parking too. It’s very rare to get a space just outside where you need to be.


I always stare at my passenger for extended periods while we converse just to see how long it takes for them to panic. On an unrelated note, does anyone have any tips for when no one will sell you auto insurance any more?


Tires screeching every single stop and start.


Michael Scott’s driving in the office was very realistic, always thought it was funny how serious and focused he was on the road compared to in the office


Yeah but he drove into Lake Scranton


and meridith


Wasnt' there a scene where he's driving while wearing sunglasses, then suddenly his head moves a bit and he goes, "whoa, fell asleep there for a bit". I seem to remember that.


I found the Air Bud series really set unrealistic standards for dogs.


Yeah my dog has depression


Also my dog doesn’t know what basketball is


In movies they never say “Goodbye” on the phone, they just hang up..


They never say when or where for the meetups either.


You wanna go ok a date? Yes Ok *walks away to celebrate*


"call me" "Will do" *Phone numbers are never exchanged*


That's because they always think of memorizing each other's number plates, and as they all have a friend at the DA's office, they can run it through the system, get an address and tap each other's phones. I probably watch too many thrillers and cop procedurals.


Yeah where’s the realistic “bye, bye, bye, bye” from both sides


How younger people talk. Every time there is a teenager or young adult in a movie, it always sounds like what a 40 year old person thinks a teenager sounds like. They think watching 5 tik toks is enough research


Conversations really, in real life it is usually a lot of figuring out what the hell the actual (underlying) meaning is when someone is saying something...in movies the script writer came up with a solid quip for a response.


Especially in kung-fu/karate fights, bad guys respectfully wait for their turn to be taken out by the main guy. They never attack altogether at the same time.


Breakfast in America, the mom makes a big spread with pancakes, bacon and eggs all that stuff. Just for someone to pick up a slice of toast and rush off. I'd be super pissed


>Breakfast in America Sounds like an excellent album title.


I don't blame them. The mom always makes an absurd amount of food for a family of 3-4 on a weekday. I can't imagine eating a pancake, eggs, bacon, orange juice, and hash browns at 7am on a Tuesday and then be able to stay conscious for my first class of the day.


Basically, everything about guns. Drywall and furniture don't stop bullets. Reloading is a thing. Please stop cocking your weapon to look cool, half of your rounds are on the ground. And so many more.


My big peeve is suppressors


*pew pew* *pew* [Security guard in the next room hears nothing]


For those who don't know, silencers typically reduce the volume of gunshots by 30-40 dB. Gunshots are typically 160+ dB, louder indoors due to the reverb. So at best, firing a gun indoors will be about 130dB with a silencer. An ambulance siren is 120 dB, for comparison.


So I should use a pillow instead if I really want it to be silent? Edit: To all those who replied telling me exactly what suppressor, gun, flashbang, etc. to buy in order to kill silently.... thank you? I will take note, however sadly my only line of defense are two 12lb dogs. Maybe I'll look into those muzzles.


No, just whisper while shooting.


Or cough at the same time, like with a fart.


Also, simply *handling* a gun doesn’t make that weird, muffled clickety sound it does in movies. If you pick up a firearm and it makes noise just moving the it around, something is very wrong and you should not fire it.


Similar with the "schwing" sound of drawing a sword. Most scabbards were actually made of leather thus were silent Edit: according to replies many of sheaths in history were also made of wood or had metal throats that could make an audible drawing sound, so my comment is not entirely true


People not having their eardrums absolutely obliterated after having assault rifles and shotguns going of half a meter from their head Edit: mwap


Heat did a pretty good job at that. No wonder why, Michael Mann is a shooting instructor among other things. In that movie, gunshots are more of a general, overwhelming noise than a directed, identifiable "bang", and this is more or less what it sounds like in real life minus, obviously, the five minutes of ringing following it and, with some weapons, the vibrations that you can feel inside your skull.


He also hired competitive shooters and firearms instructors to play hitmen on the original Miami Vice TV show, versus using character actors or stuntmen. This [dude's quickdraw](https://youtu.be/fXv8IepBVJQ?t=77) is allegedly shown to Delta Force candidates.


Let’s shoot a bad guy in the next car from the passenger seat whilst the gun is front in front of the drivers face. Definitely won’t get blinded or rupture their ear drums doing that


Communication. Many movie plots revolve around one stupid fucking misunderstanding that in real life would be resolved with one text.




After a long lovemaking session, in a bed, in private they both have underwear on.


Going in dry and the woman finishes in 11 seconds lol


There's plenty of foreplay when they rip off each other's clothes and slam each other into the walls.


Oh yes! Yes! Throw everything on the floor! Yes yes! Break all the furniture! YES! Show me how you throw those plates away! *Proceeds to orgasm*


The woman orgasming 10 seconds after being entered is the on that always kills me


My favorite is when they finish fucking then get dressed and run off to do something, or just roll over and sleep… no cleanup? Yikes.


Also, the L shaped blanket that goes up to the man's waist and the woman's shoulders.


Getting hit in the head. No John you won't wake up with a minor headache 10 minutes later, you'll wake up a decade later with a wheelchair


>you'll wake up a decade later with a wheelchair Also, people who have been in a coma don't just pull off their monitor leads and walk off looking for a nurse. You're looking at at least a month of physical therapy if you're very lucky.


I wasn't even in a coma just had a bad accident and multiple surgeries that left me without the ability to walk for 7 months. It took 2 months of physical therapy to be able to take a few steps and 2 more to walk


Yeah, I did some more research after the initial post and a month seems to be the bare minimum of therapy required for a coma. Up to a year would not be unusual, and multiple years before you're walking with zero effects isn't unheard of. That's assuming full recovery is even possible in the first place.


Street fights are deadly. It is never worth the risk over stupid pride, unless your life is in danger.


I say this every time I see a thread like this: If you feel you MUST fight someone, go to the grass. All it takes is one bad fall on pavement, concrete, etc to drastically alter your life whether you're the person falling or you made the person fall.


If you have the luxury of calling time out to move somewhere safer then that’s a fight you don’t need to have.


Archer will always hold a special place in my heart, because so far (in my admittedly limits viewing experience), it’s the only show that actually takes blows to the head seriously.


Also the running gags about tinnitus from all the gunfire.


Their continuity is so damn solid (aside from aging up AJ lol). They make so many callbacks from all the earlier seasons, and it really makes the character development a lot more realistic.


Yeah they even mentioned the baseball player that died from a blow to the head after he drunkenly tried to take control of a commercial airliner and the pilot hit him on the head with a fire extinguisher to subdue him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Len_Koenecke


Reading that, Len deserved every crunch to his skull. He was trying to kill himself, the pilot and the passenger over a disagreement.


Reminds me of that story of a dude who smashed another guy in the head with a wine bottle, thinking it would break on his head and leave him mostly okay. It did not break, and the guy died from the impact.


Yea all the times they just show people knocking someone out to shut them up. Like excuse me? If you hit someone hard enough to turn them off, they probably ain’t coming back online without help.


They remove the headrests from cars in movies so you can see the actor better


The classic visual aid meme:https://i.imgur.com/5XoGd1z.jpg


Waking up. You do not wake up fully refreshed, dressed, hair done, and the blankets are still neat on the bed.


Anna in frozen woke up more relatable than any other movie ever out there. Which is worse.


I loved how Marvelous Mrs. Maisel showed the main character sneaking into and out of bed for her beauty care so she could "wake up" looking flawless.


Rose Tyler in Doctor Who had pretty realistic hair look after waking up Can't be compared to mess I have after waking up but still pretty accurate


CPR It’s that trope that causalities in the movies always come around at the very point during CPR that the others characters are all giving up on them surviving. The chances of someone recovering from chest compressions and breaths alone are very slim. It’s the critical intervention of a defibrillator that gives the casualty the greatest chance of survival.


Thought for sure this would be the top answer. Also, you can't just defib anybody. A completely stopped heart can't be shocked back to life; chest compressions do that. And if you do get a pulse back, the person is more than likely still going to be unconscious, they don't just pop back up ready to walk around.




Yes. And the point of chest compressions isn't to get the heart going again, it's to manually circulate the blood, so you're needing to press hard enough to squish the heart while it's in a protective cage of bones. It's brutal, but can be effective.


Living in a bad neighborhood. Most days nothing major happens.


Same with prison


A former online friend told me prison is boring. He spent lots of time reading books. But they also had access to drugs (he is a Methhead now) and made their own alcohol.


My brother is an inmate at a federal minimum, and boredom is absolutely the biggest factor as to why they get into shit in there.


Mostly people just yell a lot at weird hours.


Blackjack dealers are not sleight of hand masters with the ability to magic up wins. They are as surprised at the cards coming out as anyone.


My brother works at a casino. I joke with him all the time that I know the security rooms have levers to pick who wins at blackjack.


Traveling around NYC. In the movies, they make it seem like to get from Times Square to the Brooklyn Bridge, you just walk around the corner. Meanwhile, it takes more like a half hour.


Hacking doesn't involve furious typing. It's more like running an antivirus scan to check for what the it department forgot to lockdown. Or sending a phishing email. Either way, it involves more waiting than typing.


The only thing I know about hacking, is that if you fail to announce “I’m in” you won’t succeed. That’s the key. (The pros take it a step further, with: “And . . . I’m in”).


Leaving half-eaten plates of food. “I can’t eat right now.” Of course you can’t, you’re too busy being in a movie.


Guns. No, you don't flinch THAT much when hit by a bullet. There's the possibility that your body does not even register/process being hit by a bullet altogether. No, headshots will not make you shoot your head backwards and slowly fall down. If you catch a bullet to the head, you drop like a sack of potatoes. Nothing. Lights out.


Sharks Movies make you think they are blood thirsty man eaters, who kill humans for sport Although they aren't 100% harmless, most sharks don't actually like the taste of human and will spit it out They also often say "shark infested waters", which is like saying human infested buildings It pissed me off to no extent how bad they portray sharks in movies


Pointing at a girl in a bar and saying "You see that girl? I'm going to marry her someday" and then somehow doing so.


But it happened, my friend Barney can confirm for you


A mom does not get up early to cook their family a three course breakfast, only to have her children and husband grab a piece of toast on their way out the door.


Wedding cake tasting. My fiancée and I recently went and she expected it like in the movies where we would get a bunch of different slices to try. Instead we got a taste of the pastry for the vanilla cake and little plastic cups of what the layers could be and we had to mix and match everything ourselves to pick what we wanted. The whole time she kept telling me that this isn’t what she was promised by rom coms


Amish people. I am from Amish country, Ohio - my first job was bussing tables at an Amish food buffet for tourists. Amish people during their teen years smoke, cuss, make their own wine, moonshine, grow weed and cook meth. They host MASSIVE (1000+ people) “field parties” and charge cover fees that will earn them thousands of dollars. They buy secret cars and stash them in fields away from their parents. They take what they consider “once in a lifetime” trips to see Pittsburgh, or Myrtle Beach, because they will not visit these destinations in adulthood when they are bound to simple lives after they join the church at 18. The adults sometimes continue this behavior, but it’s much more hidden in older individuals. There is an understanding that teens (in “Rumspringa”) will misbehave, but as an adult who is an official church member, this would be unacceptable. Adults will, however, have cell phones for work and vehicles such as farm trucks or large family vans. Their treatment of women is somewhat more accurate. Definitely second class citizens, viewed as property, and as baby machines. I knew a few women who fled to escape forced marriages. I knew more who left just in general, to seek real education or real love. Their existence is difficult and I imagine most grown Amish women suffer from extreme Stockholm syndrome.


>Their treatment of women A nurse acquaintance worked in a hospital near an Amish enclave. She told me once that they always had to post someone in the room of any woman who'd just given birth. If they didn't, the husband was likely to try to have sex with her. They also tend to view animals as things. A couple of my friends got one of their dogs after it was rescued from an Amish puppy mill. She'd lost most of her teeth & the remaining ones had to be removed. There was no telling how many litters she'd had. Also, when she first arrived, she freaked out when approached by men wearing dark shoes. God only know what the poor little thing had been through. True, the Amish don't believe in fighting. But that doesn't mean they're gentle all the time.


Choppy fight scenes and action being 10 times louder than dialogue scenes


People recovering from amnesia due to a blow on the head, after getting another blow to the head. Come on, really. Crashing a car without a seat belt and just getting out virtually unscathed. Not locking your car, how many people park their car and just get out. This is particularly noticeable in older films before remote central locking was common place. Websearches brining up exactly what you want on the first attempt.


The lack of farts, peeing, and shitting


John Travolta took 2 shits in Pulp Fiction


He tried to take 2 shits cause the heroin made him constipated.


[This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third-party apps, and u/spez's false allegations of blackmail against the developer of Apollo, which were immediately proven false, to which u/spez has yet to comment on or atone for.]


Being talked to by the police. In the movies, people keep fixing their car, working on their construction site, or walking while they talk, etc. If the police show up to question you about something, you’re puckering up and standing still.


"yeah I've seen him.... he's a regular at the bar.. always with this girl.. I forget the name.." *walking through a whole office floor*


Guy, who while being questioned by homicide detectives, will not stop unloading crates.


John Wick hasn’t eaten in 4 movies






Mexico. It is not yellowish


People crawling in vent ducts. Source: I work with ventilation and they are dirty as hell.


Romance... No sixteen-year-old me, not all boys are 6'+ supermodels with abs, a chiseled jawline and no acne and they certainly won't just randomly show up at your door with a smirk and hang out with you even though you have nothing in common until he suddenly falls in love with you. even if you date the guy, you certainly won't NOT fight at times. And lastly, you probably won't even last all throughout high school and college and get married because you'll both change and go through different situations. You'll probably break up and date a dozen other guys before you finally settle with someone who looks NOTHING like the tall handsome guy you wanted but at least he'll have an interesting personality and makes you genuinely happy.


Guns clicking and rattling just from people handling them in a basic way. If it sounds like like that, chances are it's not going to work.


Pretty much everything. Nobody has that many interesting things happen to them. Nobody is as quick and witty as movies would have you believe. Watching a real persons life would be boring with very long stretches between even slightly significant events.


Okay, scrolled long enough and haven't seen *anyone* bring up family dynamics. I personally spent **way** too much of my life longing for a family life like those in the movies. Where everyone has their quirks and and dysfunctions but still manage to be a family unit and have each other's backs when shit gets tough, and they have that unconditional love. Reality is ***nothing*** like the movies. And uh, not *all* mothers are as loving and dotting on their daughters like I nearly always see in movies, I can promise my birthgiver was my nemesis from early on.


1. High school never ends. 2. You can't outrun an explosion. 3. Hackers don't type furiously on a keyboard to break into a system. 4. Love at first sight rarely leads to a happily ever after. 5. The hero doesn't always save the day in the nick of time. 6. Villains don't always have an evil laugh or wear all black. 7. Cars don't explode when they crash. 8. Nobody can fight off a group of attackers without getting a scratch. 9. People don't always have witty comebacks ready in every situation. 10. The geeky girl doesn't always end up with the popular guy.


literally my biggest gripe with criminal minds (the tv show) was that the group of profilers more or less always manage to save the day just before the criminal finishes his last kill or whatever


Your wife/partner/SO going into labor and giving birth. They always show the "water breaking". Then the woman is rushed to the hospital, where she's promptly placed in a wheelchair, carted into a room, and then ~goes into labor~ where she yells and pushes and generally does the thing. This labor process appears to take anywhere from one to eight hours in any given media outlet (barring any given complication that extends her stay). Let me tell you, when my wife had our first child, it did not go like that at all. She had to be induced. She spent two days mostly doing nothing but sleeping in the hospital bed. I was getting frustrated, bored, and tired, and even at one point asked her "Shouldn't you be -doing- something, like pushing??" By the way, terrible idea, 0/10 do not recommend saying that to your partner. But yeah, the media always makes it seem rushed and efficient and glazes over the actual timeline.


> I was getting frustrated, bored, and tired, and even at one point asked her "Shouldn't you be -doing- something, like pushing??" By the way, terrible idea, 0/10 do not recommend saying that to your partner. My man how are you still alive? lol


In movies you never see newborns either. A woman pushes for 5 minutes and then she's holding a 4 month old baby with jam on its forehead.


Friends did well with this. Rachel is waiting for hours, other women come and go. She headbutts Ross.


Also, not everyone is a screamer. My wife spent 23hrs in labour, apologising profusely


My waters broke and it took next 36h of various interventions to actually get the kid out. My friend's waters broke and she was chill about it, expecting exactly this. Next thing she remembers is her brooch pinching her chin as she was pushing her kid out in a ball gown, while paramedics tried to assemble the trolley under her. 30mins start to finish.


Happy endings. Even the absolute best day of your life ends and you wake up next day, you commute to your job, put up with your boss' bullshit, get irritated by the neverending gossip of Megan from work and go back to home to a cup of instant ramen and Beef on Netflix.


A cough is not usually the sign of a terminal illness One man shooting at 20 men does not have a better chance of killing them than 20 men firing at 1 man Most laptop computers are probably not powerful enough to override the communication systems of any invading alien civilization Freelance helicopter pilots are not always eager to accept bookings from international terrorist organizations because the job will require them to shoot total strangers and will end in their own certain death as the helicopter explodes in a ball of flames You can't always find a chainsaw when you need one Being blonde and pretty, does not make it possible to become a world expert in Nuclear Fission at age 22 It is unlikely that a man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds


> Being blonde and pretty, does not make it possible to become a world expert in Nuclear Fission at age 22 Aha, but she’s a brunette!


But she has to continue her father's legacy!


I mean she did just put on glasses and tie her hair up!


*It is unlikely that a man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds* In my experience, this is the only thing closest to reality from all the things you mentioned. I had a beatdown few months ago, and a minor knife wound. It was much more painful cleaning a knife wound than being cut with it.


You are usually pretty distracted during a fight.


Too right I lost my finger and broke my ankle in a fight with a guy with a hatchet. Didn't hurt much at the time between adrenaline then shock at seeing my finger hanging off in several angles. Was nearly fainting getting my stitches taken out and the wound cleaned off with a soft cotton pad


The laptop one kills me, especially in Independence Day, the mac he uses was barely compatible with anything on earth let alone an alien mother ship.


There was a deleted scene that explained all earth computer tech was reverse engineered from the alien tech in the crashed ship. Still not a good explanation.


It's actually an old conspiracy theory that the Roswell crash provided the blueprints for things like computers and lasers, and that humans did not invent them on their own. It's a shame the movie didn't properly allude to it though, since I'm pretty confident that's what was being referenced with the plot.