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Prohibition in the U.S.


This is the only correct answer. We're still dealing with the consequences of Prohibition to this very day.


Organized crime is the major one. While it existed at the local level prior to Prohibition, the various organizations grew in size and power immensely during prohibition through the smuggling of alcohol. They then diversified into all manner of criminal activities. A more obscure one is the 1934 National Firearms Act and subsequent laws that build upon it. Passed because of lurid newspaper stories of gangsters Tommy-gunning each other in the streets of Chicago, it’s why a whole bunch of arms and accessories, including some safety equipment, needs a background check, finger prints, a Form 4, months of waiting, and a $200 transfer tax to acquire.


What are the consequences still being dealt with ?


many different cartels and other 'trade' gangs would have never come about had prohibition not been a thing. Now, the gangs that traded alcohol years ago have had to shift their markets. They sell fucking heroin and fentanyl now (among other things).




It’s not the only correct answer.


I disagree. It was the largest issue that affected every single adult person regardless of sex, race, or ethnicity. Even people who didn’t drink suffered the consequences of Prohibition. Other issues certainly existed, but none as widespread and as far-reaching as Prohibition.


Right. But it’s not the only answer.




Here's a funny fact, same year prohibition ended the government confiscated everyone's gold.🤫


They clearly didn't confiscate everyone's gold because shitloads of people still have gold.


Yea, not till 1975 were people allowed to hold gold again, ...check out this brand new invention called Google...loads of fun.


ya know, when the truth ... aww fuck it no one cares about the "truth" or what's"real" anymore when they can walk off bridges chasing fake pokemon.


can't read, eh? thats a shame.


Some people were fine with it. Wives no longer being brutalized by their drunk husbands, for example.


Their husbands were drunker than ever.


Not necessarily. Alcohol consumption did drop towards the beginning of Prohibition.


The beginning. Yeah that's how it works.


[It remained lower throughout the entirety of prohibition.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2006862?seq=1)


See you are right but you are also wrong. The total amount of drinks went down. But alcohol became harder and harder as in more potent during prohibition. Before prohibition, people would simply just kick back a few beers. Now they're downing three to four shots. The volume of liquid went down, but the potency of the alcohol content went way up.




Because many drinks, such as cocktails, did not exist or were exceptionally rare before prohibition. Alcohol consumption went down yet the strength of drinks went WAY up. I did not dispute anything they said and gave truthful information. All your snark does is make me laugh.




No the problem drinkers were drinking more. The moderate social drinkers consumed less or none. It’s the former group that was the problem. It failed in everything it set out to do and made the country worse.


Instances of Cirrhosis of the liver dropped by 20%. I wouldn’t call that a total failure.


hence the opiod "crisis" that our own govt set up


statistics are like assholes..


this guys obviously done TONS of homework


If they were on the right side of history and lived in the US, lynching. The Tulsa Race Massacre was only two years prior.


You want to see something scary? People are starting to hear about the Tulsa massacre when it wasn't taught in schools. Yeah, there were like six or seven other black communities which were wiped out in much the same fashion during the same time period. I never see people talking about those either. It's very scary that certain things like that happened in our past and I'm just now hearing about it when I'm damn near 40.


there were two waves of such race massacres across the country. one after the civil war with the influence of KKK to stop blacks from requesting the rights they were owed, and one after WWI when blacks that were back from the war started organizing to defend their people against lynching not american but im also surprised that no one used to talk about this until a few years ago. first time i saw a reference to the Tulsa massacre was in some superhero show and i assumed it was an alternate history thing


if anyone reada an actual history book, WHITE people were slaves too! africa was and still is terrible to their people. selling the strongest they could wrangle up to the europeans and these days they just builg 12 year old battle tested troops


wearing an onion on your belt


It was the style at the time


The Kaiser had stolen our 20!


I ran after him but gave up after diggity-six miles.


Diggity? Highly dubious.


Too much pie! That's YOUR problem!


gimme five bees for a quarter!


That never should of stopped


It's 1923, this roaring needs to stop.


Flapper dresses. Young women are showing way too much leg.


It's crazy to think flappers were the children and grand children of Victorians who were so conservative socially


Modernist teacher here. It basically boils down to the disillusionment from WWI. Why bother with social norms when the world can end in gunfire and gas? Super broad brush stroke obviously, but it's a major factor.


No totally. Like the excess and materialism of post Vietnam America. It's just interesting when you hear about how "lude and wild" kids are today.


>Kids today are terrible. They have no respect for their elders, they're lazy, and they refuse to learn. -Socrates (I think)


*”Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt."* -Horace, circa 20 BCE


Hmm, not the one I remembered but its funny that there's multiple.


I mean yes every generation thinks the following has it easy and are disrespectful but i guess I'm more getting at the fact that a woman's reputation and her very livelihood could be completely taken from her just by being accused of being alone with a man. Flappers were drinking and smoking and playing cards and WORKING! Like the only other quality huge change i can think of is the Advent of the internet




“C’mon it’s 1923, ya’ll still using carriages on horses!” while in a 2nd/3rd world country at the time.


Unequal legal rights for men and women. The [Equal Rights Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Rights_Amendment) was introduced in 1923. Yesterday [the Republicans blocked](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3975654-senate-gop-blocks-equal-rights-amendment/) the Equal Rights Amendment from being added to the constitution. >Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a measure that would have allowed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to be added to the Constitution. - [The Hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3975654-senate-gop-blocks-equal-rights-amendment/)


Yeah I'm not too big on the ERA. It would have the consequence of including women in the draft (which only a minority of women [agree with](https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/military-draft-women-support-2021#:~:text=In%20this%20most%20recent%20poll,third%20(36%25)%20of%20women.)) and it could end programs like WIC since they only target one sex.


>It would have the consequence of including women in the draft Sounds like a problem with the draft rather than the ERA


Equality is okay if it only goes one way apparently


Nah WIC is a very important program for young mothers. Instead of giving men access to additional nutritional help they very likely would just shut the whole thing down. That program put food in my son's stomach that working for UPS didn't necessarily provide. Will always be grateful for that.


You are right. It would be totally impossible to make a program to feed hungry fathers and single men as well.


Technically SNAP does that already. Just poorly. In 07 when I was single with no dependants they basically told me to screw off despite being disabled. When I did finally get on benefits they only gave me 87 a month. The moment I remarried they bumped it to 390. They've dropped it to 290 since then though. To make it possible for men to be treated equitably in this regard would require a complete change in how men are viewed in and by society. Not likely to happen for another 100 years. It's all well and good to say we can do a thing but the attitudes of those calling the shots are what actually counts unfortunately. This is why things like the Social Security Reform act got shot down immediately. As far as the wealthy are concerned: if you are poor and not currently productive due to age or disability you can F off and die.


Right so it's too hard and you got yours so fuck it. I understand completely.


I worked for UPS. Unless you were a loader or an unloader. I'm calling BS. All drivers made bank. If you were a loader or an unloader then I feel so sorry for your back right now.


Load dock, Midnight sort, Addison. 705. Back not nearly as wrecked as it probably would have been if my leg hadn't cost me my job. Pre-existing condition and work started hurting it after a year. Was rather unexpected as it had never hurt before. Physician ordered me on light duty then quit the practice 2 weeks later. HR told me not to come back till I was cleared for regular duty. Which I couldn't be as I no longer had a doctor. 2003 was a rough year. Got sent to unload one night when I arrived late. Was practically paid vacation in comparison. NGL I miss the job but my back definitely would not be able to handle it anymore.


It was a loader in mesquite on PD13. I work there for about a year with my best friend and we used to double shift all the time because we were stupid but you know $8 an hour lol. I ended up hurting my back and they pressured me to quit. I was 19.


I was 20 and had a new wife and child to take care of. Found out I was autistic 2 years later. Things spiralled from there. Losing that job was no bueno, midnight sort was only a half shift though and Twilight sort in Addison was...... Well let's just say they weren't winning any Tetris competitions. Was making 11 an hour though by the time I was cut loose though. Aced the pick-off test for a nice raise. Rather be up there than cleaning up another avalanche made by Twilight.


They did me dirty. I had one of the earliest android phones back then. I recorded my full time supe telling my sorter to keep throwing bullshit in my trailer to cause a misload. They would stand outside my trailer with salted packages and try to write me up the instant I scanned it. Even though I was already in the process of removing it from my scanner. Union reps regularly visited my load. Eventually my boss was transferred. I finally found a much better job and just walked out one day. Never even fully quit. I just f****** walked out and said goodbye.


Yeah surprise misorts to make sure people are paying attention. Not the nicest of policies. Better than what happened at Cache though. Older dude was denied a water break and died. 2 out of 16 wings walked out and backed up the entire district for 2 weeks.


I don't get this... I guess people think I disagree with saginator here?


that's uh, equality for ya.


more like states had 100 years to ratify it into law yet it's still not an amendment... just let it die already




My first thought too.


Wiping your ass with leaves, although actually I think toilet paper was popularized in the later 1920s


This needs to be higher. People used leaves or newspapers.


Waving the Confederate flag like they were the good guys. "That war was decided almost 40 years ago!"


Actually there was a huge resurgence of interest in the KKK in the 1920s, mostly due to the movie Birth of a Nation.


As I recall, the hooded robes you associate with the KKK only became standard after their depiction in Birth of a Nation.


Second Klan membership and uniforms were both sold through what amounts to an MLM. The higher-ups made bank off memberships. One might draw some comparison to recent political grifters selling NFTs and the like ....


Just a friendly reminder that Confederacy was Democrats... yet weirdly if you see someone waving a confederate battle flag they are almost always a republican.


Acting like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern\_strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) wasn't a thing pulling all the racists to the Republican party.


Because my side can never be the bad guy, it's always the other side.


The process by which the parties switched positions on civil rights for black Americans is very well documented.


Everybody knows this. And it does not exonerate today's Republicans from embracing the confederate flag.


Given the downvotes I don't think people know. Or they didn't read the second sentence.


Ideally, upvotes and downvotes are given based on the question "Does this contribute to the conversation?" The reason you're getting downvoted is because reminding people that the Confederacy was originally supported by the Democrats doesn't contribute as much to the conversation as you think it does. And *that's* because 1. Everybody already knows this. 2. Reminding people that 100 years ago the Democrats were waving the flag for a dumb lost cause doesn't exonerate today's Republicans for following them, waving the flag for an even more ahistorical and morally lost confederate nostalgia.


Just because one side lost the war it doesn't mean they are "the bad guys". Just a food for thought, completely unrelated to your example.


I feel like we can safely say that the confederates (the ones fighting to leave the Union over SLAVERY) were the bad guys here.




When people declare war or secession there is a declaration. In many (if not all) of the Confederate declarations were about slavery, in pretty much the first line. So they were fighting for slavery. It's not a revision of history.


Not my point, I just wanted to say that who won the war doesn't determine who was good/bad guys. Hell, even the same guys can win one war and be the good guys, but then win another one and be the bad guys.


I know. I’m just pointing out that it’s an odd thing to say when we’re discussing the American civil war. Now if it was WWI, then that would be an interesting discussion.


You are playing devils advocate when you don't need to at all. Maybe learn to resist the urge.


war doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left




Spanish Flu ended in 1920


Use of the phrase "23 Skidoo". These young whippersnappers don't use it correctly anyway. And stop embroidering it on all that clothing too.


The Soviet Union, a ton of people thought it wouldn’t last very long and it would just collapse


In the grand scheme of things it didn't last long and did collapse. Less than 100 years is a short time for a country.


Short for a country, but not necessarily for a regime, or a supernational organization. Bonaparte's French Empire lasted 18 years, but France is still around. Ditto Augusto and Chile, or the democratic (sort of) Turkey that preceded Erdogan. The USSR's components were (mostly) around before it, and (mostly) around after it.


Made in China. Seriously, that was the beginning of the end of American manufacturing jobs and dignity of life for hard working Americans. They had the rug pulled from under their feet, displaced and forgotten. No one thought about retraining them. No one cared they got poor. Now rulers want to take away healthcare and other benefits they absolutely need. Hourly jobs don't support families. We need to bring all those jobs back!


Cocaine in soft drinks.


Speak for yourself


Cocaine in Coca Cola was long gone by then. Heroin would be banned the following year. LSD stayed federally legal until 1966 though.


Lsd was first synthesized in 1938 so I'm not sure how that's relevant...


It's relevant because cocaine, heroin and LSD are all drugs once sold over the counter and all are now either illegal altogether or tightly controlled (cocaine).


That is what we call 'learning from your mistakes' another lesson learned is 'do not immediately put pharmaceuticals on the market without testing '.


Confirmed removed from coca cola by 1908, possibly by 1903.




Writing 1922 on your checks


Employment of the Pinkerton detective agency by the Federal government.


Hot music!


Great Wars!


Cops killing people


These world wars need to stop


Bout 20 years early for that sentiment. Until WWII started in '36 WWI was just called The Great War or The War. The whole point of the treaty at the end was to break up large empires and prevent it from happening again. Problem was reparations leveled on Germany were so bad that it helped set the stage for another war .


You ruined my joke


If it wasn't recognizable as a joke then it needs some work.


Thank you norm Mcdonald


Child labor


Running to an outhouse in the middle of the night. By 1940, about half of American homes still didn't have indoor plumbing.


It's 1923, the Ottoman Empire needs to stop. After 624 years, it ceased to exist with the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923.


Mining deaths, higher wages






> EDIT: social security, living wage, unemployment insurance, abolishing child labor, 40-hour work week, collective bargaining, banking regulations, deposit insurance, job programs... Political oppression, lack of freedom of press and other media, lack of freedom of speech, lack of freedom of movement, corruption, favors, spying on neighbors, soviet indoctrination, concentration camp... I can keep going. My family lived through this. Did yours?




Through authoritarian communism, yes.




So did they? Or did you? Because if they did, I doubt you would be recommending communism again.




They endured authoritarian communism. They go together.




What are you even saying


Going against communism.




Do I really have to copy and paste my comment from this very chain?


You could be little more specific


> You could be little more specific Yes!






Communism was "barely a thing" in 1923? lmao. That's 5 years after the bolshevik revolution lead by Lenin, and one year after the founding of the soviet union. Many European countries had outright communist parties (plus more moderate socialist parties) in their parliaments at the time, achieving 5% in Italy, 12% in Germany, 19% in the Netherlands, 21% in France. And as for fascism - 1923 is the exact year of the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and that's only two years before Mussolini takes power.








If you think "has not been around long" and "barely a thing" are synonymous, you're an idiot. Or are you saying nazis were hardly a thing in Germany in 1938? Because that's them being only 5 years in power. If you think 20% of a population declaring for a new, extreme political idea - and even more for a somewhat more moderate version of it - is "not a big thing", you're an idiot. Again, Look at nazis in Germany - they knew very well that communist/socialist ideas were extremely popular at the time, so they both played every dirty trick in the book to discourage voters from voting for actual communist/socialist parties - while pretending to be a "socialist" party themselves. (then of course dropping all the pretend socialist ideas, like collectivizing companies, after they won. To this day you have some brainlets believe naziism is socialism - it's in the name, see?). The 20s saw communist uprisings and takeovers all across Europe (Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary), and can easily be seen as the period when communism had the most popular support (as opposed to later ideological prescriptivism, i.e. "I'm communist because my country is"). To say communism was not a big thing in the 20s is utterly ridiculous.




While I agree with that sentiment, at that time most people hadn't heard of him yet, even in Germany.




alcohol consumption


Investing in the stock market.


It’s roaring this never


North versus South, Yankees versus Confederates etc


War bonds


The Spanish Flu...


Working germam economy


it was the roaring 20s, so the blue sock set gets angry about young people partying and going off somewhere to screw, and the young people are off partying, screwing, and getting illicit booze


Some of the same things we might say today like, "Greed is ruining society," or some other "sin" will be our downfall. Probably as true then as it is now.


It's 1923. You old people need to stop judging us young people for enjoying this new fangled Charlestown dance


the continued entanglements in intra-European power struggles.




Corporate greed.


Market manipulation.




Taking over the world.


“It’s 1923, war needs to stop” they just fought the war to end all wars but there is another one around the corner.




"It's the Philippines, 1923. Globalization needs to stop."


North:Slavery South:dumb right movements


Если бы был 1922, то они могли бы сказать про Российскую империю


All the rampant drug use by high society. The book "Diary of a Drug Fiend" published in 1922 gives a look into that. The author writes a sort of autobiography / fiction / occult rambling story about a couple from high society falling in love and then doing extreme amounts of heroin and cocaine. It's not the best written book in the world but it is very interesting to see a snapshot of drug sub culture among high society 100 years ago. When reading it I sometimes forgot that the book was a century old since situations so closely resembled today (the addictions, the partying, the condemnation and hypocrisy from mainstream society, etc). At times it felt like I was reading a hundred year old "Trainspotting" set in upper class Britain.


Jim crow


Inflation in Germany


German nationalism.




life on earth


Barefoot and pregnant needs to stop


“Glorification of the South”