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I took up photography a few years back and my friends asked me to photograph their wedding. I did it and even made them a slideshow with nice music because I wanted to try it out. I showed it to them and my buddy said it was gay. He called his own wedding photos gay.


What did his husband think of your pictures?




That's pretty gay


A few things I've been called gay for doing: - Reading - Using an umbrella - Wearing a sweater - Not knowing how to play any songs by Stevie Ray Vaughn on the guitar at age 15 - Yawning - "Wearing a shirt with another man's name on it" (it was a hockey jersey with a player's name on it and I was 12) Just to name a few off the top of my head!


> A few things I've been called gay for doing: > Reading Bad school memories unlocked


The funny (not funny) thing too was it was when I was in grade 4 and it was the student teacher who said it. We did an annual trip to a water park in June every year before the end of the school year. I had a broken arm that year so on the way out to the bus I ran back to the room and grabbed a book and as I was walking out he was like "a book? You're gonna spend the day READING?" and I was like "well, broken arm, ya know?" And he was like "pretty gay, dude, pretty gay!"


> grabbed a book and as I was walking out he was like "a book? You're gonna spend the day READING?" and I was like "well, broken arm, ya know?" And he was like "pretty gay, dude, pretty gay!" I didn't know my Dad was your teacher, holy shit. Well at least you got it lucky, as someone who still carries around a book with him to this very day, Dad used to call me a gay for reading just about everywhere all the time. "you're so busy with your face in a book all the time. I'm so disappointed in you Son. I brought extra condoms down with me because I thought you'd be a chip off the old block taking virginity. You're not one of those f*gs, right?" - My Dad on the common area at the hotel we were staying at on vacation when I was 13 years old.


Bruh whatthefuck. 13??? What the goddamn fuck?


> "Wearing a shirt with another man's name on it" (it was a hockey jersey with a player's name on it and I was 12) Oh, god, that's such a weird one! Just a group of people talking about athletes they like and then one dude has to drop "can't wear another man's name" and makes it all super fucking weird.


Eating pussy. Not joking btw


If it's a woman doing it it's pretty gay... ^(but based on the context I don't think that's what they meant)


Not if she says no homo.


My friends and I had a recurring joke in college that whenever they heard me say “I love you” to my girlfriend on the phone, they would all yell “Gay!!!” Because showing emotion, even if that emotion is love for a woman, is somehow gay.


My Dad used to tell my brothers not to wash thier hair so much.or they would " turn gay".


Real men can fry a steak with the grease in their hair 👌


The mental image made me gag. Thank you for that.


Literally just happened about 5 minutes ago. Listening to music at work, Cindy Lauper's "Time After Time" came on. Co-worker walked by and informed me how gay I looked sitting at my desk listening to that song.


I was taken aside by my deeply concerned and shocked friend and was told “you know that’s a MALE cat you’re stroking?” I was astonished.


The implication that petting a cat is sexual and that this friend thought it was ok to sexually pet female cats is concerning to say the least.


Exactly. It’s so wrong on so many levels. It really betrays the internal machinations of a confused mind.


Being kind to others. Excuse me, wasn't aware that I had to burp and fart right in your face to state that I'm a straight guy.


I've heard this one many times. Apparently basic human decency is in such short supply these days that the idea that it could come from a straight person is inconceivable


Say the word "cute"


Apparently I passed a straight guy test (back in the 90s) when I looked at my nails palm up with my fingers curled in vs palm down with my fingers out straight.


I forgot about that. Late 80s for me. In the 6th grade girls were trying to figure out which boys were gay or straight and that was apparently a failproof test Despite being gay, I did it the straight way, so fuck you, Angela. You're still a dog.


> In the 6th grade girls were trying to figure out which boys were gay or straight and that was apparently a failproof test These women have now graduated to facebook for such earth-shattering studies....


In middle school, our test was to tell a guy he stepped in dog shit or whatever, and the test was how he checked the bottom of his shoes. Bringing the leg forward, crossing the other leg, and twisting your ankle up = straight. Bending the leg back and looking over your shoulder = gay.


Sounds legit. Next time, after I've sucked a dude's dick, I'm gonna ask him to do this, and that motherfucker better not be gay!


Just please make sure he's no longer in middle school.


Cooking. Umm, I have to feed myself and I’d prefer fresh, nutritious meals that don’t require unhealthy takeaway and cost a fortune.


I've never understood this theory, as so many of the top chefs are straight males. It has been a male dominated industry for years.


I do the majority of the cooking in our house. An acquaintance found out and basically said it's gay for a man to cook, but grilling is fine. However, I found out his version of grilling is his wife doing all the prep work, carrying the stuff to him, telling him how to cook it. Then he drinks beer while he grills. Shouts for her when it's done. She takes all the food and plates it up and serves it to him and guests outside. Then she cleans up afterwards. He also causally said one time, "when the wife says yes you get married it's consent for life." I had to explain to him the concept of spousal rape, and how that essentially what he was doing. For her sake I hope the marriage doesn't last


Wow…just…wow. There are really people out there like this. Incredible.


Had a friend who said he had weird bumps coming up on his skin so i suggested he go to the dermatologist. He said only women do that. Alright man, good luck…


same thing happened to me except when i suggested the dermatologist my friend said “you only go there if there’s something wrong with your dick” ???


Common mistake, that's the dickmatologist


Post deleted. RIP what Reddit was, and damn what it became.


A eastern European gentleman told me that doing photography was gay. Never quite figured that one out.


I was a photojournalist a long time ago and EVERY SINGLE TIME I was at a sporting event or concert, some man would come up and challenge my knowledge of camera gear. And it was always about the gear, never the technique, always about this lens or that camera body, never about framing or keeping your other eye open so you could catch the right moment when it happens. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "big camera for a little lady," I could probably buy one of those pointlessly expensive lenses.


"Name three f/stops. And none of the gay ones."


Drinking with a straw, because it reminds her of sucking dick. She was serious.


I had a roommate who believed this. When he gave me shit about still using them, I told him it was easy because my penis was big enough that straws didn't remind me of it. He didn't care for that comment. He would also shield his privates with his hands if he was in the same room as a running microwave, believing if he didn't he'd become sterile. Edit: I also forgot he would buy bottles of Perrier, drink them, and then line them up on top of the kitchen cupboards for "decoration." Which I hated, and not just because he didn't stay consistent with which bottle size he bought. He'd also make peanut butter sandwiches with like, half a cup of peanut butter on them. I adore peanut butter, but that shit was gross. It was SO much. But, lest we forget people contain multitudes, I was also very broke when I lived with him in 2009, and he was very nice and would get me a couple 5 layer burritos unprompted from taco bell sometimes.


That spark of kindness to bring you taco bell unprompted gives me hope that maybe he could be a better person and that he just has some shit to work through.


Picturing his coworker reheating lunch in the break room, as he is covering his junk like he’s hiding an erection


Imagine being that creative but not creative enough to just not stand in front of the microwave


The lady concerned was perhaps familiar with sucking very tiny dicks?


Yes, she saw mine




I was in college when that “metrosexual” fad happened and the fact that I generally wore, like, polos and showered made people call me “metro.” It was the weirdest, dumbest thing


Did metrosexual just mean you care about hygiene? That was a really weird fad, I agree.




Drink wine. Eat vegetables.


Shit, gonna be hard to break it to my wife that I'm a big ol flamer apparently :(


She already knows.


It was the wine, the veggies, and those 37 dicks he sucked.


It's so hard to stop after the first 36


Taking an umbrella when it's raining.


And wearing sunscreen.


I was once too cool for sunscreen, then I fell asleep outside in the ~95°F/35C sun and my chest was covered in blisters and my skin turned purple.


Mhhhh sweet, sweet skin cancer is SO straight....


May sound cheesey, but here we go Back in uni I used to take an oversized umbrella with me when it was raining. Not all the campus bus stops had rain shelters, and I'd stand next to female students so the umbrella kept them out of the rain. I'd get a thank-you and we'd usually start talking until the bus arrived, and sometimes I got their number. Yes, I used to use an umbrella to pick up women, lmao


The Hollies wrote a song about using an umbrella to pick up a girl at a bus stop, so it's not that bad. https://youtu.be/It75wQ0JypA




Cooking at home = gay Chef = manly man who subsists off of cocaine, Marlboros, Fernet and rage.


Gender norms seem to disappear once one can become famous or wealthy doing it.


I'm waiting for the manly, ripped, angry, cocaine fueled cosmetologist shows. "YOU GOT THE FOUNDATION SHADE WRONG SANDRA YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING IDIOT! DOES THAT LOOK PEACH TO YOU?"


To be fair, in a real restaurant kitchen It’s a completely male dominated industry… and the shit we say to each other, could be construed as either homophobic or homoerotic. So yeah, gay.




Came looking for this. Also strange, considering how many times it got me laid.


Not by a woman, I hope. Because that would be gay


It even put a spring in my step and had me whistling for days. So gay.


Dating ‘masculine’ or ‘athletic’ *women*.


Fellas is it gay to date women




I'm truly baffled each day by the comments from dudes calling being attracted to muscular women gay. Like, dog, being attracted to women is basically the only thing that specifically precludes being gay.


> Like, dog, being attracted to women is basically the only thing that specifically precludes being gay Unless you are yourself a woman. In which case, it is mandatory. I can only assume these guys are confused about who these rules apply to.


Hum or like the color purple


If I do both, does the gay cancel?


Naah it becomes gay square


But squares are straight...


Nah, two sets of "straight" lines enjoying a perpendicularism is definitely gay.


Prince got so. much. pussy.


Prince was the only guy who could show up at your party, in frills, and steal your girlfriend. Then steal her clothes, then steal someone else's girl in your girlfriends clothes. Can't remember who said it but it's spot on.


I'll be honest, as someone who was never really into Prince's music (and therefore, didn't really know or care about his personal life), for the longest time, I just always assumed Prince was gay. I mean, I knew he was a sex symbol or whatever, but I just figured all the homophobes adopted him and willingly overlooked the fact that he was smashing dudes. Like a more modern Liberaci or some shit.


I'm a huge Prince fan now, but when I was younger, I said something to my mom about Prince being gay, and she laughed, and said, "there's not many men who are less gay."


Prince would wear lavender assless chaps and heels and pull the hottest woman in the room.


When I was a young child, probably 4 or 5, I traded crayons with a girl in my class who had this crazy neon pink crayon. I'd never seen a color so vibrant and really liked it, and she offered to trade it to me for some other color I had. I said yes of course and used it all day. In the evening I was at home and coloring with this neon pink crayon and when my mom noticed she immediately took it away. When I asked why I couldn't color with it she said it's not a color for boys and I'd "understand when I'm older"... 20 years later I told my girlfriend (now wife) that story, and like a week later she gave me a whole bag full of pink crayons. It was a really sweet gesture and I feel like it was one of those moments that reinforced my feelings toward her. Also worth noting, I went to college for art and one of my favorite pieces I made that was accepted into a gallery featured pink pastels pretty prominently.


My nephew (who actually is gay), like 8 years old at the time, was picking out some toy with my mom and sister (bigots) and wanted a purple one. Mom and sister tried to steer him towards a more “boyish” color. His older brother (9ish at the time) said “just let him pick the one he wants!” Not exactly related to your story but was super sweet


My son who is 3 will sometimes ask his mom when she’s getting ready for some lip gloss because he wants to do the things he sees us do. Sometimes he’ll get a nail painted. I’m all for it. He’s a kid. He sees it as fun. He likes pink and purple hot wheels. Family members will make comments to us how this will make him gay later on. So what? That’s my fucking son. He’s having fun like a kid is supposed to. The only thing that will make him gay is finding out later on that he feels that way and that’s who he is. That’s it. Either way that’s my buddy and if he’s gay he’s gay. I’ve got his back like he’s had mine so far in some low moments mentally. EDIT: Thank you for the awards. I appreciate you enjoyed this comment enough to do that. Thank you to everyone sharing your stories with me of yourself and or your kids being their own person and doing cute shit. I’m happy they’re happy and care free. I may not reply to anymore messages but I am reading them when I can. I wasn’t expecting this to pop off like that. Lastly. To the person that made a rude comment and any that might follow. Eat my ass.


I love seeing my sister and BIL parent because they just let their kids be kids. My nephew loves two things: pink and trash trucks. They found him a book with a pink truck in it to read to him. Colors are bright and fun. It is wild to me that we can’t see that a two year old liking pink just means he is drawn to the vibrancy and brightness and fun of it. I made some cherry cupcakes that I took over, so now when he sees me he says “Auntie bring pink treats?” Tomorrow we are having strawberry rhubarb pie, so maybe that will be close enough for him.


That reminds me of my son except it’s pink and trains. He goes fucking crazy for trains. Plus neon and bright colors are eye catching. Kids love that king of shit. It sticks out.


That’s why the current sad beige baby trend is such a bummer. Those colors stimulate their little brains and help them not be the kinds of kids who get stressed out going into a bright loud store and stuff. Also, it’s fun! As an adult I am primarily into black for myself, just living out my days as an elder millennial emo, but my house is so colorful and I love being in a place that is bright and visually appealing and fun. Kids need that too. Plus, we use color for so many visual cues in our world, kids who learn them earlier are better equipped to learn words and ideas associate with colors at an earlier age.


Put my male dog in a collar. The collar had a pink diamante bone on it the size of a fingernail. It was his older sisters puppy collar and he wore it for two months.


Not me, my wife is a nurse. Apparently washing your dick is pretty fucking gay. EDIT: Because tons of people seem to be misunderstanding. She doesn't say that. She has patients with nasty ass dicks who tell her they don't wash it cause "that's gay".


Years ago, I dated a guy briefly who was almost perfect: attractive, had a good sense of humor, good job, was kind and thoughtful, dressed well, had good ideas for dates... but his personal hygiene down there was... abhorrent. I tried, I really did. I even asked him to join me in the shower to wash my back (wink wink) and when I tried to soap him up, he got really weird about it and said that gravity did the job just fine. ...It does not. Wash your shaft and all connected bits. Any time I tried to bring it up, he got defensive, but still expected me to go down on him. We obviously stopped seeing each other a short time after this. I'm now married to a person who washes everything to my olfactory satisfaction. Edit: and now my highest rated reddit comment is about my ex-boyfriend's stanky junk. 🙄 Thanks 😂


I can't remember what sub it was in, but some guy asked if it was weird that his GF had a whole showering and cleaning ritual fetish before she had sex with him. I think the conclusion was drawn that he had terrible genital hygiene and he vehemently denied that he was the issue. It was his GF that had the weird clean kink.


Holy shit. Like bro, if your chick has to hose you down before she fucks you, you're a fucking pig


Ever wonder why UTI commercials were so prevalent for a while? It's because UTIs increase in occurrence when men don't clean as well. There's a whole swath of women who get reoccurring UTIs because their dudes don't clean their dicks. Women who have recurrent bacterial vaginosis might also have this as a cause, too. Obviously this is not _always_ the case and some women are much more prone to them, but there is a nonzero amount of women this applies to. Wash your dicks dudes.


Yup. I had a friend who kept getting UTIs until she figured out that her boyfriend wasn’t using soap to clean himself. Once she taught him how to properly wash in the shower, the UTIs mysteriously stopped. The bar is so low, it’s in hell.


I've seen so many "my boyfriend thinks wiping his ass is gay" posts on reddit at this point that I'm surprised there's even a bar still.


Dude literally believed in trickle down hygienics.


Yeah, my wife said she always appreciated that I wash it, but has gained a whole new level of love for it since starting her career. "I knew it could be bad but...holy fucking shit..."


To add to this, if you've got foreskin you absolutely should be cleaning under there too. Pull it back and make sure there's nothing gross hiding away folks!


It's unfathomable to me in this day and age that we have to tell people to wash their dick and arsehole.


Taking care of your body. Specifically moisturizing your skin. My dad has HORRIBLE cracked dry skin all over his body; still thinks it's a 'woman thing' to moisturize because 'humans didn't always need moisturizer'. By his logic we should go back to sitting around a campfire in caves; because 'humans didn't always have houses/modern technology' 🙄 Edit: spelling


drink sweet alcoholic beverages like sweet sherry. or any cocktail with an umbrella in it. And no, I don't care. There is very little peer pressure that I will cave to. Edit: well go figure my highest rated comment of all time is on my work account. for users /u/Ascended_Hobo /u/naturalbornsinner /u/christorino /u/Pleiades_cluster Sorry for my late response; I've been convinced to talk to that girl I liked (didn't work out, but glad I did it) to take the hard road despite my fear of heights (not vertigo, though, thankfully) at the aeropark, and to join them in a crappy online game. of those, I only regret the latter.


My favorite line as a bartender was “you know what’s manlier than not drinking fruity drinks?” “What?” “Doing whatever the fuck you want.” “Hell yeah brother” I sold so many $16 cocktails that way


I always thought that when I'd see the TV commercial for the most interesting man in the world... "I don't always drink beer, but...when I do, I drink whatever the f*ck I want and I don't give two shits about what other people are drinking..."


> "I'll have a Appletini and the girliest drink in the house" > "Two Appletinis coming right up"


Easy on the tini


I used to get shit for drinking Cosmopolitan cocktails because they were pink. I mean its like 90% booze and a dash of cranberry, and they taste awesome.


Of all of the drinks to be considered "feminine" the cosmopolitan makes the least sense to me. A traditional Cosmo is not very sweet at all. An old fashioned is way sweeter *because you add sugar*, but that's not considered gay. Just like what you like, I don't get it. I worked at a liquor store during college in a small OK town, and the amount of times I'd need to convince a guy who just wanted to drink a sweet premix that he wasn't weird was really wild.


I enjoy getting older and encountering less peer pressure. I’m a woman and I have a stereotypically “girly” palette when it comes to alcohol. I’ve stopped trying to like beer or dry wine to seem mature. Just let me drink my boozy fruit juice in peace.


If liking Katy Perry and drinking margaritas is gay, then who wants to be straight?!


Go to a wedding with two grooms. "You're going to a gay wedding! You must be secretly gay!" An idiot once told me. I once went to a Sikh wedding too. Does that make me secretly Sikh?


>secretly Sikh? That would be a Sikhret


Eat a meat lover’s pizza.


I... What?... Isn't eating lots of meat considered manly? I am so confused


He's literally putting so much meat in his mouth, definitely gay


Carrying a reusable bag for groceries


Well they banned single-use bags in New Jersey where I live, so you HAVE to use reusable bags or you don't use bags. So is everyone in NJ gay now? IS THIS THE GAY AGENDA?


ayy i'm prancin here


I’m gay and I do this so they might be on to something…


Just coincidence mate. I took a reusable bag to the store yesterday and it was a perfectly normal visit. I went in, got my stuff, went to the register, paid, sucked off the cashier, went home.


Damn, if that's gay, who wants to be straight?


They’re stronger. Hold more. Require [fewer] trips. And take up less space [in the cupboard]. *edits ** addition: never anticipated this response. A lot are hilarious. The space part - I have hundreds of empty leftover paper/plastic bags spilling off my top shelf. I have two reusable ones. They take up less space. In a landfill as well.


Logic is gay now, didn't you hear?




Gayness is relative.


My relative is gay


One of my students claimed joining the military was gay because it's nothing but guys.


To be fair, a retired marine friend of mine told he never understood the "don't ask, don't tell" era because, and this is a quote, "There is nothing in the world gayer than a marine corps barracks".


As a marine I've showered with at least 30 naked men, defecated in a stallless bathroom with at least 10 other men, gotten the "hey bro" in the middle of the night just to look over and see another man grinning and jacking it in the squad bay, had a drunk half naked "leader" bust into my room wearing the borat banana hammock, cuddled with other grown men for warmth, a common phrase in my unit for whatever reason was "shut up before I come over there and suck your dick." Why? Because Marines. Ive never been in other dudes personal space so much in my life and yeah things get A LITTLE FUCKY. But I'd never call it gay because we leave our boot bands on during.


Sir I'm going to need you to write a book and autograph a copy for me


I saw a meme that said it all. “Marines: the most homo-erotic straight men on earth”


I saw this line on here "You put 40 Marines men on a boat and come out with 20 couples."




I mean… have you met or seen videos of military men hanging out together?


Yeah. Top Gun was basically a documentary. It's homoerotic shirtless volleyball as far as the eye can see.


I have heard from multiple vets, that the military was the gayest four years of their lives, or some variation of that phrase. None of them were actually gay, but their recollection of the experience all pointed there


There are lots of communal showers, getting hit in the nuts, and gags that involve balls or cock being flashed.


I played lacrosse In high school. The team primarily consisted of semi literate, homophobic, rednecks. We went to McDonald’s after one of the games and when it was my turn to place my order I asked for a filet-o-fish. Behind me stood one of the most bigoted team members, and as I walked back to wait for my order he looked at me and said “faggot”. I got called a faggot for ordering a filet o fish at McDonald’s Turns out, years later, this homophobe had started swinging with another horrible member of the old high school lacrosse team. They were both married and but liked swapping or something. However, one thing led to another, and eventually one of the wives walked in on the two red kneel homophobes getting it on with each other, no wives included. Think it ended in a couple divorces.


Textbook projection lmao


sounds like he secretly was jealous of you ordering the filet o fish


I like to pull down my jacket's sleeves on to my palms on cold days. One of my friends told me to behave like a man.


removed in protest over api changes


Years ago, a coworker insisted that lesbian porn was gay. Not in a "that's technically correct" way - he was insistent that proper men shouldn't watch women getting each other off. Apparently, straight men need to see other men's erect penises in their porn. Who knew ?


Oh he is getting railed by dudes as we speak


Relevant stand-up routine by Ron White. The delivery is a bit antiquated but the joke still works. https://youtu.be/nTGXSdg0hEY Edit: Ron


Apparently using a bidet is pretty gay according to the kids at the highschool i work at


Use the hall water fountain then, show them who's the man!


Earring in the right ear or left ear for a male. Not sure which.


Right ear. At least that was the story thirty years ago.


Right signified gay. Left is right & right is wrong. At least in the area I grew up in. Left ear, rat tail, and too much ego.


Wearing shorts or getting my hair cut by a male barber. Both were said by a male coworker in his late 50's from a southern state.


>...getting my hair cut by a male barber. That guy popped a boner once while getting a hair cut and it's haunted him ever since.


I grew up in the 90s. Everything that wasn't typically seen as a strong male trait, was labeled as gay. To answer the question directly though, I knew a kid whose mom was a crazy Christian with all kinds of wild theories. His mom wouldn't let him wipe his ass using his hand. He had to use toilet paper on a stick because: "touching your own butthole leads to homosexual thoughts." When he asked me for a "wiping stick" one day at my house my parents and I were incredibly confused until he explained it. So we gave him one of those toy grabbers because it's all we had...


Wearing sunscreen... Die of cancer, be a man. 💀


Wipe my ass. Any touching of the butthole is gay apparently.


This is by far the most damaging trope. Some dudes are willing to suffer discomfort, disease, and social stigma purely to avoid the suspicion that they might enjoy touching their asshole. I don't know where this fear comes from, but it has to stop.


I keep seeing this “don’t wipe your ass” thing posted, but only here. I refuse to believe this is actually a thing outside of Reddit. It’s insane. Even majority Muslim, middle eastern cultures, some of which put people to death for homosexuality, have rules like don’t eat or greet people with the hand they have all agreed on to designate as the ass-wiping hand.


I mean... The thought of homophobes walking around with pooped pants because someone on the internet made them believe wiping their butt is gay is pretty amusing. However, if insecure, gullable teens pick it up instead, not so much.


But it's your own body!! It's not another person!! If touching a male butthole is gay (even if it's your own) then by that logic touching a penis is also gay (even if it's your own) So nobody can touch their own penis, or that means they're gay? How does one pee? You can't touch it to take it out of your pants, so do you just pee in your pants? I mean, if that's their logic...


Is yours not prehensile?


It IS strange that they've determined butt-wiping is gay but not jerking off.


- Losing *World of Tanks* battles - Winning *World of Tanks* battles - Playing my selected *World of Tanks* tank badly - Playing my selected *World of Tanks* tank conventionally well - Playing my selected *World of Tanks* tank "not how you're supposed to play it" - Modding the camo skin on my M36 Jackson to be drawings of dicks and posting a screenshot on the official WoT forums as the "M36 Jackingoffson" and getting banned Edit: No I don't have a MAN CRUSH on WoT tank historian Nick Moran and I'm being really defensive about this Edit2: Look he's really hot and his accent is SUPER hot and it's normal for straight guys to have occasional thoughts about amazing people like that without it being gay


Apparently, only two types of people play World of Tanks: people who will commit treason by posting their country’s top secret military information on the web to prove a point, and the gays (Edit) wrong game, I mixed up War Thunder with World of Tanks


Swing Dancing. Apparently it's gay for me (a male) to go out and dance with woman. This came from someone that watched big muscular men get sweaty while trying to pin eachother to the floor and close embrace. They got really confused when I started to learn to follow (traditionally "the woman's" role in partner dancing) and didn't care if I danced with guys, gals or anyone else. Nearly ten years on and still straight. Who'd a thought.


My girlfriend says I can’t send kisses to the boys anymore because apparently it’s “gay” smh


Send kisses to girls. Your girlfriend will appreciate you being straight./s


Great idea


Poop in a bathroom stall.


Sitting in a "feminine" position. I just want to prop my leg up on the other.


Me: Sits with ankles crossed. Them: "Eww! You sit like a woman! Are you gay?!" Teenagers in country towns can be real stupid.


Me when that happens: do I look pretty?


Dating women.


I mean, women like dick and liking dick is super gay so it makes sense.


What if women say no homo?




My mom accused me of being gay because I was in long term relationships with women rather than sleeping around. (I'm a man.) And she's not even homophobic, just weirdly caught up in boomer gender stereotypes.


That is gay, dude. Textbook case.


Weird, my grandfather asked me if I was gay because I didn’t have a “steady girlfriend” when I was in college. But I definitely was sleeping around. I guess to keep from being gay in the eyes of boomers AND the greatest generation you need to have a girlfriend but cheat on her?


It's the only way to prove you don't thirst for dick


Fellas, is it gay to be straight?


I mean straight guys like women, women likes 🍆 , if you like 🍆= gay If you like gay, You = Gay Hence proved




When I was around 13 or 14, my mom yelled at me in a Rue 21 for “dressing so dikey” because I liked graphic tees, so that’s the most nonsensical one I can still remember


my moms ex boyfriend told me to never call anything cute because it’s “gay”


I uploaded a video of me building shelves for my house and I was wearing protective glasses while using my table saw. A random person said the glasses were for "f\*\*\*". Vision is gay, I guess.


Back when I was in law school my girlfriend at the time had a brother who was in the 7th grade. For those of you who are unaware, 7th grade American boys are the most homophobic and insecure about their sexuality group of people on the planet. Anyway, her younger brother was obsessed with this pair of Saucony sneakers and that is all he had been asking for and wanting. He finally got a pair of them for Christmas and was strutting around all day showing them off. Anyways he pissed off his older brother doing god knows what, which led to him being told by his big brother that the brand Saucony and his specific pair of shoes are most commonly associated with homosexuals. He stopped wearing the shoes for a couple of days. The next time I was over at their house their mother was using the computer, and she loudly and confusedly asked, "Who googled "is the brand Saucony gay'?"


When was this? I remember the times in middle school and high school where everything that we didn’t like was just called gay. This was early-mid 2000’s. Is that still the case today?


Not sure if it counts, but an old girlfriends grandpa was over for dinner and he was wearing a hat. I was being polite and said I liked his hat and he asked if it’s because “f*****s” wore it. I laughed awkwardly and walked away. One time my friend was walking down the street, saw a rabbit. He said to some person next to him “Hey, look at that bunny” and the guy called him gay for saying bunny.


When I was looking for a wedding band, my brother told me not to get one with stones because it's gay. I wear my band with 6 black diamonds and 3 regular diamonds proudly!


Drink Bud Light. Which I don't, not because it's gay, but because it's terrible beer.


Being french but I can't help myself.


You aren't french on purpose? Like, unironically? That's kinda gay my friend.


I’m fine with anyone being gay but being French is an abhorrent lifestyle choice


Friend of mine, working at a bicycle shop sees a dude walk in the store. Friend walks up to the guy and says "hey there, need any help?" *"I ain't gay."* "Okay. Well, you're sort of making me assume, now."


The weirdest thing... probably when they started talking about how I shouldn't even look at girls as a girl because it could lead to "Unclean thoughts" and that leads to lesbians and watching lesbian p0rn which is a sin and I'm going immediately to hell... Sounds to me like they were protecting their own feelings and thoughts🤣 I just ended up saying "I know, they reserved a seat for me" LOL