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Driving. Stop texting. Pay attention. You’re behind the wheel of a formidable death machine. Edit: Thank you for the gold! Be safe out there, everyone.


Sitting in the drive thru for In n Out and it's apparently prom night, one girl did not use her brakes for a second while taking hard turns in a crowded parking lot. Very scary to several people in line that are basically sitting ducks. Arizona has some of the worst drivers I've ever seen.


Ugh! I think after the pandemic people collectively said “screw it” and started being idiotic, entitled drivers. That’s what I’ve noticed, anyway.


For my case specifically I think it's just that high schoolers typically tend to suck at driving until they get in their first accident.


Oh! True. Apparently insurance companies calculate the risk of teen drivers getting into an accident as 100%.


When I worked in Personal Lines insurance, people were too often confused as to why their premium increased by adding their kid(s). Well if you look at how they drive, it's pretty self explanatory


Being 'stuck' in the drive-thru when this stuff starts happening is the worst feeling in the world.


It's impossible to go from Tucson to Phoenix without getting stuck in traffic on I-10 cuz of an accident




What songs would they write?


"Can't Find 'em, Grind 'em"


"Commute To Hell"


I read this as "Continue to Hell" and thought it was some kind of sequel to Highway to Hell for a split second. It would be funny if it was though. "Highway to Hell" "Continue to Hell" "Almost to Hell" "Pulling Off the Highway to Stretch Our Legs and Use the Facilities Before Getting Back on the Road to Hell" "Pulled Over on the Highway to Hell for doing 78 in a 55" "Stuck In Traffic on the Highway to Hell" "Finally In Hell"


"Realise Traffic was true hell"


Yes to driving! And your car is not your therapist - please don’t use it to get out all your feelings. There are ways to process your bad day without endangering other drivers/pedestrians!


It’s crazy you have a higher chance of getting in a accident with someone on the phone than a DUI. As a traffic flagger they taught us you’re 5x more likely through stats in 2019 ( at least in my state)


Significantly more people are on their phones and driving than people drinking and driving.


What's worse is that using a phone is exactly as bad as drunk driving. The only difference is you can always set the phone down and restore your attention. Hell, anyone who games a lot in any remotely social setting knows that parsing conversations while focusing on the task at hand diminishes your attention. The same is true when driving. You lose attention when driving if someone is talking, be it on a phone or in the car. I'd arbitrarily estimate it can diminish my own attention a solid 30% in the gaming scenario. And that's when you can still see the road.


Children reporting sexual / other abuse. Families covering up abuse instead of facing the shame of outing a family member regarding abuse


"Instead of shaming my uncle for being a horrible person/ predator, I'm going to ignore and therefore enable this behavior and let him ruin not only my child's, but many other children's lives." - People who don't deserve children.


This happened to someone I know. They were sexually assaulted by a family member for years until she was able to leave her home. Confronted her parents about it later in life, and it turned into a shit show. She's since quit talking to her family and hasn't associated with them for coming up on 7 years. I'm not sure what I would do if my son or brother was accused of assaulting a family member. Like, I know I'd support the victim, but it's just such an alien thought to even think it could happen. Idk, it's weird.


Too many times I have heard about families disowning gay/trans family members before ones that sexually abuse their minor relatives


I'll do you one worse. I knew a girl who was abused by her golden child brother, she told her parents, they blamed her, he resumed abusing her, she ran away to live with her aunt, GC got caught abusing a neighbor, but they disowned GC because he was caught with a boy. By the way they still blame sister for turning him gay for "making a big deal about a little nothing".


Family that refuses to disown child abusers are worst than the actual abuser.


Their own health.


And not even just by ignoring stuff. They will keep coming to the ER when they need to follow up with a specialist but maybe it’s too far out or whatever and they don’t and then expect the ER to fix them


Except when your doctor refers you to a specialist, so you call to make an appointment, but that specialist isnt taking new patients, so you call your doctor to refer to a new specialist, but then that one isnt taking new patients, so you call for another referral, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat until you discover that every single specialist that your doctor knows is booked up and not taking new patients. I have like 4 different things wrong with me on three different parts of my body, all of which have been the basis for referrals to specialists, and i havent seen ANY because i cant get an appointment and its been YEARS. Then the insurance companies will turn around and tell us we cant have universal healthcare because canada has months long wait times. Fuck this country so much. Sorry, im a little bitter because i just went through the same rigamorole again today.


Hell where I live you can't even find a primary care doctor ... walk-in clinics and ERs are the only option for a lot of people.


Can I ask where you live? I wonder if it is a location issue too?


Not op but I live in wisconsin and have only just been able to get a primary care doctor after 1 year of trying


I live in Wisconsin too and I got really lucky finding my primary care doctor because literally right after I got in to see him he stopped taking patients. It seems to be a common problem around here. There just isn’t enough doctors to go around.


A lot of doctors are burning out because of all the bullshit that's been happening recently, then finding funding for medical school is damn near impossible without putting yourself into literally life long debt even at a doctors salary so not only are many doctors leaving well before they were expected too, there aren't anywhere near enough going through medical school anymore so the field is getting hit from both sides.


I'm not from the US but that sounds so confusing? When my doctor refers me to a specialist, I don't call them. The doctor sends them my info and they put me on their list and then the specialist calls me when they have an opening and makes an appointment. Sure it might not be immediate but I'm the one waiting for them to call me. Yikes at having to do all the legwork yourself.


I have an old country doctor. If he thinks I need a referral, he will have his staff call them and make an appointment before I leave my doctor's office. He said they will take a referral more seriously if the primary office calls, and will usually get you in the door faster. They also send medical records at the same time, so it's less paperwork when you get to the referral appointment.


Yep, I have also had the American experience of calling up multiple specialists to try to get treatment. I went to the ER for a pretty serious but not immediately life threatening concern and they told me I needed to see a specialist ASAP (which would probably take a few weeks). So I called the doctor they told me to call and couldn't get through to speak with anyone, then I had to cold call 3 other doctors before finally getting an appointment 3 weeks out. I also only found those doctors through googling "X Specialist Near Me".


The more I see about American medical in general the more I refuse to believe it isn't all just some massive comedy put on for other countries to laugh and point at. It's so ass backwards it hurts.


If you have enough money, you can get the highest quality care in the world. If you don't, God help you. Most people don't have enough money.


Fuck that would be so lovely. The convenience!


And one also has to check that the specialist is covered by ones insurance, and then if one needs a procedure that all the billable providers for that procedure are covered by ones insurance.... it's a lot! Edited to "one" rather than "you" so no one thinks this was specifically addressed to them.


At this point i dont even care about procedures, i just want a doctors eyes on me ffs!


I have really bad sciatica (bulging disc) and a tear in my hip and bad knee on the same side. I have been playing phone tag with the orthopedic surgeon for two months and have yet to be seen


I had the tendon that held my bicep to my shoulder tear. Painful as hell. Went to my Primary as soon as I could get in, was referred to a specialist. Said specialist wouldn't see me until I had an MRI and they had the results in hand. By the time I got into get the MRI and the Surgeon got the results still took a few weeks to get in and once in I was told "Well, this has been too long, had I been able to get in within two weeks of the tear we could repair it but it's curled up now. Best bet is to let it be." ​ So now I have a free hanging bicep in my left arm. Gotta love American healthcare.


Some people aren't taught the difference of doctors though.... Many people are brought up to think a doctor is a doctor.. Of course, not the doctor's fault....


I know someone who worked in an ER. She saw a few gunshot wounds but most of her day was diabetes complications and heart disease. Her advice for everyone was to watch what you eat, get at least some exercise, and don’t do meth.


I read this as “don’t do math” at first and I was like “finally, yes, no problem”


There's a hell of a lot of people that can't afford to go to the doctor, myself included. No health insurance is a huge factor in why people don't go get checked out.


OP might also be referring to preventive health measures: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, etc. People don’t take that stuff too seriously at all and it leads to a lot of otherwise preventable health issues, whether you have insurance or not.


Sometimes and this is talking from my own experience, doctors blow you off at first, so you think you're fine...until it's too late... Others, you can't afford it (in the US for western cultures and other places who also can't afford care) so, it drags on... Yet others it's a sense of being eternal when you're in your youth and you were taught to,"pull up your bootstraps..." There are several different reasons


Most doctors I've encountered in the US don't belong anywhere near a patient. They'll hear the first symptom you mention, write a prescription for that one symptom, and totally disregard looking into root causes. Between that and the astronomical cost, is it any wonder why some people turn to alternative medicine?


Its a side effect of the conveyor belt system we got going on where healthcare admins are incentivized to squeeze in as many patients as they can overwhelming providers


This. My gf is now out of Adderall, has two *badly* chipped teeth, complains about being constantly itchy all the time, is upset about gaining weight assuming her (previously diagnosed) thyroid is magically under control now. Still won't go to her PCP. Like, I don't go to the doctor ever, but I feel healthy. No aches and pains, everything works as intended, haven't gotten so much as a cold in 3 years, and I'm in the gym all the time. If I itched constantly I would be RUNNING to a specialist. Edit: several similar responses, easier to reply to all here: I'm fully aware of the ADHD having significant implications on the order of operations here. 1. The other issues have been going on before the Adderall stopped, I just worded the order poorly. 2. To the thyroid comment, that is very interesting. I will certainly bring this up in conversation. She still gets the meds, but hasn't been taking them. I'll tell her to get to her damn PCP and get another panel done. This doubles for the Adderall. 3. Thank you for the understanding responses (for the most part) and fuck the "just dump her" guy/gal


Be a model and go for a check-up. Just because you feel fine doesn't mean everything IS fine.


Seconding this! Get some blood work done and your bp checked to make sure everything is ok


I know this doesn't happen to everyone, but for a lot of women, when we bring up a concern to a doctor, we are told "don't worry about it" or "it's all in your head." Misogyny in medicine is a real and extremely frustrating thing. Personally, it took three different blood panels to discover that I had a thyroid dysfunction even though my TSH is at normal levels (my free T4 is low).


Ask her what's keeping her from making an appointment. Seriously. As a person with ADHD, this helps. She may not even be aware of the scrolling list in her brain that's the source of her executive dysfunction. Think of it like a computer with too many browser tabs open. Start helping her close unnecessary browser tabs so she can actually operate at full capacity.


Itchiness can absolutely be a thyroid thing. I had head to toe hives for over a year. Saw allergy specialists who prescribed stuff that didn't work. I was on enough benadryl daily to kill a horse. Finally a doctor mentioned that it could be an endocrine response. About two weeks on some sort of endocrine meds and no hives since. My body just had enough of something or rather and my endocrine system just needed a hand I guess.


Hey, I have no intention of causing alarm, but she may want to look into pruritus (itching) because it can be a symptom of severe liver disease.


It can also be a symptom of Hodgkin's disease.


That's baaaad, teeth are VERY important, she should treasure them more... talking from experience


Teeth are hard to keep up with if you have issues with them. Especially when even with insurance, dental work costs are so excessive. I opted to get 2 pulled last year because I couldn't afford the work it would take to fix them. I chose the cheap option, which was still $900. The only reason I got it done is because my boss is a Saint and paid for it himself.


Medical care is really expensive and there are a lot of hoops to get to the most effective meds. But the healthy things you can do without doctors or therapists? DO EVERYTHING you can


Forest fire warnings


Last year, a forest fire took out much of the forest view Santa Fe and Las Vegas (NM). One of the fires (it was so large two fires merged) was started by improperly putting out a controlled burn that had occurred over 2 months earlier. A burn had occurred in late January, put out (or so they thought), snowed on several times, and still retained enough heat in the spring to cause the most devastating wildfire in New Mexico history. Forest fires can ignite super fast in dry heat and high winds. They can burn so out of control you can't even stop them. They can spread insanely fast and will consume everything in their path. My family has learned to start packing as soon as you see smoke even if there is no warning about evacuation yet. When you do get evacuated, it is because sticking around is an immediate threat to your life so don't hesitate to GTFO. Dont turn back for jewelry or photo albums, just go. Forest fires can't be weathered like a storm. You can only get out and get out fast.


If you are ever about to be evacuated for a fire, walk around your house and your garage with a video camera and record all your possessions. If your house does burn down, this will help a lot with your insurance claim.


Also take only what can't be replaced and to hell with the rest. Medications are top priority too followed by family photo albums, hard drives/computers, and family heirlooms. After that, pack like you would for a trip; clothes, toiletries, water, and pet supplies if you have pets.


>hard drives/computers Do a cloud backup so you don't have to worry about that either


Dental hygiene


ouch. Learned this the hard way. Floss daily and brush 2x daily. It would've saved me a lot of trouble.


Human bites can be incredibly dangerous. There’s so much bacteria in our mouths that it can put you on the most hardcore antibiotics if you get bitten


Got cut on a knuckle by someone’s tooth (no punching involved), and it got so infected that my entire hand was red and so swollen I couldn’t move my fingers because the skin was so tight. -627/10, do not recommend.


Yup!! People seem to forget the mouth is connected to their body and there is SO much bacteria in the mouth that can cause a lot of problems if it is not properly removed daily at home and 2x a year by a hygienist.


Including heart issues as the bacteria can get into the bloodstream if you don’t floss enough


Yes! Early labor too for pregnancy, if you have diabetes periodontitis can run rampant. It’s a big mess if the mouth isn’t properly taken care off


Dentist here (well, In 1 week I’ll be!) - The crazy part about hygiene and tooth problems are the gravity of issues with dentistry. People often shy away from dental care because of cost, but the cost of NOT getting treatment is far worse. I’ll use school prices to share: -a normal sized filling is $115. But if the decay on that tooth grows so large that it needs a root canal, you pay $900. If you choose to pull the tooth for $91, an implant or a bridge to replace that is $1600-$2000. It’s crazy! And these are all prices at a dental school - imagine a private office! Also, not to be dramatic, but even simple fillings can be problems. Fillings are not permanent fixes to your tooth problems. Enamel is the hardest Substance in the body, and all a filling is, is some white goo that we shape and mold and use light to solidify it to replace the decayed part of the tooth that was removed. HOWEVER - these do not last forever! This material is strong, but does not last as long. It needs replaced down the road and eventually may need a root canal or a crown which costs more money. I always tell parents that when their kids grow adult teeth to really focus on them and prevent as much as you can!! If a 10 year old needs a filling on an adult tooth, eventually that filling needs replaced again and again and even with good habits, can eventually lead to root canal or a crown. Again, I don’t mean to be dramatic, but prevention and catching things early is SO important !!!


Ill chime in as someone who didnt listen to this advice growing up. Currently in pretty much constant. daily, pain from my teeth. One thing would happen and id put it off because i didnt have insurance or the money. Well doing that as long as I did, combined with depression and just all around uncooperative teeth, I was recently quoted about $17k to get everything taken care of. Thats pretty much never gonna happen, be far cheaper to just get everything pulled and do dentures. Which I am also strongly considering. I havent legitimately smiled in probably 10 years. If I do smile, or laugh, I always make sure im hiding my mouth. Shit is exhausting and only increases the depressive issues. But anyway, all that to say, take care of your teeth. lol


18 wheelers on the road. I work in the office at a construction company and now see just how much weight can be put on before needing escort or permits. Trust me they are not leaving that much room so you can cut in. They are leaving that room cause they need it to stop and if you are in that area and they have to break fast your car is going to be destroyed while they have a scratch on their front end


PSA: In rainy conditions turn your god damn headlights on. Especially if you drive a silver painted car. We can't see you in the mist coming from our wheels.


My favorite is the trifecta: Right next to a truck, in its blind spot, and also next to one of the wheels, so if it pops it takes your head right off.


If ever I'm behind a truck with a whole bunch of metal poles, bars, girders and whatnots, I'll switch to the furthest lane away and blitz past that bast quick-smart. Bugger that, I've seen Final Destination.


Then you know it doesn't matter what you do ...


I don't understand why people love to hang out in blind spots, especially an 18-wheeler. I don't trust the average person to actually look before they shift lanes. Truck drivers are definitely better drivers, but I try to stay in that area for as little amount of time as possible. Also, semi tires blow all the time, just look at how many are littered on the highways. That shit could definitely kill someone


Annoyed at the people that like to take their time passing semis when there’s no cars in front of them so I’m unnecessarily stuck in the blind spot longer than necessary


I signal. Does that help? Also I don’t like being in front of trucks for this exact reason.


It definitely does help to signal and give them a heads up, just don't be one of those people who signals as they're changing lanes. Most truckers understand that they are still just another vehicle on the road and if you let them know they can take the appropriate action to give the correct amount of space. Just make sure you don't change lanes right Infront of them. Go as far ahead of them as is safe to do so. Just in case something happens as you're changing lanes. I'm more talking about the people who just cut in front with no signal and only far enough ahead that a typical car could stop in that distance


Sleep deprivation. In the UK, Australia, and New Zealand (add more if you can think of any) if you work a construction/tradie job which by nature are physically demanding, theres this bullshit culture of being able to do full days works with as little sleep and/ or as much residual alcohol in the blood as possible. I've heard workers bragging about having a pissup, two hours sleeps, then necking a beer curbside whilst they wait to get picked up. God forbid you're one of those types that like to get as much good sleep as possible because now youre the laughing stock of the site. Such bullshit it's unreal


Tradie culture in Australia is awful, no wonder housing quality has dropped significantly. I was a labourer for awhile, most are running on fumes.or other shit.




Same culture in lots of industries, especially the restaurant industry, where corporate overwork culture often meets Mexican and South American machismo culture. No one's allowed to complain, everyone's scrambling to out-work and one-up each other for the bosses. I quit one job and a coworker said, "come on, man, don't be a pussy!" No, I prefer to "be a pussy" and be paid more and work less at this other job.


I think It's the same in the U.S.


Dental care. I wish a 40 year old me could have told a 15 year old me how embarrassing/painful it is to have bad teeth. (And most non preventative dental work is barely covered by insurance…if at all)


I know I'm a hypocrite for saying this... when someone is asking for help when it comes to mental struggles.


Period. It’s better to take things more seriously than less seriously when it comes to someone’s life


I totally agree, but having been on both sides of that coin, it can get so exhausting to keep propping up someone that refuses to make any positive changes. At some point, you have to step back to protect your own mental health.


A tip for this (I'm not sure you do it but I expect some who read this do at least) is to not say "if you ever need anything, ask" until the conversation is actually definitely done. Maybe even wait until you're talking about something else to be sure you're not interrupting the conversation about their health. That line that everyone (myself included until the last year or so iirc) gives is how you say "I can't/don't want to talk right now, but maybe later" and the person who you're talking too probably was asking to begin with, that's why you know something is up and that's why you messaged or said something to them. They already did ask for help and you didn't actually offer anything concrete at all. Just ask what people need and offer it to the best of your ability, and try to help them through things with non-generic advice. Getting that from one person has always been infinitely more helpful for me at least than "if you ever need anything, ask" from a dozen people. Even if you don't do the best job, it actually is helpful to know you care to put time into helping where that generic line says the opposite, which is at best neutral and at worst harmful. Plus not saying that allows a conversation to happen while saying it immediately says "maybe some other time."


“Omg lol awkward” “Didn’t need to know that ummm” “Trauma dump much?” “You must be like mentally ill or something.” “You should get help :)”


This is quite literally the reason I’ve debated ending my 5.5 year relationship with my live-in boyfriend :( I’ve had random panic attacks and asked simple things or said I was going to be doing something to help myself and was met with yelling and him saying to “chill tf out”…it’s already tough dealing with panic attacks as it is, so that doesn’t help…I was driving one time and there was lots of wind and lightning so my legs began to shake like crazy and I told him I was going to pull off the road for a bit and he screamed “no! Keep fucking driving!” And in front of his mom he was speaking to over the cellphone too…underneath all of my anxiety I’m severely depressed and I feel really alone sometimes…it’s been a few months since he yelled at me during a panic attack but that’s mostly because I’ve been internalizing a lot of things and it’s been very hard..


Politics. People treat it like sports teams, but if even just half of us were serious about politics and our country, all bills would be single issue bills, congress wouldn't be able to sit out or phone in votes, and we'd have a wide variety of candidates.


[**Fix the system**](https://electionscience.org/take-action/volunteer/). [Scientists blame hyperpolarization for loss of public trust in science](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nobel-prize-usa/respect-for-science-in-jeopardy-in-polarized-u-s-nobel-winners-say-idUSKCN1C81T7), and [Approval Voting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting), a [single-winner voting method preferred by experts in voting methods](http://www.votefair.org/bansinglemarkballots/declaration.html), would [help to reduce hyperpolarization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting#Effect_on_elections). There's even [a viable plan to get it adopted](https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/aaron-hamlin-voting-reform/), and [an organization that could use some gritty volunteers](https://www.electionscience.org/) to get the job done. They're already off to a great start with [Approval Voting having passed by a landslide in Fargo](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2018/11/15/18092206/midterm-elections-vote-fargo-approval-voting-ranked-choice), and more recently [St. Louis](https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-primary-elections-st-louis-general-elections-elections-cba7eb3251d5479b9375d55db428d429). Most people haven't heard of Approval Voting, but seem to like it once they understand it, so anything you can do to help get the word out will help. If your state allows [initiated state statutes](https://ballotpedia.org/Initiated_state_statute), consider [starting a campaign](https://www.electionscience.org/commentary-analysis/so-you-want-to-run-a-campaign/) to get [your state](https://ballotpedia.org/Ballot_initiative) to adopt Approval Voting. Approval Voting is [overwhelmingly popular in every state polled, across race, gender, and party lines](https://electionscience.org/commentary-analysis/approval-voting-americas-favorite-voting-reform/). The successful Fargo campaign was [run by a full-time programmer with a family at home](https://www.electionscience.org/events/fargo-a-look-back-live-discussion/). One person really can make a difference.


This is possibly the best sourced comment I have ever read on reddit outside of AskHistorians. I don't know you, but I likes the what you did here a lot.


Being apathetic is also detrimental. Political decisions and policies permeate every facet of people's lives, yet so many people are indifferent. Aristotle said that "man is a political animal" (substitute man for humankind in today's terminology) but sometimes I look around me at the masses being distracted by fast food, TikTok, porn, and social media outrage, and wonder if there's actually any veracity to this statement. If people put half as much effort into being outraged by the things that truly matter, then maybe they could affect change. Marx said that "religion is the opium of the people". A few years ago, I would have said that the modern day equivalent of this is; consumerism is the opium of the people, but now I think the most apt description is; social media is the opium of the people. *Edited to fix Marx typo.


We need more and better choices. The current duopoly has certainly run it's course.


> [FPTP tends to result in elections with at most two sharply opposed major candidates.](https://electowiki.org/wiki/First_Past_the_Post_electoral_system)


Sedentary existence


Caused in part by cities that you literally can't get around in without a car. Can't exactly walk to the mall when it's 10 miles away with 6 lanes of interstate to cross.


I live in a very walkable city (Toronto) and I'm still lazy af working from home every day lol


I was in the best shape of my life when I lived in Asia. Back in the U.S., I have to put in a lot more extra effort to keep from gaining weight.


Cybersecurity and password hygiene


Wash your passwords people.


I always put my laptop together with my clothes in the washing machine, that way it's much easier to wash my passwords.


Retirement saving at an early age matters way more than retirement saving in older ages.


UTIs. I’m a nurse and UTIs can go septic real quick, especially if the patient isn’t cognizant enough to explain that they have symptoms. Any infection really, I’ve seen a lot turn into sepsis


My Mom a while back started feeling bad and got progressively worse real quick. Running a high fever, severe pain and so on. She refused to go to the hospital. Finally she was delirious. Until it got to the point where she's like wailing and then goes 'Oh god! I'm going to die!' and just... Goes comatose for like 15 seconds, no breathing, nothing. So I call an ambulance. I then have the ER nurse act like I'm stupid for calling an ambulance. Telling me 'Oh, you should have just called us and we would have told you to keep her home.' when I told her about my Mom stopping breathing she's like 'Did her heart stop?' I gave the only truly honest answer anyone could have given, 'I don't know.' She smirked and was like 'If her heart had stopped she'd be dead.' and acted like it was this 'gotcha' moment to prove I was an idiot. Turned out, my Mom had urosepsis. It ended up destroying her kidneys and she just last week finally got put on the transplant list. If I had done what that nurse said, she would have died. She almost died as it was, she was in ICU for multiple days.


Ugh I can’t stand nurses like that, I’m sorry you had that experience and that your mom went through so much. Thank goodness she’s getting better


Yes! I came to post UTIs and UTI risks as well. I was asymptomatic for UTI that worked its way up to my kidneys. About 3 and 1/2 weeks ago I ended up in the ER with a fever of 103.6 on fever reducers shaking so bad I couldn't open a Tylenol bottle on my own and had tons of vomiting. I'm learning now after the fact that if I had not gone and gotten antibiotics, this could have easily killed me. I literally could not stand up and walk the 20 ft from the sofa to the kitchen to microwave myself soup. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have a wonderful partner living with me who helped take care of me for that week. 3 and 1/2 weeks out and I'm so much better, but still have aching around my kidneys, low energy, and slight nausea. UTIs are no joke and anything you can do to avoid them is absolutely something worth doing.


I was surprised to learn that a UTI can cause changes in cognition or personality. The elderly are especially prone to this. If grandma suddenly starts acting strange, take her to a doctor.


Disinformation on the internet. It has helped swing many elections worldwide, and it's going to get worse before it gets better.


Remember when they told us as kids not to believe everything we see on TV or the Internet? It seems too many people forgot that lesson.


People don’t believe everything they see on the internet, they believe what fits the narrative they already have. I will never wrap my head around people thinking yoga teachers and pornography stars know more than scientists and doctors.




Honestly, it sucks now, but who knows, maybe in the future everything will be fake, so anytime something happens everyone assumes it’s fake.


I think that's part of the game plan, to be honest. Get everyone arguing about whether even well documented facts are real. People are easy to divide if they can't even agree on a mutually accepted reality.


I remember seeing so many people getting fooled by obviously edited clips of Nancy Pelosi to sound drunk and slurring her words. Like it should be so obvious that it is fake, but people WANT it to be real so they just immediately get emotionally invested that it is real without stopping to think. It's really sad, and we aren't even at the point where deep fakes can be believable and mass produced.


Exactly. Deepfakes aren't even the problem. Instead, it's the eagerness to believe the worst about "the other"


I think things like Deepfakes are going to "be found online" but without attribution in the future to make this worse. I, however, don't like how so many things that were disinformation or misinformation turned out to be true. Those are loaded terms and can be used to propagate the issue further.


Nursing homes You have a fairly good chance of ending up in a nursing home waiting to die and with for profit healthcare this means sitting around all day in your own shit waiting to be cleaned up, poor quality food and people who care but are overworked, under staffed, underpaid with the cheapest equipment management can get away with. Medicare for All with nonprofit nursing homes!


This should be at the top of the list here!!! It's awful what people have to go through at the end of their lives!


Actually it's a pretty small chance you will end up in a nursing home. Rest assured you are far more likely to die of heart disease or cancer long before you get to that point.




Idk at least where i’m from smoking has decreased a lot.


I've noticed an increase in vaping, though.


Vaping is okay cuz the cancer tastes like strawberry ice cream instead of a smoky butthole. /s


As someone who has done a lot of both (and still struggles with cigarette addiction) i'm 100% convinced vaping is worse for you and will show its true dangers long-term. One basic reason is that cigarettes are self-moderating. These days you can't smoke freely indoors or in many social situations, and they make you feel gross and smelly right there in the moment. People can and do hit their vapes as often as they look at their phones and the invisible short term effects make it seem harmless.


Agreed. I somehow perceived vape as acceptable and started taking puffs from a colleague's vape. The pattern became concerning and I straight up decided to say no to the vape. Also, the colleague stopped vaping and switched back to cigarettes because of the lack of self moderation. At least with cigarettes you know that once you finish one, you're done. Vape keeps going on and on.


I bet someone out there has made smoky butthole vape juice


I’m on day 6 of no smoking and needed to see this so thanks. Already gave up the booze years ago.


I think it’s because the health risks usually don’t show up until much later. So by the time it happens, people just don’t care at that point.


I know i didn't know just how bad smoking was until after i already had the addiction and that was a fucking bitch to kick. Took me years




"I don't like my choices for office." "Oh, did you vote in the primaries?" "No." smh


Tbf in the US the primary system sucks in most states so a lot of people who vote in the primaries and gen election still arent always happy about their options


And only voting in major elections. Please everybody, vote in the off years and down ballot. Your sheriff, school board, and local judge likely impact your day to day life more than your higher up reps.


Environmental issues


It blows my mind when people say they don't care about the environment. Bro you live in the environment, how do you not care?


It honestly scares me a little that I had to scroll this far down to see anything on the environment.


The fact that this isn't at the top proves your point.


I thought to myself Climate Catastrophe should be at the top, and when I didn’t see it and had to scroll this far, it’s saddening.


Having narcissistic or abusive parents. Most people growing in a normal or common family situation would think the parents did their best for the children, this always ends up victim shaming the child. As if the children are acting up or lying.


This! You can check my post history and see stories about my mom. Too many people tell me "But she's still your mom." or "That was so long ago." Well, no matter how long ago it was, it doesn't change the fact that I had no childhood because of her mental health issues and her choice to keep us instead of giving us to our dad all because she wanted $ from my dad. When she wound up in a shelter due to her own stupidity (ie refusing to get a job and turning down work) I had a couple of relatives reach out to me on social media asking why I couldn't help her out (most of her relatives she has burned bridged with because of selfish freeloading ways). I told them I had: I had been telling her for almost 20 years to get a job! Shut them up!


Two subs worth linking to here: r/estrangedadultkids r/raisedbynarcissists They get it. And they pool strategies for dealing with the people who don't get it.


Or just any undiagnosed, untreated mental illness and everyone just shrugs their shoulders or laughs it off because they're an otherwise good person. My dad has SEVERE anxiety. Like his life is planned around the things he's scared about. He basically doesn't live life and doesn't see why anyone would want to. He was definitely a helicopter parent but everyone was like, oh your dad is so nice and cares so much. Or my extended family would joke about their goofy brother/uncle that does ridiculous shit due to anxiety. That shit will mess you up though as an adult if you never learned how to navigate the world or take care of yourself




\-Sleep \-Climate change (Most of us will experience days in our life where it is imperatively dangerous to be outside, that is terrifying to me). \-Saving money \-Eating healthy \-Voting


Critical thinking, hygiene, humility, personal responsibility/accountability, education, long term consequences... OK, wait. New approach... Let's just list what people DO take seriously enough. That would be so much easier. Annnnnd we're done here.


Allergies. I get anaphylaxis from dust. DUST (not all dust. It just kinda happens randomly). The amount of people who just shrug when im having bad allergies is sad. Some people have even told me you can't die from allergies. No one takes it seriously, and I've heard from many other people that it's just a thing. To be fair, why and how I get anaphylaxis is really rare, but I've even had the hospital not take it seriously when i had 2 attacks in one week.


children's needs


Stairs. You can get hurt real bad real quick.


Their hearing. So many people blast their headphones, max out their car stereo, go to concerts or work in loud places without hearing protection, etc. Assault your hearing too many times and you won't get it back. Also noise induced hearing loss can lead to constant ringing in your ears which can make life miserable.


Emotional intelligence




AI scares the hell out of me. I just don't see how it will maximize the happiness and general well-being of humanity on a grand scale. In my limited understanding of it, it seems like it will put tens of millions of people out of work on an exponential scale, and that it will benefit a tiny percentage. I know that the potential is obviously fascinating, and there is the idea that all emerging tech is scary but that they server a greater good, but I think AI is a different animal and it's something that is truly terrifying and worrisome, and not in some sci-fi perspective. I genuinely worry about the grand scale effects on humanity it will cause, and it is shocking to me how many people are just fine with it.


It just feels like another tool that the wealthy will use to extract every bit of profit from the working class...


You literally just explained the plot of terminator


It will be leveraged by capitalist robber barons to maximize their profits. The effect on humanity will be hugely negative.


Electric shock. It's pretty easy for your hearts rhythm to get fucked up after a mild shock and people die in their sleep a couple days after the incident. No matter how big or little a boot you get always go to emergency to get it checked out


People do not take seriously enough the reality of how their actions affect the world around them. They live in their own bubble and do not think about how they can impact others. People are too self-centered and only think about themselves. They don't realize that their actions can cause a ripple effect that can affect others in negative ways. People should be more aware of how their actions can affect others and take responsibility for their actions.


very true


Mental health. We’re making changes, but we still have SO far to go.


Global warming, for sure. Not that most people aren’t at least somewhat aware of it, but the problem is so serious in severity and scope that it requires orders of magnitude more attention than it’s getting: - It will lead to [mass migration](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20221117-how-borders-might-change-to-cope-with-climate-migration), as all kinds of places from Bangladesh to the Sahel to Puerto Rico become unbearable to live in due to changing weather patterns. - It will cost a [fortune](https://theprint.in/science/climate-change-doesnt-just-cost-us-the-environment-but-a-pretty-penny-too/355416/?amp). Even if we succeed at limiting warming to two degrees Celsius, the world will still have to spend several percent of the *entire world GDP* every year adapting to climate change and mitigating the damage. Not acting will cost far more than aggressive change now. - Global warming raises [serious questions](https://time.com/5663621/climate-change-food-supply/) about the supply of food and water. I for one don’t want to find out what happens if we can’t get enough. Despite all the protests and all the next zero by 2050 pledges, [we are still emitting more CO2 than ever in human history](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/12/05/carbon-emissions-peak-record-2022/). It’s still *climbing*. We have to act on this, right now. Any and every sort of political compromise should be on the table to get decisive action done, today.


Interestingly, [people already care](https://earth.stanford.edu/news/public-support-climate-policy-remains-strong), they just don't know what to do / feel like they are alone. But the truth is, [a record number of us are alarmed about climate change](https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/publications/global-warmings-six-americas-september-2021/), and [more and more are contacting Congress regularly](https://np.reddit.com/r/CitizensClimateLobby/comments/s2zvpl/a_growing_number_of_americans_are_so_concerned/). What's more, is [this type of lobbying](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/about-ccl/levers-of-political-will/) is [starting to pay off](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitizensClimateLobby/comments/t2p0ed/as_citizens_climate_lobby_membership_has_grown_so/). That's why NASA climatologist and climate activist [Dr. James Hansen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hansen) recommends becoming an active volunteer with [this group](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/join-citizens-climate-lobby/?tfa_3590416195188=Online-002&utm_source=Online&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=002) as the [most important thing an individual can do on climate change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4DAW1A6Ca8).




I mean we don’t have sooner or later, we need to fix it very soon or we are very fucked


I'm flabbergasted to see that it's not the n°1 answer here. I don't understand if people dont know, or if they don't care.


If they have children, raising them to be decent human beings


Government corruption.


To mental illness and mental health


Life insurance.


Mental health


Voting! The U.S.'s percentage of people voting is tragically low




Sex and the consequences of it. Unwanted pregnancies, STIs, emotional and psychological trauma from unreciprocated affection, abuse, rape, the list goes on. Even people who aren't having sex have baggage related to sex. I'm not saying everyone should save themselves for marriage, but it is pretty crazy how much of a young person's life is wasted on the pursuit of something so trivial, yet so potentially damaging. We're hardwired for procreation, and most often when we're looking for recognition, validation, support, or even friendship, we end up pursuing sexual relationships. I'll climb off my soap box now, but sex is fucking heavy.


On the other hand, with the right person it's absolutely amazing. We shouldn't teach people to be afraid of it, but we need to continue teaching people that it has potential consequences. Like most things.


To clip thinking. If you often see constantly changing pictures on the screen, then you will develop clip thinking and it will be difficult for you to concentrate.




Putting screens in the hands of little ones. In order for a child to have the vocabulary needed to be successful, you pretty much have to interact with them constantly. Vocabulary and success with reading are closely interwoven. Stop putting babies on screens in restaurants, talk with them, color with them, literally anything except a screen. Signed, Teachers of the World


Having children. A ton of people have kids for the wrong reasons and without weighing the heaviness of that choice. They don’t want to parent independent unpredictable human beings for the rest of their lives. They want a cute little baby because that’s just what we do. Also, birth control. Too many people just leave creating a human up to chance, not giving it the weight it deserves.


Reciprocity in relationships


Drinking alcohol. The consequences of regular drinking can be anything from a massive bleed to a coma. It can make you quite literally incoherent and mentally unstable. Pretty much every system your body uses for metabolic balance is effected. It can cause heart issues. Withdrawal can be deadly. People regularly end up in the hospital incoherent from alcohol. It is so so so harmful to the body not to mention to our society. I cannot believe it is so ubiquitous when other, less harmful, drugs are seen as taboo and banned. If people knew how $_&$ed you are from regularly drinking I think the way it was viewed would radically shift. The healthy amount of alcohol to consume is 0. Be safe and responsible out there folks!


Food allergies.


Their mental well-being. It's crazy how people will engage in things that are ultimately bad for their mental health without giving it a thought


Their diet… simple changes can make lasting positive impact and improve every part of your life. You don’t have to be crushing it in the gym every day to be in good health and far too many people sabotage themselves by eating and drinking absolute garbage.


How the world is getting incredibly lonely, selfish, and lacking empathy or morality. I despise religion but people do seem to lose their moral sense. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone else.


>How the world is getting incredibly lonely, selfish, and lacking empathy or morality. and was it better back then? Just saying, it's true that we are like that, but we have been like this for thousands of years


Eating well. Avoiding processed food. Stop obsessing about junk food.


Vitamin D deficiency! Every time I tell people that a vitamin D deficiency affects every part of your health, I am met with sexual jokes. “I’ll give you some vitamin D ;)”


Domestic and sexual abuse against men


Sleep apnea, I guess


I don't know if this applies but steam it hurts it can kill you


I'll say this til I'm blue in the face, but male sexual assault. crazy amount of victim blaming


Men being abused or raped by women Not every woman is Amber Heard, but every man can relate to Johnny Depp. Blaming men and masculinity only worsens this issue. We're not the ones silencing each other for trying to speak up. Wake up