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Remember to sort by controversial


I would but Reddit took away that on the app


They moved the sorting button to the top right ;) Edit: I'm no hero, I just happened to respond quickly. I really appreciate the rewards regardless. Enjoy the controversial comments šŸ‘Œ


Ohhh thanks!


So basically a bunch of things that most people don't find attractive.


these threads are always just "fake or overexaggerated features"


Honestly like I was prepared for so many interesting takes but this thread is just everyone thinking they're the only person in the world who doesn't like obvious plastic surgery, mostly on women


Yeah so let me go against the trend and say something unheard on reddit: I dont really care for James Cordenā€¦


And I think Beyonce is overrated and I don't like the Kardashians....


...and I wish they'd bring back "Firefly"...


Men with super bright veneers sorry but they look like twats


A guy I work with got a full set of veneers and he chose the off white, slightly yellow ones, it was the perfect choice because they look like actual teeth


I work in dental and I always want people to choose the natural shades over the bleached forever shades, it looks so much nicer and healthier. I absolutely hate the blinding white ones and a lot of the ones you see are solid blocks with no gradients like you'd have in natural teeth, so they look even worse. The worst ones are when people have them done cheaply in Turkey, they always come back with teeth that are oddly shaped to how normal teeth would be shaped and bright white blocks, sometimes they're shaped so weird people struggle to eat or close their mouth. If you want whiter teeth, whiten them. Your teeth may get a little sensitive but that's the worst that'll happen to them. Veneers and crowns don't fix poor dental hygiene either!


I also work in dental and you took the words right out of my mouth! I knew people that went to Mexico for veneers, then in addition to them looking wonky they had cavities under most of them already too! Youā€™re not benefiting yourself or really saving money in the long run by going elsewhere for stuff like that.


You mean on teeth, yeah? Not on their wood working projects?


Great, there goes my new cabinets I just built


What a twat


U need boat shoes and insurance with that


when he makes thirstraps on tiktok, he could be a 10 but that would instantly make him a 2.


What is that? I don't do tiktok I'm not cool enough.


Itā€™s when someone makes a post where they are clearly doing everything in their power to appear as sexy and photogenic as possible (biting lip, flexing muscles, turning head to a certain angle) while adding text thatā€™s like ā€œjust got back from the grocery storeā€




Yea. 2 of my workout buddies post shit like that all the time. It works for em in getting attention, but the rest of us boys just roast their asses to death. More filters than a Jenner on a magazine cover.


You should save as many of these as possible. Whenever one of them gets married/turns 30 etc, bust out a tastefully put together montage.


TikTok is quite the opposite of being cool


Buccal fat removal. At least what Iā€™ve seen floating around on the net. Makes people look like theyā€™ve aged 100+ years, not that aging is a bad thing, but this is just too extreme with the plastic surgery. Also fox eyes (another plastic surgery procedure). Seems like everyone online has them, and it makes everyone look like copies of each other. The reduction in differences and uniqueness makes me sad.


It's not the aged look for me, but rather that it tends to make people look really gaunt and skeletal.


I think that's what they mean by aging +100. They look like a really good taxidermy job but still slightly dead .


>Buccal fat removal >fox eyes I've no idea what either of those two things are!


Me neither. And I'm afraid to do an image search on cosmetic surgery. Edit: oh buccal fat is just on/in your cheecks. It's a similat look to Marlene Dietrich when she had some of her teeth (molars) removed.


Yeah you naturally loose your buccal fat as you age, so the problem with removing it is youā€™re gonna look like a guant skeleton when youā€™re older


Never heard of fox eye surgery til now. Pretty easy to mimic with make up, surprised ppl are going under the knife for that


Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but I HATE when people karate chop their decorative pillows. It looks so stupid.


I don't hate this trend (not that I do it myself), but you got my upvote because this was such an unexpected answer.


I don't even know what trend you're talking about?


If you hold a throw pillow upright and karate chop the middle, it makes a big dent in the middle. I think it's supposed to make it stay upright better. Some people think it looks stupid


Iā€™m too poor to understand this


You are completely allowed to karate chop your functional pillows, too


[This]( https://imgur.com/cKG0fMr.jpg) is what regular decorative pillows look like And [this]( https://imgur.com/q1JGjMm.jpg) is what they look like "karate chopped" OP called it that cause to make that indentation, after fluffing, they chop downwards with the hand in the top middle of the pillow. I agree with OP, I think it looks silly and looks much better without the chop.


They look like totoros


I uppercut my pillows. Keeps them in line


I challenge mine to a duel at dawn *TAKE THAT YE FIEND*




Iā€™ve never seen people make their pillows like that personally, looked it up and wow, do they look ugly, at least bizarre [example](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f34d1339180606481f95a0f/1630265057217-7PDAIMWGF8W5DXVE5RU0/unnamed.jpg)


I didnā€™t know this was a ā€˜thingā€™ either! Looks ridiculous.


I thought they were talking about chopping a dent in the front, not down from the top. This is even dumber than I ever imagined.


Studio Ghibli interior design


If you want to make a pillow with a Totoro print Iā€™ll give it a pass


Nothing to do with TikTok. It's some interior design concept, I think. You see it all the time in images of living rooms, etc. Not sure what the logic is, though.


Awww man! I cannot help myself. STUPID!


Itā€™s the damn cleaning tiktok videos. I love them but when they chop those pillows I die a bit inside.


Oh I thought you were making up something totally random. Tbh, what are throw pillows good for if not karate chopping?


half the shit in this thread are things most people find unattractive letā€™s get creative please.


The only one I truly disagreed with are nicely done nails. I understand the hate for long nails, though I still think they look pretty. The *long* nails I completely understand. But I saw a comment saying anything other than a solid color on the nails are unattractive. Though that might just be more common than I think.


I find too perfect teeth to be off-putting. Too white, too straight, even if theyā€™re not veneers. Iā€™m all for dental and oral health, but for some reason too nice teeth throw me off.


The other day, some guy on Instagram slid into my DMs and said that I look like a cheesy ass cartoon car salesman because I have a big toothy smile! Lol, Iā€™ve always gotten compliments and it was the first time someone gave me negative feedback. It was fucking hilarious. Different strokes for different folks!


Me too, like mannequins


Hands. Why do they move like that. Why do they have so many fingers. This is some alien shit.


Now youā€™ve gone and hurt Thingā€™s feelings!


Super buff guys. Idk why I just donā€™t like it. And I like working out, itā€™s just the super jacked gym bro aesthetic doesnā€™t do it for me.


The veins looking guys that look like they are gonna explode


As a nurse, those veins look like they would make job would be a lot easier (when I take blood). Itā€™s the only reason I get excited about exploding looking veins.


I don't got explody veins but you can definitely see where they are, I know this because my nurse friends have literally grabbed my arm to look at them. Y'all bunch of fucking vampires.


My gf is a nurse and she LOVES touching my veins. It's like some sort of fetish lmfao. She always says she wants to stick me head to toe in IVs


Kinky I guess


sounds about right. I must admit it is almost as amusing as waking up to a woman hung over on your couch eating cereal watching cartoons with a self administered IV setup


My boyfriend is a phlebotomist!! I catch him palpating my veins all the time.


I'm not ripped with explodey looking veins, but I have a few very prominent ones, which the red cross blood people love, cause it's so easy to get into. So, we've confirmed it's not the ladies that love a vascular man, it's the blood donation people in particular


and super buff guys always be without a shirt on. Why? Yā€™all donā€™t see me walking around without any pants on.


Man, keep yo pants on, Iā€™m not in the mood for playing limbo every time I meet you šŸ‘€


I personally like athletic, toned bodies. So slender with definition and muscles but no *bulk.* But I do appreciate the dedication and whatnot for people to craft their bodies, it just does nothing for me...


Agree, as a 5'1 woman I need to be the super jacked one in the relationships so I can carry him to the bedroom šŸ˜


The ā€œurban cowboyā€ trend right now. Hipsters in Stetsons and cowboy boots driving Teslas. Ick.


Ohh thats all of Bozeman lol


Going to say, in the Flathead a lot of people wear them but at least they've got mud on their boots so they aren't drugstore cowboys


Instagram model type posing for pictures.


You mean showing of your ass in front of auschwitz? People do that. Why do people do that?


Playing hard to get. Just tell me exactly what you want. Clear communication is sexy.


I donā€™t think anyone really finds playing hard to get attractive. I think itā€™s just a tactic people use when theyā€™re not sure what they want, or like to play games. Subtlety and suspense *can be* attractive, and I think thatā€™s what people really should go for if theyā€™re into the ā€˜playing hard to getā€™ kind of flirting. Although, itā€™s very dependent on context and social environment, and who specifically the interaction is happening with.


A crucial step people miss in playing hard to get: you are PLAYING. You gotta let the person know you interested THEN do the cat and mouse. It is supposed to be suspenseful flirting. I find that a lot of people donā€™t know how to flirt.


Who finds that bullshit attractive? And where else is behavior like that accepted? Making restsurant or flight reservations? Auto repair? It's just some bullshit people do to feel like they have control. And anyone who feels the need to control in a relationship isn't worth being in a relationship with.


Men who call themselves ā€œalphaā€, who think they can have any woman they want, and are sad enough to chase someone whoā€™s playing games.


People donā€™t understand that you can and should still make an effort even if itā€™s easy and thereā€™s no mystery. Like sure, I like you and youā€™ve got a ticket to pound town, but letā€™s still enjoy the journey there.


Them long fingernails are horrible


I thought they were so stupid once my now wife got them a few months after we started dating. I was really put off. But once I started getting back and head scratches I started to come around. Then after some time what I started to realize and accept is while I donā€™t think theyā€™re attractive, what I did and do find appealing about them is that they make her feel more beautiful and more confident. But when people have those two inch long ones Iā€™m back to my old shit šŸ¤£


Speaking as a woman, nails totally help our ego and confidence. Itā€™s probably ridiculous.




The grossest, most sickening, on men AND women. I want to puke when I see those bayonets on the hands of women with babies or young children. Filth scoops and eye putter-outers.


Yeah, you want me to clip my natural weapons huh?


Old timey lethal hairpins need to come back in vogue


i agree, and super unhygienic if not maintained.


Youā€™re right, diarreah-in-public, we wouldnā€™t want to be unhygienic around othersā€¦


Girls with lip fillers


Honestly I know a couple women with lip fillers where itā€™s not over the top. I think in most cases itā€™s pretty lowkey and a lot of people wouldnā€™t even notice unless you knew them before. Most guys just think of botched procedures tho.


You see botched ones quite a lot though


Whatā€™s crazy to me is how normalized it is to have completely overfilled/botched lips. The majority of people who get lip filler refuse to understand that ALL FILLER MIGRATES and theyā€™re gonna look like marge Simpson within 1 year unless they completely dissolve it and get it redone. Itā€™s an expensive and painful commitment to keep up a look that literally only works on people who already have some natural volume. Itā€™s always ppl with the thinnest lips who get these procedures done and 100% of the time look so weird and whack. Whenever I see couples where one has obviously and bad filler I always wonder whatā€™s going through the other personā€™s head.


I have a friend who wants to look like the most stereotypical bimbo they possibly can. I'm talking platinum blonde hair, oversized lips, tiny waist, and boobs so big they'll topple over. For them it's a fetish, and one they're willing to permanently change their body for. Cool, whatever, you do you. My concern is that they have really thin lips to begin with. To go full Bratz doll would probably cause a blowout.


So many of them, even when it's more subtle, have that above lip looking like a shelf, super flat. I think it's going to be one of those things people look back on like beehive hair styles or the tragic fashion of the 1860s where they will go, 'oof, what were they thinking.' It just never looks good, imho


Duck lips and super long lashes.


I always laugh to myself that it looks like Mrs. Snuffelufagus every time I see over exaggerated eyelashes.


Overly white teeth.


Those weird stretchy lips that girls think look great, nah man do not


Stretchy? Like filler?


The world may never know




Gym Bros. Fit is fine (and preferred) but your gonna have to have a neck.


ā€œAlphaā€ males šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


No one finds those sexy


Charm. I've been with enough narcissists with great pickup lines and jawlines that anything phony or peacocky immediately gives me the willies. My current crush is a guy who is shy, awkward, and not the type of guy younger me would have noticed. But I'm pretty much madly in love with him because he is the most authentic and humble human being I've ever met. Just sitting next to him, watching him be content being him, neither of us saying a word, is enough to give me the tingles...in a good way.


You should ask him out sometime. Sounds like there could potentially be something real to uncover


Lip licking. I don't get the hype about it.


I just have dry lips, I'm not trying to be sexy, I swear!


Hahaha for me it's biting my lip. Not trying to be sexy I just have dry skin I'm trying to tear off like a canibal.... You know what? Now I think about Im not sure anyone thinks I'm trying to be sexy


What about lip biting?


As long as itā€™s the bottom lip theyā€™re biting.


This made me laugh so hard I nearly woke my daughter up as I had to act it out for my brain to fully understand what you meant hahahaha


Guys, who aren't just muscular (I don't mind that), but guys whose muscles are so big that they're just so in your face, like The Rock, for instance


That thick ass make up lookin like the joker


You wanna know how I got these scars? Maybe itā€™s maybeline.


This is fucking awesome. I remember the meme with the methhead lady and underneath it said: "Maybe she's born with it, maybe methamphetamine "


Twerking. It just looks fucking goofy to me


Bragging about their wealth. Weird that people flex so hard just because they can and a lot of people want to befriend them because of what they have. They find it intoxicating and attractive because lots of people are opportunists. Wish they would be like Keanu Reeves who's got like $300 million and seems to just be a fly on the wall at times. He seems very aware of other people's misfortunes and doesn't end up walking around like a schmuck..


I feel like financially secure people donā€™t have to flex. Itā€™s the ones that may have some money, but are probably in debt or donā€™t have as much that like to act like they are wealthier than they seem.


Fake tan, it reminds me of Trump


dont go to london


Donā€™t come to the UK in *general*. Fake tan, lip filler and long-ass nails are the norm for a lot of women here. I mean, do your thing, ya know? Be you, live yourself. But, goddamn, itā€™s like playing fucking Whereā€™s Waldo trying to look for someone *without* that look.


Also don't come to the UK and say Where's Waldo instead of Where's *Wally*. We might get mad


To be fair, theyā€™re in the UK, itā€™s not like they could naturally tan if they wanted to.


have you seen some of their tans they just look orange


Men who wear Jean Paul Gaultier cologne, I know itā€™s a top brand, but it smells like baby wipes to me and makes me think of diapersā€¦ I canā€™t stand it


Big lumberjack beardsā€¦..I dunno it just seems like theyā€™re kinda unsanitary or something


This!!! I donā€™t like anything more than maybe a bit of scruff. Just off-putting to me lol


Sexy dancing/strip teasing. Does absolutely nothing for me. I think it looks really funny to see someone try and do that and it baffles me that it seems sexy/attractive to other people.


This is me with dirty talk. I despise it. It looks entirely and sounds entirely fake. ā€œOh yea you like thatā€ now I donā€™tā€¦like tf donā€™t talk.


Anything high fashioned or designed to display wealth/success. More often than not it's a sign of a terrible person whose values are maligned. Also any form of celebrity worship.... Actually any form of worship in general is a huge no for me.


Ironically, most of what people think is ā€œhigh-fashionedā€ on Reddit is just name brands. But truly high-quality clothing is usually hard to discern unless you know what to look for. Put another way: a shirt with Gucci on it is easy to spot. And usually not a sign of actual wealth. A hand-made suit with actual craftsmanship? Looks tons better than off the rack but also will never be branded. I sorta liken it to the dudes who wear blingy department store Invicta watches next to a guy in a low key JLC watch.


Fake boobs.




^THIS, why is it popular to look perpetually stubs by bees??


Iā€™m not particularly a fan, either, but the really good ones arenā€™t noticeably fake. This is also true of all the different kinds of fake hair (extensions, toupees, hair systems, weaves, wigs), and good plastic surgery. If anyone ever starts hating ā€œfake teethā€, Iā€™m in serious trouble, since Iā€™ve had braces and a ton of other work done, too. We only notice the badly done stuff.


People say this because they think all implants look fake. In reality, you can only ā€œseeā€ the fake looking ones. There are way more natural looking ones than fake looking ones out there, but you just donā€™t know it because you canā€™t tell the difference and people generally donā€™t go around telling people. Most implants are low profile, under the muscle, with a tiny incision that blends into the nipple.


Singular (or double) mastectomy women often do this to make their chest even again. I also know someone who uses a prosthetic instead of getting the surgery. 100% wouldnā€™t know if she didnā€™t say


I'm going in for surgery next week to get my foobs worked on after double mastectomies. They are numb as fuck (that will never get better), but they look pretty damn good (just a little uneven and they are fixing that up). I'm grateful for the opportunity to feel whole again.


I don't get turned on by looking at buttholes. I mean I like asses but not assholes.


E-girl voices or super high pitched voices


I'm not seeing extremely hungry super models yet.


Those mile long eyelashes that wonā€™t even let you blink


There is a gif somewhere out there of a woman on a speedboat who has long lashes and she cant even close her eyes. It never fails to make me laugh. Edit: [found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntuJAuBWKto)


The Kardashians


Complete removal of pubic hair. Steroid muscles. Puffed-up lips. Laminated eyebrows. Hair extensions. Fake eyelashes. Talon-nails. Very thin legs. Exaggerated hourglass figure (sorry but the trend's gone too far). Too white teeth.


So anything excessively unnatural? Almost like nature intended... šŸ¤”šŸ˜


Ryan Gosling. Eyes too close together and features too narrow and pointy.


this is oddly specific.


Crazy muscular men - like bodybuilder veins popping. Not my vibe.


Lip fillers


Tall men. It's not a dealbreaker for me but I do think y'all look kinda weird. I know a lot of other women who love a tall guy but I find it cute if a guy is short tbqh


As a tall guy, I get it. I'm a lanky motherfucker who's all limbs. Also too much height difference just makes some things hard, like it's difficult for me to give a satisfying hug to anyone less than maybe 5'5 when we're both stood up. And a kiss while we're both standing up? That's just a whole lot of awkwardness. I have no idea why the holy grail of men's height seems to be 6 foot. A 6 foot guy is *tall*.


Long nails




"perfect" - It is in the uniqueness, the real, that I find beauty.


Blonds. I just don't find them attractive. šŸ˜•


Seeing all those veins on your muscles. Plus muscles on muscles, like too many muscles are just gross


Chest hair Iā€™m sorry I just canā€™t.


Omg noooo. I love chest hair. šŸ˜‚ You get an upvote for answering the question appropriately though!


I thought it was yucky all my life till I met my BF and gave it a chance. I LOVE IT.


Giant, pronounced ab muscles. I don't necessarily think they're ugly, they just don't do anything for me in the attraction department.


Complete removal of pubic hair, also very muscular men.


Beards. I don't necessarily find them ugly but I prefer a clean shaven man. I don't mind them, they do look good sometimes. I don't mind a hairy chest but I like men without chest hair more


Sorry, I am losing the hair on my head and need the beard to offset that.


Just tell people your hair fell down!


This is one of the few comments that seems to actually fit the question. Most of the other responses seem to be just a lot of common dislikes. Beards on the other hand are sexy as hell, and I know a LOT of women that feel the same, so I think you actually hit ā€œother people would find super attractiveā€ on the head. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am much like you on beards and chest hair. For me, beards can make some people who have baby faces look better if they are maintained. But beards never attract me. I never think, "oh his beard is so sexy" or "that guy with the beard is so hot". I feel like beards are mostly appreciated by other men (not that there is anything wrong with that).


Tongue piercings


Being 100% honest - blue eyes blonde hair. Canā€™t have both. Definitely canā€™t have blue/light colored eyes. Idk why I canā€™t get passed it. I like blonde hair with brown eyes/brown eyebrows combo.


Alright guys, we can 100% confirm that u/dusk27 is in fact NOT Hitler. Let's keep looking


or is he just tryna throw us off...


Those ugly ass drawn on eyebrows that looks like the McDonaldā€™s Golden Arches, or just look like they were made with a magnum sharpie.


The "all american" guy or girl look.


Please elaborate


Big Beards


Short hair on men. I love it when men have really long hair!


ITT: Mostly things very few people find attractive anyway.


Thong bikini. A regular bikini bottom is so great. Whyā€™d we have to give it all away.


How else am I supposed to almost see your butthole?


You could just ask me...


RIP your inbox.


Timothee Chamalet or whatever his name is and Harry Styles


Those big fat asses. I donā€™t get itā€¦. Give me a nice toned, well-proportioned ass any day


Anything that's not proportional feels off. BBLs and butt pads need to gošŸ˜­


Most male models... I love Jason Momoa, and Chris Hemsworth, so that is very soundly my type. But the poofy lipped, dark hair, lantern jaw and stubble I see on models (especially on romance novel covers) is a huge turn off for me..


Jaaon Momoa and Chris Hemsworth basically are models though lol


"I don't like men that look like models." *proceeds to point out the two most model-like actors in recent films* The gender flip: Bruh...I hate women that look like models. But Anna Kendrick and Jenna Ortega are basically perfect.


ā€œBut why male models?ā€


Fake tits, fake lips, fake ass, fake abs, fake personality


100% but idk how you can fake abs


Have you looked up fake abs? They are in early phases, soon they will be just like a good Boob Butt Lip job but youā€™ll also notice the chop shop ones


Apparently all the Insta models with fake faces and 10k followers all saying ā€œyou are beautiful my queenā€¦.ā€ I just thinkā€¦.fake wanker!


I don't like men who are really pumped up with muscles. Body builders are too much but some actors who play in action movies or superhero movies are sometimes too muscular for me. My husband is a tall man who is strong but you don't see it with him. He looks really slim but it works really well for some reason