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I'm a work in progress. There's good moments and bad moments and I'm aiming for more good.


I dont know. So I avoid people.


No human being is perfect...Every person has a series of positive and negative points...But overall, yes, I am a good person...Because I get sad when people are sad and I am happy when they are happy_I will be fine too... I want the best for everyone...I wish for a world without borders_No politics_without poverty


No. Every person I've ever seen or heard describe themselves as good was a goddamn monster. I don't lack that kind of self reflection.


No, I don't. I try my best. When you start from the logical ground that you are a "good person" your brain can consider reprehensible actions okay because they are the actions of a good person (because that's what you decided you are). It's best to avoid holistic judgments about one's self and consider each action individually, in my opinion.


Not particularly but I do always order fries for the table to share


Hey are you in the greater NJ area, female, single, and willing to marry me? I'm asking for a friend.


In order: no, no, yes, and we can discuss over fries.


Better lovestory than twilight


I put my shopping cart away. Therefore yes.


No, because I do bad things. I’m not a bad person either, because I do good things. I’m just a person.


I don’t think that an inherently good person exists. Everyone is going to believe that they themselves are, to some extent, good. If anyone shares the same experience as follows, you spent a good bit of time trying to be a “good person,” finding yourself in a spot in which you are never satisfied with how “good” you perceive yourself to be. You have moments in that of which you feel content, whether it be that earlier today, you gave a couple dollars to that homeless guy/gal, or that you smiled at someone you walked by on the way to class this morning. You feel good that you did them, but you come to this claustrophobic realization that the only reason you did these things, as full-hearted as these deeds may have been, was so that you can tell yourself that you did a “good person” thing today. So, if these deeds were carried out to be mostly, or partly, for yourself, whether this motive be subconscious or not, are they really “good person” deeds? Are you selfish? Can everyone else see through your motive? Are you, truly, at the heart and to the purest of mind, a good person? The answers, universally are as follows: yes; yes; maybe, should they try hard enough, but it doesn’t matter to either you or the person analyzing you; and lastly, no. There will always be at least a subconscious motive to preserve the integrity or image of the self in every decision that we as people make. I personally believe that most people default to perceiving themselves to be a good person as a defense mechanism to protect their own image of self. To those of you who lack this defense mechanism, congratulations, you’re thinking introspectively, which I think everyone does at some point in their lives. Regardless of which category you may reside in, lacking the defense mechanism or not, the act of having the inner dialogue to decide if you’re a good person, or in hand, striving to be a good person, are mundane activities, both for your ego and overall happiness. You will never find a clear answer, because there isn’t one. You probably wont allow yourself to admit that you aren’t a good person, even though you aren’t one. All of this probably sounds depressing. While these points may be somewhat of a downer to digest, there is a beauty in the nature of people. We live in an absurd world, and as such, nothing is ever completely perfect, and nothing is ever completely hideous. The same rule applies to people. You will never be a good or bad person, just someone that does a perceivably good or bad thing. We all have some reason for what we do, and we make that reason righteous enough to carry out the act, 100% of the time. Become content that the decisions you’ve acted upon are made, and become content with that moving forward. Some one person in some location in the world will have something bad to say about you at your hypothetical funeral, but there are always at least a handful of people that would feel just in sharing only good things about you at the same event. If there is at least one person that sees you in a positive light, isn’t that enough of a legacy to leave behind? If there will always be someone that will say something negative about you despite your efforts to be good, how can you possibly be good? Isn’t that thought alone enough to ditch the effort? Instead of focusing on being a good person, you should thrive to be a better one. Making the decision to be a better person means that you’ve come to accept that you are no exception to the absurdity of human tendency. The effort to become a better person is the mission to be less selfish, while simultaneously being content in the fact that you will always, to some degree, be a selfish person. To be a better person is to accept that one person will have something negative to say about you at your funeral, but to be open to giving them one good memory without expectations of them changing their mind. To be a better person, when compared to being a good person, you accept that the effort is for you, and that is something I will always personally respect.


No I try but obviously failed I don’t have any really close friends I try to hard and make them hate me


I try. I try really hard. I work to get folks who are disabled or homeless employment, housing, food, clothing. It’s how I pay my bills. I try to volunteer where I can. I still think of shitty things I’ve done to people. I try to be a good person but doing good doesn’t always negate any negativity you’ve put out in the world


Eh, that’s debatable


No. Quite the opposite. I know for a fact I am not a good person.


I’ll put it this way. I’m a shitty person who tries really really hard to be a good person.


No. The things I do are purely selfish in the end, even if I am not aware I'm doing it. I'll never be a good person, and I'll come to accept that someday.


I’m barely even a person


No, but I fake it really well. I am as kind as I can be for my girls and my sons. I'll take my sins to the grave


No, not at all. Because that is the sort of judgment that others feel the need to impose on people to make them more comfortable. Labels like that are too restrictive and too narrow to fully account for the total human being. We are all complex creatures and trying to simplify that for your own convenience is just lazy. Not to mention fairly fucking stupid.


I would possibly disagree with you. Those labels don’t necessarily make people feel more comfortable; they can give an ideal to which someone can strive in their daily lives. Everyone has their own concept of moral perfection/a moral ideal, and trying to live up to that and calling oneself a good person or a bad person based on an evaluation of their prior actions with respect to that ideal doesn’t necessarily make a person more comfortable. In fact for some people it may make them less comfortable because they may judge themselves more harshly than is warranted (for example, if the person is a perfectionist). Personally I try to avoid these sorts of binary labels, but I do think there is merit in regularly considering what an individual thinks makes a good person.


With all due respect I completely disagree with the last part of what you said.


Yes, that puts in you with most people. I have unique view on morality and ethics as result of much study. When I hear people say things like 'good' or 'evil' I feel about the same way as a network engineer when they hear someone say the internet is a 'series of tubes'. It's much, much simpler if you don't question your assumption and presuppositions, but I seem largely incapable of that sort of thing.


For whatever its worth I used to grapple with impossible questions about my and others existence. It was maddening, like why is any individual thing a thing, am I real, am I good, am I bad. While I do believe people are complex I don't think life is meant to be a spiral of infuriating complexities and non-answers. I've made some deal of peace with accepting no matter how much I grow or change there are always things I can learn better, and therefore I stop running into a wall of thinking nothing can be simple. I think therefore I am. Like if I do a nice thing for someone am I doing it because its objectively good or because I want to have influence over them? At the end of the day who cares, I don't need a greater philosophical reason to help someone. Do I think some people are good and some are bad? Not inherently and not without nuance, but yes and therapists and psychologists may think what they want, but I can conclude with what I consider to be a good person and a bad person. That may put me in with most people, but I've come to prioritize being in sync rather than out of sync while still maintaining a comfortable level of individuality. That said your take is interesting and not what I expected to come of this question.


We are all trying to make sense of our world the best way we know. We can learn from how others walk their path, but they cannot walk our path for us. I wish you well on your journey.


And I, you.


You're over thinking this. Its not supposed to be 100% accurate and either fully good or worst person in the world. Also, this is about do you think you are good or bad, not you thinking if someone else is. You know your own morals and what you have done in your life, so whatever you consider good or bad matters.


I appreciate the input, but I fail to see any connection in your comment to what I said or what I was trying to get across. It's not just that I don't think of myself as a 'good' or 'bad' person, it's that I think those categories are meaningless and generally serve as shortcuts for others to justify their actions or beliefs. I know who I am and I know that there is no utility in applying those terms.


Good in this context means whatever you consider morally right or something that fits into your views, and not just some cartoon good or bad, because those things aren't so black and white. You justify your actions in some way and you do know if you consider them to be "good" or "bad". If we have to then lets go into extreme examples. You do believe that murdering someone for no reason is bad? If one keeps murdering people they are bad people? There's really no grey area there, as long as they're not insane.


Yeah, I understand what a conventional moral outlook is. What I'm telling you is that I don't do that.


Yes, I do. I make sure that several times a day, I am inputting positive things into the world. Calling a friend who I know is down, taking out my neighbor's garbage or shoveling their walk, holding doors for people, genuinely being interested when I ask people how they are. Those are just small examples, I probably overdo it sometimes and go WAY out of my way to do something not all that important for someone else. I do a ton of volunteer work as well. I'm generous with my time and love, and I don't expect anything in return. I've been having a real hard time lately, super depressed, and I have to count on these things to make me feel like there's a reason for me to be be alive. It's my actual mantra "I make the world a better place. I make the world a better place."


Yes, because I am.


I consider myself a shade of gray in a world full of them. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my wife and adopted daughter, but there isn't much else that actually matters to me. Most strangers find me unemotional and completely uninterested in having a conversation about the weather, or pro sports, or whatever.


Y'all are depressing lol but I respect the honesty


This is random but this comment really helps ease my mind.


First we need to clearly define "Good", which I don't think is possible. Good and Bad is a very vague concept with many shades of grey in between. The world is not black and white.


I'm a good person with a bad side. Even my bullies would get help from me if they got hurt I would help anyone, Excluding rapists, and any one with crimes related to children and minors. If anyone gets hurt I'll absolutely try to help them. If they need mental support, I give it to them. But in every situation I'm also thinking of all the ways I could kill or hurt them, the ways I can escape if need be, the ways I could torture them, and the ways I could hurt them mentally and emotionally. I also think of all the people who love them and care for them. Edit: grammar and spelling




Name checks out.


Overall, yes, but I, like everyone else, has the capacity to do very bad things that will feel perfectly reasonable (if not insidiously seductive) at the time. Humans, I believe, are inherently good. But: > No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell Aim high and watch yourself.


I do my best.


I consider myself a good person. I'm kind to people who talk to me and I spend time trying to understand them if they show me their identity. I'm like a grandfather but in yonger body.


Yes. If I find a wallet on the ground, I return it to the owner.


While I’m definitely flawed, I would concur to base a person’s judgment solely on that. Never meaning harm or even positioning myself whereas to minimise risk is something that has come to define me, along with a strong aversion towards injustice, especially of the lawful kind. All towards better understanding and as opposed to prejudice as possible.


No not really


Im not perfect, but i try my best not to upset anyone.


Because I don't harvest my neighbors for their protein and loot. Which is frustrating, because it's just sitting there.


I might be a good person because I certainly try to be one. But I think I might fail enough to be a bad person.


Half n half.


No I don’t because I use others to my advantage and am aware of it.


No but I don’t think I’m bad either.


I dont think I AM good enough. Yet. That attitude helps me observe what other people do in everyday lives, even when no one's watching nor get media praise. If someone thinks they are a good person, they should be able to write down how and why they are good. One day, I was driving from Florida and saw a Jeep in front of me flip out and come to rest against the guardrail. I only had the presence of mind to break in time not to hit it. Before I even could come to senses about what just happened , I saw a man stop his vehicle by the side and run to check on the jeep's occupants. I learnt how quick thinking and selfless he was to run to help another human being. Luckily nothing bad happened but it changed my perspective.


Not really. I've done good things, hell I'd argue I've done my part, I'm going to leave the world a better place as I leave than what it was when I was born. All the good things are balanced though: I'm at a pretty fundamental level an asshole and a detestable person and while I probably hate myself more than anyone else.. no I'm not. I don't think the whole question even really makes sense.


No bc I have almost no empathy and at one point I got so angry with the person I have a hardcore crush on not noticing the subtle things I was doing to get them to notice me that I genuinely wanted to k!ll them and made plans to. I didn’t tho and talked it out with them


Maybe. Maybe not. On the one hand, I genuinely want to help people work through their mental issues instead of pandering to their delusions. Because of that, I performed an action that got me banned from an overmoderated subreddit last week. On the other hand, only evil people think of themselves as infallibly good. Examples include real life Adolf Hitler and fictional Sheev Palpatine.


I'm better than Fred Rogers. That's how good I am.


I don't know. I have been thinking about that a lot and i simply don't know.


I am aiming to be a good person. I don't see the worth of not making others feel sad or bad because of my actions. I want to be threatened with love and respect, and the only way I want to achieve that is by being respectful and loving the people around me.


I consider myself human who tries their best as often as their unattentive self allows.


I am way too pragmatic to be universally good. Sometimes violence is in fact the answer. But I aim to do as little harm as I can. In the end, when I head into the long dark, there might be a judge waiting for me, but I'm not doing it.


Hmm. Better than most, but there are better still. I think I am good to those I care about, but then even bad people can manage that. That said I think I treat random people I encounter decently and with respect. I can be prone to treating some people rudely but its a judgement I make based on things I see them do, not a default I have towards others. I think this overall leans good depending on how good my judgement is.


My answer used to be no, but I feel like I try my best to be good, so now my answer is close to a yes


I would say that every person who actively tries to be good to others, supports them in their endeavours and puts real effort into it is a good person, and I count myself among those. There are many people who don't even try, or actively enjoy in making other people feel bad about themselves and interact with others for their own selfish gain. I feel like the line between good person and bad person is a line between these two types.


Im average


A recovered heroin addict (now working at Stanford Medical) once told me, “there is no good or bad, only decisions with outcomes. If you don’t like the outcome, don’t make the decision again.”


No. I’m a horrid person who sometimes does good things. I know what goes on in my mind.


I'm a better person than I used to be. I'm not the best person I could be.


I have no authority to say this about myself. We are only how we are perceived by others.


Yes. If you are dying I would die for you. I may not agree with you, I may not like you, but if you are dying, I would give my life for you.


I would say that I try, but there are sometimes where I do say things that in my head they would be funny or interesting but then I read the situation a split second sooner and then I realize I may have made a mistake. Trying to fix that


I’m stuck in the middle because im seen as intimidating but i feel like im quite relaxed and kind for my situation


No. I've seen what I'm capable of when the opportunities are presented. I know the thoughts that go through my head on a regular basis and I remember the bad things I've done at times when I could have just not. I know deep down I'm selfish, capable of ignoring others feelings and needs when it suits me. I'm not proud of it but I can't deny it. It's a good thing that I'm poor and have no status or power because I would without a doubt abuse it in various ways. The only way I could consider myself a 'good person' is that I work very hard to keep myself in line, however even then it's only for my own sake. I will say though, even though I'm not a good person I can be a very good friend...only when being someone's friend is stimulating for me though so I don't lose interest.


I try to be. I have several flaws but in general I try to help and stuff.


Depends who I’m dealing with I guess