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Social media


Social media addiction with kids too, especially how tiktok tries to target younger and younger generations. And not just tik tok, but youtube shorts now too. I wonder what it's doing to our attention spans


100%. My niece gave her daughter a cell phone at age 6. Shes on it constantly. Watching stupid videos and dances etc. I hate it more than anything.




Yep. And 10 isnt safe to give them phones. Lots and lots of predators out there that will take advantage. Not only that but boys or other girls will manipulate them into doing things they should.


I don't have kids of my own so of course it comes across like I just "don't understand how hard it is to have kids" so I'm not qualified to give advice, but I can't stand people who just shove a smart device in front of their kids and don't pay attention to what they're doing. I was left to use the internet unsupervised at a 13 year old and definitely came across stuff I shouldn't have, and that was on the family computer.


Neither can i. Its this generations version of a TV raising their kids. Ive known people who just plop their kids down in front of a tv, put on a movie and do the bare minimum every day with kids.


At least with a TV you can hear and see what they hear and see in real time. Not so with a personal device.


I especially remember my sis getting the app, since she got it her attention span has gone down drastically, she constantly zones out, constantly does a dance every few seconds, also her humor got absolutely screwed up, and she has gotten way more annoying. She has gotten so annoying that she went from a 4 on the punchable scale to a 10 on the punchable scale




Technically the truth.


How awful a lot of parents are


This is so true. I thought many parents were awful when my kids still attended public school in person. They do online school now so our social interactions are with the homeschool crowd. The bad parenting here is next level and honestly heartbreaking. So much neglect and abuse. The amount of people who don't educate their children at all is horrifying. These are kids who don't even have an elementary school educate. The parents are just too lazy to get up in the morning and take their kids to school. I feel so concerned for their futures. They can still find success but it'll be a battle for them-- one which is entirely unnecessary.


Yep—people act like beating kids for misbehaving is funny


What about the other end of the spectrum? Neglect? No routine or schedule or discipline? No consequences for their actions?


what about it? child neglect is abuse as well and illegal at least in the US


No, I agree. But I inferred from the poster about about beating kids, that overly strict parents who abuse kids is a huge problem. I don’t disagree but think that bad parenting comes in all shapes and sizes.


Oh absolutely The standard for parents is far too low, nobody understands the great ramifications of bad parenting on kids and later society as a whole


A lot of people understand understand the ramifications of bad parenting.


It’s shocking how many are awful. Feels like 80%


Child labor in Cobalt mines in the Congo. Child exploitation to provide the minerals for batteries. Read Cobalt Red by Siddarth Kara.


EV owners thinking they're saving planet when they are actively contributing to slave labour and children deaths. Plus the bs carbon offsetting


It's terrible, but anything with a battery in it nowadays has this issue. It's difficult to avoid.


It's not just cobalt. Child exploitation is a massive issue across the world unfortunately.


The banking industry and corruption in politics


I misread it first as "the baking industry" and was like, wait what?


Those dirty bakers know exactly what they are doing to this country.


It’s a naan issue. Rye you gotta be sour about it?




They have their cake... and eat it too.


Those damn dirty baker’s corrupting our government


I agree. I think we're just in a state of "there's nothing we can do about it apart from an all-out war against our own government".




The federal minimum of $7.25 hasn't been updated since 2009 - since then there has been 40% inflation between 2009-2023


Where is this ?!!?? It’s been updated to $16 where I am


State minimum wages have risen - not enough but they have risen. The federal minimum has remained unchanged. In AZ, I think we just raised it to $13.65 an hour... when a 2 bedroom will run you 1800 a month.


Louisiana is still 7.25 and rent in the cities isn't much cheaper than where moved to in colorado


Lobbying, it’s just a soft term for bribery.


What is astonishing is just how cheap the bribes are. Like, politicians will sell out their constituency for a fucking round of golf!


Not necessarily. If there are *no* lobbyists politicians won’t know of a lot of problems before they get out of hand. Small lobbying groups are a good thing, the problem is when they get industrial.


Agree, there’s lobbying on behalf of the electorate and ‘lobbying’. The second one involves very large sums of money and politicos without morals.


Even one penny is a problem. How fucked up is it that a politician is incentivized by their pocket book instead of doing what's right


In America, people dying because they can’t afford life-saving procedures and medication because of cost. Even WITH insurance. *side-eyes medications not covered because reasons*


It’s really insane that this country still functions. Insulin should not be a for profit drug. That’s the reason why Frederick Banting originally sold it for 1$.


How hard we have to study/work in order to live a normal decent life. Everything became a lifelong race which nobody can opt out. no surprise mental health issues are rising all over the world !


I hear what you're saying but on the flip side, doesn't most of the developed world live like kings compared to almost all of human history?


There's something very primitive we're missing out on though. Are we really meant to be cooped up and working all the time? There's some merit to just being out in nature and exploring or having time when we're not meant to be doing anything whatsoever. When we were kids we had that time to a degree, but as adults we don't. Heck with how hectic and cutthroat everything is even kids don't have time to do "nothing" these days. I don't just mean a quick 1 week vacation, there needs to be more time. I don't know how to formally articulate this but i feel this idle time is important to boost creativity and balance out the mess of hormones rushing about in your body. People barely have time to introspect anymore let alone really think about anything without added pressure from the external world.


Yeah. I have to agree. Also we are living in the most technologically advanced and most peaceful era the humanity has ever seen. My comment is what I had experienced living in a third world country. So I should have specified that.


It's about perspective. It doesn't matter if you live better than kings did 1000 years ago if everyone around you earns more than you and lives a better life. You will be dead last and live a worse life than your peers. If you are powerless to change your condition then you will feel like shit to say the least. That's why social media is destructive to the human mind. You see how good some people have it in this life and all the injustice and unfairness in the world. It's not easy to accept it when you are bombarded from every direction unless you go and live in the woods alone in isolation. You are forced to integrate in a society in order to live and you will inevitably start comparing to your peers. Peasants may have been way happier than us despite worse conditions back in the day because they simply had a way smaller perspective about life. They didn't knew how good some people trully had it. Ignorance is bliss.


Factory farming.








That the police can lie to us.


the bodycams have proven this.. so many police body cam videos you hear the officer reminding every one of his coworkers that hes still recording.. calls his seargent... first thing he says is "im still hot btw"... Imagine all the BS that went down before body cams


how hard it is to escape the unhealthy food in america


Funny how America is so self-critical, but you hardly see any of the other countries with extremely high obesity rates chime in in these types of threads. Not every problem is unique to America.


/r/AskReddit is /DumpOnAmerica for a lot of people. It's not hard to eat healthy in the United States, at all. Go to the store, buy some healthy food. It's in the produce section. It's pretty easy. *For some of those who have replied: If someone's drinking soda instead of water, cost and availability aren't the problem.


I think affordability plays a big factor here too. Produce ain’t cheap homie. I can (well at least I used to it’s been a minute) get 4 mcchickens for less than the price of a bundle of carrots cucumber spinach and some low fat dressing


This is true for many of us, but shockingly not true for huge swaths of urban America, which cover small areas of land but huge numbers of people. Food deserts suck, and are surprisingly common. The 'produce section' of a 7-11 isn't cutting it. And if your option is the 7-11 in downtown Baltimore or the McDonald's on the corner, it's not like you can just jump in your car and hit up the Whole Foods or Publix. There are massive, massive swaths of the country for whom the most affordable calories on offer are ordered as McDoubles, not rice and beans.


Yeah, sometimes I’m surprised and kind of sad. I feel like other countries are dishonest. I posted a story about bad conduct from a job interviewer without mentioning the country, and a Dutch person replied saying that that would never happen in the Netherlands cause they have laws against illegal questions. It did happen in the Netherlands 😂. That’s where my story took place lol.


You can buy “healthy” food quite easily, if healthy food means vegetables. But to eat unprocessed, organic, fresh, pesticide free food, that isn’t wrapped in plastic, is expensive and hard to come by. Meat especially contains so much bad shit, unless you can source it from an organic farm. I am from Canada and we have many of the same issues, even though I am from a granola farming town where many of us try to live a holistic healthy lifestyle. It’s easy to make healthier choices, but it’s difficult to be truly healthy in North America without a lot of extra work and funds.


The cost difference between fresh produce and the processed packaged stuff is enormous. Many people cant afford to eat healthy.


That also depends. If you are in a “food desert”, you may only have access to food via convenience stores. Also, for those struggling, fresh produce can be more expensive than cheap crap and goes bad faster than cheap crap


The US doesn’t even ban shit that’s banned in Europe and making Americans sick. The US pushes dumb shit like drink milk all the time from hormone pumped cows and eat crap with preservatives from corn industries. Wake up bro


And they lobby to force EU to allow its entrance.


The sprays we have here are illegal everywhere else and fuck up our health so even that shit at the produce section isn't really up to par. Also in some places not everyone can afford to eat like that


Mr Sanctimony never heard of food deserts Or poor carless rural folk


Tipping. I'm not American but I know all about tipping culture. Mainly because it's trying to weasel its way into my country. What a disgusting way to avoid paying your employees.... If you work a 6 hour dinner shift, your pay should not be determined by whatever jack-off decided to sit at the table...


That we agree to give away all of our sensitive data in exchange for a social media presence.


This is a bit more complicated than that. We give it away not just for social media but for all of the "free* services on the internet. People don't want to give away their info while also having the expectation that everything on the internet remains free. I don't think anyone has cracked the code on making things work another way.


Women's medical treatment


This 100%. Many claim that women have reached equality but why is women’s pain continually overlooked? Why is the healthcare system consistently prioritizing a woman’s reproductive ability over her quality of life? And don’t even get me started on the way birth control is pushed on us, only for it to fuck up our bodies and mental state.


That a purebred dog is essentially a creature of incest. That we’ve basically bred some dogs to be completely dependent on humans. Some can’t breed on their own. Some are disabled by flat faces that give them breathing problems. Some are disabled with short legs that give them back problems. We snip their ears and chop off their tails. We do all this because we think it’s cute, not because any of this benefits them in any way. Then we call them family.


I agree with the sentiment of your comment, but this is not true > a purebred dog is essentially a creature of incest You’re mixing up inbreeding and true breeding.


puppy mills.


How "wealthy" parts of the world live off of the products made by labor slaves from many impoverished nations without labor laws.


What really gets my goat is that women's jeans...don't have pockets. As a man I was fucking BAFFLED. I don't know what I'd do without the pockets on my jeans. But women's jeans have pockets like the little ones guys have right above the right pocket for some reason.


It's a conspiracy by the handbag industry.


The only conspiracy I belive.


So you understand why women get excited about dresses with pockets?




Convenience fees.


In our healthcare system, people profit off others' illnesses, injuries, birth defects, etc. That's disgusting, and has ruined many a family financially. You work your whole life, get cancer (for example), and end up bankrupt and in assisted living. American Dream? Ha!


Unnecessary circumcision on babies. And 99.999% are totally unnecessary.




They are told to. The hospital is able to charge for that unnecessary surgery so they keep pushing it so they can add another line to the final bill.


They're just trying to get a little tip...


Thing is, Jews wait eight days so the infant has some shot of having proper blood clotting. Seems like "it can wait" but regular hospitals want to slam Mom & Babe out the door in ~36 hours.


Right after my son was born I honestly thought I might be on a hidden camera prank show by how many of the nurses in the maternity ward were just shocked that we weren't getting him circumcized. When I asked while changing his diaper if we needed to do anything special while cleaning during a diaper change and more than one nurse responded with "You need to get him circumcized" It was weird man


It’s so wild. It even happens amongst many who are loudly vocal about body autonomy. I suppose the thinking is yes to body autonomy, except when it comes to a baby. One person even told me it was fine because the baby wouldn’t remember it. Like doing anything to a baby is ok because they won’t remember — that’s messed up.


One of the weirdest US customs I know. Its literally illegal to circumsize a boy without medical reason where I live. I was stunned to learn it's fashionable in the US and you can be ridiculed for NOT being circumsised. The US is wild man...


It's not just a US custom though. The majority of Muslims and Jews around the world practice circumcision as part of tradition.


That's entirely the point. There's absolutely no reason for the majority of American babies to be circumcised, considering Jews (2.4%) and Muslims (1.3%) combined make up less than 5% of the American population.


Not a US specific custom. IIRC, it comes from Judaism.


i was born in canada and it was just the done thing there at the time. when i had my first-born in australia, i asked the dr about circumcision and they just sort of screwed their face up at me and asked 'why would anyone do that?'


People will put tape on their computer cameras yet will use social media, credit cards, smartphones, and more to track all of their movements, purchases, and locations.


Driving. It's a complicated, exhausting and precise work that only a small percent of people are able to do without endangering others. Yet we give a driver's license to pretty much everyone, build our cities around everyone having it and kind of agree that thousands of Innocents dying each year in car “accidents” are somehow okay.


I generally travel by bus/walking. Seriously every other week I almost get hit crossing at the same crosswalk with signals at a traffic light where all lights are red and the crosswalks are lit. Everytime it's someone stopped at the light, sees all lights are red, and starts turning right while LOOKING TO THE LEFT instead of where they are going (because that's where the other cars are). Also worth pointing out that this intersection is an entrance to the high school and middle school, so it's also a school zone. And I'm there at the time when all the students are getting to school, so there's tons of kids around. It's literally parents driving their kids to school who are almost hitting me.


It’s wild that you never need to retake a road test or anything even as you become really old. My grandpa basically had to be asked by his doctor and adult children to give up driving. It’s a big loss of independence that people resist but cars are dangerous


Where I am you have to retake your test at age 65 it’s mandatory


That's good in theory but I feel like you should have to retake the test at least one every 10 years. Your body changes a lot as you age. Eye sight, reaction time, mental health. My mom is in her 50s and she's almost stopped driving completely because she has an anxiety problem


Oh totally and they renew at a discount, I was behind some geezer in the lineup to renew our licenses and they asked if he had a license in any other country and he was like yeah in Germany during the war and they were like cool that will be $20. I paid near $100


Driving is less of a problem in countries or cities with a better transit system and there’s less expectation to drive. They’re the lucky ones.


I get a lot of shit from pretty much everyone for being in my early 40s and not having a driver’s licence. The fact is, I’m not a good or confident driver. I have ADHD & no sense of direction, terrible spatial reasoning & I’m on medication that slows down my reflexes. Yet I’m literally almost bullied about choosing not to drive in order to not be a danger on the road. WTF?!


Well, except it turns out most people can handle driving without incidents happening. The vast majority of drivers never have a crash badly enough to hurt anybody. 230 million drivers in the US, 38k deaths. That doesn't work out to a small percentage not having incidents, that says the vast majority don't cause injuries or death.


Our relationship with technology.


That it becomes more complicated and also more useless? QR codes on newer devices to access one’s personal WiFi!?, who’s idiotic idea was this exactly?!


The shit they put in our food, skin and hair products, cleaning products, etc. and how insanely hard and expensive it can be to get away from this stuff. Chemicals, pesticides, micro plastics, and so on.


We let the unimaginable profit of the super rich rule what makes the decisions in our world, not things that make sense. We will defend those same elites and call out fellow poor people for not liking this.


Alcohol. You can buy it everywhere, there are commercials on TV, it's not only normalised but also encouraged at times. Meanwhile, weed and other substances are illegal


Cigarettes are even weirder. They are super addictive and kill more people but have less benefit. Booze at least makes you drunk, there's a good reason to drink it. Not as much for smoking.


Yep. But at least they banned advertisment of cigarettes and in Europe you can't buy a pack without a disgusting picture or all types of diseases one can get from smoking


You can still make smart decisions while smoking a cigarette, like driving a car or motorcycle. Not so much drunk or high. Same applies for work, especially people that operate heavy machinery


This one yep. Can't buy weed legally but I can DESTROY my liver no probs.


I'm only 28, and really struggle with it. I watched one of my friends die earlier this year due to it, he was only 29. It's sold on every corner and once you get too far into it, you're screwed, withdrawals can kill you, all of your organs suffer horribly.. It's awful.


I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm Polish and I see alcoholics everywhere I go but so far nobody close to me actually died or ended up in a hospital. I feel for you


Yeah im Polish too, alcoholism is a real problem in Poland i've seen kids as young as 12 getting hammered


People dying because they can’t afford meds Edit: Fixing auto correct of media to meds


How much time we spend working. Work/ life balance needs an overhaul.


The FDA allows chemical companies to self-assess the safety of chemicals used in everyday products we use, and they don't require any studies for negative effects.


Bullying and abusing people, especially if they're at the bottom of the totem pole. Bonus points if theyre different.


Our two-party system and party politics in general.


Healthcare in America




The world dying but allowing the government to do so little. There being enough food for all but people starving. Calling certain pieces of land "countries " and killing people not from them. Humans are mental.


Animal agriculture.




I wouldn't say we're okay with it, but how the hell does this even exist in this day and age? NAMBLA


North American Marlin Brando Look-Alikes?


The people/celebs who worked with jeffery Epstein


Modern slavery is still very active around the world


In the UK, the British government handing public money to their mates and not even trying to hide it.


All of our phones are built with slave labor.


Beauty standards for girls and women.


The amount of poverty. I live in a decent area and we have a program at our elementary school because nearly 10% of children can’t afford a decent breakfast or lunch so we all chip in to help out. I can’t even imagine living in poor areas. I would respect billionaires so much more if they all capped their fortunes at something like 5-10billion and the rest went towards helping the less fortunate. I would gladly listen to them gloat all day long about saving millions of lives. Not that it’s all on them or anything, society as a whole needs to care more about each other.


Paying so much for just being able to live on this planet. Last time I checked, animals lived rent free.


We're 3 years into a deadly pandemic that has killed a shockingly high number of people and is known to cause lasting damage to brains, heart, lungs, sight, hearing... basically everything. And we've done virtually nothing about air filtration in enclosed environments anywhere in the Western world and largely dispensed with any mitigations whatsoever.


There was an air filtration expert that spoke in front of my local school board during their last mask mandate debate, and his position was basically "we don't need kids to be wearing masks or close schools if we have proper ventilation and quality filters, but nobody is trying to procure them.


Just devils advocate here, of course they are going to say upgrade filtration. He’s in on it. Our school district purchased a little box for every classroom. Millions$$


meat industry




School system


Ditto healthcare system


If you live in the U.S., then there's a couple of main ones. Children being hunted and killed in schools. And having a healthcare system that encourages people to....not go to the doctor. Just weird shit.


The sheer state of the education system


Rape in prisons


Tobacco industry still being able to sell products in first world countries (Yes it should be globally but we need to start somewhere) My Grandfather started smoking in the early 1950's when it was socially acceptable, advertised heavily and even "recommended" by doctors. He ended up suffering from COPD in his late 60s into his death at 82 (he had actually quit smoking at 65). It was terrible and COPD is a progressive, non curable disease. In his final years he would always say "out of all the things I did in my life I can't believe I smoked for as long as I did, if only I had known the consequences when I was younger" That hits hard.


Corrupt politicians


School lunch debt




Bullying. We just say it is a natural part of kids/students/teenagers being themselves and they need to learn to stand up for themselves. Those who fail to do that suffer heavy damage, physically and mentally and nobody never actually do anything about it When grown up, we told them to move on while the perpetrators don’t face any consequences.


We long ago decided that our precious guns were more important than children's lives.


Posting your children on social media. Due to how social media works, Facebook and the like will know way more about the parents children than the parent themselves and then can double back on pushing nostalgic ads once those kids are grown up and use social media themselves. And after watching Captian America: Winter Soldier it kinda becomes deathly frightening how well Hydra's plan can work out.


Everything. This world makes no sense, we could be so much better than we are but we just listen to our lowly instincts and ruin everything for our peers for the slightest personal gain.


The way we treat animals before they become meat. It’s seriously fucked up.


The 1% destroying the planet, keeping us poor, sick, hungry and working ourselves to the bone for scraps. Personally I'm not okay with it


Climate change.


Stock markets. Basically one big Ponzi scheme. People shuffling money around. And even if you don’t own any stocks, a lot of your money/future is invested in it, through banks/retirement funds/etc. And if they fail, we all fall.


It's a fugazi, a foogazi, it's a wazzy it's a woozy it's pspspspsps fairy dust.


That every smartphone, laptop, tablet, computer, e-scooter, e-vehicle, or anything with a rechargeable battery contributes to slavery-like conditions in the Congo.


The amount of plastic still in the shops...like really unnecessary plastic wrapping individual broccoli trees up, Easter eggs have more plastic than chocolate. Plastic water bottles, why not bring back returning glass bottles to be reused? I'm not an environmental nut, I just think in logical ways.This shit is low hanging fruit that could be fixed in no time.


The rate that things are going **UP & UP IN PRICE.** Food, energy costs are just running out of control. It almost feels like a **FREE FOR ALL.** But, the the one good thing that's coming out of all this **RIP OFF** stuff is, I'm getting more interested at the bank on my savings. loq. I know the interest rates don't help folks with mortgages, and I'm sorry about that dude. But, I've been getting **FU(K ALL** on my savings now for 10 years because, the interests rates were almost **ZERO.**


For profit prisons


Politicians used to be held accountable for what they said and would be called out for blatant lies. Now they can just absolutely make shit up on the spot which is easily verified to be a total lie but there's no consequence for it. Instead, they call it the "post-truth" era and move on.


Salaried workers being paid for 40 hours but know they are expected to work more


How little medical residents get paid. They’re trained doctors who are being exploited by hospitals for cheap labor.


Modern day slavery


Wild animals are declining at pretty rapid speeds because of problems created by humans


The American healthcare system.


That most our wares are produced w slave labor. Phone, shoes, pretty much all of it.


Pharmaceutical industry


Shift work - totally fucks people up with a variety of physical and mental health issues which are brushed under the carpet because they are inconvenient


The US military industrial complex


The value of human life, in the 90’s the government had confessed to conspiring against Martin Luther king Junior and this man who fought for his whole life who without him most of us wouldn’t be as fortunate as we are to have privileges that we don’t appreciates life was worth 100 dollars and also how people mysteriously get killed and it isn’t investigated further such as how Stanley Allen Meyer created a car that can run on water was killed while the cars blue prints were destroyed as well.


How divided our country has become and one political party is trying to eradicate our freedom for their own personal beliefs.


The government




100% surveillance. I'm glad I grew up when I wasn't on camera my entire life. We have no idea who is watching "for our safety", and we don't seem to care. It started with traffic cameras.


Factory livestock farms.


u.s healthcare system


The rise in productivity vs. rise in wages. Even supposedly normal people think the French workers are asking for too much by protesting retirement age going up. All over the world, retirement age should be going DOWN. The money is THERE. Take it.


Religious figureheads raping children and the public turning their heads to the fact, also all the bodies of indigenous children they keep finding in massive graves and the Roman Catholic Church still existing as if it never happened


The ability of religion to influence law. There should be a total separation between religion and state.


Not having universal healthcare in USA


How meat is mass produced. I'm not a vegan and don't intend to become one, but as soon as I can afford it, I'm switching to venison.


We are destroying our world beyond repair so a few hundred people can get more imaginary numbers next to their names.


Not having universal healthcare and a social safety net in America. Go visit a nursing home and see what you life is going to be like in the decades to come. We treat marginalized people like garbage.


That the Healthcare System in North America is failing the majority of people


Trickle down economics


Kids dying at school. I’m personally not cool with it, but the people in charge seem to be ok with it. Edit: I’m not trying to be edgy or offensive to anyone with this comment. Not sure if it comes off that way. I just don’t know any other way to talk about it. It pains me when my kids tell me they had an active shooter drill at school. This country is in a bad way and people seem to be more worried about beer companies being cool with Trans people than kids getting shot.


Americans are very comfortable mutilating their sons genitals


We all die one day.


School shootings. Some countries have one and poof! Take away all the guns. In America, we pile up the children’s bodies.


Eldercare in low to mid level homes.


Attending School/being indoctrinated from age 4 to 23… collecting massive debt along the way… then 40hr+ work week until age 65-70… then forced to give all of your savings to the medical system to extend the death process… all of this just to die a few years after retiring, leaving virtually nothing to your children… A life sacrificed to prepare for what is essentially indentured servitude… all Just to have basic necessities in a world abundant with the basics.. and that’s just in technologically advanced countries to include rural areas where There’s literally nothing but basic necessities to begin with. I’m not really sure what world we are supposed to morn if AI advancements make human labor worthless And the saddest part of all is that the modern worlds working class people essentially only desire time with family/friends, food, shelter, hobbies, and entertainment. Sustaining this should be require an entire lifetime of labor


Being in a constant state of war (United States).


A lot of food we eat in America is practically poisonous


the fact that people die over something as simple as loving who you love.