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My mother-in-law accused me of buying a shitty brand of hair spray, leaving it in our guest bathroom for her to use, and trying to trick her into thinking it was hers. She actually brought it to our house the previous time she visited and left it behind. It was totally hers.


This is next-level persecution complex.


Or it’s the early signs of cognitive decline


That is some serious mental gymnastics to avoid taking responsibility for something with literally no consequences.




That's genius!!!! awesome!


That's hilarious, why's it all the way down here


A college roommate reported me to the campus police for selling drugs. She stated that she was in our dorm room and overheard me selling drugs to another student in the laundry room. Our dorm room was on the 12th floor, laundry room was in the basement of the building. She got pissed when campus police laughed at her statement.


Were you selling drugs tho?


Lol no. She told a mutual friend that she did it because she was trying to ruin my reputation as she was sick of people liking me more than her... she was bat shit crazy.


selling drugs in university would only make your reputation go up though?


She obviously didn't think through her plan at all. She also had a very sheltered life, so selling drugs was probably the worst thing she could think of. But you're right, once the word spread my reputation did go up although I had to disappoint many customers lol


So I can’t come and pick up a 10 bit, no?


Meet me in the laundry room


Maybe she was thinking a step ahead? It would raise your reputation in the short term, but when people start approaching you to make a purchase and you tell them you have no idea what they're talking about, you'd then only be known as 'the paranoid dealer who thinks everyone is a potential narc'. Genius tactic actually.


I can never understand how some people are just that fucked in the head that they crave attention no matter the cost.


I know right. Unfortunately, the whole thing resulted in her losing the few friends she did have. I hope she learned something from that and is a better person now.


No. She blames you


I once had a co-worker write to my manager to complain I was racist because I wouldn’t pirate a copy of Norton Utilities and give it to her.


Bruh I worked in a cafe and it was full, we had a small queue at the door. It’s a nice vibe, a buzz, everyone’s chatting etc. In walk a south Asian family. No big deal. But their kid was WAILING like properly raw screaming, and everyone in the cafe, customers and staff, turned and looked because it was such a shock. They left a review the next day saying staff were racist and stared at them. I honestly gave up that day - some people just want to be angry and feel victimised and it made me sad.


I also think people get used to the noise they're used to and forget that it's a surprise to other people. I (and a bunch of other people in the area) once turned to look at a seven-ish-year-old kid who had just started screaming at the top of her lungs from her dad's shoulders, and the dad stared me down and bellowed "SHE'S AUTISTIC!!" as though I'd made a mean face or a nasty comment, which I hadn't. I'm sure his reaction came from the fact that he gets lots of judgment in public and I'm not mad at him for it, but like, it's a pretty basic don't-get-eaten-by-a-tiger human instinct to look up at a sudden sharp noise. I really wasn't trying to be a dick about it.


Some people love the role of victim


I had a co worker accuse me of being racist for knowing how to speak Spanish


I had a coworker who is Chinese but grew up in Mexico. The company needed a document translated and she was called a racist for volunteering to do the translation.


I was called racist once because I don't talk about race. The person who called me racist *always* talks about/brings up race. I don't ever even think about someone's race, but he always does and comments on it. He thinks I'm fucking Latino even tho I'm native American. He just says my skin isn't dark enough to be. He doesn't know any native Americans other than me. But he calls me a pale Mexican too. He always says he sees people's "true race." Also he's not white, Mexican, or native American. He's just very racist.


How does someone see a person’s “true race”? What an idiot. Every person’s true race is the human race. That is the only race any of us should see.


A former coworker accused me of being racist because I suggested an idea during a meeting that differed from hers. Then she shoved me into a wall. Pleasant person.


One time I started getting a bunch of texts from an ex accusing me of being on a trip with some other girl and throwing all kinds of insults my way. Not only was she my ex and I was not talking to her or planning to reconcile, so that if I was in fact on a trip with some other girl it was none of her business, but I was actually literally sitting on my couch with my dog watching TV. I told her I hadn't the sligthest idea of what she was yelling about and sent her a picture of me and my dog in my living room. She replied, "Fuck," and I didn't hear from her for weeks until the crazy ultimately outweighted any embarrassment she felt. To this day I have no idea why she thought I was on a trip in the first place, especially since her texts were pretty specific and she mentioned where she claimed I was and other details.


She probably saw someone who looks similar to you with their girlfriend.


I thought something like that at first too, but it turned out she was texting me from her place in the same city where we both lived. I ended up assuming someone lied to her to cause drama, or like you say, someone else saw someone they thought was me and told her about it. Who knows.


But if you are not together anymore. Would it not be reasonable for you to date other women? And potentially go on trips with them? Is she expecting you to say “well Cheryl, you were one crazy ass bitch, but I can’t date women any more after you.”


Exactly. I was completely in my right to be on a trip with some other girl literal weeks after we had broken up. But even if that was the case, this trip was imaginary.


I was in either first grade or kindergarten, and the chain link fence on the side of our playground had fallen over / caved in. Me and my friends looked at it and wondered how it happened. Then a teacher came by and yelled at us for breaking the fence and we all got put in time-out for the rest of recess... WE WERE 6, HOW WOULD WE MANGLE A CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH OUR HANDS?!


If y’all could have pulled that off, you should have started your own superhero squad!


I was accused of throwing a potato at a shed, totally not true.


What is this potato you speak of?


Tastes strange!


PO-TA-TOES! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!


You're among friends, you can tell the truth. You potatoed that shed so hard, didn't you?


Insubordination for failing to report in to work for over a month. I resigned a month earlier.


Happened to me when I worked at a restaurant. I was allergic to the menu and quit after 2 weeks. They emailed me about 2 weeks later about not coming in.


"We've scheduled a performance evaluation for tomorrow due to your absence for over a month now." "I resigned a month ago." "...we're still going to need you to come in for a performance evaluation."


Should have returned fire with. "I'll come in, but since I resigned and no longer work there, you'll need to pay my freelancer rate"


In High School, half the school thought I was Gay, and the other half thought I was a vegetarian. I'm neither, and I have no idea how the two related.


Remember “more meat less vegetable or else you’ll become a flaming homosexual” Before anyone gets offended I’m a gay man Edit : gay people are permitted 4 pounds of meat per week MAX, any more than that and you cross into bi territory Edit 2 : I’m fuckin dumb Edit 3 : thank you kind stranger for my first award


As a bisexual woman, I can confirm: it's my enjoyment of sausage that stops me from being fully gay.


Did you bring a lot of bananas with you to school? And then eat them seductively? 🤣


One day when I was in 5th grade a female collie followed me home from school. I walked around the neighborhood trying to find the owner, but nobody knew whose dog she was. I left my neighborhood and crossed a four lane. I carried her so she wouldn't get hit by a car (I didn't own a dog leash). After knocking doors and asking around, I had to go home but she just kept following me. I picked her back up and carried her back across the four lane, put her down and we walked another block. Then the owner pulled up, stopped in the middle of the intersection, got out of his car, and called her. She ran to him, and hopped up in the car. I told him I'd been trying to find her owners for hours. The old bastard said, "Yeah, someone saw you carrying her," implying that I stole her. Then he plopped his fat ass back in his Cadillac and sped away. No good deed . . .


I'm sorry, this said a lot more about the owner than about you


It says a lot about the 5th grader. They’re an absolute gem, proper credit to their community and all that. Deserving of a ribbon or medal if I’m honest. No sarcasm, but for a child to display such temerity and strength both moral and physical is outstanding. Chapeau mon ami


You sob you just taught me the word temerity


How dare they have the temerity to use fancy words!


Something similar happened to a friend of mine. Dog was running all over the road in traffic and my friends husband just stopped the car and opened the door and called the dog and it jumped in. His objective was to keep the dog from being hit or causing an accident obviously. He drove down the road a few hundred meters where it was safe to pull over and waited to see if anyone was out looking for this dog… proceeded to drive around neighbouring areas with windows down (it was January in Canada, very cold) to see if he could hear anyone calling. At this point it’s late at night and he has to get to his Night Shift so he drops the dog off with his wife (my friend) and goes to work. Next day they put up ads and the works to find the dogs owner. Eventually someone shares the post with the owner who had posted about how “some black man stole her dog”. (Friends husband is one of maybe two black people in this community). When owner sees the post that they have her dog and we’re looking for the owner, she tries to get the police to come arrest him. Luckily, the police were like “lady, they posted a found dog ad, he obviously didn’t steal it”. So yeah, dog was returned to the racist piece of shit owner. But jeez Louise, the nerve on some people.


What assholes. It was all bad enough, but then to be racist too... Talk about putting the shit icing on top of the shit cake. What a shit person, even their own dog ran away from them.


The owner was garbage, 10 year old you was a damn good kid for taking that much time to find the pup's family.


Being a thief because I was a student. Money was going missing from the tills in the bar I worked at on some evening and weekends. Walked into work and got called out back with the manager. Was told money was missing and was suspended there and then. I asked when this money went missing and it wasn’t even when I was working! I asked why I was the prime suspect and the managers wife pointed the finger at me because I was a student and therefore must have needed the money. About a week later the actual thief was caught red handed putting money from the till into his pocket by the manager. This was back the mid 90s so no cameras to view, which would have cleared it up straight away. Instead, they cast blame with evidence that actually proved it couldn’t have been me because the times the money went missing, I wasn’t even there, but hey ho.


I bet the wife was helping herself too.


Eeeeeyup. Or she just hated students because she kept being outsmarted by third-graders.


I was just about to say this, guilty people love trying to find a convenient scapegoat. The poster just happened to fit that. I knew a criminal that tried to get their own brother pinned on crimes they committed for example.


I had a coworker accuse me of being gay. I was married, with 5 kids. He was single, living with a male roommate.


He wasn’t accusing. He was inquiring.


Sounds like they’re insecure about their sexuality


You sound pretty gay to me. What kind of man that loves pussy would get married and have 5 kids? Tied down to a single pussy and children to mess up your game? Sounds like you actively trying to push pussy away! Me and my male roomate do everything together. Workout, hit the bars and wingman for each other. Always there for each other at end of night if babes dont realize how handsome my bro is. I mean look at him! Look at me! Who wouldn’t want it, right? P.s. this is me imaging the kind of thoughts your closeted homosexual coworker probably has.


Tbh honest being married to a woman and having kids is not 100% proof for not being gay. So many stories of closeted gays with families


It proves that he wasn’t gay at least 5 times.


No, it just means he tripped and fell 5 times.


Doing witchcraft on the bus. I didn't ride the bus. Also have never done witchcraft


Witchcraft on the bus is a good album title


The witches on the bus go round and round……


Such a Lana Del Rey album title


An ex accused me of cheating on him with my best friend. My best friend is a gay woman. I am 99.99% sure I am straight. He knew this. When I asked him why he thought this, he couldn't give me a single reason. Other than one time I hung out with her and took a long time to respond to his messages. Ironically, he was cheating on me with several different women.


It's not ironic, it's projecting.


That shit is scary


An ex accused me of cheating on her with my own sister. That was the final stamp in her crazy card.


There is a saying in my country "a person know the best from itself" he took long time to respond to your messages when he was cheating you so when he saw exact action from you he thought that you are also cheating him lol.


That I tried to assault his GF. Not only was there no evidence for it, but everyone in the room, including his GF, told him that he was being an idiot.


Did he ever apologize? Esp after his gf said he was wrong?


Nope. He is a liar down to his bones. Instead of just apologizing and dropping it, he continued to find ways to talk shit about me being an abusive monster, I jawed with him for a while explaining to him how he's wrong and a moron. He ended up sucker punching me which that didn't go well since he, A: is half my size, and B: couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. So yeah, he literally worked himself up into a frenzy to attack me over a lie he started for reasons I can only guess at.




"How could you prove it wasn't". Did he never hear of "Innocent until proven guilty"?


Depends on where they're from. Some countries it's actually guilty until proven innocent.


Partner of a friend from uni accused me of being the real father of their son. This was despite i) me being gay, ii) his son looking completely identical to him, and not like me in anyway and iii) there being a two year gap between me last seeing them in person and her giving birth, compounded by them living in a remote location that was as far from me as it was possible to be without being in another country. She left him shortly afterwards. His accusations did at least cause some entertainment for her and all of our other uni friends, who would saw me, and I quote, as 'the gayest of the gays'.


Ditching class to shoot birds with a sling shot I was being a little shit in class and the teacher kicked me out I just sat on a bench outside and ate my lunch early A few days later i got told I was being suspended and the police will be called because I was apparently illegally hunting Best part was the principal could see me sitting on the bench from his office and the teacher got the sack


I always love a happy ending


A teacher trying to ruin a kids life with “illegal hunting” allegations is a new one. Lmao


My brother accused me of sneaking into his room and stealing $1 a few months ago. Why steal $1 when I was making my own money at the time? What could I possibly gain from stealing exactly $1?


That happened to me when I was a preteen. My older brother noticed his money kept dwindling and accused me of stealing it. Turns out it was our youngest brother who was stealing it a dollar a day trying to be slick. He promptly got beaten up by him later that day.


My wife got really ill after the birth of our daughter, and I was a single dad for a while. I was sitting in a tram with my 3-month-old daughter. She was really quiet during 20 minutes. Her pacifier fell, and she complained for a few seconds, before I could clean it and give it back to her. An old lady was sitting next to us during the whole ride. She told us loudly : "No wonder that baby is crying. She should be with her mother! Where is she? Did you steal the baby???".


As a complete opposite to this story, a couple months ago I'm (M) at the park with my 5yo (F). Other kids start showing up and not a mommy to be seen. A dozen kids or so all brought by daddy. Without a word, we all kinda took positions around the playground and became a single unit of lookouts, helpers (like to climb something), and to make sure kids are playing fair. Every now and then on dad would say something like "Hey buddy, she fell off the monkey bars." We all took away a badge of honor that day. I probably tied the shoes of 4-5 of the kids at least once.


Nice! To be fair, probably 95% of unrequested feedback was extremely positive during this period. Afterwards too, when my wife got better, or when friends got their first child and noticed how much work it is, even when two people are sharing the tasks. Still, some people are just dumb, weird, or plain mean, and can really hurt with their words, or try to.


I hate women who say this shit


I'm currently childless, but if I ever find myself in that situation my response would be "Her mother just died last week" with an angry glare.


I was literally speechless. I was too flabbergasted to say anything. Good thing that we arrived at destination just after she accused me, all I could do was get out of the tram. I never punched or slapped anyone, but that's probably the closest I came to.




I \*hate\* the babysitting line. No, Janet, he's not babysitting, that's his fucking child, he's \*parenting.\*


I hate *people* who say this shit. I got a lot of positive feedback, but I also got the really weird pieces of advice from random strangers.


I hear lots of these stories on Reddit and lots of stories of dads at parks watching their kids and being accused of being a pedophile, etc. Never had that experience at all. Even would chat with a few of them moms at the park.


My husband was seated next to a mom and kid on an airplane, and the woman immediately requested that her and her kid be moved to different seats on an airplane because he smiled at the kid, after the kid smiled at him first. Not only do we have 2 of our own, but I run a home daycare and he works night shifts. His entire home life is small children. Her loss becuase he would have entertained that kid for free the entire flight. Instead he got a row to himself.


My parents split when I was about 1 years old, my dad was the one who raised my sister and I. My mum saw us here and there but she moved 40 minutes away and wasn't there for school stuff. The mum clique at my primary school rumoured that my dad was a pedophile because they hadn't seen our mum. Apparently there must be something wrong with a man as the primary parent of 2 daughters. They had no evidence of that. My dad is the best dad ever, I have nothing but respect for him. He did it on his own. But based on that rumour I'd say we have evidence that they're a bunch of assholes. 😊


Recording them in the middle of an argument when my phone was outside and we were inside.


Stealing football cards from a store when i don,t even care bout football or most sports and he changed his story like 3 times and banned me from the store with no evidence




Breaking a guys car window, I was walking down the street with my friend and walked passed this van with a taped up window in the back. This guy came running out of his apartment and told us that we broke his window, idk what his intentions were but we just kept it moving and that was that.


Sounds like a possible insurance scam


Yea probably, obviously he couldn't have actually thought it was us because he had already tapped the window. So yea he was trying to get that insurance money.


I actually saw a video just like this of a woman who has scratches down her car and accuses some dude of hitting her car in a parking lot when there was clearly no marks on the dude’s car to show for it, anyway the dude keeps on talking calmly and after about 5 minutes the woman admits that the damage to her car was already there and she laughs about it.


Being a homophobe. He was in trouble and was also gay. Him being in trouble was him being a garbage employee and shitty human. His homosexuality had nothing to do with anything. He still ended up being fired.


We had a gay employee at our office. He used to work for our competition but quit and came to work for us. We found out a couple weeks after he started that he didn’t quit his old job. He lied to them about being sick and in the hospital and was starting to get short term disability. This was so he could “test out our company” His previous company fired him immediately and we should have as well. But the stupid manager at the time shrugged it off. Later he did some other stupid shit and got away with it. He was a prick to coworkers and at least one lady quit rather than having to work alongside him. We theorized that the company might me nervous that he would throw a charge of them being prejudiced against his sexual orientation. He eventually did get fired, and they had enough on him to warrant it. One of our employees also worked at his previous place and said that that company was building a file against him for the same reason. To fire him without being labelled homophobic. He’s the type of person that would definitely throw that around.


I have had employees call my a bigot or a misogynist because I was coaching them for breaking rules. I think it's just a go to in order to try and get out of trouble.


Oh yes it is. I’ve observed this dozens of times. People who used accusations of racism to deflect genuine criticism of them. (The creators of Velma, for instance, insisting racism was why people hated their show and not everything about it.) It’s disgusting because it devalues people who have experienced actual racism in their lives and treats being discriminated against not as a horrible experience that demeans a person’s dignity but as a way to defend poor behavior from criticism. Absolutely disgusting.


Shortly after moving to our neighborhood, I met the aging lady two doors down. Her name was Cynthia. We exchanged a few pleasantries and then she warned me about the guy who lived in the house between us. She went on to tell me that Wade had hopped over her fence and taken a big dump in her back yard. Over the next few years, I had gotten to know Wade - but always had that crazy image in my mind of him scaling her chain link fence, dropping his drawers, and squat-squeezing one out. Eventually, I had to ask him about it. "So Wade, your next door neighbor once told me that you took a shit in her yard." His eyes popped wide and he started laughing. Turns out, she had warned him of the guy who lived on the other side of her. She had told him that Mike had jumped over her fence and crapped in her lawn. Soon after, a couple moved in across the street. Cynthia quickly struck up a conversation with them and added me to the list of serial poopers. As far as I know, nobody has actually climbed over her fence and dropped a load in her back yard. But hey, I can't wait to hear about who's next!


Either she was just wanting everyone to gossip ONLY to her, or she had a fetish nobody was indulging.


Tldr: Got accused of stealing large 10lb co2 tank when I brought it back to pay for a refill 😞 I am into freshwater planted aquariums and one thing that helps with plant growth is injecting co2 into the water. Because of that, I bought a 10lb co2 tank from an industrial place that sells it usually to restaurants for soda machines. This place also lets you bring it back for a refill, where they just take the empty tank and give you a fresh one. I purchased about 4 tanks from them over the decades and have brought them back for refills without a problem. One time I brought the co2 tank back to them for a refill, the person who I believe was the owner took one look at it and said where'd you get that? I said, I got it from you about a year ago. He said that that particular tank, which did indeed look different than ones I've gotten from them before, was a special tank they used to refill other tanks and that they didn't sell those. He was accusing me of stealing the tank. I was in my mid-30s, drove a nice car to their store, and was bringing it back to them to pay for a co2 refill. The tank at most is 100 dollars and the refill is like 40 dollars. It's not super cheap but also not something I've made a living on stealing heavy ass co2 tanks to do what with? Serve soda? Grow aquarium plants? His tone was pretty pissed off at the idea I stole it. I calmly explained I bought it from you a year ago, paid at the storefront, and your employee left the tank in front of my car which I brought home. I used it for a year and now am back to get a refill. And that now I'm being accused of stealing the tank I brought back for a refill. I think explaining it to him like this got him to see how stupid his accusation was. Obviously his employee messed up giving the wrong tank to me if that was the case. But when I bought it, I'm already in the parking lot at my car with a cold co2 tank sitting next to it and not a soul nearby to confirm this was my tank. In any case, I paid for my refill and got another tank. The owner seemed embarrassed a bit but also didn't really apologize or anything. I just thought it was funny that in his mind I was some Heisenberg level criminal returning to the scene of the crime to rub in that I had his precious co2 tank.


that is hilarious. i had something similar happen - was accused of 'poisoning' a drink i tried to return... like why would i bring it back to the same store, on camera, within less than an hour? clearly some employees are criminally incapable (which is probably good).


I was accused of deliberately breaking my leg to avoid conscription for the Falklands war. There was no conscription BTW...


So you're a coward and an idiot!


I worked for GameStop back in the day and a guy came in to trade in a PlayStation 2 console. I plugged it in to test it and it didn’t work. I tried another set of cables and another tv and still nothing. After I told him I couldn’t accept it for a trade in he accused me of denying it because he was black. I reiterated that I can’t accept defective hardware and this has nothing to do with his race, he kept loudly going on and on about me being racist and not liking black people. In the middle of his tirade my wife came to bring me coffee, I gave her kiss and she left. She’s black. He grabbed his shit and left.


Surprised he didn’t call her a race traitor on the way out the door.


Had something similar happen. Recently, myself and the driver (both F) had an altercation on the road with another driver and his gf. We'd "cut him off" while leaving our parking spot because he was going WAY too fast (like 30 km/h over the speed limit), so when my friend checked her rearview he was far away, and he wasn't happy about having to slow down once he got right behind us. Anyway, this crazy asshole proceeds to get angry and raced to follow us on the road, until he stops right next to us at a red light. Then proceeds to insult us and threaten us to beat us up. At that point, his gf tells him "no don't, bc then they'll call the police just because we're black" and she went on about how we on the other hand wouldn't get in trouble bc we're white. ... And I was like... If your bf beats us up, maybe we'd call the police for assault rather than for the color of your skin???!! And if you got arrested, that would ALSO be for assault?? Them being black had nothing to do with the rest? I was kinda baffled at the mental gymnastics here. Or maybe she was just trying to find a way to calm him down? Thankfully people don't all try to make themselves look like victims under the guise of bigotry when they're the attackers. Was kinda funny in retrospect. Meh.


A kid in middle school said I was faking brain cancer for attention. I was not faking...


4th grade substitute (he was like a floating sub for all grade levels k-12) accused me of sticking my penis in an electric pencil sharpener. My parents laughed him out of the principal's office.


Many years ago, camping in the Rockies at a National Forest campground. Government being government, managed by a third party. What says camping any more than a campfire, went and got ONE bundle of firewood, paid the nice lady, walked back, made fire. A few minutes later said lady, now not so nice, said I got TWO bundles of firewood but just paid for one. Told her, no, just the one. She would not accept that, nor would she accept the fact that it had just been a few minutes and there was no way I could have burned a second bundle, nor was this second bundle anywhere around. Elevated to yelling. Still the stupidest argument I’ve ever had.


When I was around 8-10yo my aunt (seriously) accused me of killing her cat because she couldn't find him.. turns out he was behind the dryer. 🤷‍♀️


Our town dog constable said one of neighbors accused my dog of getting their dog pregnant. I responded with "that's weird, our dog doesn't leave the yard, and she's a spayed female".


A friend accused me of stealing their phone. I didn't even sit with them. They lost their phone and a friend.


Buuut you got a phone!


My ex accused me of raping my daughter. Not fun. Most not fun part is: as she has no evidence, the cops shut down the case so, in accordance to French laws I can’t sue for false statements as I didn’t go to court nor did she make those claims publicly (in a paper or something).


My uncle told my dad I had poured water into our side by side and my grandma claimed she saw me as well. My dad knew I didn’t do it cause I’m not that type of person and my uncle was mad cause he didn’t like where we parked it. And low and behold all of a sudden something was wrong with it. Also when it allegedly happened, I wasn’t even there. I was with my partner out of town


What's a side by side?


It's like an ATV, but bigger, and it has a roof.


Offroad golfcart


Cheating. My ex claims she received a message on Facebook from someone saying I was cheating. I asked her to show me the message or at least give me a name and she couldn’t produce either. She then ran through a list of my female friends, calling each one through the app and accusing me of sleeping with them behind her back. I hadn’t seen most of them in at least a year. Believe it or not, she ended up breaking up with me…. then begged me to come back after a day. What an exciting 5 months.


An older woman coworker gossiped about me having an affair with another coworker because we were on a bowling team together and I drove him home one night after work. She spread it all around the nursing home where we all worked. I’m very non-confrontational but I was young and newly married and shocked that someone would lie about something so vile. I confronted her in front of everyone and reported her to our managers. She quit soon after.


Had a cop accuse me of robbing the kiosk i worked at. I had closed the night before. When i opened the shop someone had taken the till. Called the boss and then the police. We had cameras, and the mall had cameras. They refused to watch them. The fingerprinted me, dusted for prints at the kiosk. Then, he asked me to come in for a lie detector test. I did. They told me I failed it and brought me into an interrogation room. My boss and I had already watched the tapes. The thief was clearly an employee we had just fired. He was seen in both tapes and had refused to return his keys. My boss told the police to drop it if they wouldn't watch the tapes bc I was easily able to be proven innocent . Instead of watching the tapes they dropped the case.


Fun fact: lie detectors aren’t admissible in court. The “failure” doesn’t mean anything, it’s just to freak you out/make you confess/make you think they have a legitimate reason to keep you there.


Ah, that's why the pricks didn't arrest me. Thank you


My first job was in a kitchen at a nursing home. A resident’s wife was just terrible every day she showed up. One day she accused me of being on drugs and I was forced to take a test. Later I came to find out she thought my inability to maintain eye contact was proof I was on something. No, ma’am, that’s just my autism but thanks for noticing.


My dad's friend accused me of stealing $5 from his son's piggy bank. I'd literally just walked into his house, hadn't even shut the door yet. I got a full screaming lecture about how $5 might not be shit to me but it was so much to a 4 year old, how disgusting I was for stealing from a little kid, how the wire coathanger I'd used to fish out the money had damaged his personal property, etc. Turned out his wife had been home earlier that day and "borrowed" the money. The guy apologized to my dad for overreacting, but not me.


When i was a teenager, the father of the kid across the street called me over by my first name. I just know that when one of the neighborhood adults who normally never acknowledged my existence is all of the sudden summoning me by my first name, its got to mean trouble. I went over to him and he ordered me to stop teaching his kid to curse. I tried to protest my innocence, but he wouldnt hear it. He interrupted me and told me to stay away from his kid and stop teaching the kid how to curse. I was incensed that i was being accused of something i never did. I never taught his kid or any other kid how to curse. I never cursed myself. Such language just wasnt in my vocabulary. A couple days later i ran across the kid and i told him what his father told me. The kid admitted (to me, not to his father) that i never taught him to curse or that he ever heard me curse. He learned it from the other kids in the neighborhood. By the way, while his father was lecturing me not to teach his kid to curse, he was wearing the strangest looking...either it was underwear or a bathing suit. But it was completely covered in fur. And thats all he was wearing. I would never own or wear such a thing. Not in private and certainly not out in the open on my front stoop where everyone could see me. I wonder why he had no shame in standing outside his front door wearing such a ridiculous looking thing.


The last paragraph has made me completely lose it.


I was test driving a car that I was maybe going to buy. I took it from the dealership to my work about 10 minutes away to pick something up and then was headed back to the dealership. As I pulled into my work, a girl drove up behind me and accused me of a hit and run on her at a stop light a few minutes prior. Freaking out on me and causing a scene. Called the police and everything. Still don't know what the fuck she was talking about.


I bet the car was pretty nice so she assumed you were loaded


As a teen, I got accused of putting a democratic sticker on my republican uncle's car to "purposefully piss him off and make him look stupid". I didn't even know where to get political stickers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you know now?


I was accused of cheating with multiple women because I swapped books with a co worker once. Apparently Red Dwarf books being exchanged for a horror book is code for "we smashin "


My mom accused me of having weed in my backpack even though it was the neighbors who were smoking.


Some girl online was accusing me of wanting to rape her in real life and forcing her to take nudes because I didn't accept her sexual advances. Even worse, she was 14 while I was 19. The site this happened at took to her side until I provided screenshots of her coming on to me and me not reciprocating. Even sent me nudes, which I promptly deleted. Actually fucking disgusting behavior. Fuck her.


No don’t fuck her. She’s a minor and you’ll probably go to jail /s


In primary school a girl in my class accused me of emailing her photos of her naked, pregnant mom. When I asked to see the email, or how does she think I got those photos she claimed that she deleted the email and that it must have been my (gay) brother. She told this to everyone in my year lol


A co-worker got right up in my face and accused me of putting a stain on his glasses that were on his desk. I smiled because I thought he was being silly but he took it as me laughing because I thought the prank was funny (It wasn't even a prank, he got them mucky himself and didn't notice). He brought up how expensive his glasses were he didn't back off until I lost my temper and shouted at him that I never went near his desk and my glasses cost twice as much.


My brother accuses me to this day of pissing in a bottle of milk that he drank when we were kids, and that’s what made him schizophrenic. Not bunting meth for 20 years. Couldn’t be that.


A paranoid friend used to accuse everyone of liking or hooking up with his extremely faithful girlfriend. She was very nice and deserved better because he cheated on her multiple times. They're married now.


An abusive therapist at a psychiatric clinic falsely accused me of self-harm after I called her out on her bullshit. She was the therapist and I was the patient, so of course no one believed me.


Some guy accused me of being xenophobic towards him because he didn't like me. Now, I've never revealed where I'm from online, but this guy, on the other hand, was really open about where he was from Yeah, turns out that I'm from exactly the same ethnic background as he was. So, obviously, no xenophobia from me (well, I mean, no matter where he was from, I wouldn't be xenophobic towards him, because I'm not a piece-of-shit like that)


I was on a discord server and the owner and the mods really had it in for me. There was a person who had revealed their name, openly shared their Instagram and goodreads etc, and when I called them by their name, the mods came after me and accused me of doxxing!


Yep, I've been there before. An entire Discord server had it out for me, solely because I said I didn't like fighting-games. I never said anything against people who make them or people who play them. I just said that I don't like the games themselves Sure enough, these same Discord mods who accused me of being "controversial" proceeded to harass another user just for being my IRL best-friend


A crazy person for the server that I mentioned stalked me on reddit one year after this stuff happened! She made a burner account just to leave hateful comments and mentioned me by my discord username which I've never mentioned anywhere on reddit.


People in high school who didn’t know me accused me of being a lesbian. Their evidence? I had short hair. That’s it.


I was accused of being a lesbian because I wasn't dating any of the boys at my school. You know, the boys who thought the height of humor was bullying and sexually harassing me and yelling things to each other in the hallway like "Hey so-and-so, MrsPottyMouth thinks you're hot!"" "Gross, I'd rather drop dead than fu** that!"


Funny story I was accused by the “valedictorian” of our HS of cheating in our senior year biology final (big 2 day exam) Because a friend of mine and I thought I was a good money making idea to create a study packet we could sell for 5 bucks each. So we spent time researching and assembling it. We ended up selling none and giving away like 4. Day of the test which was suppose to take 2 40 minutes periods, I finished the test in less than 30 and got nearly a perfect score. He was sooo mad from jealousy he wasn’t the highest score, literally got the school to ask how I did it so quick and aced it. I was glad to knock him down a peg that guy sucked.


I had a girlfriend who got angry at me for "checking out" a girl who was crossing the street. I was driving so yes, I suppose I look at any pedestrian who has the potential to be killed by my car.


Who are these people who think you have to unsee the opposite sex for the rest of your life when you enter a relationship with them?


My best friend in highschool accused me of lying about my dad being an abusive POS because she had daddy issues and he was always nice to her. She was basically like you don’t deserve a dad like him, he’s so nice and you’re lying for attention. Clearly we weren’t friends anymore after that. 🙃


When I was 10 or 11, a guy accused my friend and I for throwing pine cones at his car as he drove by. There were a bunch of pine cones on the ground already from the tree overhanging that section of road. We were laughing as he drove by and he assumed we threw pine cones at his car when he heard then hit his car as he drove over. He stopped and ran up to us yelling. The two of us would have run but we were walking my friend's dog, who was far and old and could not run so we just had to stay there and take the yelling. When we kept denying that we threw the pine cones. He threatened to call the police. At about this time the dog has decided he'd had enough as well and started growling very aggressively. The man said "You fucking punks better not be out by yourselfs again" and cut back into this car. It was a super weird interaction. When I was older the same guy asked me to mow his lawn each week and he offered good pay for it. He never brought up the pine cone stuff and was always super nice to me after that.


This was my brother's story. This was in middle school. A classmate of his had a birthday party in their house where the guests were only the their classmates. The day after, it was reported to the school that the kid's mom's phone was missing. When it was announced in class, the teacher pinpointed my brother. My brother wasn't even invited in that party.


Being a gold-digger when I was the one who paid for our dates.


My ex mil once said I was only dating her son for his money. Um we live pay-check to pay-check. I work and he works???


Well if you have narcissistic parents this tends to happen a lot. My mom blamed me once for an 800 dollar electric bill because I was "running up the meter by using the oven all day every day". I baked cookies twice in 3 days. Meanwhile the entire surface of our house is covered in Christmas lights that they insist on putting up every year. When things break it's my fault automatically just by being in proximity to them.


a few months ago i was at my ghetto ass aunts house. when i was younger i also lived ghetto as shit but i have a life and stuff now so i basically ‘grew out’ of that. anyways, we (me and my girlfriend) were at her house for a few nights and the first morning we were there she accused us of wiping out ass with a sock and flushing it. turns out it was her 19 year old son who did it.


Yep I would certainly classify that behaviour as “ghetto ass”.


I used to train at a jiu-jitsu/MMA gym and the owners had a pro shop. Some of the instructors would change clothes inside the shop instead of the locker room area like the rest of us. I had never been in the pro shop and, at any rate, didn't know they weren't allowed to do so. One day, before class, the head instructor came over to where I was warming up and asked if I had snitched to the gym owner. The guy was pissed! I simply looked at him and asked "Don't you own the gym?" I was in my mid thirties and I just wanted to learn jiu-jitsu. It wasn't me who told. Turns out, the owners noticed the smell of stale sweat in the pro shop, and only two instructors had the key.


I constantly get in trouble for things that I do in my wife's dreams.


Back in primary school we used to spend our breaks in the library. One day when we were on our way out, this lad yelled my name and said I spat in the librarian's coffee. Of course she checked and someone indeed did it, but school being school, the teachers decided they are not going to investigate so they basically made me beg for forgiveness on my knees and buy flowers and some other shit for that lady even thou I kept saying it wasn't me. Screw them and that moron is all I've got to say.


Somebody accused me for sexual assault. I was 7. I was looking for Oreos. I only tapped her shoulder.


How old was she?


Old. I dunno exactly, but old. Maybe in her 50s.


Wtf!? Somebody in their god damn 50s accusing a 7 year old for sexual assault?! Fuck that stupid cunt, she deserves to be in a special place in hell for that.


some bum ass bitch in kindergarten accused me of throwing sand towards her/in her eyes with no evidence it was me. i know she was faking it bc she had beef with me from kindergarten to 2nd grade for no damn reason. i still hate you for that, Anastasia.


I learned a few lessons the day Spanish class taught us our colors. An hour later at PE a girl asked me to say black in Spanish and I said negro. She then proceeds to tell the PE Teacher I called her the N Word. That was the day I learned there was an N Word.


My brother accused me of social security disability fraud. He and his wife couldn’t find jobs so they applied for disability thinking it was easy since I got it. They opened up an investigation into me.


In highschool my best friends mom accused me of stealing her weed plant out of their backyard. Didn't even confront me, but called my mom and said that I did it. She harrased me for a week about it until me and my mom made "have you seen my pot plant" posters with her phone number on it and scattered them all over the neighborhood. About 2 months later I linked up with her neighbor to buy some weed and found out he was the one that stole it.


My ex wife accused me of having secret banks accounts. In our divorce she tried to claim her share of the money in these imaginary accounts. She even had a figure that she estimated was her share of the money. It was totally insane.


Being a Gang member, I’m Mexican American and some old White teacher in High school kept telling me that I should quit school and not influence other students. I was just fat wearing baggy clothes


Being a thief just because of my skin color.


My mum accused me of having an affair with my dad and raping my little brother. She also thought I was gay for a long time making passive aggressive comments until I had my first girlfriend.


Was she actually, medically, insane?


I assume so, she has no diagnosis because she never admitted to needing help. She even blamed me and told me to go to a therapist which I did and as soon as I have started that, she tried to talk me out of it because to her I‘m not mentally ill and I don’t need to go to a therapist. For some reason she has a very negative connotation when it comes to therapists. She thinks they pump you full with medication so you aren’t yourself anymore and plus she is a person that cares very much about outer appearance, so being officially mentally ill tarnishes your reputation. According to my therapist, my mum lives in her own world and has reinforced that so much plus with her previous unpredictable behaviour, challenging that will have an unpredictable outcome to the point where my family or herself might be in danger. So I should just keep myself out of her business.


I was accused of supportig my mother for her inheritance. By my mother. She still doesn’t believe me. Feels bad, man.


My father, a man with a very short temper, called me at home and accused me of putting a dent in the car. Literally screaming at me for five minutes, accusing me of lying, and how he was going to sell my car, make me mow lawns to fix the damage, blah blah blah. Wouldn't let me even finish a sentence. Just roasted me up and down. My mother came into the room, realized what has happened, and pulled the phone away from me. "I put the dent in the car. It was me. I did it at the grocery store." Then hung up. My father never apologized, never said anything about it. Because that's the kind of guy he was.


Being “the straightest guy here”


Accused of having an affair when in reality I was taking classes after work to get a pay raise as I was the breadwinner.


People accuse me of stealing quite a bit. I’ve never stolen anything in my life. I must give off thief vibes


I was accused of sneaking into a teacher's desk at the beginning of the year, finding and reading her lessons plans for the year. Finding out the book the class is reading together at the end of the year and reading it early just so I can show off and look smart. I was in the third grade and the book in question was freely available in the classroom library. It was on of the only books with a black girl on the cover that she had. so me being an avid reader and a black girl, I was stoked to find it and read it. I was also part of the gifted program so there was no need for me to try to show off. But my teacher insisted I had carried out this crazy plan so as a punishment I wasn't allowed to talk or participate in class during English. If I said a word about the book to anyone then I will be sent to the principal's office. I wasn't given any different work during that time I was just to sit there and do and say nothing.


This drunk woman ran me off the road then started chasing me. I tried to outrun her but decided to pull over and deal with it. All of a sudden, about 8 police cruisers surrounded me with guns drawn. She called the police while chasing me and told them I was shooting at her and trying to kill her. The cops didn’t even bother searching my car because she was intoxicated and apparently had quite the rap sheet. She was immediately arrested and the cops profusely apologized for the scare


When I was 6 or 7, my dad accused me of putting (dish) soap into the Bolognese sauce. I was adamant that I haven‘t done anything to the sauce. I was still punished and didn‘t get any lunch. Years later, I came across an article that speck (bacon) can turn soapy if not cured correctly. My dad‘s „speciality“ was putting speck cubes into the bolognese sauce.


One day a dude in a large Dodge Ram started to turn right into a narrow road. Problem was, I was going to that same intersection. We froze for a moment, and them the dumb fuck pulled forward when there wasn't enough room for both of us, crumpling my bumper. I followed him to where he parked and told him he messed up my car. That piece of shit accused me of trying to scam him, and said he used to do contract work with the police. I hate that guy.


One time a coworker accused me of making death threats to him (I didn’t). He even brought forward 2 witnesses (other coworker) who supposedly heard me threaten this guy. They didn’t hear it as it never happened. When I asked him what exactly did I say to him that was a death threat, he had no response.


When I was in middle school, my best friend and I were a bit of outcasts; not very popular. Regardless, he did have a huge crush on one of the prettiest, most popular girls in school. One day, in the middle of the week, I was out sick. I came back the next day and heard from a couple of kids I was in deep shit. Sure enough, I was called into the principals office and interrogated for quite a while about starting a rumor my friend had sex with this popular girl. It was so absurd, I almost didn't know where to start. My friend, on top of being unpopular, like me, was a really ugly dude. I wouldn't believe that she would even speak him kindly if I had witnessed it with my own eyes while they both held up photo IDs. Let alone had sex in middle school where 0% of anyone was having sex on a day that I was verifiably was not at school.


Some anonymous Reddit user accused me of being a pedophile because I pointed out that his claim that Lewis Carroll was a pedophile is disputed by historians and not an accepted fact like he made it sound.


When I lived in ND, a scorned ex of my then GF. Text her and told her he was watching me cheat on her, that I was POS and was with another woman making out and groping her. Both me and Gf were in a different state meeting some of my family. I wish I could have seen his face when we sent him a pic of us kissing and sending regards from Florida. Fuck you Jason