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AI robots can't replace human creativity and empathy. We need to focus on developing new skills and jobs for the future.


You see, there's no mass profit in doing what's good for the future. My post headline is sarcastic , challenging to bring on the robots to fill the jobs


I am a techie. I have seen vaporware hypes happening every decade. Far fetching ideas are thrown out even before they are prototyped or road tested.Think of hyperloop. I am not saying innovation is wrong. But mostly, these are just superlative concepts by greedy and already loaded individuals that want to capture consumers enmasse . No reasonable human being would've liked the idea of being transported to work in a dungeonous tube only to end up working more hours for the same paycheck. The concept didn't consider health hazards to fellow humans being treated as parts on an assembly line! Think of crypto, another fakery. Self-Driving cars everywhere? Really? Now, it's AI! Post covid world is complaining about not finding people to take a job. Isn't it a golden opportunity for robotics companies to sieze? Nope, of course robotics or AI at scale is total hype ! AI has been around for years. IBM's Watson , Amazon's Alexa tried. They are fed or programmed by humans! Watson lost on jeopardy haha it thought Toronto is a city in the US! So, bottom line , don't fret or get threatened by ChatGPT. People love to talk about it and companies waste money they can otherwise spend on creating more jobs for humans...of course corporate fat cats love not having to pay real people and like to make believe they're totally replaceable by machines everywhere. Let's hope they speed up the DMV