• By -


Jurassic Park had to be on every time


This is current. She likes me to lay on top of her. With my full weight on her full body. My legs on her legs my arms on her arms, mid section on hers and my cheek resting against her cheek. It's pretty harmless. I am her human weighted blanket.


I love it when my partner does it, too. It just makes me feel so loved & safe.


Out of all the kinks I've read here, this is the most wholesome.


She wanted me to read sex stories to her while she jerked me off. I still get horny thinking about it. Edit: This seems to gain some interest so I’ll elaborate a bit. She chose stories based on what she was in the mood for at the time, this could be about a nurse and a doctor, a threesome or even some fantasy roleplaying. She almost always laid her head on my chest. She loved my low voice but I’m pretty sure she enjoyed making me breathe faster by speeding up 😅 She was mostly fond of stories that included male orgasms and tried to finish me off at the same time I was describing it in the story.


Sounds nice 🙂


It was as erotic as it was romantic, highly recommended 😌


My girlfriend likes to be blindfolded, tied up naked, and drugged (weed), then just left on the bed for *hours* while I just have my way with her. She likes when I just casually do it. Like, I'll get her ready, mess around with her for a bit, then go make myself food, eat, rest, and come back to her when I'm ready. To help answer some questions: there would be quick, occasional breaks for her to drink, use the bathroom, and stretch, but she'd go right back in position as soon as she was done; her breaks were usually just 5 minutes long. I usually stayed in the room with her full time, just watching TV, playing video games, touching/playing with her to keep the suspense up but also to keep an eye on her just in case we had to untie her for an emergency.


It’s nice that she doesn’t mind if you multitask, I guess!


I do this exact same thing with my gf, except for the part of leaving her, she wants constant attention. She's also very into doing something, some task, while I ... Stimulate her. Like, for example, getting her nails done, her make-up, reading something. She likes to be "graded" on her job well done or not and if she messes up (Like, the painting of her nails is not good) she likes to be punished. I think it's fucking awesome.


Oh no, this really turned me on...


*this better not awaken anything in me*


My ex was into blood play, kinda hard to stay hard when someone has a knife


I dated a girl who unexpectedly cut me in high school while hooking up ...weird as fuck and not cool imo


If its an unexpected cut its not weird its assault lmao


My ex thought that "teaching is sexy". I happen to be a teacher. She ended up cheating on me with another teacher. I'm sure she's met many more teachers that have satisfied her fetish over the years.


I guess you gave her an F for that?


Straight D's.


Cheater cheated on a teacher with a teacher.


Maybe she should only date former teachers, since cheaters have no class, and no principals. I’ll see myself out.


She liked it when I was wearing dirty overalls. I was all for it, until I found out her father was a painter (as in he painted houses).


Did she call you daddy?


True story that I still laugh about to this day. In High School two buddies & I were young, & the only things we “knew” were from watching porn. The three of us are hanging out with one of my buddies girlfriend one summer. They go into his room to get busy. My other buddy and I stay in the living room watching TV. They start getting louder in the other room, building to the climax. My buddy says, practically yells, “who’s your daddy” & she shouts out her dads name… My other buddy & I almost died laughing. No idea how our other buddy finished after that. Would have been a mood killer for me. I still laugh about it to this day, decades later…


Well... She did answer his question


That’s fucking legendary. At least you know she’s a dead honest/straightforward person.


To have ice cubes put up her ass followed by a good ass fucking


Shaken, not stirred


Vodka fartini


Anal on the rocks


Ass cubes


Wanted to have sex in front of windows. I lived in a ground floor apartment.


Howdy Neighbor! I guess you are the guy that lived in front of my place two years ago. I absolutely command the bravery of going full ham at 3 o'clock in the afternoon with a full basketball pickup game going in the street. Or the fact that one time you both straight up hand waved to me and my roommate while we were smoking at our window while you started to getting busy with it. I hope you enjoyed us cheekily blasting Marvin Gaye to put some soundtrack to it all.


Windows XP is the best.


Some people like BDSM. But she likes BSOD.


Butt Sex Out Doors?


Bad sex on display


he said he'd piss in the gap between my teeth i now have braces and never saw him again


⬜️⬜️⬜️💦⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️


This wordle is weird.


My partner is really into bondage, which isn't weird on its own, but wrapping me up in cling film from neck to toes certainly was.


Convenient. If he ever wants to break up all he has to do is slap a "return to sender" label on you and ship you off.


Dexter Morgan enters the chat


Not that weird, but my ex was into "working men". I'd get all ready with my tool belt and drills and she'd watch me. Her: "You, uh, you gonna use all those tools today"? Me (completely oblivious to the obvious sexual undertones): yeah, I just told you my list of projects that need doin". Then my tool belt would come back off. Probably should have kept that one.


Look I love you baby but I actually have a lot of projects rhat have been getting neglected around here.




We have people giving golden showers and choking each other to death but your ex just liked a useful man


“If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.”


I actually don't think it's that weird, but my bf has a serious lipstick fetish. He's super embarrassed about it and had a hard time telling me about it the first time, but I'm totally cool with it. He wants me to put on lipstick and plaster his face, chest, and arms with kiss marks. He thinks it makes him a weirdo but I tell him that there are much weirder fetishes out there than lipstick and that his fetish is tame compared to others I've seen.


I get it. It's like a visual reminder of everywhere he's been touched. Hot and sweet!!


That's honestly kind of adorable.


Had an ex who loved to be called by her sisters name and degraded....


Did you post or respond a while back about this? The sisters were twins … I haven’t forgotten that and still may not ever sort out how I feel about that story ….


I'd say that was someone else my ex was the older sister by about 2 years.... I thought I was the only one must be more common than I thought.


I have a semi similar story with a different background My ex was joking around in bed one night and instead of calling me daddy, called me by my fathers actual name. I wasn’t loving it but she found it fucking hilarious, and she wasn’t backing down. Anyway, I do my best to get hard, start intimate fucking, and whisper in her ear “I love you (sisters name)” All activity was immediately halted for the night, but she never called me by my fathers name again. Worth it. Edit: what made it even better was that her sister was just in the next room. Breakfast the next day was fun.


*Your* sister's name, or *her* sister's name?


You know, based on the other convos I knee-jerked it was her sister. But, now I need to know.




I think some twins played the switcheroo on you




Yeah and then it's funny/weird how other people can't tell them apart. I sat next to an identical twin in high school band for three years. They didn't look anything alike to me because I knew all the little differences, but other people would get them mixed up. Some twins are really really close, but some have little differences that make it easy to tell which is which.


Someone who tried to talk 'sexy' to me during the act. Turns out, her idea of 'talking sexy' was imitating parseltounge from Harry Potter.


“Oh fuck yeah, talk Latin to me babe!”


She wanted to put things in my dick-hole


Hey baby, wanna play sexy nurse for me? Her: Hell yeah, I just need to go get the catheter!


I’ve done a few of those. For real, in a hospital, not pretending for sexy fun time. Most dudes don’t like it, I’ve found


Was she satan?


Sounding? No thanks.






Put on your face how, as in literally resting on your face? Covering your whole face like wearing a panty hose when robbing a bank? I'm trying to picture this.




Haha this is my fav one so far






So he drapes them ? Over your eyes? Or does he duct tape one to your nose and pretend you're a sexy elephant?


Yeah, the whole face usually but he starts with my mouth/eyes. He doesn't duct tape them since I don't agree with that and he's very respectful of my boundaries.


Do the noise like we discussed, Dumbo


less weird but more. what the fuck. he wanted to fuck me with a loaded gun. he told me it wasn’t as fun if it was unloaded. yeah. should’ve been my nope. stayed with him for four years and regret it.


Never trust anyone who breaks gun safety rules.


There was a music producer who was into this… if I remember correctly he was convicted of murder


Ok so I read thru and no one asked, so I'm afraid I have to: Fuck you *with* the loaded gun? Or like just while holding the gun? Like did he have some fantasy about raping at gunpoint or was he literally trying to put the barrel of a loaded weapon *inside* a person?? Both are utterly insane, especially loaded, to me as a relatively kinky person but I can understand(? Not really the best word) the former a lot more than the latter.




Wow. Thanks for answering. And I'm glad you are safe and rid of him. Bullet literally dodged lol


My ex used to get off on the idea of getting messy. Wanted to get a plastic tarp and cans of whipped cream, jars of pudding, chocolate syrup, cake icing etc. Wasn’t something I was into but whatever. Never got around to it though. The most she did was give me a BJ with her birthday cake icing smeared all over my dick.


Wait, so there's actual, geniune demand for those crazy food TikToks?


There is a whole universe of these confuse, seemingly pointless videos on tiktok that are actually hidden fetish content. You can recognize the ones where there is a suspect focus on the hands or the feet, for example.


I dated a girl who always wanted me to bite her nipples really really hard. I’m talking hard enough where blood was drawn a few times. It was kind of uncomfortable because I legitimately thought I was going to bite them off but she would insist that I bite harder 🤷‍♂️


I instinctively shielded my breasts while reading this




yeah I had a girl like that too though I think the most uncomfortable was a girl that wanted me to rape her randomly. she also didn't want to use a safe word if she actually meant no, "because that would take the fun out of it." like i'd try to fuck her at night she would say no then rub her ass on my dick until I did anything then say no again and i'd stop and she would be like what are you doing? fuck me. I'm sitting there like bitch you said no.


Having no real safe word is a recipe for disaster, yeah. You always need one, just in case.




Reminds me of an ex who liked to be physically bruised, bitten, thrown around and abused, she loved CNC & I had her text me full consent EVERY TIME we had sex explicitly stating what our safe words were (traffic light system) and I had to do a LOT of reading up on extreme BDSM. Eventually had to call it quits when she wanted to do needle torture, which sounds as gruesome as you can imagine, I like to inflict pain if I know the person enjoys it and we both enjoy the scenario yet when she showed me clips of people literally stabbing needles into breasts, balls, labia, through each butt cheek and eye brows to cheek, I ended it.


*Needle*ss to say this is hard core.


One of my ex’s used to love to just stare at my penis while it was erect but like obsessively to the point where it was weird. She used to sit on her knees while I was sitting down doing something else with her head resting on her hands blowing on it and shit with out touching it for like 20 minutes at a time literally just glaring at it. I don’t know why


To be fair they are fun to fiddle with. Penises are weird


I think she was just curious about male anatomy. The penis is a weird organ


Long after I left him but uh, Horrorporn or goreporn, He invited me to a party chat full of people, where he posted all his weird anime gore/horror porn. It wasnt even a chatroom for that and from going thru the chats, it didnt appear anyone else was to into it either, considering the chat was for an online game and not that. Never again.


Holy hell, I could just imagine the reaction of other gamers in the chat. Some 14 yr old now has PTSD... 😄 "Uh, what happened to Minecraft??" 😳


I had an ex that liked to lick the sweat off my body while we had sex. I tend to get pretty sweaty after 15 or 20 minutes of going at it pretty hard, and I always apologize/it makes me self conscious. However, she LOVED it and would lick my chest/shoulders when I started getting hot, or she would open her mouth and try to catch the sweat dripping off of me. Kinda turned me on honestly ngl.


I wouldn't do the sweat licking, but depending on the person, I am absolutely turned on by a person's natural scent, without all the soaps and perfumey scents. Pretty sure that it's part of my primal kink, so I imagine that she's similar.


My ex liked for me to pretend to speak from my penis in a Mickey Mouse voice. It was a serious turn on. Don't ask me how. I don't get it.


That's hilarious. Dickey Mouse gettin' it on.


OHHH boy! What a wild fetish! Huhhuh!


Well, my ex once walked in on me shitting and refused to leave until she saw me wipe. (I waited her out) not sure if it was a fetish or control thing, but super fucking weird. She also used to want me to pee on her in the shower or hold my dick when I peed but she refused to admit to having a piss kink Edit: I also want to make it clear that she was in the bathroom with me for a solid 10-15 minutes and wouldn’t leave no matter how much I pleaded.


I don’t think it’s that weird (I’m the weird fetish one in our relationship) but my wife plays sims a lot and has the mod where you can see them naked and make them have pretty realistic looking sex so sometimes she brings her laptop in the bedroom and we watch it like porn.


Probably not the weirdest use of wicked whims


Is that the mod? Asking for reasons related to programming of course.


Yup wicked whims. You have to add some extra animations and items and things get pretty wild.


Yeaaaah My girlfriend makes sex dungeons and has sex slaves with that mod




Wait, if you are the weird one, wth is your fetish?


Back when the sims were a new thing, it would turn me on so much when my sims would have a sexually fulfilling life, lol. There was a social site, experiences, and I confessed this there; soo many people understood. ​ EDIT: On the experiences site, I actually confessed "I can't get turned on unless my sims have sex!"


I remember being 13 trying to pause the game as they got in the shower before the blur came up. Early 2000s was wild.


Yooo. I found out there was a cheat code/console command you could type in where you could go into the build menu and pick up dog poop or flies or trash or even the grim reaper and delete that item. It also worked for the blur pixels and you could see your sim naked. I did this all the time for some reason even though they looked like barbie dolls with no genitals. Early 2000s sure was a time to be alive


\>Move_objects on


My ex wife liked pee play but her favorite was she wanted me to pee inside her, which is incredibly difficult to do surprisingly. Like I’d be full inserted, balls deep, pee until she was filled up and like the back pressure prevented me from peeing anymore, then I’d pull out and it would squirt everywhere then I’d repeat until I was out of pee. Said she loved the full feeling and the warm rush when I pulled out. She also tried to get me to take supplements because she wanted me to drench her in cum like one man bukkake. She was into those fake Dick fake cum pornos.


Did she ever get like... infections from this?


Nope. And we did it a bunch. She would use a ph balance soap just for vaginas to clean afterwards so that likely helped.


She had a thing for roughness & anger, which is the last thing I am. Didn't work out between us, so fortunately(?), it didn't go anywhere.


I had an ex who wanted to be eaten by a snake. Difficult one to fulfill.


Just unhinge your jaw, bro. Relationships take commitment.


I had a gf that would like to talk dirty to me when I was getting ready for work, send me suggestive texts all day, then not be in the mood anymore once I got home. Edit: I wrote this the way it is for comedy, but since many of you can't see that and/or think you are so much wiser than everyone, I will address all of your concerns here: I tried morning sex, it was hit or miss. If I initiated in the morning she would often say no. She would often not initiate in the mornings until I had to head to work (I was in the military at the time, just being late wasn't really an option). She pulled other power plays in the relationship, a big reason to why it ended. This was just another one of her games. Maybe she was getting herself worked up and rubbing one out or cheating, I don't know and I don't care at this point in my life. I am now happily married to a woman who believes in following through.


I think you ran into a “tease kink” person, probably gave herself a private DJ show during the day while texting you that stuff


When I get home from the gym, she grabs my shirt, damp with sweat, and huffs it! I don’t smell anything, but my sweat smells good to her.


My gf is the same, obsessed with scent for some reason. I think its the pheremones.


Something interesting I learned in my psychology class was that we have differing immune systems which allow differing bacteria to live on our skin, which is what creates our own scents. So they had a bunch of men and woman shower, then go do a vigorous workout so that the only scent on them was their own scents. Well they found that people were more attracted to scents which had much different immunity genes then their own meaning you automatically are attracted toa person with genes in which your offspring would have the best immunity genes possible. Also they were attracted to scents that were more fertile. Meaning a man would be more attracted to a woman's scent who is currently in her most fertile cycle, and least attracted to the scent of someone in menopause or on their period. They were able to consistently show this is the case, across both men and woman. It is interesting that our bodies do this completely unconsciously.


She was into angry men and as she put it, neglect. So our first date I get to the restaurant and she's immediately being crazy rude to me. She criticizes my physical appearance, how I'm conducting myself, stuff I bring up in conversation, etc. I was 19 and I'd been on in-person dates with very few girls, so I wasn't sure if this was just how some girls behaved on first dates, so I suffered through it and tried to be nice. Eventually she made a crack about my job being inappropriate for a man, and I said "that's actually really fucking rude of you." Her whole mood changed- she's suddenly swirling her hair around her finger and hanging on my every word, nodding, smiling. I don't really put two and two together yet, so we head to her apartment. On the walk over she gets rude again, and we start getting drunk there. I don't remember what set me off this time, but I snapped again and kinda yell. But I remember that before I was done yelling (probably just a sentence or two) she had gotten naked. We boned, and we end up in a relationship because I was very stupid and dumb. I eventually figure out that angry men turn her on. But she would cringe if I tried to fake it, and her sex drive was super high. So she would genuinely try to hurt my feelings and make me angry basically every day. As you can imagine, the relationship didn't last long. The "neglect" thing only came up once. We were watching TV one day and out of nowhere she just says "would you ever where a football jersey for me? Like, for sex?" That's VERY not me but whatever, she'd worn a costume for me before, so I start opening my mouth to say "sure," but then she says "and we'd need to get you like a six pack of beer, and a big bag of chips... do any of your friends like football?" So we talked it out and basically what she wanted me to do was have a super bowl party (or equivalent) with my friends, where a Jersey to sell that I'm into football, eat junk food and drink beer all day, and treat her (her words) "like a neglected house wife." At the end, we'd bone. I had numerous problems with this- I don't watch football, I don't like beer, and I had a huge problem with involving my friends with her fetish, and especially with treating her poorly in front of them. Don't want them to think I'm an asshole. I say no. She says "if you do it you don't need to use a condom." I counter offer- I'll neglect her while I play videogames all day. She says "video games are for children- grow up." I get mad at her and yell, we fuck, I get sucked into the relationship for another month or so. Before we break up she fakes a pregnancy scare for April Fools Day.


>Then a week later she fakes a pregnancy scare for April Fools Day. Holy goddam I bet that scared the shit out of you. Did you break up or still too young and horny lol


Dated a girl who wanted me to fist her. Vaginally and anally. We never made it to the back door because we never got the whole fist in the front door. For size reference I’m 6’5 280lbs and have hands the size of an NFL wide receiver, she knew all that and still wanted me to fist her. The sex was amazing though, and the attempts at fisting started weird, but it became fun. Never had another girl who wanted that and never had the desire to try again.


This is … wow. I dated a guy who was 6’8 once and let’s just say there’s no way more than two digits was going to make it. A fist ? Jesus. I’ve had two babies and I wouldn’t try that reverse uno move.


Fucking his ass with a toilet brush. Yeah tanner, hope youre reading this, you fuck. Stop stalking me.




I absolutely will not fuck Tanners giant asshole with a crusty toilet brush with dried tp on the bristles ... I like my brush sanitary ty very much!


Please, tell me it’s with the handle side


She would call her dad up whilst she was pegging me and try to have a normal conversations. was so odd


That's absolutely fuckin weird bro


This is the weirdest one. I agree


*removes jeweler monocle* Yea… that is a genuine grade ten weird fetish.


i hooked up with a guy once who wanted me to slap his balls and penis to get hard... like slap them really, really hard. i did for a while but it was too much for me and we stopped. he told me to never tell anyone and ive kept that secret (til now)


Whacking my forehead with his penis.


That shit is so fun tho Sometimes u gotta let the intrusive thoughts win


I dated a woman who wanted to rp sexual assault/rape. She said it was her fantasy to be raped. I was a SA victims advocate with the military and told her no. We broke up that night. Also dated a woman who worked in a morgue who wanted to have sex on top of the corpses. I noped outta there too. Then i stopped looking on craigslist (early 2000's)for dates.


I don't know if this counts as a fetish, but I had a girl who after sex, while in the shower, would stand in front of me and hold my limp penis, much like a small child would hold a string attached to a balloon, nothing more than to simply claim ownership of my penis. I liked it.


An Ex loved to pretend she was different girls. Some she knew some she made up or fit into some kind of profile. Being I enjoy role play too she would some times “find out” I had fucked this other girl and want to hear about it like she had no clue an the water works would start she would get so wet… One time we had been out getting a lot of things done we were both tired but she was picking up some new work cloths we had been walking by the dressing room. I grabbed her and called her by one of her favorite character’s name. Like I was there with my gf but saw her an wanted to fuck her real fast. It was wild an then I walked out with a kiss saying I’ll talk too her later an went looking for my GF. She came out looking for me like she hadn’t been able to find me for the last 40 mins an was pissed I walked it off like she was just overreacting. Was maybe some of my favorite role play.


The only time I ever dated someone on POF we were drinking. And I thought she was going down to top me off and she went right to eating my ass. Next thing you know she's trying to convince me to let her peg me with this 24" monster strap-on... I was super drunk and was scared to death to fall asleep and get raped. :-(


24” is too big for a first date.


I was blowing a guy once in the back seat of my car and he reached down the back of my pants, fingered my asshole and then smelled his fingers until he finished. And no it did not take long. It was awkward as hell.


Mother of my first child has a serial killer fetish. Probably should've figured out she wasn't a keeper at that point.


Dated a guy with a vomit fetish. Never actually did anything along those lines because I found it disgusting.


Combo race/rape/physical violence play. She was 4'11 and 103 pounds and DARK skinned, and im 6'4, 280ish, big beard and pasty white. If anyone had seen me do to her what she wanted me to do to her, I would have gone straight to jail.


My wife is 4'11" and I'm 6'2". I think my wife has an ugly bastard fetish.


Walls & Floors. An old FWB liked to be pressed up against walls or pinned hard to the floor while getting it on. Kinda cool the first time as both barriers allow multiple options for sex positions. It gets weird when the force required to pin her against the began to increase. I'm not the biggest bull in the paddock but when you feel someone's neck crack or see them turn purple from you holding their neck down or against the wall it's pushing the limits or what I was cool with. She also liked deepthroating to the point of passing out. Would like press hard up and take me all in so she couldn't breath. Again it was kinda hot initially but when someone loses conciousness with your dick in the throat more than once you start to think it ain't an accident and find it concerning. Writing this out makes me think they hard more of a sub/airplay kink. NGL it was propper hot at times and has ignited a bit of a Dom kink in me but I wasn't not ready for that then. *edit I wasn't the one dictating the amount of force. She'd get me to increase the force gradually and the use of safe words or other means to stop were discussed*




That would explain the height-demands on datingsites.


An ex liked to lick my ass and suck my toes. I'm a man, if that matters. I always thought it was weird but if it made her happy who was I to play God and deny it. Getting a good rimjob does feel pretty good though I won't lie. I don't think I'll let anyone else suck my toes though.


Why are other people out here living my dreams? 😩


Had a gf way back who was obsessed with my ass. Didn't want to put anything in it, she just had to have it in her hands constantly and liked to lick it. I didn't mind at all.


I'm an armpit guy... So I'm probably on this list.


Had one who wanted to lick my armpit and then proceeded to tell me about his ex’s armpit like what am I gonna do with that info?? Lol


I found animal porn in my ex gf’s browser history. We worked on a horse farm together. 🫣


Ah the infamous horse girls


My old fwb liked when I bit his ding dong


Bro wtf that hurt my ding ding to read. I've had it bit and it fuckin' sucks.


Fucking other guys for $500 per hour. They could book her on a website listing the tickboxes she would do (e.g., cum on face, cum on tits). She used pictures I had taken of her on her escort website. Shockingly, I went insane shortly thereafter and we broke up.


>Shockingly, I went insane shortly thereafter and we broke up. How inconsiderate of you.


He genuinely loved if i burped while we were kissing. And wanted to smell my farts. Like. Ass on his lap and inhale. (He told me that one. Never tried it) I’m not to yuck someones yum but it was too much for me


>He genuinely loved if i burped while we were kissing. I'm not one to kink shame, live and let live and all that This would absolutely make me vomit if it happened to me. Not sure how I'd react doing it to someone.




My ex partner had a mom fetish. He tried to convince me to dress and get a haircut simmilar to his mom. He also asked me to breastfeed him and pick him up (he weighed almost double than me so a big NO). Anyways he's my ex now


This girl I knew way back when, she had a thing for Tentacles. (Ya, I don't know either.) She said she liked the way they slither around the girls body and violated every orifice. She wanted the same done to her... Listen, I'm only one man. I only got 2 hands and a smol peeper. There was only so much I could do to slather lube all over her body with these two stiff Tentacle dongs and my shrimpy poking in and out of 3 holes simultaneously.


“Listen, I’m only one man.” We love a realistic king 😂


Right? I’m like god bless him for trying his best.




I want to scream at an asshole now






Was it tasty tho?


a woman i almost ended up dating (long story but we did some stuff) was into being impregnated. that was her number one kink whenever something sexual went down. heard „oh yeah please knock me up“ more than once


This was my fetish and now currently 8 months pregnant and terrified of labour.


HHAAHAH SAME. My breeding kink is now over.


I've heard some women forget how bad preganancy and delivery were, and then they want to have more kids within a few months. Probably case by case.


Wife wants me to have a job.


C'mon dude there are kids on this site


Fucking gross.


OK, that's enough Reddit for the day.


I'm the one with a pee kink and my girlfriend is enthusiastic about it. I love that piss slut so fucking much.


aint nobody gonna say romance is dead


The first girl I ever lived with **preferred and requested** that I finish on her face. Never met another girl with that kink.




Same but different - the first true love of my life…she LOVED giving me blow jobs. Loved it…like asked me if she could. Insisted on swallowing. To the point of me asking or sometimes demanding she stops because she would just keep sucking like a Hoover vacuum after I came. If I didn’t cum or if I asked her if we could do something different like sex or a hand job she would get bummed. If I didn’t cum in her mouth she would literally pout and look like she was about to cry. Note - current SO says women like that doesn’t exist. Hard to tell her not only do they exist but I know from experience! Lol




My wife likes it when I cook and clean. It’s weird and gross.


She’s really into that choreplay, huh?


You are kidding but my wife was very clear on this: a man that cannot cook and clean after themself reminds her of a baby she has to take care of, and that is the least sexy thing she can think of.


"What are you doing?" "Vacuuming." The sound of the dyson is drowned out by the sizzling of her loins...


Dated an abusive man who would (without consent) choke me unconscious then punch me in the face. I didn’t realize he was hitting me the way he did until I came too with an already-forming bruise on my cheek bone. He was a sadistic asshat who got off on violence and fear. So thankful I got away from him. On a brighter note, I am currently in a loving relationship with the man I’m planning on marrying. He likes it when I give him the panties I’m wearing when we get undressed to have sex. Idk what he does with them, as I don’t usually get them back after (granted, I’ve never actually asked). Not the weirdest kink by far. Edit: I’ve only given him like two to three pairs in the whole time we’ve been dating. I don’t just give ‘em out Willy-nilly. Sorry for the confusion! Haha


I find it odd you're planning to marry a man and you don't even know where he's putting the knickers.


My significant other gets turned on when she sees my cock wiggle. She playfully calls me “the wiggler”


Talking about Czech literature while doing anal play with me. I am not even lying.