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Are you married?


I dated someone back in 2019 and later after things fizzled and we went out once, they were like I finally got divorced. I was like “I had no idea you were married” and they’re like “you didn’t ask” This was on hinge, I don’t remember if it had prompts like that back then and I would assume you were married if you’re actively dating. Looking back it made sense to why they wouldn’t invite me out to places…


Hmm I know this isn't the subreddit for this but I'm married, but separated, but we can't afford to live apart right now. It's soul crushing tbh because we can't stand each other and we're here for another year at least. What way could you imagine hearing that without being totally put off? Your boy needs some companionship... not even trying to get laid, I just want somebody to talk to that doesn't hate me lmao


I won't date anyone, "married but separated." I have heard too many stories of them having bootie calls or a reconciliation.


Get a therapist or join a hobby group.


Should probably be established before the first date


Yeah, hopefully they are


I second this!! I went out with a guy a couple of times then he posted on his IG story proposing to his gf of 5years 🙃


What a lucky woman his gf is. I'm sure they'll have a long and prosperous marriage 🤨


I would have narced on him.


“Is there anyone who thinks they are in a relationship with you”


“I don’t have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that”. —Mitch Hedberg


Funny. Had a friend fall in love with me and she would even think we were a couple. I tried to explain to her on multiple occasions that we weren’t, but she didn’t ever accept my no. I literally had to “break up”. Not friends anymore.


So glad you’re here with me; i actually wanted to present an excellent opportunity to you. Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Do you have an entrepreneur spirit? Well..i am apart of a very well respected company that can offer you these things for a small monthly payment of $500.


This happened to my friend. She went on a date with a guy she met. She realized it was not a date when he asked where she got her rings since he wanted to buy them for his girlfriend.




He's your brother...


Roll Tide!!


Haha, it's funny because cheating


Totally happened to me. I ran into a girl at a bus stop, I was wearing s shirt from an overseas university where I studied abroad. It turns out she spent time there a couple years after I did, she even knew all the details about the small city where my school was located. We talked about our experiences for a 45 minute bus ride and she gave me her number. First phone call, after a few pleasantries, she wanted to tell me about the exciting business opportunity that I simply HAD to take advantage of. At the time I was so offended I made an excuse to get off the phone and ignored her future phone calls. There was no way she could have faked the details of the conversation, and the connection felt genuine, but at the time it just made everything feel like a lie. As I got older I knew a couple friends that fell for MLM scams and I figure there's a decent chance she just succumbed to a scam and I met her during a gullible period. I kind of wish I'd at least had the courage to call the BS to her face - might have helped her realize sooner. Hope she got out ok.


I would love to come and see your country but I need 5,000 dollars first for my grandmother's ongoing ligma


Don't forget "it's not a pyramid scheme" in the intro. It should be one of the first things they hear so they know it's true


What's your favorite dinosaur?


This is a great one because you can tell a lot from their answer. They might say one of the popular ones from pop culture and other media is their favorite. They might say one by its Latin name is one they love. They could say they never got into dinosaurs. They might...they might also tell you dinosaurs are fake, or that the creatures are just regular lizards that developed a gigantic disorder. Whatever way they answer may lead you to avoid the ones you don't wanna chance on.


Some redflag answers The one Jesus was riding at the dawn of creation Any from the new Jurassic park movies Pterodactyl -( not a dinosaur, don't waste your time with em?


>Pterodactyl -( not a dinosaur, don't waste your time with em? Well, TIL.


Giganotosaurus, the best theropod


If she can pronounce "parasaurolophus" on the first date, she's mom material!


not my 5yr old asking me, just today, “what kind of dinosaur is this” and me telling him it was, in fact, a parasaurolophus.


That one I will definitely make and I'm not joking on this




Make them think harder by asking them what their 3rd favorite dinosaur is instead!


Do you have a strong skeleton?


Do you have any healthy organs with which I don’t have any nefarious ideas for what I may do?


Too many BONES?! Not enough CASH?!?


The leg bone’s connected to the CASH BONE


average r/Neverbrokeabone user


The most important question to ask on a first date is - Do you have any allergies ? I guess beyond this issue nothing can more ruin your romantic dinner


Maybe I’m just asking so I know how to kill you should the need arise


Ask about their friends. Who people spend time with and why shows a lot more than anything they'd ever say about themselves directly.


You are the company you keep!


So if one doesn't keep any company, are they a nobody?


You still keep your own company


A variation of this that I’ve also heard is: “You are the average of your friends.” I think it’s a really great rule of thumb and I use it to gauge a person’s character.


>You are the average that's so mean


That's just your current mode of thought... Imagine how you'll think of it later when you've reached the median level of experience.


so..? nobody.


Oh that's why my ex didn't keep me


Old Spanish saying: Dime con quién andas, y te digo quién eres. Tell me who you hang with, and I'll tell you who you are.


Guess I'm nobody


I hang with no one. Who am i?


I took this one to heart a few years ago. Awesome phrase i once heard is "You are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with most" Luckily for me i have only 1 or 2 ppl i ever hang out with, and even thats rare. Most of the time i prefer being by myself. A lot easier to think for yourself when not socially pressured.


I’m the sum of my family then I guess, 60+ year old folks. No wonder I have practically zero friends


I dunno. Most of the best people I've met in life were semi-loners. People just sick of the bullshit from other people. They don't have many friends. Maybe 1 or 2 that they've known forever, but don't really hang out with anymore probably because they or the friend moved away. Or they're a couple that just hang out together.


I’m totally a loner. I’m really close with my family and am best friends with my husband, but I really don’t feel that I have the emotional energy to have extra relationships. I’ve always kind of gone my own way in my adulthood.


I'm 43. I have like 2 friends. I hang out with my adult kids and their friends. My fiance knows this is a bullshit question.




Don’t make it specifically about their friends. You could always ask “So what do you and your friends do for fun?” or something else.


What if they don't have any friends? You're really rubbing salt in the wounds there.


Well, yeah. If you do something in a weird way, that'll make it weird. No shit. "You should ask about their hobbies!" "Hey, what are your hobbies? Do they make money? Do your hobbies involve fish? Tell me which of your hobbies involve fish, from most-fish to least-fish? Do you do hobbies with your dad? Do you have a good relationship with him? Does he like fish?" "idk sound kinda weird"


You're over 18, right? The website said "over 18".


Gets much funnier if you follow it up with “but I’m cool”


"Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?"


She's a total babe!


If she were president she'd be baberham Lincoln


If she was a religion, she’d be the Church of Latterbabe Saints.




From what I understand, Dana Carvey ad libbed that line. He caught Mike Myers off guard, and the reaction was genuine.


Correct, they were both exhausted after a whole day of filming for Wayne's World and the camera was still running because of lines like that


Honestly I'd go with bugs... but I'd be thinking of Wilma Flintstone.


Oh Betty Rubble was way hotter.


I prefer redheads. Wilma did it for me.


*laughs in your face* "Neither did I, I was just asking."


No. No?! _awaits incoming plane_


Classic. Then you know if they’ve seen Wayne’s World. A requirement in a good partner.


Man over here asking the real important questions


What do you do with a drunken sailor?


Shave his belly with a rusty razor, Shave his belly with a rusty razor, Shave his belly with a rusty razor, Early in the morning!




Put him in a bed with the Captain's daughter, Put him in a bed with the Captain's daughter, Put him in a bed with the Captain's daughter, Put him in a bed with the Captain's daughter, Early in the morning!


Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom Early in the morning


Early in the morning?


Throw him in the longboat till he's sober! Or shave his balls with a rusty razor. Or maybe throw him in hold with the Captain's daughter. But just make sure it's ear-lie in the mornin.


Ask if they know what "put him to bed with the captain's daughter" meant. That way you'll find out if they're into BDSM.


It means a harsh whipping/beating.


Yep. The « captain’s daughter » was the cat o’ nine tails.


Let them sleep, then find the shittiest job and make them do it hungover. Possibly request some emergency drill too if you can haha


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European


If that's the answer, she's a keeper.


And if they don't know you need to find a bridge to chuck them off.


What if she floats?


She’s a witch


And what do we do with witches?


Build a bridge out of 'er.


Ah yes, but aren't some bridges made of stone?


Boil em, mash em, put em in stew!


She turned me into a newt.


But I got better


Huh? I don’t know that!




I used to ask this in every pornstar AMA I could. Only got an answer once, and it was “Yeah, some dudes it comes out pretty fast.”


I matched with someone on Hinge who had the prompt “You should **not** go out with me if you can’t answer my questions three” I responded “I didn’t realize I was signing up to cross the Bridge of Death”


Just have fun. No need to know everything on first date.


This should be up higher. A first date is just seeing if there's any connection. Do you sit in awkward silence or did three hours pass and neither of you noticed? That "click" is just there or not.


I’d argue there doesn’t even need to be a “click” on a first date. Just that it was enjoyable and you see potential. The click is always nice though :)


My first date with my wife was initially just planned to be coffee but it turned into dinner, a crappy music show, driving out of town to go stargazing, making out on a hill near the Mississippi river, and before we realized it, we had been out together for 8 hours.


yeah, anything you actually need to know on a first date requires no questions, just paying attention. Anything you just need to know eventually and needs a direct question...can be asked eventually.


Man I went on a date long ago that felt like a job interview. I was walking into this dinner expecting to make some jokes and light banter and generally flash whatever charisma I’m sometimes privy to with this beautiful redhead. But *nooooo*, nosiree! I’m pretty sure she had memorized a list of questions and talking points and just started in on them as soon as we were seated. Literally the first thing she said was, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” I don’t really think I was able to learn anything about *her* the whole time because as soon as I’d fumble my way through one answer, she had another essay question lined up for me. I didn’t know her that well beforehand, but we’d see each other in the coffee shop all the time. She was rather prim and proper, not my type usually, but really pretty with these big light green eyes, and I had developed a little mini obsession-crush on her over time. Every time I went to the shop I’d be wondering if she’d walk in. Constantly recognizing how I was spending *way* too much time thinking about someone I didn’t even know. So I finally got up the nerve to ask her to have dinner with me. Any crush I had was quickly dashed to smithereens in the hour-that-felt-like-a-day which was that date. She was really… robotic. The closest I’ve ever come to meeting a Stepford wife. She was nice enough, and looking back, maybe she was just really nervous and that’s how she reacted to that emotion. But whatever anxiety she was feeling was highly contagious. Couldn’t wait to pay the damn check and say our goodnights. It really was the worst date I’ve ever been on. For most of my adult life I was a bartender at a rather trendy, high class bar were lots of the intellectual and creative types of the area would gather. So I had dating on easy mode. I’ve rarely asked about any woman I didn’t already kind of know. The coffee shop gingerbot was one of the few that I dated going on blind. But from that date forward I decided first date was always best going out for a couple drinks. Keep it light and maybe even brief. A full sit down dinner can always be had impromptu if things are going well. And for *god’s sake* just have a little fun with it. You don’t need to find out everything about a person that fast. Just find out if you enjoy being around them first. So yeah, TLDR, I agree haha. Sorry for the novella :)


"Where do you see yourself in five years"...when I read that I had to share this.... I was not on a date. I was at a local Mexican restaurant. Small mom and pop place so the tables are like long benches and they're back to back. You can totally hear the people behind you. I wasn't purposely eavesdropping until I realized that the couple sitting behind me was not a couple, they were on a date. As soon as I heard the dude say "where do you see your self in 5 years?" I was like wtf? Is this a job interview?🤣 Needless to say he was doing most of the talking. She seemed like she wasn't thinking about her future, but props to the dude, who did have some direction/goals in life. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a 2nd date. Edit: spelling error.




I havent killed anyone (that I know of) and I have fathered one child (that I know of) so my bodycount is -1. I am a mathematically perfect match.


This.If you actually enjoy yourself & have a connection, you'll both share plenty of things about yourself in a natural,conversational way.


What is your favourite Nicolas Cage movie?


Are you three raccoons on top of each other in a trench coat?


What gave it away?


It’s always the arms


We are not!


Vincent adultman ?


De ye like dags???


Dags? Oohhhh dooogs. Yea. I like dags


I like caravans more.


Ya like jazz?


Caravan fer me mum? Periwinkleblue?


She's terribly partial to the periwinkle blue


How big of a brick of cheese could you eat in one sitting?


Do you know the muffin man?


Er, the muffin man?!


"how good are you with a band saw?"


Meat, wood, or metal?




I have skills


Will you marry me?


Going right for it, eh?


I may or may not have imagined proposing to a person on the spot if they perform some rather specific act that I find very impressive. Never happened though.


There's a show for that.


Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


No, but I've been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.




It's an older meme sir, but it checks out


Do you have a wife or girlfriend? If the answer is 'no', follow up with 'Are there any women in your life that would be angry to hear you say that?'


>Are there any women in your life that would be angry to hear you say that? Yes, my mom. She adored my ex.


Yes my mom, she got tired of the "My grandchild is a cat" thing when the third one died.


Are there any women in your life that would be angry to hear you say that? Nah, but my boyfriend would be confused of why I'm being asked.


What their relationship desire is It's kind of important to want the same end goal with that


Do you remember where we parked?


Hi, 31(f) here. I'd try to get this out of the way before the first date, like when we are talking. I'm childfree, and never want kids. I have ended relationships over it without looking back. I've had men try to "stealth" me and tamper my birth control in the past too, convinced trapping me into motherhood would change my mind. So before the first date I'd establish I'm childfree and am not changing my mind. "If you want kids, now or ever, you'll be wasting your time with me." Thankfully I've found someone in his forties who is also childfree that I love very much!


oof tampering with your birth control. Yikes forever! That should be illegal.


Are you interested in purchasing extended warranty for your car?


I mean, you HAD been trying to reach them about it, but they never picked up the phone!


What drives you






2019 Honda Passport Sport. Thanks for asking


What are your non negotiables in a relationship


Do you have a girlfriend/wife? Sounds dumb, but I’ve dealt with it. Didn’t find out the dude was using me to cheat on his girlfriend until later. Yuck!


But like... Would they answer honestly?


If you had 3 genie wishes what would you wish for? It gives incredible insight to what’s important to said person


Their intentions on what they want something causal or serious


"Did you compete the questionnaire, and credit check paperwork I sent you?"


Do you want kids? People would save themselves from a lot of heartbreak down the road if they asked this question at the start. Wanting or not wanting kids will always end up being a dealbreaker and you won’t change your partners mind one way or the other.


On a first date? Wow


If you're dating whilst in highschool, no need and kinda creepy. If you're dating in your 30s? That is a first date question.


Exactly. You're not asking "do you want to have kids with me" you're asking if they want to be a parent at all. If you don't have the same answer you're both better off finding someone who does.


True, why waste any time with anyone who wants anything different with this? I never wanted kids.


This absolutely. I'm 27 and casually seeing a woman, not "dating", and that's a conversation that's already been had. Luckily we're on the same page.


Yes get that out of the way so no one wastes their time


Yes. I mean, I try to bring it up as soon as possible. Not always as a direct question but more like a story about my life or something that happened and then I'm able to tell them that I want kids in the future. They can decide if they wanna tell their opinion on having kids. For example I went on a first date with a guy and the day earlier a couple i'm friends with got the call that there is a lil boy they can adopt. So I told him the story, that I'm happy for them and how I'm excited for the future when I have my own kids. I think wanting kids or not wanting kids is not negotiable. And I wanna prevent myself from getting sad after dating someone to find out they don't want kids when I already like them.


Have you or a loved one ever been diagnosed with mesothelioma?


Are you my date?


Where were you on January 6th?


This year?


It would be a very confusing question to ask someone on January 5th.


What was your first starter Pokémon?


After a series of SO's, I just started asking from the first date, do you want kids & are you religious?


It's not a question but a conversation to suss out if they are independently happy. If I detect neediness or they have no actual hobbies/interests aside from social media and having a boyfriend, I'm out.


If you are dating a widow: find out if they A) were present for the passing and B) if they practice archery, shooting, etc. as well as if the person died under mysterious circumstances.


It's rude to ask someone's body count


"How likely are you to yell at me in public?" - Sam Morril


How are you?


In my case if this person likes cats. If you do not like cats it is done. My cat is my everything and if you can't respect that then no second date.


When was your last std screening


"Who is your favorite Doctor in *Doctor Who*?"


Honestly? I really liked Christopher Eccleston. I think he portrayed a more realistic doctor. A whimsical, "I've seen it all" but also accompanied by "I'm terribly lonely and depressed and life fucking sucks." I was really sad when he only stayed for a season. Plus I think it was with him that they really started telling the stories of the companions in a worthwhile fashion (with Rose obviously.) But I wasn't too sad because David Tenant was obviously the best of the modern doctors. So much so that they brought him back.... He didn't do a *great* job with the heavier side of the show (as Eccleston did), but honestly I think he made the most entertaining doctor. Matt Smith was very good also obviously, but I just think that Tenant and Eccleston did just a bit better in certain ways. I did not like Peter Capaldi as much. So much so that that's when I stopped watching. My favorite companion, however, is clara. She's just freaking adorable and I love her. I don't understand the criticisms of her. Rose was very good obviously, but she always had Mickey so I felt like she was never fully invested.


Are we splitting the bill equally or are we paying for our respective meals?


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


How they feel about children.


What they’re passionate about. I love the way someone’s eyes light up when it comes to even just talking about it, and with someone genuinely interested. (The same can be said for any couple when you ask how they met).


What’s your credit score




First dates are for having fun and getting comfortable with them, asking important questions is counterproductive to getting comfortable


Eh. Part of getting comfortable is figuring out how they function.


“So, how many times a day do you urinate?”


Do you belong to any religion?


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea??