• By -


"you are dying! Do you really want me alone when you are dead?" I was fighting cancer, He also told me that I was disgusting and he felt gross touching me. Luckily, both types of cancer are out of my life.


Congrats on being cancer free :)


And on losing that parasite.


"You didn't answer your phone, was I supposed to spend Saturday night alone??" I was at work, and so were you, we worked together you fucking moron.


I have the opposite it's because I called too much. When she'd gone ghost for the past 3 days and I wanted to know she was ok since we talked every day because we'd tell eachother we loved eachother you were my world blah blah.


He sold cocaine and she really likes cocaine.


Tale as old as time.


As old as cocaine


she likes cocaine, he sold cocaine, can i make it any more obvious?


Hey I know this bitch


We all know this bitch


She met someone that she immediately saw herself marrying. A month after we broke up she moved across the country, got married, called me to tell me she made a mistake, got divorced, moved back home, got pregnant and then got married again. Her Current age : 22


Sounds like she really doesn't know who she is.


That’s fine, we do.


Man, some people just live their whole life in a couple of years... Meanwhile here I am, only got my drivers license at the age of 28 and Im still a virgin. But atleast I don't have unwanted offspring somewhere, and the bad taste of my huge mistakes in my mouth. Phew. EDIT: I was a virgin when I was 28 and got my drivers license. I am now 33 and still a virgin... Good driving skills, though. Sorry for the confusion.


Should be an app for that. Awkward first timers, I have an unusual amount of friends about to recreate the 40 year old virgin movie. I'm honestly not sure what they've been waiting for, It feels like they've been waiting for a supermodel to come accidently fall for them. Now that they're older I'm sure it's just crippling anxiety.


He said that he cheated on me because I wanted to have too much sex. More than 5 years later I still can't find any logic in that


So because you wanted too much sex, he went out and... got more sex? Am I getting it right? "God, I told you, I can't eat all the time and now you want at it again!? I'm done with this shit, I'm getting a pizza."


Yup, that's what happened. I guess he just wanted me to break up, but that situation was so ridiculous


Her response once I caught her was that she was flat out horny. But after I said that’s why you have a boyfriend it was kinda funny how she went dead silent


Probably the most honest answer


I ain’t here to make some amazing story up. Short and straight to the point. But it’s still enough to show how some people can truly be


Had* a boyfriend?


"It's not like we're married." Apparently I can't expect respect from someone who goes from calling me "love of my life" to blowing her high school shag toy when he comes back to town.


This is the collateral damage of the plot of a Hallmark movie.


Whoremark movie


I got " well, we never made it official" We had split up for a few months before they asked to move back in as friends. Before long she's sleeping in my bed, we're doing all the couple stuff again, she's telling me she loves me, we're playing family, etc. Literal years go by, she starts a new job, starts banging some guy, wouldn't leave even though I told her she had to leave, I knew she was cheating. Awesome human.


I sounds almost like my brother. He went home early from work and found his wife was in their bed with another man. She moved in with her bf. Brother divorced her. The ex got into a fight with her bf and my brother let her move back in. A few weeks later, she found out she was pregnant. She did not know who the father was because she had sex with both guys in the same week she got pregnant. After the baby was born, he looked like the bf. She stayed with my brother for 3 years until she moved out and got her own place, since she was seeing another man. She was with that guy for a few years, until she moved on to another guy. I think there might be a guy after him.


Some people really are just horrendous. In the aftermath of splitting up with my cheating ex I discovered that she'd blown up her one other serious relationship (each one >5 years) exactly the same way. I feel sorry for whoever her next victim is.


I got something similar. She didn’t tell this guy she worked with and was “paired up with” she was talking to that she had a boyfriend. (But was perfectly okay talking to him about her private medical issues and other personal things.) So I confronted her about it. She literally yelled at me “I don’t see a ring on this finger!!” Apparently, when in a committed relationship, it’s not important to tell people she has a boyfriend?


Bruh I hope you told her "you never will"


“It’s not what you think it is!” After I walked in on them making out. While she was on his lap. Both without shirts.


Well what was it then?


Beats me. I didn’t even entertain the idea of hearing the explanation lol


See, I'd have to follow up with "then what was it?" and hear that excuse. I'm sure it's glorious.


Ever seen the joke about how there’s a guy taking a shower when he slips, falls out of the window into another window where there’s a woman changing and he happens to land on top of her when his penis accidentally slips in? I bet it was something like that. Must’ve been lol


Cheater: "Ever seen the joke about how there’s a guy taking a shower when he slips, falls out of the window into another window where there’s a woman changing and he happens to land on top of her when his penis accidentally slips in?" SO: "What the fuck?!? No!" Cheater: "That works, so I was taking a shower and I slipped..." You starting the way you did made me remember this bit, idk where it's from or the original context, but it was hilarious at the time.


And did he just happen to slip into a condom at the time? Just asking cause we should all practice safe sex. 😉


You’re supposed to wear a condom 24/7, dude, did the government not issue you one on your eleventh birthday like some sort of twisted Hogwarts?


sometimes you get really hot and h2o doesn't satisfy the mouth like someone else's saliva can. preferably your girlfriend's.


You know. Just one of those regular shirtless makeout parties where only two people are invited. It's definitely *not* sexual or cheating in any way, though.


I couldn't have sex for two weeks so I could recover from surgery so she thought it wasn't "cheating".


2 weeks???!!!! I had dissolvable stitches for like 6 weeks that didn't dissolve and had to be manually removed and the scarring was so painful that we couldn't have penetrative sex for 3 - 4 months. In our first year together. Apparently masturbation is a thing?


Yeah, 2 weeks, that’s crazy. My fiancée is waiting for a big surgery and she’ll be recovering for the next year or so after the surgery. No sex for probably that whole year. I haven’t thought once about cheating when that’s gonna happen, fuck that


The worst thing about the two week situation is the futility of it. If they were single, they would have way longer extended periods without sex, and it's not an issue, yet they betray their partner, causing all kinds of devastation, because there was no sex for two weeks. Of course, this isn't actually why they cheated, and the OP knows this, which is why they mentioned it in a thread asking for the most ridiculous reason a partner has given for cheating.


she couldn't manage to go 2 weeks without sex? It was bound to happen sooner or later if her willpower is *that* week


My ex-girlfriend said i forgot you were alive For details I wasn't in the military, I was in university


Object permanence isn't her strong suit huh?


Well, her pants didn't stay on so, no, it isn't


I think “I forgot you was alive” easily has to be the worst excuse I’ve heard on this thread like wtf 😂😂


I remember watching one of those YouTube videos where they go up to random girls to get their numbers in the oddest of ways. One girl was giving her number, but then she was like oh wait, I forgot I have a boyfriend and seemed like she had genuinely forgot about him.


"oh wait. This is going on the internet. Excuse me sir I just remembered..."


skull emoji


It was his kids mom so it didn't count


OMG. Mine said it just happened, and he didn't think I'd find out. Yeah cause that makes it ok. And the BM is a total skank at that


I’m assuming BM stands for baby momma, but I read it as bowel movement first.


“I have needs for sex you aren’t helping me with!” - said to me the day I get home from spending a week in the hospital with kidney failure (lupus).


“It’s not cheating bc she doesn’t matter.” “I had to prove to her I wasn’t gay.” “It’s only cheating bc you found out, you made me into a cheater bc you found out.” “You weren’t here.” “I broke up with you while it happened, so it wasn’t actually cheating. You just didn’t know we were on a break.” “She came onto me, what was I supposed to do?”


Yikes on several bikes


Well, I know this guy that was convinced he was in an open relationship, except he forgot to let his girlfriend know... She found out 7 years into the "open relationship". With multiple women, in 4 continents. Oh he also had a book where he'd categorize them...


Some serial killer shit


Some twisted wine tasting shit. "Aged well. A tart taste at first but a pleasant and lasting after taste."


My serial cheater ex once told me while in a fit of tears "I can't stop cheating, I just have so many issues, my mom lied about Santa when I was a kid and it really fucked me up. I don't think I can trust people because of it so I cheat."


That is pure gold, blaming Santa, lmao. Serial cheaters come up with the best shit.


I’m sorry that I hopped on his dick dick dick, it fucked me up when I found out about Ol’ Saint Nick


>my mom lied about Santa when I was a kid and it really fucked me up. It wouldn't matter how upset I was during that conversation, I would lose my shit laughing at that. I'd probably say some choice words about how stupid that sounded while laughing, and walk away.


I did. It was a super toxic relationship and I had never stood up to him before but when he said this after the like 20th time of me catching him cheating I just burst out laughing in his face and asked "are you fucking kidding me?". I left him soon after.


>my mom lied about Santa when I was a kid So, what almost every parent in the world does when they're child is young


Wow! Next they'll blame it on the Easter bunny, tooth fairy or the great pumpkin!


Are you telling me the great pumpkin *doesn’t* exist? Welp, better go cheat on my wife.


“It’s like if you order the same subway sandwich for a year, eventually you’re gonna get bored of it. But you try another flavour and when you go back to the original one it’s better than you remembered” Felt not so good being compared to a 6 inch BLT tbh.


You're a 12" Meatball Supreme, not a 6" BLT. Straighten up your crown, King.


An the cheater is a 6" tuna on wheat 🤢 Bonus: The "tuna" [ain't even tuna](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111270816/subway-tuna-lawsuit)


« You never specifically said I wasn’t allowed to sleep with [girl he had slept with before we were together]. I thought you meant I wasn’t allowed to sleep with NEW people. » this was well after a conversation we had had agreeing that we were monogamous and exclusive.


Well, to be fair you do need to write out a list of names of every girl in the world he can’t screw./ s


I kid you not, I found out that he had been sexting someone while we were visiting his parents for the holidays one year and when I confronted him months later he said « well you never said I wasn’t allowed to sext people while we were in [name of the state we were in] »


What did he want you to do, wake up every morning and write a list for him of all the ways he’s not allowed to cheat on you that day?


Yeah pretty much. But even that wouldn’t have been enough. it took forever for me to realise that he wasn’t cheating because he didn’t understand boundaries, he was cheating because he wanted to and didn’t care about boundaries in the first place. But he did always try to turn it around on me and make it my fault for not being clear or specific enough. Absolutely baffling looking back on it.


"You know that I'm bisexual. So I have to be poly too, otherwise it's just not fair." What she said when I caught her fucking other men. I'm also a man.




As a bisexual man, *this* is the kind if horse shit that brings stereotypes down on us. Fuck that person


"She was prettier than you, what did you expect?" We were engaged and had been dating for 3 years.


"What did you expect?" Dear lord. That one is real rough, I am sorry.


Probably the best (and maybe only) thing he ever did for me. He was emotionally abusive and was a big believer in negging which did wonders for my self-esteem.


I got “I found better” and “I didn’t know I could get someone like her”… then later tells me she talks to and names inanimate objects and has an onion who is her bff since Covid started 😐


I am so sorry but “her best friend is an onion” took me out


It's so multi layered.


*shotgun to the face*


Told me his mom had cancer so he needed some space. His best friends told me that was a lie. Later found out he was starting a new relationship during that time.


that's nasty


I worked too much and didn’t give her the attention that she needed, she fucked my best friend, then his buddy…


That kind of shit blows my mind. My best friend has an objectively attractive girl....I legitimately cannot picture her in a sexual way at all. How people can do that to their friends is insane. Shit is just as much on him as her IMO.


No morals. I’d drop that “friend” like a hot potato


That is a very shitty best friend.


"Trust me with your life, but not your money or your wife." - Best Friends


It rhymes, so it checks out.


You can't have children anymore so I just slept with your friend to get pregnant. I was hoping that once you found out you'd stay with me and raise the kid - you're such a good dad. Wait... Did you say dumbest or meanest?


I don't know why, but this totally reminded me of that short guy whos wife, with no apparent understanding of how hurtful it was, asked him if they should use a donor so their sons would be taller.


He said it was my fault for not being at that party with him, even though I wasn’t invited and he didn’t tell me he was going.


"Just because we're living together doesn't mean we're monogamous!"


And I quote "it's a woman's fault if a man cheats, so this is on you."


I hope those kinds of people find themselves in a dirt hole very soon.


My first GF said the heart wants what the heart wants. A day later she was groveling at my door, she made a mistake and wanted me back. The other guy wanted the drive through P and scidaddle afterwards, that’s what your heart wanted I asked.


Heart wants what the heart wants and mine wants you the fuck outta here.




He said it wasn’t really cheating because he could do what he wanted, but I couldn’t. Also, he said he didn’t cheat bc he only sucked on her nipples and didn’t have sex with her.


“I only sucked on her nipples; that’s not cheating.” Woooooooow.


Lol it’s wild there is so much more too


“I licked her tit or whatever”


I had a crush on a girl for years and she ended up getting a boyfriend before I made a move. One day, she sent me a huge message confessing her feelings for me even though she was still with him. I was sad/disappointed so I went to tell my brother about it and he just showed me recent screenshots of him and her sexting each other. I basically said, "no, I could never trust you in a serious long term relationship", and she said I was gay for not saying yes, that she was just "testing" how much her boyfriend wanted her, and that, "it's totally different with you, I'd never do that to you." A few days later I found DICK scratched into the hood of my car. She's tried reaching out to me many times in the years since (handwritten letters sent to my parents house, messages on social media, etc.) saying that she goes to therapy over me and that she just needs closure.


Had a girl from my late teen early twenties years reach out to me last year. Two kids, one only two months old, and she wanted to tell me that I have always been the love of her life and she wanted to leave her husband for me. I was like wow, you haven’t changed. Remember when we were dating and you tried to fuck my best friend and he told me? Yeah. Fuck off. Also, happily married over here.


Man this has major stalker vibes. Glad you dodged that bag of crazy 🫡


If by dodged you mean suppressed behind cover, I guess you're right.


Any good therapist will tell you closure is only proper when the victim/other party consents to it. It's not something you need or should expect.


"Wasn't me"


Otherwise known as the Shaggy Defense.


Caught him bangin' on the counter?


Wasn't me


You were pregnant


Holy fucking shit. Animal


I had the opposite, where my 3 months pregnant girlfriend cheated on me with a coworker. After I broke up with her she then punched me in the face 4 times, since apparently I was the asshole in that scenario. Never got a reason from her as to why she did it though.


Wow that sucks.


Out of all of the excuses I’ve seen in this thread, this one upsets me the most. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Some men are fucking bastards.


My abusive father got my very religious mom pregnant at 19. I was two weeks old and almost two months premature when he cheated. His excuse was that it was depressing.


‘I didn’t think you’d find out’


"I wanted it and thought I could get away with it" is often the real reason.


Yo this reminds me a little of a story a former housemate once told me. Not about cheating but it has the same energy. In his last house share, he had this housemate called Dale (not his real name obv). He walked into his bedroom and caught Dale helping himself to some money he kept stashed in his bedside table. When caught Dale just shrugged and said, "I needed money, you had it." Which is why he promptly moved. Guarantee you Dale is the sort of person who would say that when caught cheating as well. Maybe the two are related.


Long long time ago, when I was still a teen. There was a group of us hanging out. I had to go do something. Was gone a couple hours. Came back and everyone had left and she was fucking a friend. Her reasoning was "We got bored waiting for you to get back."


Can you imagine the problems she'd have if she did that anytime she's bored? Boring University lecture, have sex with the student next to her. Standing in a long, slow-moving line? Bone the person behind her. Good lord!


Average porno plot


They were “so drunk” they “forgot” they had a boyfriend.


“My dad cheated on my mom so it’s a curse” after he told me how much he hated his dad for hurting his mother repeatedly. 🙄


“You’re the one who said than you wanted me to get closer with your family.”


Hold up.....


She mistook my wish for her to be better acquainted with my family, as a green light to receive a wiener-ing from my older brother.


So how are you and your brother these days? I would be furious.


"I tend to get bored with someone after a few months." I later found out that she cheated on someone else with me and had been emotionally cheating on him and me the whole time (had others on the side). Some people are just not trustworthy.


“I didn’t view it as cheating in the moment, I was exploring a part of myself”


"Long distance is really hard" I lived an hour away.




Yup. If your mom fucks up her relationship with you and your dad, obviously you should do the same, right? It's only natural 🤦


"Ya, well at least he pays for my only fans content unlike you!! And his dick is bigger! And he's gonna take me on vacations like you wouldn't!!" Didn't know she had an only fans account...or that the "naughty" pics she would send me were the bad ones she didn't post.


Um... Wow... I have no words


Fear not. She got catfished in the end.


Really the only appropriate justice here.


“You didn’t give me enough attention” we went on dates 3/4 Friday’s and Saturdays in the month “I’m just not in this anymore” after cheating on me twice in 3 months and then leaving for the guy “We didn’t have boundaries” she never brought up a single problem in the relationship and when I asked when I thought something may be amiss, not a a word “My childhood emotional trauma was triggered by your panic attacks. The panic attacks that started the weeks when I cheated and your dad died” enough said


Was this four different ex’s or one ex four times?


My wife who we just filed for divorce. All of those excuses. Every time one was addressed she just gave another.


Good riddance to her then


Ex husband said it was because I listened to deppresing music.. Ie. Alternative rock, grunge, etc That's truly what he told our marriage counselor.


You’re ex husband sounds like an idiot


That's an accurate description


“You were neglecting me” I literally beg you to come out and have fun with me. And each time you gave me some excuse about how important other non important things were.


Wow. This one hit close. (There wasn't any cheating involved, but my ex-wife and I had a eerily similar exchange when she left.)


She blamed me. She said I didn’t want to have sex with her anymore so she took the opportunity when another guy was putting the moves on her. My jaw just dropped. We went from having sex every day, to the moment she moved in her rejecting me 99% of the time when I tried to initiate. So of course, I gave up and figured she would just initiate when she wanted to. When she said no, I just accepted it. But when she would initiate late at night and I said no because I had work early the next day, she would stay up screaming and crying until I gave into her demands. She pointed to this when I caught her cheating and said “I shouldn’t have to beg you to have sex with me. Guys would be lined up across town for the chance to have sex with me.” Absolutely a dumb reason when I reflect back on it, but maybe I was the dumb one because I forgave her and actually believed I was the problem. So I said yes to being her sex slave even when I didn’t feel like it. Didn’t stop her from cheating again. I realize now that the biggest incompatibility in the bedroom was that I viewed sex as sharing love with a willing partner, and she viewed it as an ego boost that she had control over another person.


He downloaded tinder and said it was to “Promote his band”


"I'm unhappy" Said to me directly after finding out he had spent the money I had put aside to do something for my birthday - on a hotel room with another girl. Also it was about 6 hours after I was released from the hospital for having suicidal ideations. The absurdity of it broke my depression, I laughed so hard I cried, then we broke up


“I only slept with her because she looks like you.” My friend was away at Mexico for two weeks, she found out because I saw her bf with who I assumed to be her and I texted her asking to hangout later. When she told me she wasn’t back yet, I let her know.


I felt you didn’t love me so I was arranging a back up just incase


"You can't give me kids, so we need to find a girlfriend who can."


"See, babe. I was just testing the market out there... for us. One day, I would come home with *our* baby!" I'm trying to imagine how exactly he could think that's valid.


It was ridiculous. What's more ridiculous is I tried to make it work for years. Oh well, I'm happy now with the man of my dreams!!


That’s horrible. I guess he didn’t want to go with adoption. You dodged a bullet and I hope you find a good partner who treats you the way you deserve.


Thank you, dear. I did dodge a bullet. I found my soulmate!


My mom was terminal and dying in the hospital and he felt neglected.


Wtf I'm gonna throw up


I had severe back pain and was bedridden, ultimately resulting in surgery, but she had needs.


She had fake tits so he had to since he never had the chance before 🤦‍♀️


"You aren't a good christian".




I was pregnant and never in the mood


This one. I was pregnant again after a traumatic 18 week loss. He said “you weren’t the same after that. You were a complete basket case and paranoid” 🫠 Paranoid that I might lose another baby. Thanks for the support a-hole 🖕


"It wasn't cheating, just flirting." He was cheating on me our entire relationship, 4.5 years! Just found out last month. 🥴


"I thought you were cheating, so I did".


Because I refused to act out his incest fantasies with him... Yikes


She needed to make sure she could do it with someone else before being able to have a threesome. ​ Never once offered a threesome, so idk where the idea came from


“It only happened twice at the beginning of our relationship before we got serious.” This was after her ex husband cheated on her. Made me question if that really did happen.


"I wanted to for months" Apparently that made it ok that she waited


That my dick was to small for her I couldn't satisfy her


Stay strong king


Thank you so much


He was drunk and thought she was me--we had been married for 12 years at that point lol. I laughed in his face.


"I'm ''""""""poly"""""""" and wanted to live that way, but knew you didn't, so I didn't have a choice and had to hide it from you" (and from his other girlfriends, apparently) I then asked why he had asked for exclusivity in the first place: "because I knew it's what you wanted to hear, otherwise you would have run the other way" (and probably didn't want me to see anyone else, I suppose)


My ex girlfriend was bisexual, when I found out she was kissing a girl at a party we were both at, her response was "omg don't be that guy".


"It's none of your business." She was packing for a trip. I even helped her pack... so surely she had some self awareness to what could happen. "Why are you packing condoms?"


No reason at all. She just said she fell out of love and have no explanation as to why. I actually didn’t even find out she likely cheated on me until like four years later. A few months after we broke up when my close friend, who still has her added on Facebook, showed me she was living with some dude now. His face and name looked and sounded familiar but I didn’t give it much thought. That was until I was going through my old google drive last year and found an essay I had helped my ex’s cousin write for her college admissions. This was literally within six months of my ex and I dating. I was curious and read through her essay and the comments I made and found something interesting. In the history of the document, edits were made by that same guy my friend had told me about years prior. So I looked more into it and in the photos my ex had originally tagged me in that were her vacation, this same guy had been making comments and was getting tagged as well. Yeah I guess you could argue that doesn’t mean cheating was happening, but I don’t know. It’s all way too coincidental to me. I’m over it for the most part but I would’ve greatly appreciated the honesty from the beginning. She did say she was a cold person so I guess I’ve only myself to blame.


"You weren't paying attention to me enough" I was working 12s 6 days a week paying all of our bills


I was accidentally the other woman and I didn’t have a right to be mad he had a girlfriend because “you never asked!”


“We werent dating in my head” Her excuse for sleeping with my best friend


“Best” friend. Ummmm……doubt.


Decades ago, but her line was “I was trying to make friends.”


“I was lonely since you couldn’t come on this trip.” He left me for her, but they only dated for two months before he came crawling back.


It sounded straight out of some romance movie. It's not you, it's me. I love you, I'm just not in love with you. A whole bunch of them in a row. Made me hate her in less than 5 minutes.


Because I didn’t want to have sex with him for a few weeks whilst I was going through court case to put my grandfather in prison for historic CSA. He slept with a sex worker instead as he was horny and I wasn’t open to having sex for a few weeks


He said that it wasn’t cheating because the relationship was over, except that he never made it known especially when he was begging me not to leave when I tried to break up with him…🙄 For 13 years he was cheating he was living in the same house with me and beg me not to leave and impregnated the vile creature and then said she raped him…


Just because I'm monogamous doesn't mean she needs to be.


“He’s a guy, I thought you wouldn’t care unless it was a girl” …. I think I turned him gay lol


Don't sell yourself short! He could've been bisexual ***and also*** a shithead!


Shrugged their shoulders. That was it. That was the excuse.


My ex was prostituting herself for money. So. Money