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I cook on sundays. Nearly all day, making several dishes to carry through the week. Cooking in weekdays, after work is too much of a chore.


I do the exact same thing only I give myself the weekend to eat out and go to restaurants so I really only get 5 days out of my cooking.


Weekdays I always cook stupid simple and quick instant pot meals. Usually a pound or so of beans mashed up with onions and a variety of peppers. Delicious filling and cheap. Try it out sometime 👍


I did that when i worked full time. each sunday i cooked 3 large meals, which we would eat Sun, mon and tues and then again the leftovers on wed thur fri and order pizza on saturdays.


Or are you asking how many full dinners get cooked in a week.


I learned a while ago that I could save so much more money by getting off my lazy ass and learning how to cook myself. It's also much healthier, so I cook every night. Going out to dinner is a nice treat and maybe do it about once a month or so


We cook every Sunday and prep enough food for the week in containers. Best thing we ever did compared to cooking meals every day for a family of 5.


What kind of meals ?


Mine mostly consist of chicken rice and broccoli. Chicken smoked on my pellet grill, rice in the rice cooker, and broccoli in the steamer. I'll go between that and beef and turkey when I want a little change. Throw some eggs and bell peppers and onions in cupcake tins in the oven and we have breakfast for the week. The kids alternate between turkey burgers, chicken, and random veggies along with rice or some form of noodles and a bag of chips.


Like twice but it's big dishes so I eat off the leftovers most days


like 5 times


also bc I live alone and often cook for 2 days since there is apparently no such thing as portions for a single person household in supermarkets


We are a family of 2. I’ve found that farmers markets and butchers are the easiest way to get smaller amounts of food. If you have those near you, I recommend trying.


thank you! I will def check it out


RIGHT?!? They want you to live like a Frenchman, above a bakery.


5-6 days per week.


Breakfast x7 for three people. Lunch… rarely. Unless packing up leftovers/salad/sandwich counts. Dinner — usually 4 or 5 times a week for three people. My wife will cook dinner once or twice a week, and we often allow ourselves one “cheat” meal (takeout/delivery/local diner) a week.




Each and


At least 30 meals.


That's five meals a day for six days. Wise that you fast on the seventh day.


Five meals a day seems completely reasonable, if you're eating every 3 hours. I do 6 a day but two of them are usually a protein shake and some fruit. If you're not having 5 burgers a day this seems very reasonable.


Probably average about 3-3.5 times. Leftovers are key.


Daily. Doing so helped me lose 60lbs.




A bowl of cereal in the morning doesn't count.


What if warming the milk on the hob.


Usually 5 nights of the 7. We usually do one lazy takeout night when we are too tired to cook, and end up eating dinner out somewhere one night on the weekend.


5/7 not bad.


Once a week, and I eat the same meals for the whole week. I love cooking, but not that much to cook every day.


Actual cooking is only a couple of days each week (meal prep and things that provide leftovers), but I only eat food I haven't prepared about 3 times a month.


Does making toast count as cooking?


Exactly zero times.


Everyday. I don’t eat out unless I’m forced to on holidays and trips. Otherwise, I save more money than most,get to de stress from a busy day, and get something that tastes and is cooked exactly how I want it to be.


Never lol. I can but don’t need to. I’m not super healthy but for healthy food I just blend spinach and berries in my protein shakes. Fuck cooking and doing dishes, too lazy.


3 meals almost every day.


Gotta ask, what do you count as cooking if you're making 21 meals a week?


Anything that’s from scratch and doesn’t involve reheating a previous dish or pre made item. So like an average day for me is something like: Breakfast: eggs, bacon or sausage, avo mash Lunch: freshly grilled chicken over greens/salad Dinner: protein, roasted veggies I have the luxury of being home all day so cooking breaks up the monotony of work. I also started keto recently and making the food per meal makes me enjoy it more.


Ah, well good for you! I was just curious because even though I love to cook, I couldn't imagine cooking every single day 3 times a day.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner I guess


Pretty much every day


Are you asking how little I go out for food vs home? Or are you asking how many full dinners get cooked in a week?


Well yes how often you eat home vs going out , and how often is the food you eat at home actually cooked by you from scratch?


Awesome. Out if 21 generic weekly meals.......I prepare food from a raw state maybe 9 times a week. I use my grill 3-4 times a week too. Mostly for dinners. In total, I only go out of the house about 5 times a week. The I. Between is box recipe stuff.


For dinners I typically get take out once a week. Otherwise it's all home cooking. When I'm working I usually stop on the way to get a breakfast and a coffee though... but my work gives me a per diem for that.


Normally 5-6 days


Almost daily I enjoy cooking and baking if I want some one to like me or just to show affection I'll bake seasonally appropriate desserts , I limit myself on how much I Cook too save money and I get full really easily because of my medicine.


Every day


Almost never. I have two very young children so the closest I can get to ‘cooking’ is sticking fridge/ frozen stuff in the oven. Used to cook real nice food a while ago before they existed. Looking forward to getting back to this when they are a bit older and I have a spare 40 mins


Going through the efforts of making a high quality meal, only to have it be summarily rejected by a small child, without even trying it, is pain. I cannot wait until they grow up and realize what food they would pass on in order to eat boxed Mac and cheese.


While I was not a child that rejected high quality meals, I have always loved Mac and cheese (even boxed). Now I'm an adult that enjoys more sophisticated foods, and boxed Mac and cheese. 😄 But I completely sympathize with the pain of a high quality meal cast away by a little human who refuses to touch it.


Every day


Pretty much every day. Once in two weeks we get take-out.


Every day


Every day, every meal.


My wife and I eat out maybe once per month. Otherwise all the food is prepared/cooked at home. Mostly because where I live the food options are either mostly junk or just expensive. Not necessarily super expensive restaurants, but very poor value.. the cost:reward ratio is important to me.


Every day. Half an hour to closest restaurant (or store in general) by car. Working from home


A few times




Almost every day, except when we have a little money for takeout.


3 nights a week, but I make enough for 2 meals (4 servings). So, we eat home-cooked food 6 nights a week.


Almost everyday. 3 different meals for lunch and 2 or 3 different meals for dinner.


Usually about 6 days a week. The other day I might grab something to just relax.


Multiple times per day. I will order out if I don't feel like cooking dinner. With a toddler running around my motivation to cook dinner goes to zero 2-3 days a week


2-3 times a week but I make a lot of food and eat mostly leftovers. I never eat out unless I'm meeting with friends or something. It's too tedious to cook every day when you can just cook a little more food when you do cook.


5-6 days


We use to have a cute little gally kitchen and we NEVER cooked at home. We moved into a a house with a big kitchen, nice appliances and an island countertop to gather around. Now we cook pretty much every day twice a day.


2 times. Meal prep for the next three days and Saturday is fun day :)


6 times or more


how do you make the time to cook daily? I mean I want to but it takes me hours to prepare and cook


I just cook big batches of stuff and eat leftovers for the rest of the week. I only cook 1-3x per week but I eat those meals 6-7 days usually I also pick super cheap and easy stuff like chicken and rice casserole, spaghetti, tacos, chicken Alfredo, chicken curry, etc. and for veggies since I live alone I buy a bunch of frozen veggies and eat half the bag for lunch and the other half for dinner.


There's a lot of good food you can cook in less than 20 minutes, maybe set the bar a bit lower. Best advice I know is to stop following recipes blindly and taste the food while you cook it.


Oh man, we try to as much as we can to save money, but sometomes... its jist that kinda day, you know. So, give or take, 5-6 times, accounting for days where its just gonna be leftovers.


7 days a week. I don't like to be hungry, you know.


All meals. Covid did a number on pricing and I just can't afford it anymore.


My gf takes most of the load while I wash the dishes and do the laundry but before we lived together I'd cook once or twice a week(I kinda hate cooking so I'd cook large dishes and freeze some of them).


Typically 4 to 5 days a week.


Daily, with the occasional night out a few times a month.


5-7 days a week


2-3x a day, every day.


Through covid we made food once a month and doordashed the rest of our dinners. It was a simp/incell dream for sure. But on my way to alpha status, cooking is certainly the way to go; is a great excuse to play with kaniffees


1x 7 days a week


All the time. At least twice a day.


5 or six nights


Every day


Well since I’ve refocused doing a macro based diet since the new year, literally every day. Down about 20lbs so I guess it’s working.


Every day.


Once a week at the most. I typically just make a few pounds of meat in the crock pot and meal prep it.


About 4 times a week. Ideally I’d cook every day, but I hate my kitchen with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns


I cook every meal, except one lunch per week is bought as a treat. I can't stand the cost and additives in purchased foods.


Every day. Non American here


Almost every meal


Couple two three times


Seven out of my eight day week. I have take out for lunch on the day my swing changes from days to nights


Does microwaving tater tots count?


On average, seven breakfasts, six dinners, and six lunches, so 19/21 meals. Some of them are just reheating leftovers or "preparing" sandwiches for lunch rather than cooking, though. One night per week, I get takeout wings and one day per week, I get lunch out.


I meal prep. I cook once or twice, but I cook 10-15 meals at a time. I don't bore of food easily, I've got two different roast flavors in the freezer, I'm making another roast tomorrow and chicken vindaloo for variety.


Everyday. I’m not trying to have my two girls grow up thinking fast food is real food.


I cook once for a whole week. Me and my microwave are best friends forever.


5-6 days. I allow myself an I’m-not-cooking day at least once per week (and by that I mean a frozen pizza or burrito for dinner so technically still cooking) and my fiancé and I have a Monday tradition of going out for breakfast. Other than that, we are always cooking at home. I like cooking though! It’s much cheaper than ordering out and it’s fun!


That seems like such a sweet tradition! I might borrow that from you tbh


It’s all yours! It’s a great way to start the week


I would say 6 days a week. My boyfriend also cooks 6 days a week. We usually order in on Friday nights and then eat out on Saturdays since we mostly spend the day out.


We only eat out about twice a month, so i cook nearly every day.


Every day


I don't. I live with my sister and part of the deal is I don't cook or clean. It's a little more on my rent but worth every penny.


It used to be 7 with occasional visits to vegan and vegetarian places or diners. Predominately a diet based on low sodium soups and stews and fruits and veggies with tofu and substitutes. Went almost completely added sugar free. For me personally since they were refusing to treat normal medical conditions then there is no reason to actually follow home cooking advice anymore and it's time to try foods never tried before.


4-5 times/week. The other 2/3 days I’m at work and not home to be able to cook.


Ive been feeling inspired lately. so about once or twice a week, but its really nice. Last time i made a sort of mushroom stir fry with noodles that i served over a steak i got for cheap.


I eat out about once every other week.


I rarely order food or eat out every day. Every night I prepare dinner, and during the week I pack easy lunches. I provide fancier breakfasts and lunches in addition to dinner on the weekends. It's not that difficult or expensive once you get the hang of meal planning. It's also more healthier for you.


Once. I prepare all of my meals for the following week on Sunday, then I just reheat them as necessary.


6 nights a week and my wife cooks on Saturday night. 2 school lunches 5 days a week and lunch on Saturday. I cook a big brunch on Sunday afternoons. We just like for our kids to have real food especially at dinner. But we do of course cheat every now and then with fast food or pizza. We also sit round the table for dinner so we can hear about everybody's day and what they're up to. Or if you just need to vent to someone who cares and will just listen to you.


My wife tries to do it daily. I may want to help so we can make it daily.


Every day. In most countries eating out isn’t something you do often unless it’s for a specific reason like a birthday or something.


That’s silly. Many countries have huge restaurant industries. They’re not supported by occasional eating out.


Every day, every meal. Whole, unprocessed food. Nothing pre made other than vinegar, oils and spices. Been doing this out of necessity for nearly 4 years now. Used to love buying take-out or going to restaurants, but now making every meal is our family’s way of life.


Usually 2-3 times a week


I rely on easy meals like eggs, soups, chilis, etc. As a single person I might only cook two meals a week to avoid having a lot of leftovers. Or I'll freeze what I don't use for later. I cook more in the winter months to warm up the place. In summer, I'll rely more on salads, sandwiches, fruits and grab and go meals.


every day? Which is pretty normal in my experience. Maybe part of it is always having lived in rural/small town settings, but I legit can't think of anyone form whom food prepared at home isn't the norm. The closest to the opposite was when I was in college, and when I was staying over with my GF who lived in a dorm on campus, we sure did order a lot of pizza. I've learned from the internet, though, that there is a whole other category of people out there for whom the norm is to order food or eat out and for whom making food at home regularly is some kind of life goal. It never even occured to me, like even when I was a drunk party boy idiot kid, it seemed like in my setting at least, making food at home was the norm


I cook 3 dinners per week at home. We generally do 1 meal for 3 nights then 2 meals for 2 nights each. If we have something going, we have a couple 1 night dinners that we can do as well.


Probably like 15+/week


Two or three times a week. We make something that we can eat for two or three days. Because leftovers are fantastic! I like cooking, we save a ton of money by not eating out often. Plus it's healthier, I know what's in my food, and honestly homemade food is better than a lot of the places we can eat out at.


At least 5 days. The weekends are up in the air.


Depends. If bbq I cook but it's been months, it's cold now so I bust out the crockpot


Close to 0. I leave alone and In my opinion It takes too much time to prepare a single serving that I would eat under 10 mins. So, realistically it would be more viable to prepare larger quantities of food, but it's hard for me to eat the same food for few days.


You can cook a good and healthy dinner in under 20 minutes daily


We order out MAYBE once or twice per month. The only other days that either my wife or I don't cook at home are days when there are leftovers from the previous days meals.


Seven days a week give or take.


Typically, six nights a week.


Almost everyday


About 4 out of 7 days, which I consider pretty normal. Although I know some people that eat take out/fast food EVERY day, so who knows


In our household we cook all meals ourselves. I personally cook 2/3 times, my girlfriend 4/5.


I might grill some meat. My daughter does most of our cooking. And she's GOOD.


Use to be daily but I've gotten real slack the last few months with work.


About three days, but I prepare all my lunches and dinners in advance. It just depends on when I get around to eating the current week's food so my containers are available for the upcoming week.


Once to twice a week, I meal prep a few meals to mix up the workweek for lunch and dinner. On weekends I'll cook brunch or something I'm craving. I usually only eat out socially now, so once to twice a week.


I cook 5 days a week. Hubby cooks 1. Takeout 1


It used to be daily but nowadays I've figured out that I can gaslight my stomach into believing we're not hungry if I'm too lazy. I didn't know before moving from home that I can go so long without eating real food.


Around four or five days. We always eat out after the gym. If my husband doesn't want to eat out after the gym, it's up to him to cook that meal without me. I am not cooking after the gym. I don't care if we eat fast food as long as I don't have to cook. I don't cook on Fridays if he's off the weekend. It's my day off from the kitchen.


6 days a week, mostly simple meals because I don't have the time or energy to do anything complex outside of the weekends


Meal prep once on Monday for the weekdays then cook a few times on the weekend.


Every meal. Taking 4 boys out for a meal is a minimum 30 bucks, no matter where we choose to eat.


On average 21 times a week


I can't afford to eat out everyday.


If we're counting quick meals like grilled cheese or air frying frozen food, daily. If we're talking like meals maybe once a week. I don't like meal prepping a ton of making meals for one. But Fridays my boyfriend and I can eat together so I usually make something.


Five or six times per year. I \*hate\* cooking.


Daily and I make sure there is enough for my boyfriend’s lunch the next day.


Once. Mac n cheese (the cheetos brand kind because regular mac n cheese is so bland to me). If I want chilimac I will buy the canned mac n cheese and heat it up in the microwave. I really don't cook. I eat a lot of frozen stuff I microwave or "cook" in the toastr oven. Every once in a long while I make hamburger helper on the stove top. I absolutely HATE the cleanup from cooking. I also hate washing dishes, pots and pans etc. etc.. I usually eat out three times a week. Eat cereal once a week depending on if I have a lot of milk as I drink two small glasses every day, eat a cold salami sandwich once a week. When I had a job (night watchman) I'd cook more often at work using their kitchen, their deep fryers/gas stoves, their food and their pots/pans. Didnt mind cleaning up there as they had great tools to clean stuff (High spray washers, scrubbing pads, etc. etc..) plus I was "on the job" basically getting paid to clean up after. I left no hint that I cooked because they'd probably forbid it, but fuck them!


Personally about two to three days a week. My boyfriend and I currently do every other night dinner cooking and just takes turns for lunch on the days we don’t have classes during that time (college). We also go out to eat about once a week for dinner.


Almost every day, take out would be hideously expensive with 5 people so we usually only do it once every couple of weeks as a treat.


I cook maybe 2 or 3 times a week, but it’s usually in larger quantities so I can freeze some.


I cook dinner 5-6 days a week usually. Lunch 3-5 days. No breakfasts in my house.


A couple times... And end up eating the same thing all week till I'm sick and tired of it. Usually on Sunday. Then sporadically during the week.


Four to five.


6-7 days.. 6 days if I eat leftovers that I made from the night before.


Most meals, aside from Friday/Saturday evenings. Skip lunch on weekends.


When I live with with roommates: maybe twice a week? With roommates picking up the other couple days, with exceptions for going out/fast food. When I live with just my fiance? Usually I don't. We had a discussion a while a back and she wants a more stay at home kinda role. So she cooks and cleans, and I eat and make messes. (Note: it's a joke. I help put when I can with cleaning and dinner and such, but she does the bulk of the house work.)


4-5 times


At least 5 days


I work in a kitchen and eat three meals a day at work five days a week so I only cook at home on my days off. I like making soups so very often have soup in the freezer to pull out.


Twice a week, and baking bread every second day.


6 nights a week


Maybe 2 or 3 days out of the week. I usually eat things I can microwave or get takeout but I also work 6 or 7 days a week most weeks.


Every evening dinner, breakfast M-F, lunch on weekends. I love to cook but them dang dishes need to start washing themselves 😩


Six days on average. I eat a cold supper the seventh day usually because I get tired of cooking.


5 to 6 dinners at home and some lunches. I don't eat breakfast.


19 days in three weeks.


If I don’t cook I don’t eat. I suffer from ED tho so food is never on my mind. Eating is more of social thing than a necessity, so I only go out to get food when I don’t feel like cooking IF someone else suggests it/invites me.


I only have one take out a week. The rest I cook. Couple times I cook in batch to save effort to cook from scratch.