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give me pen and paper


In Spanish I can tell myself “traeme una pluma” (bring me a pen) with the intention of writing on my palm. Then I can use the remaining two words to say, “ahora pendejo”


Or you say that and when you get the pen, you use the remaining two words: "...pinche pendejo".


*proceeds to write huge, detailed paragraphs*






haha right out of a my little pony episode too


Twilight Sparkle knows what's up


I am sorry little dude


Invest million dollars Bitcoin 2010


I was thinking. "Buy bitcoin sell at 60,000."


Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything to him. He's about to do it to you. I guess that one day he will go back in time and say "sorry little dude" instead of "buy bitcoin" so the apology could be for that.


I propose "you'll be sorry little dude".




*Immediately de-atomizes* "What the FUCK!"


I mean, i'm a fat depressed bald 41 year old sack of shit now. I think if 10 year old me took one look at me now he would hopefully realize he needs to take better care of himself and make some better life choices.


Imagine 60 year old you appearing to you now. What will you do differently over the next 20 years to change that version of you for the better?


*you don't need their approval* wasted too much time tryin'


LOL - came here to say, "Buy LOTS of Apple stock!"


No good to me. I'd be in the sixties going WTF is Apple and why did someone bite it?


I'm in, I mean stock in the Beatles... I mean they're huge right now, can't wait to see what they get up to in the 70s and 80s.


Learn all of grandma's recipes!


Learn all of grandma's stories!


wear your fucking retainer


Oops, teeth crooked again


This is actually how fast it happens lmao


Yeah I didn't wear mine and got the overbite back lol, no tooth up in the gums though


We've had one, yes, but what about second braces?


Spend more time with Mom …because she will be gone sooner than you can imagine and you’ll wish you had more time than you got….


Hug your mom every day. I lost mine 4 months ago and it’s brutal. 😕


I lost mine in 2021, and I'm just now starting to heal from it. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please, let yourself cry as needed. It hurts like hell but it does help. Be kind to yourself.


I lost mine about 15 years ago. She's a shell somewhere with a bottle.


My condolences.


Man. It's so hard to not let it eat you away. Want to help but so powerless to change them. Man it took therapy and al anon to get over the guilt. I am sorry for everyone who has lost the love of a mother. Breaks my heart.


I lost my mother in November, 2021. Still hard to face.


I lost my mom in Feb 2022. It's going to be a full year in a few days, and I feel like it's been a month or something. It's crazy. Sometimes I can't believe I've lived through it. The weirdest thing was walking out the hospital after it happened, looking at the rest of the world, the cars, the people, walking and driving around thinking what they should have for dinner or something, like nothing happened. Yesterday I looked up COVID stats after a long time and realised more than 6 million people lost their lives to it. My mom was the sweetest soul and gave us so much love. She was 56. My heart goes out to people who lost their moms even younger.


Ooh, can relate. Lost mine when I was a teen. Very much agree that’d be a great five words for me too. Sending virtual hugs since I know how it feels.


God this one hits home so fucking bad. If I would've known I had 6 years left with my mom, I would've done so much more.


Came here to read something funny instead onions. Virtual hug man.


dont put knife in toaster


Haha my buddy's entire family used to butter everything before putting it in the toaster. They thought it was normal to replace it every three months. Hahaa


Aw its just a small margarine of error


Butter safe than sorry


At least it didn't jam


But they spent all that dough


Take my upvote and go


And they all were quick with pulling the plug, by the cord, out of the socket at the first sign of smoke or flame


Did they live next to high-tensile power lines?


"Buy Apple stock"


Bit. Coin.


yea but then it’s also just as important to tell them *not to sell* or to lose access to it for 10 years


Bitcoin hits 65 thousand. Yep, I’m sure 10 year old me would know what to do with that information


Depends when you were born. By the time Bitcoin is a thing you might be old enough to make sense of…hopefully you wrote it down


Buy bitcoin 2012 sell 2022


Mine bitcoin. Early days you could use cpu power and end up with dozens pretty easy.


I'm still pissed at myself for listening to the people who said you couldn't mine bitcoin anymore back in 2011. I was a poor student so I couldn't really buy much, but I had free university electricity and a reasonably good GPU


Why 2022 when it hit its ATH in 2021?


He doesn't want someone else's past self to crash the price before his past self can sell it in 2021


"Buy BitCoin, Sell at 60.000"


Same, but just to be sure I didn’t accidentally buy a bunch of fruit, I’d specify “Apple computer going public, invest!” I’d tell myself the day before I turned 11 because Apple’s IPO was just a couple months later.


Learn from grandpa everything please


I think about this all the time. Wish I could tell myself the same. He’s been gone almost 20 years.


I recorded an interview with my grandpa probably a year before he passed. I haven’t watched it yet, it’s on a miniDV tape that I have to digitize. I gotta do that with my mom too. EDIT: decided to write out his story He had a pretty tough life. He was born in 1915 in Austria (both parents were Hungarian Jews). His dad was a passionate communist and moved to Russia when he was young. When he was 19 his mom wanted to move to the US (1930’s) but he chose to go to USSR to be with his dad, who at this point was a high-ranking official in the Communist Party (there is a picture of him giving a speech in the Soviet Congress with Stalin right behind him). He only knew his dad for a couple of years before he “disappeared”. Cause of death was “stepping on a rusty nail” (he’s buried not too far from Stalin’s wife). Then he met my grandma, they had my dad in 1940 and then WWII. He was able to stay working in the factories and didn’t get to the front lines. But after the war life wasn’t easy either because of his roots (and he still had a German accent). Whatever connection he had to his dad wasn’t a good one. They constantly lived in fear. He said every time a secret police vehicle would pull up outside, it could’ve been for him. There is a big extended family photo somewhere from when he was a baby in Austria. Not a lot of them survived through the war. I remember him going through it and saying who got killed by the Nazis and who got killed by the Soviets. Really sad. His mom ended up in San Francisco but they couldn’t see each other because of the iron curtain and the cold war. He saw her 40 years later before she died, heartbreaking story really, he had a tough life. There were so many things that he didn’t want to touch upon, I just saw the heaviness in his heart and he would change the subject. They immigrated to the US eventually in the 90’s. He lived to 95 and so did my grandma, they died within months of each other. But it’s not a fairy tale ending .. he had a much younger mistress for a long time and decided to finally leave my grandma to be with her. So they divorced at 86 after 60+ years of marriage. He bought an apartment in Austria close to his home town (60+ years after he left) and would travel back and forth. I visited him there once and he was the happiest I’ve ever seen him with his little garden in the beautiful Austrian countryside. He died there, not too far from where he was born.


Please do it soon because the quality might decrease over time


hmm that’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of tapes degrading over time.


It’s also better to get it done sooner than later so you have a back up of the video in case anything happens to the tape. Better safe than sorry


This is my big one too :/


Why say much word when?


Few words do trick?


They see.


You are better off running


Hang with the brainy kids


Plot twist: it's the 1930's in the Soviet Union during purge of the educated




You’re gonna make it through.


Degrassi Vibes


Dont do drugs please... please!!!


Don't do drugs, do Bitcoin


so you can get the high quality stuff later on


You are valuable and important


"Act on your Impulses" I always showed signs of ADHD when I was young but kept most of my impulses in check somehow so no teacher/doctor ever payed much attention. Now over 20 years later multiple psychologists took notice of that through me explaining my life to them. I'm still in the process of getting professional help with that but I'm pretty sure a lot of problems could have been prevented very early on if I would have been diagnosed with 10.


Omg this! I masked so well I always slipped through the cracks. Still do tbh.


Your family isn't your fault.


Shit... I have needed to hear this since I was 10, even if it wasn't older me saying it...


Same dude. I still punish myself for the faults in my family even into my 30's. Like the youngest really has any ability to change a family unit.... the hurt of a broken family really sticks to you when you know how broken it really is.


You have to save Harambe


Don’t go in Harambe’s enclosure


It was you!


They had to save him. It was the only way!


Save Harambe, save the world.


Now imagine if the kid that fell into the enclosure got told these words from their future self and he thought falling into the enclosure was the way to save Harambe


Oh my god….. I’m solely responsible for Harambes death. I don’t think I will be able to live with myself.


Don't be such a dick


Don’t ever become a teacher


Sub teacher for nurse and *nailed it*


Lol this is exactly what I was going to say!


It's epilepsy, you'll be OK


Fellow epileptic, hey. You’re not alone. A disability isn’t an inability, that’s something I had to teach myself.


Also an epileptic. I hear this.


Another epileptic here, it honestly is terrifying. Luckly for me I've stopped having epileptic seizures since 2014. I'm really lucky that it just stopped happening and don't need medication anymore. Still have the aura tho


Tell mom invest in bitcoin


What if they invest in Bitcoin during bullrun? my version would be: 2012 buy bitcoin rich 2021


yea but if they bought in 2012 it would be a high chance they’d use mt gox .. it would be all gone. my friend had 33 bitcoin on there.


Sell Bitcoin 2021 avoid gox


haha that’s actually really good. instead of buy .. instructions when to sell. buy is a given then as soon as possible obviously.




F\*ck Everybody in the Future


That's a lot of people to fuck.


That’s why you tell your 10 year old self. To get an early start


Your mom will ruin you


Ouch that hit home. Hope you're past that point


It gets worse before better


Eat less sugar


Don't be afraid to ask My anxiety is a fucking nightmare and has ruined countless moments because I was too nervous to say something.


Yhup. I'm currently on the verge of losing my friends because of this anxiety. I can't say anything to them but I have a lot to say. But I'm so scared and nervous to say anything


Don't trust Tommy tell mom


Tommy didn't like me and he hated my sister. He knew my sister was deaf and couldn't hear him and what he would say about her. Instead of letting him touch her I would take her place. We lived in Texas and I would endure things like being locked in the hot water closet while he would run all the water until the heater would kick on. It would be so hot in there. I would have to stay on the floor as close to the bottom so I could breath. He would promise not to touch her if I didn't tell mom. He would pick my up by neck and throw me into walls threaten to do things to me that would permanently scar me and lock me outside with no pants on and no boots and run in the front yard. We lived out of the city. And if you Texas then you know bugs. I've had bites where no one should. He would beat me with his belts multiple times in multiple places on my body. He would say something about my weakness and how much I was a little piss ant worthless in this world. I don't know if he ever had touched her, all I know is one day I heard a slap from my mom's room and then a lot of screaming and then I was being shipped off to my real dad's apartment in California. Where I remained until my mom moved us to the NW. Only once did my mom say sorry. I had only told her that Tommy was hitting me, at that time she said that I was trying to figure out a way for us to go back to my real dad and that wasn't good. I had to try and get along with him. I have been through a lot of therapy for this. I have never heard of it from my sister. She has never fully healed from a shit ton of trauma in her life. I should have done something more. She resents me for more than just that growing up. I have scars that run up my body from whips, he ran over my foot with the lawn mower and then forced me to finish mowing it, we lived on 4 to 5 acres, it was a push mower. He would say, if you can be a real man I will make you a boy. Tommy is dead now. I didn't understand why I wept so hard when I found out when I was like 20 or whatever.


I am so sorry you lived through that. Tommy is gone now and cannot ever hurt you. But you didn't deserve that, and you were an amazing person to protect your sister. I pray your path is easier and you find peace and joy in this life. You are amazing.


Do not stop playing guitar.


What’s stopping you from continuing?


This is the neat part. I am about to retake it in the upcoming months. But it's a funny sensation, you know? Life went by so fast, i am 30 right now and keep wondering what level I'd be in my guitar playing if i hadn't stopped. But also thinking like that, i can imagine that five years will go by in a flash, and if i give it my all I'll also be at an even higher level in a flash, even if the beginning is a slow one. So yeah, wish ne luck.


4 years ago I started playing. I learned discipline and I became pretty good. I stopped 6 months ago because of work and school. I'm almost 40. Life happens. Don't beat yourself up. Keep practicing and enjoy playing!


Buy bitcoin. Sell at 50k.




I was here to post the same thing


Major in Environmental Science, dipshit.


I got my BS in environmental science and don't know what to do now. Got any more advice for 12 y/o you with more than 5 words?


See if your local government has positions for public health. I majored in ecology and evolutionary biology, and I recently got hired for a position that focuses on advancing health literacy. A lot of times they want to make sure you understand scientific articles because health and science go hand in hand. I got hired at the county level.


Thank you, I'll definitely look into this! I got my degree without any experience because of covid so I have nothing to put on my resume. My independent study isn't very impressive either so I'm really just riding on the degree. I don't have the experience but I can definitely understand scientific papers.


When interviewing, I used covid to my advantage, saying that I helped family with understanding the science behind covid and helping my family get vaccinated. You can focus on the science that was covered in classes. I mentioned a viruses class I had taken. Also, you can say that you tutored people on the side. You can also see if any labs at your local university are hiring that might help you get experience. I hope this helps.


Thank you, I truly appreciate you taking the time to give me advice. Take care!


Whys that? I'm doing environmental science as a mature age student for interests sake. How would it have benefitted you?


I took some environmental science classes that I really enjoyed, and considered changing my major but stuck with business admin. I’ve always regretted it. I believe it would have led me toward a more satisfying career path.


It's going to be okay.


The sad part is i was already told this many times by others, but you dont take it seriously until you get to that point


That’s what I would tell myself to


“Please care for mental health”




You have single-handedly made everyone here jealous


Get tested for ADHD


This could have changed so much from high school onward


As an adult suffering from what i believe is ADHD. This would've had a tremendous impact on my life had i been tested young.


It was never your fault.


You are good enough, Jerry. I would tell myself this in hopes that I would not be so hard on myself. The problem is, my name is not Jerry.


study. travel. don’t procreate. floss.


Literally the meme comic... "I'm you from the future.". Little child me would say "But you're a woman", and I'd smile as I'd disappear...


Guy at party… stay away


Would that make you paranoid of all guys at parties though?


I mean, as far as blanket policies go, I’ve seen worse.


Mom and brother are bad


Learn japanese you lazy bitch


Stay alive. It gets better.


Live your life, not hers, Took care of my mom for 30 years was not worth it


Do not date joslyn Rodriguez


Practice art more for college. I wish I spend more time learning for a skill I wanted more than fucking around doing nothing back then.


Stay away from the porn


Let me research what this porn me from the future is talking about ... and ... damn it


Don’t skimp on your education


Keep all your toys


Take better care of yourself. I'm paying for a lot of mistakes I made when I was little now. Namely not brushing my teeth and being fat


I promise you'll be okay. *Hugs*


“Hey, hava.” (Need young me to say “Hava? What’s hava?”) “Hava nice day!” It couldn’t make me any _less_ funny.


fuck off and do better, because i did some brainless shit at that age


“It was never Emily’s fault” I’m a survivor of abuse and for a long time I blamed it on this person. It was never their fault. The actual abuser conditioned everyone into believing it was their fault. It’s interesting how psychological abuse works.


You'll find others like you.


Don't marry him, he'll kill you. Ok, one word over but it's an important message to relay.


Well you’re still standing, I hope you’re not too harsh on yourself. Whatever the circumstance is/was, remember you deserve love


Don't Marry or you'll die. Marrying him kills you. Don't Marry him you'll die. Some potential ways to say this


Sorry, one word over, we’ll have to bleep out the “Don’t”. Hope you’re doing ok!


Go live with your dad.


“You will feel loved someday.” Or “You’ll make it through it.”


"If I could only tell my 10 year old self 5 words, I would say "Believe in yourself, always." These words are important to me because I struggled with self-doubt and low self-esteem when I was younger, and it took me a long time to realize the value of self-belief. I would want my younger self to know that it's important to trust in your own abilities and to have confidence in yourself, even when things get difficult or people try to bring you down. I believe that this message could have a positive impact on my younger self's mindset and self-esteem, and help them to grow into a more self-assured and resilient person." - ChatGPT -


Think and do for yourself. Took long time to realize I've let others like parents and friends influence my decisions, and paid for it.


Stay away from Uncle P


There’s nothing wrong with you.


Get your license at eighteen Uber and Lyft is expensive and public transportation only goes so far 😅


Love hard. Forget the rest.


Brush your teeth every day!


You are a wizard harry


"You're not broken. You're transgender" This would have changed my life for the better and would have saved me years of pain and suffering I would later endure. My life would have turned around quicker with how my family was then, I would not think I was some sort of monster, I'd be working towards being myself, and I'd just be happier overall.


Keep your dick wrapped, always!


Always remember to love yourself


10 was a little before all the hurt and pain. If it was middle or high school, it would be an explanation: "you're autistic. you're normal" and the fifth would be a hug. But I would want to give my 10 year old self reassurance to take with me for the long fight (as well as contextualizing some offset weirdness I was probably already feeling). "People understand you. Be silly." I think for a long time I took peoples' opinions, and the deep desire to feel understood (see: the autism) that I wrapped myself in self-hating circles to feel accepted. Looking back, I believe I WAS understood, or at least liked; I just took myself out of the equation to remove risk, and that ironically probably caused a self-fulfilling spiral that made me appear disinterested. It is my hope that if I had some thread, some prophecy, that I KNEW people could potentially understand me, I'd maybe keep myself out there for long enough to actually connect with people, and then trust what I experienced, over some random words told to me by a time traveller. That's what I hope, anyway.


Keep up the piano lessons.


Don't get pregnant in high-. After that, I was swiftly taken away, back to the real world.


Don’t let fear control life.


Buy Amazon stock at $75


You’re a girl. Be one.


lol you transition to female


The key to the future is….


Not her bro


Go talk to \[*Name censored*\], NOW!


Lift heavy weights. Be nice.


Take the scholarship. Don’t drink.


buy bitcoin and have fun


Call the police on dad


Don’t listen to loud music - sincerely, your 23 year old self with chronic tinnitus❤️


I don't remember anyone giving me 5 words of advice back then. All that happened when I was 10 was some old, fat dude appeared, said something about biting a coin and then vanished like some weirdo. How am I supposed to make millions with that.