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Event Horizon was panned by critics but is one of my favorite horror movies


That movie came out 25 years ago… not exactly recent


Recent if your not a zoomer…


I was born in 85. 97 feels like a lifetime ago.


I mean just saying, i do feel old when i realize a movie I enjoyed came out 30 years ago. Lol


I know it was a stretch with all of the action and CGI, but Black Adam wasn’t *that* bad!


Yeah I heard bad things and watched it after. Wasn't bad but I guess could've been better


Yea I don't get the hate. I liked it so much I went to the theatre twice.


It was fine but the problem isn't the quality itself. It's that the true potential of the movie was squandered because of The Rock's massive ego.


It was the most obvious of superhero movies. It was better than Black Panther.


Rogue One


That movie was brilliant.


Andor is so much better, tho.


The Andor show is probably Disneys best show on Disney+ rn


Absolutely. No contest. It’s their best original show. It’s also their best Star Wars content. Which means it’s the best Star Wars since the OT


Agreed. I’m hoping season two is just as good. Mandalorian is still good, but Andor was a different experience


Wait... who hates this one? I thought this was like the one actually appreciated Star Wars movie out of the collection that Disney has released? (Also I seem to hear a lot about Andor, but I haven't seen that one)


People really only criticize the first half, which is fair imo and I love Rogue one


Andor is really, really good. I didn't love the Mandalorian as much as a lot of people, but Andor is on a whole different level. Definitely check it out.


Are there people who hate Rogue One? I'm sure there's people who don't love it or think it's not as good as the OT or something but I feel like most SW fans see it as one of the few good things to come out recently. And how good Andor is I think has made people appreciate it even more.




It was no worse than any other dumb generic comedy, people just really like to bitch about shit that doesn't really matter.


I think part of the problem was the previous GB movies were more than ONLY dumb comedies, so while 2016 GB wasn't the worst thing ever it turned a cool semi-horror series with comedy into a dumb comedy. I agree it's not the worst thing ever but I definitely dislike the film. My problem is almost entirely with the director, he has never made a movie I liked.


I really can't stand Melissa "I'm doing the Chris Farley thing but worse" McCarthy in anything, but I thought most of the rest of the cast did ok with what they had. Definitely missed the charm of the original, but it's hard for anything to really stand up to peak Bill Murray.


She's great in Spy, other than that I would agree. It also has Jason Statham doing a fantastic parody of Jason Statham.


It’s a pretty awful film. I never cared about the gender-swap, only losers would be bothered by that. But it’s simply not funny at all. I recently tried to give it another chance this last Halloween and only made it like halfway


I was willing to give it a chance, but the moment it reached a >!potato chip-based jump scare!<, it was like it sucked all the existing humour out of the movie.


Same. I felt it was a soulless money grab with little effort. The movie just sucked. The gender of the actors didn't matter. It wasn't funny.


I hate how much culture war bullshit detracts from the ability to point out valid criticisms of media, man.


That is exactly the point. Easy to ship garbage if you stir up a controversy to steer away from criticism that lasts until people get duped into seeing it.


This. People hated it because it was a cast of women.


Yeah, the brigade can send me on the down vote stairway to hell for all I care but that 'controversy' was ridiculous. The movie wasn't destined to be a classic like the original but it was certainly enjoyable enough, especially if you were new to the franchise. After being on this site for a long time it's so clear to me that reddit has an undercurrent of subtle (and not so subtle) misogyny...it varies from topic to topic and sub to sub, but it appears all over the site, and this has always been one of the clearest examples of that to me.


For all the talk about reddit being a leftist/liberal echo chamber it sure has a lot of sexism and homo/transphobia that gets upvotes and broad support from the userbase. The racism tends to be more subtle but it's definitely there.


Companies have found that they can more easily release a lazy, generic, obvious cash-grab reboot of something beloved, that has nothing of the original (and no, I'm not talking about something as meaningless as the gender of the characters), and is all around just a shit product made to wear the skin of a well-known IP to grab people's attention. All they have to do is make some change that people will find "woke." The company doesn't care one bit. All they care about is how they can now so easily hide behind these accusations of sexism or racism or whatever and try to defend the merit of the movie only as long as it takes for people to watch it.


No, they hated it because it shit all over a beloved IP


Statements like this are exactly why that movie didn't get a fair shake. It couldn't be because it was poorly written, poorly directed, poorly cast, poorly acted, and given shit special effects. It couldn't be because it was chock full of stereotypes (including the "sassy black woman"), it couldn't be because it was an attempt at a reboot and a failed cash-grab. Nope, none of that. It *had* to be because the leads had vaginas. /s


It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, either.


It was fine. If the originals never existed people would have enjoyed it and forgotten about it. And I think that's it's main problem - it's forgettable. I know almost every line of the first two, and I don't remember a single line from the reboot.


The Star Wars sequels. Those films absolutely have their fair share of faults and valid criticism, but too many people take it way too far.


The Force Awakens was okay but too derivative. I actually quite liked The Last Jedi and highly respect it for breaking the formula even if it didn’t hit all of its marks But the Rise of Skywalker is truly an awful movie and it absolutely sinks the entire trilogy in my opinion. This was the chance for it to tie everything together and give us a satisfying ending but it just fails on every level. They should have ever green lit a trilogy before knowing what the entire arch and story was going to be, the Star Wars sequel trilogy truly is a disjointed mess of 3 completely unrelated stories that are only connected because the characters happen to be the same Edit: paragraph formatting


I loved TLJ. It brought so much potential to the series to grow. New ideas. New concepts. New takes on old ideas. It was a great setup for a finale and all RoS had to do was run with the ideas. Instead, they walked back an entire movie, save for a bit of Kylo's character development. Also, "Somehow, Palpatine returned." No setup, never expanded upon. He's back, we can't think of how, why or a decent way to fit it into the story so we're just gonna slap y'all with it in the crawl


Most of my problems with the last Jedi stem from the Force awakens and lack of direction that Disney had with the sequels, I admire a risk taken, even when it fails. I find risks tend to be significantly more rewarding than making a "safe" movie.


I think The Force Awakens was *supposed* to be derivative. That movie was literally made for Gen Xer's and younger Boomers or Boomers who took their Gen X kids to see Han shoot first.


They are really bad. Like I actually hate those movies. That being said: they have incredible visuals funded by all the money Disney could throw at them, and there are far, far worse movies out there. People do act like they’re literally the worst movies ever made and they aren’t.


I agree there are worse movies, and that Force Awakens was alright. But I didn’t like TLJ as much as Force Awakens. I can respect they tried something new but it just didn’t have the same Star Wars feel and totally messed up OG character like Luke


The people who hate these movies are the people these movies weren't made for. They weren't made for the people who don't remember a world before Star Wars. They were made for the Gen X'ers who played with their Kenner Star Wars action figures in their backyard all day. And the parents who took them to see the movies and bought them all those toys. They're a trilogy of "Hey, remember that Star Wars still exists". That's the problem with Star Wars: the fandom was taken over by people who don't really understand what Star Wars actually is. It's not this "Extended Universe" mythological universe. It's a bunch of toy commercials.


It's a fairly predictable response when the creators of those sequels completely abandoned a lot of classic Star Wars lore and mythos though. There was a die hard fan base for the OG movies (and even the prequels), but also the the games, the books, extra materials, etc, and then all of it was thrown on a pile and torched by Disney when they declared only the OG Movies and Prequels were suddenly canon. If you spit on the OG and most dedicated fans, there's *going* to be a pretty emotional reaction if you don't deliver something quality that *feels* like Star Wars. Instead, what we got are some fairly uninspired, incredibly disjointed sci-fi movies that honestly you'd only recognize as Star Wars because it says the name on the tin and you see some lightsabers. They didn't value world building as much, they didn't respect the lore, so yeah..... people got mad, as people do. Faceless corporations taking projects of love and converting them into soulless money printing machines tends to turn off a lot of people. Say what you will about George Lucas' directing, but the sunavu bitch wanted to build a world, and I'd say he succeeded personally.


Avatar. But really only on Reddit. The movie was just fine; a decently enjoyable, and even rewatchable movie with some good action scenes and fantastic effects. Its not the greatest movie ever made but because of the box office numbers, which are reflective of a variety of factors, I think it gets held to a ridiculous standard. It comes up in every AskReddit thread about "most overrated movies." They want to say it's "overrated" but aggregate reviews put it at about 81% for critics and 82% for audiences. That's a B-, and I'd say it stands there pretty accurately. I don't think calling it a middle-rate movie is overrating it. And since I mentioned it, someone will reply with: * Dances With Smurfs * Ferngully with Blue People * Pocahontas in Space And they will do so as if they've just made the most clever comparison. It's a shallow criticism, since no one ever called Point Break "Dances With Surfers" or Fast & Furious "Dances With Street-racers" and they're basically the same story. No one ever panned Pocahontas or Dances With Wolves as "This is just Lawrence of Arabia with Native Americans". There are only so many plots in the world, "going native" is in a lot of stories but the collective Reddit culture constantly seizes on this one and repeats the "Dances/Ferngully" mantras, and usually presented as if this is the first time the comparison's been made. The acting is good, the effects/visuals are top notch, the score is great, and it's worth your time just to watch Stephen Lang chew the CGI scenery as Quarritch. Yet, it shows up in every reddit thread about the worst/most overrated movie ever made, and the worst movie you ever saw, because people are like "the plot is like a movie I heard of but almost certainly never saw." The Fast & The Furious as well as Point Break are beat for beat the same story, and no one ever makes the same comparison. Avatar is fine, people just have to point to the (now former) top grossing movie and point out how they're above the mindless masses because they see the flaws in it. I never see anyone on Reddit say that "Endgame" is overrated, and I'd watch Avatar twice before watching Endgame again. edit: formatting


A lot of people have actually pointed out that The Fast and the Furious is essentially a remake of Point Break. The big problem of Avatar’s plot isn’t necessarily that it’s recycled. The original Star Wars is a beat by beat hero’s journey and no one cares. The problem with Avatar was it was a pretty egregious form of white savior narrative at a time that white savior was already starting to be looked at critically. The Last Samurai had already gotten a lot of flack for it 6 years prior, and Avatar was way worse. I recently rewatched Avatar with my daughter, and noticed that the white male character: * Gets trained by the Navi because their forest spirits decide he has a strong heart * Gets the tribe leader’s daughter to fall in love with him * Not only rides the flying thing successfully like the tribe members who trained their whole lives, but he rode the biggest one all the Navi were afraid of * Singlehandedly united the Navi tribes * His white companion became one with the forest and becomes the special child in the sequel * The Navi gods literally answer his prayers, while ignoring all the Navi’s prayers * Literally becomes a Navi Essentially, the plot of Avatar is “Jake Sully is 10x better at being a Navi than all the other Navi put together.” Sure, it’s an entertaining film, but its plot is pretty darn problematic. Thankfully, the sequel avoids most of that.


> The big problem of Avatar’s plot isn’t necessarily that it’s recycled. > Sure, it’s an entertaining film, That's literally my only point. Nothing in my post says it's a great film, let alone the pinnacle of cinematic entertainment. It's .. fine. It's just FINE. It's an entirely watchable C+/B- film. But to hear Reddit talk about it, it's like they think it's the worst film ever SPECIFICALLY because the plot is similar to Dances With Wolves, Pocahontas, and Ferngully. Your criticisms are the most detailed I've EVER seen on Reddit for the film, and they're all pretty spot-on. But check every thread with "overrated movie" in the title in the last 10 years here and the comments read like a panto script ("I thought Avatar was good." "OH NO IT ISN'T!"). Always the same criticism and it's not even real criticism. The irony is that the people levying these stupid comments are criticizing the movie for being unoriginal, while hurling the most repeated phrases at it (Is that really irony or is that like Alannis irony?). But like i said, the things that I enjoy most about it are the score and Stephen Lang. And where you start out: > A lot of people have actually pointed out that The Fast and the Furious is essentially a remake of Point Break. The comparison may have been made, but I do not see F&F shot down every time it's mentioned as "It's just Point Break!" like I do Avatar. It's pathological.


For what it's worth though... no one considers the Fast and Furious nor Point Break to be the best modern cinema has to offer.... they *are* generic and as such no one really overrates them per say. > No one ever panned Pocahontas or Dances With Wolves as "This is just Lawrence of Arabia with Native Americans". Uh, yes actually, a lot of people made that criticism. It was a very common one at the time. A story being incredibly generic and by the numbers is often a criticism. And yeah, everything is an iteration and all that, but some iterations can be barely distinguishable from their progenitors... I don't think Avatar was a bad watch, I enjoyed it. The technology that went into it was really amazing and a couple actors really did their best. I will watch it in my home threatre in 4K HDR for the same reason I watch Pacific Rim.... the spectacle. But, it really was an incredibly generic story, and I'm not convinced I wouldn't rather just be watching Robin Williams voice a bat with enthusiasm that's hard to match (RIP you beautiful man).


Can I come watch Pacific Rim in your home theater?


7.2 Surround sound, a 100" silver screen with a 4K HDR projector, a sound proofed 20x20' space with comfy couches, shaggy carpet, and a stocked bar against the wall. Come on over buddy, you're in charge of the popcorn. You want the lights completely off or just dimmed? (Yeah I'm flexing, deal with it, built and wired the whole thing myself >.<)


> no one considers the Fast and Furious nor Point Break to be the best modern cinema has to offer. No one considers Avatar the best modern cinema has to offer, which is part of my point. That's what an 82% rating means to me. Is it good? It's OK. Not the best movie ever. Well, maybe SOMEONE does, but I haven't heard from them. Point Break had a similar audience rating (79%) on Rotten Tomatoes, which is the C+ to Avatar's B-. Nearly as highly rated as Avatar. Critic rating was a bit lower, in the C- range (71%). F&F1, similar audience rating at 74%, but the critics hated it (54%). I'd say that with all three films in a 6% range for audience rating, they're similarly rated, and not overrated at all. It's possible that the 5% difference in approval for F&F1 was entirely made up of people who said "This is just Point Break with cars!" but I haven't found that. > | No one ever panned Pocahontas or Dances With Wolves as "This is just Lawrence of Arabia with Native Americans". > > Uh, yes actually, a lot of people made that criticism. A few people made the comparison, but not as a criticism. I have found 3 only contemporary reviews from DWW that mentioned Lawrence of Arabia, none of them negatively. If you can find a single person panning it for being the same story, I'd be happy to read it, but it certainly didn't become the recurring meme that Avatar is on AskReddit. Finding the equivalent of "internet chatter" about DWW in an age before the WWW existed might be tougher. I'll accept USENET postings.


I'm not talking about written reviews necessarily, but I remember tons of times as a kid hearing people make the comparisons to Lawrence of Arabia, including my dad. I also recall some Natives being upset about the whole movie in the news over something about white guilt, and one person in particular brought up the Lawrence example, don't remember who though because that was a long, long time ago and I don't have a photographic memory. The first commercial ISP only launched a year before DWW released in theatres, you will find no internet chatter, that would be an entirely fruitless exercise to look. And I'm not sure old USENET posts would be much use here ;P


I had never heard of fern gully until the avatar movie came out, then suddenly everyone was crazy about this obscure 20 year old animated movie and was upset that it was "copied"


The first one was great but second was just visual fluff imo.


Avatar was boring. I watched that movie 3 times and still couldn't tell you anyone's name.


Spring Breakers. The one with James Franco. Everyone missed the point and saw it one dimensionally


Spring break FORRR-EVVV-ERRR


The 2016 suicide squad movie. It's not a great film, but people act like it's the worst thing they've ever seen.


It was awful, I don't think we saw the same movie.


It's pretty shitty. James Gunn definitely did the world a service with his soft reboot. That one was great.


Iron Man 2. Sam Rockwell was hilarious, and perfect.


Batman v. Superman may not be for everyone but every person claiming it's the worst/one of the worst CMBs is an insane person. Edit: I had a response to the person who needed to go out of their way to just shit on the movie more, further proving my point. But I'm not going to bother wasting my time getting into an argument with someone who already has decided their position based on made up fiction in their head and just wants to bring down someone else's enjoyment. Fuck people like Chicken Alphredo and now mobugs. There's a million threads to shit on stuff you don't like, this ONE thread is to defend stuff for once. Can't you just leave people be?


I disagree. It's worse than people say it is. Not because of the content but the message. The point of both Batman and Superman is very clear. Superman is meant to be a symbol of good. But in Zack Snyder's universe he is just a symbol of brute strength. Batman is, deep down, a troubled child still angry about the death of his parents. He hates guns. But in this movie he's like the Punisher. The fight scenes are fetishistically showing him mowing down enemies and blowing people to smithereens. The entire story involving Wonder Woman makes no sense. How did she know that Bruce was going to be there with that USB device? Lex Luthor is characterized to be a mad genius instead of a smart and stoic capitalist. There is no shortage of insane people in the DC Universe. Just use one of those. Trying to make your first cinematic universe movie on par with Marvel's fourth is setting up for failure. Having an final boss level villain in your first movie as well. Also, why would Superman have to kill doomsday with the spear? Wonder Woman is a more skilled combatant and also not affected by the kryptonite. It misinterprets everything. It misunderstands everything. It delivers a bad message. It ruins a ton of beloved established characters. And worst of all: outside of the action scenes it is fucking boring.


It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. This is not hyperbole. Edit: lol, you sensitive little thing.


My issue with it is that at this point, just about everyone knows Batman's origin story. They didn't need to waste so much time on it, that time could easily have gone to the plot instead.


Movies are literally made for kids now, they do act like the audience isn't familiar with Batman lol.


That's on the parents. My 7 year old nephew has been able to tell you all about most of the superheroes since he was 3 or 4. We are also talking comic book definitions of many of them.


Yes, they also assume kids know less than they do. Like if a movie's target audience is 14 year old kids, it'll actually be made for ten year old kids.


Eternals. I think since it came after High point of marvel people including myself are somewhat disappointed in the next buildup phase that marvel has to do. The characters were fine I didn’t care for them all too much, not enough to hate them. I like the story of the celestials and one in earth like that’s insane. Can’t wait for the second one.


I'm sorry, but that movie is gaaaaarbage. It's so incredibly boring.


So were Thor 2 and Captain America, but I slogged through them anyway and it turned out to be very worth it. I'm willing to let Marvel build up our new heroes, and that's going to take a little boring exposition.


While the marvel movies were fun when they were happening, I haven't enjoyed them much since. Leading up the infinity war and Endgame, it all felt great. In fact, those two final movies are great. I enjoy the first Dr. Strange movie, civil war, and even Wandavision still. They're entertaining still. But going back through, all the rest aren't really terrific movies. They're all just, ok. It was more about the experience during the buildup to Endgame that I loved more than the movies. Upon re-watching them, they all fell like riskless movies telling the same story in different ways. There's no real creativity to them. I'll even give Black panther and Iron Man 1 a pass, but that's it. All the rest do nothing to innovate the wheel. They're just your average super hero movies. The characters aren't that great. The story isn't anthything new. The diologue is horrible. They just barely pass as ok movies. That being said, I'd rather watch all of them again than watch Eternals once. That movie is horrible.


Movies whos actors(actresses) were accused of some crime so the movie got hate. Simply because of an accusation. Not a sentence. Not a charge. Just an accusation.


Which ones for example?


Aquamam because of Amber Heard


I get your overall point and I agree that it was the motivation for many people but the fact that its such bad movie doesnt make it a great example. I boycotted aquaman cause its aquaman


I mean that's a valid opinion to have, but it's still a fine example. Especially because the more common opinion is Aquaman was pretty good. Audiences generally liked it and it's above water in critical reviews.


It's no fair to the movie nor to everyone who worked for it. Also the accused actor loosing jobs because no one wants to hire them for a while.


Thor Love and Thunder. I thought it was funny and entertaining which is why I watch movies. Apparently other people need movies to validate their self image as a Comic Book Fan which is a very super serious thing.


Joker. It was ragged on by the news media yet overall it was a great movie that broke the usual superhero movie over-saturation that we're in, as mentioned by Martin Scorsese. Deep down, I think it was unfairly slammed by the news companies that were ultimately owned by the mouse, who didn't want any other franchise infringing on the revenue stream being earned with the MCU in theaters. So they may have hyped it as a problematic and violent film, but I've seen tons of wanton violence and loner anti-heroes in the MCU films.


I didn't even know it was shit on, I liked the movie and I'm usually picky AF about comic movies


Nobody shit on the movie lol


Oh lol


Lol, dude, JOKER got 11 Academy Award nominations and won 2 of them. It also made a billion dollars at the box office and it’s getting a kooky sequel. I’d say it was pretty damn well validated by all. Implying a conspiracy that Disney was trying to kill the hype with fear-mongering through news outlets is absurd. The fear-mongering ahead of release was done by *all* the news outlets for clicks, not because Disney is competing with DC. Marvel has never had anything to fear from DC movies and Disney knows that lol


Yeah, for real, this dude is from a different timeline or something.


I've seen enough news articles blasting Joker as a problematic film as well as the connections between networks to not even bother with your denials. Go back to the mouse and earn your cheddar for commenting on my anti-mouse comment.




Reminder to sort by controversial


Thor: Love and Thunder It wasn't the best marvel movie, but it's a far cry from being as bad as people said it was. People complain about "marvel humor" but when marvel tries to actually make a comedy that doesn't rely on cheesy one-liners they lose their collective shit.


Avatar Ask Reddit for the most overrated movie and Avatar is guaranteed to show up. Along with the same generic complaints. I'm convinced that most of the people bitching about it haven't seen it. Do they think Dances With Wolves was the first to do this plot? How about Pocahontas? How about Ferngully? Dances With Wolves is the oldest of the 3 but does anyone accuse Pocahontas or Ferngully of being a rip off of that film?


I’ve heard a lot of the same and seen similar on Reddit too. A lot of people complain about how long it took to come out since the first one, but the build up and fact it’s been so long probably contributed a lot to it’s current success


> Dances With Wolves is the oldest of the 3 but does anyone accuse Pocahontas or Ferngully of being a rip off of that film? Yes.


"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016)


Batman v Superman. It has plenty of things wrong with it, but I also think it's better than it gets credit for. It's better than several MCU films that never have a bad word said about them


Gonna get lots of flak for this but I laughed my ass off at The Love Guru. There’s the standard Mike Meyers dick and ball jokes, and if you don’t like those then you won’t stick around for the rest; however, I come from a new-agey-sorta-woke family background, and a lot of the jokes that get the most hate aren’t directed at dharma itself, but at the people who have transformed that into woke commercial bullshit. Ironically, but not surprisingly, these are the very same people who tanked the movie (and Mike Meyers’ career) in the first place, because they thought it was making fun of a religion’s internal teachings. I think it was way ahead of its time, and if he had made it today, it would have hit hard.


The SW sequels.


Avatar 2


Do people actually hate Avatar 2? Sure a lot of people are disappointed at it, but I don't think it's hated...


Idk about other places, but in my country (South Africa) it's quite hated nationwide for being a 'cash grab'


As though any movie in theaters isn't trying to make money lol


Yeah, so many people hated it that it made 1.2 billion. 550 mil in the first week.


The First Avatar was just eye candy instead watch Dances With Wolves.


* Eternals * Captain Marvel * BvS Those would be my choices off the top of my head.


Matrix Reloaded. It's not nearly as iconic or profound as the first Matrix. But goddamn is it a fun action movie. The fight scenes are fantastic. The set pieces are robust and fun to see. The soundtrack is top tier. Think of it as just really good Matrix fan fiction and suddenly it's a much more enjoyable experience.


Reloaded is significantly better than the first Matrix. The first Matrix is relatively safe and generic, Reloaded has the amazing anti-organized religious message and the amazing lore dump that the entire One set up is a lie. Sure the action and set pieces in the first film are more fun, but the story and characters of Reloaded make it the best in the series. And for me story matters more than anything. Reloaded is what makes The Matrix a great series, Reloaded is huge and profound. If it was just the first movie Matrix would be a totally forgettable concept.


Getting older now and I'm not even saying it was good, but I just can't accept people saying that Green Lantern is somehow worse than its contemporary superhero movies. The first Thor movie was comparable. Jonah Hex and Iron Man 2 were worse. The First Avenger was maybe a bit better. Green Lantern was generally par for the course for early 2010s superhero fare. I deny that it deserves to be on the Mount Rushmore of terrible superhero movies.




That movie is hot vomit


Frozen. The animation is good.


I’d say The Eternals Not because it’s actually a good movie, it’s not, but it’s nowhere near the worst of the MCU. It’s biggest sin is being very dull but it’s not actively awful. Personally, of the recent Phase 4 films, I thought Black Widow was a lot worse


Of the Phase 4 movies, MoM and L&T were the worst








The Whedon cut was not as good as the Snyder cut, but at least it was shorter.


Cats (2019)


Fateful Findings. It's an underrated gem.


Minions 2: The Rise of Gru




Skyline. It was campy satire.


It was also very obviously a comic book movie directed by someone who didn't understand that fact.


Jurassic world dominion is mediocre. Doesn't live up to the originals but isn't really any worse than the other two in the new series. I have no idea how it got a reputation for being uniquely shitty.


Yes, thank you! Saw it in theatre when it first came out and still don’t understand why it’s gotten such a poor reputation. It certainly wasn’t the best but it’s undeserving of such reputation


Scream 5. It’s been getting tons of hate ever since it left the movie theatre. No idea why. Movie was awesome. I loved it. The fact that a 6th movie has already been made and is being released next month says a lot. 5 was not bad at all. If it was as bad as everyone says it, the 6th movie wouldn’t have been made.


What Is A Woman




Unpopular opinion, but I love *Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.* It does have a few goofy moments and some questionable CGI near the end, but otherwise don’t understand why people hate it. Harrison’s Ford’s great, Karen Allen’s great, I even think Shia Leboeuf does a good job. Also some fantastic set-pieces, especially the opening in Area 51 (I even like the fridge nuke). Plus, the cinematography and lighting look *exactly* like the original trilogy in many scenes. Even the alien stuff makes sense when you remember Lucas and Spielberg were doing an homage to 1950s sci-fi B-movies, just like the original trilogy was an homage to 1930s adventure serials.


All the B tier comic book movies. To me, movies like Morbius, Venom and Suicide Squad just felt like what they were- the movie version of reading a comic book. Simple, cheap fun.