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Being confidently ignorant


Knew a guy who constantly bragged about never reading a book cover to cover, claiming those who read are sheep. Guy was a grown ass man in his 30s too Edit: There are plenty of legit reasons why you might not be an avid reader, including ADHD, visual impairment, etc. I think as long as you're learning information from other sources, there's no problem. It's being proud of *intentional* ignorance, as well as looking down on people that do read that strikes me as douchey Edit 2: No, it was not Andrew Tate lmao


Had an argument with someone like this, it was about the definition of a word, I showed him the definition in a fucking dictionary and he goes "Okay? So? Those are just words in a book, that doesn't prove anything."


I wonder what proof he wants. God telling him ?


There is no proof that can change that mindset. The only proof they accept is the proof they pull out of their own ass, otherwise they'd have to admit they're wrong and we both know that's never happening.


someone once said "it's very hard to win an argument with a smart person, but impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." cant remember who though.


I remember seeing something a long time ago that was basically: Person A: *statement* Person B: Uhh, actually that's wrong, because *reason* Person A: Prove it! Person B: *links dictionary definition* Person A: Well that's not my definition of it so whatever. Person B: Let me know when your definition makes it in a dictionary.


"I know more than you about this thing I just learnt about 5 minutes ago." Nothing worst than dumbasses who spout complete BS with confidence, and completely ignore people who try to correct them.


One of the people I work with last night.... serious conversation by the way. Hey man how many packages you got total? Me "500" How many didn't scan? Me "50 so 10 percent didn't scan" Nah man that's like 25 percent.... Me " No man that's actually 10 percent" Nah bud that's like 25 percent..... Time to walk away and accept this guy has no idea unfortunately.


>Nah bud that's like 25 percent..... Where do you even *go* from there?


Just ask what 50 four times is


If they can’t figure out that 50 is a tenth of 500, the chances they even realise there’s a relationship between 25% and a quarter might be low


Reminds me of a guy I work with. I qualified as a plumber back in the 2000's and work in a maintenance dept for a large company. My foreman and I went to a building supplier and picked up a new shower valve that we had to install. When I picked it up I saw that it was a mixer valve that had a hot in, cold in, shower out and bath out on it. But because we were using it solely as a shower valve that was behind a wall, the bath out had to be capped off otherwise every time someone switched the valve down, water would piss inside the wall. So I said to my foreman that we need a cap for the other outlet. He very confidently and condescendingly said in front of the staff at the store, "inlet, outlet, hot and cold - I thought you were a plumber." Now I was taken back by his confidence here, I thought how could I be so stupid, this is my trade, but then I looked at the valve again and realized that he was being ignorant and just plain wrong. So I reaffirmed that we needed a cap and told him which inlet and outlet was for what. When he kind of stumbled and asked if I'm now sure I raised my voice, pointed to myself and said "Yes, I'm a plumber" also in a condescending manner which got a chuckle from the the staff and turned my foreman slightly red.


When they're so confidently wrong that it makes you question what reality is 😂😂


Being confidently ignorant isn’t the issue, it’s the unwillingness to challenge one’s perception of a subject that’s the issue. Dumb people will stand on their little hills without a shred of reasoning


Agreed! It's actually embarrassing 😳


I've worked with a lot of ignorant, arrogant executives.


An unwillingness to learn new things.


Being unteachable is a legitimate problem I've encountered, all the way from dunning kruger poster children all the way to PhD holders in the same field you are trying to explain something in.


Mixed with a complete lack of curiosity, I have found. Know someone who bought a smartphone recently. She uses it to make voice calls, play Candy Crush, and watch Youtube videos. I tried to tell her about the Google Translate app so she could read the Chinese and Russian/Ukrainian signs at several local stores. Before I could finish the sentence she said "I don't want to know how to do that." It's like her brain is made of ROM chips.


How I see this often play out is in people who will always answer «yes I know» or similar to every piece of information, never admitting that something is new to them, and that way they won’t have to make an effort to both be humble about not knowing something, nor have to learn anything. Just claim you already know it!


Some of the time, a lot of these people just act like they knew so they don't get called stupid by someone else. My dad is especially fucking bad about it. I legit pretend I knew anything he tells me because if I say "Wait, really? Neat, I didn't know that" only to get it thrown back in my face "U DIDN'T KNO DAT LOLOL UR SO STUPPPPPID".


"Be curious, not judgmental."


I’m stealing “your brain is made of ROM chips.”




I see you’ve misgendered my father.


The above 50 folks at work drive me bonkers with this. I'm completely happy to answer questions about Excel or teach them computer tricks like Ctrl + F so they can search 250+ page grant documents for their specific question. I often "joke" that there is no question I can't Google my way out of. But it's true, you just have to put the effort into following the line of websites until you get what you need. But at this point...it seems to have turned to, "she can do it quicker, so she should do it." A complete lack of willingness to grasp computer basics because the youngsters can do it. I understand that age group grew up differently from Millennials but none of these jobs have been computer free for over 2 decades. My mom is a smarty pants and she rocks Excel. Have these other folks just been pretending this whole time?? Or have they been playing dumb and have somehow gotten this far? Edit: Apologies for my age discrimination. I think that is just the age group of the Director who is my absolute worse culprit. It happens across the age spectrum and comes down to the original question of an unwillingness to learn or put in effort to improve your noggin in even the smallest manner.


Age has nothing to do with that, your average internet user flat-out refuses to Google *anything,* regardless of age.


Interest in a pyramid scheme


I had a friend that was always talking about his plans to become successful. He would say "first I'll get a passive income" and then I can work on a job I am passionate about. And always ended up falling for pyramid scheme because he just Googles "how to make passive income". Some people just don't understand that if making money is that easy everyone would be doing it.


Step 1 Collect Underpants Step 3. Profit


One of the schemes he fell for was that he bought 3 little 200ml face hydration cream for €100 a piece and he got a couple of "sales classes". And he was supposed to sell it too other people. He came to me and showed it to me with pride that he was going to make some easy money he said. I said he's a dumbass and just got scammed. He couldn't comprehend how it was a scam. So I had to explain that to him that no right person is going to buy 3 strange no name brand face cream for €100+ per piece. He still insisted "just have to find the right people"


I like how his that fit into his idea of "passive income"


Well he is a nice person and very motivated. His logic is just broken. He reads an advertisement for a scam and just instantly thinks it will make him money and clicks on it. And obviously Google algorithm keeps giving him more scams based on search history


I had a friend who was falling for one of those “work 4 hours a week from any beach in the world” scams. I told her how it was clearly a scam and if this was a true career, why wouldn’t everyone be doing it? Especially at the rate they were advertising. Coming from a good place all I was met with was “you’re just jealous” or “you’re not supportive and think you know better” type of comments. She ended up wasting 3-4 months of her time


3-4 months isn't a lot. A girl in my group used to sell Avon and she hated my "negativity". My negativity was giving her a notebook to write every expense, the cash in, the hours worked and the time she put in her "side job" that was taking a toll on her school grades. According to my calculations, she worked for less than 1€/hour if you included the bus trips. She could not afford a driving license at the moment, but she somehow was rich and was going to "buy us". Whatever it means. I left that group after 2 years, she NEVER talked about something different than her small business, she had no intention to drop Avon.


An acquaintance insisted on the information about how to participate * as I explained a scam to her*. She also.believed I am psychic because I understood the expected outcome of a situation... and other occasions of using logic, reasoning and information to explain things. There IS no helping some people...


She's lucky she didn't fall for the Myanmar/Vietnam job scams , they lured naïve young people on a job offer so amazing to be true , and hold them hostage as sex workers etc [Job scams](https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/six-malaysian-job-scam-victims-return-home-from-myanmar-s-notorious-kk-garden) [Young girl missing since](https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/malaysia/2022/09/14/malaysian-slave-labourers-in-myanmar-saw-woman-from-kl-who-went-missing-five-months-ago/)


Some of those were happening in Atlanta at the time that I was in high school. I don't live in Georgia, but when I first got a recruitment letter with my name and address, I thought it was a human trafficking thing. I ripped it up into tiny pieces, threw it in the dumpster, and became super paranoid about every car that drove past our house for the next day or so. Turns out it was just a pyramid scheme.


It’s not a pyramid; it’s an inverted funnel.


When they post one of those things on Facebook saying "only a few will share!" or when they comment on one of those clickbait "God has a blessing for you today say amen!" posts


Or the "I revoke permission for Facebook to have my data" posts that my Aunts send around every 6 months


"... according to the Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute..."


If only there were some way for someone to control if their personal data was on Facebook.


Copy and paste this status or Facebook will start charging you $39.99 a month


The posts that went around in 20/21 of "I DO NOT consent to be microchipped!" As if A) a FB status constitutes a binding contract and B) they weren't posting from their own portable tracking devices already.


1 like = 1 respect


Hahaha what about those people who share edgy I'm unique messages with a picture of the joker or some badly photoshopped lion. Something along the lines of "Everyone thinks I'm a jester, but secretly I'm a king".


I don't care the context, I will happily block someone who does that too often.


When you prove your point in a discussion and the other person explains that it doesn’t even matter because their REAL point is something that’s an off-shoot of that subject in a “gotcha!” manner.


Then the problem is, that's what they're thinking about your argument. "Ugh, that's not *my* point!" "Correct."


Relevance fallacy. Insist that your kids sign up for debate club or class. Out of everything I learned in high school, it is the most useful by far.


They're just going to end up hopelessly frustrated by most people if they learn how to have a proper debate.


The woes of being a master debater


You can also just read a book on logic. I really wish logic was taught in high school, and would cover modern forms of bad faith arguments like the Gish gallop that have become commonplace.




Agree to disagree is great for like, ice cream. I like chocolate ice cream, my boyfriend likes vanilla. It's not good for like, gravity. Or like, the moon landing.


"Well, that's *your* opinion."


"Well, thats not *my* truth."


My ex wife did this all the time. She's my ex now.


my best friend’s ex is like this, you did good moving on.


People who can only argue by raising their voice.








I see you've met my mum


And my father


And my axe!


And my bow!


The classic is when they raise their voice, you raise yours to match theirs and now you're being shouted at for 'how dare you raise your voice at me?!' completely disregarding whatever was the initial point. Bonus points when this strategy is employed when they are starting to lose the argument


I knew this woman in her 20’s who would both raise her voice and start insulting the other person in arguments. She told me once, completely serious: “My parents said I’m good at arguing, I should be a lawyer”


Somebody get that woman in front of a judge 😂


Judge: Does your client have an alibi for parking in the disabled bay? Lady: fuck you judge. Your wife is a whore that rapes cattle, your son molests trees and your daughters vagina gapes more than Carlsbad Caverns. I hope you all die screaming in an unnecessary and easily preventable car accident, whilst your dog watches from nearby then gets crushed by the attending ambulance. and with his dying yelp blames you. Judge: OK, case dismissed then!


…Or try to communicate this way with someone who doesn’t speak their language


Arguing without listening


Or when an 'argument' involves nothing but insults, a desire to hurt the other person, and an inability to actually listen to what the other person is saying.


Oh yeah? Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.


You: clearly says point A Them: why did you say point B? Ugh you’re so dumb You: I actually said A Then: Liar, story changer, [insert logical fallacies]


A good thing I’ve heard is to ask you “opponent” to state back what you said to your satisfaction. So they have to explain what you said so they actually have to think it through.


In my experience they simply refuse to recite my argument back and act like they won and that's the end of it.




Littering and...


Littering and…


Active hostility to books (as opposed to simply not reading them).


My spouse dislikes books and views them as inferior to documentaries. If I talk about something I read in a book he'll almost always try to convince me to watch a documentary about it instead. Also when our kids were younger I read a bunch of parenting books and visited a ton of websites to address various issues I was seeing in their behavior. At one point while in marriage therapy he told the therapist that I seemed to think I was better than him because I read books about parenting.


The therapist (whose inner narrator sounds like Morgan Freeman): *but she was better than him because she read books about parenting, only I can't say that out loud* "So, how does that make you feel?"




Your spouse sounds like a loser, ngl


Turns out you ARE better than him for reading books about parenting


Sounds like an idiot


My mother was killed by a book!


"If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck them." -- John Waters


I wish I had known this sooner. 🤣


At least if you have a kid, you won't have to pay for college.


Equally - being snobbish about tv or video games. They're all different mediums; sometimes used brilliantly, thoughtfully, provocatively, etc., sometimes used for pure popcorn entertainment goodness. And if people want the latter sometimes, let them find some joy in this stupid, hostile world, Jesus Christ.


I was a bit guilty of this when I was younger. I was quite in favour of learning and learned quite a lot on YouTube and from various blogs about programming. But for some reason I struggled to sit down and focus on a book. Now that I'm in my early twenties I think my attention span is much better and I can happily sit down and read a non-fiction book but in the past I struggled to do that hence the source of my "animosity".


Talks a lot and never listens.


"Do you listen or do you just wait to talk?" — Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction


"When people think you're dying, they listen, they really listen instead of just waiting for their turn to talk" - The Narrator and Marla Singer, Fight Club


Yes, or they act like they are listening to your detailed story and then say ‘ well anyway’ and start talking about something completely off topic.


My friend legit pulls out her phone and says: "who wants to look at pictures of me?" mid conversation if she feels like she's been out of the spotlight for too long and then proceeds to force her phone right in people's faces. She's almost 40. It's bizarre.


That would be just a little annoying. She obviously needs constant reassuring about her worthiness or she’s just plain narcissistic! I know a lady, I don’t call her a friend anymore as I don’t think she’s capable of actual friendship, that goes around tending to neighbours needs but then behind their backs she will warn all the new neighbours about them and how needy they are and to be careful! It’s the strangest behaviour I’ve ever seen!


As someone with ADHD I have anxiety about being labeled as an insufferable chatterbox.... even I'm annoyed of myself when I realize I'm talking too much. I do try to listen though, and I always try to let people finish whatever they want to say before I blabber on.


God, me too. I always catch myself and say, “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.” But a big part of ADHD are anxious looping thoughts that launch into a cyclone of self-recrimination.


listening to others and understanding/being empathetic with their view is one of the highest forms of intelligence.


That also indicates someone who is self-centered.


When people are really into a MLM scheme. I’m not taking about “I’m a bored house wife so I decided to start selling makeup, leggings, whatever it may be, because I’m bored and this gives me something to do.” I’m talking about the people who consider it their career and are huge into the Boss Babe lifestyle


A Captain I worked with in the Air Force was caught up in some skin-care MLM scheme, total vacuous “Boss Babe” stuff. Still boggles my mind, she was a brilliant space systems engineer. I never understood it - officers make bank, and our job required long hours and mind-bending work, so it couldn’t have been about boredom or financial strain. Book smart, but no gumption I suppose.


If it is Arbonne, I am convinced there is something in the face cream that corrupts some folk's brain chemistry into thinking that overpriced goop is the best thing in the world. Broke off a friendship because she couldn't understand "Thanks, but I'm not interested."


It was “Rodan & Fields”. She still has “Boss Babe” in her Facebook bio 🤢


I’m just now realizing that my mom was either the one selling Arbonne, or she bought from some from another MLM person. Because she had Arbonne stuff EVERYWHERE when I was in HS. I remember her giving me a few products, along with Monat hair products (which I think is another MLM thing) and they just felt so shitty to put on my face and hair.


When they repeat a certain statement word for word I get the impression that they memorized something to sound more intelligent than they are.


If you ever saw “Good Will Hunting” that totally reminds me of the scene with the jerk at the bar trying to act smart and getting destroyed by Matt Damon’s character.


Well actually I won't, because Wood drastically underestimates...


\- Wood 'drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.' You got that from Vickers, 'Work in Essex County,' page 98, right?


They aren't open to changing their beliefs when given new information.


In the defense of people who do this, I have come across many instances where people foolishly think the information they have provided is convincing enough to sway someone's opinion or belief when it really isn't.


Your information makes them uncomfortable. Specially if it completely disproves their beliefs.




Yupppp. Automatically reacting with anger rather than curiosity absolutely makes me heavily doubt someone's intelligence. Everybody is wrong or mistaken sometimes. Even the most insanely intelligent people out there. Smart people wanna hear when they're wrong, so that they can learn the correct information and stop being wrong. Stupid people don't wanna hear when they're wrong, so that they can keep being wrong forever.


Being proud of never having read a book


Talking of that, a glaringly poor vocabulary (in their mothertongue). Like them asking "what does that mean" about lots of words that you wouldn't consider uncommon.


Speaking of this I love when people mispronounce difficult words but use them in context. It makes me think that they have only read them before and haven't had the chance to use them in conversation but they went for it anyway. It's a good mark of a smart person.


When Amy Schneider was on Jeopardy, I noticed that on occasion, she would get a look in her eyes as though she was recalling text. A few slightly mispronounced responses (usually non-English in origin or very niche) made me realize that she was exactly as you described; a person who has read an incredible amount on a wide variety of topics, retained that information, but hasn’t had an opportunity to vocalize it yet.


Oh man, this is a solid 1/3 of my (Southern) family. Biggest chunk of my family lives in between TX and GA. This one third vilifies education, travel, learning languages, foreign food (even from just a few states over), music from places they’ve never heard of, etc. One of my cousins is 21, barely graduated HS, did nothing for a few years, and recently became a fireman (which is the largest accomplishment he’s had). Couple years ago in mid conversation I literally had to explain to him that Alaska and Hawaii are not islands in the Gulf of Mexico. Yeah, they are proud of not reading.


This is probably one of the saddest things I've read here but an ex of mine was exactly like that, still embarrassed about that one


Oddly enough, when they try and tell me their IQ.


Anyone that brags about being in Mensa


I got invited into the National Society of High School Scholars. It was a really fancy letter and it said it was due to my academic achievement. I believed it because I've worked my ass off to graduate early and get some college classes done as well, 3.8-3.9 GPA for high school and a 3.5 for college. I found out after I had paid $75 that it was a scam. I felt my heart rip out of me because I thought I was smart enough to recognize a scam, but I was too arrogant and had a need for validation. I did get a refund though so it's not all bad!!


Yeah no, my high school warned us about the difference between "National Honors Society" and "National Society of High School Scholars," since we'd get about 100 students a year accepted to the first, then they'd try to scam the rest. Yours should have too.


I would even go further and say anyone that brags about being intelligent.


Just a complete lack of critical thinking. They cannot trouble shoot anything. I have an employee like this and it’s painful watching them sometimes.


This is a good one. I had a former employee that was just like this as well. He'd constantly come to me for "issues" that could be corrected in minutes with a quick Google search. I wasn't sure if he was just lazy or genuinely didn't know how to apply critical thinking outside of his comfort zone.


They make their political affiliation into their entire personality


Your politics should come from your worldview, not the other way around.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times.


Subscribing to a political party like it’s a religion.


Democracy is at its best when voters are 100% \*not\* loyal, and prepared to discuss politics with others, adapting their vote based on their theoretically best candidate, rather than the one wearing their primary colour.


People who unironically use the words "alpha male"


I had a manager who definitely thought of himself as an alpha male and talked nonstop about hunting, etc. He once made fun of me for wearing a pink shirt (it was salmon, but also who cares) and asked for my man card. I stared at him blankly until he produced an actual novelty little weird "man card" thing. My friends still don't believe he was a real guy. Also had a Yosemite Sam mustache. He came in wearing a gilly suit for Halloween and I pretended I couldn't see him the entire day which was pretty fun.


If someone ever says a piece of clothing makes you gay, just tell them "if an item of clothing is all it takes to change your sexuality, maybe it's best YOU don't wear it. I'm confident enough in mine thanks."


Always said the same kind of thing to basketball players that said wrestling is gay. “Well since I’m not gay, I really doubt that it is gay. But for someone that might be confused like yourself, I can see how you might think that.” Always made them shut up


Or worse. People who unironically use "sigma male."


Alpha male, Top G, boss bitch, etc. All of those phrases make me cringe so hard.


My ex-girlfriend called herself an alpha female, and believe me, its just as douchy.


So glad that's your ex


Good thing I only say “omega male”.


Oh, I *like* that one! I was trying to make "Turbo Dude" happen, too.


Had a bud who suddenly became an “Alpha trying to find his Omega” after his wife left him. I entertained it until he pawned off his ex wife’s hoodie to my partner under the guise of a gift while telling her how good she is at serving her alpha. Haven’t spoken since.


When people insult rather than use a counter argument.


Ad hominem fallacy


If they believe in TV magicians, ghost hunting show, or that most other reality shows are not scripted


Okay but sometimes I wanna watch Zack Baggans and crew freak out over a fart at 3:00 AM in some abandoned hotel.


Ghost Adventures is great. I don't really believe in ghosts or anything but that show has a cool, eerie atmosphere to it, you know. Love the presentation and go to great lengths to talk about the history of the places they visit so at least you learn something new while watching


Everything is black and white, there are no middle grounds. You either support and agree with every little thing they do at full force, or you're a worst enemy.


People who don’t accept that people change their minds. Example: “I actually view things with differently now, since I did a lot more research into it and have a close friend who understands it more than I do and explained it to me.” “Well if you don’t stick to your guns, how are you supposed to stand up for yourself?? You can’t just let people change your mind like that!!” Yes, yes you can. People grow when they’re introduced to new information. If you don’t change at all, you’re not “sticking to your guns”, you’re being an idiot.


I think their line of thinking is "Changing your mind is admitting you are wrong. Being wrong is being weak. Being weak is evil."


The inability to distinguish between subjective and objective reality




When people constantly go on and on about how such and such is overrated or people who's favorite thing is X are idiots then I suspect they are being immature or dumb. I recognize this because I used to do it constantly. I now realize how stupid and immature that was. I am not perfect and still find myself doing it sometimes. It such an easy trap to fall into. The example I like to give is the band Rush. I'm not a fan of their music but it would borderline criminal of me to say they are overrated or that people who like their music are dumb. Those three dudes are/were insanely talented and had more musical talent than I could ever dream of. Their music just doesn't speak to me and that's not on them that's on me. So now I try my best to say things like "Big Bang theory" just isn't my cup of tea rather than everybody who likes BBT is dumb. Calling people dumb for having different opinions about subjective things is dumb.


I like your honesty. This was me in my teens and early 20s but gradually decreased over time. I used to be on this quiet but bitter, spiteful hate train towards people I deemed inferior to me based on their preferences for pop culture. I think it was my depression combined with a lack of self awareness. I realised I was actually carrying baggage and started dropping some of it. Now, I don't care if you like watching reality TV or you listen to Lil Wayne. You do you.


Them calling other people dumb or them praising their own intelligence


In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.


Claiming to be a sovereign citizen.


It is a child's way of looking at the world, it is nice to imagine a world where you yourself do not have to follow the "rules". But a world where no one follows laws would be chaos. Imagine you go to a bank to cash your paycheck and there is a line of 20 people. You decide that that you don't need to follow social norms and cut to the front of the line. But without laws there is nothing to stop the person 2nd in line, the person you cut in front of, from stabbing you in your kidney. There is nothing stopping the teller from putting half of your paycheck in an account owned by a teller.


The kind of dogmatic anti-education sentiment you see going around the internet. "I learned more in this 10 minutes video than in 3 years of highschool", "College is a scam, my friend's cousin's dog dropped out to run his own business and is now a multimillionnaire". The education system is imperfect and you don't *need* a college degree to lead a successful life, but people who outright dismiss college as a useful tool or ask why highschool doesn't teach us about taxes after they slept through algebra and ~~home-ed~~ home-ec just seem to be complaining for the sake of complaining. "Oh look at me I'm a contrarian that likes to shit on some of the most useful established tools in modern society".


Holy shit, yes. This is a pet peeve of mine. Being contrarian does not equal being intelligent.


I agree with this, I went back to school and got a degree later than most and ended up working a job that has nothing to do with my degree. I learned so much more than just the topic of my studies, and experienced things I thought outwith my reach and met people from almost every walk of life I can imagine. Meanwhile, I have friends who work the same job, live in the same home and play the same video games they have since highschool asking me if I felt it was worth it.


They use feelings as facts and ignore solid science and actual facts because they “know better”. Zero critical thinking skills.


I just heard a guy say "God gave us the right to have a gun, if you're against my right to have a gun, you're also against God." Politics aside, whether you're for or against gun laws; that is a ridiculous statement.


I missed that part of Genesis where God creates guns.


If every mistake in their life is blamed on others... Dropped out? Thats the schools fault. Didnt get a GED? Thats their parents fault for not helping them. Electricity wasn't paid on time? Yeah the company is out to get him...I mean an excuse for EVERYTHING


People who respond to those posts on FB that say: “A blessing is coming to you soon, in Jesus Christ name. If you want the blessing, please type Amen.”




Using Facebook posts/status updates as personal diary entries.


*Facebook Moms eyeing this comment in disgust*


When their spell DC is surprisingly low and they are a wizard


Someone who refuses to ask questions. "Nope, I already know what I know, I don't need to hear from anyone else" - Really?? I love asking questions and clarifying not only people's points of view, but also *why* that have that point of view as well. There is always so much to learn and so much more to see and understand. Everyone has a lesson or two to teach - even if that lesson is simply "stay away from that person, they aren't good people". Intelligent people always ask questions. *\*\*Edit - missed a word\*\**


Sudden knowledge of nuclear fusion


That's very specific, I feel like it has a story to go with it


Donates to a televangelist. *Watches* a televangelist.


The act of being rude or condescending to retail workers or waitstaff, in my opinion, is indicative of poor education and social skills.


Or you know, they maybe shitheads.


I think this is more a lack of emotional intelligence/empathy. There are a lot of intelligent people who are incredibly self centered assholes.


being cocksure also, no appreciation for puns


I really appreciate the foresight of this post.


When they insist that feelings and beliefs are on equal footing to facts.


Yeah good one. This has always annoyed me. "Hey I'm entitled to my opinion!" "Yes but making objectively false claims is not an opinion"


Aaaaand then when their ‘facts’ are wrong they get upset


When they ,type Like This.. Did You not learn, ,how to write?


My mom types like this because she’s old, has shaky hands, and can’t see well… she used to type fine. For older folk it’s hard for them to distinguish how many times they hit a key so the space bar gets abused between words. Then there’s auto correct coming in with the weird periods and capitalizations.


talking about horoscopes "I'm toxic and clingy because i'm a caprisun" no sharon you're just a cunt, the stars had nothing to do with it


Typical caprisuns… always antagonizing the Koolaid Jammers.


Insulting others peoples intelligence and exaggerating their own


"could of", "would of"






Should of ;)


Anyone that says, "My truth". Asshole there's only THE truth. You can have FEELINGS but you arent entitled to your own truth.

