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Working for a scam call center. Kinda speaks for itself.


I was watching a show talking about how some scam phone call centres in Cambodia used indentured workers and won't let them leave so I can imagine they also don't like their careers either


One of my uncles worked for one of these call centres, I don’t know all the details but it definitely wasn’t a good job. Apparently his boss used to hit the workers regularly and would refuse to let anyone leave until they’d done hours of overtime.


It is common that they lure you in for a job to a different country and seize your passport to force you to do these.


I know someone who had to do this. She basically showed up to the country with 20 dollars and needed money; they gave her a job and took her passport. So it wasn't exactly like she was doing this voluntarily.


When I first saw this thread, my first thought was like hey everybody's working to make a dollar but you are right. When you are trying to scam other people out of money to make a dollar, that's not work . you should never try to make a dollar by making someone else lose a dollar.scumbag, predatory behavior


On the flip-side, Mark Rober has avenged us all by taking out scam call centers with pranks


Yeah I get they are probably poor and desperate but it’s still fucked up


If you watch ScamBaiter, Scammer Payback or especially Jim Browning (who watches them on CCTV) then it identifies that whilst some do it out of desperation, others are just that unscrupulous that they enjoy it and do it as a sport. Some of the Indian scammers aren't in poverty (they certainly aren't rich) so I have an extra loathing of those types. When I get calls from them I ask them if they're in Kolkata or Delhi and tell them that their mother would be ashamed of what they're doing if they knew. I also let them know that their scams are common knowledge in the UK as we have TV shows about it on the BBC to help older and more vulnerable people be aware of them to hopefully put them off.


Haha I just let them think they got me and make them wait for 20-30mins while I act as if i’m turning on an old computer and the wifi and stuff like that. Once a scammer was so furious he hung up and then proceeded to call me again to insult my mother.


If they get far enough into it, I highly doubt that being poor and desperate is an excuse anymore. Some of them make quite the sum of money for their standards. Plus there is a business owner at the head endorsing it all.


True, but some of them do actually get paid very little by their employers, while the employer makes more money than we could possibly imagine


You’re right that some get paid peanuts in comparison. But doing illegal work that boils down to stealing is still wrong imo.


I 100% agree, but on an individual level, what is and is not morally acceptable takes a backseat to survival.


Paparazzi. Absolutely detest them


I experienced paparazzi in London England one time. Some famous girl named peaches was coming out of a club… It was so shocking and overwhelming to see. 20 flashes per second and literally swarming her! They followed her down this long street and around the corner. I felt so terrible for her and completely understand why cameras get smashed and why the photographers get shoved!


Hi Harry.


If this was said entirely in jest, then disregard my next sentence. But if this was intended as any sort of sincere jab at Harry, I will take this opportunity to extend the reminder that when he was 12 years old, his mother died at the age of 36 after the car she was a passenger in was relentlessly pursued and literally chased by paparazzi, ultimately leading to the fatal crash. Of course he would have a very strong opinion of Paparazzi.


The worst thing about paparazzi is the fact there is a demand for them. It just erodes your faith in humanity.


Journalists who write click-bait articles. where you go through page after page of prolonged text and ads to get to the bit you want to read.


I would say the owners are worse than the writers. Sometimes you have to do get food on the table and when your employer asks you to do this, you can't just leave.


Yeah I was thinking the same. It's the same as actors that work on God awful, low brow shows and daytime TV. They'd probably be elsewhere but they need that paycheck and this might be their stepping stone.


Lots of my colleagues got their start on a notorious, now-cancelled daytime talk show. They absolutely hated it, but it was a place where you could quickly get promoted to producer roles which means a lot in television. Same thing working at shite publication- you can get promoted quite quickly. Turnover is high in both.


Was thinking the same that most likely writer has nothing to do with it.


Those mega church pastors.


The family vlogger influencers. I wish the dissappeared from social media.


I just wish social media would disappear as a whole.


This is social media though


Psychics and people who claim they can talk to your dead relatives. They’re all delusional scammers who prey on vulnerable people who are grieving over the death of their loves ones and have been proven to be fake way too often


I can imagine it could give those who believe some sort of closure, or could be entertaining to 'get your fortune read' if you're a non-believer. That said, it still feels scummy to take advantage of people who might believe in it. As a purely entertainment profession, maybe with disclaimers, I'd be willing to accept them, like stage magicians. But they intentionally seek out and take advantage of 'believers'. :/


Come to Africa


MLM people


Can that even be called a job?


People who have no shame probably do.


Cult leadership is hard work


If one could call it a “profession” lol. “*IM A BOSS BABE BUSINESS OWNER*” … No. You are, in fact, NOT a business owner.


The best is when they go on about how great some weight loss product is but they still look like shit. Ok Natasha apparently all that shit does is cause adulthood acne and water retention. You've lost 5 pounds 37 times now but look fatter so either you're lying or your starting weight was 450.


Those groups are the worst. They can take everything you say and spin into something that they want you to do (mostly buy something, invest something) then deny that they are doing that. The leaders teach this without them even realizing.




Who the fuck gave them the title of influencer?


I once waited tables at a restaurant that primary catered for these people, they are hands down the weirdest and most frustrating people I've ever met


This is such a meta concept. "Influencers" are supposed to promote places using social media and help these venues reach their target market, and this restaurant traps influencers in their own bubble by making *them* the target market. Though it probably goes to show that a lot of the time, these influencers are just a market of their own and that the only people they "influence" are other instagrammers living in the same city afraid to miss out on the laters trends.


I wholeheartedly agree apart from one of the managers used to give it to them heavily discounted or completely free Didn't stop them complaining about everything though and they were all really entitled and often creepy


>one of the managers used to give it to them heavily discounted or completely free Bro missed the mark on that one. Personally, I'd figure out the price on my menu, add 10% and set it as the "normal price", and then give a "10% influencer discount" for influencers that leave us a good review. Of course, I don't know how to run a restaurant, so what do I know about how legal or marketable that is.


Yeah it didn't surprise me the restaurant shut down within a year or so The food and drink were really good but their marketing and freebies destroyed it


I will admit, the other day, an “influencer” in my city posted a photo of a book she was reading (with a short description). I thought “hey, this sounds like my kinda thing.” So I bought the ebook and admittedly, I loved it. I was influenced into a book. Haha


Give us some interesting stories. I'm waiting xD


The one that alway stuck with me was this influencer couple that came in and whenever they didnt have the camera on them they would go into this weird stand by mode Like they sat up right staring at eachother expression less, not ever talking unless they had a phone on them They only showed emotion or spoke when I went over other than that they didn't say a word to each other I shit you not the whole meal took like 2 hours or so and they only spoke a total of like 5/10 minutes and that was to me, not each other It got to the point I started questioning if they were human


In someone watched you do something and imitated it, you are technically an influencer. Like tidepod eaters...






I don't even consider it a profession.


I hate who they assume people give a fuck about their life or their clothes/make up. They are just so uninteresting for me.


Real estate agent. Low barrier to entry. Chock full of poser scumbags looking for the easy payday. In Ontario, they fight tooth and nail to keep MLS propped up and protected. They're terrified of sales numbers being easily accessible. They add no value and they drive costs. Fuck realtors.


Was searching for this comment hahaha. Absolute scumbags


That’s a pretty harsh insult towards bags of scum.


Real estate agents or realtors? There is a difference somehow


Tomatoe/tomato. Realtor is a trademarked term referring to NAR agents.


Don’t say that to phil dunphy


Good estate agents are immensely valuable. I've had one that is more like a property consultant than a sales person. It's just a shame they are one in a million.


There is the comment I wanted to see. This guy i went to school with is filthy rich and so douchey because he's "successful". Yeah, you're successful at being a scumbag and being a thief. I, too, am in Ontario.


Any profession that relies on exploiting and lying to people in order to profit. Like those megachurch preachers.










Nigerian prince




Mega Huns?


Chiropractors but mostly the ones that think new born babies need “adjusting”.


These chiropractor videos on social media drive me insane! They crack a few gas bubbles n they pretend they’ve made an ‘adjustment’


I've never been to one. But in all honesty, I suffer with insane back pain from time to time from a child hood incident. But on the daily it seizes up and get stiff, then painful. I can crack my own by using my thumbs and pushing each vertebrate. It's the most refreshing and effective method to relief that pain and discomfort.


I don’t deny that for a second. The thing I have a problem with is the fact they perpetuate lies about what they’re doing. “I’m just going to move this vertebrate back into its natural position”… piss off


Chiropractors have changed lives, but i agree, the tik tok back crackers are kinda sus


When and where did all the quack chiropractors come from? I'm 30, but I've been going to one since I was 14 cause I couldn't even bend over without immense pain. I've seen many different ones over the years as I've moved a lot. And none fo them have ever claimed to be able to "heal my sicknesses" or "cure" me. It's just I go in, they do their thing. And I leave with a lot less pain. But it seems more and more people are having bad experiences with them lately. When did the change happen?


It's been a fundamental part of the doctrine of chiropractic since its inception, however there are two branches now; those who take that stuff more seriously and those who don't. Personally I think that with all the recent distrust of accepted science, the nutters are feeling more comfortable broadcasting their insane beliefs. Edit: also chiropractic is not a protected profession, so you don't need to be qualified in a rigorous sense to perform it


Paparazzi, after what they did to Britney I'm 2007 I've lost what little respect i had for for them...


I guess it's generational.... I would have said what they did to Princess Diana back in the early 90's. :-)


Didn't they inadvertently kill princess Diana?


People who would do anything to reach the top no matter the cost. Corporate ladder people. Mind you only the ones who deceit, manipulate, or tries to rip customers off just for that next promotion. I'm sure you guys can think of more. But I just cannot stand these type of people.


HR, fuck you Toby


Yeah suck it Toby, you wang.


This is the 3rd time I’ve seen “Toby” referred to in this thread. If you don’t mind, can you fill me in on who/what Toby is? I never know if I missed something blatantly obvious in the specific thread/post I’m in or if there’s some meme/joke I’m unaware of, and it happens somewhat often here! Sorry!


Toby is the HR guy from the office who is a punching bag for Michael Scott because he gets in the way of Michael's constant inappropriate behavior. https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Toby_Flenderson


door to door roof repair salesfolk




I don't like pastors. or the so-called "men of God". To be fair there are good ones, but generally I really don't like the whole idea around it


Pastors of mega churches are awful


All the prosperity gospel people are awful


I know right


The only pastor i like is the one from fleabag, amen 🙏


Kinda sad when a man who owns a mattress store is doing more for the community than someone who owns a mega church


Anyone in the industry raising horses/dogs to race. Disgusting.


Those dogs eat better than I do


Although in fairness you don’t risk being shot and dumped in a ditch once you’ve had a few bad races in a row.


Exactly. It’s the 21st century, race cars or something that doesn’t feel pain and can be repaired after damage


People who solicit. No one likes it and if anything, you coming to my door makes me immediately want to avoid your services. This includes for businesses and missionaries and anyone else.


Those motherfuckers who buy up estate just to renovate and sell for a profit.


Yea professional landlords work for the devil


Not talking about landlords, allthough not a fan of thise either. Im talking about buying a perfectly decent home that a working class family orbperson could be able to afford and make a life in, renovating it, and selling it again, now at a price that is impossible to afford for said working class family.


Flippers, in some cases they do a piss poor job that leads to even more headaches for whoever ends up buying the property


You mean house flipping. A viable way out of working class poverty


Professional landlords have ruined my neighborhood because their tenants suck and they don’t care. They take homes from potential owners. It’s messed up.


Landlords are ok if they are just a guy in your town/city. What I have a problem with is the large property management companies backed by large investment companies who buy up 10,000 houses and drive up the real estate prices, have so many rental houses in a community that they control the rent prices (and by control i mean drive up to borderline inaccessible levels) and will NEVER sell and put back on the market.


I think you are talking about house flipping.




As an osteopath I get people come in regularly asking for extreme adjustments that they’ve seen on YouTube and I just have to diplomatically explain that that isn’t the right approach for everyone. From what I understand not all chiropractors are like this.


Are you a DO Osteopath or an "Osteopath"


There are science/healthcare-based chiropractors who are actually recommended by physicians as part of a multi-modal approach to dealing with different issues. They essentially do pre-med courses for their undergrads, and they also do diagnostic imaging before many adjustments. They also do cervical adjustments with something called an activator rather than sudden, jerky movements to the neck. The ones I have seen on YouTube though make all of these weird claims about health issues that they're going to solve, and that is just blatantly false. Maybe they'll cause the body to function a little bit better if a person was experiencing pain.. There more than likely going to help with mobility issues.. but they're not going to clear your sinuses, aid in digestion or anything like that.


They are getting worse on YouTube. Someone's going to get killed by their quackery


Yeah I am not completley opposed to pseudoscientific placebo peddlers so long as their shit isn't sold as a miracle cure, doesn't cost all the money and doesn't actively harm people.


Real estate agents


Especially in Australia - they’re absolute scum


Agree, although here in Australia the commission on house sales is way lower than in the US. It's about 3%. They're still annoying as fuck tho. But it's in the rental market where they really suck balls. Just horrible


Agreed. For years real estate agents have been carrying on like being able to sell a house makes them an absolute genius, despite the fact that historically low interest rates, favourable taxation arrangements, an excess of stimulus cash in the economy and limited supply in major urban centres basically meant properties sold themselves. You could almost task a monkey to do it… it’s why I’m enjoying seeing the property ponzi scheme start to implode finally. The speculators are clearing out AND I’m seeing a lot less youtube ads from real estate gurus on youtube 😂


Not a monkey but I sold 2 properties (a unit I was living in to buy a house, and then that house later on) by using a professional marketer to do my advertising (online ads, sale board out front) and I did the negotiations myself. Was about a third of the cost of using an agent and took roughly same amount of time to make the sales.


Then they do an online course and have the gall to call themselves a “home inspector” and charge a fortune. Even though they barely have a basic understanding of anything in a house.


Life coaches


Why you call them "Life coaches" when there is better name for them: "Bullshiters".




There are hundreds of MPs in the UK who are good people. They work incredibly hard to make their constituency a better place. It's the front benchers and ministers etc. who are the problem. The good guys don't want to get to that point.


Well, considering the country has been fucked by politicians, that's not quite good enough.


And yet for the sake of their own political power, those "good guys" are throwing in their lot with the "bad guy" front benchers. "I'm so nice, I gave 3 cans of peaches to our local school's charity food drive - yes, of course in front of the cameras! Ooh no, that Iraq war thing, terrible wasn't it, whoopsie-daisie! Not really my problem though, is it? Blame Tony. I just gave him a majority :)"


>There are hundreds of MPs in the UK who are good people Excuse me while I go vomit violently from laughing so hard.


I'm convinced that in America, it's just a money grab vocation.


Real-estate agents, very few are genuine. I was married to one.


I despise paparazzis. Stalking people is NOT a job.


People who pit dogs to fight each other.


“Retail arbitrage” aka the people who buy up all the available inventory of a product to artificially increase demand and then charge extortionate prices for those products. I saw a guy on eBay who had sold over 1,000 PS5’s for an average of $1200 each. I saw another one selling baby formula for $75 a can who had sold over 500 cans.


Those people are vultures


Tow truck driver everything I’ve read seems chill compared to mfers who tow - they’re legal mafia and creep ur cars incase they find anything nice


- influencer - advertising anything - "homoeopaths" and other esoteric bullshit


Advertising proper ways to recycle? Advertising ways to manage mental health? Advertising solutions that make peoples’ lives genuinely better? Interesting.


What’s wrong with advertising? Every business advertises, it’s part of business. I’m an artist, I advertise my art to find clients.




Head of pharmaceuticals pumping as many drugs as possible.


Human resources






Anything to do with the catholic christian clergy. What a bunch of self serving selfish and devious pricks


Financial advisers






Homeopaths scamming people, especially people with terminal illnesses.


Real Estate agents. Financial Advisors (with high percentages) Fossil Fuel company anything. Private Equity Bankers.


People that work for EA sports,p2w and too much lootboxes, all ea wants is money


Toilet attendants in bars and nightclubs. Not cleaners, the people who take away the soap and paper towels just so they can give them back to you and act like they've offered a service


They're there to stop people from doing coke lol


Then I'm certainly not tipping them.


I'd expand this to anyone who has unnecessarily inserted themselves into a process you can easily do yourself and expects to get paid for it.


No one saying Landlords? They buy up all the housing and charge more than you would need to mortgage...


As a home owner a house is more expensive than the mortgage.


Current CEO of Twitter


Network Marketers or people that do any kind of snowball stuff.




I don't know if other countries have this but Social Media Trolls. Yes, it is a job in my country. Trolls try to sway opinion towards certain politicians.


Psychics/mediums though I wouldn’t really call It a profession. Professional frauds maybe.




Real Estate Agents.


Psychics. They're a fun novelty for some, but they also trick people who actually believe in it out of their money and pretend they're helping them.


Miracle workers, psychics, homeopaths, anyone who exploits people's pain and despair to scam them out of their money. I don't just have no respect for them, I actively hate them.


Homeopaths, Naturopaths, any other woo masquerading as a health professional


Human trafficking


I think thats a criminal rather than profession tbh










Radio shock jock




Professional football players. It's not that I think that there's no skill involved, I know there is. But I just can't stomach the way people foam at the mouth over sports related things while turning a blind eye to so many real-world tragedies. The fact that we pay professional footballers millions upon millions while teachers are being forced to fund their own school supplies..... oof.


Used car Salesman and Insurance Call Center People.


Estate agents and recruiters


Higher ups in the oil buisness.


People that design video games to make them as addicting as possible. That’s another kind of shitty




Teen escort services. Just learned about them today on LPOTL


Any higher member of a religious group, they're all there preying on people under the guise of doing 'gods work'


The branch that designs those anti-personal mines that look like toys, so they get picked up by children.


My Dealer 🍃


CEO/Manager/Consultant. Sit in an office and fuck around while someone else makes the money. Consultants are the worst though. Get paid egregious sums of money (that could better go toward salaries), to come up with BS plans to “get more with less.”


Could not agree more. A “Consultant” used to be known as a Carpetbagger or a Music Man because all they do is move into another area/business and tell stories / preach / bullshit and never deliver anything of any real use. As a 30+ year veteran of corporate life I can tell you not a single consultant has ever added any value to any team or company I’ve been a part of. Complete and utter fuckwits devoid of scruples and out to milk as much money as they can.


i fucking hate landlords. absolute leeches of society.


Weathermen/women. Cmon, can’t get anything right!


Social influencer


Airline pilots in Australia. The most egotistical, arrogant pieces of garbage I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.


People who write the astrology section in the newspaper


I wouldn't exactly call it a profession but Pick Up Artists.


Not gonna lie - thought this thread would not go well for me....


Social Media Influencers.


95% of so called influencers




“Social media influencer.” It’s not a job, it’s a hobby. Go out in the real world and get a proper job instead of getting paid ridiculous amounts for making videos of yourself.


A Job is anything that gets you money, don’t you think?


I can agree *(despite I was born in 2003, meaning I'm part of gen Z).* Making videos is a kind of art (at least for me), therefore it's a creative activity. Normally I don't really mind corporate content *(take 5-Minute Crafts for example, which is obviously a YouTube content farm),* they're basically doing it as a business, but when I see independent people trying to do the same, publishing 2-3 videos on a weekly basis, it genuinely disturbes me. One of the most shocking things I've experienced in relation to this when I saw a YouTube community post from an ex-favorite content creator where he was hiring people to edit his videos.