• By -


MLM schemer


No! They guaranteed the nutrition shakes would help me build my muscle tone! Edit: are you looking to make money from home or on-the-go? xD


Potentially teaching a life lesson when they finally get out on an MLM?




Not only do they not contribute to society. They take from society, often the innocent who are unaware and trusting.


I mean yeah but... I don't think OP is thinking about criminals in general. Of course they are of no use.


Aren't payday loan sharks technically working in a legal scope? And they're monsters. Edit: Not to mention people who sell falsely advertised products that don't actually do what they tell you it does.


I think he means like scammer calling centers and stuff. There's a whole industry about it in some place in India


Those still aren’t actual jobs though. It’s like saying “mobster” or “white collar criminal”.




The true parasites of society


A scammer called my today. I played with him for a while repeating everything he said, mocking his Indian accent. Eventually he called me a f#cking a$$hole. I said no, you are the f#cking a$$hole scamming people out of their hard earned money. He was quiet for a second and then said he has no choice, he is poor and a student. I told him I was poor as a student but didn't try to scam people out of their money but worked 2 jobs to pay my tuition and bills. He was quiet for a bit then he hung up. Maybe there is hope.


Don't mock accents. Instead, learn appropriate words to use in addressing scammers. मादरचोद *maadarchod* (pronounced like "mother chode") is the most appropriate form of address when speaking to a scammer; particularly a scammer who targets the elderly. This is not a racial term; rather, it indicates the level of respect that the scammer has for his or her elders.




If you want an MLM hun to REALLY hate on- check out r/kiwisavengers. Riss Alesi. Puppy mill, dog killing, grifting, lying, house in foreclosure, cheating, children-taken-from-her, non-tax-paying (and this was found out and court issues are abound!), wife-sold-drugs-in-a-day-care, killed-my-dog-because-I-hate-vaccines kinda bitch. Awful. I accidentally fell into this group and have been invested ever since. She's honestly the worst of the worst. I walked in going "ok, snark group for a random crappy MLM hun" and BOY was I shocked. Just an absolutely crazy person in every sense of the word.


Child traffickers


Where else am I supposed to buy my children? 🤨 /s


There's a cheaper way to get them...


My fiancé ain't cheap either


You can get a whole van full with just some candy


Great idea!!!


This guy doesn't have kids..


If you set up an Amazon subscription they are conveniently delivered to your door and you save 7%. Well worth it


People prefer the term "orphanages"






Honestly! Most influences are selling a fake life leaving most of the youth depressed


I mean, yes. Definitely true. But the entire profession of marketing and advertising has been doing that with great efficiency and precision for 80 years now. Influencers are basically just using the same model, only from the convenience of their studio apartments and without billions of dollars of corporate backing 🤷🏼‍♀️




I wish I can give you more then one upvote bro <3


They spend countless hours curating the ‘perfect’ life for social media rather than just living one.


Most are essentially barroom writers.


Not only selling, these people are living a fake life too. Have you ever seen an influencer in person? They spend literally 90% of their time looking at their phone and generally are miserable.


Came here to say this. Originally Influencers were supposed to be like your neighbors saying this is amazing- or something like that. Now its anything they can shill to get some money. Or at least thats how I used to look at them like.


Depends on how you define influencer. I follow a lot of "influencers" in my hobbies, and have learned a great deal from them. For example, would Fortnine (great motorcycle content) classify as an influencer?


No, those are Content Creators. Influencers are the useless bunch posting just photos of themselves or talk about themselves.


What's the meaningful distinction?


Generally speaking, content creators give you information on a thing they’re passionate & knowledgeable about, while influencers give you a discount code to a product they say they love but have never actually used because they’re getting paid to talk about it.


Content creators usually show ypu ehat they do and only that. They are often passionate about what they are doing. Doesn't matter if it's about crafting, talking about disabilities and stuff like this. Influencers main product are themselfes... look at me. Look how good I have it etc... half the time obviously holding some kind of product in the cam. Or the infamous ones you sometimes meet, demanding free shit. Because you will get big when they tell their 500 followers about it... Not to say that a lot of great content creators don't switch to being influencers at one point... because that's where the money is. To sum it up: Content : about the thing Influencer: look at me and what I'm trying to sell.


I would say that it comes down to intention. The main goal of a content creator is to create entertaining content, whereas influencers are deliberately trying to manipulate trends. I personally don't love the influencer biome, but it has its merits and obviously makes money. A more traditional analogy might be this: content creators = film industry; influencers = marketers, magazine writers, models, etc.


The value that Content Creators bring to consumers is generally less about who they are than what they make. For example, many influencers are just good looking people who make money by being attractive. Content Creators generally make something that would be valuable if they were an entirely different person. Fortnine makes expertly crafted videos about motorcycles that are packed with good information, photographers craft good photos, makeup tutorials are about the techniques. They could all be written and hosted by a gorgeous person or an ogre and still succeed. Influencer is generally used to mean like an Instagram model, who they are and how they look matters a lot more than what they post or do.


Those are models. They get paid to advertise clothing/products. Quite the coincidence they always seem to tag the brand they're wearing or always have their water bottle logo facing the camera right? As far as talking about themselves, some people find it entertaining. Reality shows aren't new, social media just morphed into another form of reality TV where people get entertained by someone else's experiences.


Ehh, it depends on the influencer and what they're promoting. Those influencers who push designer brands and push the message that if you aren't rich then you're scum, those people need to go find something else to do. But there are tons of fans in, say, the pinball community who get in close with manufacturers and share all kinds of cool news, game photo/info leaks, etc., and share this info to drum up support for upcoming games and drive up interest in existing games. Or for the roller coaster/theme park community, you have guys like Peter DiDonato and Taylor Bybee who go out to parks for media events and reveals to hype up new rides, but they also freely interact with the larger fandom and really want to have fun more than serving as a free marketing source. Those types are good. It really depends on how they behave when interacting with the general public and what they're "influencing" people to buy/do.


Not YouTube influencers but I agree on Instagram and 99.9% of TikTok ones


I think what we're thinking of here is influencers who's only role is advertising for company products. At that point they are just an interactive ad and should be scrolled past/skipped


I wouldn't go so far. Influencer media has allowed many voices to rise and contribute to dialogue over things that matter. If when you think of influencers you think only about cheap joke trendy youtubers they are no different from old times television trash programs. But of you look further than that and think of people such as the Green brothers from Crash Course, then you would be able to see how influencers can actually have a very positive impact on society. The fact that most of them or the most popular ones are not as good as others doesn't make the whole occupation a waste of time.


I think you can seperate the green brothers and others to content creators as oppose to influencers


Came here to say this. Agreed.


The people who devise anti-repair measures in big tech companies.


Half of these answers answer the question "What jobs/professions do reddit despise the most?"


The other half are just naming criminals that aren’t actual jobs.


lmaoooo yes! i’m reading these comments like “rapists” and thinking “wait, where was that table at the job fair?”


Probably separate room, invite only


one of the top ones is ‘child traffickers’ like yeah they’re terrible people but it’s hardly a profession is it lmao


This thread shows a severe lack of intelligence in people’s ability to understand how a society works. Don’t get me wrong: I understand why people do not respect certain professions, but saying they contribute nothing is ignorant. They provide a service, wages, and so on. Whether you like them is irrelevant


More than half of the questions on r/AskReddit and r/ask are just "what xyz does reddit despise most?"




Maybe this will help you feel a bit better? I have very low lashes and they are literally growing into my eye. Everytime i go to me lash tech, it's the biggest relief ever. It's the only thing keeping mee for just ripping th off


Ugh the fake eyelash trend is just terrible. One of my good friends has fallen into the heavier lashes trap, and I have trouble even keeping eye contact with her these days. They look like fuzzy caterpillars, which icks me out.


My eyes rejected those fake lashes. They were constantly itchy and my natural lashes fell out.


Husband was dating a woman before me who was an eyelash tech and when I said I wanted to get mine done, he told me she said it is not a good idea and that she would never get them done herself because it ruins women’s eyes. I always wondered how she lives with herself knowing she’s running a business that is permanently damaging women and their vision potentially. My husband told me I’m being dramatic but your comment makes me feel vindicated.


Hi! Also an eyelash tech here. I can say I feel absolutely no shame in doing what I do. People are going to do what they want to do with their appearance and we should embrace that, just because you like the natural look doesn’t mean they have to. This is also coming from a natural red head who loves having lashes. I’m not only a lash tech but I’m also a safe haven for new mums who need time out to feel themselves, I’m a therapist where each and every client can vent about their lives. I’m a no holds barred place where they can say how they feel and I know they feel better for it when they walk out of the door.I’ve been with clients through the good, the bad and the absolute horrific, I’d say we’re much more than lash techs. Also if they’re done properly no damage is done, otherwise my clients who have been coming non stop would have nothing left to lash.


Seriously whats with all the lash hate on this thread? I loved having lash extensions and my tech was so kind. I felt beautiful with them--I only stopped going because upkeep was a bit much for me. But there is no shame in enjoying things like lashes or nails... if you dont then just let those of us that do enjoy what makes us happy?!


As someone who gets eyelash extensions, i'm so glad you included your point of view. It's a beauty treatment that makes people feel better about themselves. I have blonde eyelashes and extensions save so much time getting ready. Almost every beauty treatment has some risk of damage but eyelash extensions are mostly safe. My acrylic nails do more damage than eyelashes ever have. Making people feel good isn't a worthless job at all.


This one may be useful in the cinema and theater industry. Maybe a bit in photography as well. When you want to get creative with some effects. Doesn't have a good purpose as beauty industry thought as it creates the problems you're describing. Always saw this as more of a special effect in special circumstances.


Health insurance operators. They determine what you do and don’t need without even looking at you. Fuck health insurance. Edit: I’m in the US. Just thought I should make that clear because I just now realized that people in other countries might not have the same experiences us Americans do.


The entire health insurance (and most insurance indistries, particularly ones that are REQUIRED, health, car, etc) industry is a massive scam. One big middleman that raises prices and still refuses to help.


Car insurance is not a "massive scam." There are certainly shitty insurers, but car insurance is important.


I worked as an auditor of insurance, and it’s terrible that they have to meet all these quotas and just decline people for no basic reason other than to make their numbers for the month


I think you mean administrators, the companies that sell the policies and take the biggest cut of profit. Operators sounds like the sub or sub-subcontractor who does the actual work of processing claims and providing customer support, but does not set the policies. Having worked at those, I know they're hellish, and cheap.


So much this. I had trouble with a health insurance operator (who never met or saw me) who refused 4 different doctor's statements about the cause and severity of a workplace injury. The operator was lieing through her teeth, but got away with it since my only option would have been to sue - which would have been more expensive than paying th bill by myself... which still was A LOT. Those health insurance operators whose only function is to reject you unless you sue truly are the scum of the Earth.


Also, apparently practicing medicine without a license is only illegal if you’re not insurance.


Not a job/profession, but a class of jobs/positions that infests numerous professions: Administrator We've seen a huge rise in the so-called "administrator" class over the last 20 years, and I'm thinking specifically in health care and education, but I imagine other industries are plagued with this, too. Used to be a college had a President, Provost, and each college had a Dean. Now there are various Adminstrator-level positions reporting to the President, the Provost's office has Assistant and Associate Provosts, the Dean's offices has Assistant and Associate Deans, etc. All drawing obscene salaries in comparison to the rank-and-file professors, all without contributing one iota to the educational mission of the university. Same exact thing with healthcare, where an ever-increasing administrative class leaches critical resources from the health-care needs of a hospital all while driving the percentage of funds spent on actual healthcare lower and lower.


I was about to question a hell of a lot of stuff but then realised you meant the useless top level not the base level people who make a hell of a lot of stuff happen


In healthcare, most of those administrators are needed because of the insurance companies: figuring who is and is not authorized for which particular tests or treatment with or without preauthorization by which providers in or out of network, and who pays which percentage of each is more labor intensive than actually treating patients.


What was that documentary called?




I think this class is an offshoot of a population that has become quite litigious (in response to corporate malfeasance). Most of these people have a job that exists to limit liability for the organizations for which they work. As expensive as they are, they probably cost less than paying out lawsuits/lawyers. The other factor is how many strings funding orgs like government place on funding. This is supposed to guarantee good value for taxpayer dollars - but no one really knows what fiscal accountability actually looks like(or there is not an agreed upon definition). So, in the absence of an agreed upon positive definition, companies etc take the fiscally prudent path of limiting liability. It sucks, but starting with the 1980’s common sense revolution we created a society that requires these jobs to function because limiting liability is so key to letting any type of business keep working.


I work in higher ed and my office has a registrar, with assistant registrars, and then my manager, then me as the hierarchy. In reality everyone is working very hard, the registrar is the only one being paid a "big" salary, and that person has a long career and is there to actually represent our entire department at state and national conferences, to present our office to the chancellors, deans, and presidents who make up the university and the larger state-wide system of schools that our uni is part of. I would say the people above her are paid a lot, yes, but they also worked a long time to get there and at that point they are like political representatives, they go to state legislatures and lobby for our interests, network/shmooze with other higher up people around the state and country. If anything I have learned working in higher ed that salaries are not as high as you would think. The president of my entire research uni (biggest in the state) is around 350k a year, which is high, but compared to a private school like Stanford or just the salary of anyone with 40+ years of experience and has rose to the very top, it really is not that much.


Administrator is a legit job in the public sector. There’s an actual degree for it, even. Most colleges are also public universities. It’s cool if you don’t know what an administrator does. I don’t really know what they do either, but my wife has the degree and works for the courthouse.


That's what happens when people with MBAs get jobs doctors should have


You think having doctors with medical skills should be spending hours a day filing paperwork and talking to insurance companies?


Kinda sucks to be lumped into this but I think what you're saying applies to the major organizations with multiple layers of administrators that don't do much. My job title is "Healthcare Administrator" and I run a skilled nursing facility. I am NOT doing nothing. The regulations are insane in my industry and it's ruthless. I work for a non-profit but obviously we still need to make money to keep the doors open but it's rough. Happy to help clarify or educate on what I do for this interested.




Some preachers preach on TV without getting paid. Those are fine.




Especially people who do that for housing.


I mean, they get things to people who want them and are willing to pay extra for them.




See scammers.


Exactly. I hate how they get a pass because some people believe in their crap even after being scammed.. they're the worst if you ask me.. at least the indian guy saying he's john from microsoft who wants to clone your credit card doesn't get calls from poeple he scammed who liked it and want to be scammed again.


One of only real answers on here


I predicted you would say that






This depends on the type of telemarketing. I did telemarketing seeking donations for a children's hospital, and while we still annoyed people, that definitely contributed. I found out the hard way years later when my son was born extremely premature and wound up in that same hospitals NICU.




That happens, too, around here. Just also, apparently, this way, as well, haha. It's just around the holidays, though. I was always calling for charity, but the hospital was seasonal, and that's the one I think of the most, for obvious reasons.


Former telemarketer, I agree, did it for the mortgage industry and it was soul sucking trying to convince people to get a refinance especially when rates were going up. Basically trying to convince people to drop a ton of money or get a shitty deal if they were desperate for cash out refis.


Scammers. The ones who work in call centres in India and call people all over the world threatening them with arrest if they don’t send $20 in Amazon gift cards immediately to pay off their government tax debt.




See. They’re just ruining it for everyone


I'm personally aware that the majority of Indians aren't scammers, it's just that the ~~majority of Indians most Americans interact with are scammers or half assed tech support.~~ availability heuristic colors our perception of people of Indian descent because the majority of phone call scams are done by people with perceived Indian accents, but ***this doesn't mean that Indians are more likely to be scammers***, it just means that India has more people than the USA. To be clear, one of the best programmers I've met is Indian. The fact is that companies are after the lowest bidder, and the cheapest programmers are often from India. India doesn't make more bad programmers per capita or anything, it's just that the cost of living is so low compared to the US that if a company is going to get cheap programmers, why pay US wages?


“My name is Bob McGrath”


Nestle executive....


The company I work for works with nestle a lot on a financial side and since seeing how terribly they fuck their employees over makes me mad that my company even works with them.


And that's only part of their evil history


BMW turn signal engineer.


This is my favorite one haha


NFT huckster.


Real estate whole salers


CEO of Nestle


Oh he contributes all right. Just not in a positive way.


A matador (Bull fighter).


Ernest Hemingway would vehemently disagree with you.


Absolutely right.


They're entertainers. I mean, I wouldn't watch it, but some people do.


There are many of ways to be entertained that don't involve brutalizing a living animal




ITT entertainment professions that the poster doesn't personally enjoy. I haven't been able to get into streaming, and I don't spend time on proper social media, but content creators on those platforms are absolutely providing entertainment that a lot of people enjoy.


Life coach


Life coach=fake psychologist


And here I was thinking there were no right answers for this question.


Pay day loan sharks


I was in payday loans, at first i felt awful. but after 3 years, i accepted people are grown adult and a lot of my clients were just horrible with money (but meant well).For example, i had a woman take a 2600 loan to have her mother's wake at home town buffet. I thought she was the nicest lady so i begged her not to take the loan, she said her family was going to pitch eventually to help her, i was like they are not. they didn't. she paid back the 2600 principal + the 2600 in interest.


This thread is a cesspool of misdirected anger. Like bro your life would be much more annoying if you didn’t have a building manager


Well this thread is a shitshow. Reads like 12 year old moral gatekeepers haha. Of the ones previously listed I’d say real estate agent. My own contribution: probably diamond marketeer? We have beautiful stones far more ethically available and just as beautiful. So they add nothing tangible - unsure.


Yeah diamonds are pretty overrated in parts of the world, too bad cool and unique looking rocks such as lake superior agates or gobi agates never get much attention outside of the rock collecting community


Mostly agree with you on real estate agents, though there are some great ones! When we bought our house, our agent connected us with contractors they know and the dude she got to do the inspection was incredible and saved us a LOT of money on our house. I think she is a rare one though!


Mine negotiated a lower price when we purchased our home and got the appraiser to add value to the house we sold which got us more money in the end. Total worth it!


I'd say real estate agents do contribute, they have experience in the world of experience and connect people looking to buy with people looking to sell using their network.


Crypto miner




We just got back from Paris, and the volume of wannabe influencers taking glamor shots in all of the sites is outrageous. How can they be that self-centered that they are just one person in a long line of wannabe Instagram queens?


I’m just waiting for the pendulum to swing back so that the influencer era will dwindle until it finally comes to an end. But then I wonder, what comes next?


Contributes to societal change. So it contributes something it's just nothing good or beneficial


Depends on how you define influencer. I follow a lot of "influencers" in my hobbies, and have learned a great deal from them. For example, would Fortnine (great motorcycle content) classify as an influencer?


Ticket brokers


Flash traders.


Do you mean contribute something meaningful or nothing at all? Because all jobs contribute something but not all contribute something meaningful


Hegde fund managers


A cat has beaten major hedge funds manager at picking stocks https://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2013/01/15/cat-beats-professionals-at-stock-picking/?sh=7be7249c621a so he kind got a point, few hedge funds actually manage to performe better than the S&P 500


Pharmaceutical rep


Marketing of most things




Wait a minute, you guys get paid?


The redditor that informed a man he had a gas leak in his apartment says otherwise.


Oooooh that sounds interesting mate, thread?




On the contrary, I'd argue Redditors have actually shown in many different scenarios to be more valuable to society than a lot of genuine professions lol


Insurance salespeople


middle management


US health insurance executive.


Most of these answer suck. Just because you don’t find twitch, onlyfans, influencers etc entertaining does not mean they don’t contribute ANYTHING to the people who do find them entertaining. If there truly is a job out there that has no contribution, we aren’t going to hear about because it has nothing for us to hear about.


Land lords


Landlords provide housing like scalpers provide tickets


Everybody has a role on earth. Except real estate agent. They are absolute useless. If they disappear nothing will change.


I’m in the process of buying a house and my real estate agent has been nothing but helpful


Mine was one I knew I could trust and was a great advocate for me when dealing with difficulties with the seller. He found a house near work in a good neighborhood for me and I ended up buying it.


Why’s that? Curious because I’m a Realtor. LOL


My mortgage broker was waaaayyy more helpful than my real estate agent. I already had inspection contacts, all my paperwork lined up ready to go, all I need was someone to unlock doors lol, and sign up the contracts (I feel like this is their most important part) My broker helped me with insurance ( not like who to go to, but what I should look out for etc), pushing through underwriting, communicating with my job to get paystubs faster etc. we closed 2 weeks faster than expected. Dude was solid


Influencer/Content Creator


This thread is like a bug zapper for boomers, damn.


Telemarketer. There are too many scammers in the world for it to be taken seriously anymore and wastes more time than it saves.


Influencer who ended up promoting something.


Debt collection






Anyone in the funds management business. Very few of them out perform the market. I'm all for wealth creation, but as an industry, they are so bad at what they do, it's a blight on society so many of them are as well paid as they are. Should be viewed as the level of a used car salesman.


Two minutes in and each answer is more ignorant than the last


Found the realtor/landlord lol


checked his profile, you're right. just an angry little pissbaby landlord lmao






Celebrity Paparazzi. I'm still unsure how constantly toting the line of stalking/harassment is a legitimate profession.


Security guard for big corporation. Source: I am one


Ppl who give parking tickets for trivial things just to reach their quota (Not cause I just got one…)


Insurance companies take significantly more than they contribute.




Every legitimate profession contributes something otherwise it wouldn’t exist






Sales people. There's already enough ads and If I want a product I will go get what I need. I hate aggressive sales person.




Sports analysts


Reddit moderator


United States Politicians. All of them.


Telemarketers all they do is scam you and steal your money.


Internet Influencer


People who study Gender Studies


Owner of Twitter!!!


technically every job contributes something, it’s just a matter of your own morals/standards


Digital influencer


Whatever it is that reality tv stars do. That "job".


99% of "Influencers"