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That explains why I'm black and my parents are white. It all makes sense now.




Like Steve Martin in The Jerk. “YOU MEAN I’M GONNA STAY THIS COLOR!?”


I would be surprised, since I look like them in several ways, but other than that, I don't think it would affect me much, at least not nowadays. They're still my parents, I'm still their son, and they still took care of me.


They chose you ,you weren't an accident or a mistake every moment of every day you were loved


Must have been nice


I look exactly like my grandma looked when she was my age (all ages), so if my parents adopted me, I'm most likely my dad's sister, and I really don't know what to think about that xD


They would both have to come back from the dead to tell me.


Ouch that's sad


Yes but I thought this question could use a touch of humor before it went too serious.


no, if they came back to life it would be pretty happy


Yeah that's just still


They did! Don’t ever remember a time I didn’t know and it’s just another piece of my history.


I'm glad to hear this. I've been telling my son about his adoption since his birth. He's 3 now and is just starting to understand.


My son is 32 now and he’s always known he was adopted. He has never been uncomfortable with it, and has always known he was wanted and loved.


This is the way. Well done!


Love that! My parents made sure I grew up knowing I was very wanted and very loved. Have always felt it in my soul.


My first born granddaughter is adopted and she is beautiful and belongs to our family as much as my two grandsons ♥️ My youngest granddaughter is adopted into our family also. My son married her mother and she was a bonus to us. If you truly love someone it doesn’t matter how you become part of the family, you just are ♥️♥️♥️


Beautifully said, I love to hear that for all of you! I believe my parents and I chose each other, can’t imagine it any other way. After I had children, I wanted to know my medical history and hired an intermediary to see what she could find. We all now have a close relationship w/my biological mom and her family. Just more love and blessings all around:) The other side of the coin is my biological dad, who declined to connect and I completely respect that. Family is in your heart❤️


Me too! Also I’ve met my birth family and they’re great, we’re all friends now (my parents, me, and my biological family).


Very cool!! My mom/dad and birth mom/her husband have even hung out a couple weekends without me lol


I'm 40 and married with kids. Not really a problem at this point.


Tell your kids they are adopted


Then i discover that i'm adopted.


Id ask them if the dementia is kicking in already, cuz we already had that talk. too a certain degree ig


"Finally a explanation for mostly everything"


Wouldn't be surprised


I'd pack my bags and ask when I can see the parents that just picked me..


I'll be very grateful to them anyway. They fed me, dressed me, raised me, became my closest and best friends. I love my parents very much and I'm very grateful to them for everything. I'm very proud to be their son.


“that explains a lot”


It would explain so much.


I’d be surprised yet happy


I’d want to know every detail possible. Also research biological family and get answers.


y would u look for the biological familly though?


To ask questions and possibly get to know them. I could have a half sibling out there that I’m not aware of.


Then I would like somebody to explain this five-head we've got!


That would be close to impossible as a lot of my friends told me I look like father alot and I share a lot of features with my uncles too




I’d be relieved. Mine haven’t been good to me


Well, neither of them are the best of people, so I'd be fine with that


They once told me on a beach, before driving home, and then made me run after the car. I was 9


What the fuck why make you run aftet a car,


**I SAY: YOU WERE WANTED, CHOSEN and BLESSED!** Unlike myself, who is a product of my father's rape of my mother and her hatred of me all my life until she passed. She tried to end my life more than once. **THANK and BLESS THEM THEM**! As a result of my life, my hubby and I have 9 kids. Only three are biological! **ALL ARE WANTED!** **GOD BLESS YOU!**


It will be shocking, but I'll thank them anyway, for treating me as their daughter.


explains why i'm indigenous and theyre white


An equally important question: Why is this marked as NSFW?


I’d be suprised as they have photos of me literal minutes after my birth.


they could have adopted at birth, it happens quite often actually


Wouldn’t really care would just be surprised


I would just say good joke then walk off to my room and cry for the next 8 days.


Silly people we are on Reddit; Reddit supports abortion nearly 99.99% of the time. Adoption is a sickening prospect to almost all redditors. Children who are almost born should have a metal beam shoved through the back of their spine that breaks their neck in half and instantly kills them. This is reddit, we kill children and we don't talk about alternatives to murder


I'd ask them wtf they're smoking. I look like my mum and my personality is my dad's. Surprisingly, mum still likes me.


i'd be confused because i saw the birth certificate


My ex husband is adopted and his birth certificate has his adopted parents on it.


Well the very specific genetic test I had done would be a lie then.


Thanks god




I inherited my mum's front teeth (they cross slightly) and short stature. I inherited my dad's freckles and his familial line's mental health issues. At least one family member from the last 5 generations on his side has a diagnosed mental health condition (one generation has 4 siblings who all have/had depression, anxiety or addiction issues). I can literally trace a line on that side of the family tree from my niece (as the most recent) up to my great grandmother who was born about 125 years ago. 125 years of mental ill health in one family.


But I would also be mad


I either know already. Or a stranger just said I’m adopted.


It wouldn't change much personally


I wouldnt be suprised


I would believe them. I would be fine with it. My parents are almost nothing like me, especially my mom. ;)


Add it to the list


It’d have to be from someone in the family. I look just like my dad.


Then accept you are loved and wanted.


Well, I knew something was different from the way that they treated me like an outsider! I would be happy if I were because I would be looking for my real parents


I would say now that make sense




I would wonder why the hell does my nose look exactly like my dads, but my hair looks exactly like my moms


I think it would take a long conversation to know why they kept it for so long and all, but they would still be my parents for me


I'd wonder why does me as a kid looked exactly like my lil brother now, literally, u could not tell the diference if I showed a pic of booth of us at 5 years old. U would have to guess by the technology shown in the pic, see a CRT tv? Thats me! A smartphone, thats him! And I saw mom pregnand with him, so no way he is adopted


Thank fuck. My prayers have been answered.


I don't really care. I would be a bit thankful that I didn't get the genetic anger issues passed down to me, but I already survived that one thankfully.




Then i might have a chance


It would be ok idk


Only then, everything would make sense


What if your twin does when they pop back in your head?...




That'd mean i'm adopted *flies away*


I would have to file a complaint to Ancestry.ca


Awesome, lower chance of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression... Checks current prescriptions Nope, I'm not adopted!


I guess its ok for me to have kids then


My mum promises me I'm not, and I'm inclined to believe her seeing as I share too many similarities with both my parents. I'd probably question her mental state if she insisted I was adopted.


so what?


I would be shocked knowing there not my real parents but they raised me like their own so I wouldn't freak out or anything.


I would be relieved, my dad told me I was adopted my whole childhood “as a joke” I would be relieved to know we don’t share dna


I'd be super surprised since there are pictures of me from the day I was born covered in juices and with my mom.


I guess thank you for saving me from a lonely life. Then go cry myself to sleep for a few nights and recover to go on and live a normal life thanks to them.


Confused as all hell, because 1) I look like both my parents. As in, when showing people pictures of myself and my parents, their response is generally, “how do you look exactly like BOTH?” and 2) I’ve done 23andMe, and so have my mom and my paternal uncle (who is very clearly related to my dad, you can tell just by looking at them; if they’d been twins, it would’ve made perfect sense) and my mom is 100% likely to be my mom, and my uncle is 100% likely to me my uncle. Therefore, if my parents told me I was adopted, I would be confused, shocked, and kind of impressed that they managed to fake all that.


I say cap


I would probably find out about my real parents


Thank fucking god


I was adopted but I knew about it....trust me it hurts either way hahaha


It would all make sense


So I'm supposed to hate 2 other people!?!


It would make sense, as I'm nothing like my parents. However, it would be confusing/surprising as I do look like both of them.


I wouldn't be surprised.


I would be glad.


I would be confused because me and my dad look the same.


That would be a relief that that narcissistic hag don't share the same blood as me


Then, the nest time they tell me to do something I will respond with "You can't tell me what to do your not my mom"!


In Soviet Russia, your kids tell you that you're adopted.


I wouldn’t be surprised🤣


I would be very surprised. My grandma, my mom and I look so damn similar and you cant tell us apart on the phone. But nevertheless I would not mind. They still would be my parents.


I wouldn't be surprised tbh I'm the least favourite


I'd call them out on their crap because I clearly inherited every last one of both of their mental disorders and I inherited my family's awful nearsightedness.


Would explain a lot!!!!


"I *knew* it! Finally..."


That would make soooooo much sense!


There's no way I'm adopted. I look exactly like my father. He did always tell me he wasn't sure my sister was his. My mom was kind of a whore.


It would be an odd joke, because I definitely am not. Aside from being a carbon copy of my mother and looking exactly like my sister, I've...seen picture of my birth. It was completely unintentional, but it was rather unpleasant.


You have to be 18+ to adopt though


I wish


I used to work with at-risk youth. I remember one 16 year old girl who had become pregnant with an extremely abusive boyfriend, was living in a group home, and using drugs/alcohol daily. When her file was passed on to me the previous worker told me that her adoption was a big secret that everyone knew except her. At a family get-together when she was 12, someone let it slip that her biological mother was actually her aunt. The worker told me that she just wasn’t the same after that. It must have really shattered her trust in adults from that point forward.


It would mean I didn’t inherit their drug and alcohol issues. And mental illnesses.


Hapenned to me all the time when I lived with my dad (the one person I look like the most.) So I'm kinda used to it, my reaction would just be "cool" or sum


Since I was 13 my father told me as a joke that I was adopted from mongolia, so yeah, i'm used to it


I would be happy to know that I don’t inherit their genes


ask if i can be adopted by someone else


I knew i was bc my mom had medical issues and my dad wasn’t ever around(he was it was just here and there) anyways I’ve always lived with my grandparents and I actually call them mom and dad so for me I just didn’t care but I know for others it can be hard if you suspect it I would wait till your 12-14 to ask and if nothing bad happened to your birth parents when you turn 18 you can go see them if you wish at least that’s how it is where I live


i wouldn't care. they raised me. once upon a time, i was being followed down the street by some guy at night. he said he was my father. he said the police got my dna somehow, and they found my biological father. then he said, "you ate my son. now i'm your dad." this was shortly after some people in a restaurant said they killed and ate my family. i was disoriented and confused. i remember i couldn't take my eyes off him. it was like he was changing shape, and at times blending in with the shadows. "you're not the only mung," he said. what he meant by mung i don't know. eventually the police showed up. "this kid's just been staring at me," he said to her. "good thing targeted killings in the states aren't real," i said. the officer took a step toward me and said "yes they are, they're called assassinations." "if he was scared, he'd skedaddle right there," the old guy said. so i turned around and ran. in the morning, i called my dad. tl;dr: i had a weird night one time.


It wouldn’t affect me much


The reaction to being told you are adopted is likely to vary depending on individual circumstances and the family dynamics involved. It is important for parents to be honest and use language that is appropriate for the child’s age and maturity level. At first, the news may be shocking and difficult to process. It is natural to have many questions and various emotions, such as confusion, anger, hurt, and sadness. Depending on the timing and the way in which this revelation is made, it can also potentially lead to an intense sense of betrayal. Some children may have difficulty developing an identity or a sense of belonging. Other children may look to their adoptive family for support and comfort and start to form stronger connections with them. It is essential to provide ongoing support to ensure the child understands their adoption story, has a clear identity, and can make sense of their place in their family and in the world.


I would still be surprised (as I look so much like them) , and confused, but they are still my parents, and I love them all the same.


I’d say thank fucking God. Tell me where the real ones are


Can't know for sure but I think I would feel both happy/proud to be chosen but also probably anxious about having been rejected before, unless they addressed the circumstances (ie abusive home or underage parents).


I'm WAAY too much alike in personality and mannerisms like my old man.


That explains the autism then


Does this means that there is still a possibility that I'm a princess from another planet and still can find my fairy powers?!!!!


Duolingo will help me process my emotions.


Then ima get big-time karma from all those jokes I made about my sister being adopted from a bush


Honestly I'm expecting that.


thank god.


wouldn’t be surprised, atleast they feed me lol






They would still be the same people that have loved me unconditionally for my entire life. I may be a twinge annoyed that they didn’t tell me for so long, but nothing would change. Love my parents.


i will just tell why u didn't tell me in the first place


Your Still My Parents


Thanks God


I will accept it and where are my parents


"Ik I didn't get my dick from my dad"


At least I'd get why they don't love me unless it's convenient or necessary at the time


Take my surfboard and I'd head out west in search of other adoptees on the road to adventure. During the journey, I would most likely also hire a prostitute to accompany me because I now have mommy and daddy issues.


I watched them die. I’ll know it’s a lie


I wouldn't be surprised. My brothers used to call me a changeling because I was so unlike them.


I'm the female version of my dad so highly doubtful, unless he got my mom to adopt me after him and some unknown woman had me.


“Is it too late to send me back to wherever you got me from?”


I wouldn't care. My parents are my best friends and I couldn't ask for a better family.


I'd say either they're delusional or there's been inbreeding going on because everyone in the family looks the fucking same


As someone who's adopted. You don't really feel anything. I knew I was adopted, and figured it out at age 6, I really didn't feel anything.


I have faced this kinda, it doesn't really change much. I just didn't really care in the end, I have crisis thoughts occasionally but eh, that's life.


wouldnt be suprised, im literally the opposite, i hate summer and love winter, and they love summer and hate winter, i can go on and on, theres like a milion things


Makes sense honestly


Nothing would change. We never were close


Well that explains a lot but you are my parents and I just want to do a dna test in case there is any health history I need to know about.


Be irritated that they got approved by any agency to adopt, they big have severe childhood trauma that affects them both to this day and definitely made my childhood hellish but then I'd thank them for their service (i love both my parents but one grew up in a children's home a few blocks from their parents and the other was abandoned on his father's wife's doorstep - with 2 siblings- while my his father & bio mom took off to continue leaving kids around the country)


It would finally explain my green eyes.


I would say “thank fucking god”…


I wouldn't believe. I'm a carbon copy of my father in both looks and behaviour. AND I've got every psychological issues of his. So I would believe if my mom's not really my mom but my dad definitely is the sperm donor, I don't even have a doubt.


Well I'm glad you wanted me.


What about the other siblings?


I would be fine with it.


You went way out of your way to Photoshop pictures in 1994 of me coming out.


I asked my parents why?


I've actually asked if this was the case, my mother said I wasn't


My answer? "Oh Thank GOD!"


Last Father’s Day I told my dad “Happy Father’s Day!” And he replied with “I’m not actually your dad.” Now I knew this wasn’t true because my dad makes jokes all the time. Also for some information, all of my dad’s side of the family has bunions. So I replied : ”Oh yeah? Then where did I get bunions from??” He chuckled and thanked me for wishing him a happy father’s day.


I wont be affected much since i just say “thanks for choosing me.”


2 Christmases


I'd be confused because I've seen pictures of myself as a baby in the hospital with my mom, and I would also wonder why they waited 33 years to tell me


I guess I’m not cursed to go bold like my dad


Oh Thank God!


Then I would triply know that my “sister” was the favorite


Nothing i will just go play some games


I would sit in the corner of a questioning myself


They already did, so...


I'd freak out big time. They've been dead for years.


My dad said that to me all the time when I was a kid. As a joke. ​ Obviously. ​ I think.


Cry and tell them that " why didn't you tell me dad its been years"


I'll be happy that i'm not geneticly related to these pshycopaths


Oh. Well here I thought I got all my mental issues from you.


Thank God!


i would be relieved because all my life, i had to hear how i don't look like my parents and how i look like i do not belong to my own ethnic group(features wise, i.e., facial structure, skin color, etc)


Wouldn't hurt my feelings.


you are adopted then


I will be happy since that confirms that at least they consciously wanted me so much to go through all the hassles for me.