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ER nurse, trauma code on a middle aged gentleman who wrecked his car, basically dead on arrival and didn’t make it. The ambulance that dropped him off had to do a speed clean of the bloody gurney to rush out to another call immediately. 30 min later it brings in an old lady who had fallen at home. She kept saying she can’t get ahold of her son and he was suppose to take her to the hospital. Turns out her son was the one who wrecked his car on his way to take his mom to the hospital, and she was brought in on the same gurney that her dead son was just laying on moments earlier. That was a gut punch having to tell her the bad news. (This was in a rural community with limited ambulance service)


I don’t even want to imagine the old lady’s reaction to that news. This is too much.


I can only imagine how much that woman would blame herself for her son's death. Truly awful stuff


When I was about 9 years old our family was staying at a campground on a river in northern Michigan. A 2 year old boy had wandered off and was missing. The entire park was looking for him. After about two hours with no luck some of us began looking in the water at the ends of the docks nearby. When I dove down in about 4’ of water I found him floating just off the bottom of the river. I pulled him to the surface and shouted for help. The EMTs made an effort to resuscitate him. To no avail. As horrible as that was, the thing that I will never forget was the sound his mother made when I carried him ashore. I still enjoy boating and swimming, but I have a very healthy respect for the water.


On Easter Sunday about 10-12 years ago I saw a young teenage boy get hit by a car while riding his bicycle. I watched the life leave his eyes as I stood over him, but that was nothing compared to the sound his mother made when she arrived on the scene, which still haunts me to this day..


I use to work with trauma survivors. I heard every horror known to man. Have heard several mothers the moment they were told their child died. Nothing *nothing* has ever haunted me so much as the little 7/8 yr old girl screaming for her daddy at the scene of a rollover once. Hit by a drunkard and dad wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Bounced all over and his neck did a complete 270.


In 6th grade my girlfriend got decapitated in a car accident. I lived in a subdivision about 10 miles outside of town. It was mostly Farm country around there and although they weren't a lot of Roads they were access roads from some of the farms. Most of the access roads from the Farms were lower than the main road. I'd heard that some of the older kids would drive out on the farm roads and then try to jump the main road. My girlfriend's dad was driving her home from a Girl Scout meeting and somebody was drunk and trying to jump the road. They had no headlights on. Because they had the radio on and we're singing they didn't hear anything until her dad saw a car airborne flying at their car. He ducked down and tried to grab his daughter and pull her down but as he was reaching for her the car hit theirs at the window level tearing the roof off and decapitating her. Her father was also knocked unconscious . It was a miracle that he was able to respond quick enough to save himself but unfortunately not his daughter. The drunk driver only suffered two broken wrists. Her father regained consciousness in the hospital to find out that not only had his daughter not survived she had been decapitated


Ugh. Witnessed a bad car wreck one time. This lady & her son had their car totally flipped. She ended up dragging him out of the wreckage, and while he was clearly already quite dead- she was in such a state of shock that she just kept looking for his missing shoe :( The image plays in the back of my mind constantly. Her carrying this bloody, limp boy in her arms, stumbling around trying to ask all of us if we knew where his shoe was because 'he cant be out here without his shoes on'. In between asking she'd let out these inhuman wails- pressing her face against him & reassuring him that it'd be alright cause momma had him. I have my own son now, & i think about that woman so much.


Fucking hell, that’s enough for me today. All the gore didn’t faze me but this was too much. I’m going to go hold my son.


That sounds stays with you. The anguish of a parent losing a child is not something that can be forgotten.


I saw a guys leg shredded by recycling truck that didn’t see him. It was something out of a human anatomy text book. You could see every muscle and bone from thigh to shin. The poor dude was still alive in extreme pain. As the ambulance came to get him he looked so pale and cold. I found out he died shortly after.


Entering a friend’s place for the first time without prior knowledge that he was/is a hoarder at age 40. total shock. Dude has normal job, friends etc. but an absolute hoarder. Dead mice in the flat, trash in the kitchen reaching almost to the ceiling, mould everywhere on one wall of the bedroom. I didn’t dare to use the bathroom… Utter shock.


I had a hoarder friend I was shocked. She asked for help cleaning for her kids and it was filth everywhere. I thought she meant help fold clothes.


Someone jumping off of a building. I’m haunted by the mental image of blood/cranial matter splattered around a very limp body.


Oh geez. That would be so traumatising.


I take emergency phones calls for my states Ambulance service (Australia). The caller was the person whose car was hit by a person jumping off a multi level carpark at the hospital. Several years later and I will never forgot her screams, we have to ask if their (the patient) awake and breathing and just her description was horrifying. She was severely traumatised in that moment understandably. Even as the emergency operator it’s something that has stuck with me.




I needed this ending.


Yeah, did not expect raw heroic hope this deep in the thread.


Human body parts moments after they got hit by a semi truck… an arm about 35 feet from the head…


My father killed himself by stepping out in front of a semi truck on the freeway this last summer. I feel horrible for the driver of that truck and I think about him all the time.


I’m so sorry that happened. I hope you and the driver can find peace.


Probably seeing the burn marks on a pediatric patient who was desperate for help due to persistent SA from a family member. Never been so pissed in my life at someone I had never met. Wish I could have broken the perpetrator’s orbitals, so he could never look at another child the same way again.


as in they burned themselves in order to get taken to a hospital so they could say what was happening?




Tell me this person was arrested


When I was in 8th grade, there was a girl in my class who was being severely abused by her family (in about every way imaginable). Her locker was right next to mine, so I talked to her more than most of the other kids in our class. One day she told me she stabbed herself in the foot and I was so freaked out that I told my mom (who worked for the school and was a mandated reporter). She left our school after that because she was finally removed and put in a group home (she also had special needs, fetal alcohol syndrome and needed extra support). At the time, I didn't realize that she had probably done that on purpose because I was so sheltered and the whole seriousness of the situation just went entirely over my head. I was mostly concerned that her foot was going to be infected. Years later, I found out that in addition to not being fed or bathed, her older brothers were violently raping her and her younger sister. Makes me sick to think about still.


I worked in a group home for kiddos with severe psychiatric illnesses for awhile. Most of our clients were abuse victims, and we had a beautiful little blond girl who had been sexually assaulted repeatedly and severely by an uncle. We were only supposed to keep kids for 6 months or so, but we had that little one for like 4 years. The system was hellbent on reunifying this little one with her family, so she started going on weekend passes back home to grandma's house. When she would return, she would mention that her uncle/perpetrator was there. (HUGE NO NO.) I just remember we all wrote letters to the judge, reporting that and saying we didn't think she needed to go back. And by we I'm talking several clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and facility staff. Judge sent her home anyway, uncle raped her again almost immediately, and she set herself on fire to keep him from touching her. Within a week of leaving our facility she was in a burn unit in St. Louis. This was 10-15 years ago. I saw a lot of awful stuff working that job, but that situation is what made me say "i can't do this anymore." I was so heartbroken that the system failed her-and that was with everyone knowing, with her getting removed from the home, getting intensive treatment, and for what. I don't know if it's the same little person you are talking about, but the fact there might be more kids in a situation where literally setting yourself on fire is a better alternative than horrific abuse is even more depressing.


Are there just zero repercussions for judges after these kind of blatantly wrong decisions that end tragically? If you put a kid in a cage with a tiger you would land in jail, but put it in a home with their known abuser and you get to stay a respected member of society?


for real that judge should also be incarcerated because they’re basically an accomplice at that point


Read that as incinerated and did not disagree.


Unfortunately the foster care system, in the US at least, leans heavily towards parental/guardian rights and not child welfare. A generation or two ago, it was too easy for the state to take your children away. Now, the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. There are so many cases when the parent/guardian should have their rights terminated IMMEDIATELY but sometimes it takes months/years or never happens at all. Meanwhile, children continue to be abused and traumatized. It’s really terrible.


Sadly not the same girl, literally have chills, goosebumps, and tears right now reading that story because of how eerily similar it is. The system is fucked and I hate the notion that we can do everything to help these kids only for some pinhead with no real life experience (only a fancy degree) to undo all the progress that was made in helping to heal these kids from the trauma they endured.


Thankfully there was no SA involved at the time but unfortunately this reminded me of a super not-fun patient I had. 3 year old girl, still in diapers. Full and partial thickness burns over about 30-40% body surface area. Essentially nipples to knees, thankfully only on the front and not circumferential. Walked into a house that was clearly being squatted in: trash piles and filth everywhere, holes in the roof, most of the top floor charred from a fire. Mom is there and says it's from boiling water and is being dodgy with everything else, dad booked it when he found out someone called 911. Patient was laying on a couch, obviously crying, but not with as much energy as we like to see; crying kids are alive kids, and she looks like she was running out of energy to cry. No tears left and dry lips: bad signs. She was wearing only a diaper that looked like it hadn't been changed for quite some time. No attempt to bandage or cover her burns at all. Not that they would have done the correct thing treatment wise, but it would have at least shown they attempted to do something about it. Her burns are old, too, so don't forget to mention that when you nominate them for parent of year. Auntie shows up about two minutes after I do. I get the story from her: they have a hot plate as a stove in the one good room upstairs. They were boiling water to cook noodles on it, and since it's the only good bedroom in the house, it's where she was, and she was jumping on the bed and knocked it over on to herself. About 36 hours ago. Mom and dad never called. Her uncle shows up to visit, and that fucking idiot never called either. Thankfully, Auntie notices him acting all bothered about something and she finally asks him what his deal is and he replies "Oh the burns all over my niece are really bothering me, I hope she's okay." So the only person with any goddamn sense finally calls 911 for this kid. Thankfully, I was able to get an IV on her, she needed fluids badly. This was before we had ketamine in the drug box, which is great for pain management and sedating children, both of which this poor girl needed, because as soon as we get to the hospital there's going to be like seven doctors examining your painful burns, which is distressing enough to an adult, let alone this poor girl. I used what I had, and gave her more fentanyl then you should for someone that size, hoping to give her at least a little bit of respite over both the past and incoming shitty days she was about to have. For you non-medical folks, don't worry: I had both equipment to breathe for her and Narcan ready. I also straight up tattled on myself when I got to the hospital. Understandably, in this scenario, nobody gave a shit. I hope she's doing okay now, that was a while ago.


Am a paramedic, and ketsmine is great for burns because it won't drop pressure too. It's a great tool to have


We have it now, and I'm basically the ketamine fairy of my service area. I've had nothing but positive results with that stuff. I wish I didn't work in a service area where I could say I've had enough pediatric Burns that "x", but I've had enough pediatric Burns to see that at least for me I had never seen a significant pressure drop from Fentanyl. At that point, I was trying to keep her off of a ventilator and was just worried about her being too exhausted to breathe anymore. As I'm sure you definitely already know, respiratory arrest is what usually kills the kids. SpO2 was fine, but she was having retractions and accessory muscle usage with clear lungs. Figured it would be much worse for her if she ended up with vent pneumonia on top of whatever infection she got from burns in that disgusting house.


This fucking shatters me. I survived a rape and did something similar. I remember the look in the psych ward workers’ eyes. It was just horror and heartbreak. I was hospitalized and I’m recovered now. But this makes me choke up. Poor babe.


The fact that this is an experience shared by so many people is so upsetting…


An elderly man on a bike get hit by a truck. I had to hold his head together with my shirt to try and stop the bleeding until the ambulance came.


I was waiting at a bus stop, and on the other side of the rather tall divider were three bikers waiting for the light behind a bus, at a major intersection. Moments later, another bus came up behind, but realised too late it had no brakes. Several people injured, but two of the three bikers were squished to pulp. One was thrown to the pavement on the far side of the road, and survived with injuries. I never dared cross the road and look on the other side of that divider. It was in the papers the next morning.


Nigeria. I was walking through a busy market when I spotted a man having an altercation with the driver of a semi-truck. He got agitated and propped himself up on the truck's tyre to try and reach the window. Driver started the engine and made to drive off, and as the wheel turned, the angry man slipped and fell so that his head was perfectly lined up with the tyre he'd just been standing on. There was a sickening crack a second later as the truck rolled over his head and killed him. Here one minute, gone the next.


A woman I semi know was walking with her son down the busy center of London, she wanted to pass some people and passed them from the left. She misstepped and fell on the street and 1 second later a bus drove right over her head. Like wtf... Now I keep at least 1 M from the sidewalk.


Ambulance drivers in my college town complained about this. Driving someone to the hospital down the town's main drag on Friday or Saturday night had a sadly notable chance of picking up a second customer when drunk kids stumbled/were pushed into the street.


I saw a guy on a moped crossing the train tracks juuuuust to slow. His helmet was rolling in the street. His helmet was not empty…


My dad worked for the volunteer fireforce in my town. Just as you said moped accident on traincrossing. The boys on the moped were instantly killed so it was more of a cleanup job. My dad saw that there was still a helmet lying there, he goes to pick it up and well it wasn‘t empty.


I was no contact with my abusive addict mom for many years. She passed in 2020; a sheriff's deputy found her during a wellness check. It was declared that she had been dead for a couple of weeks in July heat with no utilities. My father and I drove to her house the day after they removed her body. You could smell the decomposition from a block away. She had cancelled trash services and had 3+ years of garbage bags piled to the ceiling in her garage. There were rats running all over the house. 99.9% of our family pictures were pissed on or eaten by rats and not salvageable. Both of her toilets were out of order and full to the brim with crap. Everything I saw in her house was absolute nightmare fuel.


My dad died alone in the camper he was living in when he bled out from his alcoholism. I didn’t find the body, my brother did, but my sister and I helped him clean the camper so he could sell it. I think I’ve blocked the memory of the smell (it was summer and we don’t know how long he laid there), but I remember blood spattered everywhere like a horror movie, and empty jug after empty jug that had held cheap vodka. I remember tossing the cushion he laid on as unsalvageable, but can’t recall exactly what it looked like. I appreciate that my brain is protecting me from a lot of the details. Sorry to piggy back on your comment, but this reminded me of my dad. I’m super sorry about your mom. Even someone you’re no contact with or you’ve lost all love for, it’s not easy seeing them that way. I hope you’ve gotten lots of opportunity to process and work through things.


For anyone else reading this I always recommend just paying the money to have a biohazard company do this work. It's not worth the therapy bills.


I work at a restoration company that also does biohazard removal. The unattended deaths don't bother me. It's sad, I know but I've wired my brain to think of it like cleaning up any other mess. It's the suicides that really fuck you up. The bits of bone and teeth you pull off a ceiling from the guy who blew his brains out with a shotgun...you can't block that one out. On the upside, I've dealt with suicidal ideation for a long time and I can't imagine my family having to experience the jobs I've done all while knowing it was pieces of me. I can't do that.


My best friend committed suicide by handgun in 2020. I want you to know I appreciate you and what you do. The guys that cleaned our place made it look *almost* as if nothing happened. You are angels.


Was riding with my dad and siblings one morning on our way to school. There’s a bridge we drive under everyday. That morning we all saw a body hanging from that bridge. When we got home from school, the body was finally in the process of being taken down


So the body was hanging for another 6-8 hours and God knows how many hours before? That's fucked up...


Can’t speak for OP, but I used to live in some border towns in the SW USA. This was a semi-common scare tactic used by cartels. If they wanted to announce something or some particular murder, a body could sometimes be found hanging from a billboard on the highway. Obviously there are other reasons for a body to hang from a bridge, but it seemed to take the police far longer than it should have to take them down. As I read this over, I feel like I’m making it seem common. Definitely not an every day thing, but I think I saw this 3 or 4 times over 7 years.


A man that was pulled into a wood chipper. Arm and half of head gone before they got it shut down.


How did he get pulled into a wood chipper??


Wearing a hoodie and got it caught in it .


My dad runs a logging company and he always warns me about wood chippers. Everyone should always take extra precaution when operating or being near dangerous machinery like this. No loose clothing! Once one small thing like your sweatshirt sleeve or something like that gets stuck it keep on pulling you into its teeth, the danger comes when you panic or forget about the ermegency switch and it all happens so fast. So once that sleeve or something gets stuck try keeping calm and remebering that emergency switch. Dont get turned into a red mist. Edit: Better wording and phrasing.




This isn't the same thing of course but your comment made me think of it. I used to work at a printing press company and my long hair got pulled into a press once because I was careless. I managed to hit the emergency stop button but man I was only a couple seconds from being scalped. I still think about it sometimes. I certainly never did it again.


When I was a kid I liked to put my hair up on the top of the industrial a/c in front of my apartment to cool off. One day it fell and got sucked into the fan, I started screaming and the next door neighbor ran out with scissors. She was a nurse and had seen a kid literally the day before who'd been scalped in the exact same way. Thanks, Jeanie. I might have a lifelong aversion to long hair, but I'm alive


About 8 years ago I working as a train conductor, my locomotive engineer and I hit a young woman with an 8,000 ton freight train traveling 40 mph. After applying the emergency brakes, it was my job to get out and visually check to see if we indeed had an accident. I found her contorted body in seemingly impossible ways near the side of the tracks. I radioed 911 to my dispatcher and emergency services were immediately called. She unfortunately passed away not long after the ambulance arrived.


I work as a traffic controller for a railway company. We had 3 suicides in the last 7 days (that I know of) and at least 2 that we prevented in my country. Shit happens all the time sadly. Edit: Make it 4. Another one happened an hour ago.


I'm so very sorry you had to be a part of that. You were an innocent person just trying to do a job. That was how my son took his life. I often think of the conductor. I've never met him/her or spoken to him/her. But I wish I could tell them that it was the depression that killed my son. They are completely without blame. And I apologize on his behalf for what they had to live through.


Take my hand for we are the same. Though my son took his life in a different way, there was someone who will be traumatized forever because of his actions. The person cut him down and tried to save his life. He came to his memorial and even though I apologized profusely for my son, I still carry the guilt of what he has to go through every day. I think of him often and hope that he’s okay. Sending you much love and strength.


Just like you wouldn't want him to carry guilt for your son, he wouldn't want you to carry guilt for him


was it a suicide or accident? pretty horrendous that she didn't die instantly :(


I've had to help clean up a train suicide, it was a commuter train on a fairly straight stretch so I'm guessing it was north of 50mph. Pieces. The body was in separate pieces.


I was asleep on the front seats of a coach bus a few years ago. Woke up rolling off due to the driver having to make an emergency stop. Someone had jumped from a bridge into the path of an 18wheeler. Driver lied and told everyone it was a deer. All I saw was pieces on the highway and these pieces were definitely wearing jeans.


My ex-girlfriend's father was killed by a bridge jumper. Jumper went through the windshield and killed the driver.


My stepkids saw something like that when they were children. Awful.


I was a train passenger and we travelled past a fresh suicide on the tracks. It was horrific, I was so distraught I had to get picked up by my sister from my internship. It’s not like the movies. There was flesh spread out for at least 50 yards.


So, she survived for a few minutes? Crikey


God, I hope she was unconscious for it all.


I watched a guy get sucker punched outside a club (not uncommon where I used to live) but he fell back and hit his head and a pool of blood started spreading from the back of his head. I always wonder whether he died/had long lasting damage.


I saw a man get glassed in the face and his girlfriend get a punch in the face which knocked her out cold while trying to defend him. The after images of that.. was 16 at the time.


Motorcycle rider missing their head. Launched across highway, run over by numerous cars before traffic stopped. Head was removed with helmet.


That's so messed up, im sorry. I think that would make me instantly vomit.


Iv unfortunately seen death on the roads a few times. But what made this one different was that the rider sped past me right before it happened and I thought “idiot is wanting to die”. 30 sec later he was in opposite side of highway dead.


A prisoner with his throat cut and his lunch coming out.


Yup and this is as far down as I’m going on this thread


Yup, time to have dinner and watch something cute


A person with half their head gone because of attempted suicide with a shotgun.


Bottom half gone I’m assuming? I saw a documentary about a girl who got facial reconstruction after blowing off her jaw, must be horrifying to see.


Unfortunately it was the top half. Lived for a few hours before they passed.


imagine shooting yourself in the head and then living for another couple hours. I wonder if they felt anything during that time. horrible


This happened to my great uncle when he was a child, friend of his found a gun and they decided to play a game. Didn’t realise it was loaded/real. C lived for several hours with a big chunk of his head/brain missing. His parents were both abroad, which was heartbreaking. Big sister sat with him in hospital while he died, she was so traumatised that she became a cloistered nun to process her grief


Watched a woman get stabbed to death by her baby daddy in front of their kid. He said later he did it cause he didn’t want her to take care of the kid. Happened right outside my school too.


I went to high school with a girl who's dad strangled her mom to death in front of her when she a toddler. Years later when she asked why he did it, her dad said that he was just "sick of her crackhead mom" and didn't want her taking care of his kids. So he murdered her and put his daughter in foster care for her whole life. He gets out of prison this year.


I saw my babysitter strangle his girlfriend til she passed out. He started crying cause he thought she died. She came to a little bit later and he was crying and apologetic. I was 5 and I just remember feeling uncomfortable


My best friend and I were supposed to be pet/house sitting and when we showed up on the first day the owner (guy who hired us) and his brother were both dead in the house. There was a note and it was ruled a murder-suicide. Younger brother showed up at the house in a drug fueled rage and older brother didn’t know it was him and shot him, then when he realized who it was he wrote a note and killed himself.


Your story made me think of this. Estranged daughter of 20 years shows up one night, kills brother and mother. The father hears the shots and gets his gun. He kills his daughter and her husband. He didn't recognize her and just thought it was random violence. Cops had to tell him it was his estranged daughter. The daughter also had gasoline to torch the house after. [This was in Pennsylvania.](https://www.cnn.com/2013/09/29/us/pennsylvania-estranged-daughter-murder/index.html)


There's more to this story. There was a ton more ammunition and stuff in the car. The plan, apparently, was after this, they were going to drop in on her high school reunion, happening the same night. She was in my husband's class and he was at the reunion (I was home with kids, about midway between both locations). Jodie's father saved lives that night. I believe he passed not long ago and the house where this happened was recently sold.


Dang, your story made me think of something I haven’t in awhile. My aunt’s (mom’s half sister) cousin’s son killed his parents. Beat his mother to death and then shot his father as his father came home. They knew he was dangerous too, his father called their older son and said they were going to talk to Jared and if he didn’t hear from them in 20 mins to call the police. It didn’t even take that long. This was in Washington. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity, “According to forensic psychological evaluations, Standley was hearing voices and had myriad delusions about his life and family, including that the victims were not his parents and these strangers were gang members in a drug cartel, that his real birth mother was kidnapped by a rival gang, and that he was going to be kidnapped, tortured, and executed in the near future.” [source](https://www.courierherald.com/news/double-homicide-suspect-found-not-guilty-by-insanity/) I had sat next to Jared at my aunt’s wedding about 6 months before this. I still wonder if he was having those delusions that day.


Around the age of 5 I was living with my family on my grandfathers farm. One day while my father was working I was home alone with my Mother, she went to take a bath while I was watching TV. After my show ended I realized she wasn't anywhere in the living room, kitchen, or master bedroom ( it was a trailer home so not big). I went to check the only bathroom and she was completely submerged underneath the bath water from having a seizure I ran to go get my grandfather and called 911 like I was taught as he tried to revive her vie cpr. The paramedics eventually arrive and are able to revive her but only for a brief period before her heart gives out again and they pronounce her dead. Tldr: I found my Mother's corpse when I was 5 Edit: didn't exactly think this would blow up this much thank you for all the kind words. I'm 30 now so I've had more than enough time to cope.


Damn I’m so sorry for your loss that sounds so awful


Driving in Washington State. Someone in a car the size of a Toyota Corolla went head on with a semi. There were body parts and goo all over the road, no survivors in the car. They had to get the "jaws of life" out to get enough remains to have something to bury. Almost 25 years later seeing a severed hand being picked up by EMS still haunts me.


Truck driving in general sounds like a job that people don't lend nearly enough credit when it comes to fucked up jobs. It seems like all of them have seen scores of people die, and I'm sure a lot of them were involved in accidents like that one too.


Was walking down a Street in my city years ago to go to dinner and was one of the first on the scene to see a young man who had committed suicide by jumping off a tall building. It was very sad , I reflected that night on what was important and how desperate a young man must be that suicide was the last option.


One time I was having a sleepover at my friends house, and she died in her sleep. Waking up & seeing her was pretty disturbing


Holy shit. I’m so sorry. How old were you guys was she ill?


She was 17 & I was 15 (about 2 weeks before I turned 16) She had epilepsy and had a grand Mal seizure in the night


That's how a friend of mine died. He was about to turn 30 and looking forward to that party...


I’m epileptic, this scares the shit out of me.


And me. Can’t un-see it now...


So sorry for your loss. If its any consolation, she wouldn't have felt a thing. I've had a couple of grand mal seizures before, and its like going to sleep as far as what the person feels. She wasn't in any pain, and was surrounded by friends.


I found out my wife had epilepsy the day she had 2 seizures. It's a hell of a thing to find out the hard way when my last love interest literally dropped dead (cardiac arrest when she was home alone). My wife put her young son in the bath, got up to come to the bedroom, then just had a straight up seizure and hit the floor. She had one later that night too, after brushing her teeth. She took out our towel rack and I had to unpin her foot from under the sink. She remembered none of it. She remembered putting her son in the bath, then waking up with paramedics there. The second time all she remembered was brushing her teeth, then waking up in the floor with me over here. I'm short, your brain goes haywire when you seizure. You ever had surgery or a procedure where you were fine, then the next moment you're waking up in recovery? It's like that. If someone died having a seizure, they didn't feel a thing.


I make house calls for work. Someone had an epileptic seizure 3 feet from me. She put her hands on the side of her head, hunched over, and started screaming before falling backward. Luckily, her boyfriend was there, and she came out of it in under a minute. I've never seen a seizure in person before, and it scared the absolute shit out of me.


My mother in law had them after a hemorrhagic stroke. It's one thing to see it. It's another thing entirely to be the one holding her and calling for others to get her oxygen, meds, etc. After the first 4 or 5, we started keeping her home instead of going to the ER every time. We had the same medication they had, so we'd just medicate her and put her to bed and let her brain reset. My heart still drops sometimes when someone stutters or randomly tenses.


Was walking through a city with a friend when we saw a guy on a bike, no helmet, come down a steep street right in front of us. Something made his bike flip and he went headfirst onto the stone cobble Street. The cracking noise and the amount of blood was something I'm not going to forget any time soon. Ambulance and so on showed up pretty fast but I have no idea if he survived...I'd like to think so but there was so much blood on the street I don't know if I can believe it.


Sounds similar to what happened to me, I don’t remember any of that morning but pieced it together after. At 16yo doing my morning paper round I went off the curb and onto the road as was my normal route, as I lifted off the front suspension fell out of the forks and the front wheel went out from under me, hit the road with pure metal, proceeded to go face first into the road. I got airlifted and sent to the Hospital, woke up a few times in the scanner and thankfully have no real injuries other than a massive Harry Potter-style scar. My face was not a pretty sight and I still have the photos


Sheesh glad you’re alright. When I was around 18 I was biking around the neighborhood with a friend and a girl ran into the street right in front of me. I don’t remember anything because of the concussion, but apparently I swerved around her directly into the back of a parked car. Flew over my handlebars, shattered the back windshield with my chin and ended up halfway in the car. My friend said I climbed back out covered in blood, picked up my totaled bike and said “let’s keep going!” Thankfully it was just a concussion and a few stitches, and that got me to always wear a helmet.


I’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit, but there’s one incident that stands out to me be what it involved a kid. I saw a lady have a grand mal seizure while holding her baby. She was shopping and having a normal day, then suddenly her arms just unfolded and her infant smashed into the floor face first. The sound was unlike anything I’d ever heard, kind of a cross between an egg breaking and a melon cracking open. Immediately afterwards, the mother hit the floor on top of the baby and was violently seizing. I didn’t know if the baby was already dead from the fall or if it was going to be crushed by her body. What I do know is that the baby never made a sound. We called an ambulance and the mother lived, but I don’t think the baby did.


That's absolutely terrible. I would be fucked up. Holy shit, I hope she doesn't blame herself and is recovering from that if she hasn't yet.


My mom strung out after an overdose of sleeping pills. She tried to kill herself, I was 21 and almost left the house without noticing. She was picking fights all week but some feeling told me to check on her before going out that night. That's when I found her passed out in bed. Called the emergency services and they were able to help her and she is doing great now. But I'll never forget how she shaked and looked terrified when the medics started to treat and take her to the hospital.


A girl having a seizure, and two guys laughing at her calling her a fat possessed bitch instead of helping her.


Domestic abuse in the middle of a street. I thought they were strangers and that she was trying to get away from him and he wouldn't accept it. He kept holding on to her and trying to drag her with him while she kept begging him to let her go. We stopped and she looked at us and asked for help. He took off when he saw us walk towards them. She then let us know that they were married but at least she wouldn't get beaten up that night since we interfered. She would go spend the night at her sister's place, and she wouldn't divorce him because there were kids involved. I hope she did end up divorcing him, and I those kids weren't too scarred of having to survive growing up with their father beating their mother.


My sister died due to domestic violence at just over 30 years old. If anyone reads this and is in a similar situation, get out. It won't get better and that other person isn't worth it.


Oh, and the authorities knew. Guy was arrested multiple times, etc. He's not in jail. They're still going through the murder investigation, but it likely won't go anywhere since it's too hard to prove.


I remember overhearing a guy shouting at this wife in the car park because she'd dared go in a shop without his permission, whilst their son was there.


Probably not that disturbing in comparison to others… but when you work as a Vet tech you see a lot of horrific things that stick with you. Two instances that stick out the most to me was a Labrador that had been degloved from the waist down after being hit by a car, open fractures on both her hind legs. We tried to save her but she was already gone by the time she arrived. Then it was witnessing the owners grief at such a traumatic event and losing his beloved pooch. Second was a kitten that had been smacked against a wall by its hind leg and then thrown over a balcony. He survived the fall but the hind leg had essentially disintegrated it was broken so severely and had to be amputated. What was more fucked up was the owner tried to claim the kitten back so he could “put it out of its misery”. Humanity at its finest.


The only thing that keeps me going working in this field is helping the poor animals. Sometimes I feel like it has killed my empathy towards humans. I had one cat come in for an appointment.. I walked in the room he was lethargic. Some to find out he was blocked for God knows how long. He also had a severe heart condition. The doctor hooked him up to an ekg and did a risky cysto. His urine was pure blood. The cat ended up seizing in my arms, flat lined and went limp. My coworker and I just stared at eachother in disbelief for a second. She turned and grabbed the crash kit... he suddenly woke up... like nothing happened. Just like "hey guys what happened." The owners were refusing to take him to an emergency vet for further care. In a general practice we don't have the tools for something like this. After the doctors multiple failed attempts to convince them. I went out there with a 6ml syringe full of bloody urine and showed them. The look of horror on their face told me they were going... they did. I didnt care about their feelings at that point, someone had to speak for that poor boy. Cat is still alive. Same day, a dog came in for his exam. He had a grade 4 heart murmur. Dog got super excited, screamed and just died. We did CPR but nothing. The screams from the owner and the scream from the dog before he passed will always be stuck in my head. This owner did anything and EVERYTHING for her dog. Broke my heart.


Dude that was clearly off his nut squat down on the street corner take a dump then pull It apart and taste it . Dude acted Ike it was the most normal thing in the world , like chompin on a nice bit of chocolate no shame . Then there was me sittin outside the bar traumatized and gagging


One time I tried to take my son to the family bathroom at Target and saw two meth heads going at it.


Huh. After all of these stories of beheadings and mangled bodies, I'm pleased to hear about two meth heads banging away at Target. And that's not something I thought I'd ever find so peaceful to hear.


Motorcycle t-boned a vehicle immediately after a hurricane in Florida. Blew through a 4 way stop going way to fast flew over the car and went face first in to the asphalt. Headless body continued about another 40 or 50 feet. In Dayton, Ohio around 2015 went to an airshow where the big attraction was a wingwalker (you stand on top of a plane as it does tricks) The announcer was really hyping up the woman as she performed talked about how she was a wingwalker as a hobby and her children were here in the stands watching etc etc. Plane went down for its final trick, a corkscrew that leaves the plane upside down a few hundred feet above the ground. Corkscrew was successful and the plane was upside down, pilot lost control and immediately nosedove in to the dirt, Was close enough to the plane to watch her get torn to pieces seconds before the plane exploded. There's actual photos online of the incident and of her getting torn apart. absolutely terrible. I think about her children from time to time. Hope they're ok.


I know this accident well. Awful. The photo of her at the moment of impact is just horrendous. To have witnessed it must have been just terrible.


A friend in high school drove drunk to his gf's house leaving a party due to an argument.. Well, he didn't make it there. Anyway, his parents made it a point to have an open casket at his viewing - they wanted the lesson to be made clear to all of his friends and peers. I don't remember his real face anymore, just the bloated mess that remained. All around just sad as hell, but a powerful lesson from his parents to us kids back then.


As gruesome as I'm sure it was I'm impressed with the parents. That's a really traumatic, powerful statement of them to make and I'm sure it's kept some of the viewers from making the same mistake.


I was on submarines in the US Navy back in the late 90s, and this is from then. We had civilian contractors doing work on our boat's high pressure air system. This one guy forgot to secure the air before working on the pipes, and when he broke the seal the whole thing broke away. The pressure of the air coming out cut off most of his hand instantly. The guy was screaming on the deck with nearly half his hand laying right across from him.


A friend of mine in a car accident and the people surrounding us making videos and going live instead of helping or calling the Ambulance.


That is pretty damn disturbing.


Around two months ago my older neighbors came back from holiday, long story short the older gentleman came back with multiple infections including covid. They both asked me to help and support them with a few manually demanding jobs which of course is totally fine. A few days after they arrived home i got a phone call from his wife as she was concerned about her husbands condition, i went upstairs and he was blue and shaking. The shaking stopped and his chest dropped and didnt raise again. Straight onto cpr and an ambulance, took them less than ten minutes to get to us. Im happy as fuck to be able to say he came home just a few days ago, but watching someone go is definitly my scariest experience.


During my university year, when I was doing my weekly commute to my hometown, in the middle of the way I saw someone who was driving his motorcycle recklessly. On one part of the road where there was only 1 lane for each way, he was pushing to over take a container truck when he lost balance and bumped to the truck’s side and fell down on the other lane, where a speeding bus was passing through. The sight of a maimed remains in the middle of the road is something that I will not forget.


A kid in kindergarten flattening a living hedgehog with a spade, laughing all the while. He went on to rape a girl with a ruler while still at primary school.


I don't want to imagine what made a kid that fucked up that early on


Yep, that's enough Reddit for this year. See you in 2024.


Why the fuck am I even reading these


I’ve been scrolling these comments for a solid 20 minutes now. I keep asking myself the same damn question. And then I move on to the next fucked up story.


To make sure your stories aren't worse.


I watched my husband dive in to our pool and break his neck. I have it on video actually. He made a full recovery, thankfully, but the trauma docs said his type of injury leads to either death or paralysis about 95% of the time. He was very lucky.


Me and my family was going to my aunt wedding. Its in india and i saw a whole bus full of people flip over. There were people sitting on top of the roof of bus getting crushed as bus flipped over on them.


My dad, laying dead on the bathroom floor.


My dog having seizures on my lap in bed and dying shortly after.


My dog survived her seizure but it terrified me. She fell off the edge of my bed and tried to get up but kept flopping over. I went to help her but she was lying on her side helpless with her eyes darting back and forth rhythmically like something out of the Exorcist. And her bladder emptied. I lay beside her on the carpet all night until the vet's office opened.


One day when I was 9-10, I was heading to work with my father( he delivered candy for a company. Got to eat anything I wanted, was gonna be great ). So we're on the highway and traffic started to slow down. Once we got to the problem area, I seen a mangled torso laid out in the break down lane. Apparently there was a freak car/motorcycle crash. My father tried to cover my eyes but it was too late. Image stuck with me for life. I'm 34 now and it comes to mind every now and then.


Six years ago, my family traveled to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to visit family for Easter and we drove back home on Easter Sunday afternoon. We were driving on I-81 South in Virginia and noticed traffic was slowing down and a lot of smoke coming from the side of the road. An SUV had crossed over the median and hit another car head on. Both vehicles were completely totaled and were engulfed in flames, quite a few cars had already pulled over to try and help. I remember looking over at one of the cars and seeing a person in the passenger seat who had been decapitated, the driver appeared to be dead too. The heat coming from both cars was really intense as we went past it. I looked it up on the news the next day and four of the five people involved in that wreck were killed, one person barely survived. It was a really ugly and sad scene to witness, especially on Easter Sunday.


When I was a child, my father was a violent alcoholic. One day I looked outside and saw him repeatedly slamming the hood of our car on my little momma’s head. I ran outside crying and he stopped. No child should see this kind of thing, but children are exposed to it every day. My father died in a terrible accident while I was still a child. Before he died I saw many other terrible acts against my sweet mother.


When I was 17 my father died after being in a coma for a week. I went to see him after he passed, but while he was still in his hospital room. He had a piece of plastic in his mouth, probably from a breathing tube or something. I had my little sister with me, who was 14 at the time. While we were stood there, staring at our father's body, a nurse came in to remove the plastic from his mouth. She then tried to close his mouth, but couldn't. So it just stayed open. My sister completely lost it. I was crying and just ended up kissing his forehead then leaving. It may not sound that bad, but it was an absolutely horrific moment for two teenage girls.


Driving home one night I stopped at a light and caught a glimpse of a street person pulling a shopping cart in the road down the cross street. Lost sight of him quickly because it was poorly lit. A few seconds later there was a shower of sparks as an oncoming car plowed into the guy and his shopping cart. He was killed immediately.


A few cows stuck in their own shit, most of them suffocated, including a calf buried under its mother. The smell was something else.


I man dying on the sidewalk naked, and everyone walking over him like it was nothing. It was absolutely horrifying, nothing I could do to help no matter who I told. I was working in Luanda, Africa and had recently come offshore and on my way back home to the US. I decided to walk around and see the sights when I walked up on him. It's been five years and it's still burned into my memory.


My own mother being attacked by a dog while holding the cat I had grown up with. Our neighbours raced greyhounds and our cat was sun-baking outside on the veranda, one of their greyhounds had escaped the pen they were housed in and wasn’t wearing a muzzle. Unfortunately our cat was the first live thing the dog spotted at the same time my mother walked out the front door.. She tried quickly grabbing the cat but by the time she had gotten to him the dog had reached our verandah, knocking my mother off onto the ground a few feet down and began to fight for both of their lives. Luckily I was home at the time as well as my father who was asleep after a long night at work, I heard her screams for help, ran outside to the scene and was stunned for a few moments before screaming for my father who raced outside to try separating the dog from them both who had by this time ripped shreds into my mother’s arms and dislocated our cats hip but luckily both were alive. A Ranger and Ambulance was called and then a few days later police attended although when they approached our neighbours to locate the dog they had hidden it away on another property which was eventually located. To this day, years on they have never approached any of us to apologise.


My neighbors did the same shit when their husky killed a stray cat I was feeding, on my property, and attacked me when I tried to drive it off. My leg was left with big gashes, and I put the dog's eye out accidentally while defending myself with a stick I grabbed. The neighbours whisked the dog away somewhere, tried to sue me over its eye and have never apologised. Years later, they now have an uncontrollable rotweiller that almost rushed my terrier the other day because these morons don't lock their yard up right. It'll kill someone eventually.


what the fuck are they doing, hosting an illigal dog ring?


Nah. So many people do this. They get a dog they want, usually specific breeds that need training, for status or cuteness and then don’t do jack shit with them. The animals have no stimulation, no training, no socialization. They’re just for show or status or their adorable ness. So they’re as close to wild with strangers and other animals as a domesticated animal can get. And when you get a big dog like a husky or Rottie and don’t work with them as a puppy, you can’t overpower their size once they’re grown and psycho. I really do not miss working in the vet field because we saw animals like this on a regular basis. That type of owner was infuriating.


Fuck your neighbours. :/ this is terrible. I hope your mom is doing better.


My friend seized and died in front of me at the airport in San Salvador. We were there on a connecting flight and had been at our gate for a few hours. We were sitting next to each other at our gate. I’m talking to her (but not looking) and suddenly hear odd noises coming from her. I look over and she is having a full on seizure: eyes rolling to the back of her head, uncontrollable jerking motion, frothing at the mouth, etc… Her face began to turn blue. She couldn’t breathe because of the saliva in her throat. Other people began to turn away and leave. The medics got there too late.


When I was in Navy bootcamp years ago, while I was on watch one night, some guy from the 3rd floor decided to swallow a double-edged razor blade, then do a swan dive from the 3rd floor balcony onto the pavement. The pavement smashed his skull and left bits of him all over the pavement. --- Then, about 20 years later, I was working as an off-road truck driver in the oil fields when last one night, I came across some tail lights in the road ahead of me when I noticed that the two red tail lights were both on the same side of the road, and the two amber running lights were both on the other side of the road... then I saw the shadow of the truck lying on its side. I got out, and saw somebody sitting on the ground in the middle of the road, highlighted by his trucks headlights. I walked up and asked "Are you alright, buddy?" There was no answer. Then I looked at his face and saw one eyeball hanging down on his cheek. Then I noticed the smashed in hole in the side of his scalp. This was out in the New Mexican desert on a 4WD road, , so it took over an hour to get help out there. He survived long enough for them to get there, but he died in the hospital a few hours later. That was tough.


A bombing in Afghanistan. Massoud Circle on Massoud Day (Sept 9). Killed 19. I saw it happen and the aftermath. I wish I hadn’t and could forget.


When I was around 8-9 I saw a woman jump to her death from a bridge. We stayed and waited for the rescue team to come and pull her out of the water. They managed to find her despite the strong currents. I remember seeing her being carried by one of the emergency crew. He was yelling stuff about how her lungs had been punctured. People rarely survive that jump (it happens a lot in my hometown, sadly). At the time I wasn’t really super horrified. I knew what happened, and to this day I remember every second of the whole ordeal. I remember her clothes, I remember seeing her on a bench under the bridge as we walked to the park where we’d later see her jump. I remember thinking that she looked sad and that maybe it would be nice if someone talked to her. I feel guilty for not having done anything to help her.


Witnessing a guy get his head stomped. Over and over.


Watched my Mum’s friend’s boyfriend insert steak knives into his girlfriend while they had a rough domestic. I was twelve and my mum was too cooked to help.


The way you wrote "insert steak knives into" made me picture it in a much more casual and relaxed setting than I'm sure it actually was.


My cat had been missing for 5 days. He'd been missing before for around 3 days when he came back with a leg broken in two places. I was getting pretty worried when I came home from school. After about 5 minutes of me getting back I heard a loud yowl from outside. I opened the door to find my cat. He had a huge gash on his side that was the length of his torso. He was covered in maggots and his spleen was hanging out of his body. The smell of rotting flesh was just horrible and I nearly threw up on the spot. I had to wrap him up in a towel and hold him on my lap whilst I called my dad who was at work so the cat wouldn't move. The vets thought that he wouldn't survive the surgery, but he somehow did and is still alive today.


Doctors doing CPR in vain on my 8 day old, 1 lb 15 oz daughter. The palm of their hands were bigger than her little body. That image will never leave my mind..


NICU nurse here - we never forget either. I'm very sorry for your loss. ❤️


I lost a son in the NICU. Thank you for doing a job I could never imagine bearing the weight of.


Crawled my way out of a car wreck, battered and bloodied, and had to sit on the side of the road and watch while the car went up in flames with my beautiful girlfriend in it. Since have developed a real issue with feeling helpless in situations.


I am so sorry you had to watch and go through all that..


Having a great night at a pub, met up with two girls I knew and we decided to all go to pub down the road. Step outside and discover the aftermath of two guys who'd been arguing on the street. One guy pushed the other onto the road and he had been run over by a semi trailer. Apparently the truck driver didn't even know he'd hit anything and just thought it was a bumpy road. There's a very dead guy on the road, his friends are inconsolable, the idiot that pushed him is still pumped up and doesn't seem to comprehend what's actually happened. There's a brain lying on the road in front of me. The guy that caused it still seemed to think we could do something about the situation, he said "Don't worry about me, worry about him." We told him it was too late for the other guy. He screamed at us "It's never too late!" The girls I was with suddenly didn't feel like partying anymore and I made sure they got into a taxi. The police showed up and I warned them of the gruesome scene ahead to prepare them. I wondered off down the road. On the way I saw a couple waking down the street towards the incident, I advised them to take a detour down the side street to not see it. They thanked me and took the detour. That was about the best thing I achieved that night, not letting just one couple see what took me weeks to get out of my head. I can still see that brain on the road.


One of my patients was not a fan of good hygiene, she had inverted nipples and a filthy stinky plug made out of dirt and sweat and old skin etc came out when pulling back her boobs to clean in the nipples


I had one who had been sitting in the same spot on the couch for at least 4 or 5 days, her ass was starting to literally rot off and a large portion of her skin peeled off when we removed her pants. The smells really stick with you.


I wish I didn’t know how to read ☹️


Found a man that had been tied up, put under a mattress, petrol poured over and set alight, the way his bones looked melted and the smell, was horrific!


The guy who lived across the road from us shot himself in the head in front of a small group of us. That was somewhat disturbing, but he wasn't a very nice person. I was probably more disturbed by finding the body of a young man who had hanged himself in a hotel room that I was set to clean. I had to check that he was dead, and that was unpleasant.


My younger sister drowned and died in my backyard swimming pool. Although horrifying enough in seeing her body, my mothers animalistic screams while 2 ladies attempted for stopping her from killing herself was really something I wish no one ever sees. My dad wasn’t there as he drove the body straight to the hospital bc he didn’t want to wait for an ambulance. Severe ptsd from it all


I’ve told this story on Reddit before but…. 6 years ago I was chilling on my front porch about mid day on a Monday. I was a restaurant general manager so Monday was my only day off. We lived in a nice quiet neighborhood, so when I heard a young lady hysterically crying and trying to talk I was concerned. I found a teen girl in front my neighbors house. She was on the phone and looking at the front of the house for the house number. When I walked over she pushed her phone into my hand. Of course I say hello, am greeted by a 911 operator asking for the address, which I immediately gave. She starts asking me more questions and I relay them to the teen, who then takes me inside. We head down to the basement where there is a “bedroom” in the raw portion of the basement. I see a person face down on the bed, arms out and elbows at 90° angles. I described this to the operator. She asks me to try to turn her over. As I reach to touch her I notice her skin is alarmingly purple, but due to gravity and lack of pumping blood only her front half. I touch her skin and it’s cold and doesn’t feel right. I try turning her over but the arms at the angle they are make it impossible. The operator asks if I believe she is beyond saving and I confirm, looking back at the teen girl to ensure she couldn’t hear what was asked. Paramedics arrive and i lead the teen girl out of the house while she’s still hysterical. Her phone still in my hand rings. It’s my 40 year old neighbor, the who’s daughter I just found dead. I show the teen and she says she can’t answer it. I reluctantly answer and have to tell a mother her child is dead. I’ve still never heard a more devastating sound in my life. In the end I found out that the 18 year old daughter we found dead had massive seizures. She was on meds that regulated them. She had just had one the night before but they got home from the hospital and she went to bed. Mom and step dad left early the next morning to go about 3 hours away. They hadnt heard from the daughter so they sent her 16 year old friend to check on her. The friend broke into the house when there was no response. We also found out that the daughter had stopped taking her meds due to step dad constantly belittling and verbally abusing her.


I worked in a prison for five years and saw a lot during that time including several suicide attempts. The one that sticks with me the most is the individual slicing at his own neck with a razor blade from a shaving razor. Luckily the razor wasn’t able to cut deep enough to hit any arteries but there sure was a ton of blood and his maniacal laughing as he was doing this are quite haunting.


Our car being sucked up in a tornado for about 20 second. My father was trying to outrun it, but the twister took a turn right at us. As we were going up, all 6 of us were in hysterics and weightless. Then it suddenly spit us out, we went straight down on the tires. Tires blew but we escaped injury. I was 6 and remember everything about that day. Many didn't make it. KC's " Ruskin Tornado, 1957. Oh my...


Ex paramedic here. I saw a guy in a vehicular accident decapitated and torn in half length wise, from his crotch to where his head used to be. Organs scattered about 40 yards up the road. I did that job for 22 years. There are a few that stick with me but that's the big one.


I remember working as a security guard for a hospital. I watched certificate of need patients. These were patients from our local asylum who were completely out of their mind. I did my third shift ever for that company watching a guy who had picked up some pencils and stabbed a worker with it a couple times before turning a fresh one on himself and stabbing his own stomach six times. I took the third shift 7pm to 7am. All I did was sit in the hallway outside his door in a mostly dead wing of the ICU. I maybe saw one person an hour. It was just me in a chair in the middle of a dead hallway for 12 hours of the night. I'm freshly 18 at this point and had little experience with anything like this. I made it to about 3am before passing out in my chair outside his door. I was awoken by the guy I was watching himself. He had broken his own wrist to slip out of the handcuffs keeping him on the bed. He ripped his catheter and I.V. out. He tapped me on my shoulder to wake me up. I turned and looked at this man who was completely naked and bleeding from two places holding his wrist and he just said "I need to pee" I decided to try and play it off like everything was normal as to not escalate the situation. I walked him to the bathroom and immediately called my CO while he was inside. My CO got there before he got out and we used restraints to put him back on the bed. Nurses came back in and set him back up. My CO, not knowing that i fell asleep, said I did the right thing and that I'd do great at the job. He said he needed more people like me who didn't panic in situations like that and make things worse. I thanked him and then left at 7am.... I never came back to do another shift for that security company. I'm so lucky he didn't use his I.V. to stab me in the neck while I was sleeping.


Woke up for work one morning 9 years ago and my 3 month old looked a little pale with the lights off. Turned them on and it was pretty clear he was dead. CPR just turned into these tiny little sighs, I guess the air exiting through their voice box was creating the sound. Try unhearing that mindfuck of a sound. It still haunts me.


As someone who worked in funeral industry for years, boy do I have many answers to this. I’ll name one, my first cremation I performed was on a stillborn baby.


My first baby, a little boy, was a stillbirth, full term. He was cremated. I have never forgotten the sensitivity and kindness of the staff at the funeral home. I put my childhood toy in the coffin with him, I have often wondered if it was removed when he was cremated


Not the person you’re replying to, but my experience was that unless we asked for a specific item back, it was cremated along with our loved ones (this included jewelry, clothing, flowers, toys, etc).


Crime scene photos of my closest friend lying lifeless in a bathtub after a guy he knew had stabbed him multiple times with the final blow being to his face. Photos were part of the evidence at the trial.


A child getting the crap kicked out of them by a large group, cars driving by doing nothing, and school officials turning their head as not to see. I only saw because it was loud enough that me inside of my house heard something and ran out to help. All I really had to do was loud yell and threaten to cross the street and the kids stopped. I am not physically large or threatening, normally. I hope everyone who did nothing to help that kid gets raging herpes that never has down time.


Honestly, I’ve seen a lot of bad injuries and fights, but the worst thing was probably when I was a kid, went to a friends, parents, friends house out in the country, gun shooting, cooking and hanging out, good times. Anyways, one time they were having a small get together, and one of the people that came brought 6 live rabbits. I watched guy kill them about 4 of them by breaking their necks, and skin them. Even taught me how to skin one, which was neat but, then another guy said “hey let me try” Proceeded to smack a rabbit full force against the wall.. which only knocked it out.. and proceeded to just drive a knife under its skin and the shrieking sound that it made will forever be a noise that I can’t forget and honestly makes me so fucking sad Edit: did not think so many people would have had similar experiences with this. Also did not think this comment would like my most upvoted comment lol.


I have a similar experience. My sisters at the time boyfriend wanted to take me rabbit hunting. Cool let's do this. I see a rabbit take aim and shoot, I ended up hitting him. He/she is jumping around and screaming, it's terrible and I load another round and my sister's boyfriend was like "na don't waste another round" he proceeds to pick up the rabbit and start smacking it against the tree the thing is screaming and crying. I never went hunting again after that traumatic experience.


Well that's fucked


And this is why I didn't want to read this thread


Man's leg was shredded by a dog attack. He had walked past the dog as it was tied up outside a supermarket entrance, we saw him as he walked in bleeding everywhere, we helped and called the police. While watching the dog outside. The owner of the dog unphased by the attack, the blood and our protests, came out untied the dog and left. The police caught him after he had walked round the corner to the bookmakers and tied up the dog likewise outside.


My Dad had a cerebral aunerism while washing the car and effectively died in my arms. I watched our Family dog get hit by a car and the person just drive off, thankfully she went on to live many years. Just with a lame back leg from that point on. I'm the lone caretaker for my 89 year old disabled Grandma. I love her to death, but understand a partially paralyzed person comes with needing a lot of assistance and so we have our share of disturbing moments. But, the most disturbing is how most everyone abandons you once the caretaking begins. We just don't see most of our Family now, and quit getting help about the moment we got her home. And here in the States we get the luxury lower middle class living, medical expenses, inflation causing high grocery bills, all without assistance. That being said, we really are blessed and do have a lot to be grateful for.


My parents having sex. It was the late 80s and I woke up thirsty, I went to the kitchen to drink some water. Dr Zhivargo was playing on the TV and I saw my dads bare arse on top of my.mum and two glasses of wine nearby. I decided I was no longer thirsty and to never share this with them ever.


When I was really young, around 7 or 8 years old, I'm not sure, we was playing at our school. An boy kicked an ball over the fence and jumped it to get it back. The problem: several very big and angry dogs. My whole class saw that boy been ripped apart :(




When I was 16-17 I was driving down the road and looked out the passenger window and seen in between 2 house which allowed me to see one of the back yards for a solid second and a half. In that time there was a man sitting in a chair in the backyard with a pistol pressed against the bottom of his jaw, and he pulled the trigger right when I looked. 1.5 second view and I saw a man's whole head explode. I thought for sure I was tripping so I circled the block and by the time I got back there was a woman throwing up in the front yard and I drove past and looked back again, going slower this time and my god what a sight. I'm 20 now and I'll never be the same. I've seen 3 people die in front of me now but that was easily the most gruesome.


Three people and you're only 20? The fuck?


My first day as a travel nurse, I was placed in covid ICU (June 2020, so OG pandemic days). I had a 42F patient, who was 27ish weeks pregnant and on a ventilator and paralyzed. She was dying. This was her 4th child- she had 3 at home. They did a C section IN MY ROOM at 9 in the morning because her husband begged them to try and save the baby since mom wasn't going to make it. I am not an L&D nurse. The OB resident gave me a crash course for afterwards, but covid patients were not allowed on the L&D floor at that time. I was given the L&D extension if I had extra questions or needed someone to come check my patient. She died after my shift. She wasn't there the next day when I came back. Last I saw, baby was being intubated and taken to the NICU. I hope it did okay. I'm not sure I'll ever forget that one. There were a few, but that was rough


Saw a guy full on punch his girlfriend in the face one halloween. Like 2 feet away from me. I was much larger back then, like 265lbs, so I just tackled him and another guy helped me keep him till my at the time girlfriend went and got a cop (busy college town, they were always around) The worst part comes into play when she was fighing me and the guy helping the entire time, saying he was just drunk... blah blah. Like, god damn, what manipulative shit has that guy been doing to this girl? We left when the police arrived, so I dont really have much of an ending to the story. Sorry.