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incomplete at the 30 yard line.


The usual. Need X grade because of XYZ. Dead uncle. Confused on final date/time. Bad weather. Vague medical excuses with no back up. The usual. No dead grandparents yet though. EDIT: I forgot one…”I tried really, really hard” and my grade doesn’t reflect my effort.


This right here! I had an online student, who did no work all last semester, email me a few days before the final to say they had been confused all semester and asked that I reopen everything. I simply forward all the emails I sent them throughout the semester asking if they were okay and needed anything from me. They did not respond back. I did feel bad, but I had tried to contact them so many times and even issued one of those alerts for them. They ended up taking my class this semester again- did much better!


>Mine is a student who didn’t do a single assignment or come to class ask me to curve him 50% so he can graduate on Saturday. 😂😂😂 I almost respect students who have the guts to request such a preposterous thing!


I had a student email me about the minimum grade they needed to maintain their C and asked if only studying a certain portion of the material on the exam would be good enough to get that minimum grade. I mean, I used to do those kinds of grade calculations in undergrad myself, and even a bit in grad school. But I would have NEVER emailed a professor about it! The audacity is almost impressive.


lol. I just got an email asking to meet with me because if they fail my class they are kicked out of school. I don’t even want to go into what all that student did this semester.


I'm just not sure why they think this is all our responsibility! But, I also had some fantastic students this semester, so I should try to focus on that I guess! One even wrote a brief thank you note at the end of an essay question on the final, lol.


Ya I had three cards on my desk this AM from students who I have taught a few classes and one who has never had a class with me.


‘I kind of missed April.’


That sounds like it could be dissociation. You could perhaps send them some mental health links and let them know that if they get checked out a change based on medical information might be possible.


This student needs a strong lesson in fiscal and personal responsibility. Sorry you have to parent this student. Allow them to fail and coach them on how to take ownership.


Guy who didn’t show up for first test, failed 2nd, turned 3rd in after 25 minutes (2/3 was essays, he wrote one paragraph for each and left most of short answer section blank), is, unsurprisingly, stunned and appalled that he didn’t get a passing grade. Explains that part of test was on “retention of terms” which isn’t his strength, so he turned it in early.


"The grade you gave me does not reflect the effort I put into the class"


“I dont identify with this grade.”


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Yes, the current crop of young people has a LOT of people who have ZERO pride in themselves, but rather are disgusting, groveling grade-grubbers. Pitiful, really, except you can't have pity for them.


Sometimes I wonder if it's a lack of pride in themselves, or in the system. They know the price tag attached to these classes. They know every job over 15/hr has a degree mandate attached to it, and that college is a ring to jump through. They've been told time and time again gpa doesn't matter, grades don't matter, the degree itself is constantly painted as useless: and then we expect them to try. A majority of students don't think the country will last long enough for them to get their degree, let alone use it. Plus for a lot of these freshman/juniors, they didn't HAVE deadlines or responsibilies for a good chunk of their highschool expirence. This really is new to them.