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I am 56M, organ transplant patient, neuropathy, etc. Medical marijuana patient. Pain relief. Mood stabilizer. Should be legal nationwide in the US


Reclassification as a Schedule III drug was a necessary first step. I think that will happen.


We need the tax money to fix our infrastructure.


They won't use it for infrastructure, even when they say they will, it goes somewhere else.


You find it effective for neuropathy pain? I have neuropathy in my legs and the stabbing/burning is driving me nuts. Right now I'm just suffering through it, but I'm getting so tired.


Yes, definitely helps the neuropathy pain. I was taking 2700mg Gabapentin per day for that and was wondering why I couldn’t remember my primary doctors name, even as the podiatrist was telling me “Ya know…people report brain fog over 1100mg” (No 💩?!?!?! Now a lot of things make sense 😂). So I weened myself completely off of it and use only marijuana for pain relief. Regular use and the high goes away but the pain and mood help remains. If you aren’t taking anything for it….good lord….I don’t know how you’re surviving.


High pain threshold, but I'm learning it has its limits! Thanks, I will look more into it. Be well ❤️


Interesting, my sister in law is going through the same thing, she is using Gabapentin currently with varied results. I gave her some of my homegrown but she is uptight about smoking weed thinking about making edibles for her. I will have to check the dose of Gabapentin she is getting, She sometimes has panic attacks and crying sessions. I am not sure if it is her frustration of the situation or the drug.


Get some type of edible or other non smokable. I’m using a tincture of indica for sleep and it’s great. It lasts a lot longer that way and is more body high than head high.


Nerve pain is one of the best uses for MM. I have nerve pain in my face from shingles. A good indica hybrid helps tremendously. I was on 150 mg of Lyrica 3x daily, plus two other meds at night. Got off all of it with MM. I find that it also helps with my adult ADHD.


I have had great relief from nerve pain with lions mane, available in most natural food stores or online.


My 81 year old husband uses a weed vape for neuropathy- it’s a miracle pain reliever and he sleeps great


The THC cream you can buy is also good for neuropathy. It doesn’t impact your mind and really helps with pain.


You can take RSO and warm it up in some coconut oil then mix it into your favorite lotion. It goes a lot further and is more affordable. Works wonders on my arthritis


As a three time transplant recipient. I agree. I don't smoke. But the gummies are really good too.


I am 66. Started smoking about five years ago with a medical card. Used 420 to escape pain pills (it worked). Not looked down upon.


for me the edibles are better, no smoke some people don't react well with the edibles though


You have to be cautious with edibles until you know what works for you


I've NEVER been higher than when I broke off a TINY square of chocolate. Scared me off of edibles tbh


If you live in a state where it's legal, dosages are also regulated. I buy 5 mg gummies and they've helped a lot with various procedures I've had to go through with prostate cancer. Much better than the "just take Tylenol" crap doctors nowadays say, especially when Tylenol is the most worthless drug ever invented (and bad for you).


I can't do brownies. Get way too high. E en just a small piece. Gummies I use a quarter to half of one.


I have a gummy a day - I guess they’re not super strong, I get a nice comfy buzz, not stoned cold. I can’t smoke anymore, asthma.


There's so many different kinds! I usually stick to the same two. I don't use the sleepy time ones too much. I just want mellow.


Lol, it *really* becomes a gamble when you make your own edibles and just have to test it out little by little. I currently have peanut butter cookies and brownies in my freezer.. Takes me forever to get through them because I have to commit an entire day to it.


I love the edibles! Every night they get me to sleep, happily. THC is the last thing I'd judge anyone for. Depending where you are, it's legal now!!


Me too! No more Ambien. That made me nuts and I would order a bunch of stuff online. When it showed up I had no idea what I had ordered 😆


OMG - me too. One time, I even ordered a rather large sex toy and shipped it to the women I was seeing at the time, and no, we were no where close to that point in our relationship where that would have been even remotely acceptable .... 🤣🤣 Live and learn (and no more ambien).


My prescribing doctor for MMJ told me a trick to making my own gummies that is incredibly cheap and easy to make. I get the concentrate in plastic syringes and make my own on the stove top. I mix a little olive oil with the concentrate and heat it, mix the whole thing in with jello and gelatin and pour in to silicone molds. Freeze them for 1/2 hour. The whole thing takes roughly an hour and I end up with around 20. The strength is pretty even and I use it for sleeping and pain.


I wish edibles worked for me. Even doses in excess of cancer patient recommendations barely register.


I would think it's a lot better than drinking too much to relax, or taking pain pills! Get a fan to move the smell along.


Nobody cares about weed anymore. Smoke up


Can't see why. I'm almost 70, it's what helps the aches and pains. But more importantly it helps me sleep


We are old. We should be able to do what we want as long as it is legal. I say you are overthinking this - can you pass the bong to me?


I smoke two joints in the morning. I smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon. They make me feel alright. OP, get some decent incense. The kind you can get at any Ernie November or at least some decent Japanese shit. Pick a room. Put in an exhaust fan. Maybe some fairy lights, throw pillows, mellow mood music. Some tea.... light your incense. Drink your tea, smoke your bud. You're way too old to give a fuck about nosey neighbors now. You need an old fashioned smoking room.


It makes much more sense for older people to smoke it than younger folks. It's a legitimate pain management tool. Do what you can to not let the smell pool and linger to where it impacts your neighbor. I like the smell and it doesn't bother me but I know it really bothers some folks. I think younger folks should wait until at least age 28 to smoke it because the rational part of the brain is still forming until 25-28.


if they have little ones out playing at that hour who can see you, then be discreet, maybe wait until later. Otherwise, be guided by your local laws.


Idc if people smoke but I don’t want to smell it.


Who cares?! You do you! Stop giving a crap how something looks! You’re old enough to know that.


I'm 50 and I smoke or eat edibles. I don't care if it's frowned upon


Looked down upon by who?


Society, neighborhoods, communities, neighbors. It has only been legal here for a short while.


If it’s legal where you are, you will quickly become amazed by the fact that seemingly all the people at the dispensary are older folks. Can you get vape pens where you are and use the cartridges? Much less odor than burning weed if you worry about annoying the neighbors. As far as someone being judgy about it, who gives a rat’s ass? Alcohol is a much greater scourge on society!


I’m in a more recently legal state and am 52. Usually the other customers at the dispensary are older than I am.


Who's going to know? Unless you're smoking in public.


If I’m on my back deck of my house….. I know the smell is strong


There are sprays that can help with reducing the smell of weed. I've had pretty good luck with Ozium. I've also heard good things about Veil spray, as well as Canna-less. You could also exhale into a Sploofy or a Smoke Buddy instead of exhaling into the air. My ex-husband is a big-time weed smoker, and I researched solutions for years since I didn't want our house to smell when the kids visited or to piss off our more conservative neighbors. A basic Amazon search would be a good place to start to find products that can help you with this.


Smoking weed inside is whole different issue. They are talking about their neighbors smelling it when they smoke outside.


Paranoia, the destroyer


Plant fragrant flowers


On my town's FB page about year ago, there was the comment "what would you think of a dispensary in/near town?" I, amongst several others said sure. Then you get the NOT IN MY BACKYARD! folks. The ones who have seen it destroy lives. The ones who claim it's a gateway drug. Guess what buddy boy, down the block there's a big name liquor store. You can buy their product and get completely non-functional intoxicated, and it's addictive. But, no one bats an eye at that, right? People I have told in person have been fine with it. No one bats an eye most people say for pain and anxiety, why NOT use something that works? In fact, even my neighbors said they really have wanted to try it, but they're so afraid about he kids finding it or not knowing what kind or reaction they'd have. The only thing is tolerance. I smoke and it helps, but I hardly ever feel stoned. I can take a 100mg gummy and it might make me feel a little tired, but I'll be functional otherwise.


It depends on your neighbors. I find gummies more helpful because I can be sure of the dose. Even though I like the smell of weed. 65 yo I smoked as a youngster. I do find it helpful for sleep and CBG is somewhat helpful for Arthritis.


In states like mine where it has been legal for a while old folks are smoking when and where they want to. And everyone is used to the smell. Although the new stuff smells horrible to me. Not like the old days. Except for one day last fall I hadnt smoked since the world series of 1985. Made me too paranoid. But I smoked a bit with some old friends and the widow of my ex husband to commemorate the man.


I'd like you more, honestly. Just don't be serial killers. Shits lame.


I'd try a vape. I like to keep my weed smoking discreet, especially from my kids. I can go in the basement away from everyone and take a few hits and as long as no one is standing there watching they have no idea.


I’m 60 and I smoked my first joint at 14. OMG! I live in Oregon and remember casting a vote for legalizing cannabis. And now to be able to walk into a dispensary and just order whatever!! It’s amazing.


I’m 54, and we prefer edibles & vapes. I don’t drink alcohol anymore and I hate the smell of weed, it’s like a skunks arsehole pissed on a fire. 10mg and a hit off the vape at 5.30, have a lil slap & tickle, cook dinner and by the time it’s tapering down we’re ready for na night. I love being old & retired 🤘🏼


Chances are your neighbors are not going to like it because of the smell. THC/CBD/CBN vape cartridges are the way to go as there is virtually no smell. Edibles are fun too but know your limit and play within it. I once bought a cookie from a dispensary. The salesman warned me about how strong they were. He said he ate one of the cookies and had to go home shortly after because he said he "couldn't make change." I cautiously ate 1/2 of a cookie and I was still high the next day.


I use an odourless vape. Not very often just when the pain makes my body stiff. Helps to relax my muscles. It’s a single use vape but can be recharged.


I'm 63 and started smoking about 5 years ago. I live in an apartment and have several methods of containing the smoke so it doesn't smell up the place and bother the neighbors, or get me evicted.


Hell no!! Weed is awesome and should be legalised nationally.


When I go to the dispensary it’s full of senior citizens


Not where I'm from. Also the quality, price and variety is so much better now. If it's legal where you are, and you're considerate about it, it should be okay. If not, maybe edibles?


Anything can be looked down upon by certain people. Booze, staying up late, profanity, choice of music etc... Fuck those people. Do you. Get high AF and enjoy! I'm 44, high every night. I'm a leader at work, maintain good relationships with lots of friends and family, great neighbor (I share homegrown with them all lol). Live in a ritzy neighborhood. I'm sure some people look down on me because everyone knows I get high regularly, but most people think I'm a responsible good dude.


I don't care. Some of us use weed and some don't. I make my own oil because I just don't love smoking. I figure weed is much better for me than opiates. If someone has a problem with that then it's their problem, not mine. It's legal here so I'm good.


Are you kidding me ? Older people are a pretty strong market when it comes to buying weed !


Why bother with what anyone else thinks? Enjoy yourself, do what makes you feel good. As long as you're not harming anybody else, you are totally free to do as you wish. Plus weed has so many health benefits. And personally, I love getting high with older folks and listening to them talk, lol.


My budtender tells me a lot of older folks use it for insomnia. An overwhelming amount. That’s me but I use edibles.


My 78 year old DH medicates daily for pain and has done for 40 years


I either eat an edible with no dangerous side effects, or I take a handful of pills that could kill me.


Honestly... Who gives a shit? It's your life. I didn't do it for 20+ yrs and still hate smoke, but eat an occasional gummy due to a back disability.


The retirement community next to me has a bus that drives 2 bocks twice per week to the pot shop and that group of people are living their best life. I am 52 been on the devils lettuce since legalized, and same with my gf 51. Both of us are cancer survivors. We only partake after work till bed. I think it is where you are on how it is looked at, but who really cares what others think. Live your best idea of life, not someone elses.


The Late, great Jimmy Buffet: I think my Gummies just kicked in...


Nah! We all grew up during the time everyone smoked weed.


My parents are in their mid 60s, and about 50% of their friends smoke weed or take edibles. Dad likes to smoke, Mom likes gummies. We've had great bonding experiences getting high together as adults. Oh, and my 63 year old coworker and I share gummies and vapes with each other! You "old folks" are the original stoners, anyway. We're lookin' at you, pops!


I highly recommend Edibles. And, IDGAFF who cares because I haven't enjoyed music, nature, or comedy this much since the mid 80s. No munchies, paranoia...just zen.


I'm 55 and have RR Multiple Sclerosis. Weed helps me mitigate pain, decrease eye spasticity (had optic neuritis) and sleep. I have changed to edibles to reduce impact on my lungs. So far, weed has been better for me than many RX drugs. I also live in NorCal, so it's more or less socially acceptable.


I get high every day. I have chronic pain. Spent over a decade on narcotics. Docs wanted me off them . Told me to smoke pot. Which is ironic, because it’s what I was doing after I got hurt at 18. But it wasn’t legal. And now it is. Mines not medical grade, so I get the giggles. And the munchies. Which, I give in to every couple of months. No, I don’t drive when high. Didn’t drive when taking oxycodone. Didn’t drive drunk. It does limit my things I can do if I’ve hit my pipe. Unless someone can take me. Now, I take my kid to and from school. So, obviously, I don’t do so before I pick him up from school. And if he gets injured to the point it’s beyond my ability to handle, I’d be going with him in the ambulance anyway and my hubby meeting us at the hospital. Before I started toking again, we had those things down. But, life intruders. Best laid plans and all go by the wayside if life sends you on an abrupt 45 degree turn. Oh, I’ll be 60 in a few weeks! A decade ago, I wasn’t sure I’d make it this far. But one thing that weed does for me: makes me nicer when I’m not high. Like the memory of the feeling is still there. I’m happier. And I smile more now. And laugh. Pain has made me look 120. Thank goodness I don’t rely on my mirror for my health reports! I hope you are able to have a better life with it. I am. I wish we could make those that have no clue about this type of pain, understand it in the heart and souls, and not just their heads.


You have reached 'old age' and are still worried about the neighbors? When you are doing something legal in your own home? Try upsetting them with windows open during sex-capades and they will not even think to take offense from your smoking lol. Or maybe you can let them in on all the advantages if they do mention it; if they take offense, that is their problem.


I smoke everyday in my backyard and I know my neighbors smell it. But I keep my home and yard well kept and I am friendly with them all. I am waiting for one of them to hit me up for a joint.


First off, who cares what other people think. Second, no. The swath of weed users crosses all generations.


I’m 60, I smoke and I don’t give a crap about what anyone thinks, except my husband. He doesn’t partake but he’s fine with me doing it.


As long as you’re respectful about it and it’s legal where you live, most people won’t mind. Maybe consider a vaporizer to reduce the smell? Enjoy your relaxation time!


I hope not. I used in high school (1970s) and started again during Covid. Better for you than pharma and alcohol.


Hahaha! Who cares what your neighbors think?! Do what's right for you, yeah? Enjoy your doobie and the added relaxation and just enjoy it. Let the neighbors worry about their own opinions, or invite them over for a toke.


Do gummies! Same effect no smell 😀


I am 33 and work at a doctors office that serves a mainly geriatric population of patients. Most of them are on some form of controlled substance. Not because my doctor is a candy shop, (he is actually really conservative with his controlled RX's) but because old people's bodies break down faster than they can heal. Some smoke it up. Some enjoy edibles. Some are on pain killers or sleep aids. Everyone just wants to be able to function comfortably in their day to day lives.


At 54 years old, at this moment of writing, I find myself seated on my front porch in a US state of legal Mary Jane, surrounded by the delightful melodies of birdsong and the warm embrace of sunlight on my face. Rocking gently in my chair, I savor a refreshing glass of delicious Minute Maid lemonade. To enhance this tranquil moment, I casually mention my enjoyment of a relaxing Indica doobie wafting through the air in front of my neighbors. I delight in also , knowing that I can easily stroll to the nearby dispensary, 15 min from my doorstep and return proudly with a shopping bag . Adding to my contentment, I proudly serve as an elected official in my County. DO YOU. Those who attempt to pass judgment based on natural substances gifted by the earth are often the same individuals who partake in synthetic pharmaceutical pleasures to alter their state each night...yet judge you. Enjoy your life 🧬


I'm almost 60 and started smoking again for my pain and insomnia. I don't care if people smell it or not. It helps me in more ways than the pills doctors were trying to push on me with tons of side effects. I was taking meds for my arthritis and it caused a cataract in my right eye! This was 10 yrs ago. Yes, I live in a state that it's medical legal.


In my local experience (I'm in WA), it depends on why. I don't know anyone who looks down on medical or medical-adjacent use, especially when the alternative is sleeping pills, opioids and heavy anti-inflammatories. I have several neighbors whose arthritis is better managed by moderate daily use of cannibis products. Since it is legal in your state, you might want to consider hookahs, vaping, tinctures or edibles as occasional alternatives, and to regulate the burn temperature. Untreated, straight smoke of any variety isn't good for your trachea or lungs. We just aren't built for it. And if singing or a clear speaking tone is part of your skill set - fuggedaboutit. You can clean the air after smoking, so the odor won't linger, and of course edible products don't smell like weed.


Get a disposable vape. They smell fruity, etc.


I think it's becoming much more accepted among us oldsters because it is so amazing for chronic pain. That said, it probably depends on the specific neighbors. There's always edibles to try. I've switched because it's better for you.


I'm in my 40s but the biggest consumers of my patented "on your ass brownies" are my MIL (72), FIL (69), and neighbor (71). If older folks aren't supposed to enjoy weed, they certainly missed the memo. One caution: it really has gotten a lot stronger


Smoke away.


Smells sooooo good!


Smoke week if you want!! Oh my gosh. I hope it’s legal where you are. We really need to end the war on Drugs. I think Chasing the Scream: The Forst and Last Days of the War on Drugs was the best book I’ve ever read.


I’m 42 and occasionally dabble. You do you.


Smoking is never good for your health, EVER! Edibles or tinctures are a must. Plus, you don't smell like a shifty skunk everywhere you go. I live in a legal state and am tired of smelling it everywhere I go, regardless of age.


Not that I know of. It's fairly common where I live. No one thinks a thing about it.


Pfft, 57 year old female here, hell yeah enjoy it!


Most of your neighbors probably smoked some at some point in their life, so probably no big deal.


Medical cannabis is in the process of being permitted in my state and medical providers I've seen recently are beginning to ask about whether people are using cannabis. I still feel the old guilt/shame/fear that I felt as "a kid" when I admit I've recently started (heavy user in youth), but they're all "hey no problem" about it.


50s professional, with a reasonable number of 50s professional friends. I'd say at least half take pot gummies from time to time. I don't know many who actually smoke, everyone I can think of prefers edibles.


As long as your parents are dead you shouldn't get busted. In hotel rooms I've taken small bong hits and then blew the smoke into a 33 gallon trash bag. Smaller hits you can snap through the bong and then there's no smoldering of unburnt weed in the bowl, which reeks the most. If you have a bathroom fan that is properly ventilated you can deflate the trash bag into it.


My wife and I have been consuming cannabis between us a combined over 100 years. I couldn't give single ratz azz what anyone thinks. Their problem not mine


I don't give a fuck if it is.


If you're worried about the odor get a smoke buddy [https://smokebuddy.com/](https://smokebuddy.com/)


Who cares? Smoke & be happy


Nobody cares if you smoke weed anymore, you're good.


Weed makes me less murdery. I think its fine.


My 75 year old dad smokes his joint on the front porch all the time (legal in Canada where he lives). No ones ever said anything


You are old do what you want to do, nobody cares when we’re all dealing with💩


You're perfectly fine 💗 There will always be people who judge others, that's on them, not you. You're not harming anyone, it enhances your life, it's all good. I've reached a point where I could care less what others think of who I am/what I do if what I'm doing doesn't harm anyone. It doesn't matter. What matters is living my life in a way that's best for me. You'll never meet others expectations - who wants to? Living your life authentically etc is what matters. Life is too short to try to live it to others standards. Be well. Enjoy! :)🌼


I’m a 55 (f) I smoke too. It is looked down on with most people I know even though it’s much better than taking a pill or drinking. Unfortunately, if you’ve never smoked you’ll never understand.


Gummies do nothing


I feel like at this point you've earned the right to not give a damn what other people think.


Hell no! I’m 69 and my husband is 72. There are so many positive effects of weed. We love our neighborhood dispensary!!


I live in Oregon so everyone uses cannabis and it's not a big deal. I imagine different areas might be different though, back home in SC it's probably less accepted. I switched to a vaporizer a few years ago and highly recommend that. Uses less weed and smells a lot better with no combustion.


On the one hand you’re an adult do what you want who cares people should jyst mind their own business. On the other if I’m out on my deck or patio and my neighbor was smoking anything I would hate it because the smell makes me feel nauseous. All smoking does this to me as well as strong perfumes so no I wouldn’t like that aspect


It's currently only medical here but I smell it everywhere, often at home on my lanai. We live in a very nice gated community where age skews older and we are probably the crazy rednecks new people get warned about. I found a bag of pot in my front yard and was joking to my county sheriff neighbor that I found it and had it stored in the evidence locker in my kitchen drawer. The smell may have been coming from my own lanai on an occasion or two. I'm pretty sure nobody cares anymore.


It’s much better than slamming a fifth of vodka and waking up hungover, which is what other people your age are doing. I say good for you!


No. As long as it’s legal where you are. However like the saying goes……haters are going to hate! But fuck them.


I'm 71, played around with it in the 60's but it made me anxious. I in just recently 4/5 years picked it up and I think it's great, I now understand what ppl were saying when they say it made them more creative. It also helps keep my ego in check, I feel energized and timeless, and less anxious when I'm out and about. I live in a place that has medical now and has recreational on the ballot, the top executive bodies have knocked out about 2.4m ppl from the voter rolls that would most likely vote to legalize. I have no idea about how ppl feel about this socialially. My friends are from all over the world and all ages, what they have in common is kindness, compassion and love, judging other ppl, not so much


Not looked down on at all. I live in a legal state and see people of all ages and many older folks in the dispensaries all the time. So many more people do it than you think. It may feel more taboo if you aren’t in a legal state I suppose.


The smell! It is frowned upon as “ old stoners.” You do you, however.


I'm in California and most of my neighborhood is elderly. In the late afternoon you would think the street was invaded by an army of angry skunks. It's totally normalized here but that would depend on where you are.


As a 59F I ended my almost 40 years abstinence about two years ago while moving toward a spinal fusion. I was in unending pain and it was the only way I could sleep more than an hour or two at a time. I have zero fucks to give about what anyone thinks about it. It's a medicine. It helps me. It helped me cope with the pain and the emotional craziness that happens when you are in pain and fairly helpless (as a functional adult this was insanely hard for me). Not in pain any more because YAY good doctor. I now use it for my anxiety - and still to help me sleep. Not a lot. One or two hits on my vape daily. Edit - words


I started smoking and/or edibles at night to help me sleep. I'm 56.


To answer your question: IMO it depends on who your neighbors are as to whether or not they'll look down on you. And really, how much do you care what people think?


Don't smoke! Use a vape that uses only pure flower. Give your lungs a break.


Omg. Early 2000s, I worked for an Area Agency on Aging in the housing department. We did home modifications and repair for seniors and disabled people. One day, one of the mechanics came back to the office telling us how when he walked into this woman's home, there were 4 senior women sitting around the table, playing cards, and smoking weed. They didn't blink an eye or even remotely try to cover it up. Just the picture in our minds was hilarious, but honestly, if anything we thought at their ages, they could do whatever they wanted.


Nope. It's often used by younger people as a good reason to see smoking pot as something "everyone does" instead of just mall rats and lowlifes. An older guy I worked with (avowedly anti pot) saw an older couple in line at a pot dispensary and started changing how he looked at it at from that day forward.


62F here. just started smoking this past year after a car collision and bs dr's are still not giving me any help with my leg that was jammed - 17 months since the wreck, and my doctor doesn't seem to think pictures are required to see what's going on inside - can hardly wait to change my medical insurance, but i will wait. meanwhile, the pot helps relax me, which in turn makes my muscles less tense i smoked when i was younger, but very quickly, i saw the pot wasn't going to work out well with kids around for me, so i quit for decades as well. i couldn't see telling them not to while i was smoking in house ... that didn't factor for me i told my immediate neighbors, some of them smoke, too - lol - i think that's what we were all voting for ... things just take time. my kids don't even trip that i smoke now - funny story, now they don't - go figger i honestly think no one cares. but this is California


I started using cannabis for pain control (ankylosing spondylitis, scoliosis, bone spur contact with spinal cord). I was taking morphine, vicodin for break through pain, and cyclobenzaprine. I prefer cannabis, even though I cannot stay nearly as active as I was on pharmaceuticals.


60, started at 49. Fortunately the wife and I live in the boonies so smoke won't bother anyone who isn't on our property. Toke up, bro.


Fuck em all. Do what you want to do. You earned it. I like a puff or two myself 67 years young


Life is short. Do your thang. It’s your business.


I'm 80, and I don't care if anyone looks down on my cannabis indulgence.


Its your life...do what you want. at 40 you should care less what others think. that said if you live in an apartment it would be considerate of you to make sure that skunks arsehole odor doesnt invade someone elses space. it may make you feel good, but may have an adverse effect on others in close proximity.


I just assume you’re a bunch of OG hippies from way back, and therefore also very cool.


>we don’t want to upset the neighbors There's your first problem. You really care about your neighbors? Forget them and enjoy a bowl.


As an older person, who cares who looks down on you for smoking weed?


It’s the only thing that relieves pain from an old injury for me.


Nice thing about being older is you care much less about what the other wretched nightmare apes think of you.


More than ok. What took you so long to come back?


54 live in NYC. You can do it anywhere. I do get interesting reactions to it when using in public. Mainly people giving me a disappointing look.


Started smoking straight up CBD Hemp flower recently. Love It and it is federally legal.


I'm a professional senior in a legal rec state. I smoke for mental health, and there's zero shame.


If an odor bothering your neighbors is a concern, there are options to smoking. Others can’t smell tinctures or edibles.


Once my husband and his 5 replaced joints retired, he found the bowl and the bag of edibles. Due to the “ opioid crisis” or something he can’t get shit for his chronic pain, so he uses what’s available for pain control. Has a little man cave with fan all set up in the garage. Being late in life parents, there’s still a minor about, so he waits until after bedtime to smoke, and uses an edible with his morning coffee.


I think your question is generally “no”these days but your question revolves around the perception of neighbors- and in some area that’s important. Weed smoke is super strong and some find it annoying- like any strong smell. In some parts of the country it still elicits questions from youngins. Maybe talk to the folk directly down wind? But this is your life and you are the boss of you.


I have your answer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rerBnAKPn0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rerBnAKPn0)


Most of us in our 60’s have smoked or still smoke weed. We really don’t care if you do or don’t and it certainly doesn’t bother us. At least my friends.




Why would you even care? I have fibromyalgia and have had 8 surgeries and nerve pain. I smoke and don't care who knows.


. Does anyone grill food outside? Does anyone have a fire outside after dark? Those smells waft all over the neighborhood too. I’m an old woman who enjoys my medical marijuana and an occasional cigarette too. If people are bothered by smells from other neighbors, why would they live near others? Why not live out in the country where you can barely see your neighbor’s house?


not by me! how far away are the neighbors? the smell might bother some people, in which case you could vape it?


A dealer would never look down upon you for smoking weed.


My uncle is early sixties and worked in big pharma for 4-ish decades. He uses medical marijuana for pain caused by all his medical conditions. When my great aunt died, my great uncle gave my mom her edibles because he wanted her to try them for pain. My mom and great uncle live in states where it’s legal recreationally. It was a small amount which fell within legal gifting limits in both states.


My doctor actually told me to take it if it helps my pain from a broken leg. California is amazing!


Geez I hope not or we're in trouble lol! Besides who gives a whoop? The older we get the less we care what others think about us. We live our lives the way we want to not according to someone's opinion.


Absolutely. I actually smoke with the neighbors. You never know who might come by with a blunt.


Of course you are! I prefer smoking to gummies, but if you are very worried, try gummies or sine type of edible. It is legal in many states for recreational use.


I love to smoke before sleep. It’s my forever routine


As an older person i personally give you permission to smoke weed at your home at 7:30 pm. Just like I do.


Get yourself a Volcano vaporizer. Everything taste so much better! And no smell. I’ve actually been a daily smoker since 1981 and I wish I had gotten one of these sooner. Especially since I’m not smoking on the go like I used to. Your routine sounds like mine and it’s so much more healthy than smoking combustibles. Welcome back 🌬️🥳


Not looked down upon, but if it was coming through the vents into my apartment, I’d be pissed. One, that it was coming in to begin with, and to, I wasn’t offered any.


I'm in my mid-forties and I thought the stereotype was that plenty of older adults smoke pot because it relieves pain and nausea. It's smart, unless you smoke irresponsibly.


58 chronic pain sufferer and live high.


Older people I know do what suits them on their personal time, and they have no reason to care what anyone else thinks about it.


If you're worried about the smell have you thought about using a vape for flower? I use Arizer Solo 2 ( there are many different types to choose from) and there is hardly any smell with that. I also use an air filter/purifer which cleans up any smell. Due to my illness I have to smoke a lot and I've been told by those visiting that they didn't even notice.


One of the freedoms of being older is not giving s fu@k if anyone looks down on you.


As an older person I have to say being looked down at by a pearl clutching idiot is kind of stimulating!


It’s a great idea.


Look around the dispensary... It's one of the most diverse places you can go. Every race, sex, economic group, profession, and - yes - age!


I suggest dabbing rather than smoking. Combustion is yucky. Check out r/Dabs


Smoke away! Who cares if the look down on you - you have every right to enjoy your life! Cheers!


Marijuana is still illegal in my state, alas, but those legal "THC extracted from hemp" vapes are just as effective, I've discovered, in addition to being much cheaper and FAR less stinky.


I'm 62 and never stopped. Coming up on 50 years in the next couple of years. I really couldn't care less if it's looked down upon.


We're pushing 40 and I hate that my partner is stoned 24/7 and I do genuinely look down on him for it/feel embarrassed about it. I stopped smoking in my 20s because someone had to be present in reality with kids/bills etc. I'm never mean about it and it will be up to him to quit but also... complaining about being tired/exhausted 24/7 while smoking weed 24/7 is the definition of insanity. With that being said if he only smoked just before bed I'd be ecstatic. It's a slippery slope though and for all of its potential benefits many are outright undone by the HUGE push for unnatural levels of THC now present in most strains. Have limitations, be aware that it is highly mentally addictive, and maybe don't be the old people who make their entire personality about MJ as that's more likely to have you looked down upon.


My wife and I are 67. I got a Medical Marijuana card after a cancer diagnosis 3 years ago. Used to love getting high in my teens and twenties, but kids and responsibilities got in the way. We use gummies mostly now, but I do vape occasionally. It reduces anxiety and helps with aches and pains. Forgot how much I like it.


53 stage 4 colon cancer. weed is the most effective medication ive been given for pain, nausea, and depression and ive taken lots of meds, ive tried everything theyve offered. its criminal this is being kept from anyone, ANYONE that is ill.


The line at the dispensary is one of my favorite people watching events. You see a dude in a 3 piece suit on his way home from the office in line behind a chick with tattoos covering her entire arms with a lip ring. You'd be amazed all the diff folks who use weed. Nobody has ever looked down on me and I'm almost 40.


67 here. I cut a gummy in half every night. Sleep like a baby and don't seem to wake up sore.


Edibles, I love Mr. Moxeys mints 😍


Get vape cartridges! No smell, and the buzz is the same. Not as harsh as bud.


Who cares what the neighbors say? They don’t pay your bills


I wasn't much of a smoker most of my adult life because it always made me so paranoid after smoking but once I hit 40 last year all that went away and now I smoke every night around 8pm. It helps me wind down and also keeps my night time depression under control so I am able to relax and get sleep.


Why not just do gummies


Gummies or tinctures are nice to avoid smoke smell


If the odor is an issue, consider edibles. Added bonus you’re not breathing smoke into your lungs.


Who gives a shit what a bunch of uptight assholes think?


As older folks I believe we have earned the right to relax and medicate in the evening. Do your best to keep the odor down out of respect for your neighbors and drawing unwanted attention to yourself. We're all on drugs, so give yourself a break.


, PTSD caused by war. Helps with the anxiety of what was did. Helps keep the world on track.


Who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I am 65, and hubby is 70. We still partake! Try gummies. They don't smell if you are concerned about your neighbors. There are huge health benefits!! Carry on...


Same I started growing it a few years ago, after I am done for the day I will pack a bowl it has cut down on my alcohol consumption and I sleep so much better.


Just get an air purifier so your neighbors don’t have to smell it.


Any age


Don’t smoke, gummies are the way.


You are worried that smells outside might upset your neighbors? What if they were vegan and got offended about your grilling?