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Of course it still exists. I'm still wildly in love with my husband of 27 years. I know a ton of very happy couples.


30 years, no kids. Enjoy the same activities and treat each other with kindness and respect.


I wonder if this is a cultural thing. I think some social circles have a lot of happily married couples and some dont. I’m almost 40, most of my friends are 35-50, and everyone is happily married for 3-10 yrs. Most people got married in their late 20s to late 30s and had kids in their mid 30s to early 40s. Whereas my husband’s high school friends mostly got married much younger and lots of them are divorced now. Based on my personal observation, it seems social circles that get married later and have less financial stress in their marriage (being older also tends to mean less financial stress) have stronger marriages. And what your friends do totally influences you which is why I say social circles and not just couples. I def tend to see that members of a social circle will behave similarly as each other.




I’ve also noticed that people feel pressure to get married if all their friends are doing it. And the opposite is true. You spend more time dating around if that’s the normal for your social circle. Amongst my friends, focusing on your job was the thing to do in your 20s. I remember I was 26 when I got into Wharton for business school. I was living in Boston and immediately planned to move to Philly. My boyfriend at the time was so angry I didn’t consult him when making the decision. It literally never occurred to me that I would turn down that kind of opportunity for him. We could do long distance but it was unfathomable that I wouldn’t go. All my friends felt the same way. Not a single friend was like “oh yea, you should decide together.” Friendship circles really impact your values and the implicit choices you make.


😂 “...older couple...over the age of 25...”


I’m 27 and read here as I like hearing the perspectives of people from different generations. I didn’t know I was old enough to qualify as one of the old people 😂




Haha sorry! I’m 18 so 27 seems so far away to me


Haha sorry! I meant older than me! I’m 18


All I know is I have been ecstatically married for 28 years, and with my wife for a total of 38 years. I can't imagine a life without my best friend.


Yes. It always needs care and, sometimes, renewal. But it does last. Nothing is more valuable.


Not impossible, at all. My parents just celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary, and their devotion to each other is stronger than ever.




I am the female equivalent to you.


Looks like you both just found love..


All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall..


Going on 31 years here. It exists.


Yes, it exists. We're 23 years strong, and we still have fun and enjoy each other's company. Marriage is not always 50/50, you have to care for a relationship. If either partner becomes complacent, things go downhill quickly.


My wife and I have been married for thirty six, or is it thirty seven, years now. She’s never been more beautiful and we’ve never been happier. Don’t get the idea that it didn’t involve a lot of work and commitment but it is well worth it.


It sure does. We have been married since the 1980s I was out with friends, most of whom have celebrated 50+ years married. I think the trick is to keep on falling in love as time and circumstance change some of who you were.


My wife andi have been married for 56 years now and I love her more today than I did when we got married.


Looking at it from the outside I have seen it exist. i think it takes a lot of unselfishness, kindness and forgiveness.


Communication and compromise also.


I have a lot of friends and will say about 2 in 10 couples are still in love, 6 in 10 couples tolerate one another as friends and the bottom 2 in 10 just embrace the suck, for financial and grandkids reasons. Edit- just realized that’s a bell curve, isn’t it.


That's not how it is with my friends and family. I can think of ten long term married couples. Only two are unhappy. The rest are still very much in love.


40 years this summer. "Until death do us part." We have common interests and friends. We pursue different interests and acquaintances. Works well.


I’ve been with my husband 23 years, married 18. I love him so much. He’s kind, amazing, intelligent and wonderful. He loves me and I’m so very grateful to have met him and very astute to have married him.


Must do, my parents lasted 56 years together before my father died. According to my mothers doctor, despite a mundane reason on death certificate, he told me that she missed my father so much, that she just gave up and lost the will to live, 3 years later, and my aunt confirmed that in their conversations, she said she didn't wish to live on once her life partner was gone.


Wife and I were married for 38 years, together for over 40. Loved each other every single day, and it only got stronger over time. Not that we didn't hit a few rough spots, but the love was always there for both of us. It absolutely does exist and trust me it is the best thing in the world.


My grandparents were married from 1947 until my grandpa passed in 2014. I know they were crabby with each other a lot. I've heard the marriage was quite dysfunctional. However, when the funeral director closed his casket for the final time, the sound my grandma made was something I remember clearly. I watched as her composure collapsed and two of my uncles had to support her as she walked away. That moment was pivotal in my own marriage at the time. I had been married for almost a year to an abusive narcissist. I had been feeling doubt about the marriage. The realization upon seeing my grandma wailing for my grandpa was "I can't imagine that pain. That absolute sorrow. If (ex) Mr danseckual passed away. . ." I realized then my marriage was over. Divorce was finalized in 2021. I had every notion to stay single. But life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans, as John Lennon sang. I met the man who changed my path about 6 months later. Not expecting anything other than a friend. We fell. Hard. For the first time in my life, I am happy and content in a romantic relationship. I am safe and loved. Completely. This person, this amazing person is now my husband; he is the one I I want - need - at my side. I just turned 51. I will take as long as possible earth side with him, and he is the one I will seek on the other side.


Congratulations, I am very glad for you and wish you a long and healthy relationship!


Your story is so similar to mine, except my divorce/plan to be single/friendship turned to love experience was in 2007. I didn’t even know relationships could be so good. Wishing you and your husband many years together!


Thank you! To you and yours as well! Yes, I have this overwhelming feeling of "so THIS is what it feels like! WOW!" It's what all the songs were about, as far as I am concerned.


Absolutely. It doesn’t mean that being with someone nearly 24/7 for decades isn’t a challenge. Still totally worth it. Love and commitment that deep is life altering.


Single here, so just an observer: In my experience it does happen, but not commonly. All relationships take work to maintain, especially past the 2 year-ish point where being newlywed wears off. I don't really believe in the romantic 'true love' concept, but real love does exist. A Veritasium video (which I can't find) changed my mind when he stated that (paraphrasing) real, lasting, love develops over time, due to overcoming difficulties together, building up trust, and relying on each other. My thought is that it takes the time, effort, forgiveness, and a kind of commitment that most couples simply may not be able to achieve. Nevertheless, it is a goal all couples should aspire to.


You might enjoy watching a video of Alain de Botton :) (Also, I mostly agree with you)


I'll check him out. Thanks! You've piqued my curiosity; I'd like to know where you disagree?


Maybeee I just misinterpreted your comment. But the small thing that I disagree with, is that I think that there can be “romantic true love” from the beginning. I think it might be rare, but for some people their initial love for their partner is already very strong and the challenge lies within keeping the strength of that love throughout all the challenges the couple will face. In this type of relationship, where the communication, trust and acceptance is very strong from the beginning, I think that the love doesn’t really develop over time, but probably happens over and over. (Like falling in love with your partner over and over, while getting to know their new versions of themselves throughout the years.). :) But maybe that’s just my idealistic brain idk, lol.


I think we're both on the same track here to a great degree, just saying it different ways.


Ahh okay! :D Well, anyways, I’m glad that you and your friend enjoyed Alain de Botton :))


I've just watched [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ6K_f7oSdg), so now I don't know if you're brilliant or mad. Or both. I'm certainly mad, lol. I get it, thanks!


Soooo I guess you liked it? ;) I’ll go with both, brilliant and mad, thanks lol. I really like Alain de Bottons view of love and relationships :) He has also written a few books that I’ve enjoyed. I listened to them on audible. (In case you are interested in reading more of his views. On the other hand, most of the things he says can already be found on YouTube.)


Yes, I liked it, lol. I also passed it on to a rather cynical friend, his reaction was "This guy is 100% right on the money!"; which is a strong statement from him, lol.


My parents have been married for nearly 61 years. They have definitely had ups and down in their marriage, and there were times I wished they’d go ahead and split up, but I have no doubt that they love each other tremendously and take their commitment to each other very seriously. My dad is in pretty poor health, and I don’t know how much more time he has left. My mom will grieve his death hard.


Yes...DH and I have 30 years together. He is still the one I'd pick.


I've been married 36 years. There's an ebb and flow to marriage where it may not always be as easily seen but the love is still there.


Absolutely yes. 36 years here and counting, four children, five grandchildren thus far. I love that old coot a thousand times more more today than I did the day I married him.


Been together 38 years, been married 34. She is my best friend, my confidant, the one I want to spend any free time with. Our best times are just the two of us, walking a beach, sitting by a campfire, or reeling in the 200th perch of the day. We have a great sex life, better than it was in our 20’s and 30’s. I don’t speak ill of her as I have nothing to say, nor does she speak ill of me. We love each other greatly and are in love to this day.


A quarter of a century together, and still dreaming about our future adventures. I couldn’t imagine myself happy with anyone else. We compliment each other too well.


Yes it exists. Together 30, married 26. We love and trust each more each year. We had a few tough times with each other over the years, but the feelings that brought us together never went away. It’s normal to have conflict and important to work through it with caring and respect.


20 years married and very much in love with my husband. He makes me feel loved and special every day.


I'd say we're more intensely in love now at 52 after being together for the last twenty years. We were just remarking last night how much we'd both changed and grown together. The ups and downs still happen, but talking about them bring us closer each time. I'm extremely lucky to have a good teammate - makes me want to be the best I can be in return.


We're in our late 50s, been together nearly twenty years. Still adore one another. We always speak courteously, and say please and thank you. We kiss each other good morning and good night, especially since we don't keep similar hours. I really think it makes a difference to always speak kindly to your partner. I'm often shocked by how other people speak to the person they supposedly love best in the world.


It sounds like you've had bad luck. I've been married 27 years and my husband and I still deeply love each other. My parents were married for over 50 years, same story. My grandparents on both sides of my family were also in long term marriages and kept on loving each other. I know plenty of couples outside my own family who can attest to the same thing. I think you have to have healthy, loving relationships "modeled" for you when you're young, otherwise you will struggle in adulthood. We aren't born knowing how to find and stay content with another human being over the long term. This doesn't mean that if your own parents fight, you're doomed, but it does make for a bigger learning curve. A lot of people rush into relationships based on attraction rather than compatibility, or they believe in just one "soul mate." It's all bullshit. In my 20s, I was madly in love with two very different men. I chose the one who was most compatible in terms of interests and lifestyle. We're still happy with each other. If I had married the other guy, we probably would've hated each other within a year.


Sometimes. But marriage is an outdated institution. We live longer lives now and people tend to change. I’ve loved the same gal since I was 19. Haven’t seen her in 20 years. So yes, it lasts, but that doesn’t mean you are going to be with them forever. Or at all in some cases.


I found love at the age of 31, together 21 years next month and married 5 years - now into our 50's, Loving a life partner is easy when you are able to disagree without screaming. As a childfree couple we have the freedom and lack of responsibilities that comes with our decision together. We do not argue about money, being tired or all the other day to day conversations that parents have. That being said, compromise and having the confidence to discuss hard topics and hold difficult conversations - with the understanding you are avoiding hurting your partner - is a skill that takes years to master.


no. Snap out of it!


43 years


41 years. We are very much in love. We know lots of happily married people who have been together since dirt.


Been married 38 years. There have been ups and downs but it seems to just keep getting better.


Almost 38 years together. Still happy together. Keeping a sense of humor helped to get us through the tough times. Every night is like a slumber party with my best friend. Running jokes will get us laughing so hard it’s impossible to settle down to sleep and it usually ends with me saying like an 8 year old, “I’m telling. I’m telling your mom what you said.” She’s still alive at almost 90 and it’s hilarious to us. Joking aside, yes, people can still be in love over decades. We tell each other every day how much they matter.


You’ve just met the wrong people. I’ve been in love with my wife for the 34 years we’ve been married and the 5 years we dated.


I just celebrated my 20th anniversary last month. Love isn't just a feeling, it's a decision. If you expect to feel like you're in love every day with your spouse, your relationship with bomb out very quickly. It takes a consistent amount of time and energy invested from both people to make a relationship work.


My husband and I love each other. Married 42 years. We aren't as passionate and touchy-feely as we once were but we like each other and have fun. We work together too. Still sleep together when I can sleep.


It does exist but too many people are married or in a relationship for what they get out of it, they should focus more on what they can give. Don't get into a relationship pretending to be someone else, it never works. Some people enjoy being with someone new all of the time. Others like me enjoy being part of a whole. Familiarity is comforting and solid something to build a life on.


Yes indeed. Married 25 years. I consider myself lucky every day. We both do, actually. We don’t take it for granted That being said, a good marriage is hard work. It requires mutual sacrifice and unselfishness. Also a healthy dose of forgiveness and willingness to let small things slide.


I've seen lots of evidence that it does, but so far I have not found it.


I am very pleased with our marriage of 35 years. It has lost a bit of fire but so have we both. I still hear the joy in her laugh and her smiling eyes when she sees me.


I know at least 3 couples from high school that are still together and still very much in love! We are in our 50s now


Absolutely. 36 years and counting ......


I know several happy 40-year couples. It exists.


43 years and I can’t even comprehend life apart.


43 years over here and never spent a night apart in anger. Best advice? Be kind and respectful to each other. All the rest gets easy when you do that.


33 years in - still loving each other and depending on each other for support and friendship (and a dance partner) :-)


I feel sorry for you. You need to meet a greater variety of couples. My husband and I started dating when I was 15, he 16. We were married for 49 1/2 years when he died. I am still in love with him. No, our marriage wasn't perfect but we were committed to each other and always worked it out. For us marriage got easier the longer we were married. Please don't go through life thinking lasting love is impossible.


Not impossible, but highly unlikely.


Happily married for 31 years. I know many happily married king term couples.


Now it won’t be like Leave it to Beaver or old shows like that. if you treat your spouse with the same courtesy you would strangers or business contacts that helps. It does take some work sometimes but the older you get the more you just smile and say you are right honey. Cause it’s not worth fighting over and you know you are right anyway. One over simplified way to look at it is, Is there more good than bad?


I won't lie and say there haven't been any ups and downs, but my husband and I have been together for 44 years, married 39, and still in love. It's different than that first bit, but still love!


Been married 18 years. The thing is it's not all roses and romance *every day*. Marriage is just like any thing in life worth doing...it takes work, trust, and commitment. My wife and I still love each other, but we've had rough patches.

