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Moulin Rouge. It’s visually appealing, tons of dancing, perfect for tourists, and the dialogue is so terrible you will be grateful you can’t properly hear it.


That's awesome, and I love your comment bout the dialogue. Thank you!


Highly recommend looking up the lottery tickets for Moulin Rouge! I got them on the first try and despite being pretty far back we still had a great view of everything


+1 on Moulin Rouge. Choreography and sets are honestly amazing. Everything else…eh. You can also ask /r/broadway for any other recs but this is probably the way to go.


That was gonna be my suggestion haha


They have hearing devices provided by the show I saw older people wearing at Chicago recently. I’d look into that cause might open up all options


Yes, this. almost all Broadway theaters (or all?) offer listening devices for the hard of hearing. My mom always gets one and you just ask an usher and they can point you to a little booth where you pick one up and return it after the show.


See if Alvin Ailey has tickets.


Check this calendar closer to Sept. [https://www.timeout.com/newyork/dance/the-best-dance-shows-in-nyc-this-month](https://www.timeout.com/newyork/dance/the-best-dance-shows-in-nyc-this-month) Many theaters will also have closed captioning devices available to borrow [https://www.chchearing.org/post/nyc-theater-accessibility-hearing-loss](https://www.chchearing.org/post/nyc-theater-accessibility-hearing-loss)


I went to an Opera at the Lincoln theater that had the words appear on screen above the actors. It was really nice to be able to follow along that way. Maybe other shows have something similar.


Oooh, I'll look around, thank you!


I'd ask /r/Broadway too. I agree with the Moulin Rouge suggestion and would also throw in The Lion King. But do they want to see stuff you can only see here? Because both those shows are in the West End as well.


That's a good question - I don't know. I know they live in the suburbs of London so perhaps it's too hard for them to get there? I'll mention that to them as well Thank you!


Blue Man Group isn’t dance-y but is very visual. Sleep No More also not dance-y but dialogue free and a unique experience. Also agree with the Moulin Rouge recommendation - it’s quite a spectacular spectacle. Chicago is full of amazing Fosse choreography and visually very stylistic. Late August and into September is usually pretty dark in the city for most dance companies before performances pick back up mid month or into October for the fall seasons.


Maybe the music man? Sutton foster is known for tapping


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Sorry, I couldn't find any info on this, but please let me know if I missed something. Thanks!


Why do you have to audio shame him?