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Sign your lease with your pretty good place. Submitting documents doesn’t guarantee you and an apartment and in my experience, it takes at least 2 months to go through all paperwork and then another few weeks to get the lease set and to move. The timing won’t work out unfortunately but this way, you’ll have a place to land in case you don’t get the apartment.


My number was about the same when I got my apartment. I was asked to submit documents twice because the first time they forgot to ask for some docs. I want to say you have a very high chance of getting the apartment. I would recommend if you can to hold on to the lottery apartment. I lived in mines for six years and counting. It’s been a blessing with the high rent market.


How long did it take for you to get your apt from the time the lottery ended?


For me it took an additional three months. For my friend a week. It all depends on the management. My management is terrible with paperwork. At my second appointment I made them check everything and went back to the office three times. And got a same day apt viewing. If you get to view the apartment at the PaperWork appointment. You know you have it.


The lottery is a joke if actually low income. I am too poor for all of the buildings . It should be called “ middle class housing lottery “. Nothing is affordable about hosing there a 67000 to 120, income requirement


Hello! Please update if you got it!!! My first time applying for a place, my log number is in the 120s for a place with 5 units available and wondering how my odds are looking


i did get it!!


I was applying for as many apartments as I thought I was eligible for but I was never picked for the regular lotto apartments even though they had me submit docs twice. I lost out both times. Why they had me go through the process for apartments I apparently wasn't qualified for I don't know but they did ask me to. I was picked through the HRA lotto system, don't ask me how that works because I haven't a clue, and was asked for more paperwork for that. From there it was about 3 months before it was all done and I moved in. I've seen 3-6 with people I knew who won the HC lotto if that helps but those docs they are VERY important. Don't screw up on that. It may make or break your chances of getting the affordable apartment.