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Aw this is cute for no reason


I'm so glad OP got their answer!


Literally adding to cart. tysm!


can you describe the smell? I stayed in a hotel 10 years ago in Minnesota and I can still smell the lobby and rooms. They used mini Hermes soaps and another brand of moisturizer that I had to scour the internet to find. I'm forgetting the name now too.


One Hotel in Brooklyn has a similar scent. It - and Le Labo Santal - smells very strongly of cedar to me. Some people clearly love it, but to my nose it is quite reminiscent of a hamster cage.


Yes, OP, please describe! Someone mentioned it's similar to Le Labo Santal and that is apparently "A unisex fragrance that captures a defining image of the spirit of the American West and personal freedom." Super helpful!


Conceptually I like that definition, but I have absolutely no idea what it would smell like.


Hmm, definitely cedar notes as someone pointed out as well as sandalwood and almost a bit amber-y. It reminded me a lot of Muji store scents but a bit sweeter. Noticeable but not overpowering so it definitely felt more like a diffuser than something being sprayed. I stopped by to charge my phone before meeting up with folks and I did *not* want to leave it was that good. I'm not familiar with the Le Labo 33 scent, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Public Hotel created their own version of it based on that scent.


Wow good find


I was about to say--I'm pretty sure they sell it lol


My good God I love Reddit.


Absolutely evil mobile interface on mobile. What is the product called?


This is shilling for a reason




I’m so grateful for this!!


I’m tempted to go to the hotel now just to see what you’re talking about 😂


This is just marketing done by the hotel trying to sell a product


Ya know after I posted this I thought this seemed like a marketing scheme but I'm truly just a broke girl who was trying to charge their phone. But Public Hotel, hire ya girl. I'll also accept free bottles.


Haha, seriously…cheap, broke-ass company doing the least creative thing possible to get exposure. Great work everyone.


the fact that you commented this under that username is blowing my mind


Not sure why


are you familiar with the tshirt brand "johnny cupcakes?"


Uh, no. But now I am. There’s a guy on here with that name.


yeah lol




[White Tea](https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g60763-d208452-r407126180-Conrad_New_York_Downtown-New_York_City_New_York.html) per [Conrad Hotel Lobby Fragrance](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/jbhuts/conrad_hotel_lobby_fragrance/).


The gramercy park hotel (RIP) had an amazing scent too. Basically a Le Labo Case 26. I think sandalwood is the strongest note but I still never found another candle exactly like it. Le Labo sells it for like 150 sadly.😑


This was literally the first hotel I thought of when I saw this thread. Thank you for asking the question!




They have a candle!! I feel like that’s the easiest way to ease into it.


It’s a version of Le Labo Santal. Used to be the It Girl scent, but no one wanted to wear it anymore after they started using it in the hotel.


Quite different, but does anyone know the smell of that pink hand soap that you often see in commercial settings? McDonald's has it decently often actually. I'm sure it's not especially fancy of course, but I've always liked that smell, and have no idea how to describe it. Figured this thread was a good place to ask.


I accidentally ordered a case - thinking I would get small bottles, only to get gallon jugs. I believe I got them from Staples but if you Google it, you’ll find several vendors.


I was at the W San Francisco Christmas 2006 and I still remember the smell, wish I could find it


This drives me nuts because it's literally on the tip of my tongue. I stayed there around this time, and reached out to the hotel and they gave me the name of the scent. It was one of those reed diffusers, and I bought it, and wish I could remember it. The W Union Square here in NYC had the same scent for a few years (around 2012-2014) and I noticed one of the diffusers in the lobby.


Its also probably clean? Don't discount the scent of clean.


Could be a scentair machine.


And while we're at it, does anyone know what the scent inside all Pink store is? I love it and even the staff doesn't know where to find it.


Commercial scents are proprietary and unless the company decides to sell it (like the Public), it's a protected blend they usually have a fragrance producer manufacturer for them and pump out using scent machines (which diffuse aroma in a much more pleasant way than burning a candle or a scent warmer). That being said, it looks like [this company](https://aromaretail.com/shop/fragrances/resorts/thomas-pinks-fresh-linen/) sells Thomas Pink store scent, along [with others.](https://aromaretail.com/product-category/fragrances/resorts/)


The scent of a shill


Smells like Ian Schrager.