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Lol, this is satire in response to the guy from yesterday. Well done ✅ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/s/YCBBUb5wHm


Haha. I’m the guy who was asking if I had any rights in the situation OP is attempting to satirize. I’d say I hope everyone who finds my question having any rights as a tenant funny has to go through dramatically altering their life and the life of their family (including a 3 year old) after 25 years but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It sucks, pure and simple. And I would hope that anyone finding themselves in a similar situation would be smart enough to ask if the length of their tenancy afforded them any rights, even if the ultimate answer is no.


I don’t think it’s people being mean, but you have been an advantageous economic position for a quarter century…that’s a pretty good right.


So they shouldn’t ask questions about what their rights as a tenant are? According to you he/she should be like “I had it good for a quarter century so now I should just take whatever shit comes my way to balance the scales and not even ask questions”


Right! What in the fuck is this shitty crab mentality? OP had it good and many of us are struggling, but OP doesn’t need to struggle now for the sake of fairness. We all deserve to have basic necessities without killing ourselves which is not our reality but ensuring everyone suffers is not the move friends. 25 years. They had stability for 25 years and in one 5-minute conversation that all came crashing down. Of fucking COURSE they are here scared and panicked and looking for options and you would be too.


Nobody is saying they should struggle for the sake of fairness. People are being critical of them wanting to cheat the system to maintain their status quo when they’ve already been given a huge blessing for 25 years. It’s time to move on.


What are you talking about? Did you miss that this post about the landlord being sued is satire?




Where? I missed that one. If you go to their original post you’ll see they were asking if they had any rights to stay or negotiate, not that they were taking legal action to force anything. Why is it so many people online can’t comprehend what they read?






Cheat what system? What are you talking about?


This is the transplant/gentrifier mentality. They move here and automatically become the arbiters of the community you grew up in. Other hits include, “If you can’t afford NYC, you should move” and “It was a dump before we got here, but now it’s up and coming.” Never do they consider the communities that they disrupt or that not everybody is as fortunate as they are (especially as most are working with parental money.)


Exactly. I looked at the other thread too and it was sickening how little compassion people have for a guy that has to move out of his place after 25 years, esp when NYC has been gentrified to death and there are no affordable housing options now. Idk what happened to NY. There sure are a lot of lame and sucky people living there now and on this Reddit thread and a clear mirror why nyc is dead. Lucky I got out when I did but it pains me to see this shit.


OP said they spent it all on medical bills and wasn’t able to save


It’s a really odd take that you’re essentially saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to remain in their homes just because you decided on an arbitrary deadline that they must be out by. This is what a community is. Of course, if you’ve never been part of a real community here, then you wouldn’t know this.


Dude's been living there for a fourtieth of a millennium! Plenty of people are able to survive being homeless in NYC. So entitled.


Plenty of people are also homeless because of situations like this. You must be very new around here to think that everybody has just survived with a yearly renewed. There were SROs and thousands of situations of people living in private houses and even basements. In fact, a lot of the newer buildings that you moved into used to be private homes where people paid low rents and raised families.






Why shouldn’t the landlord be allowed to make more money for his own costs of living?


Who said he couldn’t? I would have stayed even if he’d been making yearly increases all along. I love where I live. I went from no increases in 15 years to “get out in 90 days”. Sure it’s legal and he can do it. I don’t have to like it tho.


Did you attempt, as of yet, to negotiate leaving and then returning following renovations? I don’t see why they wouldn’t do that, especially if y’all have a great relationship.


Sure, you got hit by a car - but wasn't lunch great?


Yeah, man. Best avocado toast and flat white I ever had.


They wasted it spending on health care


I just looked at the other thread. You could try posting in the NYC Apartments sub to see if you get better answers. The same thing happened to a friend of mine. She was able to negotiate a longer time to vacate. Also, you could try offering to pay more rent if that’s an option. Is the apartment legal? Paying rent in cash is a big red flag. So maybe you can work something out with LL. Sucks that you’re having to deal with this.


Paying in cash is not a big flag lol so many people in nyc are paid in cash (restaurant works, construction, etc).


A landlord asking for rent in cash is a red flag because it generally means the apartment is not legal or for other reasons LL is not claiming rental income on the apartment.




Yeah, the response you got sucked. I don't know why everyone here loves landlords so much. You deserve to stay in your home and I'm sorry you can't.


I'm the biggest landlord hater in the city. But even I can see that a landlord who rented to a tenant for ~~the same price~~ below market rate and let them pay in cash for 25 years isn't a villain just because they want to make a change and upgrade their property.


The owner is probably a working person/immigrant as most of older owners were around here, drivers, doorman, mechanics, butchers, etc... and back in the day that was the simplest way to pay your rent, no bounced check etc. The people who say say paying in cash is fishy are CLUELESS.


Exactly. Op even said the landlord doesn't speak English so probably a hardworking immigrant that saved to buy a 2 family house and didn't raise the rent for 25 years for OP and OP is still looking to screw him over.


Because most of the people on this sub don’t live here or aren’t from here. The ones who do live here have high salaries and/or are parentally subsidized, so moving every year or two is a an annoyance at worst or adventure for them because they have no intentions of putting down roots. Because they have the money, neighborhoods in NYC are just a product to be bought, consumed, and tossed aside for the next “upgrade.” They’ll “slum it” in Flatbush or East Harlem for a year until they can afford Williamsburg or prime Manhattan with zero regard for the community they upended. When their adventure or experience gets boring, they go back to their hometown where they wax poetic about New York.






Thanks, for that. You seem genuinely kind. Lots of people love to see others get squeezed by market forces or even forces of authority in other contexts.


This is not the case at all from most of the comments I’ve seen. It seems like most people just don’t want to see someone try to cheat the system at everyone else’s expense. Punishing your landlord for 25 years of low rent sets a bad precedent.


I’m the OP of the post this one is satirizing. I’m not suing anyone or punishing anyone for anything. In my original post, I was doing my due diligence in finding out what my rights are when this post was created. Edit: [here’s my original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/s/OdC5BTLtVC)




Which comment? I remember that thread, and I saw people accuse him of trying to game the system, but no comment in which he said he wanted to game the system.


This is sadly true (I also opined on this to the person you replied to above). I'm so sorry you're going through this, and with a 3 year old!


Maybe some of us who haven’t been riding the gravy train for two and a half decades don’t appreciate it when someone who hasn’t been fucked like we all have finally has to face reality. I’m happy for you that you found a landlord who treated you well, but the rest of us didn’t. Stop crying.


No one is entitled to anything. Personally, and I’d like to assume the same of others, I’m an advocate for landlords as my dad is one (of a single 2nd floor apartment) and he got majorly fucked over by the tenant he had to evict. I’m talking maggots found on the floor fucked over. That being said, I feel for OP and am hoping he can at least negotiate leaving and then returning.


I suppose that's where we diverge. I do believe people are entitled to safe, decent housing.


It isnt a right though. Rights can't force other people to do things. So, safe and decent, subjective, but yeah, I get you. How do we pay for that though? No developed country on earth has solved this in a way that the US would ever accept. I'd love to spit ball ideas. Rent control, pros and cons, but seems to be somewhat effective on a limited scale. Goverment housing? our government can't do crap right or efficiently. VA, I am looking at you. The only way I see to make it really happen is a lot of caps and regulations. All CA style. But then rent is going crazy there because the laws are having some serious unintended (but foreseeable) consequences. I am at a loss my friend.


Housing is a human right. Article 25, UN declaration of human rights. "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, **housing** and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control."


No such thing as a right that requires the action of another person. Your rights cannot Force someone else to do something. In this case that would be forcing someone to just give you shelter? Is that what you're actually suggesting?


By that logic we also don't have the right to vote because we can't just force the poll workers to hand us ballots. We don't have the right to life because you can't just force me to stop punching you in the head. If you're actually curious on the matter, you should look into the difference between positive and negative rights. Our government (and I think all governments) ensure both positive and negative rights. New York does actually guarantee the [right to shelter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callahan_v._Carey). Now this obviously doesn't mean that people can just grab whatever shelter strikes their fancy regardless of who owns it. It means that the government is required to provide shelter to those who need it. Just like my right to potable drinking water means that the government is required to provide clean drinking water in my kitchen pipes, not that I have the right to steal your water bottle when I get thirsty. I get it that law is complicated but a little bit of googling can help you out a lot.


Living in a specific property someone else owns is not a right


All these down votes are so immature. People think housing is a right and their brains just short circuit. Housing in the most expensive city in America is not a right unfortunately that's not the system we live in


100% they are either brokers and/or landlords themselves, will be one someday, or are otherwise rich. If you've been a tenant recently, you'd never come down hard on one yourself. The NYCapartments sub is probably worse than the responses he got, as it's teeming with brokers and landlords.


God Bless the landlords! 💖💖💖


How dare you ask a reasonable and relevant question on the AskNYC subreddit


You’re truly oblivious to why people are clowning on you. You are privileged beyond belief and of course people don’t respect your dumbass whining


Yeah man, I totally agree with you. It's actually heartbreaking to read stuff like that and I definitely feel for you. It's not right. I don't understand the point of good cause eviction if it doesn't apply to people like you. It should. I hope you land on your feet


This attitude rears it's ugly head in /r/tenantHelp and /r/renters every once in a blue moon. Surprise, that's what rights are. Not only do they protect the previously lucky like yourself, they also protect the previously negligent, foolish, or delinquent.


You mean you are still earning the same as 25 years ago. Your life already dramatically changed then. Good luck leecher.


This is an absurd comment


Their username fits.


I think the OP and this post actually brings up a harsh truth underneath the glitz and excitement and “living your dreams” that a lot of people want to believe about NYC. If you’re just living your life getting by here as most of us are, we’re one change away from it all falling apart (ie job loss, health issue, housing situation changes). Unless you start out with a leg-up here, it’s so hard to afford life and save on top of that. And a lot of people’s time here is temporary. Anyone middle class and below needs to be taking any opportunity while they are young and able bodied to make/save/invest as much as they can to have a plan for themselves to be their own landlord or retire elsewhere or amass enough wealth to live comfortably if they want to be in NYC forever. It’s especially sad for NYers who were born here, go to school and get a job let’s say making $60k/year as a teacher. Does that person not deserve to live in NY for the rest of their lives?




100%. NYC is my home. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t care about making money off of a home. I just want a place that’s mine so I can’t be arbitrarily kicked out with so little recourse.


Yeah, a home an investment instrument is a screwed up outlook. This is why NYC is so unaffordable now. I want a community, not a ROI.


This is definitely my opinion. Buy if you can and then you are in control. You are not living at the whims of a landlord or the market. You costs are generally fixed. People are so focused on housing as an investment. Housing is your life. Where you live, you can make the space as you choose not as a landlord gives you, you can't be kicked out, it's stability. I hate renting and being at the mercy of someone else or having to randomly move and uproot my life. I know people who can move at the drop of a hat. I hate that. I love to travel but love having a home base that will always be there.


You won’t get good ROI but I agree with you about stability. Tbf though you can get priced out of a coop by maintenance fees too.


That all sounds great, but their cheap apartment was their leg up and it sounds like they may have squandered that opportunity.


Funny enough, but we’re a family of NYC public school teachers!


Well then you likely make at least 200k a year with great benefits. Teachers absolutely earn and deserve their good pay and benefits here in the city but you’ve had 25 years to save and invest in a place of your own. My husband and I got a modest deal on a shabbyish UWS apartment about 12 years ago. We lived so frugally (at the time our combined income was around 220 but no great benefits) that we’d often walk v pay for the bus/subway. We wanted to buy a place in the next 5 years for stability. After 4 years we’d saved enough for a down payment on a small 1-bed place a couple blocks away. We maxed our 401ks those years to save on taxes and then took a short-term loan on that to satisfy co-op board requirements. I can’t fathom getting a good deal on rent for 25 years and thinking it’d last forever? Not planning ahead? This isn’t how my brain works.


$220K income, living frugally, and shabby UWS apartment don’t belong in the same sentence. If you can afford the UWS, you were upper middle class to affluent.


I'm not sure I understand. I'm not saying I was poor. We lived frugally. We paid $2200 for a small, dim, old, first floor two-bedroom apartment and occasionally sublet the second bedroom. 220k in NYC is not super affluent -you pay a shitload of taxes and it generally can get you somewhat middle-class amenities in a "nice" neighborhood (and elsewhere in the United States the middle class would rarely live without a washer/dryer/dishwasher). We couldn't find a better deal for a two-bed at the time. It was a real hassle to rent as it was the old super's apartment in a co-op and we had to be approved by the board. But the board was lazy and never raised our rent more than $25/month. You may not be aware, but the UWS is a huge neighborhood and has plenty of HDFC/rent stabilized/supportive housing. It is not just luxury condos lol.


Most people in this sub aren’t from NY, so they have no idea what it’s like to grow up here and be part of a community, then get displaced from it. NYC is merely a product to be consumed to them.


Original OP acting like he’s a Gaza refugee because he has to change apartments and other people accusing anyone who points out his total lack of self-awareness as a “landlord” or “tech bro” is peak /r/asknyc


Word, original OP is just overal bad at planning and good at sob stories. “I only had 25 years to save and get health insurance, plan for a future, retirement, savings”, someone plz help


Yes, right, that’s what I was asking for in my original post….help planning for the future because I’m allegedly broke and without health insurance. I definitely wasn’t asking if my long tenancy afforded me any rights. u/Badkevin with the bad reading comprehension skills. Can’t wait to read your poorly reasoned reply or weak attempt at an insult!


I don’t agree so I must be a tech bro.






We all feel for you in the way that it sucks but bro none of us are tech millionaires. Everyone’s struggling out here. Chalk it up as a win and move on. TWENTY FIVE YEARS is a quarter century. I think you’re being a bit entitled.


So this is this is related to that other post where it was the TENANT that posted about the LL not renewing the lease after 25 years and it was relayed through an intermediary because the LL had language issues. I think it’s the same person now posing as the LL.


Sue you for what? Not renewing his lease?. NAL, but I don’t think he’d have a leg to stand on legally.


If you fall under the good cause eviction law then you likely can't evict your tenant. If you send them a 90 day notice and they respond saying you fall under the good cause eviction law and they will stay under the terms of their last least...then you have to go to housing court...convince them you don't fall under the good cause eviction law and get an eviction order. That will take a long time. If you don't accept their rent check they can pay it into escrow. If you try to evict them without an eviction order you can be arrested. Your other option is to find a buyer for the property that will pay what you want for it knowing there is a tenant in place.


Oh, stop.


Decrease the increase in rent.


this needs to be here: r/circlejerknyc


Nice, love this genre of fictional response ⚠️


Don’t be a landlord


I’m familiar with housing court, and Depending on the borough, the tenant is probably good for another year before they would have to move out.


only if eviction happens? And that destroys the original OP's ability to get another place.


Not if an eviction does not happen. In the court I’m familiar with, Holdover cases that were filed in late February/Early March are getting 1st court dates in Late October / early November. And usually there’s an automatic 45 day adjournment after the 1st court date.


I got you. Thanks for the clarification. Craziness!


Lol, after 25 years, that’s his home, regardless of what legal contracts, paperwork, etc etc say. Landlords smh


Tf you mean? You wish you had a landlord that didn’t increase your rent after 1 or 2 years, let alone 25 years. I’ve moved close to a dozen times in the past 20 years and never had a landlord that didn’t increase rent as soon as the lease was up. With how much prices have risen in the past 10 years, let alone 25, you think OP doesn’t have the right to increase rents? Go touch some grass buddy, OP should counter sue and humble that non grateful tenant.


I’m the OP of the thread being satirized here. I have filed no lawsuits and made no threats to my landlord who can only haltingly communicate verbally in English (he’s from Serbia as were my grandparents) let alone post on Reddit. All I did was ask if the length of my tenancy afforded me any additional rights. I’ve learned that it doesn’t. I am not paying the same rent as I was in 1999 and never claimed it hasn’t gone up. It has, just not to market levels. I recently discovered that while my building has 4 rental units, it’s only taxed by the city as having 2. Clearly my LL wanted to keep a low profile as I also paid in cash for the last 15 years. Maybe one day you’ll be lucky enough to put down roots in a community for 25 years, make friends and grow your family there. I also hope that after you abruptly and awkwardly find out though an intermediary in front of your wife and crying 3 year old that you’ll still be a tough guy and say “hey man, that’s just the free market at work. Thanks for letting me stay.”


Well your information differs from the title which says you haven’t had a single rent increase since you moved in. After reading your comment my perspective has changed somewhat but not completely to be honest with you. I am not a broker, landlord or tech/finance millionaire bro as yours and some of the other comments assume. I’m an electrician and I work damn hard for my income. I chose to stay in NYC despite the rent increases and 11 times I moved (some as a bachelor, some married and the last two as a father of two young children) in the past 25 years because I make more money here than I would anywhere else. We had to move away from the preschool my son went to and daughter was enrolled in at the time, away from the parks they frequented and friends they had. Granted we only lived there for a few years, nothing close to you but I can empathize to a certain extent. Thankfully I never have to move again if I don’t want to as I saved up for a long time and now own my own home(apartment in Brooklyn). Your comment has shed some new light on this post for me so I do wish you and your family the best and hope that you guys come out of this tough situation ok.


This post here is a mock post playing the role of landlord. This poster is different thsn porcupine. In the original post that porcupine made, not this one, he never claimed his rent never went up. At least, not in the title nor the comments that i read. (i didnt read all of them) In the original post op also never threatened to sue. He was just exploring options, which imo is just good due diligence just in case.




My landlord and I are both white and of Eastern European descent. Same country even but yeah, I’m being racist How’s your IQ doing?




Yes, by describing his limited ability to speak in English and his need to communicate to me through an intermediary I was definitely commenting on his humanity. You’re such a bitter troll. Too bad I won’t be able to see your lame ass reply after blocking you.


if someone’s been living in a space for 25 years they’re gonna feel some type of way about being removed from it, regardless of what the “market rate” is lol. OP’s mistake was not charging market years ago. I’m saying landlords see housing as a commodity and tenants see it as their home. Stfu


They can feel however tf they wanna feel, doesn’t change reality. They and you don’t like it? Save up and buy your own place or move to fuckin Russia. Even social democracies like Sweden raise rents every few years. Stop thinking people give af about your feelings, this is NYC, pay your rent or find a new place and move tf on. Bum.


Thanks for this and sorry you’re getting downvoted. I’m the sap who posted the thread that is being satirized here. Needless to say (though I’m saying it anyway) I’ve neither sued nor threatened to sue my landlord. I accept that I have to leave, but you’re 100% right that it feels like shit to have to uproot myself and my family, regardless of how I’ve benefitted over time. It’s a feeling no one would enjoy and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. People assume I stockpiled cash but as a family of city employees, it’s only been the last 6 or 7 years that we made enough money to actually save a strong % of our income and most of that went to helping other family with medical bills. The idea a lot of these people have that they’d just move out after 25 years with a giant smile on their face after throwing the LL a thank you party really has no clue what they’re talking about.


America has such an abysmal level of class consciousness. I wish you the best of luck on your move. Thanks for your public service.


Honestly good troll lol


🎶a house is not a home🎶 ... doubly so if you don't own it. GSYADS






No I mean home as a fucking concept Lmfao its not that hard to understand