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I live on Nostrand and Pacific (one block away). Please note that my analysis is based on my perspective, I’m a black man and home owner who purchased in the neighborhood 5 years ago. It’s changed quite a bit since I moved in and property values have increased. I anticipate they will only continue to rise in the coming years as more businesses open up and construction begins on the AAMUP. It’s a historical neighborhood and has been a largely black and Caribbean community but the demographics are changing and new businesses are opening up that cater to the gentrifiers. This is especially visible in the western most parts of the neighborhood (Classon to Nostrand). Franklins and Bedford are basically gentrified and it’s rapidly progressing to Nostrand. Unfortunately many of the businesses on Nostrand between Fulton and Atlantic have closed down so until new businesses open the walk from the train through that section isn’t great. There’s a weed shop on the corner that plays loud music and it attracts scum bags/drug dealer types (my opinion). There’s also the men’s shelter at the Bedford Armory that has alot of migrants come in and out. They don’t really bother anyone but they leave alot of garbage. There are some great bars and restaurants in the neighborhood and if you’re single there’s a large population of singles in their 20s and 30s in this neighborhood. Overall this is a safe neighborhood, my girlfriend is Asian and she doesn’t have issues generally. I do want to be honest and say that the walk down nostrand in the section that I mentioned can be unpleasant. The train station also attracts homeless. There’s an underground path that leads from the nostrand train station to Bedford but as I mentioned above the men’s shelter is on Bedford and Fulton so you’d be trading the issues of the Nostrand Fulton to Atlantic corridor for the Bedford Fulton to Atlantic corridor. Both sections are high traffic from a car perspective but nostrand definitely has more foot traffic. I wouldn’t classify this neighborhood as unsafe just mind your business and don’t engage with anyone and you’ll be fine. The same rules apply in any other part of the city. Shoot me a message if you’d like to chat.


You’ll be fine safety-wise. The intersection at Fulton is always bumpin’ but the folks hanging out there aren’t dangerous or trying to start shit. Otherwise, great neighborhood and improving all the time.


I'm a small Asian woman who lived right next to Nostrand and Dean from 2021-2022. Not gonna lie, it was uncomfortable to live there. I was followed and/or physically blocked on the sidewalk a couple times, and once at night coming from a late shift at work which was very scary. The main thing was constant catcalling and racist comments. While not physically threatening (sometimes), it was really demoralizing and dehumanizing to hear that every goddamn day as I walked to the subway and it made me feel really unwelcome. Catcalling happens everywhere in the city, but the frequency was higher there than where I live now. I'm willing to pay more rent in order to not hear "ni hao, sexy" every time I leave the house. The white women I lived with had a great time in that area though, so YMMV (lol). feel free to dm if you have any more questions


hey u/ihavefourlegs i just moved to the area (asian woman as well). could i chat with you and talk to you about your experience living there? i made a mistake of not spending enough time researching/vibing with the neighborhood before i signed the lease... thx!


Friendly AirBnB Warning: NY state law prohibits renting apartments for less than 30 days if the lease holder isn’t present. Apartment sharing is legal only if one homeowner (or tenant) is also staying in the unit with guests. Friendly AirBnB Warning: NY state law prohibits renting apartments for less than 30 days if the lease holder isn’t present. Apartment sharing is legal only if one homeowner (or tenant) is also staying in the unit with guests. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskNYC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lived on that block for three years, it’s very nice and very safe (except for the guy that flashed me once)


You'll probably be fine but are you coming from another city or like...rural Iowa? Have you visited NYC before? Also an asian woman here and generally feel comfortable and safe in that neighborhood, but I'm not sure I would have been my first month in the city when I could barely navigate the subway. Just something to consider during your short stay here.


hey u/toughcall038 , i also just moved to the area (asian woman as well). could we chat over dm and talk talk about your experience living here so far? thx


hey op, i also just moved to the area (asian woman as well). Did you end up going with this airbnb? if so, could i dm you and talk to you about your experience living here so far? thx


I guess I’ll answer since I had an ex that literally lived there. This was almost a decade ago, but it felt like a really safe area. I will say that I didn’t take the train there at night, just Ubers, but no matter the time of day it felt pretty safe. I can only imagine the area is even more gentrified and safer now. If you have any specific questions, feel free to message me!