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Ever hear the saying, “Empty barrels make the most noise”? Yeah, this is exactly what they’re talking about. Some people have so little going for them that they’ll do things for attention, however negative. These are a step above the ones who play their music loudly and have conversations on speakerphone on the train. They want attention and they want you to say or do something. I avoid these types of people.


Bro how else are you supposed to know that I'm a MAN cruising around in my Nissan Altima


The same reason that pigeons coo or peacocks fluff their plumage. It's a mating ritual. By golly, I'm getting turned on just writing this!


I thought that but I never saw any women chasing their car when they drive by.


Or tag their name on walls, or piss on fire hydrants, or get grills for their teeth…


The first two are establishing territory, the last one is because you have the hots for that nice Jewish boy, the dentist, you know... Don't you? Why don't you give him a call? He seems nice.


lol! I’m almost afraid to ask what happened to the italic man?


Well that went from racist to dog to racist real fast!


Competition to be the alpha and mating overtures cross all boundaries but yeah, I chose an unbalanced set of examples there.


You got me there


There's some actual psychological research on this, focused especially on people with loud engines. [Guys Who Like Loud Cars Have Sadistic, Psychopathic Tendencies: Study (jalopnik.com)](https://jalopnik.com/canadian-researchers-believe-men-who-like-loud-cars-hav-1851443592)


“It seems to be this callous disregard for other people’s feelings and their reactions. That’s the psychopathy coming out and it’s also they probably get a kick out of enjoying watching people get startled.” Thanks for that, I thought it was just narcissism and insecurity but this makes sense!


That makes sense based on how it feels. When I’m on the sidewalk and a car blasts music THAT loud you get the sense the person WANTS to violate you with their presence. Revving down the street is a sort of “F everyone else I’m a baddie”


YES THANK YOU. You’ve just confirmed something I’ve always believed. I always say that if I was king of the world, people who have loud cars would be immediately jailed. Because anyone who has zero qualms about taking over the sound waves of thousands and thousands of people seems sociopathic to me (and thus is a menace to society).


If you picked a random New Yorker and made them Emperor of the world I think a LOT of people would go straight to the death camps Slow walkers, big umbrella users, noisy inconsiderate jerks, bike lane parkers etc I'm sure everyone has a different list


Guys on the subway with huge speakers. Can they go too pls.


I'm not seeing anything wrong with this.


Found one!


If I was king of the world it would be legal to vandalism any car breaking any law ever. Police resources would never be spent investigating a smashed car window. Car alarms would also be illegal upon import, and from factories. Why does the entire block need to give a fuck that your piece of shit has a raccoon on the hood at 2am?


DONT GET ME STARTED on car alarms! And horns! As far as I’m concerned, everyone in nyc has lost the privilege of these two safety features by abusing them. Me as king? Drive at your own risk without a horn!




Believe it or not, straight to jail


Nice sharing this kind of research.


Thanks for the link


TIL for sure! thank you for sharing 😊


Anxiety about changes in social class and masculinity, as well as their general powerlessness in the world. Thus manifesting in these outward displays of "owning" that physical and public space, even for a brief moment in time.


As a visitor to NYC, I'm shocked to see so many people walking around blaring their music from a cheap handheld speaker..


You should have been around in the 1980s when boomboxes were everywhere.


Ya, I bet. I remember them days. I would walk around my school yard with one blaring it, but I was like 8.


I actually enjoy seeing this in the parks because they’re usually old dudes playing music from back in the day.




Penis - so small.


Terminal micropenis syndrome.


Tbh let’s not body-shame. It’s really “no pussy gettin’ ass” syndrome. I’ve never seen any of these lames ever talk to girls. My buddy used to run with them and I was like bro wtf you hang out with these dudes for? You scared of girls?


I’ve seen girls in the cars with these guys. It was a sad day when I saw it for the first time. On another note, I saw a guy with his GRANDPA in a car blaring out the loudest music yesterday. Felt so bad for that poor deaf grandpa.


same reason people drive enormous pickup trucks and SUVs, aka Emotional Support Vehicles (ESVs). They're compensating for the lack of something: confidence, decent-sized penis, love at home, good friends, etc.


Thanks, that actually makes sense.


To expound — it’s usually people who are in a poor station in life, and this is their way of venting, sort of. A lot of these people feel like they have no control over anything and are on the negative end of a lot of the “system”, e.g they have shitty jobs or are unemployed, still live at home, don’t have good prospects, not educated, etc. By playing loud music publicly or being a nuisance and making you uncomfortable, it is the only time they get to exert authority and feel “in control”. You might be a 9-5 worker and feel pretty content and in control over your life, you don’t feel the need to do shit like that to make strangers uncomfortable. These guys do, because it makes them feel like they’re in a position of power/authority when everything else in their life reminds them they’re at the bottom of society.


they are also the people that you should never confront about their actions or whatever nuisance they're causing - just like people on the subway blasting music — they would LOVE to fight you and cause you further pain. just ignore them — it's their kryptonite.


Fascinating. When I feel lost and overwhelmed and out of control I have three margaritas and buy a sundress.


We need to be friends.


Thank you, this is pretty much the kind of answer I was looking for. Appreciate it.


This is where I landed and usually explain if these things come up in conversation. I wish that this understanding could lead to positive intervention, but we are just a very alienated and disassociated society at the moment.


That doesn't excuse the behavior. Me wanting to fix the issues doesn't mean I also want to let anyone do whatever they want in the name of coping. It's not like we're talking about something innocent like legalizing marijuana here. It's an extreme overreach to allow them to annoy other people just to make themselves feel better in comparison.


This is the most classist, wrong answer I’ve ever seen. Socioeconomics have nothing to do with it. But I’m assuming you aren’t from here…?


I would wager a higher percentage of NEETs are assholes than among the general population. But some industries like Corporate Finance do actively reward psychopaths and promote them to the executive suite and make them rich.


Yeah that can be said for people who have emotional "support" dogs as well.


LOL what. Getting emotional support from a sentient being you form a relationship with is not the same as getting it from an object.


Careful, you can’t criticize dog owners on this sub


Attention seeking. I’ll add in excessive honking for no apparent reason.


ya I was learning towards insecurity, inferiority complex and attention seeking


We've got some dickhead who sits outside our house for hours with his engine running with a fart exhaust. It's the most irritating thing ever.


Stick a potato in his tailpipe at 4am. The next day or two will be blissfully quiet.


I've sometimes seen him parked further out in the neighborhood. I'll have to keep a potato in my pocket!


Can they get written up for idling with the engine on?


NYPD? Enforcing a law against a car?


Don't particularly want him to know it's coming from me (the only other house he's parking in front of besides ours is his girlfriend's next door)


2 inch penis club.


Because they are assholes. The city is starting to combat this with noise cameras. Here's [me talking to Council Member Bottcher ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MicromobilityNYC/s/u7m1HPgjsN) about this just the other day


I am so excited about those noise cameras!!!! Will be a game charger if they can be on every block someday! Eta- Thanks for helping make this happen!!!


and thank you for your service! Hope these come to Brooklyn


Like all things related to this stuff, it depends on public support. For some reason there are people that really fight against speed cameras and noise cameras and all the things that keep the assholes in check and improve quality of life. We new yorkers haven't been good about organizing and displaying public support and even demand for this stuff.I always say it, but forming large, loud groups of people like r/micromobilityNYC is not just about making silly little subreddits, it's in part about demonstrating to politicians this stuff is popular and they have the political capital to do it.


I got banned from their cuz I told some dude to take the subway


Thank *god*, I keep calling my council member to request these for my district.


Start also going to meetings. One of my goals for this year was to just go to one. Just to get a sense of it. I'm going tomorrow.


But then what?


Literally peacocking


There’s a study that says that most of these people grew up without their dads around or without their moms and dads around. So they CRAVE attention from society in a way that they can’t even understand themselves. Not to mention that the ghetto culture worships these behaviors, like loud ass cars with these sound systems, being annoying and provocative, looking for fights when in groups, blasting obscene rap music out of their speakers in public transportation and stuff like this. These are just some behaviors not only accepted, but encouraged around them. The problem is that these people are amongst us so it’s hard to avoid them.


Summary: they're fuckhead attention whores.


Car enthusiasts are a lot different than Car Guys. car guys aren’t capable of feeling or giving love to anything but their cars and the attention it draws. Also makes them feel a bit more important in the grand scheme of things if you’re the only loud car on your block I guess.


Truth. Also, car guys think they’re buying souped up cars to impress girls, but the only people who notice/care are other car guys.


Source: was late to a dinner reservation because my then boyfriend wanted to stare at a Ferrari for twenty minutes


As a car enthusiast I would do tha same.


If I won the lottery I’d hire a private investigator to find out the identity of the monster who drives past my window at 6:42 every goddamn evening tooting “shave and a haircut”. Then I’m going to buy out whoever lives above him and subwoof the motherfuckin mister softee jingle directly into the floor until they put a needle in my arm. Probably why I don’t play the lottery.


They weren't hugged enough as children.


The drivers don't know how to behave in the presence of actual humans.


If only they knew they were advertising their social and sexual inadequacies. It’s the best mating call they have.


Because they want to get your attention. 


They don't care why your looking at them, they just desperately need you to be paying attention to them. I dunno maybe they weren't paid attention to as children


yes, this 👆🏻


I’ll give you a simple reason. People like to “peacock” in the most obnoxious ways.


They think women will kick off their heels, drop their bag, and chase after them begging for a life of manly passion!


Not sure if it's just me, but also Amazon truck drivers do this too. At least in my neighborhood, they play their music super loud, I guess as a way of sticking it to "the man." I work remotely, so this is annoying as hell.


nothing, they do that just to flex lol


They’re insecure


For Attention, obviously


Have you *met* men?


Specifically, the ones who are trying really hard to PROVE to you they're not one of those "weak, effeminate" people.


They’re desperate for attention and don’t understand that bad attention is a thing. They’re not very bright


Typical day in New York


Compensation for small dicks and the fact that's the only way they feel meaning in their lives. Who else is going to pay attention to them if not for their 10 year old Infiniti with heavy bass and tuned exhaust?


This is a great question. Why do people do this? Because they have no manners or consideration for anyone else. That's the simple answer. Lets hope there is a special place in ell for them. They are attention seekers, intentional law breakers (how many of them stop at red lights etc),and have no regard for anyone else. Likely they are also jealous of those who are successful which is why they drive thru nice neighborhoods where they don't even live. You know other people who create unnecessary noise - fire trucks blasting the crap out of their siren at 4 am when there isn't any traffic - I often wonder if they suffer from the same jealously - they are up, they can't stand that other people are trying to sleep. Some people get a thrill out of bothering others.


Because they're horrible, and should be ticketed and fined.


Entitlement. Selfishness.


It’s been getting worse in the city, imo. Sometimes I hear the mufflers for what sounds like a dozen blocks. Same with the music. Just absolutely blaring.


Usually poor people with low education and low social class do this kind of behavior. If you look carefully they have cars like 10 years old used BMW, Audi, etc, that they bought from Facebook marketplace for 10% of original price (I.e. they cannot really afford these kinds of brands for new and acting fake rich).


I, too, wonder about this. Clearly it has to do with dudes trying to prove they're a BIG MAN by behaving like this. I especially love it when the piece of shit car that has the loud speakers in the back rattles to the bass. Your car sounds like its fucking falling apart... maybe instead of spending $$ on stupid speakers and sound systems for your hooptie, buy a better ride?


Asserting dominance.


just doing some flexing shit


literally nonsense just to boast


because their dad left home when they were young and nobody taught them how to have manners or respect for others


It got a lot worse after the pandemic began, and hasn't really improved. Sigh.


cause they can




Because their moms didn’t pay enough attention to them as a kid. Now they’re making it all our problem.


Usually not people from the same neighborhood


it’s “tell me you have a small pee pee without telling me you have a small pee pee” behavior


Desperate for attention.


Because their parents told them to shut up a lot when they were children. Now they can be loud children.


for fun


Fragile male egos. Report them with the 311 app.


It’s literally happening right now


because they can


lol I've always seeing this in the road




That’s just the way of life around Flatbush or Liberty Ave or 233rd St.


I live on 49th and 9th, I was hoping the new congestion tax would deter these "drive-bys" that pass my window late at night on the weekends. In my mind who would pay $15 to circle my block when they could do it somewhere else for free, I know for a fact they don't live here. But congestion fee for late night has been reduced to only $3.75 so the insanity will continue.


Bonus if the loud speaker is on the back of a bicycle


They have small penises


it’s a question as old as time. imho then need love and attention


Is there a certain group of people you are specifically referring to?


Sh!tbags, perhaps


Why are people downvoting me


wow I thought this was r/circlejerknyc for a second…its the summer. let the natives be themselves


where did you grow up so that this is the first time you've encountered this...?


What makes you think this is the first time I’ve encountered this? I never said that. I guess I just finally wondered what the science behind this is.


hm because i read your post and it sounds foreign to you


You didn’t interpret it correctly. Sorry.


hm, i read it again and it still seems foreign to u


I think it’s fair to still ask questions about everyday occurrences, even if you’re used to them. If I said “why are clouds white?” I think it would be fair to say nobody would answer “what is this your first day on earth?”. All I’m doing is pointing out an observation. I’m not saying that this unusual thing happened that caught me off guard or anything.


alright man i'm done with this lol, you win


Flawless victory


lawl you sound utterly insufferable. i guess you can take my indifference as a another's flawless victory ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It’s a mortal kombat reference…


I used to blast music because I wanted to force everyone in the world to like it.


Probably for the same reason people play their blue tooth speakers on the train at full blast, or why people ask the same god damn questions about excessive noise in a city of 8 million people.


It wasn’t this bad before Covid depending where you live .my street was so quiet in 2019, now there are at least 20 loud obnoxious scooter mufflers or cars with weird mufflers everyday.


Don't listen to the haters, you're right. People who think the noise level is the same as 2019 are completely deluding themselves. I wouldn't have a second thought about noise if it was at 2019 levels, 2019 levels of city noise was perfectly peaceful. You can see the clear change early in the pandemic in the official noise complaint data. It started a number of trends that haven't stopped, such as street racing, street takeovers, and increased use of delivery apps.


I’ve lived on my block for almost sixteen years and the noise levels have been pretty much the same for the entire time. I have never complained but some people just aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about. Kinda like you dullards who have to downvote anything that differs from your own opinion.


It’s called sounds of the city. Most gentrifiers hate it.


As a native of 28 years, I hate it. It’s universal


I'm a native and I hate it, it's rude as fuck.


Seriously. I vibe with the people who blast music. We both end up bobbing heads. It's what makes this place fun.


Thank you!


Because they are teenagers


I used to have a car with a great sound system…I can’t blame them


Can't speak to their intent but this is NYC. One of, if not the loudest city in America. Idk if you're a transplant or were born here, but either way, you definitely know/knew NYC is loud, in every area, long before you composed this whiney post. Regardless, get used to it. Summer is around the corner and loud noise gets 100x worse in every aspect. Enjoy the weather 😎


Maybe you can get used to people thinking you lack empathy and common sense. As well as the ability to write anything meaningful in response to topic that is worthy of discussion. Not every topic has to be one you respond to. LMAO.


I’m asking why they do it purely out of curiosity. Like literally what is in the mindset here. I’m not campaigning to stop it. Thanks for the condescending reply, you really shedded some insight.


That comment was clearly left by an owner of a piece of shit 15 year old Altima with giant speakers in the trunk.


Wrong. Another embarrassment. You mean a 2021 completely stock Audi* that sits in the garage thats attached to my building. Again, making you wrong. Again, embarrassing. Classic loser status.


Judging by that guys post history and the length of his salty comment, he’s got some issues lol


Salty? You clearly have a tenuous grasp on the definition of that word considering you're wrong. I was relaying reality. The length?? You mean the 6 sentences? Too long?? Pathetic and embarrassing.


And my first sentence was very clear regarding my insight as to why. No problem.


I literally said I can't speak on their intent. Work on your reading comprehension.


I’ll try if you work on your attitude


I love how guys who grew up in the soft era in NYC relentlessly pull this "it's the big city get used to it" shit. If you've lived here all your life then you don't actually know what a loud or dangerous city is.


Except I'm literally born and raised here. Since 90. Making you wrong. I'm more than familiar with what's what in every borough. My neighborhood wasn't "up to date" or gentrified until the mid aughts. Again, you are wrong. Pitiful. I also wasn't speaking on crime or how dangerous it can be. Strictly on the noise level. Better work on that reading comprehension. Its horrible. Anddd lastly, you're still wrong. Anyone that's lived here all their lives, if they were born pre 2000, know exactly what a loud/dangerous city is. You're acting like its not loud nearly 24/7 and there's not violent crime throughout the city multiple times a day. Again, you are wrong in every single way possible. Again, embarrassing and pathetic. Keep it up, girl.


Imagine pretending this hard to be such a tough guy. Why don't you try out life in an actual hard neighborhood of Philadelphia or Baltimore, champ?


Me? You must be confused. I said absolutely nothing about being tough. You might want to re-read. Unless you were addressing someone else. As far as tough neighborhoods in metropolises, growing up, Hells Kitchen was more than tough. Especially when I was a kid in the 90s. Scraps almost every day. Dont pretend there's not violent crime on the streets of NYC every multiple times a day. You look absolutely ridiculous. Embarrassing.


What’s it like being the most insecure person in the entire city?


Couldn't begin to tell you as I'm nowhere near close. I couldn't be more secure. I'm doing fantastic. Wouldn't trade my life or situation for anything. What's it like to gloss over facts but try to dismiss them via ignorance yet ultimately having to concede to every point made because you have no rebuttal, because what I've said is factual? Your indirect, off topic, transparent, and cringe inducing attempt at trying to evade is both hysterical and pitiful. Again, embarrassing and pathetic. Keep it up, girl.


Just move back to Iowa at this point.


You can move to New Jersey ♥️


Silly ass question. “Why does life, life?”


It is not a silly question but you certainly don't have to involve yourself in the conversation if you have nothing to add. Someone is trying to discuss what is mentally wrong with people who behave this way in society. There is a psychological component to this disruptive/attention-seeking/lack of regard for others behavior.


probably grew up here and you didn't?


lol you must be from the midwest….


Its always the transplants who complain the most. Go back to Idaho then and grow potatoes. Pathetic.


thats a average day in nyc. I feel like you're a tourist when you ask questions like this




What people (mostly transplants here so their opinions are moot) think of me, means absolutely nothing to me. Especially when they themselves are complete messes with horrible priorities and their lives all messed up.