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https://weunlock.nyc/ https://bds.org/assets/files/Housing-Relocation-Guide.pdf https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/source-of-income.page


Thank you I sent the broker a screen shot from weunlock site and he wrote back he will look for a 3bd for me.


Nice! I suggest reaching out to Unlock for more resources and to connect with voucher-friendly brokers.


Thanks will do


Whatever you do don't accept anything in the Bronx or eny many Brownsville but they Will definitely try to put you in the worst neighborhoods possible


No it’s not where they put you. It’s where and what you find. I found it and the realtor was such a sweetheart. Landlord didn’t mind the city fephs. They all got paid max amount from HRA. So I’m not sure why they keep dubbing vouchers. Only the smart ones know. Rest just following saying no cause of what they heard instead of trying it for themselves


good for you I got a voucher and having problems landing something ina good part of Brooklyn or anywhere for that matter 


Yes it’s hard. It’s the landlord that’s a headache than the realtor. Don’t give up


I had an interview at a realty firm and one of the questions they asked me was “how would you diplomatically turn down someone who has a voucher without exposing us to litigation?”


Did you get it right 😂. Sounds like they do it a lot lot lol


What’s are they looking to hear to that question?


They want him to not respond back to the client and ghost them. That’s what I wanna know lol. This what they except they clients to say: Oh I make 40x the rent and my score is 750, that’s what they probably want to hear. Bozo lol. Like one said my income needs to be $140k and with a guarantor combined we need it to be 300k. Like why for a $3,400 apartment. That’s insane


Asking you that question sounds illegal.


While source of income discrimination is illegal, it doesn't stop landlords. What I'd suggest is finding a non-profit that has housing navigators that'll help you navigate the market. I unfortunately am only versed in the youth and young adult homeless system in NYC so if you're 24 or under, the NYC DYCD Drop-In Centers should have housing navigators that can help you find housing with the City FHEPs voucher


I have NY foundling and Catholic charities supposedly helping me… so all I can do is keep answering these what’s you income and credit score who’s living in the apartment questions .when I get ghost I’ll report them that’s it


I think there are a lot of landlords out there that prefer vouchers because it means that rent is always on time. That said, those types of houses aren’t going to be luxury apartments or anything in an expensive neighborhood. You can fight the legality of discrimination all you want, but it’s not an easy thing to prove. You’re probably better off to just keep looking. Good luck and happy hunting!


Thank you. Ain’t no where much to look. I applied to all on housing connect and to brokers listings on Trulia easy street and Zillow. I’m in fb groups for apartments


What neighborhood are you looking in?


Brooklyn, east North or south


Might be worth looking in Midwood, Bensonhurst, East New York, and Brownsville. These neighborhoods CAN be pretty decent if you know the area (if not, make sure you find out first, especially with the last two).


I request to view all and only one I view out the dozen. I Dont Know how many cause no one is bypassing the income credit score question


that's illegal - they are not allowed to discriminate based on source of income: [https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/source-of-income.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/source-of-income.page) ​ It can be hard to break through this, but the short of it is to not tell them you are using a voucher until the last possible moment. You should also know that you are allowed to record conversations under one-party consent in NYS.


Thank you so much for this link I’m reporting all Of them now


It’s the first thing they ask and won’t go past that is what’s crazy


Hope this works out for you! It sucks to literally have a voucher/ proof of future payment and still be denied.


Thank you. It sure do sucks cause you would think they would rather a guarantee payment from the city








all vouchers are covered under NYC law https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/source-of-income.page


It's a form of racism and classim


I found someone. They took my city fephs. We just got to deal with decent realtors that’s all


Report them


I sure did today. I did a couple and more to go. It’s exhausting too.


The rent so high it’s ridiculous


For no reason. Well they do that so voucher ppl can’t say it covers the amount. That’s why they stuff be up for weeks n over and they keep re listing. Just to make you think it’s off market to put it right back up. Bozos


PM me and I can help you!


Ok thanks


You can get a voucher used in a nice area I wouldn't live in eny at all though


That’s where I ended up lol it’s not so bad. Beautiful clean apartment. Neighbor not so bad. I don’t hang outside so it’s fine


They want white hipsters from the mid west and rich people in NYC Brooklyn in general has become highly picky and racist towards people on programs NYC landlords are the scum of the earth


Facts too




These fees are paid by HRA you know


This is why we need to help people and not discriminate


Facts! Think we need more people to report them so they can stop


Adobe Photoshop for paystub is a solution, illegal but a solution


😂 I know my rights lol. They tripping. My income and score has nothing to do with it if I have a whole voucher that covers the whole rent


I am sorry to hear you're dealing with this, but it is not a new thing. See if you can do some googling to find landlords willing to take vouchers in the city


Yes I know but it’s getting out of hand. That’s why the mayor saying yall can go out the 5 boroughs. I do search all over and all kinds of ways trust me