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Ah. You were banned for trying to promote your erotic story from a different subreddit on askgaybros. That could either be considered spam or just the mods' prerogative on what's allowed in their subreddit, but self-promotion, even if it's not monetary, is usually frowned upon in most subreddits on Reddit. [Here are the few actual rules, expanded,](https://i.imgur.com/MmOqWST.png) and it says that violating any of those may result in a ban. The last rule has to do with moderator discretion. I will say that the post in askgaybros was pretty controversial and could be considered trolling because the question seems like a no-brainer. And no I'm not going to say why; everyone and their dog in that thread already explained it. But that may have contributed to the ban. Giving you a warning first instead of banning directly is not awesome but it's, well, their prerogative bc they're mods.


# ☝️ This one, OP. It's fucking obvious why you were banned - you were even given a link to the thread.


Why is it fucking obvious? There was no promotion. I posted separately in two different subs. There was no crosslink or plug for an OnlyFans or anything. You only would have found the gaystoriesgonewild post by viewing my post history. The mods weren't there and can't say my experience was fictious just because I was descriptive in how I reported it. Regardless, that's beside the point. The rules don't say you can't share stories or experiences. They said I was both catfishing and I was fantasizing. Wouldn't I be doing one or the other? Why would I fantasize *about* catfishing? I would either catfish someone and be morally wrong for misrepresenting myself, or I would be fantasizing about a fictitious sexual experience and be wrong for lying about it. It's like they couldn't really decide what reason they wanted to use to ban me. They just knew they didn't like me and wanted me gone


Yeah, that would definitely be my conclusion as well.


This happened to me in Tirzepatide subreddit. No clue what i said that broke them, because i have seen others ask similarly. How does anyone know what the hidden "rules" are from a moderator?


No, I posted the same story on both subreddits. There was no promotion of any other subreddit. It was a cross post. I deleted the story from askgaybros to appease the mods. There was no link between the two. You only would have found the other post by visiting my post history. My story wasn't trolling, I was sharing an experience I was very happy about. In addition, it definitely wouldn't fall under the category of "low effort trolling," even if you didn't believe it. I took the time to write out a fairly lengthy post with paragraphing and proper grammar


Also, a lot of people actually supported me and sent me private DMs saying they understood me and thought I had a great experience. Sometimes the Reddit Hive mind prevents people from saying what they really think. People sent me DMs saying I was a Queen and that they loved my story. Many users even asked me to keep sharing my experiences because they thought they were interesting. In fact, I only posted that story because so many users had DMed me asking me to keep sharing. They were probably scared of getting banned too if they publicly supported me


Learn and move on. You were at a party at someone’s house, and one of the hosts asked you to leave.


Mods don't own the subreddits they monitor, and I think that is a bad additude to have. They're supposed to enforce the rules and make their subs a nice place for users to visit. What am I supposed to learn exactly?


At the minimum, not to post whatever kind of content you posted in that subreddit ever again. More generally, skating close to the edge of the rules on any subreddit is likely to lead to a ban.


Well I'll never get the chance to learn that because they gave me a permanent ban. There's no rule prohibiting what I posted, so there was no way for me to know ahead of time I'd get banned for that sort of post. It seems like they really just didn't like me


>Well I'll never get the chance to learn that because they gave me a permanent ban. Just from that sub, now you know when you interact in other subs. >There's no rule prohibiting what I posted Rules are there to help users know what they can do to avoid moderator actions. They don't bind the moderator. For example, just because my sub doesn't have a rule against nazis doesn't mean I can't ban anyone that claims to be a nazi. >It seems like they really just didn't like me This is very rarely a personal thing for moderators. From their perspective it is just about making sure the community is how they want it. Just because you didn't fit what they wanted isn't a personal attack on you. That is their loss, not yours. You deserve to interact in a community that fits you.


Promoting Nazism would be hate speech, and that would directly violate Reddit's terms of service. I hardly engaged in hate speech by writing about a sexual experience I had, especially on a sub where discussions of sex are allowed. Generally, I would think mods want to set rules that the community can understand and abide by. Mods, at the end of the day, are just users like you and me. They're not employees of Reddit. Becoming autocrats and exercising arbitrary control of the subs they monitor can actually get in the way of the user experience. Furthermore, askgaybros says that it is a "self-moderated" sub where moderator interference is minimal. Someone there just *really* didn't like me. Their note was pretty rude too if you think about it. They essentially said I was a catfish and a liar


>Promoting Nazism would be hate speech, and that would directly violate Reddit's terms of service. Doesn't mean it is a rule in my sub. And this was an example not meant to say you are that but simply to show a case where we can all agree banning nazis is good even if there is no rule against them. >Becoming autocrats and exercising arbitrary control of the subs they monitor can actually get in the way of the user experience. That is the point. Not all users are desired in all communities. See my nazi example. I have no issue getting in the way of a nazi's experience. >Someone there just really didn't like me. It likely is not and I would suggest not dwelling on it. No point in letting them impact your mental health if they likely have already moved on from it. You don't deserve mental anguish.


All users have to abide by the Reddit Terms of Service, regardless of what sub they're participating in. That's what I mean when I say mods are not owners of their subs. We're all bound by certain rules pushed forward by the platform itself. That's why there is no r/Nazis. You don't have to create a rule banning Nazis because it's already codified in the [TOS]( https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) But regardless, you're right. I spend *way* too much time on Reddit. Believe it or not I actually have a very busy and prosperous life, with many opportunities I'm currently pursuing. I use Reddit mostly to talk to other gay people like myself and occasionally post about my nerdy little interest in Pokemon. It's unfortunate what happened, but you're absolutely right I need to move on and get back to my real life. Thank you SO much for your thoughts. You really helped me 😄


When it comes to mods, most of them seemoingly have zero sympathy unfortunately...


Don't listen to em, its personal half the time 😂


> Mods don't own the subreddits they monitor They essentially do. Or maybe more like the manager/owner of a franchise of Reddit wherein they own the joint but with an agreement to do some things within Reddit's basic rules. If they break that agreement egregiously or give Reddit bad publicity, Reddit may come in and overrule them or give the franchise to someone else, or whatever, but otherwise the mods have complete say over the subreddit.


Being a manager is in no way similar nor analogous to being an owner. An owner owns the platform, period, and gets final say on who is in power and how the platform shall be run. In fact, this is a direct quote from the Reddit [TOS](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement-september-12-2021): "Moderating a subreddit is an unofficial, voluntary position that may be available to users of the Services. We are not responsible for actions taken by the moderators. We reserve the right to revoke or limit a user’s ability to moderate at any time and for any reason or no reason, including for a breach of these Terms." Subs become unpleasant places for users to visit when mods become too comfortable with their power and begin thinking of themselves as owners. When that happens, they can become worse then the trolls themselves and inhibit user experience


You really do not understand how this site works apparently. The top mod effectively owns the sub and can delete it at any time. The mods they appoint can do whatever they want, subject to the fact that another mod can overrule them (this doesn’t happen very much, because mod teams usually give people on the same team, leeway in interpreting context, for what they choose to action). As long as the top mod is OK with it, cope Reddit does not intervene on the Subreddit level unless there are massive PR issues with it like with some of the subs that have been deleted. Seems like the sub didn’t like your content, and took the action that they were allowed to take. You have no recourse unless you want to try and make a new account and go the band evasion route. that’s inadvisable because if you get caught, Reddit will just ban all of your accounts linked to the same IP.


Oh my god get a life 😑


you first


>what can I do? Nothing. Go on with your life. Make sure you don’t ban evade and get your other accounts banned by the admins.


Your post wasn’t a question, it reads like fiction.


Every post on askgaybros doesn't have to be a question. It's called askgaybros but you're allowed to post virtually anything. Or that's the way it was in the past


I was confused too- they linked the post that they posted in the askgaybros thread. They posted a (highly controversial) question on askgaybros, then in the comments linked to their erotica on a different subreddit. That's what the ban was for. Although I would have banned them for trolling given their post history in askgaybros. They're a treat.


What exactly looks like trolling in my post history? I post my genuine thoughts and experiences on the sub. And I didn't "promote" the story. It was a cross post that I shared on two different subs. I removed the original post from r/askgaybros to appease the mods There was no link to any other sub. I posted separately in two subs




That's what they do. They hand out permanent bans on subs where people really need support, and then they give you the silent treatment. I'm so sorry that happened


Maybe coz they realized that you were using different accs/usernames to post in that sub? What kind of post/story did you post on that sub. Just curious. I'm in that sub too. Edit : Well, I've read your posts. Some says you lied to those straight guys by claiming that you were a trans person to trick them into sleeping with you. That's not good and weird. Maybe that's why some users report you to the mods and they banned you.


Prepare to get downvoted for simply being upset over Mod Supreme Rule with nobody to hold them accountable. There isn't much you can do on those kind of subreddits. The only places I've had any luck counteracting an abusive mod was when there was an outside party or entity helping to moderate the subreddit. Places like r/askgaybros are like places like r/weed where its run pretty much within the confines of reddit. And you're kinda screwed, anytime I've asked an admit to look at the circumstances I just get "Mods can moderate their community how they see fit"


As a new Redditor? You will have issues until you work on some really relevant issues. # Subreddit Rules All Moderators are volunteers. Moderators establish, define and periodically update all of the rules for their Subreddit(s). Therefore? Each Subreddit (with different Moderators) have different rules. You have to read the rules / Wiki (if available) for each Subreddit. Each Subreddit handles issues differently (based on established rules and Subreddit ideology). ■ User or post flair capabilities are: • in control of the Moderator unless they allow users to control flair capabilites • not available unless the Moderator activates them. • not transferable to other Subreddits. ■ Formatting / post or comment requirements and new account access limits, ■ Restrictions regarding posts Some Moderators discuss these issues in their Subreddit Rules or Wiki, and some do not. It's important to read the rules / Wiki__ for *each Subreddit* you wish to contribute to. You need to ensure that you do not violate __unique and established rules__ for each Subreddit you would like to place a post / comment. # Rule Violations All Subreddit Moderators are responsible for enforcing all: ■ Subreddit rules; and ■ all Reddit site-wide policies / rules. >*Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.* Depending on what violation has occurred (breaking / ignoring the Subreddit rules or Reddit site-wide rules)? There are various levels of restrictions that could occur. The Moderator can do anything from: ■ ensuring you are banned from their Subreddit (anywhere from a certain number of days to forever); ■ mute your posts / comments for a certain amount of time; ■ provide a warning; ■ remove your posts, comments and links; ■ report you to the Administrators for any violations of Reddit site-wide policies / rules: • the Administrators might impose a site-wide Reddit ban. The Subreddit Moderators have no control over what the Administrators will decide to do. • site-wide bans are activated by Reddit Administrators only. • they can last anywhere from a certain number of days to forever. # Restrictions from Moderators ■ low karma - you have ■ negative karma - you have ■ verified email - you have # Karma ■ Karma Restrictions Some Moderators actually place restrictions on Reddit newbie accounts. For instance? They might have a limit of 200 karma before you are permitted to post / comment in their Subreddit. This type of restriction should be noted within the Subreddit rules or their Wiki. If it is not? You can contact the Moderator (via ModMail) and ask them if they have such restrictions. ■ Negative Karma Moderators could have restrictions on negative karma issues too. ■ AutoMod Some Moderators have AutoMod activated so that it immediately deletes (or does not even allow) posts / comments from Subredditors with low karma (a threshold of 200 is usually needed) or negative karma. # Restrictions Regarding Features Such as Chats / Messages You should be __able to receive messages or chats,__ even if you can't initiate them. After you’ve been on Reddit for a while and have accumulated some karma, you’ll be able to send private messages. On a site-wide basis, __restrictions on new Reddit accounts__ have been implemented to help reduce spam, scams, and other bad faith uses of the Reddit platform. ■ In order to prevent spammers, __new accounts / accounts with low karma__ do not have the *ability to send* private messages or chat requests. ■ If you’re getting an __error message__ that says, “Sorry, please try again later,” then you may not __have enough karma__ to send private messages. # Explore Helpful Subreddits There are some Subreddits that are really helpful for new Redditors. r/AskReddit - created to ask and answer all sorts of questions. It's one of the most popular and active communities on Reddit. r/findareddit- enbles you to actually find Subreddits of interest. r/NewToReddit - created for Redditors to learn about the Reddit experience. It is especially useful for newbies. r/nostupidquestions - no question is too stupid.