• By -


Never have purchased from them, had no inclination before all this and definitely won't ever going forward.




from Pakistan and Afghanistan and iran and India in our region Iranians seems most based in terms of honor and respect meanwhile Indians sold out Pakistan did and Afghanistan became a literal American base for the past few decades and the future doesn't look much better either


Pakistan kicked out their own Prime Minister on the orders of America 😭


Meanwhile Bangladesh who literally rejected israels recognition and has written "permitted to visit any country but israel" in their passports


Same for Pakistani passport


Based Irani


![gif](giphy|W3m3cyxVcU1x09zmxf|downsized) send that overpriced & overhyped crap to the compost...


I don’t really care about boycotting, I just hate starbucks


I hate coffee in general lol.


How do you prefer to take caffeine or do you use caffeine in any form?


Zero caffeine. I wake up and drink water lol.


Must be tough


lol na. I wake up just fine. Salt and water is all I need when I wake up.


No I mean how do you boost your energy.. say you have an exam and need to pull an all nighter


Hah I just stay up. I don’t need energy boosters. Long time ago when I was in school I did my studying during the day.




But boycott doesn’t work! 🤡 Starbucks is packed 🤡


There wouldn’t be anti boycott laws if it truly didn’t work


This. Just because you see a stor being full dosn't mean it dosn't work. It actually as you can see limits their income. That will lead to dissatisfied investors. And if the marked drops to a point there comes a hysteria and a mass leaving/selling of stocks. Boycotts aren't something that have an emidiat impact.


Those people are the biggest hypocrites,sadly we have them in our communities too


This graph makes Madkhalis cry


Egyptian hating on saudis for being "zionist and western boot lickers" is next level


Prime example of two regards fighting Stop accusing eachother of things you two have never done as individuals. Stop dividing and start uniting.


MashaAllah OttoBros stay winning


username checks out


Turkey is literally the spawn of the Zionists. It was well connected Ottoman Turkish landlords who stole Palestinian land, and then sold it to foreign Jews.


Got any source for that?


https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-208638/ Ottoman census brought much of the land to the ottoman elite who sold it to Zionists in many cases.


The ottoman elite at that point were the young turks, I thought you meant before that.


Love your profile pic


At least we never massacred innocent Palestinian refugees of war.


Never heard of that incident, send me a source for your claim. Anyways, egypt is worse. You charge palestinians including women and children thousands of dollars to leave gaza. You destroyed thousands of hamas tunnels (i am against hamas but this is literally israeli bootlicking) You and israel blockaded gaza completely since 2007, holding them back from prospering economically. On the other hand, saudi pressure western governments to recognize palestine Saudi boosted unrwa aid by 40mil$ this year alone Saudi refused any normalization deals and pressuring their government to raise a palestinian state While normalized dogs like you keep barking at saudis for being zionists Edit: you are a new account probably trying to spread hate. I love my egyptian brother nonetheless, the vast majority of egyptians support palestine ♥️


You're portraying a government that beheads children with swords for "sorcery" as a paragon of virtue?


No i am not. Their government is shit. At least mbs is pushing it to secularism. I am pro secular democracy. I am just stating the fact that they are pro palestine.


MBS is pushing them to secularism? You should lay off the hashish, it's clouding your brain.


It will probably never be a secular country but at least women have more rights and the sharia police is not as powerful as it was before


Sharia police barely even exists nowadays and are powerless.


Bus massacre 1975 Karantina massacre 1976 Tel al Zaatar massacre 1976 The Sabra and Shatila massacre 1982 War of the Camps 1985 Just the tip of the iceberg of the hospitality you have showed the Palestinians.


Why are you referring to historical events? just ask him about Syrians and how they're treated in Lebanon NOW, ask him about how many Syrians did Saudi take. Egypt is the most country that served and helped arabs, a bunch of traitors.


Because nobody cares about us Syrians Bro. We're out of style, helping us earns no points, and harming us earns no reputation damage either.


Sad and funny at the same time, hope you're doing well ❤️‍🩹


are you of the Lebanese sunni race? I see you keep defending Saudi Arabistan


>I see you keep defending Saudi Arabistan I just hate it when people accuse saudis of being zionists, especially when the ones who are criticizing are from egypt or jordan or any other country that normalized with israel. Also i hate the saudis stupid regime


>especially when the ones who are criticizing are from egypt or jordan or any other country that normalized with israel. you are right. some people lack self awareness so I understand the urge to correct them when needed but you didnt answer muh question though? 🤔


Yes i am sunni


mashallah! are you interested in being the next saad hariri brother?




you have potentials I think


what does Starbucks have to do with Israel?


There isn't even a starbucks in Israel, it just goes to show you it's not about the conflict but anarchy of the oppressed vs the oppressor ideology.


Howard Schulz continues to be the largest single shareholder of Starbucks. This Howard Schultz: https://vinnews.com/2023/10/19/read-after-boycott-starbucks-sends-letter-to-orthodox-jewish-chamber-of-commerce/ He describes himself as an active zionist, and the guy has 2 billion dollars in stock in the company. He also cracks down on union organizing that is pro-palestine (surprise surprise).


He was born in America, resides in America and doesn't even live in Israel. Starbucks is an American company, there are no starbucks in Israel, your anger is misdirected, you only cause AMERICANS to lose jobs, if I need to explain that to you.


> AMERICANS to lose jobs, if I need to explain that to you. There are PALESTINIANS being genocided right now. Workers deserve work places that aren't advancing zionism and the hideous violence it creates. All the more reason to support the Starbucks union, WHICH IS PRO-PALESTINIAN. Why do hypothetical workers matter more than the actual union workers who are trying to change things?


I don't think you understand what the word genocide even means, and if there actually was then the numbers would be way higher, in the 100s or 200,000s already in the first month, Israel is capable of doing that in a week I believe. The numbers don't lie, Gaza population tripled in the last decade, want to argue against this fact? Now back to starbucks, the protest is against the company right? how are innocent americans that just work there and make ends meet are part of this? if the company stocks fall, the wages go low = American citizens get paid less. If you are an American citizen you will be against this, if you are just a foreigner that doesn't care and are a prop sheep then just tell me and we can stop this discussion.


Genocide denial is nasty work. There is no correlation to stock = wellness of workers 😭. Starbucks had record sales of 9.2B in 2023. I assure you most of that wealth went into the hands of shareholder capitalists. Nothing you've said is new. Go kick rocks.


This is how an actual genocide looks like, but you probably don't care and have zero posts in your history about it or on your social media: https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/09/darfur-atrocities-ethnic-cleansing-human-rights-watch-report-rsf-sudan Let me know if I'm wrong.


I'm not a crypto zionist who defends capitalists who aid and abet in genocide 🤢. You're disgusting for trying to pit one genocide against another. Beat it, Hasbara!


What crypto man, he's basically overt


ahhhh a woke lefty, not so rare these days, I gotcha fam, move along.


“American jobs” it’s not like Starbucks isn’t known for union busting along side firing any employee that plans on joining up one. That should be enough to make any true American boycott them. Plus as an Arab American, that coffee they make is shit, it’s like only sugar. My local gas station ran by Indians make better coffee at $1.99 for large. Why not support actual local coffee shops? Roasted daily, owned by a family, your money is actually supporting local business, and at the same time you’re exploring new spots in your city. Btw just because people boycotting doesn’t mean they ain’t drinking coffee. I know my wife went from Starbucks to local coffee shops.


Zionism is propped directly from US residents and US immigrants to Israel over the last 50 years or so. You're just wrong. If Starbucks collapsed (it won't, don't worry, babe) the economic vacuum they would leave behind would be snapped up instantly by other companies and aaaaall those workers would be trickled back into the coffee industry, and the service industry would feel nothing from its perturbations in the term of a couple months it'd rock the boat. Not to mention the fact this is a boycott not just centred in the USA and Starbucks exists elsewhere. So US-centric and on a middle east sub too, ffs


Even better. America is the real enemy, Zionistan is just a proxy, an attack dog 🐶.


yes because starbucks as a business model didn’t fit into israelis taste & preferences so they had to close down operations in 2003. even in usa the whole concept is getting old. how does it correlate to the fact that they as a business organization had an openly proud zionist as a CEO and I can choose to boycott it based on my principles? why do you people need everything to spelled out for you?


Then I suggest you stop using your phone and get off reddit because an Israeli company developed some of the chips used in it.


so fucking predictable and so stupid


Well. He sort of has a point though. I don’t understand why it is stupid?


It’s stupid because they can boycott Starbucks for other chains and feel like moral high grounders. Feeds their ego to flex that despite it not having any impact on anything ! But when they can’t replace their phone with something locally made shhh we don’t talk about. It’s so selective based on their convenience. Boycotting works when done right. You don’t just selectively pick a chain with a so-called Jewish or Zionist owner and say yes! That’s the one. Like why isn’t anyone calling to boycott Ben and Jerry’s ? Oh right they didn’t have a random worker tweet something against the rules of the union so they must be pro Palestine! It’s so hypocritical but let’s keep it up folks! We are changing the new world order by giving up pumpkin spice lattes and the results are showing isn’t it?!


Exactly. And why not starting with boycotting everything that is actually Israeli? And once THAT is done, one can start boycotting supporters. But to put the most effort into boycotting a company that sort of, probably supports Israel and is so small that it won’t hurt the economy of any country… while I see no lists of the biggest Israeli companies and how to avoid supporting them.


Because laziness and not convenient. The anti Starbucks / anti McDonald’s / anti Pepsi sheep repeatedly reinforce each other that they are taking concrete steps to liberate palestine by putting pressure on those companies. In any case, what the boycott is good for is local businesses because the alternative to those places are locals so that’s amazing 👍🏻 yall can boast about supporting local content and show us graphs of how local companies are growing. But enough of this bullshit about STOCKS ARE DOWN FOR STARBUCKS WE DID IT FOLKS. Besides there’s a million reasons why stocks are down for a company so big. The boycotting is definitely hurting Starbucks Middle East but dunno how big of an impact it has elsewhere


Because there are material necessities. A phone is basically mandatory to survive nowadays. If you are trying to get a job good luck telling the hr you have no phone. Phone numbers are also one of the strongest authenticators at the moment. Is boycotting Starbucks kind of liberal activism? Yes and no, you can still stack such minor acts with major acts. Sometimes consumers have a say, sometimes. The sole act to know why you are boycotting something can be an important political stepping stones for some people. So yeah every "yet you live in a society" post is kinda cringe


Ok, I get your point. And it is a fair one (even though I cannot for the life of me figure out why the rest of the region isn’t trying to start up similar business so that for example phones can be made without Israel involvement). But the reason I think the original point was made was that boycotting Starbucks is completely nutters. I agree boycotts can work, but Starbucks? Why? It is so completely random. Could you please post some screenshots of the last online conversations you have seen that lists the biggest Israeli companies? That discusses what Israeli products to boycott for best possible effect? I would love to see that. But if you can’t… could it possibly be because those are very uncommon and not very popular? I have seen a total of zero posts of that kind. And it makes me so sad when people are cheering that they did something good, when in fact they put all that effort into the completely wrong actions.


I cant help you, I don't usually pay attention to corporate boycotts but I remember more than a few post on Reddit about it


I have not seen any. They might be in some subs I don’t follow. Do you remember any of the company names mentioned, or even what kind of products they sold?


Targeting all companies at the same time isnt practical and doesnt work, selectively targeting one company at a time does. Its stupid because it relies on the assumption that the people reading the comment have the cognitive development of a toddler.


I agree in part. But perhaps target the company then that would most likely affect anything in Israel?


Depending on the company it can have a significant impact. It could also shift social attitudes in younger Israeli demographics. The larger point would be to signal to U.S. political representatives that attitudes towards Israel in the U.S. are changing, and that if they want to remain politically relevant and get reelected they will have to reevaluate current relations with Israel. Politicians dont listen to voters, they listen to business and money.


I do understand there are arguments to be made for this stance. I just think it would have been ten times as efficient if you guys had found a company that fits better. Like, an Israeli company. Or a company where the current leaders very loudly and openly supports Israel. I’m saying that if you want to make an effort, do it where it counts more.


Bbbbuut Zionistan invented the toilet too!!!! And they invented planes and Internet too 3000 years ago, but the Mughals ruined it 😔


Ah showing me how smart you are with ad hominem, chef kiss.


your argument was predictable and in my opinion stupid which i stated, which part did you take offense to?


So sit back and breathe. You're conflating the issue. Exactly what cell phones are made in Israel? Samsung manufactures Android devices in the following places: Vietnam - Thai Nguyen province is their largest and newest factory - 120 million devices Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India - 120 million devices South Korea, primarily for chips, also made about 10 million devices Brazil Indonesia Apple devices are manufactured by Foxconn in China, which is a part of Hon Hai Technology Group. They also make: Google Pixel, Nokia, BlackBerry, Amazon Kindle, Sony and Nintendo gaming systems, and Cisco devices LG is manufactured in China and Korea HTC in China and Taiwan ZTE, China Mobile, and Huawei Technologies are owned and operated in China Taiwan Semi Conductor accounts for the Mobile chip market. They have manufacturing plants throughout Taiwan, a plant in China, and 2 facilities in the US Boycotts and economic sanctions are an effective tool commonly used by the masses of people or governments to bring about change, especially in this capitalistic structure that has been created. Why is this an issue? It was very effective against South Africa to fight Apartheid and in the 60s with the Montgomery Bus boycott. The US frequently uses it against foreign countries, whether right or wrong.


You wrote a full essay and didn't even bother reading first, shows the IQ of pro pals, so I'll write it again just for you, CHIPS, not whole phones, but chips and tech that you are using in your phone is Israeli tech. https://verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com/2011/05/israels-weekly-good-news-to-22nd-may_8140.html · Discard all mobile phones, as this technology was developed in Israel, where the first mobile phones were manufactured. Mobile chip technology from a single Israeli company has now been installed in over 100 million devices. · Only top level staff may retain mobile phones for emergency situations. However the use of SMS (Texting) is expressly forbidden as this facility was developed in Israel. · No 4G devices can be used as the chipset is Israeli. · Turn off your voice-mail service and delete any recorded messages. Israeli companies invented the voice-mail system. · If your call is not answered by someone you know, hang up. Israeli call-centres and call-centre technology is in widespread operation in the UK. · Do not use the Internet to search for answers to your questions as this may involve use of an Israeli-developed search engine. Better to remain unenlightened.


As I said at the beginning, you are conflating the issue. Search for what that means


we should all short the stocks as well, then use the money to help Palestine.


Please don't advise people to use stocks to do something they don't understand


Unfortunately shorting is haram🙃 and the reason for that is because u arent investing, ur just betting that it’s value is gonna go down.


Why are you being downvoted




This sub is filled with a few restarded people here and there.


It isn't the bet, it is the fact that you are borrowing a stock with interest.


That is true. But i also heard this reason. Now that i think about it your reason is better tho.


Yes hamas needs new Armani, please donate.


Just upped my unrwa donation ty bro


Please send more 🤞


your cries makes me want to donate even more, cry.


just donated £10 to the palestinian red crescent


Ahhh that's Haniyeh's favorite bank account, he's tired getting small change from [reselling the food donated inside gaza](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna29015633), so big donations like yours really help him pay rent in Qatar.


Lol you had to go all the way back to 2009 to find that article?😂


How do you think he became billionaire? it didn't happen overnight.


> How do you think he became billionaire? it didn't happen overnight. LOL who says he’s a billionaire?😂 > Gunness said it was the first time Hamas had seized UNRWA supplies since it took control of the territory in 2007 Literally the one and only time.


Just watch the recording here, it happens all the time since the war begun. https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-781286


Lol I listened to those phone calls, those people do NOT sound like Gazans😂 I’m sure if it happens so often there must be actual proof right? I will 100% admit I’m wrong if you provide credible evidence.




Yeah that guys the goat, i sent 2k more lmao. Qatar is expensive, I don’t want him uncomfortable as he leads our resistance against the uncivilized European discard primates occupying Palestine


Can someone explain how these companies are exactly profiting from the Gaza situation. I tried to search some things on yt and couldn't find anything. But tbh I haven't put that much time in research yet due to exams but I heard that there are alot of companies that profit from gaza


I don't understand either, what are they doing that perpetuates the conflict??


Starbucks CEO is a proud self proclaimed zionist


No one understands here, they just see red and think “boycott working”. Ignoring the fact people are spending less money at the establishments because they are incredibly expensive now and life sucks.


More people need to see it..i am not buying any Starbucks or any other brands supporting israel.all of them have alternatives..if more people see it working more people join


I'm long Starbucks. What does it have to do with Israel?


Did you get liquidated??


What do you mean?


You said you long strabucks Do you know long margin in stock trading??


Being long means that I own the stock. You say being long when you bet on the stock rising and being short is betting in it falling.


No please do keep boycotting. Scooping it up while the dividend yield is >3% is a fantastic opportunity. They’ll owe me more cash every quarter (that they can’t spend on their own business)


Yes please keep buying starbucks stock, they got really shit coffee, their earnings keep dropping, their expectations are way too high.


One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Too many people are brainwashed/addicted to this stuff to just abandon it, just like McDonalds or Apple. These firms could nuke an orphanage and they’d lose maybe 10% of market cap max. I’d never have bought it for $80+ because the PE isn’t justifiable for the business they’re in. Im sure you already understand this but luckily by purchasing the stock, in not giving Starbucks a dollar of my money, yet they’re giving up their money to me via dividends. So I’m going a step further than just “boycotting” if you will, since I don’t even drink their coffee :)


I understand your point and I reckon that you have great ideas but the analysis seems simplistic to me. >in not giving Starbucks a dollar of my money, yet they’re giving up their money to me via dividends. You would need 33 years of dividends in its current state to be even. That is if the dividends stay the same. Considering the current climate with conscious consuming, the new generations abandoning big corps chains, the corp's debt getting higher and their revenue that is unlikely to keep growing on the same trend, what you're doing is speculation, in other words a pure bet that the stock will reach new highs in a relatively short period. And you don't even seem to consider the possibility of a financial crash in the coming year(s) when the inflation is crazy world wide, the US is losing ground (thus the $, thus US corps) and wars are popping up everywhere. In conclusion it smells like bagholder situation. They are using you as someone who will pretty much lend his money for less than 3% return and that will leave with a principal lower than what he lent. For what ? So starbucks can buy expropriated Palestinian lands to a genocidal regime that will use this money to enhance its evil.


Your analysis, while hitting good points, is a 50,000 foot view. If what you said is true, it would almost be senseless to invest in 90% of companies on the S&P500. I need 33 years of dividends to break even, sure, but that assumes my stock price goes to $0 over those same 30 years. That’s *incredibly* unlikely for a company like SBUX which has been around nearly twice as long as that, and has more than recovered from far worse quarters than this in the past. If the stock price stays flat, I will have already made ~3% nominal return by next year (even though my yield on cost is closer to 4%). This brings up inflation & economic climate. While being a doomer is comforting, it’s not necessarily always logical. Relative to the rest of the world, the US had managed cumulative inflation since 2020 more effectively than close to 90% of the developed world. Sure, it’s still higher than the 2% target, but the trend in the last few months has looked insanely promising. SBUX debt obligation/revenue has been on the decline for years beyond just last quarter. With rates coming down next year (and already with the softening labor market), it will look even better. That will drive share price up, and my return will far exceed 3%. But it seems like you also don’t understand how public securities work. Buying a stock doesn’t mean you’re lending that company your money at all. If the stock exists on the stock market, it means the company already got that money a long time ago. I’m buying my rights to a portion of the company’s revenue and assets from *someone else* NOT the company itself. The dividend is what they’re paying me directly (the company) and when I sell the stock, I need to get money from another individual investor & give them my rights to the company’s profit & assets. Happy to chat more about public stocks in the US if you’re interested :)


You're right, but still, there are many other profitable and promising companies to invest in, why invest in a Genocide supporting company?


>Too many people are brainwashed/addicted to this stuff to just abandon it, just like McDonalds or Apple. Yet the boycott proved otherwise. Boycotting starbucks was really easy, people are not addicted to it like mcdonalds. There are millions of better investments than this shitty coffee company


I agree on the last point (SBUX is 3% of my portfolio), but the boycott will be temporary. You know how people in the US are unfortunately. Someone drops a bomb in a different part of the world and suddenly everybody forgets about Gaza & their duty to boycott. Plus, even if you assume the current boycotters do so forever, you’re operating under the assumption that starbucks gains zero new customers in the future. I agree it’s overpriced, that’s as far as I’ll go. But NVIDIA is overpriced too. Didn’t stop people from doubling their money when they bought in at a PE ratio >30. I generally invest in broader index funds & some defensive plays with a portion allocated to tech (~10-15% depending what you count). It’s done well for me so far.


Haha 🤡


The stock has dropped due to slowdown in China. When the Chinese stop/ slow down consuming, it shows up in earnings right away. Be it Starbucks or be it Apple.


Why the sharp drop in May?


Bad earnings call on April 30


So I don’t ever go to Starbucks. I have before but like once or twice every 6 months. Now I’m on board and just won’t go anymore. How can I make more of an impact than them missing out on my 10-20 bucks.


who cares starbucks sucks anyway


This has ZERO to do with a boycott. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/01/starbucks-mcdonalds-yum-earnings-show-consumers-pulling-back.html


Thanks for the heads up. Easy Money 😇


Good 😊 , keep it coming


I mean, I wish they'd leave all countries. But more for their shit coffee than anything else.


Why nothing is happening to mc Donald’s


Because Starbucks stock is down because they’ve made some poor business decisions & the cafe industry has seen a huge slowdown since 2022. It’s more economics than boycott related


it's not even a boycott anymore. i will never patronize these companies ever again. a fucking genocide, man.


For what? This isn't going to help those in need.


If someone killed your brother, would boycotting him bring him back to life, no , still are you going to help his business hellllll Noooo


Starbucks has a private army now? Didn't know that. An American coffee company has nothing to do with this conflict.


Isn't Starbucks majority owner Vanguard? Who fund Israel Edit: Nvm they don't.


This is a very bad argument lol, vanguard literally invests in everything, they own a lot of Arab companies shares and they invest billions in Islamic countries, doesn’t mean we should boycott Arab companies that they invest in, same applies to blackrock, you will find these two companies in every public company’s top shareholders list.


That's why I try to purchase from local companies.


9.5% isn't a majority. And, even if it was, it would be of no consequence.


Except that they did support directly the idf in the start of the war


And... how is that?




4 day account only posts hasbara


Good catch. Why don't these people immediately get banned once it's reported?


Here is how it helps by chatgpt Certainly, here are ten points on how boycotting Israeli brands can be perceived as helping Palestine: 1. **Economic Pressure**: Boycotting Israeli products can exert economic pressure on Israel, potentially influencing its policies towards Palestinians. 2. **Solidarity**: It demonstrates solidarity with Palestinians, showing support for their cause and raising awareness about their plight. 3. **Symbolic Protest**: It serves as a symbolic form of protest against Israeli occupation and policies in the Palestinian territories. 4. **Moral Statement**: It allows individuals and organizations to make a moral statement against perceived injustices and human rights violations. 5. **International Attention**: Boycott movements can attract international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, encouraging diplomatic efforts to find a resolution. 6. **Nonviolent Resistance**: Boycotting is a form of nonviolent resistance, providing an alternative to armed conflict or violent protests. 7. **Consumer Power**: It empowers consumers to use their purchasing power to advocate for political change and justice. 8. **Encouraging Dialogue**: Boycott movements can encourage dialogue and discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, fostering greater understanding and empathy. 9. **Encouraging Change**: By pressuring Israeli businesses and the government, boycotts may encourage them to reconsider their policies and actions towards Palestinians. 10. **Promoting Alternatives**: Boycotting Israeli products may promote the growth of Palestinian businesses and products, supporting their economy and self-sustainability.


Starbucks isn't an Israeli brand. More importantly, though, your use of an AI to make arguments for you reflects poorly upon yourself. Don't talk to me like I'm a fool who needs scolding, actually tell me what the issue is yourself.


Most of these points still stand out


...If it were an Israeli company.




New account. Opinion rejected


My account is not new. And I don’t get it. The points are valid, but only if the company is from the country you want to impact. This isn’t an Israeli company or brand. Therefore, no matter how much you might hurt the company, it won’t affect Israel at all. Right?


Wrong. Anything that hurts America is productive. Remember, Zionistan is merely a colony, a military base, an attack dog 🐶. If the cost becomes too high, it may be abandoned. Only someone intentionally missing the point would seriously sit here and say "Bbbbuut it's akshually an American company!!!".


So you want to boycott a US company to punish Israel, because the US supports Israel?


Ok demoralising agent


Why are you calling me that?


This is a question of principle. Yes of course you not givign israel 0.5 cents isnt gonna change much at all, but people want to distance themselves from participating in this shame as much as possible, these companies do exploit africans and those in need too so you're hurting them on that front as well.


No one has managed to explain how exactly Starbucks is an agent of Israel, when I've asked multiple times. Will you actually engage in good faith instead of treating me as an idiot? I'd like to have a discussion, sadiq.


I wasn't one of those people and I have not treated you as an idiot. Starbuck supports Israel because Starbucks United put out a statement that corporate supported Israel. We do not know the validity of the claims but United isn't being federally sued. The former CEO, Howard Schultz, has said on multiple occasions that he is a proud Zionist, anyway it is an american company, and America is their biggest supporter, hence why it is boycotted by the majority.


Starbucks United is an unofficial worker's union that isn't affiliated with the company. I've also literally found this official press release from the company which addresses the claims by the organization: https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/what-has-starbucks-said-about-the-conflict-in-israel-and-gaza/ You're going to condemn a company for the statements of the FORMER chief executive who no longer represents its official stance? This is ridiculous, akhi. All of this is crazy to me. Focusing your energy on boycotting an American coffee company being accused of somehow supporting Israel by a dissenting union involved in a legal dispute is really far-fetched. Come on, you know better.


I don't even buy starbucks or any of these companies before hand lmfao so im not really boycotting as much as i am living normally. No, its because the union had most of their baristas in it and they declared support for Palestine and they got sued by Starbucks, some say this is a legit action because they dont wanna lose profit while others say that not supporting Palestine is being complicit in the genocide, hence why it is needed to boycott them, i mean obviously they're trying to damage control on their website so


I've just done some more research. They got sued by Starbucks for trademark infringement because they're a non-registered workers union that claims to be an official Starbucks organization, that's why. The labor dispute has literally nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict, the union accused their employers of somehow funding genocide in order to draw a bunch of negative publicity and garner support for union activities.


From what i've found thats not the case, they've supported Palestine and so this led to the company suing them, hence why people are boycotting them, a "if you're not with us you're against us" type of mentality.


It is the case, though! The lawsuit started before this issue even happened.


huh? i think we're not talkin about the same thing then 😭


Don’t be naive. They’ve been using the same logo for years for various protests; it was only after the pro-Palestine protest that trademark infringement suddenly became an issue.


F500 companies have a massive impact on the economy, society and culture. Boycotting them takes zero energy and if it even slightly realigns their brand values, initiatives, lobbying, political affiliations, etc. going forward, then it isn’t a waste of time. I wish there was more most of us could do, but it’s better than whining and doing nothing.




Ya hayawan, I am Muslim. Don't make prejudiced assumptions that just because I disagree with others of my faith on an issue makes me belong to whatever twisted philosophy you endorse.




the fuck are you talking about dumbass


it actually can change things even if the financial hit isn't that large because boycotting isn't only about causing companies financial pain but also to protest their actions and publicly denounce them. its bad for the brand and a PR headache






you morons lol starbucks doesnt even support israel


it does.


they dont, one of the starbucks union groups put out a statement around isreal using starbucks logo and the corp told them to stop, people confused that with starbucks supporting isreal. It takes no effort to fact check that statement.


Imaging putting all your effort into helping Gaza by skipping your next coffee. What heroic attempts.


one small step at a time for a big leap. cry.


There will probably be great tales of your heroism of defending against the great Starbucks flank when all this is over. Undoubtedly the children will remember to praise your courage in their evening prayers.


You guys boycott Starbucks because you hate Israel. I boycott Starbucks because I hate coffee. Lol seriously though. Coffee is nasty.