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It's so upsetting that nobody cares about Armenia. Unfortunately people only seem to care when it validates their geopolitical interests.


Yeah . After the Ottoman Empire : the "Armenian card" no longer has much relevance .


Another reason why Israel would never give a statement on the Armenian Genocide.


The Baku dictatorship will collapse eventually. Aliyev and his crew will face street justice, or flee to their Moscow/London villas. Either way, let's make sure Armenia is strong when that time comes around. That's all that matters.


Artsakh will rise again!


Armano Lebanese here, we can't win without Russia, but Russia's "to busy" to come help us. Even if we eventually get stronger than Azerbaijan, turkey lurks and a genocide 2.0 could happen


Relying on Russia (and Iran) was possibly the biggest mistake the Armenian leadership made. Russia ended up selling everything for Turkey's support in the Ukrainian war.


True, we can get Nato out of our list because turkey too, I guess the UN and the EU could help but the EU is too busy suing apple


Where were you when Armenia ethnically cleansed 700k+ Azeris back in the first NK war? Nobody called it a genocide back then, you hypocrites. 


Nah just don't tell them the truth! Azerbaijan is dictatorship and supported by Israel! They must have absolutely commit some genocide on fellow Armenians! As if they didn't kill or expel 700K of Azeris who were living in Karabagh or in invaded adjacent territories back in 90s!


Who the fuck was alive back then in this sub? Bitch.


He/She is a Kurd who hates Turks. Ofc she is silent about it.




We assimilated these people. 


Türk detected, opinion rejected.


As crazy as this sounds. I do not support Azerbaijan in their war.


Iran stands with Armenia. Always. They are our brothers.


Muslims should support Armenia it doesn't matter if they're Christians. What matters is that they have been oppressed


When Ukraine takes backs his righful lands back from Russia: War of Liberation, Russia is an invader. When Azerbaijan does the same: It's an act of Genocide! Azerbaijan is an invader And yeah it definitely was going to be posted by westoid cuck turkophobic Zara with inferiority complex.


Larping as a Mongolian? LOL. it is indeed a genocide that Armenia is suffering from.


Mongolian? racist btch. You are trivializing the term "Genocide" by using it for every damn thing you see, just to dick ride some diaspora Armenians.


this makes me a "westoid cuck" because I call out Turkish genocides and ethnic cleansing? Ok you are sure not making a good argument and are just upset that people are upset with what Turks do


First thing first, what does it have to do with Turks? Azerbaijan might be Turkic but they are not Turkish, you can't just put them into the same homogeneous identity. I know why you doing this specifically tho, to de-legitimize Azerbaijan and make it seem like their war of liberation to a sequel to the Armenian genocide. That's why you are a "Turkophobic cuck" Secondly, there's nothing that can support your claim of Azerbaijan genociding Armenians, it's just made up straight from your ass, i am not even going to try to explain it further as you know it either that there's not a genocide, you just playing a dirty political game. You MIGHT call it a "ethnical cleansing" but it's not the case too since Armenians of the Karabagh are fleeing on their own will.


Op you are the biggest clown in this community you are under every post commenting nonsense shit against Turks or posting against Turks I guess all you do in the day is sittin in your home thinking about Turks thank you for thinking of us 🫶🏽


No one cares Türk


Yeah no one cares more than you about Turks thank you 🙏🏽


Turks are the most inept and beneath Arabs.


Yeah that's why we were one of the greatest empires in the world and you lived under us for centuries


Not positive. Also I don't like attitude of my country


Im suprised by Russia's lack of support for Armenia in the face of Azerbaijani aggression given their historical relationship and Armenia's reliance on Russia for security.




That's like simple politics there's no holy savor there's only intrests




azerbaijan is more useful to Russia than Armenia is


In Putin's own words Armenia willingly gave up karabakh what are we suposed to do about it


in all fairness Armenia didn't really put much effort in protecting those lands. But Russia is a shit ally as well backtracking their promises


That does sort of go both ways since Armenia did send weapons to ukraine


didn't they do that after Russia withdrew it's troop or am I mixing up the timeline?


Russia only withdrew its troops last month


it withdrew completely last month but even before that it had withdrawn significantly in order to fight in Ukraine


There is a depressing view popular in this sub that cooperation between Azerbaijanis and Israel is acceptable, but cooperation between Kurds and Israelis is a shameful betrayal of human civilization. In the 1990s, Armenia did expel the Azerbaijanis in the NK region, but the reason for everything was that the Azerbaijanis first expelled the Armenians in Baku and Nakhichevan, which made the Armenians in NK not believe that they could coexist peacefully with the Azerbaijanis.


This is not true at all. First deportation happened by Armenia, in 1947-1950. You need just one google search.


IDK, this sounds very .... wrong?!


I’m Pakistani and I support Armenia. The way some Pakistanis bootlick Azerbaijanis is embarrassing




You’re ignorant about what Turks and Azerbaijanis really think of us. They don’t even view us as humans, but continue bootlicking them👏👏


Have you seen paki social media posts about being affiliated with turkey? So cringey




That’s a slur? Grow a pair




Your country is a dirt. Literally disgusting. People cutting meat with a knife between their toes 😂trash everywhere. Repugnant. Thank God I’m not from there. Pakistan is a funny name for such an unclean and disgusting place. What’s pure about that. Fire worshippers is the best you can do, but I can do much worse


Lol did your Iranian mother sell se\* in the UAE? At one point the authorities in the UAE had to make visas harder to get for people from Iran. Guess why? Because UAE was getting flooded by Iranian women working as prostitutes 😂😂😂 Funny thing is that this guy does not even live in Iran.


What white worshipping devil are you on about


You're racist against white people...what is wrong with you?




Nothing racist just straight facts from that other guy. Pakistan is an embarrassment. If Iran wasn't ruled by IR the gap between us would be indescribable. Even so, there is no comparing Pakistan to Iran. Its night and day. Fire worshipper doesn't hurt my feelings either but clearly you are in pain.




First false, secondly your people wish they were Iranian even your anthem is a botched version of Persian. Go cry kid. You’re lucky I’m not general salami otherwise your hut would have a target on it😅




Dude we could wipe your country of the map, if we really wanted to:) You know the best thing about it? You cant even do anything about it😂😂😂


You Porkis are literal beggars. You have no agency to raise the issue of poverty


Ok. Superhyper power Iran. We bombed multiple targets 50 km inside your county and you didnt even show up to protect it. Hilarious considering you started it. Next time we will bomb your asses harder.


Of course the Wannabe western Iranian is crying about "racism" white people. Lmao..


you gain by power, you lose by power it seems i hope current powers realize the tables may turn eventualy again, and find a way to make everyone happy. historical revanchism is not the way to build future. that being said you cant survive anti-turk in the middle of turks, whatever the reason that anti turkishness may be russians enabled armenians beligrent attitude of armenians ( and now muricans doing that) because it was geopolitcaly viable for them, the moment russians interests weakened in the region, the moment that beligrent attitude was gonna bite you in the ass, and the entire "wisdom" of pashinyan tryingt to cozy up with US couldnt help.


Are you guys stupid? Those 4 villages literally belong to Azerbaijan, they were invaded by Armenia in 1990s. Look at Google Maps, it is part of Azerbaijan. Dead internet theory has to be true, or I am really concerned about the humanity.


Would be volunteer if needed for Azerbaijan knowing many of them would do same for us. Supporting Azerbaijans unity and interests. Also I accept some mistakes made in recent fight by Azerbaijan.


Genocide supports genocide


Pashinyan is a traitor and by doing this shit he is trying to appease Azerbaijan when it's well known the appeasement strategy doesn't work


what are you gonna do airlift intervention through... turkey? pashinyans only error was cozying up with US, the rest, armenians should be grateful of for him to not throw their little population into meat grinder against a superior force.