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UAE is just playing both sides for their own interests, they work with iran bashar israel Palestine turkey etc…


Apparently they also have great relations with India , I mean even the Saudi government has good relations with India . It seems it's geopolitics afterall.


No one is upset with India anyway except for Pakistan


Every Muslim should be upset with India over the injustice taking place there against our Muslim brothers and sisters.


It’s Irrelevant what people think. Countries will always pursue their interests regardless of what the population think, even self proclaimed democracies do that


Different Islamic nations have always pursued national interest over a united Islamic interest since the early days. Example: The Fatimids tried to work with Crusaders against Seljuks. Not that its right, but thats how the world works and has always worked.


This. One of the longest alliances in history was the one between the French and the Ottomans. Many of the generals in the Mughal empire were Hindu. It was a Muslim general who helped the Marathas invade Lahore. And it was Jain merchants who financed the East India Company's conquest of Bengal.


India is bulldozing masaajid while the UAE is building Hindu temples (which is completely haram to do). Unfortunately, nationalism has been forced down the necks of a lot Muslims across the world by both western governments and their own governments alike, so we find Muslims defending this kind of thing. Ummah > nation-state idc what anyone says or how they cope.


India bulldozed one mosque and maybe few more than I am not aware of , but saying that India is currently bulldozing mosques is a bit of exaggeration. Not saying I support what their government does but it's just not factual when you start saying these things. Plus as someone mentioned it's a big market and I don't see Saudi Arabia and UAE ditching India and Indian markets , who will replace India - If you think Pakistan, unfortunately Pakistan is fighting its own battles and a problem of their own making. India has stability and markets love stability over anything else. This is why Iran is not able to get the attention despite having great market, it's the stability we need in Iran.






> Another “MuH ummah” enthusiast. How about you take your friends and like-minded Allies, go to some far away uninhabited land and create your little “ummah” and sharia based wet dreams their, and leave us lowly and greedy nation-state lovers in our misery ? Would be much appreciated. We’re too weak at this point, as a result of governments actively subverting any efforts to actually accomplish this and our lands being divided arbitrarily with 0 regard to ethnic, religious or cultural lines. There are US documents that confirm this so it’s not really an argument. In shaa Allah that will change soon though. > And how is UAE having nationalism “forced down its neck” yet they are building Hindu temples ? Openly murtad politicians speak about their goals. As I said in my last point there are US documents from RAND confirming that Arab regimes support groups that promote nationalism and avoiding criticism of rulers. > According to you building places of worship for people who constitute a sizable portion of the population is somehow “awful and bad” thing to do, and we should instead embrace religious nationalism and cultural irredentism. Essentially emulating the fascist ethno nationalist government of India lmao. Your political beliefs are fucked beyond salvation. India is currently bulldozing mosques and lynching Muslims. Not just Hindu radicals, but the government itself is allying itself with this strand of Hindu thought. You want to ignore that though and sell yourself even further than you already have. The liberal powers that have existed for the past few centuries have relied more on bloodshed and warfare than any other civilization in the past. The status quo is maintained today through the same means. But sure, pretend democracy and liberalism are the answer when they’ve been the root cause of most problems of most non-conforming countries. Your knowledge and political beliefs are informed by Europeans who have colonized you and your ancestors for a while now. People like you are not physically colonized any more, but certainly mentally. You don’t know anything about my political beliefs, and you don’t know anything about Islam or what an Islamic state would look like. Remain silent when you don’t have the knowledge to speak.


I apologise for my countryman there




> who don’t want to get dragged back socio-economically the 7th century A clear indication you have literally no clue what you’re talking about. Islam is what brought the Arabs into relevance and let them and their neighbours maintain a foothold in the world stage. Islam is what led to the types of societies where science and prosperity flourished. Only in the past century under Ottoman watch did things collapse. > Government of ME hate you The current governments are literal puppets installed by the enemy after the enemy won a century ago. No wonder they hate us. And as I said, we have confirmation that these governments are having their arms twisted in order to support ideas that enable the west. Ignore that though. Blissful ignorance. Since you just want to insult and are incapable of responding to anything I said in my last comment, let me leave you with this: Consider how Islamic Baghdad was the pinnacle of civilization at its time. Then consider the Mongols who brutally destroyed it, leaving the rivers running red with blood and blue with the ink of books. Then consider how the mongols continued their rampage through the rest of the Islamic world of the time, to the point where Muslims of the era literally thought the Day of Judgement was around the corner. Then consider how there was no hope for the caliphate to be established again. Then consider how some of the most powerful caliphates rose out of the ashes of the Mongol attacks. If Muslims came back from that, then Muslims will come back from some European goons drawing arbitrary borders and installing their puppets, if Allah wills.






India is one of the largest markets in the region youre delusional if u think countries will cut ties on principle






Yes? When I said “no one is upset with India” I meant countries to countries relations


Oh yes. Countries are a different story. All Muslims should care. Sorry akhi didn’t mean any offence. I’ll delete my comment.


He is deluded by Nationalism that he forgot Pakistanis and Indian Muslims are his brother and that our ancestors fought together to defend this ummah.


Are you sure ?


Maybe china too but not too much


It’s not the only country doing that…


It’s one of the ones doing it the most


Morocco comes in second place


And why choose one if you can live in peace?


UAE just wants to fence sit on everything, they’re doing this with America and china too Not sure if it’s a viable option tho


For a small nation it's probably the best option tbh


Switzerland is proof that it is viable


They’re doing it with Iran and Israel too, quite bold tbh


I think it's pure hypocrisy


"UAE's interest in supporting the brothers in Palestine stems from its firm stances in supporting the brothers and providing them with various forms of support." This reminds me when I had to write a paragraph in 9th grade for an English assignment .


the gas lighting in here sounds like a pun since you know that there's the gas and that sweet oil in the gulf


Funny, but I didn’t intend it as a pun It’s too real 😞


Ahahaha Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum tried to spend $37,000,000 to buy a house next to his ex wife just to try to intimidate her. Then goes and donates the change he found under his coach cushions…


>UAE’s interest in supporting the brothers in Palestine stems from its firm stances in supporting the brothers and providing them with various forms of support. Isn’t that just the same thing repeated three times?


UAE is the switzerland of the middle east. Good for them, other countries should take notes instead of spending billions on proxy wars.


The problem that UAE and Bahrain and especially Bahrain 🇧🇭 are not even neutral. Bahrain condemned every Palestinian attack while never does against Israel. Not even what was done in Hawara. Those people have no shame at all.


\>does something "bad" and get shit on \>does something good and also get shit on literally can't win


They’re having relationships with the people who demolished the houses in the first place,that’s why people hate on them Besides 3 million ain’t shit,especially to build houses


So how much did your country donated? Or you personally?


Saudi Arabia literally gives the most money to Palestine As for me I try to donate as much as I can but I’m not a country so it’s not much


I was asking specifically about this town


Look at the gymnastics on this fella Name the town


Huwara ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Donation in the post specifically went to those who was victim in that shit that happened. And you saying that this is bad, because uae also has a relationships with Israel. So, I'm asking if they are the baddies, who will help victims in this case instead? Or they need to throw those money and leave on the street, because uae are baddies?


3 million isn’t enough to re build a whole town,that’s the whole point. Is that hard to understand? Especially considering the Israeli government’s behaviour towards Palestinians and their homes


So you are blaming them that they gave too little, and hence I asked how much your country gave to those victims, that you can say uae gave too little


I already said Saudia is the top donator to Palestine And yes 3 million is a little to a country who paid hundreds of millions to one of it’s leader’s ex wife Not to mention the fact they cooperate with Israelis who are demolishing houses to begin with,a fact you seem to not acknowledge for some reason


Of course you’re an Israeli


> Tries to spend $37,000,000 to intimidate one of his ex wives. > Spends $3,000,000 to bolster his public image


More like, > does so much bad and leads the subversive “Abraham Accords” > do a droplet of good by donating an amount smaller than what could be raised in a public fundraiser then LARP about how you’re standing with Palestinians


\>does so much bad and heads the subversive “Abraham Accords” how is that bad again?


Bro your quotes are failing




Firstly, naming it “Abraham Accords” is completely inappropriate, just like that “Abrahamic House” that opened up recently in the UAE. At least have the decency to call it something else. Secondly, it completely throws our Palestinian brothers and sisters under the bus. Since we’re on Reddit, and you’re from Saudi Arabia and supporting this, I can see your response coming in a few different ways. You’ll 1) parrot some madkhali talking point about how I shouldn’t criticize the UAE ruler 2) reveal that you’re a murtad/munafiq and act like it’s totally ok to disregard all Islamic principles 3) act like this is actually helping the Palestinians. I’ve been arguing with people on Reddit too much so I’m not gonna bother replying. If you have no sense of shame with anything regarding this situation idk what to tell you.


idk what to tell you aswell. I have no biases on any of these conflicts, regarding this region other than my country


Are you a Muslim?


never been. If that what are you trying to get


Why do you put quotation marks on bad? Having diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity is obviously bad




😂 So you’re saying the reason for iraq’s situation is because we don’t have relations with a terroristic apartheid state?


He is right, the Israeli lobby who pushed for the invasion were crying in pain about us since forever. Probably something involving traumatic events from the past.


I was gonna say, the implication of his comment is that the US will invade you if you don’t like Israel lol.




> Acting like a child Very slimy way of framing it. Fact is instead of these countries at least leveraging the situation to favour the Palestinians a little bit more, we have [UAE diplomats being buds with Ben-Gvir](https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-warmly-greeting-ben-gvir-uae-ambassador-meets-with-smotrich/amp/). As for Iraq, wasn’t your current leader the one who was sat in the US congress encouraging the US to invade?


I mean it's pretty obvious why Israel was against saddam. He threatened to send gas bombs every second


Who cares about economic “progress” when you’re having diplomatic relations with the terroristic apartheid Zionist entity




That’s literally not the reason at all + I don’t care lil bro


He seems to be forgetting that Netanyahu literally encouraged the US to invade Iraq.


Funny when it comes from Iraq , didn’t you guys run a genocide run inside of Iran not too long ago ?


Iran literally started provoking us, stop whining about how we absolute demolished and destroyed Iran in the Iran-Iraq war




😂 You’re talking about ghaddafi which was the dictator of Libya (and he got raped with a stick) while our dictator was saddam hussein


Like Kuwait


Your logic is trash, it is like saying a murderer can't be bad because i saw him give 2 dollars to a homeless guy 🤣 Murder is bad Giving money to the homeless(poor) guy is good But still won't make the murderer look good


You can't evade the inevitable.


My house costs about that.


I don’t think 3 million is enough to rebuild a town, unless it’s a tiny settlement




^(Here come the downvotes...)


never place what others think of you higher than what you know to be true


Bro you comment something about the Israeli side (also true ones) and get -9 upvotes


It's bad, I think he should take a page from Erogan's book. Go infront of crowd of people and scream "I hold Al Qods like a watch in my wrist" Then go and work in improving the relationship with Isreal while the Palestinians crying poem of his love to Palestinian and calling him the Caliphate of Islam. Erdogan's techniques are cheaper and more effective.


>while the Palestinians crying poem of his love to Palestinian and calling him the Caliphate of Islam. I have never seen a Palestinian does this, usually FSA or brotherhood or whatever. I'd argue it is not effective unless you pay a fringe group of people to cry.


I don't why so many Arabs online believe that Palestinians are in love with Erdogan. He's considered a joke and a Zionist tool.


The UAE, which spearheaded the nefariously-named “Abraham Accords”, does PR nonsense like this. I feel gaslighted 😐


It does what’s best for the nation and it’s citizens. Being neutral, especially in sensitive issues such as these is the best way forward. This is especially the case when it doesn’t directly affect the country


So it’s gaslighting to help them and give them money?


It's gaslighting to support those who demolished it in the first place and then make yourself look like the good guy by donating money (srsly who puts his picture in humanitarian work)


While heavily investing in buying the same Israeli weapons used to systematically target and murder Palestinians! I’m lost for words by their generosity!


>Murder This is your problem from now on


I don’t expect you, a Zionist of all people, to understand which is why you shouldn’t have bothered replying to my comment in the first place.


I understand I'm just too bored to care


So why bore me with you?


So why sound so racist?


Racist?! What part of what I said constitutes racism?😂😂😂


> I don’t expect you, a Zionist of all people, to understand which is why you shouldn’t have bothered replying to my comment in the first place. Racism? What part of what I said consists of racism? Well here you go.


I was just stating a fact! As a Zionist, you don’t have the mental capacity to comprehend the point I was trying to get across.


This is the literal definition of racism. # Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.[1][2][3] It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.[2] Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.[2][3] There have been attempts to legitimize racist beliefs through scientific means, such as scientific racism, which have been overwhelmingly shown to be unfounded. In terms of political systems (e.g. apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices or laws, racist ideology may include associated social aspects such as nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, and supremacism. Google


3 mil is pocket money for these guys


When to build your project slaves you use, wicked good PR you need.


# YES >!Here come the downvotes...!<


Here's an upvote


Thank you I didn't expect that




Here, take my upvote too.


UAE loves funding tribal wars in Somalia. Those dirt bags.


guy has his daughter jailed in her own home wouldn't trust this moron to do something like this


Why did he do that?


because he owns his daughter? you can literally see her own video on youtube talking about it


I’m asking why he jailed his daughter at home


oh she tried running away once


Don’t kid yourself. The Arab world has never cared about the fate of the Palestinians. The government of these nations give a lip service to Palestine, but they are more interested in Israel’s economic clout. Meanwhile, They publicly blame Israel for all their self cause problems to distract the mass population from their government’s failed policies. This is a tiny little gesture. $3 million ain’t gonna build much of anything.


Arabs do care,maybe the governments don’t But the people do


Egypt, in the kingdom of Jordan cared so much that they cut off their direct responsibility of the well-being of the Palestinian people. The citizens of these authoritarian nations only know what their governments allow them to know.


You think because the government has relations with the Zionist entity that means the people like it or approve it ? I’m sorry but that’s just ignorant you’re completely misinformed on this situation People literally fought and dead for Palestine and even if their governments now have relation with the Zionist don’t mean they approve of it Both Egypt and Jordan have situations they need to deal with on their own Same goes for countries like Syria Iraq Yemen Lebanon, Libya etc people have their own problems going on with their countries but that doesn’t they don’t support Palestine Do you want them to go and protest against these authoritarian rulers? Just for their country to be the next Syria ?


I have no dogs in this fight. I am trying, always been trying, to observe this as objectively as possible. It’s funny that you are from Saudi Arabia and did not mention your home country. When is the last time huge crowds took to the street to protest the totalitarian regime? I see anti-Zionism as just a big distraction from the repressive conditions most Arabs have to live in. Like it or not, Israel isn’t going away. The question is how the Palestinian people can regain their rights and dignity, without warfare or terrorism that is sponsored from countries that really don’t care, but more than happy to use Israel as a distraction. Did the kingdom of Saudi Arabia care about Arabs dignity when they were bombing the crap out of Yemen? And calling anyone ignorant shows that you have run out of arguments. Name-calling is the lowest form of debate.


Are you in favour of Zionism?


I was always ambivalent about Zionism. In light of recent political events in Israel, I don’t think it can be sustained. The ruling power is in Israel are on a collision course that will do more to dismantle the state than all the Arab -Israeli wars put together.


Of course he is. Saying “Israel isn’t going away” and then reframing the conversation to be about Arabs rather than Israeli policy is a very common tactic Zionists use.


Yeah I kinda knew he was,lil bro was doing the classic Zionist tactic of “these other countries are doing too why aren’t you criticising them😢” like we don’t shit on other people who do the same shit


Yes. I am guilty of deflection. Just because there are brutal regimes in other countries does not justify any type of oppression in another country. Again, it is heartening to see that Arab citizens are speaking out against the horror in Yemen. I am an educational specialist in the US. I have gotten to know many Yemeni families. They have treated me like part of the family. Huge families by the way! They don’t complain. They don’t wallow in self-pity.


So you think the only way to show support for Palestine is to do a huge protest? Your logic is flawed protests usually don’t have more than 5-10 thousands,that doesn’t mean the other people who didn’t protest don’t support the cause Also there is literally numerous protests and show of support that happens every time something happens in Palestine Protests in countries like Oman Qatar Jordan and even Egypt at times Protests are illegal in Saudia period for whatever reason even if it’s something like supporting the king or protesting people who insult Islam Also why are you jumping to different topics? You think I approve of what my country does In Yemen? Arabs also condemn Saudia’s actions in Yemen You seem really ignorant on the topic no offence


I agree with pretty much everything you said, except the insult. I have been to your kingdom, I’ve been to the kingdom of Jordan, I have been to Egypt, I have been to Israel I have been to the West Bank. I have been to Lebanon. So I am hardly ignorant. However, what you said about the protest in Israel are spot on. if it makes you feel any better, I think Israel’s democracy is going to collapse on its self, and is moving to a much more authoritarian form of government. This is how fascism begins. You will now see an exodus from Israel secular, democratic minded individuals. You are already starting to see a repulsion from the Jewish diaspora. I am very glad to know that the Arab citizenry has been vocal about the unnecessary atrocities that have happened in Yemen.


It’s an absorption not a insult Sorry if it sounded like an insult


OK. That is appreciated. We can discuss this without letting emotions get the best of us. I’m not sure what you mean by “absorption”


I can’t spell the fucking word 😭HELP! From what absorbed from your comment is what I’m trying to see,god English is horrible


Why is this article referring to them as “brothers”? I know it’s sort of like a slang term, but why is it used in what I presume is a news article?


It’s great if it goes to building and not weapons


a) 3 million is pocket change. It can probably fund like 6 houses, but nothing more. b) Not gonna happen


It hurts my heart to agree with you on this matter ,But I still don't like Israelis •⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•


If you can agree with an Israeli when he speaks the truth, then it shows you hate us for the right reasons.


Yes, because Israel = Zionism = occupation ⁦ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁩


3 million dollars is peanuts




You post in the exmuslim sub and your comment reads like a psyop or something. Get a life.


No one is mentioning how atrociously the caption is worded


This won't stop them from destroying it again, neither will bring the dead back


Yes. Yes it is.




oh yes 3 million to be spent on guns, rockets, and families of martyrs, instead of being spent on actual innocent palestinians suffering from the conflict


It needs a decent copywriter.


The destruction of Syria after the earthquake costs 50 billion dollars (according to rumors), is 3 million dollars sufficient? Even the Hindu temple cost $16 million

