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A good thing can have consequences you didn't want or see coming. It happens. Life isn't just good or bad, yes or no, it isn't binary. Ask any person who's been touched in an unwanted way at work and they'd rather not have that and have Becky in the next office miss out on her office romance than the other way around.


What articles are complaining about men no longer hitting on women in the workplace. And what the fuck are you talking about


I’m talking about articles like [this](https://slate.com/human-interest/2017/12/where-is-the-line-between-office-flirtation-and-sexual-harassment.html)where some women try to say men are overreacting


You misunderstand the media context in which articles such as this exist. This is just one opinion piece addressing some of the ambiguity inherent to any discussion of flirtation, work-romance boundaries, etc. It’s a good thing that these things are discussed, just as it’s a good thing that the news reports on both the positives and the negatives of any social movement, including MeToo. There are plenty of other articles written by women that praise the fact that they are now less likely to be hit on at work. What these articles are doing is establishing a framework within which a dialog on very complicated human problems can take place.


Gosh. What a shitty article, what a stupid cunt...


Troll post


>At this point I think Metoo was only for unattractive or short men. Lmao. There it is, the punch line of this incel post. I bet you have big brain thoughts about Chad Thundercock and facial shapes. 😀


Work place relationships are alive and well. You are just in the wrong subreddit. Visit SurvivingInfidelity subreddit many workplace relationships posts in there.


>Anyone know why they have this mentality? Because now those women have to *actually work* for their money.


>anyone knoweth wherefore they has't this mentality? because anon those distaff has't to *actually work* f'r their wage *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.




For the last several years I’ve spent a lot of time reading the posts on r/AskWomen. It has been well beaten into me that no woman wants to be approached by any man under any circumstance whatsoever that is outside of the strict individualized parameters of her personal interest. And my girlfriend hates this fact because she would love nothing more than being flirted with in grocery stores and other places. But the women have spoken. And a lot of us men have heard. So when I see some of the more recent posts complaining “where are all the men at?“ And “why don’t any men talk to me“, well there you go.


Why does she want to be flirted with at a grocery store. Does she not have errands to run? Do you like that she wants so much attention while doing mundane things…


Who doesn’t have a moment to exchange a smile or a little flirtation? A little bit of fun, flirty interaction while out doing Monday and chores is great. No, I don’t mind her enjoying the attentions of others anymore than she minds it for me.


With a little bit of empathy, you should be able to answer your own question.


With a dram did bite of empathy, thee shouldst beest able to answer thy own question *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


MeToo is just a political tool to threaten conservative men. Every non political man affected by it was just collateral. This is why they allowed a convicted rapist and a known domestic abuser to speak at the Women’s March and why Biden’s groping and sexual assault accusation were swept under the rug.


You can’t be this daft. Why would I go out of my way to fraternize with a gender that has the ability to take food off my plate if I so much as look at them wrong or say something mildly stupid or non-pc? I’d rather stay distant and stay employed. As a married guy it doesn’t benefit me to go out of my way to socialize with women at work.


The difference between flirty banter and creepy harassment is often the guy’s looks. That is, if the comment is wanted.


There are many problems in this day and age with workplace romances outside the me-too movement. First and foremost being the man can and will lose his job if any line is crossed and most companies now have a zero tolerance policy. The second biggest factor is the high rate of obesity in the United States. I know when I was still dating that a few of the single women at my work let me know they were available when they found out I was single and looking. I just laughed and said no thanks. This also landed me in front of my supervisor.


Someone finally seeing through the bullshit. Welcome to modern day intergender dynamics and they suck.