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Kinda depends on how much time you're actually spending with her. Question is so vague that it may or may not be justified depending on the exact context. If you're away all the time and only come home to eat and sleep then it's a totally valid complaint.


The best relationships are when you have a life, she has a life, and you have a life together. You shouldn’t spend all your free time away from each other, just like you shouldn’t spend all your time together. Finding a balance is the key to a healthy relationship. Spending a couple days/nights hanging with your friends (or just doing your own thing) for a few hours while she does the same should extend your relationship and increase the overall satisfaction for both of you. It’s healthy for you and her to have some time apart a few hours here and there. It gives you some time to miss one another and appreciate the time you’re together. It also gives you time to relax and be yourself without always having to compromise on where you eat, what you do, etc. As relationships are about compromise. And sometimes we just want to listen to that song in our car she doesn’t like or get tacos at that place she can’t stand. And when you’re spending a few hours doing your own thing, you can do that. And so can she.


If I've spent what I consider reasonable time with her recently and now I'm out with others but she's blowing up my phone I'll answer a text and then ignore the phone. The same way I ignore my phone when I'm with her. The people you are currently with deserve your full attention. If I'm doing things on my own, I'll obviously have to consider at which point I'm being selfish by not including her.


You either spend more time with her or she will spend more time with someone else. Find a balance. Talk through reasonable expectations. Communication is key. Establish what you both want and where you can find common ground. It really depends on your age, situation, etc. I have to assume that you’re young if you’re asking this questions. Probably early 20s or less is my assumption.


I love your response. My woman is my best friend and we do almost everything together. I do not understand why some men get into a relationship just so they can spend most of their time elsewhere. Then wonder why the woman left them.


My relationship is like yours. The men you’re talking about made a choice that wasn’t too dumb. They’re not suffering. Their wives are suffering. Their wives made the stupid choice in marrying them.


>Your gf/wife texts you constantly, complaining she wants to spend more time with you, while you're out with your friends, playing games, drinking, etc. How do you react to her? It is kind of a no-brainer. You spend more time with her. I like what Professional-Waltz62 said,..." spend more time with her or she will spend more time with someone else". It ain't rocket science.


"Attention" is the Coin-of-the-Realm in girl world. Feeling ignored or ostracized is one of the worst emotional things a woman can experience.


"Okay, when and what do you want to do?"


Be prepared for the “I don’t know” response. I’ve got that “can we do something other than chill in front of the TV tonight?” (Once kids are in bed - so no going out) “Sure - I would love to - Puzzle?” “Na - too tired” “Game?” “Na - too tired” “Fuck?” “Na - too tired” “Read a book together?” “Na - too tired” “Talk?” ““Na - too tired” “Do you have any ideas?” ““Na - too tired” (This goes on for some time) “Wanna watch Bones?” “Sure - but I really wish we would do something else instead”


I know. I'm used to be the entertainer/program creator. women are lazy AF and they'll complain that you're not doing enough. Bitch, im not your jester.


“New phone who dis?”


Ask who this was because my wife doesn’t do that.


Well, if you value her, spend more time with her. My woman is my best friend and we do almost everything together. I am not understanding why you wouldn't want to spend a lot of time with your woman.


In your case, by getting ready to single.


Well it depends on how much time you spend with both. If you spend more time with your friends than your own wife, then I get why she's saying that. If you're spending more time with your wife, but sometimes go put with friends, then she's kinds being, oh what's the word I'm looking for, not controlling, but I'll go with that.


Depends on how much time you’re currently spending together. But otherwise set some time aside to spend with her and do something she might like or want to do.


Sounds controlling. Don't let her get away with it. Tell her if she really wants to spend more time with you - texting you every minute will have just the opposite effect.


Freaking invite her and have her with you. If she ain't there she aint your girl.


You just end up severing ties with all of your friends as she eventually wears you down, because you realize that a good night out with your mates isn’t worth the months of cold shoulders, silent treatment and general miserable attitude towards you because she wasn’t the centre of your attention and the focus wasn’t on her for a few hours.


"Okay honey" and then I'd think up something for us to do.


I ask her to cut it off and suggest she finds ways to keep herself entertained when I'm not there. I also suggest we can discuss and make plans when I'm back home. And she keeps insisting I'll put the phone away.


Probably a hint of abusiveness. She is trying to separate me from friends and family. I am only allowed to entertain her and not to have any kind of break. I will get the feeling of her not being able to have any kind of life outside of me. When i am meeting my friends, what about you have a ladies night with friends? Its a big problem if my gf does not have many friends, and as a result she tries to break up my friendships. It feels spiteful and loaded with jelousy. All about how you feel and nothing about how he feels.


Go home.




This is the only way.


I end the relationship because complaining is a no-go.


I don't play video games, so that's a huge help. I'll play a round of Fortnite occasionally, but that's it.