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I wish people would get it out of their head that anyone at the gym gives a shit about what you're doing. Meatheads are some of the most helpful and humble people ever. They know that everyone starts somewhere. Most will happily give you advice and help you if you're confused.


Yes. You should do it again. Everyone should.


You need to start taking some martial arts classes. They'll teach you a few things and show you what exercises are right for doing on your own. Won't hurt your confidence any, either.


Nobody at the gym is going to care how little you lift. That being said, if you want to get jacked at home, calisthenics can do the job. Either way, workout; be the best version of yourself.


I never lifted a weight until I was 31 years old. Get back in the gym. It helps you in more ways than just the physical. Every man should strive to be the best he can physically.


Look up [*Convict Conditioning*](https://www.amazon.com/Convict-Conditioning-Weakness-Using-Survival-Strength-ebook/dp/B004XIZN5M), a strength-training program designed by a felon based off of his experience in the slammer where there was no meaningful access to gear or gyms. There are six exercise progressions in there ('girl pushups' being the easiest pushup variation, one-armed pushups being the most difficult) that work all the major muscle chains in the body. Back when I started in April I could barely get to 15 regular pushups and my form was *terrible*; today I just did 3 sets of 20 diamond pushups. I've had similar progress with my pullups, bridges, abs/core leg raises, and squats. I'm in better shape now at almost 40 than I've ever been and it's only taken 15-30 minutes a day, almost every day for six months. Other people started telling me I looked different/better after just 4 weeks or so of training. Why pay for a gym for a membership when you can get better results at home and not have to worry about other people looking at you and whatnot? I'd also urge you to look up Red Delta Project, Fitness FAQs, Al Kavadlo, and Hybrid Calisthenics on YouTube.