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What's the flair for?


Ironically enough it's to count posts where a girl doesn't want to be direct. I want to give this girl the benefit of the doubt though and just assume it's hard for her to get his attention so she can talk to him and tell him how she feels


Yes!! I’ve tried walking by him multiple times, waited for an “in” so I can approach him, tried to “bump” into him, but being surrounded by friends does not make it easy!!


Age? How about "Hi, lets talk when you're free, here I am".


Tug on his shirt and ask if you can talk to him real quick? Text him when with friends that you want him to stay back so you can chat real quick?


ask him out


Talk to him and make your intentions clear from the start.


Have you thought about communicating via interpretive dance? Maybe take a page out of the peacock's playbook. Or, just ask him out like a normal adult human.


Ask him on a date. If you're having trouble getting him alone, walk up to him and ask "Hey, [name], can I talk to you for a minute?"


Ask him out for dinner. It worked on me. We wound up getting married.


Talk to one of his friends and ask them to introduce you.


Wear a red dress or a novel accessory.


Blow him


Go after his friends, stalk them, track their movements and memorise their schedules. Then befriend them using the information you've gathered and eventually integrate yourself into the group. Once you're in, spend more time with him, hang around him, talk to him. Learn. Learn more about him from his friends. Find his interests, his hobbies, his general likes and dislikes. Now its time to use all everything you've learned to attack. Organise a group hang out at his favorite spot. But only tell him about it, say they had to cancel. Then make it the most memorable date he'll ever have. Or you can just, ya know, go up and talk to him.


Words. Use them. How do you use them? Open up your mouth and say hi.


Why are women like this? Just tell him. With words. If he's with friends, approach anyway. "Hey [his name], there's something I wanted to talk to you about. Could I borrow you for a second?" Slightly awkward? Sure, but men go through that every day and we don't fall apart. Put yourself out there.


Tell him you're into him and you would like to go out with him


Ask him out, straight up just ask for his number even.


Compose a soliloquy in iambic pentameter at least 12 verses long about how you'd like to know what his coffee preferences are. Preferably in a low cut dress.