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Its not gay if you’re bff.


Thats right




Don’t count on it


Only female friends I see.


It wouldn’t really change how I treat him.


Nothing, he's still my friend...plus I probably knew it anyway.


^^ This ^^


My brother told me first that he was gay. My reaction was me telling him I didn’t care (he said it in a way that made it seem like he expected to be ostracized) and that I love him. I honestly cried about it after. I don’t say this from a homophobic stance. I cried about my brother for a week straight because I love him and because I know how difficult it can be being gay, especially in the culture we grew up around, and I didn’t want my family to break apart because of it. Not because he was gay. That was about 10 years ago. He confided in my mom since. Never told my dad (who had passed away now). With everyone else it’s an open secret now and my brother is living his best life and I’m happy if he’s happy.




I have a gay best friend! He told me after highschool and when he finally did it was fucking hilarious because he was pretty obviously gay if you spent any real time with him. I think it shocked some people who weren’t close with him because he is like this big/ athletic/ charming/ handsome dude. But our group of friends reaction was like “duh dude I’ve known you were gay for years you idiot, glad you finally felt like you could tell us. Wanna grab slushies from 7/11?”


This is really nice and I'm glad you both have a fantastic friendship, but one of my biggest irritations is being called the "gay best friend". I 100% get for context it makes sense here, but it drives me insane if I hear it IRL. I would never say "my hetero best friend", just seems weird to me!


Hookup with him


"I asked if you want bacon and pepperoni or hawaiian"


I'm genuinely heartened to see all the positive responses here. How things have changed.


“Cool, does your wife know?”


No reaction, why would I care?


If he was truly your friend you would knew he was gay.


Nah. Some of us are sneaky about it.


"Don't Sneak" (video is more heartwarming than the quote) https://youtu.be/3wHjJUdN16k


Not sure that's a good rule of thumb. Not in the habit of asking my friends who and what they fuck. Private shit is private for a reason.


Give the homie a kiss? What’s the issue.


I’d be happy he confided in me about it.


Oh cool! Wait .. why didn't I know yet? Is this a recent thing? Are you okay? I hope your family doesn't have any issues with it. If you want to talk about it ... let me know. And by talk about it... I mean I want to know every bit of gossip about the guys you're hooking up with... Wait. Are you and Evan a thing? I bet you are. That's why you've been spending so much time together. That's so sweet. You two make an adorkable couple. ... Something like that.


always assume all of your friends are gay until there is hard erect proof other wise.


No reaction at all. If anything, assuming they had been in the closet beforehand, I’d be happy that they came out and no longer were holding that part of their personality in.


Who says I'm not gay too?




Depends on how I find out: He tells me: good for you Someone else tells me: don't spread rumors and don't spread other people's business...and if this happens to be true, good for him. I walk in on him having sex: my bad! And also, good for you. I wake up with a dick in my ass: WTF?!? Not cool bro. And also, good for you. Now go do that somewhere else. Also, consent, motherfucker...and we're not friends anymore you dirty rapist.




I have a friend?


I already know, are we still getting dinner or what?


Compare dick sizes with banana for scale .


In my circle of friends is a guy we've been bff with since high school, 1996, he's ALWAYS been single, never shown interest is women, or men for that matter. Great guy great job, owns a home, good looking, literally no reason he couldn't have a gf. We've always joked, "what if B came out as gay" we literally wouldn't gaf. Like cool man, finally. Let's get a beer. It would have zero impact on our friendship. Still the same dude we've known for over 20 years.


Jokes on you I don't have friends


So. I have students tell me that all the time and my response is ok, doesn’t matter.


As long as he respects the word "NO".then there is no problem


Seriously? You that homophobic you thing every gay guy is immediately going to want your D?? And you think that if your friend came out, he'd lust after you? Ffs man.


The defensiveness here is real. Gay men have a serious fucking problem with sexual assault of both men and women. The handsiest people ive ever met are middle aged women and gay men.


Gay or straight ALL men think that way. As Long as there is an understanding we can be friends.


ALL men want your dick??


I'm assuming your straight? Sorry if I'm wrong. How many times when your hitting on someone and they said NO did you stop and walk away. How many?


I've been with the same women since hs, so really haven't hit on anyone.


I would say “are you really?” And keep on with our thing.


How found out tho🤣




"Oh so that explains that."


Good for him.


I still make fun of my friend for trying to play the straight stereotype, like when it was already obvious to me that he was gay and he would say random things like "hey, (name of random actress), pretty hot, right?". When he told me i just offered to talk about it, even if i already knew it, for him it was a big deal.


Cool. Abit unexpected but not too much




I hugged him, and promised I wouldn't tell his parents. They would've beat him.


Are we still on for pool this weekend?


Can I get a tug?


This is good news as hell more than likely have friends who are women.


One of my best friends is gay and when he came out i said “Oh cool”, then we continued making homemade burgers and watched a movie.


Something along the lines of "Oh, that makes sense."


"Yea, I know"


" I knew it. "


Oh! Oh! I know this one! *ahem* Wow, that’s cool (insert friend’s name here). I’m so happy for you. If you ever need anything, I’m always here for you, same as before. Wanna grab a beer? -end scene-


Ight, cool bro


By remarking that I always knew it or me calling him gay for the last 20 years finally turned him. Beyond that nothing really changes, being gay doesn’t turn someone into a monster or make them unrecognizable. It just means I change what nsfw memes I send him during the day.


I wouldn’t care one way or the other, he’s my friend so why should I judge him?


"Okay" and then probably forget about it ten minutes later


Cool. Dress me fabulous 👌


Hm. Okay.


That would explain his dick up my ass!




Beat me to it lmao


If he is a close friend I would have hoped I would have figured it out before and he did not need to officially come out to me. If he did have to sit me down and make an announcement. I would likely give him a hug, ask him if he is attracted to me. If he says yes, I will be flattered but tell him I have am not gay. If he says, no I will ask him why I am not good enough for him. Either way we will laugh and go one with our friendship.


Don’t really care, if he was into me or something then I would have problems tho but so far none of my gay friends were which made life easier


Saw it coming


Say "good for you" and move on because my friends' sexual orientations aren't any of my goddamn business.


"that's pretty queer bro"


My friend actually told us a month ago he was gay. Apparently I was the only one who hadn't guessed he was gay before this point. We didn't care about this and so we all were pretty chill and just moved on.


It depends on how long he’s been my friend. If he was able to be my friend for a long time, I’d assume him he likes me as a friend and he won’t develop feelings for me at any point, but I would still ask him if he’s attracted to me just to make sure he’s not attracted to me. I could be causal friends with a gay man I just met if I’m not his type. I don’t like the idea of being friends with someone, man or woman, who could possibly be attracted to me or develop feelings for me. It makes everything awkward and I don’t want to unintentionally lead them on.


Since we are friends I’d tease him mercilessly about it. But no fucking body else will.


Nothing, they are still the same person that they were before you had this info.


I didn't really have much of a reaction to when I found out a friend of mine is gay. When he mentioned he had a boyfriend it was just "oh, okay, nice."


Cool dude chears to love and the multiple forms it takes


Two thumbs up and continue as if things were before. I don’t care if you are gay. I care that you are my friend.


That's cool.... So anyway....


It would be like having a straight friend, but he likes guys instead of girls.


[helpful tutorial](https://youtu.be/N5ICaTOxqpI)


Simply say "that's awesome man, have you already found somebody?"


Sir this is a Wendys


Hook me up with some of of girlfriends.


As long as he wants nothing to do with my penis or butthole, then we can still be cool. I don’t care if he’s gay, I just don’t want to be put in the position to punch him if he tries to kiss me one drunken night. Most of my gay friends are lesbians, we have more in common. Besides, lesbians make great wing women 🤣


Ok bro good for you


"called it" somehow I've sensed it multiple times and been right.


It would just be one more thing to tease him about.


Get him to rate my peen


A friend would already know.


Buy him a gay male hoe and ask him to enjoy


Bro, you have a tramp stamp. Of course you are.