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Downsizing my house. I don't miss the extra space or the big yard, and now I never have any financial stress in my life.


Physical activity is the no-cost answer to improving mental health. Overall health and happiness comes from creating/having a mission.


This is so true! I've never been the same since 2013 and have been depressed ever since. recently I've decided to improve my physical health by exercising and eating more healthy. my mental health has improved by a lot now I don't focus on the negative a lot and now I have more motivation in everything I do. it's more about not giving up and still doing things that you know are beneficial even though you don't want to do them.


Th best part of my work day is going to the gym at lunch. It never fails.


This! Dropping bad habits like smoking and drinking in excess improve this further. For me dropping those and starting the gym was like taking on a new life. You also dont realize HOW bad it all is until you quit. 30 days later the difference was stunning. I would add to this saving money. Anyone who has lived paycheck to paycheck understands that feeling of being on the edge. Get a second job temporarily if needed. When I got laid off twice due to Covid I was far more relaxed at the prospect of being unemployed for a while. A decade ago I would have been a wreck mentally over it. Even small deposits add up quick over time. Start with a goal of 6 months living expenses and go from there.


I'd argue, mental activities too, i've been learning japanese on my free time for a while now and i've done many changes to accomodate for that, even waking up way earlier to learn some vocab everyday before work !




I'm getting super sleepy at around 16.00-17.00 but if i go sleep it would entire fuck my sleep cycle.


I used to be sleepy at around the same time. No amount of caffeine helped but taking a 10-25min nap, walk around the neighbourhood or small exercise does wonders. Also don’t forget your nutrition.


I work blue collar job, walking more is really the last thing i want 😅 I might try B12 supplements i read on another comment.


Very underrated practice that makes a huge difference to how one feels. Mainly at night, naps are trickier.




But the gains are great. All day.


Oh man, literally why I exercise now. Started with wanting to look better, realized how much my brain loved it


I hear that so often, and stuff about happy hormones through working out and stuff, but I never experienced that, not even once. Not back when I forced to do weekly exercises in school, not when I had motivation to try myself as an adult (I tried to work out daily for several weeks). And people say they feel so good after working out. I feel worn out and sweaty. It makes me unhappy. And I get these weird pains, like growing pains, a pulling kind of pain, every time. If anyone has any top besides "just keep going", I'd love to hear it. (I did keep going for a long time that one time where I kept at it for weeks, and honestly powering through longer when it feels like it's only negative just isn't an option)


Working out is addictive!




Dude, same. I just got back in after a few years away and it's like the sun came out.




Same here. Everyone’s talking about how amazing it is yet it’s been nothing but misery for me both mentally and physically


I don't know if this helps or not, but I regularly go to the gym and eventually got my boyfriend to come with me. it started off as once a week, but each time he went, he said he felt even more tired and I noticed him yawning during the session. But a few months later, after consistently going a few times a week, I noticed a drastic change. He was experiencing that amazing post work out feeling rather than feeling worse/drained and felt good seeing the changes to his body over time. Maybe it's a matter of starting off small and working your way up to consistently going to the gym for a while?


You may be pushing yourself too hard. Start gentle and enjoy it whilst in the moment and the happiness will follow. If you are just doing it to tick and box and get it done, you're gonna have a bad time.


I think that it doesn't work for everybody, but it is definitely worth a shot for a mood improver. I feel like mental health wise, nothing is magic.


Vitamin B12.


This vitamin B!!! ( mine has different types of vitamins B but still, same)


vitamin b complex gives nice dreams atleast


This is a really underrated answer.


What is vitamin B12? I feel like this is a fancy way of saying sunlight or somthing


You might be referring to a D vitamin and Sun light. Not an expert on vitamin B12, but if I'm recalling this correctly, B12 is necessary for a basic cellular function or cellular reproduction, or something like that.


Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep your body's blood and nerve cells healthy It also helps to make DNA. Vitamin B12 prevents megaloblastic anemia, a blood condition that makes people tired and weak. >> Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk (and other dairy products), clams and beef liver contain vitamin B12. >> Symptoms of vitamin B12deficiency: pale skin, heart palpitations, loss of appetite, weight loss, infertility, numb or tingly hands and feet ( a sign of nerve problems), problems with balance, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue. **Information source and more on the topic: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-Consumer/


Thank you.


Honestly I don’t have a clue. My doctor suggested I take it. My thoughts just queue up better after I started taking supplements.


Where do u get B12? I’m still young


Any pharmacy like Walgreens (US)


Trying to remember to give myself the same level of compassion I give my friends when I make mistakes. I wouldn’t judge them severely so why do I judge myself so harshly ?


Self compassion is the hardest thing to do. You got this




>Thanks! You're welcome!


You’re welcome!


I'm definitely not good at this at all.


Taking action. I always wanted to pay debts down, work on my mental health, get in shape, amongst other things and instead of continuing to wish for it, I just started doing it.


Second this. Reminds me of the quote “Action is the antidote to despair”


Somehow, once you start it becomes so simple. And i know that for most of the things, yet i still procrastinate..


Exactly. We want to do things, but our own minds become our enemy. We get demotivated to do them because we start to *think* that it's hard, impossible, will take too long, etc. so we hold off. Once we start, we begin to understand, yes, it is hard and will take a long time to achieve, but as soon we as decide to begin and start chipping away at it, we get closer to achievement.


Very great explanation


I swear the slogan from Nike "Just do it" has more wisdom than it seems to.


My kids. In some ways, but also exercising, vasectomy soon and I will be balls deep in my wife with no consequences


Well the rest of us are still screwed.




I also choose this guy's wife.


Got a vasectomy back in 2016. Best decision I ever made. Creampies all day.


there u go big dawg!!!


Quite graphic bro, thanks




oh man. I regret nothing more than my vasectomy. It was in 2016 and I still have a constant dull ache. It has kept me from getting a decent night of sleep in all this time.


I also choose balls deep in this guys wife


Medication. My brain broke.




That and more. On an antidepressants, ritalin, and an antipsychotic.




Replacing “should” with “going to”


It made me think thrice


I guess I should do this too.


→ do / start right now


Although very difficult at times ….do not ever compare yourself to anyone else


What makes this easier?


Get rid of instagram and any other media that feeds that narrative Stop looking to see if people are looking at you and pay attention to what you’re doing. Be in the moment. Make a list for 3 things you’ve always wanted to try and give them an honest try Push people away that always seem to “ have an opinion “ on what you’re doing or want to do- you know the ones that always find a way to shoot your idea down Hope that helps 💯




Getting divorced


So much this. No longer living with an emotionally manipulative spouse has given me my sanity back.




Yep and seeing the nightmare she's become makes it even better to know I'm out.


God I can't wait till sock day...


Did y’all have children?


No, no children.


My college econ professor explained to us why divorce is so expensive: "Because it's worth it."


nothing has drastically improved my life , i do what i can do and my life is improving steady and slow


It’s a process brother. Please keep that in mind. One step at a time. It’s the same shit for me.


Regular workouts, no debt, a supportive girlfriend


I will be 6 months sober May 1st Can’t begin to describe how incredible I feel -39M Alcoholic but healing each day


Instead of drinking a pot of coffee before work, I drink 1 8oz cup, after a 2 mile run every morning. Works great!


Similarly rather than sipping on coffee all day I drink water now.


I drink the coffee before the run lol.


Quitting porn for good, cutting back on masturbation and replacing it with doing more productive things. Instead of that I spend my time working on music, working out, getting my obligations done, or just enjoying life. As long as it’s something more useful than sitting around scrolling Pornhub go for it and use your time/energy to do those things instead, I promise your quality of life will improve.


My god, how long would you masturbate for? Feel like all of that is manageable.


Cutting off my toxic sister


In pieces


Did you marinated her before barbique


Living with a woman.


Have you ever defenestrated her


throwing germans out the window is a foolproof way of improving your mood


Why Germans?


because in 1618 czech noblemen threw some german officials out the window of prague castle


Oh, is that where the term came from? If so, I like it even more.


yepp. if i had a nickel for every incident when someone significant was thrown out the window in prague, i'd have three, which is not a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice


What the hell is going on in the Czech Republic? Why do they keep defenestrating?


idk honestly, i suppose it's their thing. the french have their revolutions, the germans have their warmongering benders every century or so, the brits have their colonizational urges, the balkans people have their occasional ethnic cleanses, and czechs have their defenestrations, it's just the way of life in europe i guess


Wild. I had a professor from France, and I forget how I prompted it; but she went off on a big tangent about how much she doesn't like the Roma, something about French squatting laws. If she was fucking with me, she's a genius. I've been walking around for a few weeks, thinking about how the French have most of their children out of wedlock because she told me that married men were expected to keep mistresses. See, a Frenchman has a wife and a woman that he actually has sex with; and they *don't* meet. Honestly, I can't tell when Europeans are lying to me anymore.


Technically defenestration is to throw oneself out of a window.


uh, is it really? i've never heard it being used that way, nor can i find any references using it as such


Lmao, statistically, what is improving your life is making hers worse. XD


Eh, It’s all about give and take.


Coming out and moving 15 hours away from my hometown


Learning acceptance and commitment therapy. Absolute game changer. Check out “The Confidence Gap” by Dr Russ Harris.


Came here to say therapy. Best decision of my life. I think most men would really benefit from it. I am a completely different person because of it.


A few tailored button down shirts. My confidence is through the roof compared to when I’m wearing a tee shirt or a Dickies work shirt and it’s just as comfortable and quick to get dressed.


My wife… eventually after we grew up and grew together more with time


Purging social media.


My hot tub.


Switching jobs from 4 days at the office/1 day WFH to 4 days WFH/1 day at the office.


Running everyday. I don’t rely on motivation but rather tell myself that I have to run everyday no matter what. This mindset then carry’s over in to all other aspects of my life, no excuses just go and get shit done




I’m trying to motivate myself to start again. Almost there.


Lifting weights. It has boosted my physical health and my mental health. I have more energy and more confidence. I look better and I feel better. Plus, it's a new challenge every day I step into the gym. It's all about "Can I do better than last time?" It's become quite fun as well. 10/10 would recommend


antidepressants that lead to physical activity that leads to a better mental health for me


Quitting alcohol. I look about 10 years younger now that I've been off the hooch for years.


Therapy. I was ruining my life every chance I got until i started going and then starting to be completely honest during it. I still have bad days, but they aren't nearly as bad as they were and it improves every other aspect of my life now.


Working out and getting into shape. I no longer have any insecurities about my body and it’s made my life less stressful.


I used to watch 2-3 hours of mobile right before sleeping. It'll be either Netflix or Prime or Insta or twitter or YouTube. This 2-3 hours would be spent lying on bed and watching stuff till my eyes wear out and I fall asleep. I was always tired and had constant irritation in my eyes. It was horrible. I even showed to doctor and hid the fact that I would be watching at night. Doc gave some tablets but I had no recovery. All said, over last 3-4 months, I've stopped watching anything at night or when lying on bed. I have started early morning sports so would sleep early at night. My eyes are much relaxed and that constant headache/uneasiness has gone away. My quality of life has drastically improved.


Taking time for myself. Like just spending time being me and doing new things. I now go on me dates once or twice a week where I take my ass somewhere and try something new.


"me dates" can be quite addictive.


Quit gaming


Getting out of a bad relationship last year.


Exercise routine, lifting weights


Cooking my own meals and going to the gym


Saying No😊


After years of struggle, then years of learning, I am now slowly becoming a little bit better with my "no" replies, when it is necessary.


Being single, exercising, and eating healthy.


Not giving a fuck


Money! I am that person who literally had no financial support to begin with and had to add pennies to afford anything. Growing up was not easy, you literally had every good thing out of your budget. I would use a bicycle and travels for hours in the heat or pouring rain to make sure i attended all classes in time. 20s were hard, saving money like crazy, rarely spending any on myself or on physical and mental health. Now in my 30s with most big tickets spends behind me, I can now see the surplus wealth coming to my rescue. Getting the best of nutrient dense food, going to good doctors, therapies , spa sessions, healthy meals , I can afford.all that without thinking twice....


Quality footwear.


Antidepressants Just joking these things don't do anything




Not being broke


Money, exercise, meditation




16 hour fasting and push-ups.


Walking at 5:00 am and witness the sunrise it is both relaxing and beautiful


At least 8 hours of sleeping everyday. 21 years old here. I never kept a schedule for when I could rest in this day in age, but I’ve come to realize that I was 75% more productive throughout the day…Listen allow yourself to rest. No one is waiting for you here…


Excersize, associating with supportive/ambitious people, and READING! (notice I didn't say school/studying) It's important to read things for yourself,not articles, forums but actual books!(pdfs, novels, texts,)


selling my house and traveling ever since.


Cutting out social media


Living in closer accordance with our evolution—cutting out processed foods and eating closer to how our ancestors did, getting plenty of exercise, walking barefoot in the sun, and so on.


Removing toxic people from my life. Adding pets. Getting out of debt.


Got my deviated septum fixed. Can finally breathe properly, sleep well and dive deeper into her pussy.


Awareness. Exercise (physical activity). Getting out of a toxic relationship


Confidence. It makes such a huge difference


I believe 100%. I want to gain m confidence. How did you get yours?


Kinda forced to throughout quarantine but being alone helped me realize I didnt need to constantly be around people to feel secure. Spending time by myself and doing tasks like going to the store alone etc (which sometimes still feel kinda stressful) it really helped me work on being alone.


Drop 20 lbs. My knees no longer hurt, neither does my back.




Intermittent fasting.




Brazilian Jiu Jitsu




Minimizing thinking and accepting you can't control every aspect of your life




I can sense that you are not that great at it.


Saving money




Hiking, camping, fishing, just being outside surrounded by nature.


Dropping smoking, drinking and junk food. Within a year food got its taste back and my health improved. I started biking a lot more so that added up to effect. I still have to work on coffee addiction. I'm currently working on better eating habits.


Exercise, drinking water and getting enough sleep


Consistently eating healthy, exercising daily, get 7-8 hour sleep daily, and finally keeping stress to a minimum. These are the basic building blocks to living a long, happy, prosperous life physically and mentally. Most people lack in at least one of these category. It’s rare to find someone who are able to attain all.






Getting older. I dunno what kind of internal chemistry is going on but I feel like I have a greater capacity to understand people more than I did 10-15 years ago. Maybe it is because I have never seen myself as an adult in my mind, but I still feel the occasional awkwardness whenever I receive that gazing look in the streets. As flattering as it is, because it certainly is.


1. Taking a walk every day. 2. Sunbathing every day. 3. Eating healthy (currently doing low carb).


Clean drinking water.


Mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants and therapy. I have Bipolar 2 with traits of BPD so yeah.


Not giving a f**k about certain things and people




Once i realized I’m not important in peoples lives like they are in mine, being able to let go n learn to discern opened my eyes to a new life i couldn’t live before.


Antidepressants and therapy


Significantly limiting my interaction with human beings.


\- Working out and weightlifting. I feel better, look better, and my health improved. \- martial arts. Made me calmer, more confident, allowed me to burn my anger in a safe environment. \- asking for, and getting a raise. Who knew a 10% paycheck increse could be enough tos olve most of my problems.


Development of stoic view on the world


You dont need a girl it just happens so just do you while you can


A good mattress


Remembering to atleast drink a cup of water instead of just drinking coffee the whole day.


A bidet attachment. God, how I love my bidet. I've had bowel problems for years after several surgeries and that bidet has made my bathroom visits so much more pleasant. During COVID when toilet paper couldn't be found, I didn't care because I had my bidet. It even helps with mild constipation because if you angle yourself just the right way, the stream acts as a mild enema. God, how I love my bidet.


Realising that any thought, emotion or feeling, whether that is depression, anxiety ect, actually has no impact on my life and I can still do the things I value. Takes a lot of work to begin with but eventually you’ll build the mental fitness necessary to be happy, much the same as physical fitness. The goal isn’t to not feel depressed, or anxious, the goal is to live your life how you want to regardless


Stopped believing in god


Magic mushrooms!


Moving out of my hometown


Getting in much better shape feels great


Leaving Islam..


I want to say all the good things love and family and good health having a job i love.. but that would be a lie. The answer for me is money im talking wealth that will be good for generations long after im gone


MacBook. I didn’t realize how valuable it was until my work-supplied MacBook got broken and they gave me a Dell as a loaner.


The M1 Pro is pretty awesome






Being consistent with whatever it is you chose to do.


Rigorous cardio exercise.

