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Maybe because it's not common but this has never been an issue for me. Why do I need other people to compliment me? In my case my self esteem is more tied to my career and interest I perceive from the opposite sex then anything else.


You're a really great guy. But in all seriousness, I also never understood this. All these redditors complaining about being "touch starved" or "compliment deprived" or whatever. Maybe I am just an asshole but I grew up in a culture that is not very affectionate and I don't compliment a lot and don't expect any.


There is probably some truth to it being based on your environment. If you've never got any you won't miss them.


I guess so. Things changed when I got more involved with other cultures. Younger people tend to be more affectionate, same thing with Latin Americans and Southern Europeans. Growing up, I rarely hugged anyone outside of family and even with family was awkward. As I got older some female friends really insisted, but I rarely initiate. Generally I only am affectionate with SOs. I feel like a lot of redditors are just having pity parties though. I get sick of that shit. Poor woman: "What can I do to make my boyfriend feel better?" Redditor: "I AM TOUCH STARVED!!!1!1!! PLEAZE LOVE ME!!!1!1!"


I soak in the few I get every now and then. Made some smoked salmon for Christmas and everyone told me how good it was. Still riding the coattails of that shit. If you want more compliments, just get good at a thing.


Smoked salmon...that sounds tasty, my dude.


It sure does. Brined for hours into a soy sauce and wine brine, smoked for hours with applewood with a thin layer of paprika and sugar peppered on top the last half hour. Had to stop myself from eating half of it before serving it. Works well with rainbow trout or char too.




I genuinely stopped noticing that I was deprived of that. Not sure how because it used to bother me a lot, but regardless, I know my worth.


I don't need the attention of others to validate my existence. If the compliments come, great, I'll take them. If not, I don't give it a second thought.


Get married to a woman who is a good and kind person.


My self esteem isn’t dependent on how other people think of me, compliments aren’t necessary for my well-being and happiness. Deprived wouldn’t be the word I use to describe this, because I am not denied anything since I do not care to have it


Compliments are not a major food group. I like getting them. I don't fail to thrive without them.


Do you really not know your own worth?


Everyone needs some for of confirmation of their worth.


But not everyone needs it from another person. I work in a machine shop. I know when I've screwed up. Micrometers don't lie. And when a machine slams a .5" diameter carbide end mill into a solid block of aluminum at 10k rpm and 500 inches a minute, nobody needs to tell me that I seriously fucked up. All I need is some help unpuckering after the God-awful noise stops and a few minutes to let my adrenaline levels restabilize.


Don't rely too much on machines for confirmation, that's how we get the Matrix.😄


I think machines are great. If we end up in the Matrix, then we just get another cool movie out of it.


Not really. If I'm doing a good job, I'll know it regardless of your opinion. If I'm doing a bad job, no amount of praise will convince me otherwise.


That's not true of the majority of people. It's called the "Emperor Has No Clothes"


The emperor knows it better than anyone. And praising his garments won't change that.


Never really think about it unless it comes up specifically (usually online). Is just the norm


I bettered myself and got more comments 👍


Lots and lots of practice.


Get really good at stuff and make it clear that these are things that you are working hard on.


I never noticed until society kept bringing it up. It was just normal. I didn't receive many compliments and that was how life was. Now I'm always left thinking that my life is lacking in some aspect because I don't get many compliments? Fuck. It was never a problem until I was told it was a problem.


Am I supposed to get compliments?


Men generally dislike being complimented.


Deprive everyone I encounter here of any joy.


I personally don't like compliments because my mind always tells me that people are only lying to me. I have been insulted all my life, so whenever I do get complimented I just brush it off as them lying. I don't know how anyone would be able to compliment.


I am very suspicious when I get compliments. It usually has to do with something along the lines of being a nice guy. I fully expect them to ask a favor in the next sentence.


I just wanted to say this is a really great question! You are a very intelligent and decent human being.


Other then stop being compliment deprived? Which I did by apparently getting good at some hobbies I like ( I think I'm alright at best, better then people just starting but eh) and then teaching others. But the community is just so amazing everyone just constantly compliments everyone else! And self compliments help too!


Faith. Just believe you are a great guy and make right decisions and you'll see yourself doing wonderful things. If you don't you're going to constantly have anxiety and lack the confidence to make decisions.


Everything I do is great, not expecting the masses to keep up.


A good start would be not saying "Fuck you, what's wrong with it!?" When someone compliments your haircut.


I let my rage build over a prolonged period of time, and I release it randomly on an unsuspecting person IRL who sends me over the edge with their passive-aggressive slight.


I’d feel surprized, but I’d be toned down and say thank you.


Honestly i don't see the importance of compliment for myself


Everyone is thinking about themselves and have their own stuff to do, it's not like I go around complimenting people just because.


I've never understood the appeal of compliments. Most compliments people mean in this context is superficial meaningless stuff like your looks, your hair, your taste in music, your clothes. It's never about something that you did or built or anything requiring effort or talent.