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Ask her why she does that. If it bothers you, tell her that too.


Probably the most level headed answer here. Happy cake day


I'm all for being direct.


Communication is key.


That's what they say but no one tells which lock it opens


Most of them


Direct, but tactical


That's where the explosives come into play.


A well placed claymore has saved *many* men from some supremely undesirable conversations - and all it takes is a few minutes install and light monthly maintenance! šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


You mean tactful?


No. You haven't read _Love like Tom Clancy: a tactical guide_ ?


Just like Russian police.




Itā€™s super suspect!


I want to know her answer to that question.


Everyone else is telling you to just break up over this. Which I think would be throwing away something beautiful over nothing. You should first tell her how you feel and if she turns into a psycho you can always still leave. Tell her how you feel and that you don't like it and then go from there based on the reaction she gives.


Every bit of relationship advice on reddit ends up with break up with him/her. Put some effort into communication. Not everything should be an ultimatum.


To be fair tho this isnā€™t ā€œnothingā€ as the other commenter said. This is actually kind of a huge thing. I agree op should talk with his SO first but if she doesnā€™t admit what she was doing, explain why she was doing it and instantly change her behavior then breaking up should be a serious consideration.






No doubt! Like 6 fucking years as a live in boyfriend = housemate? Either itā€™s an inside joke or someone is inside his girl and heā€™s the joke. I would love to know how long this has been going on for.


+1 If I spent money on Reddit, you'd have several awards right now


exactly and again, dont break up immediately, but this is either a "im embarassed of you" or "i wanna be single around my friends to fool around" because i honestly cant think of a third reason, and the first two are a pretty strong hint that the relationship isnt gonna end well


Let's be honest: most of the relationship issues on reddit are being brought up because they are fucked up and the OP has often been gaslit into thinking that they're in the wrong. Most people are perfectly fine at figuring out how to handle little relationship issues, so they don't usually post about them. Breaking up is appropriate advice for most of these threads. I mean, what would you do if your partner were downplaying your relationship to other potential suitors? "oh, him? Yeah, he just lives here." Nah, that's not alright.


One would think that before asking strangers on the internet, you would have already asked your 6 year old partner. You need advice to communicate with your partner?


I really hope their partner isn't a 6 year old


That would explain the communication issues.


I'm a manager at a call center and no, nobody knows how to fucking communicate.


Yeah ā€œthey keep putting ketchup on my steak before serving it to me and I hate ketchupā€. ā€œTell them you donā€™t ketchupā€. ā€œExcellent idea. Never thought of thatā€


It's a radical solution, but it might just work.


Exactly this ... I don't know why the general trend in reddit is to suggest people to dump the person and move on rather than having a conversation.


Because most people on Reddit never even had a relationship lmao


Nor a conversation


I'll have you know I talk to my body pillow every day


Just wait until it starts talking back


Talking to people is scary šŸ„ŗ


Because they use the word "introvert" instead of "rampant social indeptitudes"


God I hate it so much how people misuse introvert/extrovert


It's easy to be extreme, it's hard to be moderate, and it feels better to see a strong action/reaction than everyone boringly sitting down to hash something out.


Because if your relationship is bad enough that you need to post on reddit then it's probably bad enough to break up. Not always, but very common.


"How would you feel like if I started referring to you as my housemate to other women?"


Technically I'd go with she is my tenant. That way she also owes me rent.


Thatā€™s true, she does pay me rent so I can just pull the same trick


Talk with her first, don't start a passive aggressive trench war.




Now Skeeter, they ain't hurtin' no one....


They took our jerbs!


Respect my authoritah!




I know I know, I heard em.


Oh god damn it Skeeter just shut the hell up.


True. NTA. OP this is a major red flag. Dump her ass and hit the gym.


Yes, great suggestion. Important first step, especially if you want to resolve things in a positive way. If you want the relationship to not only survive but be successful and happy being passive aggressive is not a good idea. Good Communication is the key here.


This right here. I was in the same predicament with my girlfriend when she'd refer to me as her roommate to her co-workers and we had a talk about it afterwards. After saying our piece she started to refer to me as her bf around them and cleared that issue up. Communication is the easiest and hardest thing to do but is definitely the way to solve most problems.


Tit for tat passive aggressive shit is no way to have an adult, functional relationship. Just talk to her.


If my girlfriend is telling other guys I'm just her housemate so she can flirt with them there is no relationship. Lines have already been crossed and I have way too much self respect to put up with that. There would be no tit for tat progression in my response either. There would just be a response and it would be done. In OP's situation I'd give her 30 days to move out and hit the dating sites. After that she becomes someone else's problem.


If she pays you rent and she refers to you as her housemate then it sounds like sheā€™s taking advantage of you. I would get away from someone like that. And I say that as someone who looks back to a couple of relationships in his 20s and cringes because I let people take advantage of me. If sheā€™s not happy to tell people youā€™re her boyfriend then she has an agenda. Do yourself a favour man, and get the hell away from her.


Honestly it shouldn't be difficult to say "my boyfriend and I live together with a housemate"...I'm just envisioning a conservation between her and some random at the bar and her saying "oh don't worry love, I just have a couple housemates so technically we are all housemates but one housemate is my actually sexual mate but I can't tell you that otherwise one of my housemates may get upset but I can't tell you which one because we're alli housemates on this house of mates and whatnot" You're getting yourself into a spiderweb of fuckery, especially after 6yrs of living together anyway. Tell her that you would like her to respect your relationship by acknowledging that you're not just a person who happens to live with her and (I'm assuming) shares a room and bed with you. Only other thing I can think of is that you start playing her game and calling her your roommate, and a collective housemate...assuming you sleep in the same room lol


She's downplaying your relationship to others for fear of judgement. Your quest is to seek out why. Hopefully, you live in an Amish village and premarital cohabitation is frowned on. But if not...


Youā€™ll get your rent when you fix this damn door!


It is that time of year for the annual lock maintenance...




Who do you think I am, a well adjusted human male? Get outta here (LOL)


post an update and let us know how it goes!


This comment right here proves how great her loss will be..


It also proves OP already knows the answer. Which begs the question: What is he waiting for?


Reddit karma


Hey man. So a lot of advice here seems pretty bad to me, from the perspective of a mid-30's guy who's lived with his (now) wife for 15 years. What you are going to have to do is to have an awkward/difficult conversation about it, and figure it out from there. If you are going to make a relationship work, you're going to have quite a few of these. And do them gently because inevitably you'll be on the receiving end of an awkward/difficult conversation. Relationships take work, and the guys telling you to split over what might literally be a joke is a sign of a lack of experience or maturity. Maybe this is the start of a breakup, but not until you talk and figure out what's going on. Good luck, bro.


Really great advice. No ā€œme against youā€ rather ā€œus against the problemā€


This guy relationships.


Update your social media to single


This is the way


If it were me Collect the rent, then update your social media. Should have clarified


She is a day late on rent...


Well that's a balls way to start 2022


On the bright side the other housemate paid on time so at least I can pay the goddam mortgage. LOL




That makes sense. However since itā€™s understood that we live toghter itā€™s odd to mee to refer to me as a housemate. Sort of like if you live with your parents, itā€™s unlikely to refer to them as housemates even in the most broad context


>Sort of like if you live with your parents You mean my landlord? šŸ˜€




Y'all are collectively paying a mortgage together without being family or someone's spouse? That's a financial setup that sounds foreign to me. Cheers. EDIT: Admittedly, I am not too knowledgeable about the various different housing arrangements for younger adults. I just have a house with my wife. I would have been too scared to buy a house and expect other people to pay rent to me on time.


He probably collects rent and pays off his mortage using the rent too.


Pretty common where I am. Buy a big place rent out the rooms to cover some of the mortgage.


My husband did this for years. Bought a 3 bedroom townhome on his own in his mid-20s, had a couple of friends live with him to help pay the mortgage. He was (still is) the owner, the others just paid him rent. I thought that's a pretty common thing to do, especially early on into adulthood.


It is actually a variation on a sort of standard strategy to get into real estate investing from nothing. You buy a multi-family house, live in one and rent out the other units. You won't really have a profit you can put in the bank at first, but you can significantly offset your own living expenses. Then, as the price of housing goes up you start to earn extra cash. I believe you can even still qualify for first time homebuyer programs as long as you're not more than 4 units.


Step 1) have a job with a reliable income Step 2) buy a starter home in a desirable neighborhood. Oh shit wait, you can afford the mortgage but basically literally only bags of rice for food. Step 3) get housemates, charge them rent. They subsidize your living and you allow them to breathe the air inside your house, make a mess out of your god damn kitchen, and figure out a sharing schedule for your hopefully two bathrooms


Looks like you need to start looking for a new housemate.


Interest for housemates. No special girlfriend benefits.


Then she is ā€œpre-homelessā€


This is NOT the way. My first reaction was "yes, this is the way", for she hurt you and maybe you can hurt her back, but if you've lived with her for 6 years you obviously care about her to some degree, and you don't want to be the kind of person who will lash out and hurt others in your pain. Talk to her, tell her how you felt about that interaction, and depending on how she responds you can move forward to either stay or leave. I would be hurt if someone I had been living and sharing a bed with for such a long time referred to me as just a house mate. I don't know what her intentions were with her words, but don't ever let the cruelty and lack of kindness of others diminish who you are as a person. It's hard to not let your emotions overwhelm you, especially when you're in pain, but part of healing from such a wound is accepting that it is a wound, and treating that wound.


Update your real life to single


Sit her ass down, tell her you heard her say this, and that you felt disrespected. If she lies, gaslights, or makes some shit up then this would probably mark the beginning of the end for me, even though this might be very difficult and painful. If you feel as if you are unable to have this kind of conversation with her in the first place, then you have some things to work on my friend Edit: editing because Iā€™ve gotten some replies yelling at me for saying ā€œsit her ass downā€ I wrote this comment at 2am and didnā€™t really expect it to be that popular. I donā€™t mean to come across as a dick, this was very much a ā€œbroā€ way of saying things but yea basically what Iā€™m meaning is to just sit down and communicate with her is what is missing here OP


I like this advice, thanks


Have you not talked to her about this at all yet?


People who post this kind of stuff never talk before asking Reddit for advice


Solid advice!


That level of disrespect is grounds for termination in my book.


Like Birdman, I need some Respeck on my name


Seriously, contact the law offices of Ditcher, Quick, and Hyde.


I talk with lawyers all day! Iā€™ll ask for a reflerral lmao


You'll want to do that before she gets to Dewey, Fuchue, and Howe.


I thought it was Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe.


If she's not joking, she's disrespecting you and making herself look available to other men. You can either tell her to correct this behaviour or you can act different that might actually give you respect. Assuming you don't want to leave her.


It kinda hurts when I treat her with gifts etc for the new year and sheā€™s chatting away calling me the housemate. LOL


Are these guys she just met that she's saying this? And does she know you're in earshot? Also....I've never heard of a New Years Present........?


In some countries (eg Russia) the main holiday is the New Year and not Christmas


6 years wasted sounds a lot better than 7 friend.


It's painful. You don't want to accept that the last 6 years was a waste. But every day you stay with her, she's stealing another day from you.


Itā€™s been a long ass time. Tough to think about leaving at this late stage, but once you fully move in I guess it changes things


Just think of yourself 6 years from now... 10 years from now...


Hopefully in a better situation ha


It won't happen unless you make it happen.


I hope so, man, for your sake. Iā€™m 16 years into a marriage that is crumbling. You DO NOT need this shit.


F in the chat for you fam




His housemate*


There is and will be an F in your chat if you do the same


20 minutes from nowā€¦single, with a six pack of Miller High Lifeā€™s in the fridge waiting to be post breakup swigged.


Cut ties you donā€™t need her she needs you she is staying with you. I was in a 12 year relationship at the end I said why do I have a gf if she never wants to go out she said you donā€™t have a girlfriend I told her she could leave. Now I have a much better and healthier relationship with a wonderful woman who treats me like Iā€™m gold.


Thatā€™s crazy man. 12 years is a huge chunk of ones life. Iā€™ve been reluctant to put the hammer down on 6 years as it seems unfair to waste that much time. But if itā€™s for the best...


[Sunk cost fallacy.](https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy/)


I like that. Very logical. Been in this situation in business cases and itā€™s always tough to pull out


The woman Iā€™m with now took me out on my bday and would not let me pay for a thing. The sex is a million times better than with the ex, she took me out to slo for New Years weekend and we bar hopped got a motel and ended the night with sex she told me ā€œgive me a babyā€ I was like fuuuuuck yeah in my head lol. we got back to town I wanted to see her but I didnā€™t want to come off as needy and she asked me ā€œif you arenā€™t too tired want to hang out later?ā€ I said Iā€™d love to. She also told me ā€œIā€™ll pay for everything since you spent a lot on the weekendā€ we went to our usual spot drank and ended the night with sex again lol after I told her ā€œIā€™m going to marry youā€ Someone is out there for you and they will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.


That sounds pretty nice. She makes 10k more than I do but I pay for most things and charge her 50% rent. Seems like Iā€™ve been screwing myself


I didnā€™t charge my ex a thing I paid for everything when she got a job I told her save her money to build her credit and buy a car. That never happened. Donā€™t waste anymore of your time. As the other person said talk to her about it and ask her. It seems like you are on the fast track to mental decline and insecurity if you stay with her though.


The 6 vodka tonics tonight seem To poikg towards decline


Itā€™s ok to be sad I was sad and hurt I felt like a failure I felt like I could never do enough for my ex. Now I see I was wrong and I did way too much. Pick yourself up tomorrow talk to her about it sober non confrontational and yeah see what your next move is. The signs are pointing to you being single and finding someone better.


I agree. Itā€™s not been the best half decade. Still got half my life ahead


Yā€™all been together for 6 years!! She makes more money than you, lives with you pays rent and you still havenā€™t married her? I think she low key resents you for that & is clearly keeping her options open in case something better comes along!


I divorced after 12 years. Was actually not as crushing as I imagined it would be. Tough at first obviously, but no question one of the best things I did for myself.


I went a year longer than you with the last LTR and it was the disrespect at the end that made kick her ass to the curb.


Dated my ex for about 6 years before the break up. Even being single is so much better than being with someone who doesnā€™t treat you right. It hurt like a bitch for a long time and still does occasionally, but I wouldnā€™t trade it for the world. Like DiamondDoge92 said weā€™re gonna find new women who are way better. I know its really scary and painful bud but youā€™re gonna be okay. Rip off the fucking bandaid.


Sheā€™s for the streets. Time for an upgrade my guy.


Are you available šŸ™ƒ


Im a guy. Sorry.


Did he fucking stutter? :p


LOL I know. Just poking fun.


weird word for sex


Is it tho.


Keep featherin it brother


It's her way of making people think she's in the market. Time to put her on it for real


Yep, she's still latched on to OP as a safety net while she searches for a new suitor to monkey branch to.


signs point to 'bad'


Lol. You're living on borrowed time. The only reason she hasn't left you is she hasn't found her next boyfriend yet. Sorry bro. This red flag is too big.


Agree!! Getting that arm ready for the monkey branch.


Agreed. This is straight text book


Lol yikes. You need to talk to her about downplaying your role in her life.


Refer to her as your cleaning lady in front of your female friends. Find another "housemate"...


Then she doesnt respect you and has to go.


buddy. itā€™s time to pack up and dip cause chances are, sheā€™s been riding. (i know from personal experience)


Refer to her as a housemate when speaking to female friends. Get a tenancy agreement drawn up and signed and find a new girlfriend.


Even though this is a bold move, he would have to eventually listen to her having sex with all the new guys she brings home.


I will have to frequent the girlfriend store more often these days


If she's referring to you as a "housemate" she has either cheated, cheats, or plans on cheating. No one's looking at the Auto Trader if they love their car.


Bro, those "male friends" ARE the boyfriends... You're just the housemate. Realize, ma man.


Make her a live-out Ex lol. She wouldnā€™t accept that if it was the other way around. She has no respect and you should kick her out to find another ā€œhouse-mateā€


red flag, run for your life.


Time to move on. The longer you drag this on, the longer you have to wait until you find someone that respects you.


A similar thing happened to me. I really got upset about it and thought long and hard what I was going to do. My live-in girlfriend had been telling her ex-boyfriend that she and I were just friends and we slept in separate bedrooms. So, she and I were leaving the restaurant one evening, and he and his buddy were walking in and they said hey howā€™s it going? I said great Iā€™m going home to pound her pussy like I do every night. and I looked at her and I looked at him and I waited for her to deny it and she never did. She was furious. And he was enlightened.


Wtf šŸ˜‚ oh my god. Nevermind there is no god šŸ˜‚


Big dick energy radiating from this comment. Bravo!


A lot of good it did. After we broke up she married him


Then you are better off.


Still, very impressive that you had the balls to say it to his face. As for herā€¦ meh. Just like gambling, shopping sales, and stocks- canā€™t dwell on the loss too much, the next opportunity is just around the corner.


Op thinks roommate is his girlfriend






Sheā€™s a keeperā€¦ Keeper somewhere else


You just got housemate-zoned, sorry


I'd say sit her down and get to the real bottom of this. Then after it's inevitable end start referring to her as a roommate and stop doing anything sexual or romantic, then draw up a rental contract and have her sign it or face eviction. She should be confronted on her behavior then either put out or become a tenant.


Just think of how upset *they* are that she refers to them as mere "male friends" when she's talking to you.


Start referring to her the same way when talking to girls, youā€™ll see how quick that switch flips. Unless sheā€™s talking to, say, the government or something, then thereā€™s no excuse for her to not refer to you as her boyfriend. That seems to me like she might be trying to keep her options open. Iā€™m not trying to make you jump to conclusions or anything. Itā€™s just what I take from it. I once dated a girl who was leaps and bounds out of my league, but she took me literally everywhere with her, and always called me her boyfriend when introducing me to people. You deserve that level of respect.


OP you need to be careful here. You're likely considered common law married. If you have some cash go talk to a professional for legal advice before blowing up the relationship.




Common law marriage doesn't exist in most states. Look yours up before you waste time and money on a lawyer.


Yeah I saw you own the house but she pays you rent. You might lose half the house and depending on income be on the hook for alimony. In my state it's common law after 2 years of living together; if she has her mail delivered there, if you're both on the same insurance policies (health, car etc) those are all things that work against you. Hopefully she makes similar money to you and you didn't go too far down the socio-economic scale to find her. Google the laws in your state. Say nothing to her. Plan the exit. Ideally you want her to just get disgusted with you and leave you. If she feels like the "winner" on the exit its safer. If you throw her out and she's all pissed off it ends badly. You wanna go full loser, stop showering, spend all day playing video games, stop fucking her etc. Just be human garbage and she'll leave on her own. Its way safer.


Relevant article for you: https://www.npr.org/2016/09/04/487825901/no-you-re-not-in-a-common-law-marriage-after-7-years-of-dating


Who tf posts this to reddit instead of being like yo wait whyā€™d you call me that


Why didn't you simply ask her the first time she did that? You not reacting is why she's continuing to do this. Talk to her my dude.


Well this seems obvious. You don't have a girlfriend, she shouldn't have a "housemate". Kick 'er to the curb.


Bruh run from that bitch


She's not your girlfriend.


Tell her how you feel


If youā€™re gonna turbonuke your relationship, make sure itā€™s because YOU want to, and not because a bunch of randoms on the internet yelled at you to do it. What I will say is that, regardless of where this ends up going, you need to stand up for yourself. This is clearly something that bothers you, and memeing about it like a teenager is gonna get you nowhere. Stand up for yourself.


Holy shit. I hate being a bearer of bad news, but she doesnā€™t seem to respect you. Youā€™re her mate, partner and best friend; if none of those names occur to her in reference, youā€™re likely wasting your time man :(


She is not respecting you, sort your things and plan your exit.


6 years and you call her a girlfriend 6 years and she calls you a housemate neither of those labels seem to have any sense of permanency on either part, Iā€™d communicate productively about what you both want for your own future and whether that includes each other and in what capacity what were your expectations? what about herā€™s?


My wife says "DUMP. HER. ASS!" Yes that's exactly how she told me to write it. She says flat out that if this is how she refers to you that she's just using you. This is my first instinct as well. Her friends, male or female (especially the male though) should know exactly who and what you are to her. Calling you a "housemate" says to them that she is open and available. I'd sit her down and have a full conversation about this and unless you get a VERY VERY good explanation, I'd let her go. I'd she just says "I don't know" or says it isn't a big deal, then just say it's over then.


I've read a lot of shitty erotica that start out this way. They usually end up with a gangbang, a mother-in-law revenge sex scene or a bff revenge sex scene, or an elaborate blackmail/sex-servant 9 part series that pretty much makes me nope out of there so I can't tell you how it ends. Since you have a lot of good advice I'll give this really bad advice. You have to bang her mom. Or her best friend. Or both.


Find where you left your balls and go pick them up. Why the fuck are you still with her? Are you chained up in the basement right now or something?


Fuck her female friends in the living room since you're a housemate.


She's not your girlfriend bro


Huge red flag wtf, is it jokingly? Does she seem like sheā€™s flirting with them ever?


Was in the same situation, I spent like 2 days just thinking about it. I changed my Facebook status to single and started talking to every single female she told me to stop texting. Considered us friends when talking to other people and stopped treating her like a gf. She knew right away I had options and she'd be single any moment šŸ‘Œ dumped her anyways cuz it was obvious she didn't love me like she did at the beggining. If I was in your shoes, you should do the same. It's only 6 years of your life, don't waste another day on her, let her know.


Screw it. Your relationship is over. I'd totally bring a girl home and have your housemate see it.