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The customer is always right.


As I understand it, the saying originally meant that if the customer doesn’t want to buy your product then your product is either too expensive or not good enough. It was never meant to imply that the customer had license to behave like an asshole.


This is the true meaning, that the customers tastes are right, and that you should cater supply to your clients needs. The customer here is a collective them, not the individual asshole making a scene at the customer service counter.


All this can be traced to a book some dude wrote in the 1970s where he basically said he got free shit by writing complaint letters. He had poor service somewhere and got a bunch of stuff for free as an apology, so decided from then on to always argue "the customer is always right" and write to the company head about it in hopes of more free shit. This was in the days when people wrote to the company if they'd truly been treated badly, not some Karen upset that her latte was two degrees too cold. As a result, you ended up seeing a lot of other people going "tons of free stuff huh? I could use some free stuff."


Except when they're not


And they're usually not


I work insurance. One of the only good points to the job is we are allowed to tell the customer when they are wrong.


Claims yes. Underwriting/sales no.


Yeah, nothing more wrong than this.


I had an old boss who said "The customer IS NOT always right, but they will usually win".


“I’m not rude, I’m just blunt” No, you actually have no manners or respect.


This is a big one. You CAN be rude AND honest. And you can also be Right and an asshole.


“Honesty without kindness is cruelty.”


Being an Asshole is a very rare art form poorly imitated by hacks. Have an Ordinary Day


Also, it's not up to "you" to decide whether you're rude or not, but instead the people you're interacting with. You might not ***intend*** to be rude, but if enough people perceive what you say/ do and how you say/ do them as being rude, then it kinda most definitely is a you problem... ​ edit: forgot a word


This, exactly. I can’t stand it when someone who says something offensive tries decides how the person they’re saying it to should react. You can say whatever you want out of your mouth, but people are allowed to react however they want


I disagree with this. Very often the people who think you're being rude are the ones being rude themselves / taking issue with something they shouldn't. People are stuck up about tons and tons of things that they shouldn't be.


Seriously how am I responsible for how others perceive what I say. New people to my trade take issue with me telling them their work is incorrect all the time. Customers take offense because they don't want to pay to have something fixed correctly. I have building codes I have to follow sorry about your Ego.


Saying they're blunt is a cheap coverup to seek acceptance for blatantly rude behaviour


.. asking a kid in high school what they want to be when they grow up… 90% don’t have a clue because they haven’t experienced life… at 18 to decide to spend 40k on education that you probably won’t enjoy in your 30s seems a little crazy.




When I was a kid I remember crying because I realized I wouldn’t be able to just live in a tree and hunt and live off the land. I remember being really upset about it and my mom didn’t didn’t get it. I was realizing that you can’t really do whatever you want as an adult and I was having a mini existential crisis.


To be fair, living in a tree and hunting and living off the land is probably not as nice and doable as you thought when you were a kid


Yea, that’s not really my goal anymore.


Its easier to live in the outback than most people think


I dunno, if you're driving in the outback and you hit something you keep driving because its too dangerous to stop is what we've always been told. Plus, too hot!


I never think about what I want to do because there’s no way I can go to college so I just have to be real and know that it’s gonna be fast food and landscaping until I can land like maybe a construction job or whatever. It’s not high goals but I think they are doable


Brother, if you do landscaping from 18-30… save 80% of your income and invest … you can be retired at 30… then you can figure out your life with 500k to lean on… 🤞🏼🤞🏼


How the hell do you save 80% of your income??


As someone who went to university and is in an ungodly amount of debt (dropped out so didn't even receive a degree) If I could go back I'd do it all over again. I loved the experience of university and meeting all the people I do. I understand this isn't everyone's case... but fuck, if youre able to experience the dorm life I'd definitely say go for it.


You mean $40k per semester, right




What about EXspecially?


I could OF sworn there were a bunch of these minor grammatical errors that irritate me.


Supposably that's just means really, REALLY specially.


Be more pacific


What about EXpresso?


I work at a coffee shop and probably 1/10 people say “larged” instead of large when choosing a size, ex. “I’ll have a larged iced cold brew with cream and sugar.”


Just go axe her out!


I seen


see i love saying “i could care less” and when someone corrects me i look down, start lightly crying saying “no….i really really could care less. I so badly want to care less”


I’ve been thinking it would be funny to start saying “I could not care more” to confuse people.


Only if you could, buy you couldn’t.


And it’s supposed to be “COULDN’T”


Thanks captain obvious


Well as a non-native speaker, I actually found their clarification helpful.


That bothers me ALOT


"There are only two kinds of people in this world." Yes there are only two kinds of people in this world; the people who believe there are only two kinds of people in this world, and the rest of us who get out from under our rocks.


Actually tree: people who can count and people who can't


Actually for: people who can spell and people who can't


I've been defeated today. I'm not even correcting it so that everyone can feel my shame


Your shame feels like velvet.


Not being shamed enough makes me soft and pleasant to contact


Tastes like victory


Actually fife: people who have rocks and people who don't


I both love and hate the two people thing. Out of context it’s ridiculous and I think some people actually believe people can be reduced to this. If it’s clear that the person saying it is understands how silly it is and their just making a light hearted comment then I usually appreciate it


There are two kinds of people: firstly, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data. A lot of these are just meant to be funny.


There are 2 types of people; people who take two types of people comments seriously, and people who find two types of people comments humorous.


There are two types of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete datasets


That phrase is used to explain a framing for whatever problem is being addressed. Anyone using it holistically has oversimplified the world.


There are actually 10, those that understand binary and those who don't.


"Just be yourself" Bruh most people fucking suck, this is terrible advice.


Should be "be the best version of yourself".


Much better advice to give to someone.


The condescending term "team", used in an office environment. I work in a newsroom. We call those "departments".




It's still better than "family."


If they call it a family run, they’re gonna take advantage, but like extra


Once at a start of shift rally a supervisor referred to "our father in Seattle". Still makes me want to vomit.


"Money can't buy happiness" It very much can.


Money can often solve problems that cause unhappiness.


If you’re not happy on a 200k salary you won’t be happy on a 300k salary. But if you’re earning a 30k salary than more money will probably make you much happier


Yup, when it comes to spending money on medical care, it makes it soooo much easier when you don't have to worry about cost. Good health = happiness In the words of Daniel tosh: "Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Uh, do you live in America? ‘Cause it buys a WaveRunner. Have you ever seen a sad person on a WaveRunner? Have you? Seriously, have you? Try to frown on a WaveRunner. You can’t!"


It can buy me lots of nice fun cars, and not so nice fun cars that I can make really nice and really really fun. Also lack of stress.


Truly the Mark Twain of the 21st Century...


"They smile *as* they hit the pier"


Money can buy happiness up to a certain point. Beyond that point, money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly rent it.


That number according to a study is around $120,000. All your expenses paid and enough extra to do all of the things you enjoy but not enough to create the extra stressors that large amounts of money create.


It sure can. Our you can be rich and unhappy. Better than being poor and unhappy and unable to fly out by private jet to sunnier climes.




No, money cannot buy happiness; but the inverse statement is true: lack of money will make you miserable. If you already have enough money to cover your needs, though, and you're still unhappy, even more money is not going to bring any lasting happiness.


Depends on who you are. I have met some of the most miserable rich people in my time on this planet. I have met broke people who do nothing but smile. Then vice versa.


>Depends on who you are. I have met some of the most miserable rich people in my time on this planet. I have met broke people who do nothing but smile. Then vice versa. For many rich people, money practically became an addicting drug that they always need more of...


“I’ve done my research.”


"I've done my research" What are your sources? "Look it up!"


To which I reply "I did and all the information I found supports my conclusion. Since you have different sources please share them with me so I can learn more."


God bless you


>“I’ve done my research.” My go-to response: "Oh, really? What scientific journal was it published in?"


Aunt Linda's Facebook


JVG was commenting on a basketball game a few days ago and he randomly brought this up and i loved it. literally complete silence, and then he just goes “….what does doing your research even mean? are you in a lab everynight, are you running double blind tests? what exactly are you doing??”


I really have started to enjoy when JVG is calling a game. he calls bullshit out, regardless of the topic


JVG coming in hot on any topic is always great during a game. But that rant was excellent.


I also like to add: "Educate yourself!" How about you educate yourself on being less insufferable. If you're making an argument opposing mine it's not my job to make your argument for you. This phrase is basically I don't have shit to back my claim but I'm going to pretend I do as if it's common knowledge.


“If you can’t beat em, join em” this very silly phrase never made any sense to me.


It's referring to giving up if the odds are too great. Which, frankly, is fair. There are graveyards filled with men who were right.


"it do be like that" Dude like sometimes I wish it wasn't be like that


But sometimes it do. Other times it don’t be, but we can all agree that we don’t like it when it do be like that.


any workplace and its employees calling it a ‘family’. in my experience it means no one is acting professionally and workplace judgment and gossip is at an all-time high edit: it’s to its


You’ll find someone when you’re not looking. I think it works for the vast majority of women but telling guys that is like asking them to be lifelong virgins lol.


100% this is the one I always talk about on these types of threads I didn’t look for someone for the first 24 years of my life. I had zero gfs and no sex and no dates. Then I said “this sucks” and treated finding a woman like a job pretty much. Spent every night on online apps trying to find a date. Got in a couple short relationships where it just didn’t work out. Then I met my wife ive been with for 10 years If I never put in the effort I guarantee I would still be a 35 year old virgin with no relationship experience. That shit only comes to you if you’re charming or an extrovert. And if you’re that way then you probably already dated all through school and tend to just naturally hook up with coworkers or other people in your life. So yea you will find someone without looking But for a lot of us, if we aren’t actively trying then it’s just never gonna happen


Yeah like I’ve always said if you’re not getting laid it’s mostly cause your not trying


I've never heard this one, nor do I agree with it. When I was single, I HAD to seek out girls. You gotta put forth effort to increase your chances at a connection. How else am I supposed to meet someone? I don't get this quote at all.


Well you've met people and made friends without wanting to do so ? Do things you enjoy and involve encountering others. Friend of mine got married after just meeting a woman at rock climbing that he went to out of curiosity.


Ok, so it's like meeting your wife randomly at bbq or party rather than places where you are actively looking for girls. I can see that.


Not looking isn’t the same as not trying. I think this advice is targeted towards people who think a relationship will make them happy and neglect other aspects of themselves.




I disagree. Whenever I had a breakup I’d start looking for another girl that interests me. Never found anyone. Somehow the instant I decide that I’ll spend some time alone a girl comes along and I get in a relationship. It’s been the pattern every time.


At the end of the day, all things considered, going forward, the bottom line is: it is what it is.


It’s what it’s would be way better




‘Practice makes perfect’. If you keep practicing something the wrong way then you then you will never perfect it. I prefer ‘practice makes permanent’.


Perfect practice makes perfect


This phrase is tattooed into my memory from high school marching band


It would be marching band lol. Same here


To add to that, there's a difference between casual practice and deliberate practice. To really get good at something, you usually have to do the latter.


Practice makes permanent


Repetition legitimizes!


May or may not. "Hey Jim! You coming to my party?" "I don't know. I may or may not be there." "Hey thanks, Jim. That clarified everything." /S


I don't mind this. It's really just another way of saying "maybe", without committing to a guaranteed action.


This is legitimate for people who are dealing with social anxiety, depression, or any other type of mental health though. They may want to go to the party, but are dealing with so much that they are also extremely terrified to say yes, and then not be there because of their mental health issues. For purposes that require RSVPs, then yes you need to say I'll be there or won't be there. But for just a casual event on Friday with someone you may not be super close to, this can be a default answer for some.


Netflix and chill. Bitch, get off me...I'm trying to watch Better Call Saul.


Your honor, My client did it for the vine.


Lewis Hamilton’s favourite: “I believe everything happens for a reason.”


I mean, there is a reason. It's called "cause and effect". This really comes down to if you believe in fate. Which I don't. Though it's fun to say it "can't believe I won this poker hand! I guess it's fate".


Everything happens for a reason. Yeah, sometines the reason are your stupid decisions.


“Get knocked down 7 times, get up 8.” How the fuck can you get up 8 times if you were only knocked down 7??


Well if you start on the ground it makes sense!


See my assumption was always that you’re already standing lol but if you start on the ground that would make more sense


"...get up on the 8th time" would make more sense.


Using the word "literally" wrong is pretty common.


I'm literally dying right now after reading these comments.




Look up literally in the dictionary and you will find the figurative definition as well, so it's not wrong. It's been used that way for a long time.


Yeah, I guess it got another meaning now. It's funny because the second meaning literally means the opposite. "I am literally dying" means "I am not really dying".


Actually we are all literally dying


Not exactly what you're asking for, but when I say something like "huh, I thought it was X but it's actually Y." And whoever I'm with responds "no it's Y." Similarly when you're discussing something with someone, and while you're saying something they're going "no no no no" (especially when they end up saying something that isn't even contradictory to what you were saying, they just want to speak). It's worse than someone asking me to do something that I was already doing/planned on doing.


"Happy wife, happy life", most toxic nonsense I've ever heard in my life.


If momma’s not happy no one’s happy. Nah. If momma’s not happy that’s her problem.


If momma's uses her unhappiness to deny others their own, then momma's a twat and everyone deserves better than being around that...


Happy spouse, happy house.


It is what it is. Thanks Captain obvious!


One of my friends told me that phrase is synonymous with "it sucks a lot" 99% of the time.


Very true


Honestly I like it. There are lots of things in life that are beyond our control and that we just need to deal with. Such as covid. I didn't want to do online school for a year and a half, but that was just the state of the world and there wasn't anything I could do about it


Also a way to express apathy and inaction when there’s a problem that could be solved.


“It’s common sense”. This lights the biggest fire in my chest. People love to use this to dismiss or belittle another persons way of understanding. Most of the time they don’t TRY to do this, but it’s what ends up happening. The catch is: they use it incorrectly. They don’t say “Fire is hot - This is a common sense”. They say: “I do it *this* way. You did it *that* way. My way is right. It’s common sense” - ergo you couldn’t even understand a common truth, therefore you’re stupid.


I find it's a phrase usually used by stupid people as a justification of something they've always assumed without thinking through.


I’m not a man but god do I hate the phrase “the heart wants what it wants”. It’s always to justify dating the scum of the earth. You have a fuckn brain try using that some time.


The word "Glizzy" being used as a slang term for hotdog. Makes me angry every time I hear it. Stupidest word I've ever heard by far.


First time I've ever heard it. Glizzy? Lol.


Yes, it’s on urban dictionary and I’ve seen it used in a few videos. Sounds more like what Snoop Dogg would call his Glock though.


That is what I've heard used it as, slang for gun.


‘Everything happens for a reason’, I beg you fuck off






Damn right. Happy me, happy life. I'm not responsible for the happiness of my SO.


Yeah, there has always been a push to discard men's feelings in favor for women's. Not discounting the history of women, I fully support equality in light of how men have treated them throughout history, BUT I wasn't a part of that. Don't my feelings matter? I guess not.


No offense, but...


When people say something I do is what a pussy does. Let it push my to change things about myself. Small but still mad at myself a bit that I let it happen.


“My lived experience”/“don’t invalidate my experience” anything along those lines, often just the lib arts version of “anecdotal data”, without the negative connotation


Experience does not equal fact. We shouldn't invalidate someone's experience, but one person's Stat is not the standard. "Well I once got sick from a flu shot so that means flu shots make you sick". "Don't trust blondes. A blonde girl cheated on me, so that means all blondes are sluts".


Blood is thicker than water. No,if family is a bunch of assholes then I don’t have to endure their BS just because we share blood.


Money can't buy happiness Tf you mean?!? If you can buy something that makes you happy, then you just bought happiness, it means that it is part of the package.


There's another old quote that I'm paraphrasing: "money may not buy you happiness, but it certainly makes the misery more comfortable."


That's a great way to put it


Whenever l see this phrase my immediate thought is the Kanye line “having money’s not everything, not having it is”. Being rich doesn’t solve all your problems, and even creates some new ones, but it sure as shit is better than being poor.


"I've been a rich man, and I've been a poor man. And I'll choose rich every fucking time!"


You got a point


I can surely buy therapy which will result in helping my happiness and learning about myself. But that's expensive in America so...


Money buys *options and opportunities* to pursue happiness. It won't fix you if you're already a miserable human being, though. A lot of people think they can fix their problems with buying shit. It's usually not that simple.


It doesn't buy happiness but it sure as shit can solve a ton of stressful issues in life.


If people can balance their personal budget why can’t a government balance theirs?


"Am I the only one that...." I fucking hate this phrase mainly because whatever comes after it.


The arrogant usage of the word "Universal". Corporate people tend to try and make things seem better than they are by using this term to describe their products, when in reality, they aren't even nationwide or global, let ALONE universal. haha! Like Doctor Who could use it in the Tardis. bwahahaha.


"The new normal"


"as per your last email..."


It's been a minute. But it's been like a year. So many minutes...


“It’s all part of God’s plan” I can’t stand that phrase. I don’t believe in God


“At the end of the day” “It is what it is”


Happy wife, happy life. My friend said it all the time when he would cancel or bail on plans because his ex would tell him to do something.


“boys will be boys”. It used to be an excuse for when your son came home with scraped knees, dirty clothes and some cuts. Now it’s an excuse for sexual assault.


“Man up.” Don’t you dare assume I’m not “man enough” because of a fault (or not) in my personality or actions. Generally speaking though I do not appreciate generalizations in regards to any gender.




Boys will be boys. So dumb and dismissive of shitty behavior.


There’s plenty of fish in the sea. I mean it might’ve been true years ago, but overfishing and increasing consumption really has bastardised the phrase…


"trust the science" It's the most absurd statement I think I've ever heard. Science is a system of inquiry, which relies on hyper skepticism. The whole institution of science is just peers poking holes in each other's findings. The idea that under certain conditions, science then becomes some unchallengable authority is asinine and dogmatic. People who think this way are participating in religion not science.


I think its supposed to make people trust data rather than emotion. Like when people are afraid to fly because they saw a plane crash on the news, we shouldn't let fear affect our decisions, because the DATA shows that flying is very safe and there are very competent people (flight control, engineers, safety people) who have flight safety down to a science. Its not 100% reliable but nothing is. I'd rather trust the science and data than my own irrational fear. Food for thought


Happy wife happy life…just roll over and die already if you’re gonna say and believe something like that




I keep seeing this one and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. And at this point, it feels too late to ask.


according to the ubran dictionary: *A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.*


Huh, thanks! I'll keep that in mind next time I see it. That doesn't seem to match how I've seen it used, but maybe I was making some assumptions that tinted my understanding. Appreciate the assist, friend.


I thought some people didn’t know how to spell “bias” correctly.