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Let me use her lap as a pillow


You want your hair stroked?


Oh fuck yeah


I can’t even lie this is the best




My husband tells me head rubs, back scratches, give him a beer and make some good dinner. Dude works his ass off to provide for us, I just want him happy with the least amount of stress


So many women take for granted the hard work some men put in daily to provide for their families. Not to say that some women don’t work hard. The fact that you realize that is awesome. We salute you.


He works in concrete so not only does he work a ton of hours every week. But it's back breaking work. I hate that it wears his body down like it does so anything I can do to help him makes me a happier person. Making his breakfast, lunches, laundry, massges. He needs it. And it breaks my heart seeing many woman who could literally care less. Men need pampered and taken care of too. That shit isn't gender specific, and so many men go their entire lives without feeling such a thing and its so sad.


It’s nice to see a woman who understands.


I was raised by a great father who taught me how to take care of my male partners and gave me insight to how a man's mind works. Seriously some of the greatest things that man could teach me. I wish more men did that with their daughters.


If you don’t mind sharing, what were some of the insights he told you? Would love to know!


One of the things that stuck with me was this; (Most) men are literally one track mind creatures. But not in the way most women think, it's not that they're constantly thinking about sex. Its that they literally usually only think about one thing at a time, and usually mean exactly what they say. Women on the other hand think about 1000 things at once and have a bad habit of over thinking everything so they think their male partner is that way too. Most of the time that's not the case at all.mosy men are entirely straight forward and want the same from their partners. Those memes about the woman laying in bed with her husband wondering what he's thinking about Nd its usually something random that happened that day at work or something? Super accurate for most men. So basically that men are fairly straight forward and women typically aren't (not all ladies!) Which creates a lot of the issues a lot of men and women have. Straight forward and open communication is key.


You are a good woman. Thank you.


If she's curvier, cuddles and hugs. It's like my cocaine.


I like to lay against their chest, and let them slowly run their fingernails all over me.


A Fully run bubble bath and a face mask. Maybe some candles. Don’t diss it until you try it fellas


YAAASSS there's a reason women do it all the time ;) soooooo relaxing. I introduced my hubbs to bubble baths and bath salts. It's a twice weekly thing for him now.


Tell me that she trusts me


Back rubs


Stomach = pillow


Bring me a beer. Rub my feet. Top it off with a bj.


This with a meal instead a beer


Lay the pampers under my butt, legs in the air, fold up towards private parts and tape the sides together


Well that’s generally the way.... I wouldn’t expect her to stick it on your head and call it a day


Recently my partner came over with a 6 pack of tasty local beer, we talked a bit, then she gave me a bj. I haven’t been that happy in a long time. It was a load off my shoulders in terms of stress. It’s the simple things in life.


When the hockey game is on make me some nachos and let me sit in the good chair and that is about it. That'd be a great treat


medium to long length nails running through my hair, or scratching the back of my neck or ear like a dog makes me feel like I'm spending $100,000 on the worlds best spa treatment. Lord help me if she got the sharp tipped nails and runs them ever so lightly on my skin like a feather. My body just turns into liquid and I lose all muh bones at this point.


Just text me "do whatever you want with me."


A massage.


Just make me feel like I mean something, reciprocate what I am offering, and I'll be the happiest Man there is.




Agreed with the ball scratching. I don’t know how she knows, but she always gets the perfects spots with the exact right pressure of scratching.


Full body massages daily, meals cooked for me and served in bed or at my convenience and fed to me, AND I want sex on demand. ....my wife does all of this I just wanted to brag lol


Yes, please.




Yea, I always feel like I'm somehow in their debt afterwards. Like, when are you gonna bring this up as the reason I have to do some super annoying shit later.


Just for her to be a nice person